people seem worried and depressed post biden speech. don’t be.
last night was biden losing. it was his reign of terror ending. it was a tepid, bitter speech in which true colors were shown and nothing was gained. biden was the angry grandpa 5 drinks in at thanksgiving dinner talking about how the damn beatniks and minorities were ruining america.
and everyone heard it.
he even lost “swiss cheese” jerome. (and this guy never met a mandate or imposed mitigation he did not like) when jerome starts doubting your mandate and calling you out you’re WAY off the reservation. you cannot even see the middle from how far out on the edge you are.
no president can be as blatantly divisive as biden was last night. it was a conflict speech, pitting neighbor against neighbor. it was the speech of a fascist demagogue losing control and losing the plot. it vilified and hectored. and that is a weak speech. it’s a speech of defeat, a speech of capitulation that your ideas, ideology, and science are bankrupt.
and everyone heard it.
he claimed he would overrule governors acting within their own just purviews. he instituted clearly illegal labor policies rooted in discrimination and domination. he declared those who will not comply the enemies of the state and the enemies of their communities. this was a war speech, a call to arms speech. it sounded like he was trying to work himself up to utter the phrase “Pfizernacht.”
and everyone heard it.
there’s no kidding yourself anymore about who the fascists and totalitarians and authoritarians are. they just told you. but even more telling was what they did not say and what they did not do: this was a weak response, a limp and vapid plan, and minor evolutions in encroachment.
i had expected something MUCH more muscular. vaxxpasses nationally, white-labeled by government and administered through a database of databases to be federally run and privately implemented and required. FAA mandates. denial of federal funding to any who oppose it. a massive public private partnership of carrots and sticks to drive industry into corporatist fascist compliance.
and we got none of it.
they don’t have the will, the votes, or the backing and they just showed us so. there’s nothing left in their hand. they have realized the people are not with them and they dared not do anything bold. this speech was not the beginning of the new tyranny, it was the end of this one.
and boy oh boy did the governors hear it.
revolt has surged into the open and become general.
even the cats and dogs are now in alliance against tyranny. follow battle beagle for the latest in states whose governors or AG’s have said “no way” to this labor department overreach in vaccine mandates.
and some of the governors said a bit more than “see you in court.”
no one is gonna have to ask henry for clarification on what he meant, will they?
so get your heads up, amigos. we did not lose last night, we won.
biden revealed his true nature and intentions too blatantly to ignore.
and everyone heard it.
and many, many rose against it. and more will rise every day. this was the call to action, and action is coming.
this was the call to unify and to stand tall. and it’s finally happening. this desultory, petulant toe in the water broke the dam and there are about to be 900 billion gallons of america running everywhere.
Was it meant to make the vaccinated angry? I'm vaccinated and that speech scared me badly. WHY is it so important to have every. single. American. VAXXED?!?! it is terrifying. what have I let them do to me?
Yup. Same here. I'm vaccinated. But when I read the words "We've been patient, but our patience is wearing thin," I was appalled. That is no way for an American president to address American citizens. It sounds like an angry father scolding his kids who have been naughty. It is, effectively threatening punishment - as if people have been breaking laws.
I wonder if there is any president in US history who has ever spoken to the electorate like this.
When he threatened that his patience was wearing thin I got really skeered! I felt like Cornpop must have felt! But then, I got a surge of adrenaline and felt like challenging Joe to a push-up contest! Or hopscotch, or Tiddlywinks, or however else Real Men like Joe settle these things! C’mon man!!!
I keep wondering why they are pushing these vaccines so hard. There seems to be more than the profit motive. Well, don't get the booster. If you feel sick get to a doc and get therapeutics asap.
Even more, start some kind of prophylaxis now. Eat healthy in a way that will reduce insulin resistance and obesity, if necessary. Get some aerobic exercise daily, walking for example. Make sure your Vitamin D stores are adequate. Take an ionophore plus zinc. Ionophores help get the zinc, which interferes with viral replication, into your cells. They include non-prescription stuff like quercetin, EGCg, even a lot of green tea. Prescription includes hydroxycloroquine and ivermectin, both with zinc, of course. Don't wait to take this stuff until you are sick, start now if you are vaccinated or otherwise at risk. To help with infection, lay in plenty of vitamin D, magnesium, your ionophore of choice, zinc, CoQ10, Vitamin C, and Pepcid (yes, proven to help against severe C19), and anything else that might help you limit the extent of infection. We should know by winter if ADE (antibody dependent enhancement) will be a thing. If it is, it could affect vaccinated severely, but only if you become infected. Those who have recovered could be subject to ADE also. Nobody knows whether this will happen, I pray not. But better to be prepared. Look to Dr. Zelenco's website for more information on protocol suggestions, also FLCCC has a lot of info. Don't assume you will get any kind of effective help from your doctor or the hospital, because most are refusing to provide any kind of outpatient early treatment.
Geert Vanden Bossche,, has suggestions for not only the unvaccinated, but also the vaccinated. They are not too different from what you suggest here. If Bossche is correct, things are really going to move rapidly now.
The benefits to depopulation from the perspective of a wealthy survivor are unimaginably high. Genetic engineering was sussed out, but viruses do not work as a vector for altering the genome and engineering a "super-virus" you can *selectively vaccinate against* is actually probably impossible (for one you can't vaccinate against, try a chicken pox with the dormancy timer turned off, but that might be impossible as well): therefor, you need to devise a way to get the entire population of Earth to *self-inject* a toxin.
