What I enjoyed most about HIllary was seeing how she dressed when she campaigned in them places that weren't NY or DC, and how she dressed on that thrilling election day when I got to see her lose. It was a graphic novel of her contempt for most American women.
Monty Python and the Holy Grail insult: Her mother was a hamster and her father smelt of elderberries. She doesn't qualify for being a deplorable - she's too much of a lowlife.
Truly, I don't want to taunt anyone. Middle school, I never want to revisit in this or any other possible existence. I'd like her to see justice, but doubt we'll get that satisfaction. Her turning into a turnip up in Chappaqua and never leaving the grounds again, that'll do me fine.
The Clinton Chronicles explains some of the cartel connections, and early cases of people being 'Clinton'd' ...so I can understand why people don't mess with them.
Whitney Webb has also covered a number of the "suicide" cases of folks who tangled with the Clintons, at least two of whom were ruled as suicides despite being *shot in the chest*. It's quite a feat to hang oneself from a tree and die of strangulation, and then reanimate for long enough to somehow shoot oneself in the chest!
Everyone is afraid of Hillary. Don't piss me off or I'll kill yourself.
What I enjoyed most about HIllary was seeing how she dressed when she campaigned in them places that weren't NY or DC, and how she dressed on that thrilling election day when I got to see her lose. It was a graphic novel of her contempt for most American women.
Monty Python and the Holy Grail insult: Her mother was a hamster and her father smelt of elderberries. She doesn't qualify for being a deplorable - she's too much of a lowlife.
I just want her to be completely irrelevant for ever and ever and ever, going forward.
Or we shall taunt her for a second time-a!
Truly, I don't want to taunt anyone. Middle school, I never want to revisit in this or any other possible existence. I'd like her to see justice, but doubt we'll get that satisfaction. Her turning into a turnip up in Chappaqua and never leaving the grounds again, that'll do me fine.
The Clinton Chronicles explains some of the cartel connections, and early cases of people being 'Clinton'd' ...so I can understand why people don't mess with them.
Whitney Webb has also covered a number of the "suicide" cases of folks who tangled with the Clintons, at least two of whom were ruled as suicides despite being *shot in the chest*. It's quite a feat to hang oneself from a tree and die of strangulation, and then reanimate for long enough to somehow shoot oneself in the chest!
You might need VPN as it's regionally restricted, but there is a bitchute copy here: https://www.bitchute.com/video/Z24nMl8zfFCM/