It's called DARVO (Deny, Attack, and Reverse Victim and Offender), and it's a favorite tool of philanthropaths, tyrants, and other narcissistic abusers:
"By denying their actions, attacking the person confronting them, and flipping the roles of victim and offender, the narcissist effectively redirects attention away from their own actions, often causing doubt in the victim's claims."
Thank you, Ian, and yep! I defined it as “a psychopath masquerading as a philanthropist” in my June 2022 “Anatomy of a Philanthropath: Dreams of Democide & Dictatorship” series:
The flip side of the narcissistic coin is true kindness and a brave willingness to fight for human rights not just for oneself but for others. I wrote about this in January 2021 from the point of view of a neighbor who had every reason during WW2 to be hateful or bitter but didn't succumb to that nor did a tiny few others such as local Quakers who helped her. Quakers: the same as young Benjamin Franklin and his neighbor the rebel flag making upholsterer Betsy Ross.
Think about your own family: depressing. Really your own spouse, children, close friends, colleagues , how many malfunctioned, and how many are now lying about it? Memory hole, yes?
This is one consequence of propaganda; we live in a sea of lies and education is the starting point of the lies. Your children are being abused right now, or should I say disabused of honesty, it is called school. They’re being taught what to think not how to think. Is it any wonder that they are so malleable as adults.
But also readers of this author are a highly selected group. This is our thing we care about truth . Our author is a skilful interpreter of reality. Something like 95% of people are disinterested in honesty and generally figuring it out . They would not read this author. It is not their thing, they don’t care . It is our thing we care which makes it worse.
Would give your comment a 100 likes if I could. I think I remain traumatised by the realisation that 95% of people do not care about the truth above all else. Not sure I'm ever going to get over this realisation.
Bettina, you hit the nail. Already a solitary person by nature, I lost my trust in humans completely. Only a few reliable people and even with them it is hard talking. I usually stay home now, with the dog, the cats, the birds, the trees, and I talk to them as if they were humans... at least I can hear my own voice, and they agree with me, specially if I give them a treat LOL
You, Diamond Boy and I could form a support group! My daughter cannot understand how I always want to lift the lid or the stone to see what's underneath. I need the unvarnished truth or it eats away at me. I cannot tell a lie either. I also talk to the dog mostly 😂
Yep - her conversation is extremely limited. A paw on my knee, a wet nose in my face, the ball dropped at my feet and the dagger looks if I make the mistake of changing her food or trying to clean her teeth!
indeed! I have been scolded several times for wanting to know what is going on. What does it matter to me that Kate is missing, or that people are dying by the bushels from heart attacks? well it does to me. In a way I feel connected specially to the 'underdogs'. Dogs are excellent company. If the weather is bad they just lay down and sleep (mine is snoring here next to me). If it is too cold, or hot, or whatever, they sleep on it!
The Covid Hysteria proves the wisdom of your quest for the truth. And you're in good company: Most people, in fact, will not take the trouble in finding out the truth, but are much more inclined to accept the first story they hear.
You, in my opinion, are better for it. There was a time, not that long ago that the universities tried to teach this: The object of education is not to fill a man's mind with facts; it is to teach him how to use his mind in thinking.
I'm right there with you. Having this conversation with the first lady, she just wants to go on like nothing ever happened, however, I want answers. She can't even admit that she was lied to, her response is that people were doing the best with the info they had at the time. I point to the Great Barrington Declaration and how all the drs and virologist got censored. The conspiracy is so obvious to me that I cannot understand how this 95% of people could care less.
When enough of the deluded and deceived hit a concrete wall of consequences like a substance abuser losing all jobs, family, friends and *all* other support. Many will have to due, tragically winning a Darwin Award... exiting the gene pool... Hopefully not as drastic a die-off as a wildfire burning a forest and its soil down to sterile powdery mineral earth because I do believe in the Seven Generations./Seven Fires prophecies which will bring back a lot of old nature wisdom to fight the big pharm biz and white coated licensed doctor maniacs.
I feel for you DB. At least she is reacting, and not just stone cold... but it must be a real challenge to figure out how to love someone who just can't, or won't, stand by you in staring down reality.
I like and trust most humans as individuals, just not as groups. It's always disconcerting to me when a person's individual moral compass, swings 180 degrees from their group moral compass. There is no way that I can live with that kind of compartmentalization. Most ideologies are group oriented, at least the most dangerous ones are.
abandoned a few when the group think invaded the personal think. Now I only visit with people who think for themselves. Thankfully I found a handful who stayed away from mass media and informed themselves during these 4 years. Just got an Easter invitation! Totally pleased!
"...when a person's individual moral compass, swings 180 degrees from their group moral compass. There is no way that I can live with that kind of compartmentalization."
Some may call it not compartmentalization but rather hypocrisy. And a certain group (leftists) seem to have an infinite capacity for it. It enables them to march in lockstep chanting "MEN CAN BE WOMEN".
Compartmentalization may be a form of hypocrisy, I think the difference is that hypocrisy is conscious while compartmentalization is unconscious. It's a form of "self protection" to keep you from dealing with the contradictions.
I'm okay with defining compartmentalization as "unconscious hypocrisy".
Then maybe leftism is a form of "self protection" to keep you from dealing with contradictions. That is, if leftists really believe claims such as 'men can be women' and 'socialism is better at increasing prosperity than free enterprise is'. But I don't believe that they really believe those things, which makes them hypocrites.
I'm glad you clarified that "Most [dangerous] ideologies are group oriented." I totally agree. The group orientation is key. The truth is, a group doesn't think. Individuals do. But when the group becomes more important than the individual (an actual tenant of most leftist ideologies) the shared ideology becomes greatly watered down, and the ability for a thinking person to attach to it is greatly reduced.
I have a very narrow body of people in my friend group. I don't interact with others because they see me as anathema, not I them. If you eschew group think, those in the group can't tolerate your airing any question (which they see as a challenge) to their smooth and perfect safety blanket. They are not seeking truth, they are seeking comfort. "I am uneasy having to struggle with difficult concepts and defend my thoughts which are or may be different than others so I'll attach myself to this unifying flag which comes with people who are like minded." It appears there is an unspoken agreement that 'I won't question you and you wont question me as long as we carry the banner proudly'. Party über alles.
