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i was at a Christian men's conference over the weekend....

one of the men in a group i attended asked if anyone who is O or A and not vaxxed could donate blood for his brother a cancer patient in treatment.....

it seems cancer patients cannot have blood from vaxxed donors.

i gave blood last thursday and the intake included if i was vaxxed, sadly iam, and what brand.

there is more going on with this vax terror the we know

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Sorry to sound like a journalist here, but do you have documentation that you could share surrounding this issue? I haven't heard of any vax discrimination in regards to blood drives, so if it's happening that's certainly news!

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this is word of mouth. the person ihadrelated a need for his brother, the no vax is what he said.

if you do the "rapid pass" at home before going to the blood draw the vax question includes a number to call if you answer positive. i have not called the number, and the history taker just nods when i say i had moderna.

interesting 20 men in room every one vaxxed!

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Thank you for the information! :)

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much of it has been written and warned of, then censored. Clots forming in the blood post-jab was a known adverse reaction of the original clinical trials and off the charts reporting of it showed immediately in VAERS and other data systems. People didn't look. Doctors either didn't look, or took the money to keep quiet.

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Or were threatened with their jobs if the spoke out.

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amounts to taking the money to me.

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"It's not a tough decision, as you can see:

I can blow you away, or you can ride with me."


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