I hate to be a black-pill Debbie Downer, but those of us who live in NYC are just not seeing any backing off. Now, I can't even have an unvaxxed health aide take care of my husband, paying for her on my own dime, without risking a $1000 fine. This would be true for baby sitters, plumbers, repairmen, you name it. Now, if I lived in a private home, I could just say fuck it and assume the police weren't going to break down my door to check to make sure I had the required sign up in my house (at least, not yet). However, I live in a cooperative, a building full of covidian cultists, and you can be sure no one will get up to my apartment without showing her papers to the front desk. I'm as close to 100% decided to move to FL or some other reasonably sane place asap as I can be, even though I don't even know where to begin. NYC is simply unlivable.

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once upon a time back in the 90's, i loved living in san francisco.

now, it's an open sewer to which i dread returning even for a couple days.

times change and not all places remain good places.

NYC looks determined to self-immolate.

vote with your feet. they will not become sane just because the rest of the US did.

they never did before...

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I lived in SF back in the 90's as well, and those were some heady days.

Now I wouldn't be allowed to buy a slice of pizza after stepping over needles and shit.

Bloody shame.

Leftists eventually destroy everything they control.

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There's a reason that nobody wants to be Chicago or Baltimore or Seattle or New York or San Francisco or Portland or Detroit.

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Leftists are just like the homeless: you give them something nice and they will F it up quick. They’re like children with no sense of responsibility, determined to make a mess and then saunter away towards the next beautiful thing that better people have built.

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It's worth mentioning that these great cities long ago were jewels, homes to millions of productive people (and some not so much, to be honest -- they are part of the world.) Over a period of many years, for a variety of factors, most of these cities deteriorated in a multitude of ways. Most of the good people left long ago. Leftism is part of the problem. Cause and/or effect, I'll leave others to argue. What is, or should be, ominous: the same decadence can happen anywhere. No one is immune.

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It’s not “leftists” who destroyed SF. Seismic societal changes have destroyed city after city after city in this sad and sorry country. Oligarchy destroys the middle class until crumbs is all anyone but the top few have left and the poor get even poorer. The two party system is a dead end. Stop making it about Left and Right. Unite to fight the power. Listen to Joe Rogan’s interview with Robert Malone that dropped yesterday. Brilliant. Listen to the end!

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SF has been a one-party (Leftist) city for decades. We are of one mind in opposition to the oligarchy, but one must be blind to not see the correlation between the the decline of SF and leftist policies, just as in NYC and all the other large Blue cities across the US.

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That’s the thing though, David, they’re not “leftist policies.” No, no, no, they are not. Unite, don’t fight each other. Find common ground. Malone talks about the Unity Project on his interview on the Joe Rogan Podcast. Please watch it and take it to heart. Robert is right about this.

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Respectfully and ferociously disagree with the responses to Mel. If you don’t believe that the neolib and neocon agenda are one in the same and are beholden to the same oligarchs check out Chris Hedges writing going back at least 20 years.

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Thank you very much, LL for your defense of my response. As long as we are fighting each other, which is exactly what “Globo-Cap” wants, we will never end this madness. I don’t understand why people continue to be so very tribal in the face of this bullshit. We are leaving Oregon soon because we cannot stand the awful Covid-19 response, which will include “voluntary vaccine passes” by March. I will always vote for whomever comes out swinging for the little guy, for NO MANDATES, for NO forced vaccination, etc. If that “vote” turns “red” then that’s what it is. But the Pharma Cabal has captured both the blue and red teams simultaneously and ANYONE brave enough to stand up to this tyranny, will get my vote, providing there is someone to even vote for!! If not, I’ll stay home and fight on, joining activists of any stripe who choose to oppose this lack of medical freedom. Cheers. And Happy 2022. May it be a turning point and a much better year. Good riddance to 2021!!

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I agree with you and appreciate your comments. The tribalism just plays into their hand. I too will vote R,D,I L as long as they aren't tied to the Pharma criminal corruption or their captured agencies. I don't have the patience but hopefully someone will start a substack where they just lay bare the ties all of these R and D reps in Congress and state houses have to corrupt Pharma. It seems like a lot of people are not aware. Best of luck with your move. We are hoping to depart Massachusetts no later than Sept. I hope 2022 is that turning point!

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How many times have you witnessed a crowd of liberal women screaming at the sky, shutting down congress, assaulting flag waving republicans or cancelling a business or person who dares to hold an opposing viewpoint? I have never seen it from the right, but only ever from the left. You call for unity, but that bridge was burned when you ignored or even promoted the blm / antifa ultra violence, yet clapped loudly when patriots were beaten murdered and jailed for a mild protest (compared to blm burning city blocks looting shops and murdering over 30 people).

The left absolutely refuses to leave people the fuck alone, but aggressively forces their views onto them and they insist on voting assholes into power.

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Doesn’t matter in the case of these cities as they have been under one party rule for decades. Whatever the perceived neocon agenda maybe, it is not present in these cities under leftist only rule for so long.

What would be the major population center under neocon control that we can compare with these leftist runs cities?

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I agree with that and would add it is not just the cities but the states they are in as well. I cannot answer your question but I have no doubt they exist and I hope someone else will reply to that. I was referring to the corruption in Congress and the direct impact that has on the corruption at the state level. It is truly self evident in the voting records of the 'leaders' of both parties: Pelosi, Mcconnell to name the most obvious of a long list who represent corporate interests only. Also, the capture of our regulatory agencies going back to the late 70's has a long list of D's and R's beholden to the same corporations for so long that they are now truly oligarchs. We have had no functioning democratic governance for decades. Also, watch the buffoonery going on in Florida. The 'liberal' msm is painting Desantis as a ghoul while the 'conservative' msm builds a hero persona. This is the BS they always pedal when they have selected their next O'bummer. Meanwhile the real R's of Nebraska get it done and get politics out of medicine to protect their citizens. Desantis a Harvard grad on the other hand makes certain that monoclonal antibodies were distributed widely but did he mention other extremely effective off label medications at that same time? We use off label medications every day in every hospital across the US. This is part of routine care. Did the public receive informed consent that the monoclonals are also experimental and authorized only under EUA? Who did Desantis help by purchasing a treatment that is $3,000 a dose while leaving truly safe and effective medications hidden from vulnerable people who need it. I am not disputing monoclonals are helpful in early disease but the depth of the health care narrative was silenced while he did pharma's bidding. So here we go again. The powers that be have selected their shiny new penny for president. I do believe republican voters are far more aware and informed than neoliberal voters so hopefully they will see Desantis is the rights version of O'bummer. I am a life long progressive who will never move off that position bc I believe if the state is going to tax the shit out of all of us it should be to support domestic needs of our citizens not corporate profit and endless fake wars that slaughter millions including our own. I also admit I was naive to think humans could govern without corruption so I now fully appreciate learning more from the libertarian party.

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The left have proven their criminal intentions since late 2015.

If you don't win, then scream, steal, smash, burn, and destroy anything that works and blame it all on Trump or other non lefties.

Fuck the left.

It's the same (though not as bad) in the UK.

A group of people attended a freedom of speech rally, in a pub later they were absolutely battered by a massive gang of rabid socialist thugs.