To protect the great masses of thinking for themself, they make those who have different opinions as conspiracy theorists, psychologically unstable, domestic terrorists and white supremacists. I sometimes think that all this invective isn't really for the purpose of shaming people who disagree, but really to help keep all those captive in the group think in-line.
take courage! life isn't easy for anyone. Years ago my mom said, we are born, we work all our lives and then we die. But in between, there are beautiful spring flowers, lovely dogs, sweet cats (and a few bad ones), delicious recipes, chocolate, wine, and instead of worrying, I just started living life as I want it. I was told to be prediabetic and to diet, and I do the opposite. I couldn't care less. I will die from something. If it is from this delicious Easter egg, so be it!!! At least I will have eaten it LOL
Hello Bettina, I am identical to you, I struggle with this everyday and sometimes all day. Without exaggeration it is the worst aspect of my life. I’m 60 and have grown to hate people but I have not given up I can still find happiness. (Mostly alone)
Sorry that’s pretty harsh but for me it’s the truth.
Diamond Boy I only read your comment after I posted mine! well said. I totally agree. Happiness comes from yourself, and others can add to it, but we found out the hard way, that they can stand in the way of it as well.
I am 71 and have been around the block a few times. I have always felt like a misfit. I want to know the truth. I am honest to a fault and I don't have much of a filter on my mouth but I try not to be mean. This gets me into trouble at times but I acknowledged long ago that it is the price of being me. People can come and go in my life but ultimately I have to live with myself.
I have come to the conclusion that most people stumble blindly through their lives. They don't know..... and they don't want to know. This, to me, is very sad and harmful to all of us. However, it is, what it is.
How do they figure 95%? How do they measure this. Was this a survey? Was it based on who voted in the last election? Was it based on CDC data? Some article in Psychology Today? How do you quantify "disinterested in honesty?" Do people ask how many are fans of the Billy Joel song of the same name?
The big problem of this is it is Dunning Kruger at its finest. We would presume to know the minds of others? That takes a glorious special type of expertise. Operators are standing by to tell you your future as well as presume to know your own mind. Turn on the gaslight, but don't light the match of truth around it.
It can be certain that people may behave as though they are "disinterested in honesty." But maybe they are caught in an Asch experiment and simply don't want to be singled out. I wore a mask on Uber rides even though I knew they didn't work. Can someone watching me pass in an Uber seeing my masked face know the difference? What about the driver of the Uber vehicle? Can he tell the difference between compliance in behavior only vs. a true believer?
I am an optimist. I think 80% of statistics are made up on the spot. I would love to see this study about honesty and figuring things out. What questions were they asked? What tasks were they given to make these determinations?
Very perceptive and well said. This is a very old strategy: We must win the common people in every corner. This will be obtained chiefly by means of the schools, and by open, hearty behavior, show, condescension, popularity, and toleration of their prejudices, which we shall at leisure root out and dispel.
Well, no. Amongst the company are people who like to think for themselves, and people who want their own viewpoints validated, and people who are devoted members of cults but demonize other people whose cults use the techniques the older ones have perfected.
There is a scientifically proven correlation between sex (or gender as it's called today), political opinions of the woke kind, and mental illness:
"The studies also assessed how having critical social justice attitudes relates to well-being variables. Many authors have previously linked critical social justice attitudes to poorer mental well-being in their work implicitly, but have not studied them directly (e.g., Lukianoff & Haidt, 2018). In our samples (Study 1 and Study 2), having high CSJAS scores was linked to anxiety, depression, and a lack of happiness. However, Study 2 indicated that this lower level of mental well-being was mostly associated with being on the political left and not specifically with having a high CSJAS score. The association between lower mental health and supporting the political left is in line with what other studies have found prior to this one (Bernardi, 2021; Gimbrone et al., 2022)."
Quoted from:
"Construction and validation of a scale for assessing critical social justice attitudes", Oskari Lahtinen, Scandinavian Journal of Psychology. Full paper here:
It chimes well with the fact that mental institutions were shuttered all over the West during the 1980s and early 1990s, meaning that people who would otherwise have received treatment for their problems instead could be recruited into the cults of woke, modern-day liberalism and progressivism.
I haven't read the report, and I think there's plenty of room for mental health issues by all 73 genders (especially if it's one of the new 71; but I digress) but it's been thought before.
“Winston had disliked her from the very first moment of seeing her. He knew the reason. It was because of the atmosphere of hockey−fields and cold baths and community hikes and general clean−mindedness which she managed to carry about with her. He disliked nearly all women, and especially the young and pretty ones. It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigoted adherents of the Party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers−out of unorthodoxy.”
― George Orwell, 1984
Again, wading in probably a little too deep: There is no masculine counterpart for The Karen.
He is less noticeable nowadays than he was in his earlier two incarnations, because back then, ha had to display his state as a liberated and progressive modern man (swedish even has an idiomatic term for such men: velour-man - I'd suggest corduroy-cuck for an english version, maybe, thoug it's rather offensive) in public via the way he dressed and acted.
Nowadays, he can hide behind a desk, a degree or a device instead. No need for long nights in cold and clammy basements, hand-cranking a copier with flyers about Kambodia as the role-model for other nations, or the virtues of Chairman Mao.
The beatnik who thought it progressive to let other men sleep with his girlfriend - and if those men were non-white, so much the better! (Despite what his instincts and emotions told him.)
The hippie who thought giving young teeny-boppers LSD and explaining to them why gangbangs were a form of protest against "the Man".
And in the 1970s, the velour-man. The man who fathered three children with his woman (not married of course, just being "life-partners"). The man who worked his arse off to provide for them. The man who staid at home with the kids when they were ill while the stay-at-home mother went to her night-school for private lessons in "exotic dancing" with that nice guy from (insert 3rd world nation here).
He does exist, but where Karen projects her own inner self on the world, he does the reverse. He hurts his real self to force it to become the artificial ideal he's been conditioned to "bellyfeel" as doubleplusgood.
This of course only applies to white men of bourgeoise middle class or richer.
(Hope you pardon the rant, I've been reading lots of stuff from 1960s and 1970s France recently.)
"(Hope you pardon the rant, I've been reading lots of stuff from 1960s and 1970s France recently.)"
Wholly schamokes, no pardon necessary.
