The applicability - and enduring relevance - of the cynical yet universal insights of Goering, Goebbels and many of that lot remain confounding to me. Strip away the "taboo" of reading the diaries and memoirs of senior Nazis from that period and you open yourself to an array of political and social acuity that everyone should arm themselves with. Goebbels, in particular, provides a master class on modern media manipulation (recall that the man had a PhD).

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Think of the press as a great keyboard on which the government can play.

- Joseph Goebbels

Right on. The bigger the lie (and the more ridiculous) the easier it is to narrow the focus for repitition. That is a critical dynamic of propaganda; it's not to deceive/convince the individual; it is to silence the individual by social tyranny of the Many.

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Years ago, I read Eichmann In My Hands by Peter Malkin, the Israeli agent who captured Eichmann in Argentina. Once in custody, they sat down together and Malkin asked him why he had done such terrible deeds. What he said has stuck with me. Eichmann's father was a very religious man but cold and cruel. This fostered in Eichmann a heart of stone and calculated, blind allegiance to the cause of extermination. Religion is not the savior and can be used for manipulation and credence. Josh McDowell was an atheist in college searching for answers. When he asked a Christian why she was so religious, she replied that "it's not about religion, it's about a relationship." Thank you Jesus.

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Bettina Stangneth's "Eichmann Before Jerusalem" is a fine complement to that work, as she - and many others - have said that "The House on Garibaldi Street" is essentially a work of fiction.

One interesting factoid from her book is that Eichmann's employee records from his time at Siemens in Argentina are still secret/unavailable. Wonder why.

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{...Wonder why...}


If JG Halske & Werner von Siemens knew what contemporary Siemens was/is involved in, they would both revolve in their graves at sub-atomic spins !!!

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Simple fact is US and other financiers who helped Germany rebuild after WW1 got as collateral for their loans German company trade secrets which they tried to hide so Germany if it lost WW2 those companies could have access them in "safe" places like Argentina. For example, President George Bush(#1)'s father Prescott Bush was hauled into a public hearing in the US Congress in April 1942 to explain why despite the US declaration of war on Germany in Dec 1941, which voided all German trade secret rights, Bush Sr. had to admit publicly he and his employer investment house Brown Harriman had tried to hide such trade secrets like the IG Farben synthetic rubber processes.

That investment house and others had helped fund the creation of IG Farben which merged many German chemical companies and then dabbled in biochem warfare chemistry research under cover of "pesticides" and such to get around post-WW1 treaty prohibition on weaponized poison gas research. After the WW2 dust settled whadyaknow! Lil' scapegoat Bush Sr, ends up elected to the US Congress in the early 1950's. And guess what investment houses cashed in on rebuilding Germany under the Marshall Plan?

Pray tell, what was a very young David Rockefeller doing when he popped up in Paris after WW2 as an assistant to the US Army general heading the program to funnel US cash to rebuild all of Europe? Sorry this link is under a paywall, but I've always suspected DR had a hand in this obit of his old boss. https://www.economist.com/obituary/1998/01/29/ralph-smith

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By Sept. 1, 1939, all the pieces on A. Hitler's rigged chessboard were in place...

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Didn't take long, right?

Geez I wonder if the Plandemic is the beginning of a murder-mix redux of the 30's...;)

Seems it's moving even faster this go around.

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The Plandemic allowed the executive branch of the federal government to seize more control of the nation due to emergency powers. The WEF owns Washington and has been putting their men in the WH for a long time. Whoever gets in this fall will do their bidding.

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Sounds like it ends well.

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For whom ??

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See my comment above, Ryan. Goebbels was opposed to stating anything in propaganda that was not true. I contrast with the example "safe and effective vaccine".

Mencius wrote about this 11 years ago. Worth a read:


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People have a foolish habit of conflating "bad" with "stupid."

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May 7·edited May 7

You might like reading Jacques Ellul on propaganda. Goebbels has been slandered by Western propagandists as a man advocating lies, but that's not his philosophy. He was explicitly against saying anything his enemies might use against him or his cause, but completely in favor of always putting the best spin on matters, in a truthful manner.