The left will happily murder anyone for "the greater good".

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Progressives created the oligarchy by making government omnipotent.

They have politicized, regulated and taxed everything, which is another way of saying they have corrupted everything, turning the entire government and the concentric circles of cronies encircling it into the largest organized grift in history.

The economic perversity the progressives thus created has over the last century converted a largely independent, entrepreneurial, self-sufficient and ethical population into supine, credulous squabbling herds of tax cattle, all fighting over who will benefit from the enormous amount of loot stolen by the government.

SF, NYC, Baltimore, Detroit, etc. are just the first large pustules of the progressive plague that has infected America, and which will eventually overcome it if not eradicated.

Progressives, of course, are a particularly obtuse, venal and downright nasty flavor of leftist.

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Now now now… unity, brother, unity! That is the ONLY way we win!

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For fuck's sake do some voting research and stop spewing the koolaide. There are so many wretched, piece of shit, corrupt politicians up and down both parties. Wtaf.

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They destroy everything they touch.

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Jan 6, 2022
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To paraphrase Tricky Dick Nixon, the progressive that destroyed the last vestige of a sound dollar, gave us the EPA and broke bread and raised a glass to Moa, the most prolific mass-murderer of all time:

*We are all progressives now.*

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Jan 7, 2022
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Well, I stick by my assertion that it was progressives that created the oligarchy that currently afflicts us by progressively (pun intended) granting more and more power to the state to the point where it is now omnipotent.

"All power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely."

~ Lord Acton

This is exactly what has come to pass, and it is the progressives that did it. Consider:

- Teddy Roosevelt.

Founder of the Progressive party, an early imperialist, advocating for the brutal annexation of the Philippines, where it is estimated that some 200,000 Filipinos perished.

He also was the grandfather of the regulatory state, thus beginning the grift and king-making unholy alliance between large corporations and government. [1]

- Woodrow Wilson. Campaigning on the slogan "He kept us out of war", upon re-election promptly embroiled us in WWI, resulting in some 200,000 needless American deaths and creating the conditions for WWII. [2]

He also engaged in draconian rights violation, including jailing dissidents, imposing the draft, and widespread censorship, among other outrages. Like all early progressives, he was a virulent white supremacist. [3]

He also oversaw the imposition of the Federal income tax and the Federal Reserve, two of the greatest engines of mass theft in the history of mankind. It is impossible to overstate how much wealthier and freer we would all be without them.

- FDR. He and Mussolini were mutual admirers. [4]. For brevity I will simply list a few of the outrages of this, the progressive darling of Presidents:

- The Tuskegee Experiment

- Appointing a KKK member to the Supreme Court

- Sending Jewish refugees back to the Holocaust

- Preserving the Vichy regime and its concentration camps, after Allied victory in North Africa

With all respect, you can self-identify as you choose, but when people call themselves progressives, many of us familiar with the actual history of progressivism may think you are either unaware of it, or are in favor of it.

[1] See *The Progressive Era*, Murray N. Rothbard


[2] "America should have minded her own business and stayed out of the World War. If you hadn’t entered the war the Allies would have made peace with Germany in the Spring of 1917. Had we made peace then there would have been no collapse in Russia followed by Communism, no breakdown in Italy followed by Fascism, and Germany would not have signed the Versailles Treaty, which has enthroned Nazism in Germany. If America had stayed out of the war, all these `isms’ wouldn’t today be sweeping the continent of Europe and breaking down parliamentary government – and if England had made peace early in 1917, it would have saved over one million British, French, American, and other lives."

– Winston Churchill 1936 interview, the New York Enquirer

[3] *The Disastrous Legacy of Woodrow Wilson*, William L. Anderson


[4] 'Roosevelt himself called Mussolini “admirable” and professed that he was “deeply impressed by what he has accomplished.” The admiration was mutual. In a laudatory review of Roosevelt’s 1933 book Looking Forward, Mussolini wrote, “Reminiscent of Fascism is the principle that the state no longer leaves the economy to its own devices.…Without question, the mood accompanying this sea change resembles that of Fascism.” The chief Nazi newspaper, Volkischer Beobachter, repeatedly praised “Roosevelt’s adoption of National Socialist strains of thought in his economic and social policies” and “the development toward an authoritarian state” based on the “demand that collective good be put before individual self-interest.”'

~ http://reason.com/archives/2007/09/28/hitler-mussolini-roosevelt

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Still here in SF after a quarter of a century. Can't afford to move from my rent controlled studio. The liberal hypocrisy was always hard to take (and I speak as a former Bernie supporter). But since I can't even enter a cafe for coffee without proof of vax, it's pretty tough on the psyche.

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If you can, leave! That rent controlled studio may be a bigger, nicer apartment in a better place.

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Come to San Diego, no vaccine mandates to dine and wine here. Avoid LA especially West Hollywood.

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Let’s hope it stays that way! I’m a native Californian, but left in June 2020 for Texas. Foot voting!

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Dec 31, 2021
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Of course. Voted Jorgensen this last election. Otherwise Republicans.

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Don’t Fauci my Florida!

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Exactly!! As I say to the newbies, leave your progressive thoughts behind. Florida is thriving because of great leadership. Don’t f*ck it up -keep florida red.

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There are red areas in blue states too... We just ignore the bullshit!

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I live in the hudson Valley in NY. I don't wear a mask for the most part and when I do it's a chin warmer with my nose and mouth fully exposed. I'm no longer paying attention to any of it. I'm LITERALLY a murder in some peoples eye's, a point of curiosity in others and the minority of people who are also unmasked I'm an ally.

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Get the same looks in CT people look at you like wow she’s not wearing a mask So curious or they get away. I’ve had delta and now omicron both times a cold Im not wearing it, done.

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Yup. Here in central MA we have plenty of people who still cling to their enthusiastic obedience to anti-scientific stupidity but I never wear a mask and I haven't been injected with Big Pharma's graphene and parasite goulash and I can go anywhere.

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That's great to know. I assumed that any big California city was off limits to us "unclean." While I'm certainly enjoying my Montana freedoms, it's 12 degrees out and a warm-weather vacay sounds awfully appealing!

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SF has the insane mandated but so far the surrounding counties don’t. I can go eat out in Palo Alto without vax papers.

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Agree. Trade show that takes place there in Feb will be empty at Marriott Marquis due to mandates on vaccines and masks. I won’t be there either and I hear crackdown on fake vaccine cards will make things even worse. RIP NYC. Had many a good time there but city is now run by complete morons and assholes.

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I lived in Chicago for 10 years in my 20's-30's. It was SO FUN. Look at it now. Same thing. Shit hole with Beetlejuice as mayor. They are the first to enforce a vaxx pass I think, or they're trying.

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My hometown. I can’t even go back for my book group. I feel very sad about it, plus it is unbelievable. I accused them of being compliant mice on Facebook. That didn’t go over well. But how are they different than the citizens of Vichy, France during the German occupation? There are humongous demonstrations in Europe.

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It's not just SF, it is most cities in California.