I do see Velour Men and see some people who fit. They're not necessarily the ones that project their way but kinda let others roll them over. The VMs I see are often paired up with Karens.
Fitting. I saw a survey the other day that recorded 61% of democrats feel they are still living in the pandemic. I have family still wearing the little battery operated neck gadget that prevents your personal space from becoming infected.
OMG even worse than here. Yesterday I had to be in the store where 2 people stubbornly stay masked. One of the shoppers wore one round her neck. I avoid the store by all means, but it is the only one with that product I need!
Yeah, I live near Boston, the town responsible for the public health mentality that created the pandemic. Nobody is switching jerseys here like the bad cat believes. The only thing that could pull Boston out of its delusion is if people started going to jail or losing their jobs, and that isn’t going to happen.
Oh, we have our share of Covidians, and yes, they are mostly on the left. We had masked people driving alone in cars, and still more who insist that they actually do something.
It's actually kind of narrow to think that the phenomenon is restricted to American Democrats. People here are not being held to account, either. The Parliamentary "Covid Inquiry" was about whether or not they bought *enough* vaccines of the right type at the right time - not about injuries, death, or overreach.
THAT is why it was so amazing, refreshing, to be in a medical facility where nobody was masked.
Genuine question - are Australian lefties still Masking & Jabbing in 2024? Years ago I visited Melbourne and yes, Australia has Woke Lefties on par with any you'll find in the Northern Hemisphere.
But I wonder whether there is some regional divergence taking place in 2024, compared to the global lockstep Left Wing Tyrant responses of 2020/21.
Australia was softened for decades. Our ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corp) was a trusted source - really. Holding truth to power, uncovering our own military's war crimes, going to court to protect sources. In 2019, there were the fires, and the feeling there was - except for the worst hit - that the "government would keep us safe." So when the ABC (yes, it's considered "leftist") became Covidian, everybody had always trusted Norman Swann before (his son had held an amazing interview with Chump) - why not trust him now?
It's the same with the medical system. Like children, the government provides our medical care, and most people follow the algorithms and protocols. (when I first moved here, I was a little shocked at how little people were involved with their own medical treatment. I would ask, "what did the Doctor say?" and they would answer, "He gave me some tablets." What tablets? "I don't know, just some tablets.") Why not trust it? It provided that amazing knee replacement, it provided all of our screenings and treatments - so why not trust it now?
I personally got caught on the wrong side of the fires, and experienced this tragedy as I tried to get home. We were told what was safe, diverted from fiery paths, and got home safely. I now suspect that those horrible fires were softening us up for COVID. We were masking then because of the smoke.
So when COVID hit, yeah, we did a bit of "that politician is an idiot" - but - left and right followed, lockstep.
So here in Australia, it's not a left/right divide so much as "trust/mistrust" divide. And I would throw a dart and suggest that easily 90% trusted (and are still trusting).
I managed to save a friend from her 6th shot this month.
Gato, check out the documents FOIA:ed and released in Germany! Link to Die Fackel who's got an article giving a brief run-dwon and a link to HiDrive where the documents are collected.
In summary re: vaccinations and lockdowns, as professor Stefan Homburg put it:
"Over 2,000 pages showing that the 'pandemic' was all fraud. Highlights:
'High health risk' was not derived from data, but a political decision.
'Herd immunity' was seen as a mere narrative."
Or in other words, it was what we all said it looked like from the get-go.
When you can't get justice, vindication will have to do.
Dr Malik did recently an excellent interview with Sasha Latypova and they come to that same conclusion. the scamdemic was just that, a smoke curtain for the roll out of the jab, a bio weapon that needed to be tested on people and of course, that is not allowed. I read that the term herd immunity, was first used to identify a large group of people where everyone but a few had had the illness. The very few would not get it, because there were not enough transmitters, so they benifited from the 'herd immunity'. Several honest scientists say that herd immunity is not possible with jabs. I think I rather go with that.
Substack by the name of "Die Fackel" run by an austrian professor who escapded Covidmania in his native Austria to settle in Norway is where I found it. He's written two pieces on it recently and I suspect he'll continue to cover it as new stuff emerges.
The actual documentation is in german I'm afraid.
But a brief summary is essentially what I quoted above:
>The mandates and decisions made re: lockdowns, masking et cetera had nothing to do with health or facts or data, but was a 100% political decision.
>"Herd immunity", and the other newly-minted buzz-terms were seen as a narrative to sell to the public to get them to comply.
In other words, it was 100% as we suspected from the start.
the gates of hell. the pope said lately he thought that hell was empty. that must be the last person who got out. he closed the gates. all the devils are on earth. a long time ago I read a book that stated that at the end, all would be set free. the world sure looks like it
I still get very upset about masks. Ironically, I originally thought “what’s the harm” in April 2020 - not wanting mandated but thinking people should be free to try things. Then in May had a medical event caused by my own trying of one and did more research and started hard core opposing the talk of mandates that was beginning. I had a respiratory specialist tell me that some people would suffer and that the ethics could be decided later. That conversation was in 2020 and I still haven’t forgiven that doctor for his thoughtless statements. (Nor seen him again)
Though now I just feel sorry for anyone I see masking still. It’s like they’re the ones who lost the ability to think the worst and the mask is a symbol of their ongoing fear and paranoia now. So I do feel sorry for anyone still masking.
I agree with this. I also think there was a social contagion issue at play where people who paid attention to things overseas and only saw the propaganda coming out of China, built the fear up during the time period when the media was still telling people to not worry. (I regret to say I contributed to that building of background worry with watching what Italy and China were going through and talking to friends about it. When the government locked down I instantly saw the error the day a friend visited on the sidewalk and stayed 6 feet away... and I pushed back but people were blinded by fear and "protecting others" without understanding that the things that they could do for themselves (sleep, eat healthy, exercise, stay home when sick - all the usual things) were sufficient for everyone else and government involvement was really not for the best.) I was slandered pretty harshly for openly talking about the risk of harms from lockdowns and called anti-science amongst other things. (actually got a lawyer involved at the time as it had crossed the line into harassment)
To me - science is all about being able to talk about things. Share hypothesis and concerns. Yes - but then those hypothesis need to be tested. I recently had a conversation where I told the people involved that it was never going to be 2 weeks because it COULDN'T be. The info around about quarantines and breaking transmission chains from pre-covid, showed that a true quarantine had to span 3 to 4 chains of transmission time (for those diseases where quarantine actually works!) - so it could never have been 2 weeks. And even now - in 2024, people aren't willing to hear that. They want to cling to the idea that 2 weeks was an honest communication at the time - when public health KNEW that it was false. They knew they were lying right from the get go because it never could've been 2 weeks. I don't understand why public health officers haven't been called in front of congress to discuss that - maybe then some daylight would finally start to shine through.
