back when i lived in san francisco in the 90’s, i used to walk home from work up columbus ave. i’d pass a scientology center there. they often had folks out on the sidewalk making a pitch: are you ever anxious and don’t know why? do you ever feel sad for no reason? are you ever confused? do you have mood swings or feel like something is oppressing you? if so, come on inside and we’ll give you a free evaluation and tell you how to get better!
now, obviously, these are highly generalized ailments that have basically happened to everyone at some point.
that’s the hook.
they know that you have felt it.
the trick lies in making the fact that you have felt it feel weird, like it’s wrong, like it’s something you need to do something about, like it’s something you need help with.
then, they bring you inside, love bomb you, flood you with attention, and explain how what you’re feeling is actually dangerous to your humanity and before you can say “ron’s your uncle” you’re paying hundreds of thou to “go clear” in “audits” with star trek gadgets sold to you by a kool aid brigade that never lets up on you or encourages or even allows any interaction with normalcy.
pretty soon it’s all “how do we get these ancient alien spirits brought here by xenu and killed with nuclear bombs (this is the belief btw) to stop hanging on us and harming our moods and spirits?”
this is obviously a pretty outlandish belief but the thing about social pressure is that is when you pre-seed it, create a sense of crisis, select for the wobbly people, then offer “solutions” that might seem to help for a minute but that then rapidly set up their own alienation and problems, you create unwitting devotion and dependence to a deepening problem spiral.
voila, you have a cult!
it’s all about causing a social contagion and then making it inescapable.
it’s easy to scoff and say “well, yeah, but that’s just preying upon a soft-headed few, that would never work on a more general level or at any kind of scale!” but how wrong you would be.
remember how quickly masks went from “no one ever used this before” to “OMG, we all need these or we can never survive respiratory disease season and life will never be normal again”? remember how difficult that was to wind down and deprogram? you’ll probably never be on another full sized airliner again without seeing the lingering results of that fraudulent pseudoscientific panic.
that which was a cult is always obvious in hindsight, but the whole point of cultiness is to make it seem sound while it’s going on, to seem helpful, to seem normal, to seem like a solution instead of a problem.
and that brings me to this latest pseudo-scientific and predatory social contagion: transing the pre-pubescent
i’m not going to mince words. this is a social contagion in every sense of the word. it has become the new must have accessory for the desperate munchausen by mommy set of performance art parents. it has become a big businesses for mengle level doctors and rigged medical boards. it is deliberately preying upon children at what is inevitably a confusing time of their lives.
puberty is disorienting. always was. the difference is that we use to know that. people told you that when you were a kid. they led you to expect it to be weird, new, bewitching, bothersome, and bewildering. that’s a healthy expectation. it means that when it comes, you’re at least ready for the impending changes. you’re aware it’s coming, that it’s awkward and difficult, and that it happens to everyone and that you too will ride it out and that this too shall pass. society figured that out 10,000 years ago, probably more.
but suddenly we have inverted normalization, especially in school. children in gradeschool who have no basis for understanding such things by virtue of “being 7” are force fed invented hallucination about the 97 official genders (with new ones coming every day) and offered a phantasmagoric array of gender and sexual orientation choices that literally no one understands as a menu of choices as they are read to by drag queens and taught to cross dress and twerk by people who endlessly claim that gender is a social construct and nothing more but you should probably still cut your genitals off.
this is the mentally ill cultivating mental illness in the youth and the rise of the “social activist teacher/administrator/guidance counsellor” had ravaged public schools and private universities and damn near everything in the middle.
the results of this are severe.
this is destroying the lives of children by, instead of preparing them for the wobbles of life and helping them stay standing through them, filling them with false narrative and expectation and using it to knock them over and keep them down.
“are you worried about what you’re feeling in adolescence?” has become the new “are you ever anxious and don’t know why?” “maybe you’re not really a girl” has become the new “are you ever sad for no reason?” this is devastating to mental health.
team trans stigmatizes the normal experiences of adolescence by making them seem weird or unusual.
then they give you a simple sounding solution tailored to prey upon your very normal disorientation.
then the solution makes your life, much, much worse. forever.
once you start disrupting hormones and adding new ones, mood issues and problems rapidly escalate. this is not a solution. it’s confusion cultivation. once you’re on these drugs, you’re basically never going to feel normal or “right” and all the ploys used to trap you escalate in intensity and your dependence grows. worst of all, you’re being kept away from the one thing that almost always cures gender confusion (going through actual puberty) and being fed meds that almost always make it worse and cement these disruptions into place.
this is not “gender affirming care,” it’s “gender destroying assault.”
and once begun in earnest, it is not an assault that one can ever get over.
this is not scientology where you can just leave. you pump someone full of hormones and puberty blockers to suppress a timely puberty and you are changing the rest of their life. contrary to the incredibly dishonest claims made by so many, this is NOT reversible. if you suppress timely puberty, you’re never going to have a normal one. you’ll likely be sterile, never develop fully into sexual maturity as an adult, will likely not be able to have real sex or reach orgasm as an adult, and will likely never look like or feel like an adult of your biological gender. it’s an irreversible disaster of depression and malfunction and it’s being pushed upon and used to destroy tens of thousands of fragile children, gay kids, and the neuro-divergent.