I grew up in the south bay in Los Gatos, a suburb of San Jose, and now I live a couple of miles away from the Capitol in Sacramento. While the suburbs of Sacramento to the east, up in the foothills, are much more reasonable, everyone in Sac itself seems to think the Governor is lurking around the corner, waiting to implement a mask infraction. I am the only person I ever see maskless in the grocery store. San Jose wants to implement a must-be-boosted rule to go into any city owned facility. Santa Rosa was trying to force a flu shot mandate on healthcare workers, on top of the State-mandated booster for hc workers. Both the UC and CSU (state university systems) are requiring boosters for all students and staff. Rumors are that when the Legislature reconvenes, they will mandate aged 5 and older school children receive boosters.

Complete insanity in Calif, from the top down, everyone has been drinking the Kool-aid.

I don't want to move, my elderly parents are here and will start to need help soon, but I don't see how all jobs won't be booster mandated soon.

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California is gone. Write it down then write it off. Won't change in our lifetimes.

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NYC too

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Madness and Gross Stupidity abound.

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That's why I high-tailed it out of there in August, 2020. Saw the writing on the wall.

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I used to love SF…sigh

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I find it almost impossible to comprehend the mentality of the sort of person that would deny a 5 year old an ice cream cone if her papers are not in order.

I dislike playing into the ruler's divide and conquer strategy, but how in the world can one coexist with such people?

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The lost are lost. Someone here in sf told me that the five year old must take on the risk of a dangerous vax for a disease that’s harmless to said 5 year old to protect the adults and that’s Jsut part of the social contract. I told that person they’re immoral and insane.

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I commend your display of self-control in not striking them in the face.

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Just so.

Simply despicable.

I consider it the duty of every adult to protect every child, and that this is a fundamental feature of a civilized society.

The inverse is barbarism. The modern-day version of child sacrifice to Moloch.

As for the "social contract", it is just the latest preposterous philosophical construct to justify a ruling class enslaving the rest of us.

For at least ten millennia humanity has endured this same paradigm. I say it is time for a new one:

No more rulers.

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You're right. Generally speaking, the "Yay Mandate" side overwhelmingly accepts the transgender/gender fluid nonsense. How can you coexist with people whose worldview rejects reality?

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I think they’re all nuts abs it will come crashing down on them eventually. I’ll paid my bags when my custody agreement expires (aka kids 18). Until then I’m stuck in the looney bin. At least I’m raising my kids to be not into this crap.

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Really. From hangtown fry to ciopinno I could eat my way through it, but now it’s unlikely. So sad.

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We at least have Kevin Kiley fighting for us: https://twitter.com/KevinKileyCA/status/1476665900254183430?s=20

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San Francisco has fallen so far it's unbelievable. It's a shell of it's former self.

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NYC spent the 60s, 70s, and 80s declining into a sh*thole. Looks like history will repeat.

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Guess I saw my last NY Ranger game in MSG in 2019. So sad. So much fun.

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Mr. Gato, you're right about everything except dual clutch ferraris - it's the nine-speed seven-clutch gearbox of a Koenigsegg Jesko that shifts the fastest, please get your facts straight and we're good :)

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I really hope you find a way to get out of there ASAP and permanently. We live in the South (beautiful NW Arkansas) and throughout this entire extended episode of psychotic insanity life has remained mostly free and open here. A little oppressive and annoying in the early months of 2020 but returned to near-normal after that. I read about life in other areas and can scarcely believe the scenarios being described. I thank God every day we live where we do. Sending prayers and best wishes to you and your husband


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I've heard it's really beautiful there. We live in the FAR east of Cali near Nevada, so somewhat removed from the madness of metro areas, but the reach of Newscellini is long. Gawd, how I hate the politics and policies of this state!

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California is such a beautiful state. We’ve visited many times (some family there). We took a trip in 2011 visiting areas from south (San Diego) to the north near San Francisco and Muir Woods then back down to LA via PCH stopping at Monterey and Big Sur among other places. It was breathtaking - one of our kids’ favorite family trips. It’s very sad to think about what has become of California as a whole. Unfortunately I don’t expect to ever go back, most of our family left there years ago. Wishing you the best🙏🏻♥️ (And you’d always be welcome in Arkansas! :)

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Just leave your blue votes behind :). And not just for this election.

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Dec 31, 2021
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Great! If you enjoy the outdoors I’d recommend an Airbnb on Beaver Lake in the Rogers area - lots to choose from and beautiful!! From there you can easily visit the surrounding sights and towns. Fayetteville is a nice day visit - the U of A campus is beautiful. Rogers promenade and pinnacle areas are exploding with a vast array of shopping and dining. Crystal Bridges museum in Bentonville is also a great day trip. And if you like floating/hiking the Buffalo River is a bit east of Fayetteville and also beautiful. We’re not called The Natural State for nothing!! Hope you have a safe, fun-filled trip, Arkansas welcomes you! 🙏🏻🎉

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My grand parents moved from northern Illinois to Springdale when I was a child. While that city was nearest to their home, they actually lived on Beaver Lake and I have many wonderful childhood memories of fishing from their boat. My grandfather founded the Knobhill Fire Station. Just reading those city names bring back so many memories. Just reminiscing. Thanks.

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This made me smile! thank you for sharing some happy memories of NW Arkansas!😊

I’m so impressed to hear your grandpa founded the Knobhill Fire Station!? Wow!

I don’t know how long it’s been since you were in the area but it’s changed and grown dramatically in the last couple decades. Still a great place to live just busier than we’d like sometimes. But Beaver Lake is beautiful as ever and we get out there as often as we can. Hope you get the chance to visit again sometime! Thanks again for sharing :).

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It’s been over 20 years probably closer to 30. Saw a lot of changes prior to that and have no reason to believe the changes stopped. Would be nice to visit again but with my grandparents passing, I have no family in the area and I live in Japan, so not likely that I will be able to.

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Ditto. Just posted something similar. I moved upstate, but it's the same here thanks to our batshit crazy new "Jabs for Jesus" governor. Thinking of moving out of state also, but heard that Biden is considering preventing interstate travel next. Horrific.

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I know. I have to move fast even though I'm feeling paralyzed and helpless. I'm old, have a disabled husband who doesn't want to leave, and a covidian daughter. Still, it's reached the point where the only sane choice is to flee.

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Here in the once free country of Canada - nobody over the age of 12 can enter a restaurant, sporting event, movie theatre, play hockey/sports, get on a train, boat or plane without the jib jab. We are being forced into more hideous lockdowns and our honorable government has just extended covi pay until May for those affected by restrictions that they have deemed essential to keep us safe. I would be digging a tunnel out of here but it is - 40 Celsius.

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She is repulsive. Not even elected.

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Dec 31, 2021
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I read it this morning while surfing all the news, but don't recall exactly where sorry. Just said that Biden is exploring the option of banning interstate travel, but they were mainly talking about his considering banning the unvaccinated from flying.

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I actually just found it again by accident. It's from this NY Post editorial and the quote is: "The Associated Press reported in August that the Biden administration is considering “mandating vaccines for interstate travel” but is delaying any such decree until Americans are ready for the strong-arming from the federal government." Here's the link: https://nypost.com/2021/12/29/air-travel-vax-mandate-will-not-do-much-to-eliminate-covid/.

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I will never go back there unless it ends and the perpetrators punished.