(Then again - they've lied about so many things including how long sars-cov2 was circulating before it became public knowledge - why would they tell the truth now?)
if by now they still don't see that they are wrong, I am sorry but I have no compassion for them. I have a hard time not laughing in their faces.... except maybe for the one, who until recently wore a mask of black velvet embroidered with lots of beads and pearls... she probably wants to get her money out of it..
that was my idea too LOL. It was kinda loose on her face, I wonder what protection she hoped to get from it. I felt suffocated even with the light cotton one I made myself (with holes the size of 1000 virus particles LOL) and only wore it twice. Then I took the one from the WM employee who would not let me in without. In all I used a mask maybe 10 times, and soon as others dropped it so did I. Never bought one either.
I never put a mask on my face again after my medical incident. I did have to deal with bylaw once and being largely excluded from society for years and if I'm honest about it, I still have some trauma from some of the things that happened (it is difficult to live for years where everywhere you go you feel like people are judging you and assuming the worst). But I also had moments of brightness - like watching fully grown men remove their own masks when they saw a woman not wearing a mask in a hospital. (Sometimes they were embarrassed and tried to just sneak it off - those ones amused me the most.)
There are still some businesses that I've permanently boycotted because of their exclusionary practices. While I understand they did it because they were caught by fear - they also lost touch with basic logic and compassion. If everyone had refused to enforce mandates, or wear masks - then this whole scenario would've ended long before it did.
the store where I used to shop groceries refused unjabbed not wearing masks. that store won't ever see me again. Instead I started shopping in the next over small town, where the store only put a plastic board at the cashier (who paid no attention at all, and they removed it again last year) and only asked to keep some distance. Absolutely! if everyone had said no - or at least a large part, none of this would have been possible. I still wonder what goes on in the mind of the 0.1 % who still wear a mask.
I suspect that small number is hopelessly stuck in fear and their ability to think clearly is maybe compromised for an indefinite amount of time. I'm glad you had a store in a neighboring town where you could shop - it's so interesting to me how people could drive 15 minutes and have such different experiences - and yet those in the fear capitals never stopped to wonder why the surrounding areas with no harsh measures were doing ok.
The idea that there are sheep and wolves (or lions if you prefer cats:)) - a prey/predator analogy in society - is certainly a useful one, but for me it lacks a third distinct group - badgers. Folks like me, who were pretty chill ( until the #$%^ got out of hand): Not really interested in telling others what to do or how to live, but not interested in following the herd either. That all changes when you start pushing nonsense ideology or medical impositions etc.. Cornered badgers can get really nasty.
Parasitic elites always self portray themselves as predators of us sheep in their private musings and councils when in any functional sense they are more like tape worms 🪱 in the guts of the societies they infest with the same debilitating economic and social consequences.
Love the guillotine and it’s recyclable. It can be used over and over again and produces fertilizer the natural way by composting the wholly organic waste product. Wood chippers enhance the process but are not required.
The fact that all these corporate shills brought on Bill Gates to opine on matters of health, is all one really needs to know about this entire Covid scam. The fuck cares what Bill Gates opinion is on masking anyway??? Nobody with a working brain, that’s for sure.
It's called DARVO (Deny, Attack, and Reverse Victim and Offender), and it's a favorite tool of philanthropaths, tyrants, and other narcissistic abusers:
• "How Narcissists Use DARVO to Avoid Accountability":
"By denying their actions, attacking the person confronting them, and flipping the roles of victim and offender, the narcissist effectively redirects attention away from their own actions, often causing doubt in the victim's claims."
—Bayu Prihandito
'Philantropaths' Love it! Your coinage?
Mackenzie nee Bezos springs to mind.
Thank you, Ian, and yep! I defined it as “a psychopath masquerading as a philanthropist” in my June 2022 “Anatomy of a Philanthropath: Dreams of Democide & Dictatorship” series:
• “Part 1: A Mostly Peaceful Depopulation”:
• “Part 2: Downloadable Digital Dictatorships”:
• “Part 3: Yuval Noah Harari: Not the Man We Think He Is?”:
I also discussed it in my Corona Investigative Committee presentation:
• “A Mostly Peaceful Depopulation”:
Visceral Adventure made this potent video to illustrate my “Anatomy of a Philanthropath” poem:
Excellent, Margaret!
Still my favorite word for them.
You're not kidding. I've never witnessed so many chardonnay-sipping suburban white female wife beaters.
Don't blame the chardonnay. Fermented without manipulation it really is quite delicious
I like savinaugn blanc
I thought that was a disease dogs got? Hold on a minute…being told that’s parvo. Sorry about the confusion folks!
I m sure there is a vaccine for that, too.
Thanks for that precision acronym.
The moment they make you feel guilty
Is the key. Creating any doubt. Helps to understand the gas lighting game. Squeaky voice, beady eyes, hands flailing he is truly wicked.
The flip side of the narcissistic coin is true kindness and a brave willingness to fight for human rights not just for oneself but for others. I wrote about this in January 2021 from the point of view of a neighbor who had every reason during WW2 to be hateful or bitter but didn't succumb to that nor did a tiny few others such as local Quakers who helped her. Quakers: the same as young Benjamin Franklin and his neighbor the rebel flag making upholsterer Betsy Ross.
Lovely, thank you, A.J.!
This video of a Betsy Ross reenactor is superb. Great description of who asked her to make that first flag.
DARVO from Lindsay--
This is one of the reasons why when people insult me, I turn the insults on myself and then ask, "but back to the original point, masks don't work."
Think about your own family: depressing. Really your own spouse, children, close friends, colleagues , how many malfunctioned, and how many are now lying about it? Memory hole, yes?
This is one consequence of propaganda; we live in a sea of lies and education is the starting point of the lies. Your children are being abused right now, or should I say disabused of honesty, it is called school. They’re being taught what to think not how to think. Is it any wonder that they are so malleable as adults.