For someone to attempt to do so using pre-existing Western worship of vaccines was an inevitable event.
Not saying that's what's happening now, of course - it could just be an accidental resemblance!
Yeah just like it's accidental that China's factories kept humming along while ours shut down, they gobbled up Hong Kong without a word, and now Biden is in the White House instead of Trump.
Oh, and as a bonus they're now going to move into the airbase we abandoned overnight with all the stuff in it.
spread the word please, even if they ban ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine stop up with vitamin C,D, Zinc, quercetin and EGCG and if it gets worse after day 8 - listen to this Dr Chetty's interview, he has kept most if not all of his patients out of hospital in South Africa. It is not the virus doing damage anymore after day 8 , it is body's immune response and inflammation, hypersensitivity pneumonitis and treatable (early!). Do not go to the hospitals!
Sorry, I didn't see your post before I posted. But yes, we are going to be kind of on our own with this, it looks like. Yes, the disease progresses in stages. In the first, viral replication stage, the supplements can help a lot. Better yet IVM or HCQ, if you can get them, plus zinc. After that, it's all about severe inflammation.
I really think it's all about money. I hate to sound like a conspiracy theorist, but the fact that hospitals are inflating numbers (i.e. "OF and WITH covid"), the fact that cheap therapeutics like Ivermectin are banned in many places -- I mean in a public health emergency we should use everything at our disposal, right? -- tells me it's about the money. Billionaires were created with these vaccines which may or may not be effective or safe. Maybe they're completely harmless -- but it benefits a small number of powerful people to have them be in demand. Ivermectin makes no one rich because it's a cheap, readily available medicine. I think hospitals are hurting because of people who didn't go, cancelling elective surgeries, etc. So they need to make money. And they're not going to speak out -- my SIL is a nurse and she's livid. They are mandating the vcxx in her hospital. Her boss is near retirement and already filed papers because she said she's not getting the vcxx. I keep thinking how we're losing so many good, experienced nurses ... and what's going to happen in 3 years when they're gone? When staff is limited and they can't train them fast enough? People will die. And I don't know why doctors and hospitals aren't fighting mad about this ... except for the purse strings the federal government is tightening.
This is the most important question of all but very few seem to think the answer is important. Or they don't see the incongruity of demanding to vaccinate every man, woman and child regardless of risk or immune status and wielding an iron fist to do it.
Control, digital identity, future one world government and digital currency w/control of everyone by one central bank. Look at China now, they have reward system on their good behavior.
No offense (truly), but keep asking yourself that.
And I sincerely hope you're okay, long-term. I am genuinely worried that you are not- and if that turns out to be the case, know that I will fight for you and others.
There's a lot of angles to this. I think one is they're desperate for a resounding victory for collectivistism, and uncooperative individualists are standing in the way. And they're getting desperate and angry because their anxiety is flaring up, which they blame on us.
If they achieve full vaccination, they can declare societal victory. New narrative - "See that? We can do anything if we all work together!! Isn't it wonderful? That feeling, it's called hope!! No more fear. No more anxiety. Just think what we can do next! Reverse global warming? Yes sir. Eliminate inequality? Oh yeah." (They paint such a pretty picture of collectivism, but I suspect the primary motivation is they can no longer tolerate freedom.)
You call that simple? The explanation is much simpler and can be explained in the common life experience of way too many citizens, which includes people in media, academia, Gov't, etc. Someone might've drawn up a master plan, but that's not what's driving this. This is pure group psychology. Nobody could've orchestrated.
Agree, and one angle I'm afraid is ... read about "The scapegoat theory of intergroup conflict". It's pretty dark but explains the extreme irrational blaming language the democrats are using. This is very dangerous.
Friends who emigrated from Europe are very familiar with authoritarian regimes and KNOW full well where this is leading. If you happen to have Telegram, Rumble, or any of the other honest social media accounts, you will see the masses taking on the streets in France, Greece, and other countries that have lived through fascism. There is an intentional drive by USA msm to censor these global demonstrations. Including their labeling of these rallies as anti-vaxxers when in reality they are anti vax PASSPORTS (since most adults have been jabbed). Medical freedom is the end game for the millions rising against tyranny. Our fellow Americans are in trance reading our biased news media, unfortunately.
They've managed to convince themselves (as most anyone who lives in an echo chamber can do) that collectivism IS now the status quo in America, that "get with the program" is more than a slogan and that anyone who doesn't jump on board isn't being "progressive" (which they define to mean is an anti-intellectual troglodyte). That's how far this charade has gone--read Yahoo or Politico or the Daily Beast, they're all convinced that there is no other side to reckon with on the merits only a group of "Republicans" like McMaster who have to be "dealt with."
The biggest problem they face is that the vaccine isn't strong to support such an approach (even if one agreed with it in theory) and that's where they are going to eat shit. The shot doesn't "protect" people in the way Joe says it does, it isn't the "way out" of the covid mess that was originally promised and it has no end--literally no end at all--in sight. If it could be sold as a one time, highly effective thing like MMR they might have chance it. But it isn't and they don't.
An older friend suggested he and his wife took the MMR instead of the C19 vax and it helped mitigate the effects of C19 when they eventually got it. Highly recommended it. Haven't thought about it until your comment.
An older friend who hadn't already received the MMR in childhood? Or they redundantly vaccinated themselves as a C-19 prophylactic?