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Unexpected good fortune (she who laughs last) liftethed me out of Noo Yawk and dropped me tenderly where they Live Free or Die. Though this particular deep blue community hopes we all will (letters column in the regional paper is currently a sociopath's playground, save for me and a few other recalcitrant types), we've been protected from the worst of the madness by a governor not quite the moron I'd previously believed him to be.

This is an expensive area, relatively speaking, but the proceeds of a NY coop ought to allow you to find a very nice property in a beautiful area. They got monster waterbugs in FL. Come up here.

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New Hampshire? What area? Water bugs are horrendous.

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Upper Valley, where I sort of represent the peasant rebellion against my betters.

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I don't understand why the business community in NYC didn't file a suit against the mandates. Besides the fact that it's an incredible burden, it makes no logical sense now that we know vaccination doesn't prevent infection or transmission. Of course they claim that breakthroughs are "rare" but also "expected". It really bugs me that the incoming mayor said nothing when de Blasio made his mandate effective on 12/27. He finally came out on New Year's Eve and said he would continue the policy. And this is how they are going to bring the city back from ruin!

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I have been utterly flummoxed myself from the beginning. When this first started, I laughingly and confidently predicted that there would be open rebellion if Cuomo and de Blasio even tried any kind of lockdown. Wow, was I wrong about my fellow New Yorkers. At this point, all I have for an explanation is an invasion of body snatchers.

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No. My entire working life--with very few exceptions--was as a support person in institutions comprising a whole rogues' gallery of "progressives" and rich well-connected mostly Democratic big knakkers. A more empty bunch of hypocrites and highly-educated morons cannot be found on the face of the earth.

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Times Square last night should be a good indicator of how “back” NYC is

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Total zombies.

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Is that true about Adams? Wow. I had hoped he would end this insanity.

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Nah! He's a political hack and I always knew he would do what he's told, based on past experience with him as Brooklyn Borough President. Still, I thought he might show a tiny bit of spine at the beginning, just for show, but I guess any independence or pretense of it is verboten.

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Yes. He said he would use a "light touch", but would fine violators.

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I heard he told an activist there would be "no daylight" between his policies and de Blasio's.

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You know midges? Each one is tiny. A swarm will eat you alive. Business was afraid of a vast army of morons ready to punish heresy. You get what cowardice earns ya...

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I walk past empty restaurant after empty restaurant and wonder if they will ever get it.

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Look. These are people who still think Hillary is a good person.

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Or that Bill Gates is a philanthropist.

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My thoughts exactly. Woke is as woke does.

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There's a post called "The Best States to Live in and Move to (if You’re Contemplating a Mass Exodus from Your State)" that may help you begin research. You can find it here: https://meganredshaw.substack.com/p/best-states-to-live-in-move-to

Sorry to see what is happening in New York. It used to be one of those places where I didn't want to live but looked forward to visiting at some point again.

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Thank you so much!

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Thank you!

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New York, Cambridge, MA, and SF will be the last to give in, And some parts of Europe. They are so 'enlightened' and 'progressive.' they are prepared to destroy their economies and social fabric to prove how virtuous they are.

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More than that! Portland, Seattle... all just as wokie. Oh and look how things are faring in Los Angeles, since CA has adopted a 'free for all' attitude toward crime: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10359045/Beverly-Hills-residents-flocking-buy-guns-citys-firearms-store-LA-crime-soars.html

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They are not completely ending it yet, this is the beginning of the process. Drooling Joe’s poll numbers plummeted with his covidian cultist sheep when he said the pandemic was a state issue not a federal one, the sheep got mad and the the cdc announced the change to quarantine rules and the cultists lost their little minds, so what is going on here is the ministry of truth corporate media and the drooling moron and his clown posse slowly backing off the covidian panic porn because it is hurting them politically, but they can’t do it all at once. When sheep are stampeding you have to slow them down slowly before you can corral them.

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Just remember you can't herd cats, especially bad ones with attitudes.

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My daughter once had a Belgian shepherd who would come running to break up spats among her very territorial cats who had been brought together from disparate backgrounds. She did it so well and lovingly that I can never hear this saying without thinking of her. But yeah, the imbeciles who think they're in charge won't have a chance herding those of us with bad cattitudes, not even the little ones.

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My first dog was a Belgian shepherd. Best dog ever. She was so happy when we adopted a kitten. They became best of friends. It's been 18 years since she passed and I still miss her.

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Well said.

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The fight is not over until all forms of public and private mandates are ended. Put yourself in the mind of a massvaxists… they are willing to retreat from positions that allow slight changes in gene transfer therapy injections booster frequency, but they will fight to keep mandates to the end. That is their power position and they know it. They depend on the general public getting distracted to cement these policies into daily life. Will the Supreme Court roll over and continue the mandate charade like so many other governmental organization have or will they stand for the people and block all mandates the massvaxists rely on?

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If I had to guess I’d say roll but that will hopefully further galvanize the ungovernable. It should!

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UK High Court rolled

The Hague rolled

I concur

And things are gonna go ballistic this summer

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I’ll believe it when I see it.

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If the Supreme Court doesn't rule against mandates they will lose any remaining respect they have.

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The new thing is they will try to force muzzle us with N95s. No doubt at our expense. First that ghoul Leana Wen came out and said cloth masks don't work (what we've been saying for 2 years) and that we need N95s. Then a day later: https://www.beckershospitalreview.com/infection-control/mayo-clinic-urges-patients-visitors-to-ditch-cloth-masks.html

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Leana Wen is one of the worst. She said that interstate travel should be banned for the unvaccinated and other things that are batshit crazy.

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Someone recently found a video of her being interviewed as a specialist on the scene of the Boston marathon bombing. Lots of deep state tools were coincidentally there.

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She’s a useful C C P tool.

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Mayo late to the party. That’ll ruin some sammiches!

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Get ye to a red state if you can. I escaped CA for Idaho. Best move I ever made. Even though Boise has a blue mayor, it's still leagues freer and better than CA.

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If your new mayor does not kill every one of the old mayor's stupid mandates by the close of business on Monday he will be doubling down on stupid and missing a fantastic opportunity to poke a sharp stick in the eye of your dimwit governor. As far as your future abode goes Martha, check out Texas, Nevada also. Neither state has an income tax and you can buy a nice house in a great neighborhood for less than a half-million.

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It’s why we fled metro DC last year.

I read somewhere that 40% of people in the US moved last year.

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Pack your bags!

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Well, it's De Blasio's last day as a petty dictator so, could get better.

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They're letting up on The Narrative, but I'm doubling down on the suspicion. Nothing those vipers say or do can possibly be for the greater good.

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They're covering for the vaccine, nothing else. Why? Because they want more vaccines for every virus or disease you can possibly imagine. COVID can be sacrificed but the mandates will stick around even so

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I think even Gates (who imagines vaccines are world saviors for all ills) has begun to doubt his loyalties. The 'platform' for instant vaccines has not quite delivered. I suspect the makers are quite aware of the issues. Their field testing on all of us is showing many negatives that were maybe envisioned but thought minor. Turns out they aren't minor. Omicron is proving the errors.