But also readers of this author are a highly selected group. This is our thing we care about truth . Our author is a skilful interpreter of reality. Something like 95% of people are disinterested in honesty and generally figuring it out . They would not read this author. It is not their thing, they don’t care . It is our thing we care which makes it worse.
Would give your comment a 100 likes if I could. I think I remain traumatised by the realisation that 95% of people do not care about the truth above all else. Not sure I'm ever going to get over this realisation.
Bettina, you hit the nail. Already a solitary person by nature, I lost my trust in humans completely. Only a few reliable people and even with them it is hard talking. I usually stay home now, with the dog, the cats, the birds, the trees, and I talk to them as if they were humans... at least I can hear my own voice, and they agree with me, specially if I give them a treat LOL
You, Diamond Boy and I could form a support group! My daughter cannot understand how I always want to lift the lid or the stone to see what's underneath. I need the unvarnished truth or it eats away at me. I cannot tell a lie either. I also talk to the dog mostly 😂
"I also talk to the dog mostly"
“Some people talk to animals. Not many listen though. That's the problem.”
― A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh
Yep - her conversation is extremely limited. A paw on my knee, a wet nose in my face, the ball dropped at my feet and the dagger looks if I make the mistake of changing her food or trying to clean her teeth!
Ah, yes. The Paw-Ball-Wet Nose Gambit. Dante the Husky Dawg's got that all figured out.
Now when he barks and I'm inside, we don't assume he wants to come in. He wants me to come out and is most likely bearing a toy.
indeed! I have been scolded several times for wanting to know what is going on. What does it matter to me that Kate is missing, or that people are dying by the bushels from heart attacks? well it does to me. In a way I feel connected specially to the 'underdogs'. Dogs are excellent company. If the weather is bad they just lay down and sleep (mine is snoring here next to me). If it is too cold, or hot, or whatever, they sleep on it!
The Covid Hysteria proves the wisdom of your quest for the truth. And you're in good company: Most people, in fact, will not take the trouble in finding out the truth, but are much more inclined to accept the first story they hear.
It has changed me for ever. No going back from the red pill.
You, in my opinion, are better for it. There was a time, not that long ago that the universities tried to teach this: The object of education is not to fill a man's mind with facts; it is to teach him how to use his mind in thinking.
Henry Ford
My wife becomes infuriated, and/or cries
I'm right there with you. Having this conversation with the first lady, she just wants to go on like nothing ever happened, however, I want answers. She can't even admit that she was lied to, her response is that people were doing the best with the info they had at the time. I point to the Great Barrington Declaration and how all the drs and virologist got censored. The conspiracy is so obvious to me that I cannot understand how this 95% of people could care less.
Tell me how this ends.
When enough of the deluded and deceived hit a concrete wall of consequences like a substance abuser losing all jobs, family, friends and *all* other support. Many will have to due, tragically winning a Darwin Award... exiting the gene pool... Hopefully not as drastic a die-off as a wildfire burning a forest and its soil down to sterile powdery mineral earth because I do believe in the Seven Generations./Seven Fires prophecies which will bring back a lot of old nature wisdom to fight the big pharm biz and white coated licensed doctor maniacs.
“ it will only be broken by the pitiless crowbar of events” Alexander Solzhenitsyn.
You talked with Jill Biden?
I feel for you DB. At least she is reacting, and not just stone cold... but it must be a real challenge to figure out how to love someone who just can't, or won't, stand by you in staring down reality.
She’s a good girl just not wired for inquiry
I like and trust most humans as individuals, just not as groups. It's always disconcerting to me when a person's individual moral compass, swings 180 degrees from their group moral compass. There is no way that I can live with that kind of compartmentalization. Most ideologies are group oriented, at least the most dangerous ones are.
Yeah the alternative is a life of bitterness and contempt.
Tempting though....
abandoned a few when the group think invaded the personal think. Now I only visit with people who think for themselves. Thankfully I found a handful who stayed away from mass media and informed themselves during these 4 years. Just got an Easter invitation! Totally pleased!
"...when a person's individual moral compass, swings 180 degrees from their group moral compass. There is no way that I can live with that kind of compartmentalization."
Some may call it not compartmentalization but rather hypocrisy. And a certain group (leftists) seem to have an infinite capacity for it. It enables them to march in lockstep chanting "MEN CAN BE WOMEN".
Compartmentalization may be a form of hypocrisy, I think the difference is that hypocrisy is conscious while compartmentalization is unconscious. It's a form of "self protection" to keep you from dealing with the contradictions.
I'm okay with defining compartmentalization as "unconscious hypocrisy".
Then maybe leftism is a form of "self protection" to keep you from dealing with contradictions. That is, if leftists really believe claims such as 'men can be women' and 'socialism is better at increasing prosperity than free enterprise is'. But I don't believe that they really believe those things, which makes them hypocrites.
I'm glad you clarified that "Most [dangerous] ideologies are group oriented." I totally agree. The group orientation is key. The truth is, a group doesn't think. Individuals do. But when the group becomes more important than the individual (an actual tenant of most leftist ideologies) the shared ideology becomes greatly watered down, and the ability for a thinking person to attach to it is greatly reduced.
I have a very narrow body of people in my friend group. I don't interact with others because they see me as anathema, not I them. If you eschew group think, those in the group can't tolerate your airing any question (which they see as a challenge) to their smooth and perfect safety blanket. They are not seeking truth, they are seeking comfort. "I am uneasy having to struggle with difficult concepts and defend my thoughts which are or may be different than others so I'll attach myself to this unifying flag which comes with people who are like minded." It appears there is an unspoken agreement that 'I won't question you and you wont question me as long as we carry the banner proudly'. Party über alles.
To protect the great masses of thinking for themself, they make those who have different opinions as conspiracy theorists, psychologically unstable, domestic terrorists and white supremacists. I sometimes think that all this invective isn't really for the purpose of shaming people who disagree, but really to help keep all those captive in the group think in-line.
Excellent synopsis.