Respectfully, I'm quite skeptical. Maybe it started some kind of generalized immune response that was helpful, but this seems a little questionable to me. They're not really similar viruses.
He's 80, he and his wife had it recommended by their Dr. who theorized it would help reduce the effects of C19 and act .... as a booster, I suppose? I didn't really think much of it to be honest until the comment above triggered the memory of their comments.
Control and mass sterilization. There is already evidence that the spike protein travels through the body and accumulates in many organs, including ovaries. Given the lack of long-term data on safety and efficacy, parents who vaxx their kiddos are participating in the largest human experiment in medical history. Immoral and unethical fall short to describe the level of evil being dictated by Big Pharma. None of this is about health but about control. Bill Gates tentacles have been on every leading entity from the beginning including WHO. Most recently bought (along with Soros) the company responsible for the test that will replace the faulty pcr.
Ctmommy - there's something a whole lot deeper than this, but I keep expecting Biden and Psaki to come to back to the microphone to say, in a very shallow and whiny way: "just because I said so, now go to your room!"
TexBat - absolutely. It calls for the Ephesians 6 "Full Armor of God."
Ephesians 6: 10Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.
14Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. 18And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints. [NIV 1984]
I started his quercetin protocol last fall, a feaddedw weeks later, I came down with COVID, but it was pretty mild. Per his protocol, I upped quantities and frequency of some of the supplements, added Pepcid (proven to help protect against severe COVID), aspirin, oregano oil capsules, dilute oregano oil and colloidal silver gargle for a few days. Completely lost taste & smell for a day or two, had a sore throat, runny nose, a headache for a few hours. Maybe a low-grade fever. No aches, no real tiredness. Walked my dog 3x/day as usual, only long lasting symptom was a lot of mucus for which I took Mucus Relief DM. Since I'm 74 with a couple additional risk factors, I count myself very lucky. N=1 accounts aren't proof, but I consider it likely the Zelenco stuff helped significantly.
I think they assume everyone feels as they's "us" versus "them".
But the overwhelming majority of us...on either side of the vaxx divide...have loved ones, family, and friends on the other side. While we may not understand or agree with their decision...we don't hate them....we love them.
There are some things you can do to get the crap out of your body. Mercola and Zelenograd among many others have discussed different herbs and supplements that will help you detox.
I agree, but not vaxxed. I had C19, and antibodies for me are RAGING!!! But this whole thing continues to be very Orwellian. Vengeful group in the Whitehouse these days...
~Find others who share similar views. You will need each other.
~Form parallel structures of community based on voluntary association and cooperation.
~Shorten your food supply chains and create as much food as you can where you are. How can you produce more?
~If you are in a geographical location averse to liberty then move. The time is at hand.
~Never comply, bend the knee, or submit. This is not a little death, but the death of your personhood. Know the costs and act accordingly.
~Do not engage those under delusion. It is not worth your time and is potentially dangerous. Do engage those who come into your life questioning the Cathedral. Help them as best you can.
~Do not fund anyone who has a hand in supporting your oppression.
:-) I hear you. Internet slang is so obscure and fast paced it's hard to keep up with enough to understand for me too.
I think this means the kind of left-leaning dominant and corrupt culture that prevails right now, pretty much in every subject, institution and organization. I don't get the word choice except, idk, Jesus was condemned by the Pharisees who were the high-status priests of the day. And how true virtue and integrity is never found in human institutions.
So that's where it came from. idk. but the cathedral just looks like a society corrupted by some version of authoritarian/communist thinking. And Mondana a version of the monarchies that came before democracies were conceived most recently idk 1600's England. The Greeks and our founding fathers knew a democracy needed a citizenry with virtue to succeed. We have no cultivator of virtue in our society. That used to be the church so now we are ruled by corruption.
think of a group of similarly educated, employed, paid and located folks who work in politics, big corps and their lobbyists and the press. They self support a consensus view if that view keeps them in power, and making bank. They go to the same types of events, kids go to the same types of schools. That's the cathedral.
The woke crap is mostly a smoke screen. They don't really believe it, only mouth platitudes to stay in power.
If I could move to the US this would be an easy decision. The other option would be a country in Eastern Europe, but due to their history of war... I'm hesitant.
You don't think mRNA injection mandates will be rolled out there? Even California relaxed the mask mandate while Baja did not. Total compliance from citizens.
Stopping me from moving to the US? Well, a visa for one. I'd have to find an employer to sponsor me. I've been told, and have found, that getting an employment visa is difficult.
Spread the word. Once the State is removed as an organizing structure in ones life, people are often initially a bit lost. This is helpful reorientation to them.
I sincerely hope that we can overturn the presidency in 2024. Voted Democrat my whole adult life (I'm 57 y.o.) until they started pushing medical mandates and tried to remove vax exemptions in my state a few years back. This is not knew to me. Democrats are enemies of FREE WILL and bodily AUTONOMY. And as the mother of very healthy 17 (Junior Olympian) and 19 year olds, I'll be damned if I don't fight back. Our young people deserve better than this.
Agreed. I was at an anti-mandate rally today at a University in my city. Talked to quite a few people on the fence and some already vaccinated (but open to listening to us). What amazed me was that no one--not us, not anyone who talked to us, not even those who gave us shit, appeared to give the biden speech much weight. And I'm in one of those states where our governor is mandate crazy (we still have mask mandates indoors. Which I do not obey either.) So yeah. I think it backfired, hope it did.