Consider, now, "safe and effective vaccine," as one wag put it, three lies in four words. This is the Anglo-Saxon model of propaganda where safe is defined differently from what you or I would consider safe, effective is literally true when you do the relative risk calculations (for a vaccine that, in testing groups of 20,000 placebo versus test group, had 1 death in the test group and 2 deaths in the placebo group: yes, that calculates out to 95% effective on a relative risk rate), and vaccine was redefined between 2019 and 2022 to meet the new definition. Truth with footnotes.

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even that is untrue. there were no clinical trials. no safety tracking. no good manufacturing practices. the prototype EUA countermeasures were disqualified from the regulatory frame of an investigatory product. whatever they said about any of it that sounds like "testing" was therefore 💯 bunk. it was a deployed weapon. weapons are the black mirror of "safe" I'd say.

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exactly. plus they had to change the following:

IE = intervention events

IN = intervention non-events

CE = control events

CN = control non-events

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Proof that cognitive impairment and amorality are not the same thing.

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One of the major flaws of the human species:

Intelligence/imagination is NOT linked to character-traits.

Maybe, the ultimate, fatal flaw ...

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One of the biggest intellectual flaws in eugenics. Smarter does not mean more altruistic or heroic.

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As I wrote: "Maybe, our ultimate, fatal flaw ...""

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and he had a PHD when it meant something.....................................

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I wrote an article recently about the founding of the American Medical Association. (Lew Rockwell published it: https://www.lewrockwell.com/2024/05/no_author/to-cure-or-not-to-cure/) and it’s about the fact that medicine is a profession like any other, and there will always be a cohort that, when threatened by (superior) competition, circles the wagons and to hell with the customer.

The limited hangout on institutions is ALWAYS “it got corrupted! Reform!” That’s bullshit, no punches pulled.

Government is the enemy. The founders knew that, but thought it could be useful if constrained, perhaps because they worried what would fill the void otherwise. But they were trying to cage the beast.

Spooner makes the case that, whether by design or deficiency, they failed, and if *they* failed, what they were trying to do simply cannot be done.

We can argue about whether these institutions are necessary, but there should be no argument about whether they are the enemy, always and everywhere, amoral and self-serving at best, eternal mindless golems in perpetual pursuit of perpetuity.

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I think that's ... they say the Republic will always last 200 to 250 years before turning into one form of tyranny or the other.

You can't make a perfectly safe system. There are always people who will try endlessly to find weak points, and they will eventualy find them.

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Excellent comment! Spooner was a smart man.

Based on the evidence, we can now conclude that virtually every government at all levels in the world, all institutions, NGO's, major corporations, organized churches, professional societies, social societies, and foundations are corrupt to the core and are irredeemable. The only solution is for normal individuals to learn Natural Law and apply it in their lives, build their local community and prepare to say to NO parasites pulling the strings.

Here is a good place to start:


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"The only solution is for normal individuals to learn Natural Law and apply it in their lives, build their local community and prepare to say to NO parasites pulling the strings."

I seriously doubt that's going to happen, as now you have to contend with human nature. As a matter of fact, the insidious growth and corruption of institutions is also due to human nature, because after all, humans designed, implemented, and maintain them. All institutions, given enough time, will become irredeemable. The solution is that like living organisms that get too old, they need to die or be destroyed. This was the secret to capitalism - the newer, healthier, and better competitors beat out and eventually destroy the old, slow, and unhealthy ones. But even within Capitalism, the established companies will attempt to bend or break the competitive rules in order to survive and destroy their competition. Institutions, however, get a pass. We have been convinced that old established institutions are somehow sacred. But like old oak trees, they have their day in the sun and eventually need to die as their core rots out.

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I don't disagree with you perspective. Humans are imperfect and everything they create is imperfect and it all eventually rots. On the other hand, humans are very adaptable and many are smart.

My solution is not for the masses. If you look at what happens when empires collapse, some areas and populations thrive while other are eradicated. My hope is to survive the coming chaos with most of my family and community of like minded people intact. To do that, we will have to prepare as best we can, improvise, adapt and overcome the globalist parasites who want us dead.