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Seeing who funds the WHO is informative. You might think a UN-chartered entity would be free of partisan funding, but you'd be wrong. It's right there on the Wikipedia entry. I haven't looked at other institutions, but I suspect the story is quite the same.

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There is nothing within the UN that is partisan free.

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It’s just that. There is little if anything at all that these “vaccines” have caused that was not known, only how prevalent they turned out to be was unknown.

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They are learning from their mistakes. Next time will be even better coordinated

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All i want is to never see the faces of Fauci or Justin Trudeau ever again.

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Or Bill Gates

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I saw a pic of Trudeau with a beard and it made me think of Castro

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I assume you are aware there is a "rumor", actually a bit more than that, that Castro was actually his biological father.


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Hahaha this just made my day ! And I thought I had a big imagination !

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That's right Ingrid, Trudeau's mother spent some time with Castro in Cuba in the early 70's. Just do the math. And people wonder why he's such a commie.

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Ya. Pierre and Castro were good friends, and Maggy was infamous for her Disco nights which lead to god knows what. Someone should make a movie. Hahaha.

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Wow ! I had no idea ! So he got his father's good looks LOL

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True twins in evil...

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Don;t forget Isadora Birx .... I have longed wanted her to take ride in a convertible

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You are an oasis in the desert, dear gato! To all of the magnificent people in this stack - and, of course to our esteemed feline - I wish you a joyous and blessed new year! May this madness end, soon. You have all been lights in my darkness these past weeks. I wish I had found you so much earlier. Love to you all.

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Ann. with love from Oxford, England. Stay Strong in 2022.

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Thank you, Jake! From over the pond - another heretic who has survived a dunking or two... I will get to see that green and pleasant land some day, by Jove!

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Amen. Ameen. Live long and prosper.

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Ameen. Blessings, SCA.

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I'd say two things are the absolute--uh--death knell for them--each contributing to attaining thermonuclear blast: Unrelenting school disruptions and the banning of end-of-life visits and culturally-essential funerals.

I was at least fortunate that my mother's awful suffering and death were pre-Plague. I'll say this for my tribe--though I've left all the dogma behind, we do death extremely well. The communal rituals and visits to the bereaved provide a structure when you yourself are dazed with grief. To be denied those means grieving has no measured, appropriate outflow.

And every community has its own essential such rituals. We've a huge population now of people who watched in anguished rage while protests and politically-leveraged deaths were "essential" and their own pain was swept into the rubbish heap.

And if you've got kids so young they've never had a normal school experience--just at their most developmentally-urgent stage? Elite Noo Yawkuhs and San Franciscans may continue to offer their children up to Moloch but I think most normal parents are sharpening the pikes and weighting the maces.

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gonna borrow: Elite Noo Yawkuhs and San Franciscans may continue to offer their children up to Moloch but I think most normal parents are sharpening the pikes and weighting the maces.

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(Just tell 'em the Bad Fairy whispered it into your ear...)

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My mom too... small mercies, eh?

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In my mind it past time to have used said pikes and maces.

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The passivity of most parents in the face of the contempt for and destruction of their children is--uh--dumbfounding to me. I guess "I'd die for my kids" is a quaint oddity now...

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Sadly, I can on some level understand. My poor kid has had to wear a mask for almost two full school years now and must eat lunch alone and in silence. My wife seems to not be bothered at all by this. In fact, I am the only person I know who is against masks here in Japan. The only complaining related to masks that I hear is from my wife and kid telling me that I am supposed to be wearing one. At the annual New Year dinner at the in laws, after spending several hours eating, drinking and talking around small camping tables, every one except me put their masks on to sit on the floor and play Uno with my kid. How does one fight such madness when you are the lone person not infected by it?

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I'm so sorry. FYI I was married to someone from a different (a South Asian culture; met him there and lived for varying times there) and I very much understand the challenges (which intensify the normal challenges of married and parenting life).

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True. However, I bet there are plenty of people who have married someone from their “own” culture but with whom they are in disagreement over Covid…what? Protocols? Say one wants to mask and vaccinate their kid/s and the other does not. Just between parents is enough to cause some to adopt a go along to get along mentality. Add extended family members and it gets nearly as ugly as my situation.

In fact, I now recall a story a new found friend (from one of these stacks) in Australia. A pregnant mother is telling her husband that he is being selfish for not getting the vax and as he is barred from attending the birth unless vaxxed, he better get the shot/s quick or she will take the kids and leave him if he misses the birth. Regardless which ever route he takes, that marriage is over. Expect mine too as they say kids my son’s age can start getting vaccinated next month here. I will leave if she gets him vaccinated.

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Not hyperbole that my heart aches for you. My kid's an adult now, but when he was younger his wretched father was demanding some unnecessary medical interventions for purely vanity /his emotional needs purposes. I finally had to sternly instruct my kid that if his father tried to take him to the doctor behind my back (while I was at work), he was to refuse to go, and call me. The marriage ended much later for other reasons but fights about wise childrearing were constant.

I understand the position of foreign parents in Japan is extremely difficult. You have my every good wish.

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But college booster mandates still in place!!! Why???? These kids don’t need it and are all getting Omicron now. It’s absurd!!!

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With all the potential damage you create life long Pharma consumers. Imagine getting them damaged 18-22 and now need rx drugs til death. 💰

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So tonight, I'm gonna party like it's 2019!


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Yes 😂. My unvaxxed brood and me (who was badgered into one pfizer before quitting the job - fuck that) despite scary cases in the Bay Area went out to eat INSIDE 😝.

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I remember you got that first jab and am glad you caught on before the second! How’s your vaxx injury, BTW?

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It is getting better but not fully healed, still some muscle weaknesses, luckily non dominant hand. But God knows what it did (I did detox with quercitin, etc and even tried mushroom beta glucans that have shown to help with different cancers). I convinced a Md to run some more blood tests to exclude GBS. Kiddos and I keep waiting it out hoping to get out of this without further jabs…..

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Glad to hear you’re improving, are taking detoxing supplements, and got your MD to run additional tests. Have you tried pine needle tea? Citrus and peppermint are also supposed to help, among other things. Check out this link for more recs: https://t.me/concernedlawyersnetwork/1744

If you haven’t already gotten these tests, you may wan to add Fibrinogen, D-Dimer, and Troponin-1 as well as an enhanced immune panel.

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I have held off asking, but I feel I must. Given that these vaccines are so new and untested, how do we know that any of the things you mention actually work to “detox” it? Do these have a history working for other such substances?

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This is a topic I plan to research more in-depth for a future article, so I can’t answer definitively now, but my understanding is many of these supplements are known to aid with combatting inflammation, toxins, oxidative stress, and other damage to the immune system.

I forgot to mention l-glutathione (https://www.verywellhealth.com/benefits-of-glutathione-89457), but that is another recommended supplement for post-vaxx detox. It is an antioxidant known to help with:

• Metabolism of toxins and cancer-causing substances

• Natural creation and repair of DNA

• Production of protein and prostaglandin, a compound with hormone-like effects

• Activation of enzymes

These would all play a role in helping the body recover from vaxx damage.

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Funny, that song has such overlap with the Bangles' "Just another manic Monday". Good times.