SEPT 18th is schedule for Worlwide Demonstrations across 50 countries and over 200 cities. Look it up on Telegram. I'm in Oregon, as backwards (masks OUTDOORS) and fascist as it gets. But we keep fighting back.
Yep, Oregon is, i think, the one state worse than we are. We're also doing a sept 18 protest here. And yeah I have to get on Telegram. I don't have a cellphone so it's a little harder. But Yes. 100 of thousands marching in France--we need to wake up here in USA
Love this take. I woke up feeling pretty depressed today (the Stella induced hangover didn't help). This really helped me turn it around. I will never give in no matter what. I am prepared be fired and use my backup skill of laying tile if need be.
Well said. The vaccinated realized last night that their leader has information that their vaccine is weak. The unvaccinated received a direct overt threat read to them by an angry old white man. Things are beginning to add up.
I hope you're right, but I don't think Biden has any spine left to which his muscles should be attached. He's just an empty bag of bones with a group of cowards hiding behind him pulling the strings. They don't risk anything, they're oily and anonymous.
Our governors rising up is a start, but too many of them are RINO's and will falter prematurely when "a little bit of ground is won."
I remain concerned about election integrity and, unless that's resolved powerfully, ...
However, if you work for a medium size 1000 person company, and don't want to join another startup (we just exited to this bigger one), I'd rather pick the time and place of my leaving. Biden threatened my liberty to do so. Any firearms aren't going to stop my PE owned company from cutting off my paycheck.
Attorney Robert Barnes has filed a lawsuit against the FDA re: Covid vaxx (he represents RFK Jr.'s Children Health Defense). He has suggested that employees ask for their company's Covid vaxx policy in writing (most won't have one).
Mary Holland, Attorney and President of Children's Health Defense has suggested that employees don't quit their jobs, instead wait for employer to fire them so employee can bring legal case against employer.
Obama continues to fundamentally change the US for the worse....medical apartheid.
AJones' mom made a prediction about Joe, maybe his speech will cause her prediction to become a reality.
Private Equity ... typically companies who are more mature are taken private (eg the company comes off of a public market like say NASDAQ) to perhaps avoid shareholders, sell off parts, and some times are used to generate revenue depending upon the company
I don't need the pep talk either, but el gato malo's missives help to crystalize my thinking and sharpen my rhetorical knives. I'm never disappointed reading him. His clear-thinking distillation of issues and prowess with statistical analysis makes me glad that there are felines like him among us, teaching us, and helping create leaders among us.
Thank you for that. I can't believe that the CDC/FDA seriously wants to remove the control group represented by nearly 80 million recovered citizens. What serious scientist would want to perform an experiment in real time on billions of people in the middle of a pandemic with fairly novel technology. If the control group is gone and things go horribly sideways you have no way out.
The question is why are they this insistent that everyone be vaccinated? Why throw out all norms and standards? Why not recognize natural immunity? Why expose pregnant women and their unborn children to an experimental technology and an experimental vaccine? why, if the virus is supposedly so dangerous, are HCQ and ivermectin, which are cheap, easily available and have a known safety profile, being suppressed deliberately suppressed? That's what really scares me. Why is this being done?
Big Pharma. Davos. Population control. Bill Gates/Soros. It's very dark and deep state. Most people refuse to see the Orwellian nature of this governmental overreach.
Event 201 took place in 2019. IMO, recommendation number 7 is the scariest part of Event 201's conclusions - government and corporate control of the populace (a la today).
The same reason the CDC has never conducted a study looking at the health outcomes of completely unvaccinated children vs vaccinated children. They won’t like what they see.
I think the push to vaccinate everyone is so there are no controls. So we have no way to know if future issues are vaccine related. Since they vaccinated the controls in the trial.
I will sleep well tonight. Thank you for the succinct synopsis. Go AGs and Governors. Let's bring this country back to where it was a while ago....I remember it!
It would be better if Canada had more people speaking out, from every province. While Max is a start, people who have an issue with any of his platform principles will say that even his rational approach to C19 bizarre.
I will be voting for his party in this election to send a strong message to Ottawa that this is not ok, even though the rest of their platform puts them in the fringe category. This issue will gain them national prominence for their opposition to the mandates, as they are the only party against it. As an unvaxxed person, I am not even allowed to leave, so my only choice is to stand my ground and fight this.
Was it meant to make the vaccinated angry? I'm vaccinated and that speech scared me badly. WHY is it so important to have every. single. American. VAXXED?!?! it is terrifying. what have I let them do to me?
Yup. Same here. I'm vaccinated. But when I read the words "We've been patient, but our patience is wearing thin," I was appalled. That is no way for an American president to address American citizens. It sounds like an angry father scolding his kids who have been naughty. It is, effectively threatening punishment - as if people have been breaking laws.
I wonder if there is any president in US history who has ever spoken to the electorate like this.
When he threatened that his patience was wearing thin I got really skeered! I felt like Cornpop must have felt! But then, I got a surge of adrenaline and felt like challenging Joe to a push-up contest! Or hopscotch, or Tiddlywinks, or however else Real Men like Joe settle these things! C’mon man!!!
Winner gets a chocolate chocolate chip cone. Corn Pop story is one of my all time favs! What an absolute dumpster fire this administration is!