and somehow the “powers that be” are all just looking at this like it’s OK that 3rd grade is all trans flags and that public parades of this outright assault are somehow laudable. so stunning. so brave.
somehow youtube, who will still suppress you for content like “the covid vaccines were killing people and causing cancer,” is all good with this dangerously wrong content “from a licensed health professional” telling kids it’s OK to take puberty blockers if they “want some more time to think about their puberty.”
this video literally claims that puberty blockers are “just temporary” and that you can simply stop and puberty will resume.
this is flatly false. maybe if you only use them for a week, sure, but use them for a year when you should be having a timely puberty and you’re never going to have a normal puberty. this is NOT what they are for.
puberty blockers are to stop precocious puberty, a dangerous medical condition where puberty comes too early (at 7 or some such) and stunts growth and development. they were never intended to stop the on time arrival of adolescence and using them for such is wrecking lives forever, sterilizing and crippling children for life even without the surgery that adds such injury to insult. this is the kind of medical experimentation you used to wind up in nuremburg or the hague over and somehow it became “standard practice” and social contagion.
if you had tried to explain to an american in the 1970’s that the public schools that their children would one day attend would be devoting a large chunk of curriculum to steering students toward surgically turning their genitals inside out and inverting their hormones, no one would have believed you. had you talked about the government conspiracy and the medical boards backing it and states and doctors literally taking children to do this without parental consent and you’d have wound up in a rubber room wearing a sweater with the sleeves in the back. and yet here we are.
so here’s the deal:
the whole point of this is to make the notions like “if adolescence seems confusing, you’re probably the wrong gender” normal as an idea. they hammer it into children too young to understand the concepts for this exact reason. then, the confusing part comes and the kids say “aha, the teachers told me about this. time to question my gender!”
the whole point of all this overt injection of advanced and hallucinatory sex ed concepts into youth curriculum is to induce maximum confusion and encourage bad choices. it’s the mentally ill becoming contagious, immune suppression for a memetic gender virus.
and this is why it needs to become a zero tolerance idea.
this has no place whatsoever in schools, medical messaging, or medical boards.
gender dysphoria is in the DSM-V for a reason. it is not, for the most part or possibly at all, an identity. it’s a malady. to claim this is “just like what they used to say about gay people” is a false equivalence. it’s not. gay people do not have massively elevated suicide risks, depression, psychosis, and other mental aliments.
“allying with feelings of trans” is not helping. there is no evidence that it does. puberty blockers and hormone therapy make a wild hot mess of emotions and physiology. this is making it worse. it’s like treating a paranoid schizophrenic by making them pound 4 monster energy drinks and a big dose of mescaline and then giving them a handgun and telling them to shoot the voices until they feel safe.
might there be a few edge cases where adults really truly do feel better off living as another gender? sure. but this is very rare and it’s just not the sort of outlier outcome you center childhood messaging and interventions around. if compos mentis adults want to make adult decisions for themselves, fine. that’s their right and their choice. but these are kids. pre-loading them with dangerously deluded ideology to make them fear and misinterpret the normal changes of puberty is seeding a social contagion to destroy them. trying to talk them out of the very process (normal puberty) that will in 99%+ of cases clear up most if not all of these issues to within normal human bounds is predation. it’s outright harm, a withholding of cure to peddle disease.
this needs to end. now. time to go back to helping kids understand that “yeah, adolescence is hard: you’ll feel weird, awkward, things are going to change, you’re body will do all kinds of new stuff some of it unpleasant, at least at first. it’s OK. that’s natural. being a little disoriented is natural. we all go through it. you will too and you too will come out the other side.” we need to protect them from the people trying to knock them down, not feed them to the monsters. the permanence of the harm from so doing is only going to amplify the horror with which we one day look back upon this set of choices.
transing pre-pubescents is going to go down in history as worse than lobotomy or thalidomide.
and the schools that have been trained to goad and railroad children and who are “required to affirm” their choices have no place whatsoever in this mix. teachers and school counselors are not only not entitled to do this, they are ill equipped, and ill selected having increasingly chosen this vocation for “activism” purposes to push radical and damaging doctrine upon vulnerable kids, especially young gay and neuro-divergent, autistic, aspie kids.
this is unrecoverable, life wrecking stuff with ill, narcissistic, munchausen muddled people pushing pathology on kids who are not old enough or mature enough to know better.
the idea of schools playing large roles in gender selection for children who have no undergone puberty is absurd and obscene.
the saturation bombing of classrooms with complex and implausible gender identity, wild corner cases, drag queen story hour, and sexual topics far too advanced for 4th graders has become a kind of pre-selling for identity breakage. where once kids were made resilient they get “do you feel weird? maybe you’re the wrong gender!” an idea that would never have previously occurred. it’s being planted, cultivated, elicited and once you say “the magic words” everyone has to affirm and no one can stop it.
it’s social contagion by utter railroading and the damage can be severe and lifelong.
the fact that anyone even needs to say this is a national disgrace.
and the only “tolerance” for this is “zero tolerance.”
leave. the. kids. alone.
"In order to be yourself, you must change yourself".
The nine most dangerous words you can tell a confused child.
Sorry folks, you can't "reinvent" puberty.
Often you also find out that trans seeking individuals have been victims of sexual abuse. The prevalence is much higher in the trans community than in the general population. So in some cases, the desire to switch genders may also be a trauma response. These children need compassion and understanding not sterilization.