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Agreed, I think many of us are looking for the same thing. I will seek out a place where my skills and abilities are needed, and people agree to live by Christian values.

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Beware of the local parasites in your neighborhood too !!

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Yep, we already know some.

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historian Matt Ehret makes a good case that we're still fighting the American Revolution. same people, same MO, same fight. some factions stayed behind to subvert from within. they never left.



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People always organize themselves into governments. A headman with henchmen is just smallest scale but the principle is the same.

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That’s why it’s important to understand the fundamental nature of any institutionalized power.

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Understanding human nature is sufficient.

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And to keep the government and institutional powers under control you need to follow Natural Law. In natural law there is no such thing as "sovereign immunity", except I suppose for the creator of the Universe.

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The pic of the Fed Boys in their "everyman" outfits will go down in history.

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Thanks for saying it explicitly, now it makes sense. Until I read your comment, I was scratching my head as to the purpose of posting a photo of a gay picnic. 😃

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I will never again see that pic without thinking "Gay Picnic" and giggling to myself when I see it.

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Victor Davis Hanson, in an interview with Mark Levin on Saturday night, had apropos commentary. He said we can no longer afford to stay on our farms in our farming communities and pretend none of this is happening. We need to boldly speak the truth. We will be labeled as tinfoil dingbats but just as with the Covid saga, we will be proven prescient.

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Excellent! but misses the core: who are the Powers That Be exactly?

Many say that the pandemic response was all about making money through bribes from the vaccine manufacturers and the rest of the COVID Industrial Complex. Yet, they can’t explain simple questions:

1. What money did Fauci have to gain by funding the military Wuhan Lab from alleged-enemy China to weaponize a COVID in order to release it during the Trump administration as he said 9 days before assuming Trump?

2. Why would the virus be engineered when they just needed the fake PCR test to create a PCR case-demic like they did with Zika in Brazil?

3. Why would they enforce lockdowns in poor countries which couldn't possibly buy vaccines (n.b. Africa)?

4. Why would they profit from the masking, distancing, hack-swabbing and lockdowns, when they could still sell the vaccines without them?

5. Why did they need to shove it down your veins, when in past plandemics, it was enough to sell it to the corrupt governments?

6. Why would they require legal immunity if their product was safe and effective?

7. Why would they mandate their poison to their own employees, managers, directors?

8. How could all private manufacturers collude in worldwide bribery without competing and without a single whistleblower?

9. Why would they rather not sell to a government if “negligence” was not covered in legal immunity, when it was pretty simple to avoid with regular production and quality-control systems?

10. Why would 3 unconnected different manufacturers label some batches as “most lethal”, with a special code, which would prove criminal intent and make void any legal immunity? (howbad.info)

11. Why were hack-swabs enforced instead of cheaper and non-invasive saliva tests?

12. Why did they want to kill the elderly in the nursing homes instead of having them vaccinated?

13. Why did so many countries, even those without much COVID, funnel money for lockdowns, school-downs, social-distancing in public transport, fake-COVID tests, green/vax pass, forced ICU, lethal protocols (Remdesivir, Midezolam, ventilators), COVID cremation (for no autopsies), haccines?

14. Why would ALL of the above be government funded and enforced in countries where the vaccines were produced by national Governments (Russia, China, Cuba, etc.) and therefore, there was no corporate profit?

15. Why would underdeveloped countries be bribed to buy those national vaccines when the corporate ones were not available?

16. Why would they all add graphene/carbon micro/nanotubes and BLE nano-routers? Even the Russian and Chinese haccines and swabs?

Occam's razor: the only rational explanation is SSS (Satanic Secret Societies) such as freemasonry ... even if you try, there's no other globally coordinated secret society officially worshiping Evil in the higher ranks! (“Lucifer” in their documents).

6-sword lethal plan fully exposed here:


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Well if you were a patriot you'd understand! Remember, we're all in it together!...;)

"In every age it has been the tyrant, the oppressor and the exploiter who has wrapped himself in the cloak of patriotism, or religion, or both to deceive and overawe the People."