"Listen, fat! You're a dog-faced pony soldier and I will meet you on any battlef--😴😴" -Sleepy Joe
On the count of three, push-up contest and winner gets a double scoop!
Go read history books. There isn’t.
some commentators have said: "fascist baby-talk"
Hmm, a google search on "Obama scolds" turns up quite a bit:
I keep wondering why they are pushing these vaccines so hard. There seems to be more than the profit motive. Well, don't get the booster. If you feel sick get to a doc and get therapeutics asap.
Even more, start some kind of prophylaxis now. Eat healthy in a way that will reduce insulin resistance and obesity, if necessary. Get some aerobic exercise daily, walking for example. Make sure your Vitamin D stores are adequate. Take an ionophore plus zinc. Ionophores help get the zinc, which interferes with viral replication, into your cells. They include non-prescription stuff like quercetin, EGCg, even a lot of green tea. Prescription includes hydroxycloroquine and ivermectin, both with zinc, of course. Don't wait to take this stuff until you are sick, start now if you are vaccinated or otherwise at risk. To help with infection, lay in plenty of vitamin D, magnesium, your ionophore of choice, zinc, CoQ10, Vitamin C, and Pepcid (yes, proven to help against severe C19), and anything else that might help you limit the extent of infection. We should know by winter if ADE (antibody dependent enhancement) will be a thing. If it is, it could affect vaccinated severely, but only if you become infected. Those who have recovered could be subject to ADE also. Nobody knows whether this will happen, I pray not. But better to be prepared. Look to Dr. Zelenco's website for more information on protocol suggestions, also FLCCC has a lot of info. Don't assume you will get any kind of effective help from your doctor or the hospital, because most are refusing to provide any kind of outpatient early treatment.
Geert Vanden Bossche,, has suggestions for not only the unvaccinated, but also the vaccinated. They are not too different from what you suggest here. If Bossche is correct, things are really going to move rapidly now.
Don't wait till you or someone you loves has it. Get your COVID kit assembled now AND start the recommended immunity boosting supplements asap.
Resources ...
Thank you. What about melatonin? I’ve heard that goes in the mix.
Yes ...
This is great advice!, and will help you resist any pathogen you may encounter.
What is antibody dependent enhancement?
I don't know this website, but this explanation is accurate from what I've read about ADE:
This was very helpful. I had heard about this early on and was a big reason why I won’t take the jab.
The benefits to depopulation from the perspective of a wealthy survivor are unimaginably high. Genetic engineering was sussed out, but viruses do not work as a vector for altering the genome and engineering a "super-virus" you can *selectively vaccinate against* is actually probably impossible (for one you can't vaccinate against, try a chicken pox with the dormancy timer turned off, but that might be impossible as well): therefor, you need to devise a way to get the entire population of Earth to *self-inject* a toxin.
For someone to attempt to do so using pre-existing Western worship of vaccines was an inevitable event.
Not saying that's what's happening now, of course - it could just be an accidental resemblance!
Yeah just like it's accidental that China's factories kept humming along while ours shut down, they gobbled up Hong Kong without a word, and now Biden is in the White House instead of Trump.
Oh, and as a bonus they're now going to move into the airbase we abandoned overnight with all the stuff in it.
spread the word please, even if they ban ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine stop up with vitamin C,D, Zinc, quercetin and EGCG and if it gets worse after day 8 - listen to this Dr Chetty's interview, he has kept most if not all of his patients out of hospital in South Africa. It is not the virus doing damage anymore after day 8 , it is body's immune response and inflammation, hypersensitivity pneumonitis and treatable (early!). Do not go to the hospitals!
Sorry, I didn't see your post before I posted. But yes, we are going to be kind of on our own with this, it looks like. Yes, the disease progresses in stages. In the first, viral replication stage, the supplements can help a lot. Better yet IVM or HCQ, if you can get them, plus zinc. After that, it's all about severe inflammation.
yes that youtube video is great information, it is treatable if caught early by day 8.
I really think it's all about money. I hate to sound like a conspiracy theorist, but the fact that hospitals are inflating numbers (i.e. "OF and WITH covid"), the fact that cheap therapeutics like Ivermectin are banned in many places -- I mean in a public health emergency we should use everything at our disposal, right? -- tells me it's about the money. Billionaires were created with these vaccines which may or may not be effective or safe. Maybe they're completely harmless -- but it benefits a small number of powerful people to have them be in demand. Ivermectin makes no one rich because it's a cheap, readily available medicine. I think hospitals are hurting because of people who didn't go, cancelling elective surgeries, etc. So they need to make money. And they're not going to speak out -- my SIL is a nurse and she's livid. They are mandating the vcxx in her hospital. Her boss is near retirement and already filed papers because she said she's not getting the vcxx. I keep thinking how we're losing so many good, experienced nurses ... and what's going to happen in 3 years when they're gone? When staff is limited and they can't train them fast enough? People will die. And I don't know why doctors and hospitals aren't fighting mad about this ... except for the purse strings the federal government is tightening.
This is the most important question of all but very few seem to think the answer is important. Or they don't see the incongruity of demanding to vaccinate every man, woman and child regardless of risk or immune status and wielding an iron fist to do it.
Control, digital identity, future one world government and digital currency w/control of everyone by one central bank. Look at China now, they have reward system on their good behavior.
No offense (truly), but keep asking yourself that.