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Oh yes, both are very nostalgic for me! (I guess we’re both Gen-Xers :-)

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Hehe. Must be. 😉

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Was just about to say the exact same thing.

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Good one!!

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Aww, thanks, Em, and happy New Year to you, too, and thanks for the link! (I love Loreena McKennit, BTW—The Book of Secrets is my favorite :-)

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Love Loreena McKennit! Her Christmas album is great!

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Yes, her voice is angelic, as is the music! Lisa Gerrard’s and Natalie Merchant’s, too. 😇

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Hayley Westenra is another favorite of mine.

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Ooh, I don’t know her but am now following her on Spotify thanks to your rec! Haven’t had a chance to listen yet but look forward to exploring.

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Saskatchewan will now differentiate between with and from covid for hospitalizations. Should happen in other parts of Canada soon too. This is another "conspiracy theory" we were right on and ridiculed about for 2 years now that will be adopted into the mainstream. It'd be wonderful to see the shift except theyre only doing it to cover for the vaccine and they will shift right back if the unvaccinated ever have higher case counts. Insanity.

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I think congratulations are in order.

The Create Pandemic for Totalitarian Precedent™ proof of concept has been wildly more successful than could have been expected.

Not only was the herd spooked, but large segments of it were made utterly hysterical, creating a general supine willingness to comply with even the most patently preposterous requirements.

A few important lessons learned:

1. The vast herd of tax cattle wearing the blue ear tags will abuse and sacrifice their children, via masks, lack of education, isolation and genetic experiments if told to do so.

This bodes incredibly well for future depopulation and control efforts, either in future "pandemics", "existential climate crises" or other opportunities that may arise.

2. Nearly all blue and many red tax cattle will allow the destruction of the livelihood of tens of millions of their fellow citizens through lockdowns, allowing the greatest upward transfer of wealth in history.

This will allow for the takeover of the means of production and shift most wealth in desired directions, allowing for even more complete control over economic activity and thus maximum extraction. It is worth noting that this has been a goal for nearly two centuries. Well done!

3. Large numbers of boobus Americanus (and Britannicus, Canadadis, Australis) will readily dehumanize anyone who resists, and are willing to ostracize, segregate, imprison or even murder

Divide et Impera, baby!

It is beyond gratifying to see the fruition of decades of work and careful preparation.

Keep up the good work, we are nearly there!

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I'm gonna steal this faster than a commie can seize the means of production, komrade ;)

& Will post it on a few places I frequent where blue minded europeans congregate.

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You cannot steal that which is free, Comrade.

We will own nothing, and we will be happy.

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The next pandemic scare will likely come under Republican leadership so that half of the voting bloc will blindly follow the government dictates.

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Brilliant post ! Thank you libertate!

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Excellent. Just excellent. Thank you.

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Outstanding comment.

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They have to shift the narrative. It's about to be 2022--mid-term election time, and every poll is telling them people hate Joe Biden with the heat of a 1000 suns, and especially his response to COVID. Gotta get it in the rear-view mirror long before early voting starts...

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That coupled with an obvious increase of Vaxx death/injury they KNOW they must back off.

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Once they get their mail-in rules in place for 2022 they can back off. But they MUST get those mail-in rules in place.

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Actually, I think their done no matter what!

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May 1 2020 - as I stamped about my office ranting and raving that they are F-ing up all the data in response to an announcement by the state DOH that ANY positive test in the hospital would = C19 hosp (increasing C19 hosps >30% overnight), little did I suspect it would be Dec 31 2021 before most of the rest of the world would start to give a shit. These bastards will not get away with this. They cannot, or the next "disaster" will be an uglier repeat. Massive internet crash due to "evil global hackers", anyone?

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will be interesting to see....kinda like the year 2000 scare? What was that called anywho?

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‘they’ called it ...Y2K

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Thanks! I had put THAT one out of the old brain a long time ago! haha!

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...me too... you made me think about it... meow & happy mew year!

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Happy MEW year! <3

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Good analogy !

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"Some of you asked a good question, and I just got the same answer as I have for two years. And then I was told I was allowed to tell you it this time."

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Brilliant !!!

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Yes please! Sounds delicious!

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Ooh! I hope it's another Brazil-type event....

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"whatever this new disease is, it looks to be spreading" The shift is political and temporary, so people had better not let their guard down about the crazies at the top of the power heaps. All the Dems have to do to win in 2022 is declare the pandemic to be over, lift all restrictions so people can "legally" do what they're inclined to do anyway, and claim it as a WH success. If the wokesters retain the monopoly, once the election is over they have free reign to bring the iron fist back down.

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In their minds in the future they’ll lock you down for the most benign sniffles.

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Yes, but Boston, Chicago, and Cook County are extending vaccine mandates in order to access various businesses. Brandon declared that this madness should be implemented locally and the Democratic Orcs (have you seen a picture of Chicago's mayor?) muttered, "Yes, master" and gone about this nasty business.

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"this narrative is shifting faster than a dual clutch ferrari."- oh how do I love thee, let me count the ways!! :-)

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This "revelation" that everyone admitted to the hospital for any reason that happen to test positive for Covid was admitted by Dr. Birx, on national TV, in Feb. (?) of 2020. It has been known all along. That's why people are said to die "with covid" as opposed to "of covid." Think of a normal year... do we have TV tickers of people dying "with flu" or "with a cold"? Do we have hospitalization numbers of people in the hospital, for any ailment, recorded as "cold hospitalization" if they have a cold? This scam has been going on in front of everyone's eyes for 20 months! Why is it news now?

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Our local karen just warned me not to go into any crowds and stay home. I went to Walmart at 4 yesterday LOL

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Did you invite her to come along?

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She would probably wear a space suit and 5 additional masks ! But she does go to church with only one mask and they take it off to later eat something. All double and triple jabbed of course ! She is afraid of me unjabbed person !

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What the heck! Bring her along in the space suit then !…🤩

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You know what they say: in Walmart, no one can hear you scream.

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Same here and off I went out into the high risk setting of a restaurant 😝

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Well, I have to question your sanity for going there at 4, unless it was 4 am. That's just nuts. ;-)

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You are absolutely right ! But I had to meet up with friends from a neighboring town and that is when they were here ! We also ended up in a thunderstorm ! Well it was an adventure LOL. It has been a while now with the craze, that we were together, AND in the storm !

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Narrative shift means nothing. These are the architects and cheerleaders of totalitarianism. They deserve nothing but to get it in the neck and then to burn.

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- 2022 midterms

- too many cases and hospitalizations in high vaccinated areas, which will get higher in Jan, so they need to shift to vax as only preventing death

- lots of players on sports teams out due to Covid protocols, despite extreme low risk group and high vax rates

- this is but one virus, there will always be another, no need to beat a dead horse

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Yes. I see several Bay Area peeps now completely puzzled as they all got the dirty Covid despite 2-3 shots and N95s. Their world is shattered. It’s like a comic or something. As a meme it should show the windows circle of doom of a crashing computer 😆

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And have they recited the party line with the same exact words, cult-style: “But it would have been so much worse if I hadn’t gotten the vaccine!”?

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There should be t-shirts.

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Anyone wanna bet the high hospitalizations are vaccine injuries?

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...As are the deaths.