-Eugene Victor Debs

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New favorite quote: wars happen when the government identifies the enemy to fight. Revolutions happen when the people figure it out on their own.

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Yup. People are about ready to be "priced" in to figure it out on their own. People will not be able to ignore being priced out on the basics. It's close now.

Once they do, will they pay the price to avoid chains?

We shall see...

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Most people don't realize we're already four years into WW3. It officially kicked off in March 2020. If you don't even realize you're at war, how can you expect not to be a casualty? Many will already succumb to the MRNA vaccine through one of the almost infinite deadly side effects. I'm not trying to sound pessimistic, but I'm just amazed that more people don't see it. It's crystal clear.

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Yeah we have a terminal case of being right...too early for everyone else.

Ain't lying; it sucks sometimes...

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Agreed. It can be an awful lonely place to be.

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WW3 actually began when the whole of Christendom except the Catholic Church succumbed to the lies of Satan and his demons by supporting the widespread use of contraceptives whose message was children are not gifts from God but were to be avoided to allow a materialistic and anti-human mindset to be born. This mindset naturally led to the legalization of abortion, sodomy, assisted suicide, and now transgenderism all of which is a war on humanity.

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Wasn't it progressive Woodrow Wilson who threw Debs in prison for the heinous crime of political opposition during a time of war? A war that Wilson was against getting involved in until winning reelection and then entered...

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It could be argued that Wilson set the stage for our current plutocracy

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absolutely right.

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Yep. The moment he hired Sigmund Freud's nephew Edward Bernays to use psychological marketing to convince USA citizens into WW1 after the combatants had no more collateral for more war loans, thus USA "had" to join in to keep that war going. What a coincidence. The biggest NYC bank (JP Morgan) had before the USA entered WW1 provided exec leadership for all sorts of cash and supplies for invaded neutral Belgium and aggressively recruited Americans like Walt Disney and Ernest Hemingway to be American Red Cross ambulance drivers in France in a big "Huns Are the Only Bad Ones!" public relations campaign while USA banks were funding *both* sides in that war until the USA entered it. Funded with the brand new Federal Reserve bank up and running by early 1914 enabling the printing of new US dollars for loans. And, the brand new federal income tax to help pay for that war. Each new US law for all of that passed during the Wilson Administration.

Wilson was at heart a country bumpkin professor. A stupid tool who looked good in a tailcoat and top hat.

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it's "funny" how it all came together for WWI, isn't it? Without the Central bank, I doubt we would have entered it.

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All Patriots should be fighting for this SIMPLE SOLUTION in 3 steps:

Pray MAGA: Make America God’s again. Pray “Thy Kingdom come”. Make the world His Kingdom of love. “God is love”.

The US national motto is “in God we trust”1, the Oath of Allegiance sums up in “so help me God”2, and the Pledge of Allegiance is “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

“Under God”, not only means under God’s protection/providence, but also under God's will/authority and Commandments.

Why can't Governments work with religious NGOs and religions helping the poor and sick?

Separation of church and State means "freedom of conscience", i.e. that a Government should not impose any particular religion. It doesn't mean that public officials can't show and live their faith in public, and it means that the State must always put all actions "under God", definitely not “over” or against God’s Will. Lincoln: “the nation shall, under God, have a new birth of freedom.” 3

Freemasonry is the church of Lucifer. “Separation of church and State” requires eliminating the freemasonic demono-cracy over Government (theocracy comes from “theo”, God, “cratos”, power, but this has nothing to do with God, but Satan and his demons, so it’s a demono-cracy).

Get the murderers out of government: force masons to self-identify by law under severe penalty (their oath doesn't forbid self-identification, also, evil oaths are void).

MAGA (Make Assets Great Again): money should be 100% backed with gold and real assets. This makes masonic counterfeiting harder. They are buying everything with virtual money: listed corporations, media, medical system, political parties, prosti-ticians, universities… !

Satanic secret societies like the masons are increasing the financial supply through:

- Forging dollars using the Federal Reserve they fully control

- Money creation through bank loans without reserves

- Financial “wealth” creation out of thin air through financial instruments such as derivatives

- Government debt

It's what I call finflation: inflation of financial instruments

With those trillions they've bought control in all listed corporations, media, universities, political parties, medical societies, etc.