And I sincerely hope you're okay, long-term. I am genuinely worried that you are not- and if that turns out to be the case, know that I will fight for you and others.
There's a lot of angles to this. I think one is they're desperate for a resounding victory for collectivistism, and uncooperative individualists are standing in the way. And they're getting desperate and angry because their anxiety is flaring up, which they blame on us.
If they achieve full vaccination, they can declare societal victory. New narrative - "See that? We can do anything if we all work together!! Isn't it wonderful? That feeling, it's called hope!! No more fear. No more anxiety. Just think what we can do next! Reverse global warming? Yes sir. Eliminate inequality? Oh yeah." (They paint such a pretty picture of collectivism, but I suspect the primary motivation is they can no longer tolerate freedom.)
I see it more simply. Perhaps overly simply.
We are in the middle of a worldwide bid for fascism by a globalist syndicate and their apparatchiks within local national governments.
In the United States, this bid resembles woke-style communism/socialism because that is the most appealing package for the young, mobilized left.
In other countries, the deal is packaged differently. The product is the same: globalist fascism= "stakeholder democracy."
You call that simple? The explanation is much simpler and can be explained in the common life experience of way too many citizens, which includes people in media, academia, Gov't, etc. Someone might've drawn up a master plan, but that's not what's driving this. This is pure group psychology. Nobody could've orchestrated.
We need collectivism to save the world!
Translation - We need collectivism.
Translation - I need collectivism.
Translation - I can't handle freedom.
Translation - I'm suffering from chronic anxiety.
I like mine better. It has "apparatchik" in it.
Hard to argue with that, Guttermouth. Yours does, indeed, have "apparatchik" in it! :)
Schwab: “stakeholder capitalism”
That's what I meant, thanks.
Agree, and one angle I'm afraid is ... read about "The scapegoat theory of intergroup conflict". It's pretty dark but explains the extreme irrational blaming language the democrats are using. This is very dangerous.
Friends who emigrated from Europe are very familiar with authoritarian regimes and KNOW full well where this is leading. If you happen to have Telegram, Rumble, or any of the other honest social media accounts, you will see the masses taking on the streets in France, Greece, and other countries that have lived through fascism. There is an intentional drive by USA msm to censor these global demonstrations. Including their labeling of these rallies as anti-vaxxers when in reality they are anti vax PASSPORTS (since most adults have been jabbed). Medical freedom is the end game for the millions rising against tyranny. Our fellow Americans are in trance reading our biased news media, unfortunately.
It’s almost like the term “antivaxxer” is meaningless and parroted by imbeciles
Yes, it's one of those easy-to-remember terms that propagandists can get the masses to repeat over and over.
Very dangerous. I keep hearing the opening credits to Hotel Rwanda. Biden has already declared Americans as major terrorist threats post Jan 6.
Dangerous indeed. This scapegoat playbook is not new at all.
They've managed to convince themselves (as most anyone who lives in an echo chamber can do) that collectivism IS now the status quo in America, that "get with the program" is more than a slogan and that anyone who doesn't jump on board isn't being "progressive" (which they define to mean is an anti-intellectual troglodyte). That's how far this charade has gone--read Yahoo or Politico or the Daily Beast, they're all convinced that there is no other side to reckon with on the merits only a group of "Republicans" like McMaster who have to be "dealt with."
The biggest problem they face is that the vaccine isn't strong to support such an approach (even if one agreed with it in theory) and that's where they are going to eat shit. The shot doesn't "protect" people in the way Joe says it does, it isn't the "way out" of the covid mess that was originally promised and it has no end--literally no end at all--in sight. If it could be sold as a one time, highly effective thing like MMR they might have chance it. But it isn't and they don't.
If it was the MMR vaccine, I'd fucking take it.
Merck is in a lawsuit for falsifying efficacy data on it
An older friend suggested he and his wife took the MMR instead of the C19 vax and it helped mitigate the effects of C19 when they eventually got it. Highly recommended it. Haven't thought about it until your comment.
An older friend who hadn't already received the MMR in childhood? Or they redundantly vaccinated themselves as a C-19 prophylactic?
Respectfully, I'm quite skeptical. Maybe it started some kind of generalized immune response that was helpful, but this seems a little questionable to me. They're not really similar viruses.
1st I heard of this but might explain why children less affected by COVID. 🤔
He's 80, he and his wife had it recommended by their Dr. who theorized it would help reduce the effects of C19 and act .... as a booster, I suppose? I didn't really think much of it to be honest until the comment above triggered the memory of their comments.
I'm not advocating, just passing along the info.
Specifically the children. Why the obsession with vaxxing children?
Control and mass sterilization. There is already evidence that the spike protein travels through the body and accumulates in many organs, including ovaries. Given the lack of long-term data on safety and efficacy, parents who vaxx their kiddos are participating in the largest human experiment in medical history. Immoral and unethical fall short to describe the level of evil being dictated by Big Pharma. None of this is about health but about control. Bill Gates tentacles have been on every leading entity from the beginning including WHO. Most recently bought (along with Soros) the company responsible for the test that will replace the faulty pcr.
Especially since it was a disease of the elderly and people with comorbidities.
Ctmommy - there's something a whole lot deeper than this, but I keep expecting Biden and Psaki to come to back to the microphone to say, in a very shallow and whiny way: "just because I said so, now go to your room!"
It’s diabolical
TexBat - absolutely. It calls for the Ephesians 6 "Full Armor of God."