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Good news from South Africa that they have lifted curfew entirely!


Also , this....


(I'm rather hoping that batman will appear...)


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Moving backward here in a very blue Wisconsin county with a vaccination rate hovering around 70-75%. We have the only Mask mandate in the entire state and it keeps being extended (now until February) and my kids school district just sent out email last night that they are going back to all-virtual after new years. Because Omicron.

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I see a significant drop off in masking the further I go from downtown Madison. I even see a lot more people on the Madison subreddit complain about the endless masking extensions. I think the mask mandate will not extend into a March the way I see things trending.

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I’ll agree that For months now, as soon as you get about a mile outside Madison, almost nobody is wearing masks. I’ve pretty much stopped wearing one inside city limits unless a store employee asks me to, but only one or two places have asked me in 2-3 months. But I’ll bet you that Dane County public health extends the mask mandate


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Lotsa variety in mandates…hmmm 🤔

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The most disappointing thing about all of this is the astonishing lack of curiosity of people in general. When covid first hit I took my first dive into immunology to get a better understanding and then, when the "vaccines" (ie. transfections) were released I went even further, learning as much as I could before making a decision on what to do regarding my health.

Now, when I listen to most people talk about covid (not here) I'm beyond amazed at the lack of ANY understanding (or even a cursory reading) of ANYTHING actually scientific in regards to all this. No wonder it's all such a f'in shambles.

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I agree. This issue is probably one of the biggest things effecting me locally, nationally as well as globally. Most people I would talk with about this situation seem to immediately punch out and repeat media talking points.

I'm at the point where I've simply given up. I don't wear masks in public despite the supposed mandate. Anytime someone talks about their fear of the virus, I just roll my eyes and tell them virus' are natural. When asked about my vaccine status I just say I haven't been and I'm unlikely to until the complete data is released with respect to efficacy and safety.

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Yup. And the same people are all voting as well.

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They are serial liars. Do not make the mistake of believing a liar just because they say something you agree with.

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yay good news ...can the colleges please get rid of the booster requirement for next term now?!?!

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I think it would be better to get rid of the colleges, honestly. Scorched earth. Maybe that's a little bit of hyperbole, but...

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No, it's not. We need to scrap the colleges and start over.

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I think that it's just the research and funding/grants and peer review that needs examination and deep cleaning. Much of academia is okay.

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Purge the Social "Sciences", getting rid of all the XYZ Studies departments. And that's just a good start.

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Yeah... That too!

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That ain’t happening unless the customers threaten to walk away…

with their tuition 💵

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This is great news but I'm very suspicious. Tyrants don't give up so easily. In Canada, we are lagging in the good news department, vaxx mandates everywhere, vaxx passports required, school starts for 2022 delayed.

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I am skeptical of this backing down. I know how the touchless torture agenda goes, though: Squeeze and release. So they let us think they're backing off, just before doing something even more tyrannical. IOW, I don't trust any of these assholes. And even if they stopped the charade/hoax tomorrow, they would never admit they did anything wrong. They never will. They will, in fact, blame us, who didn't fall for it.

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Here's a topic about which I'd love to see more analysis: with most Americans vaxxed (allegedly), why are there still more unvaxxed people among new hospital admissions? This is one of the last lynchpins of the issue, and I suspect it's total bullshit.

I have two hypotheses, and would love to know what evidence can be found for them.

1) Illegal immigrants and people on Medicaid using the ER for primary care. This would correlate with lowest-vaxxed demographics, and would be likely to include a lot of kids with respiratory infections.

2) "Too frail to vax" - what % of unvaxxed hospital admissions were already in hospice care? This is the group most likely to be sick, die, and some percentage will be unvaxxed because they were deemed too frail.

I can't help think the data is much less rosy for the vaxxed than we're being told by being polluted with issues like these. Why can't we get an analysis of mortality benefit adjusted for age, health condition, insurance status, etc?

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Why, indeed? I'll omit the sermon right now 😁 but I've been skeptical from the start of ALL the official statistics. Too many assumptions, revisions, changing standards, and so on. There's also that eternal problem of hiding unfavorable data, adjusting the figures to reflect what you want them to say, or just outright lying. For all those who say that the vaxxes are fine, that we are just a bunch of pussies who should "man up" and take the jab, I often ask: since these medicines are so safe, where are the proofs of long term safety? Surely there is a concerted effort to study side effects, collect accurate data, to show that the who regime is above reproach. I'm still waiting to be presented with such studies or research.

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At least here in WA, if the hospital can't confirm your vax status in their system, (because you got your shot at CVS maybe) you're lumped in with the unvaxxed.

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Here is the problem, folks. I know this from speaking with/questioning several people moving from places like SF, NYC, Chicago, etc. to places like Florida, Texas, Nashville, etc.

They DO NOT CONNECT THE DOTS when it comes to their voting habits. They will continue to vote D (cuz all the cool kids do plus R's are MEANIES) and eventually ruin the places they are moving to.

They, like all Lefties, know NOTHING about politics, lax law enforcement, bad schools, homelessness, paying folks not to work, etc. In fact, many of them wear their ignorance as a badge of honor, like "Oh, I am not political, I am above that", not realizing that voting for D's is the CAUSE of the shit holes they are fleeing.

For most Lefties, politics is about sitting at the cool kids table in the cafeteria, not about knowing or LEARNING about what policies actually work. Remember, Leftism, is about INTENTIONS not about RESULTS. Being on the Left, means never having to say your sorry and also it means you do not have the learning gene.

So, we can't but we should keep them in their blue enclaves.

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I think people who say this don't understand that the people currently fleeing California. New York and other blue states are doing so fully aware of what they are escaping and why. 3 years ago, you had California natives coming to Austin looking for a new job and still voting Democrat without thinking too much about it. Now you have people who are desperately trying to get their kids out of CRT poisoned classrooms where they make children wear masks. These are angry people who are voting red with vengeance. To treat these refugees from red states with fear and contempt is like those who saw every Russian immigrant as a KGB spy rather than realizing these are victims seeking freedom. I say this because I know several such people personally. They are more red than red state natives after what they have endured.

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You are right and I am right. I should have stipulated that there are (at least) two distinct categories of folks doing the leaving, as it were. There are the ones I describe and there are those you speak of, who may lean conservative or are completely conservative or are at least paying attention. The most shocking thing about many I have spoken with is that they are small business owners who complain about undue regulatory compliance and the like but keep voting for the D's. Unfortunately, there are a LOT of the former and not enough of the latter. And I don't "fear" these folks, although I fear what they may turn red states into. I do have contempt for anyone anywhere who can't be bothered to think about why they are doing something. Or why things are as they are.

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el gato malo, I hope you have a great New Year celebration. I thank you for all the insights I've had reading these pages. I also thank the members of this stack for sharing their thinking. I HAVE GAINED MUCH! THANK YOU ALL!

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Well yeah, this is a bit of progress, but I’m still waiting for a REAL end to the mandates. For example, my RN daughter being forced to submit to weekly PCR tests or get fired. Stuff like that.

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“shifting faster than a duel clutch Ferrari”- cat man and car guy! impressive!

Thank you, you bad bad kitty for your awesome blog!

