This is the most important question of all but very few seem to think the answer is important. Or they don't see the incongruity of demanding to vaccinate every man, woman and child regardless of risk or immune status and wielding an iron fist to do it.
This is the most important question of all but very few seem to think the answer is important. Or they don't see the incongruity of demanding to vaccinate every man, woman and child regardless of risk or immune status and wielding an iron fist to do it.
Control, digital identity, future one world government and digital currency w/control of everyone by one central bank. Look at China now, they have reward system on their good behavior.
This is the most important question of all but very few seem to think the answer is important. Or they don't see the incongruity of demanding to vaccinate every man, woman and child regardless of risk or immune status and wielding an iron fist to do it.
Control, digital identity, future one world government and digital currency w/control of everyone by one central bank. Look at China now, they have reward system on their good behavior.