Ephesians 6: 10Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.
14Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. 18And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints. [NIV 1984]
Absolutely. Prayer is powerful too. Maybe fasting too. Prayer took down the Berlin Wall…
Amen!! 😭
Start taking the Zelenko regimen. Look it up.
Excellent idea!
I started his quercetin protocol last fall, a feaddedw weeks later, I came down with COVID, but it was pretty mild. Per his protocol, I upped quantities and frequency of some of the supplements, added Pepcid (proven to help protect against severe COVID), aspirin, oregano oil capsules, dilute oregano oil and colloidal silver gargle for a few days. Completely lost taste & smell for a day or two, had a sore throat, runny nose, a headache for a few hours. Maybe a low-grade fever. No aches, no real tiredness. Walked my dog 3x/day as usual, only long lasting symptom was a lot of mucus for which I took Mucus Relief DM. Since I'm 74 with a couple additional risk factors, I count myself very lucky. N=1 accounts aren't proof, but I consider it likely the Zelenco stuff helped significantly.
I think they assume everyone feels as they's "us" versus "them".
But the overwhelming majority of us...on either side of the vaxx divide...have loved ones, family, and friends on the other side. While we may not understand or agree with their decision...we don't hate them....we love them.
There are some things you can do to get the crap out of your body. Mercola and Zelenograd among many others have discussed different herbs and supplements that will help you detox.
Stupid tablet! Zelenko. Vladimir Zelenko
I agree, but not vaxxed. I had C19, and antibodies for me are RAGING!!! But this whole thing continues to be very Orwellian. Vengeful group in the Whitehouse these days...
I agree el gato malo
A road map >
~Assess your skills, talents and preferences.
~Find others who share similar views. You will need each other.
~Form parallel structures of community based on voluntary association and cooperation.
~Shorten your food supply chains and create as much food as you can where you are. How can you produce more?
~If you are in a geographical location averse to liberty then move. The time is at hand.
~Never comply, bend the knee, or submit. This is not a little death, but the death of your personhood. Know the costs and act accordingly.
~Do not engage those under delusion. It is not worth your time and is potentially dangerous. Do engage those who come into your life questioning the Cathedral. Help them as best you can.
~Do not fund anyone who has a hand in supporting your oppression.
Good Luck.
Thank you. Many of these we’ve already been doing. But please explain “Cathedral”?
:-) I hear you. Internet slang is so obscure and fast paced it's hard to keep up with enough to understand for me too.
I think this means the kind of left-leaning dominant and corrupt culture that prevails right now, pretty much in every subject, institution and organization. I don't get the word choice except, idk, Jesus was condemned by the Pharisees who were the high-status priests of the day. And how true virtue and integrity is never found in human institutions.
Is it an excellent term coined by Curtis Yarvin >
So that's where it came from. idk. but the cathedral just looks like a society corrupted by some version of authoritarian/communist thinking. And Mondana a version of the monarchies that came before democracies were conceived most recently idk 1600's England. The Greeks and our founding fathers knew a democracy needed a citizenry with virtue to succeed. We have no cultivator of virtue in our society. That used to be the church so now we are ruled by corruption.
think of a group of similarly educated, employed, paid and located folks who work in politics, big corps and their lobbyists and the press. They self support a consensus view if that view keeps them in power, and making bank. They go to the same types of events, kids go to the same types of schools. That's the cathedral.
The woke crap is mostly a smoke screen. They don't really believe it, only mouth platitudes to stay in power.
So it's just the Old Boys Club under a different name?
Larger and more encompassing.
>> ~If you are in a geographical location averse to liberty then move. The time is at hand.
Let's say you're in Canada... is it time to move?
Yes. I’m a Canadian citizen living in the US. Canada is FUBAR
What do you think Luna?
If I could move to the US this would be an easy decision. The other option would be a country in Eastern Europe, but due to their history of war... I'm hesitant.
Mexico is open and welcoming. Just need to learn some Spanish.
You don't think mRNA injection mandates will be rolled out there? Even California relaxed the mask mandate while Baja did not. Total compliance from citizens.
What is stopping you?
Stopping me from moving to the US? Well, a visa for one. I'd have to find an employer to sponsor me. I've been told, and have found, that getting an employment visa is difficult.
Our border is porous....
These are great practical suggestions.
Spread the word. Once the State is removed as an organizing structure in ones life, people are often initially a bit lost. This is helpful reorientation to them.
Everywhere I shopped today people were mad about Biden. I do hope the tide is turning.
I sincerely hope that we can overturn the presidency in 2024. Voted Democrat my whole adult life (I'm 57 y.o.) until they started pushing medical mandates and tried to remove vax exemptions in my state a few years back. This is not knew to me. Democrats are enemies of FREE WILL and bodily AUTONOMY. And as the mother of very healthy 17 (Junior Olympian) and 19 year olds, I'll be damned if I don't fight back. Our young people deserve better than this.
Agreed. I was at an anti-mandate rally today at a University in my city. Talked to quite a few people on the fence and some already vaccinated (but open to listening to us). What amazed me was that no one--not us, not anyone who talked to us, not even those who gave us shit, appeared to give the biden speech much weight. And I'm in one of those states where our governor is mandate crazy (we still have mask mandates indoors. Which I do not obey either.) So yeah. I think it backfired, hope it did.