Ingrid, perfect. Oh boy, life is not what I expected, silly statement but I can’t help but feeling disappointed.
take courage! life isn't easy for anyone. Years ago my mom said, we are born, we work all our lives and then we die. But in between, there are beautiful spring flowers, lovely dogs, sweet cats (and a few bad ones), delicious recipes, chocolate, wine, and instead of worrying, I just started living life as I want it. I was told to be prediabetic and to diet, and I do the opposite. I couldn't care less. I will die from something. If it is from this delicious Easter egg, so be it!!! At least I will have eaten it LOL
Good philosophy
Hello Bettina, I am identical to you, I struggle with this everyday and sometimes all day. Without exaggeration it is the worst aspect of my life. I’m 60 and have grown to hate people but I have not given up I can still find happiness. (Mostly alone)
Sorry that’s pretty harsh but for me it’s the truth.
This is why we need to organize
Diamond Boy I only read your comment after I posted mine! well said. I totally agree. Happiness comes from yourself, and others can add to it, but we found out the hard way, that they can stand in the way of it as well.
Yes, if you depend on others to make you happy, you probably won't be.
I am 71 and have been around the block a few times. I have always felt like a misfit. I want to know the truth. I am honest to a fault and I don't have much of a filter on my mouth but I try not to be mean. This gets me into trouble at times but I acknowledged long ago that it is the price of being me. People can come and go in my life but ultimately I have to live with myself.
I have come to the conclusion that most people stumble blindly through their lives. They don't know..... and they don't want to know. This, to me, is very sad and harmful to all of us. However, it is, what it is.
Sounds like me. Keep doing it!
My goodness this old codger took the words right out of my mouth
Truth? I just come for the free catnip.
Well...what wonderful, unique and powerful qualities the folks here have.
Ikr? I'm all..I mean I know, it's a talent that I...
Yeah- I'm pretty much just mouthy and truthful. Like my X intro says : my Inner Idiot demands equal time.
Life would be no fun I&K if we didn't allow ourselves the indulgence of getting in touch with our inner idiocracy
My inner idiot is kinda weird. I'm not sure if it's the Barbarian who likes knives or the woman of science who reads tarot.
Or the barefoot gardener...or...
*When you have enough idiocy to make definitive Who's Who difficult. * 😂🤣
I can identify with that!
It makes it more painful...but as some might infer from my nomitive, I very much care about Truth.
Very well said, fellow.. we have a group nickname??
It very well could be that trying to herd us into a shared nickname is know...herding cats!
Bad cats is apropos of our goody author
How do they figure 95%? How do they measure this. Was this a survey? Was it based on who voted in the last election? Was it based on CDC data? Some article in Psychology Today? How do you quantify "disinterested in honesty?" Do people ask how many are fans of the Billy Joel song of the same name?
The big problem of this is it is Dunning Kruger at its finest. We would presume to know the minds of others? That takes a glorious special type of expertise. Operators are standing by to tell you your future as well as presume to know your own mind. Turn on the gaslight, but don't light the match of truth around it.
It can be certain that people may behave as though they are "disinterested in honesty." But maybe they are caught in an Asch experiment and simply don't want to be singled out. I wore a mask on Uber rides even though I knew they didn't work. Can someone watching me pass in an Uber seeing my masked face know the difference? What about the driver of the Uber vehicle? Can he tell the difference between compliance in behavior only vs. a true believer?
I am an optimist. I think 80% of statistics are made up on the spot. I would love to see this study about honesty and figuring things out. What questions were they asked? What tasks were they given to make these determinations?
It comes from the cave scene in Plato’s republic.
Very perceptive and well said. This is a very old strategy: We must win the common people in every corner. This will be obtained chiefly by means of the schools, and by open, hearty behavior, show, condescension, popularity, and toleration of their prejudices, which we shall at leisure root out and dispel.
Adam Weishaupt
Well, no. Amongst the company are people who like to think for themselves, and people who want their own viewpoints validated, and people who are devoted members of cults but demonize other people whose cults use the techniques the older ones have perfected.
Wait - so pants are required?
The right pants. That's how you stop monkey-pox.
I think there are better ways.
This conversation is suspect fellas....;)
If I weren't out of breath, I'd pant less.
I was out in public in the Imperial Capital recently, and there is no shortage of people there who are still proudly on Team Mask.
I'm completely serious. People of respectable demeanor wearing COVID masks in public in 2024.
In my house we call them "Democrat Voters." Tragic.
When I see someone driving with their mask on with a Biden/Harris sticker on the car, I see that as redundant.
There is a scientifically proven correlation between sex (or gender as it's called today), political opinions of the woke kind, and mental illness:
"The studies also assessed how having critical social justice attitudes relates to well-being variables. Many authors have previously linked critical social justice attitudes to poorer mental well-being in their work implicitly, but have not studied them directly (e.g., Lukianoff & Haidt, 2018). In our samples (Study 1 and Study 2), having high CSJAS scores was linked to anxiety, depression, and a lack of happiness. However, Study 2 indicated that this lower level of mental well-being was mostly associated with being on the political left and not specifically with having a high CSJAS score. The association between lower mental health and supporting the political left is in line with what other studies have found prior to this one (Bernardi, 2021; Gimbrone et al., 2022)."
Quoted from:
"Construction and validation of a scale for assessing critical social justice attitudes", Oskari Lahtinen, Scandinavian Journal of Psychology. Full paper here:
It chimes well with the fact that mental institutions were shuttered all over the West during the 1980s and early 1990s, meaning that people who would otherwise have received treatment for their problems instead could be recruited into the cults of woke, modern-day liberalism and progressivism.
I haven't read the report, and I think there's plenty of room for mental health issues by all 73 genders (especially if it's one of the new 71; but I digress) but it's been thought before.
“Winston had disliked her from the very first moment of seeing her. He knew the reason. It was because of the atmosphere of hockey−fields and cold baths and community hikes and general clean−mindedness which she managed to carry about with her. He disliked nearly all women, and especially the young and pretty ones. It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigoted adherents of the Party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers−out of unorthodoxy.”
― George Orwell, 1984
Again, wading in probably a little too deep: There is no masculine counterpart for The Karen.
Oh but there is, there is!
He is less noticeable nowadays than he was in his earlier two incarnations, because back then, ha had to display his state as a liberated and progressive modern man (swedish even has an idiomatic term for such men: velour-man - I'd suggest corduroy-cuck for an english version, maybe, thoug it's rather offensive) in public via the way he dressed and acted.
Nowadays, he can hide behind a desk, a degree or a device instead. No need for long nights in cold and clammy basements, hand-cranking a copier with flyers about Kambodia as the role-model for other nations, or the virtues of Chairman Mao.