The way out of this mess: money and financial assets backed by real assets.

16 laws we need to exit Extermination Planet


No Free Speech without Reach. We need a #FreeReach laws urgently!


Why is food poisoning legal?

How Rumsfeld forced the approval of lethal Aspartame.

Artificial sweeteners, MSG, PFAS, Glyphosate ... go organic!


How about REAL democracy: townhall republican democracy?


Rethinking science

Sciencing the rigged and corrupt scientific system for an overdue turnaround

Unless we change it, we’re doomed to the next PLANdemic. And yet, nothing has changed, only got worse!


Government spends 2x per student in public schools with respect to private ones and 3x at university level, with worse outcomes in all levels of education.

Time for a 100% voucher system, where parents can choose schools or earn the voucher money themselves if they homeschool (and their kids pass the exams), or through grand/parent/teacher coops.

This would allow many mothers to leave a work they hate and stay home with their babies and children, especially in the most important years of childhood until 6 years old. It would have a deep impact on society.

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"Why can't Governments work with religious NGOs and religions helping the poor and sick?"

They started that in the 90's with Bush Sr. and the "Thousand points of Light". It became corrupted. Government should not get into charity because charity is an individual act, not a social act. Confiscating one person's money through taxation and giving it to someone else in not charity, but the corruption of it.

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Confiscating one person's money through taxation and giving it to someone else is not charity, and could only be justified when individual charity and the productive system fails to address the very basic needs for every person. That’s why charity should be 100% deductible when addressing basic needs not covered by the system. For example, if a disabled baby is abandoned and no one wants to adopt and there's no orphanage? The authorities should be entitled to use taxes for that!

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Of course, that doesn't mean they are all saints! They also need to be audited and show measurable results, right?

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Well done; great list of questions. Most definitely, the greatest evil in human history is underway.

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Thought-provoking questions but arguable conclusions.

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From my perspective, the "Powers That Be" (PTB) are easily identified. They are the Bankers and their families. The major ones can be found attached to the Bank of International Settlements, Federal Reserve, European Central Bank, Bank of China, Vatican City Bank, etc. They control the printing of fiat currencies, get first use of the Hot paper, and use it to control everything else. War is one of their favorite tools.

Corrupt governments gave the entities the power to print fiat currency. Naturally they benefit from this scheme as well while they steal end defraud everyone else use "taxation" and inflation.

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Outstanding post El Gato!

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over 200 zip tied palestinians found executed in a hospital and people are worried about protests at colleges

fkin priorities

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And what about the Israeli hostages being tortured and brutalized? All Hamas has to do is let the hostages go and spend its billions of dollars, and Hamas leaders are billionaires mind you, on helping out the everyday Palestinians they claim to fight for. Hamas is a racket...raking in billions upon billions of dollars for themselves instead of using that money to help the Palestinians. With money like Hamas has, a thriving community could have easily been built. If you think Hamas cares about anything other than lining its own pockets, you are a fool.

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what about the 5000 or so palestinian prisoners?

forgotten them?

i havnt, they are raped and humiliated daily

money, heres one.

israel was given 70,000,000,000 in reparations by germany

israel was given 250,000,000,000 in foreign aid

what did they do with it?

they expanded their territory even further, they raped, stole and murdered

for land

only fools here are the ones paying israel via their taxes, they get free healthcare thanks to american tax payers, all your presidential candidates are in the pocket of israel

america is OWNED by israel

and you LOVE IT!


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May 7·edited May 7

I don't support the Israeli government, Us government, or Hamas. If you side with any the governments, then you are being used by powerful billionaires as a pawn. You are nothing more than a pawn for Hamas. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

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i do so freely because im not a psychopath

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You're a fool if you support the war games of billionaires and psychopaths. All of them are psychopaths. The elites of our world are nothing more than a basket full of deplorables. They don't care about anyone but themselves and their own financial interests.