SEPT 18th is schedule for Worlwide Demonstrations across 50 countries and over 200 cities. Look it up on Telegram. I'm in Oregon, as backwards (masks OUTDOORS) and fascist as it gets. But we keep fighting back.
Yep, Oregon is, i think, the one state worse than we are. We're also doing a sept 18 protest here. And yeah I have to get on Telegram. I don't have a cellphone so it's a little harder. But Yes. 100 of thousands marching in France--we need to wake up here in USA
Love this take. I woke up feeling pretty depressed today (the Stella induced hangover didn't help). This really helped me turn it around. I will never give in no matter what. I am prepared be fired and use my backup skill of laying tile if need be.
Well said. The vaccinated realized last night that their leader has information that their vaccine is weak. The unvaccinated received a direct overt threat read to them by an angry old white man. Things are beginning to add up.
I rely on you for my daily dose of sanity. I feel better for having read this essay/column. Thank you.
I hope you're right, but I don't think Biden has any spine left to which his muscles should be attached. He's just an empty bag of bones with a group of cowards hiding behind him pulling the strings. They don't risk anything, they're oily and anonymous.
Our governors rising up is a start, but too many of them are RINO's and will falter prematurely when "a little bit of ground is won."
I remain concerned about election integrity and, unless that's resolved powerfully, ...
Pfizernacht! Indeed.
el gato malo, thanks, i do not need the pep talk, i have my guns oiled and ready.
glad to see my adopted home state of nh, live free or die, is going in to the vaccine rebellion!
Maybe you, Montana, and N Dakota can put out an ad for Canadian defectors
I DO respect your right to defend yourself
However, if you work for a medium size 1000 person company, and don't want to join another startup (we just exited to this bigger one), I'd rather pick the time and place of my leaving. Biden threatened my liberty to do so. Any firearms aren't going to stop my PE owned company from cutting off my paycheck.
Attorney Robert Barnes has filed a lawsuit against the FDA re: Covid vaxx (he represents RFK Jr.'s Children Health Defense). He has suggested that employees ask for their company's Covid vaxx policy in writing (most won't have one).
Mary Holland, Attorney and President of Children's Health Defense has suggested that employees don't quit their jobs, instead wait for employer to fire them so employee can bring legal case against employer.
Obama continues to fundamentally change the US for the worse....medical apartheid.
AJones' mom made a prediction about Joe, maybe his speech will cause her prediction to become a reality.
Folks are angry.
PE owned?
Private Equity ... typically companies who are more mature are taken private (eg the company comes off of a public market like say NASDAQ) to perhaps avoid shareholders, sell off parts, and some times are used to generate revenue depending upon the company
I don't need the pep talk either, but el gato malo's missives help to crystalize my thinking and sharpen my rhetorical knives. I'm never disappointed reading him. His clear-thinking distillation of issues and prowess with statistical analysis makes me glad that there are felines like him among us, teaching us, and helping create leaders among us.
Thank you for that. I can't believe that the CDC/FDA seriously wants to remove the control group represented by nearly 80 million recovered citizens. What serious scientist would want to perform an experiment in real time on billions of people in the middle of a pandemic with fairly novel technology. If the control group is gone and things go horribly sideways you have no way out.
The question is why are they this insistent that everyone be vaccinated? Why throw out all norms and standards? Why not recognize natural immunity? Why expose pregnant women and their unborn children to an experimental technology and an experimental vaccine? why, if the virus is supposedly so dangerous, are HCQ and ivermectin, which are cheap, easily available and have a known safety profile, being suppressed deliberately suppressed? That's what really scares me. Why is this being done?
Big Pharma. Davos. Population control. Bill Gates/Soros. It's very dark and deep state. Most people refuse to see the Orwellian nature of this governmental overreach.
Maybe they just don't want a control group when things with the vaccine start to go very badly.
Right. And that's exactly what's so terrifying. What do they know that we don't?
Event 201
Event 201 took place in 2019. IMO, recommendation number 7 is the scariest part of Event 201's conclusions - government and corporate control of the populace (a la today).
Imagine we were all Israel. We'd have nothing to compare against. This is the end goal. The real world control branch is gone.
The same reason the CDC has never conducted a study looking at the health outcomes of completely unvaccinated children vs vaccinated children. They won’t like what they see.
The difference here is that lots of people are no longer scared
I'd imagine - well I just said, I feel it myself - that this federal response would scare the vaccinated - it scared the pants off me!
I think the push to vaccinate everyone is so there are no controls. So we have no way to know if future issues are vaccine related. Since they vaccinated the controls in the trial.
I will sleep well tonight. Thank you for the succinct synopsis. Go AGs and Governors. Let's bring this country back to where it was a while ago....I remember it!
I needed that. You are both brilliant and a true blessing. I've always been a cat person :-)
I wish we had leaders in Canada who said they would fight to the gates of hell for our liberty. Not a peep.
We have Mad Max!! That's it but his support is growing.
It would be better if Canada had more people speaking out, from every province. While Max is a start, people who have an issue with any of his platform principles will say that even his rational approach to C19 bizarre.
I will be voting for his party in this election to send a strong message to Ottawa that this is not ok, even though the rest of their platform puts them in the fringe category. This issue will gain them national prominence for their opposition to the mandates, as they are the only party against it. As an unvaxxed person, I am not even allowed to leave, so my only choice is to stand my ground and fight this.
28 is too many states for Biden to get this plan through, whether the courts reject it or not.