The beatnik who thought it progressive to let other men sleep with his girlfriend - and if those men were non-white, so much the better! (Despite what his instincts and emotions told him.)
The hippie who thought giving young teeny-boppers LSD and explaining to them why gangbangs were a form of protest against "the Man".
And in the 1970s, the velour-man. The man who fathered three children with his woman (not married of course, just being "life-partners"). The man who worked his arse off to provide for them. The man who staid at home with the kids when they were ill while the stay-at-home mother went to her night-school for private lessons in "exotic dancing" with that nice guy from (insert 3rd world nation here).
He does exist, but where Karen projects her own inner self on the world, he does the reverse. He hurts his real self to force it to become the artificial ideal he's been conditioned to "bellyfeel" as doubleplusgood.
This of course only applies to white men of bourgeoise middle class or richer.
(Hope you pardon the rant, I've been reading lots of stuff from 1960s and 1970s France recently.)
"(Hope you pardon the rant, I've been reading lots of stuff from 1960s and 1970s France recently.)"
Wholly schamokes, no pardon necessary.
I do see Velour Men and see some people who fit. They're not necessarily the ones that project their way but kinda let others roll them over. The VMs I see are often paired up with Karens.
Correct, that's how the self-doubting Corduroy Cock gets a woman.
Perhaps in Scandinavia some day, the Viking ethos will return. Just not any time soon.
Fitting. I saw a survey the other day that recorded 61% of democrats feel they are still living in the pandemic. I have family still wearing the little battery operated neck gadget that prevents your personal space from becoming infected.
OMG even worse than here. Yesterday I had to be in the store where 2 people stubbornly stay masked. One of the shoppers wore one round her neck. I avoid the store by all means, but it is the only one with that product I need!
Yeah, I live near Boston, the town responsible for the public health mentality that created the pandemic. Nobody is switching jerseys here like the bad cat believes. The only thing that could pull Boston out of its delusion is if people started going to jail or losing their jobs, and that isn’t going to happen.
I had a delightful visit to the ER this week.
NOT A SINGLE MASK (small "satellite" hospital - government run, Australia).
Except on one of the nurses, who promptly removed it when it was clear I (deaf) couldn't understand what she was saying.
Totally makes sense. The American Democrat party has very few if any adherents in the remoter parts of Australia.
Oh, we have our share of Covidians, and yes, they are mostly on the left. We had masked people driving alone in cars, and still more who insist that they actually do something.
It's actually kind of narrow to think that the phenomenon is restricted to American Democrats. People here are not being held to account, either. The Parliamentary "Covid Inquiry" was about whether or not they bought *enough* vaccines of the right type at the right time - not about injuries, death, or overreach.
THAT is why it was so amazing, refreshing, to be in a medical facility where nobody was masked.
Genuine question - are Australian lefties still Masking & Jabbing in 2024? Years ago I visited Melbourne and yes, Australia has Woke Lefties on par with any you'll find in the Northern Hemisphere.
But I wonder whether there is some regional divergence taking place in 2024, compared to the global lockstep Left Wing Tyrant responses of 2020/21.
Australia was softened for decades. Our ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corp) was a trusted source - really. Holding truth to power, uncovering our own military's war crimes, going to court to protect sources. In 2019, there were the fires, and the feeling there was - except for the worst hit - that the "government would keep us safe." So when the ABC (yes, it's considered "leftist") became Covidian, everybody had always trusted Norman Swann before (his son had held an amazing interview with Chump) - why not trust him now?
It's the same with the medical system. Like children, the government provides our medical care, and most people follow the algorithms and protocols. (when I first moved here, I was a little shocked at how little people were involved with their own medical treatment. I would ask, "what did the Doctor say?" and they would answer, "He gave me some tablets." What tablets? "I don't know, just some tablets.") Why not trust it? It provided that amazing knee replacement, it provided all of our screenings and treatments - so why not trust it now?
I personally got caught on the wrong side of the fires, and experienced this tragedy as I tried to get home. We were told what was safe, diverted from fiery paths, and got home safely. I now suspect that those horrible fires were softening us up for COVID. We were masking then because of the smoke.
So when COVID hit, yeah, we did a bit of "that politician is an idiot" - but - left and right followed, lockstep.
So here in Australia, it's not a left/right divide so much as "trust/mistrust" divide. And I would throw a dart and suggest that easily 90% trusted (and are still trusting).
I managed to save a friend from her 6th shot this month.
Left and right are wings of the same bird.
I call them Closet Commies.
Gato, check out the documents FOIA:ed and released in Germany! Link to Die Fackel who's got an article giving a brief run-dwon and a link to HiDrive where the documents are collected.
In summary re: vaccinations and lockdowns, as professor Stefan Homburg put it:
"Over 2,000 pages showing that the 'pandemic' was all fraud. Highlights:
'High health risk' was not derived from data, but a political decision.
'Herd immunity' was seen as a mere narrative."
Or in other words, it was what we all said it looked like from the get-go.
When you can't get justice, vindication will have to do.
Dr Malik did recently an excellent interview with Sasha Latypova and they come to that same conclusion. the scamdemic was just that, a smoke curtain for the roll out of the jab, a bio weapon that needed to be tested on people and of course, that is not allowed. I read that the term herd immunity, was first used to identify a large group of people where everyone but a few had had the illness. The very few would not get it, because there were not enough transmitters, so they benifited from the 'herd immunity'. Several honest scientists say that herd immunity is not possible with jabs. I think I rather go with that.
egads! Links please? Or a summary or sommat for those of us who are too thick to trawl 2000 pages?
Substack by the name of "Die Fackel" run by an austrian professor who escapded Covidmania in his native Austria to settle in Norway is where I found it. He's written two pieces on it recently and I suspect he'll continue to cover it as new stuff emerges.
The actual documentation is in german I'm afraid.
But a brief summary is essentially what I quoted above:
>The mandates and decisions made re: lockdowns, masking et cetera had nothing to do with health or facts or data, but was a 100% political decision.
>"Herd immunity", and the other newly-minted buzz-terms were seen as a narrative to sell to the public to get them to comply.
In other words, it was 100% as we suspected from the start.
Just look for posts that contain "RKI files" in the header. I think there are two and you should see them on the frontpage.