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do you think the children of gaza know anything of what you say?

dont you get that they are the victims of the billionaires and psychopaths?

it matters not who started it and why.

it matters that you tell the murderous bastards not in your name or on your dime

and yea, going back to my original comment that people have their priorities severely fucking muddled

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I've come across what seems to be credible evidence that Hamas was created by Israel to act as a counterweight to the Palestine Authority for the purpose of dividing and controlling the Palestinians.

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Gato, it was there all the time but I never saw it until Covid. Who pays the piper calls the tune, and more than 50% of advertising revenue for Big Media comes from Pharma. I had previously just ignored it. What I learned: All big media is propaganda for whoever is paying the most.

Now consider that Big Media pushed the UNC frat. You have to love the headline "Pi Kappa Phi men defended their flag." Here's a photo from the NY Post:


All the media do is push a narrative. Always and every time. In this case, the narrative is funded by contributions to foreign governments (the recent 100bln sent to three countries while we are bankrupt) being recycled back into the USA.

you're better than this.

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The actual figures for advertising revenue from Google -

"In 2020, the pharmaceutical industry spent 4.58 billion U.S. dollars on advertising on national TV in the United States, unsurprisingly representing a big shift in spending compared to the 2019 pre-covid market. In 2020 TV ad spending of the pharma industry accounted for 75 percent of the total ad spend." Dec 20, 2023

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Thanks. I felt sure of more than 50%, thought it was 70, but am not surprised at 75.

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After go fund me illegally locked up the Canadia truckers $ and gave it to the courts and 100% got away with it. Doing so again, ain't gonna be no big deal.

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This is a great read. It just goes to prove that there are no new ideas. Just old ones that are repackaged.

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Picking just one thing out of the bouquet:

Lack of ethics it is not; it is the plain truth devoid of pretense. That former post-office pilot "Dicke Hermann" said doesn't change that.

The quoted statement is a system of ethics of sorts: [Whatever serves purpose is good]. Very harsh, very uncompromising, very prone to rationalising inhumane acts.

There is your side, and there is the enemy or enemies, and enemies are sorted from useful tools and allies down to existential threats, but the powerful - be they nations or individuals - don't have real friends or real allies, because that is the one thing they cannot afford: such is the price of power that you will have no moral save what profits you and your side, and you will rationalise anything that serves your purpose as being morally good, and what threatens you as morally bad.

That in no way means that morals or ethics does not exist, it just means that Göring spoke the plain truth, a very uncomfortable one for everyone who is stuck on rationalising their own preferences as being good, instead of being honest and admitting to themselves that they prefer the one over the other simply because they do, or it is their side, their people, their faith or whatever their [insert word here] it is.

Where post-modernists go wrong is thinking this means morals et c lack meaning or validity, and people inventing their own "objective" morality go equally wrong blinding themselves to their own subjectivity. It isn't either/or - it is both. Morals are man-made. Malleable. Can be rationalised. Are arbitrary. Situational. Partisan. Biased. Subject to change both conscious and autonomous.

And that is why they are important; you can't hold someone responsible under a system without morals, therefore we must have them, create and reinvent them, and compare them to the naked plain truth even if (especially if) we loathe it.

The alternative is creating or picking a faith and point to the god you have created as the arbiter of moral, to get out of the problem. Which doesn't invalidate (the) faith in question, anyone thinking that has again trapped themselves in the "either/or"-error. It can be man-made /and/ meaningful.

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It merely boils down to "git 'er done."

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FBI no longer exists to Investigate. They Instigate.

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I hope you are right, Gato, that the ball is bouncing differently this time. However, part of me thinks you are trying hard to convince yourself of that. You are correct - this is not BLM/Antifa It's much worse. Rather than stealing big screen tv's and setting buildings on fire, there are now a whole lot of illegal aliens and other useful idiots with zero respect for human life or what remains of the U.S Constitution.

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What they are "stealing" is our will.

They want us to believe there is nothing we can do about it.

They want our will replaced with apathy; that is exactly how the few end up with dominion over the many.

We are currently at indifference. Indifference at critical mass camoflauges the subtle, but quick, feathering into apathy...to the point it is undetected by the masses.