Best wishes for safe, sane, peaceful 2022!

josh m

annapolis, md

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Not seeing any backing off in NY after our new "same as the old boss" mayor and batshit crazy governor just unleashed even stricter mandates.

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The Congressional midterm election campaigns will be ramping up soon and there are other elections like California's gubernatorial election next fall. It's obvious that the coronavirus narrative has taken a hard 180 degree swing because politicians want to be re-elected. Gov. Newsom allowed schools to force students out of school for a year and half - now it's crickets on school re-closures (thank god).

Democratic candidates won't get votes if they try the same Covid-19 mandates and restrictions after 2+ years. People are catching on that it was all B.S. and are tired of it. Any political candidate that promises freedom from all the Covid-19 rules has a better chance of winning an election and left-leaning media outlets are in line with this.

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Perhaps that's true of the USA but I don't see it yet in Canada.

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From what I understand, though, Trudeau isn't up for re-election in 2022? Correct me if I'm wrong.

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We don't elect Prime Ministers directly, we elect parties. As long as he's the head of the Liberal Party and they get a majority, he becomes Prime Minister. Pray people wake up and stop voting Liberal. However the other major parties are no better at all: they're all basically the same with different labels. There are a few new parties springing up that are anti-COVID but their chances are small. Still we have to keep fighting.

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I see, thanks for the info. :)

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No, he's not up for re-election but there are provincial politicians who are. We have an election coming up in Ontario in 2022. Problem is, the majority of Canadians like the government control. They're brainwashed, scared and so like the passports, mandates and lockdowns. Then there's the lazy people who like free money from daddy gov.

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PS: you never know with Trudeau. His last election call was 18 months after previous election; he thought he had enough popularity to get a majority, he didn't.

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How many other "big guys" had their portraits painted in a satiny blue dress?? The $$$powers that be don't want that to be today's headline -- keep everyone looking at the spikes til we "forget"????

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And this just came through the NYT: Breaking News Alert: https://www.nytimes.com/2021/12/31/health/covid-omicron-lung-cells.html

The NYT had just called Covid the cold. It seems like it has to be over.

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In Alcoholics Anonymous one of their many words of wisdom, for those new in sobriety, reflects the truism that the chaos wrought by years of excessive drinking only goes away slowly: "The monkey is off my back, but the circus is still in town." My friend told me this. 😎

That reminds me: For those of your who imbibe, tomorrow morning, when your head feels like a sledgehammer is pounding a large bronze bell and you think you can hear snails crawling, and the morning light is like icicle daggers into your brain, I wish you a happy start to the new year! 🥴

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The number of incidental cases is being pushed in the UK too, predominately by the Daily Mail, who have very close contacts with Downing Street and they spin a lot of narrative on all topics through them, so I’m pretty sure this is what “they” want to start talking about.

There was an article in my local paper today, which is in no way to be regarded as anything approaching journalism, that 30% of patients at the local hospital are there for other things and not being treated for covid and they referred to ‘the number of beds being occupied by patients with covid’, ‘beds being used by people with covid’, ‘beds occupied by covid patients’, and ‘beds occupied by those with the virus’. None of which make any sense, but it’s a change in tone. They’ve always given the impression that everyone who gets covid is at deaths door until now. Just strikes me as odd

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El Gato

Any chance Omicron could create OAS troubles in the unvaccinated nonimmune??

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Do you mean a la Marek’s rather than OAS?

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No I mean OAS

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The Fauci video is gone from Twitter LOL

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I was just about to say this. Anyone know where we can find it?

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I downloaded it and uploaded it again.


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As long as we use worthless PCR testing, hospitals are not required to prove it is COVID, and they get bonuses payments for diagnosing it COVID…….I think you are going to see Chicken Little screaming the Sky Is Falling for awhile.

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Makes me chuckle a bit but also hopeful that these nattering nabobs of negativity are seeing the light. The data eventually sinks in. The video link to Fauci admitting hospitalized cases with CV19 and not due to CV19 was taken down. Here is a link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aktzp4jSXY8

If the policy pushers don't back off perhaps its time to stand up: write letters, flood the NY Times editorial and letters email in boxes. Write to representatives. Tweet tag MSNBC etc. These people hear from the fearful now its time to use data to push back on that by teaching them about the lesser severity of omicron and the lesser effectiveness of the vaccines (and most monoclonal antibodies) against it.



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Love you bringing back “nattering Nabobs…”. I trust you haven’t forgotten “effete corps of impudent snobs”. That works now too.

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I'm glad these idiots are saying these things, but Jeezus Christ on a Cracker, this has ALWAYS been the case, as everyone here knows.

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When I searched for the video my top hit was an article in Newsweek with the same title as the Tweet, the article briefly outlined the same as what the Tweet said but the video in the article just “debunked” the Beaglegate story.

I bet MSM realize the error they made by announcing it, Fauci & co will probably just change the definition of a Covid infection and magically the jabs will appear to work again.

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Jestre has a couple of post that are relevant:

* Canada is covering up their incompetence by censoring the data: https://jestre.substack.com/p/canadian-blackout

* Omicron is not mild in South Korea: https://jestre.substack.com/p/mild-stealth-version-of-omicron-leads

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$$52 billion projected for top 2 vax makers next year -- have to exceed investors expectations.

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Now that the children have gotten their way to begin killing more children than saving from COVID. They need to begin the process of stop counting all the cases so they can say their #killshot is stopping the spread and saving lives. This is ‘Science’ talking after all.

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I have been helped by the discovery of saying $cience vs. Science.

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"These two covid trajectories are almost metapolitical at this point, but they demonstrate the inescapable choice: organize society around the state or organize it around individuals, families, markets, and the institutions of civil society. We can live in a political world or in an economic world. Mixing the two is not working."


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In case no one has already linked to this, this 4-minute video ("The FIRST Omicron DEATH!") is an absolute must-see:


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On the other hand... at ground level, the True Believers seem to be getting more fanatical. I like to think that's a sign of desperation. Unfortunately, locally here in Faucistan, they still have the power and numbers (and desire) to do some damage. But perhaps that's our fate -- to be a cautionary example and/or laughing stock.

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I agree - there is that "other hand"; after weeks of coyness, the incoming NYC mayor, Adams, says (yesterday) he will keep the insane all private employers vax mandate (effective 12/27) in place. The talking points are being revised; but the mandates and passports seem still in the untouchable column. Perhaps it's a matter of decent interval. (The over-65 set may pick up on the mid-1970s allusion.)

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My attempt to be optimistic: all this is basically political theater, both to satisfy the neurotics and as CYA. They know the winter wave will peak over the next few weeks. They need to "do something" so they can take credit when the metrics turn downward. Come February, with numbers turning downward -- and courts start hearing the lawsuits -- they'll declare victory and back off.

I can't speak for NYC, but this is the pattern I've seen with our local government before. They ended the "Phase 1" lockdown when DOJ started sending them scary letters about selective enforcement violating the First Amendment. They tried to close private schools, then backed off the moment the lawsuits were filed. They reimposed a mask mandate just as Rt had turned downward, when they knew case numbers were about to start dropping anyway.

That said: I'm certainly skimming apartment listings over the border and updating my bug-out plan...

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