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I am seeing more of a seething anger than indifference. People know they can't do much about it now, so they are holding back because acting in small numbers is the equivalent to suicide by cop. But, when their jobs and homes get lost and the inflation is destroying the buying power and the grocery shelve start getting empty, indifference is not possible. It is then the villages will grab pitchforks and torches and storm the monster's castle. When the Invaders "Newcomers" in PC parlance, start attacking people and infrastructure in an organized way ( I believe most of those single fighting aged males are waiting for a go signal) shit will get very real.

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I keep this poem on my wall:


by Rudyard Kipling

It was not part of their blood,

It came to them very late,

With long arrears to make good,

When the Saxon began to hate.

They were not easily moved,

They were icy -- willing to wait

Till every count should be proved,

Ere the Saxon began to hate.

Their voices were even and low.

Their eyes were level and straight.

There was neither sign nor show

When the Saxon began to hate.

It was not preached to the crowd.

It was not taught by the state.

No man spoke it aloud

When the Saxon began to hate.

It was not suddenly bred.

It will not swiftly abate.

Through the chilled years ahead,

When Time shall count from the date

That the Saxon began to hate.

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Well, here's one from Kipling that hasn't aged well. A few decades ago, after having a long discussion with my sister about how swear words had no inflammatory power anymore, and how the only really powerful words were racial slurs, I came across this poem and sent it to my mailing list, which included feminists, survivors,liberal friends, and the science film editor of the BBC. My sister replied with only the N word, pursuant to our long discussion, only, she hit reply to all, which was the horror faux pas of the time. This lit the fuse of a leviathanic roman candle, which was something in those pre-social media days, though it happens every few minutes now. My sister has passed, but this became the story of when Peggy called Kipling an N.


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Ya, that one hasn't aged well. Geez, can you imagine writing that in school today. It goes back to the "White man's burden" way of thinking / justifying the English empire.

But thanks for the link to Kipling poems.

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Kipling is a lot deeper than he's credited for being.

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That's a great read. Thanks!

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Thanks for that. Love it

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"I am seeing more of a seething anger than indifference."

Re: Ryan "indifference" I also see some movement.

It buoys my spirits.

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hopefully it's enough.

i do think our efforts have made a difference...if not, I'd be back to my books watching the fall of western civilization

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On the upside, Rome didn't have WiFi.

So we have that going for us. Which is nice.

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Most people can't even comprehend evil. I talk to supposed "high educated" people (I get so sick of that phrase) all the time if who have a bassackwards view of human nature. They think we have naturally progressed to the point where we shouldn't be having these problems like war, etc. I am absolutely dumbfounded by their naivety and total lack of wisdom. Sadly, many have already become and will become casualties of their own worldview.

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hence the constant ostentatious displays of absurdity, instead of discrete illicit behavior. Demoralization 101.

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i think the indifference and apathy are a cover for fear and overwhelm. people don't know what they can do about anything so dark and so pervasive. they don't realize how MUCH they can, and do, do by simply not playing along. the cabal needs us to believe their bullshit or they can't pull off their plans. the plans don't stick to the wall if the walls are immune to stickage. knowing everything you're being told is just bs trying to get a rise out of you, that the cabal is working both sides with their payoffs, is hella useful nonstick on the psyche.

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yes. and very well said!

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I agree that it’s rather too convenient to blame Soros et Al, particularly when at the beginning it looked very strongly like Iran was masterminding, with Russian help. This administration does not want to admit that it brought all this upon Israel and us through its gushing one sided Bromance with Iran. I did not believe a word of the Pelosi Russia narrative, but given our overstepping in Ukraine, it’s definitely in Russia’s interest to open a new front as an alternative to dropping the bomb.

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J6=Reichstag Fire.

Prove me wrong.

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plandemic was a global Reichstag Fire as well

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And who knows those good old American boys were funded by the Israelis 🤷‍♀️. .. nothing about all those dead kids under rubble in GAZA or are we not allowed to mention them …

Maybe the kids are alright

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At this point, nothing would surprise me. We, the commoners of the world, are not being told the truth by ANY government. These wars are created by billionaires for their profit. They are evil.

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