Thank you Rikard! Another angle to explore.
Sheep and lions: Brilliant!
I cringe every time I see BG...
the gates of hell. the pope said lately he thought that hell was empty. that must be the last person who got out. he closed the gates. all the devils are on earth. a long time ago I read a book that stated that at the end, all would be set free. the world sure looks like it
The antichrist I call him
I still get very upset about masks. Ironically, I originally thought “what’s the harm” in April 2020 - not wanting mandated but thinking people should be free to try things. Then in May had a medical event caused by my own trying of one and did more research and started hard core opposing the talk of mandates that was beginning. I had a respiratory specialist tell me that some people would suffer and that the ethics could be decided later. That conversation was in 2020 and I still haven’t forgiven that doctor for his thoughtless statements. (Nor seen him again)
Though now I just feel sorry for anyone I see masking still. It’s like they’re the ones who lost the ability to think the worst and the mask is a symbol of their ongoing fear and paranoia now. So I do feel sorry for anyone still masking.
The smell of ones individual fear became the opium for the masses.
I agree with this. I also think there was a social contagion issue at play where people who paid attention to things overseas and only saw the propaganda coming out of China, built the fear up during the time period when the media was still telling people to not worry. (I regret to say I contributed to that building of background worry with watching what Italy and China were going through and talking to friends about it. When the government locked down I instantly saw the error the day a friend visited on the sidewalk and stayed 6 feet away... and I pushed back but people were blinded by fear and "protecting others" without understanding that the things that they could do for themselves (sleep, eat healthy, exercise, stay home when sick - all the usual things) were sufficient for everyone else and government involvement was really not for the best.) I was slandered pretty harshly for openly talking about the risk of harms from lockdowns and called anti-science amongst other things. (actually got a lawyer involved at the time as it had crossed the line into harassment)
To me - science is all about being able to talk about things. Share hypothesis and concerns. Yes - but then those hypothesis need to be tested. I recently had a conversation where I told the people involved that it was never going to be 2 weeks because it COULDN'T be. The info around about quarantines and breaking transmission chains from pre-covid, showed that a true quarantine had to span 3 to 4 chains of transmission time (for those diseases where quarantine actually works!) - so it could never have been 2 weeks. And even now - in 2024, people aren't willing to hear that. They want to cling to the idea that 2 weeks was an honest communication at the time - when public health KNEW that it was false. They knew they were lying right from the get go because it never could've been 2 weeks. I don't understand why public health officers haven't been called in front of congress to discuss that - maybe then some daylight would finally start to shine through.
(Then again - they've lied about so many things including how long sars-cov2 was circulating before it became public knowledge - why would they tell the truth now?)
Spot on. Very well said.
Thanks for fighting the good fight!
if by now they still don't see that they are wrong, I am sorry but I have no compassion for them. I have a hard time not laughing in their faces.... except maybe for the one, who until recently wore a mask of black velvet embroidered with lots of beads and pearls... she probably wants to get her money out of it..
Ditto on the lack of compassion and thinly veiled contempt.
lol. I can’t imagine it would be comfortable - wouldn’t it be heavy? And get disgustingly wet quickly?
that was my idea too LOL. It was kinda loose on her face, I wonder what protection she hoped to get from it. I felt suffocated even with the light cotton one I made myself (with holes the size of 1000 virus particles LOL) and only wore it twice. Then I took the one from the WM employee who would not let me in without. In all I used a mask maybe 10 times, and soon as others dropped it so did I. Never bought one either.
I never put a mask on my face again after my medical incident. I did have to deal with bylaw once and being largely excluded from society for years and if I'm honest about it, I still have some trauma from some of the things that happened (it is difficult to live for years where everywhere you go you feel like people are judging you and assuming the worst). But I also had moments of brightness - like watching fully grown men remove their own masks when they saw a woman not wearing a mask in a hospital. (Sometimes they were embarrassed and tried to just sneak it off - those ones amused me the most.)
There are still some businesses that I've permanently boycotted because of their exclusionary practices. While I understand they did it because they were caught by fear - they also lost touch with basic logic and compassion. If everyone had refused to enforce mandates, or wear masks - then this whole scenario would've ended long before it did.
the store where I used to shop groceries refused unjabbed not wearing masks. that store won't ever see me again. Instead I started shopping in the next over small town, where the store only put a plastic board at the cashier (who paid no attention at all, and they removed it again last year) and only asked to keep some distance. Absolutely! if everyone had said no - or at least a large part, none of this would have been possible. I still wonder what goes on in the mind of the 0.1 % who still wear a mask.
I suspect that small number is hopelessly stuck in fear and their ability to think clearly is maybe compromised for an indefinite amount of time. I'm glad you had a store in a neighboring town where you could shop - it's so interesting to me how people could drive 15 minutes and have such different experiences - and yet those in the fear capitals never stopped to wonder why the surrounding areas with no harsh measures were doing ok.
Totally hear you.
Love the witch meme
"She turned me into a Newt!"
"I got better."
Thank you!
One of the all-time classics
"I mean, if I went around saying I was an emperor just because some moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me, they'd put me away!"
I’ll never forget that meme going around “you get your health advice from” and it showed bill in a sweater with his floppy man bewbs
Moobs 🤣🤣🤣🤣
is anyone collecting all the wonderful vocabulary we invented in these last 4 years? It must be several hundred pages by now LOL.
Not enough mental eye bleach for this one 🫣😭!!!
My mind’s eye! My mind’s eye!
The idea that there are sheep and wolves (or lions if you prefer cats:)) - a prey/predator analogy in society - is certainly a useful one, but for me it lacks a third distinct group - badgers. Folks like me, who were pretty chill ( until the #$%^ got out of hand): Not really interested in telling others what to do or how to live, but not interested in following the herd either. That all changes when you start pushing nonsense ideology or medical impositions etc.. Cornered badgers can get really nasty.
Parasitic elites always self portray themselves as predators of us sheep in their private musings and councils when in any functional sense they are more like tape worms 🪱 in the guts of the societies they infest with the same debilitating economic and social consequences.
Markedly more parasitic than symbiotic indeed
Calling other people "useless eaters" as if others are there to be useful to 'you' speaks to the magnitude of their narcissism.
Love the guillotine and it’s recyclable. It can be used over and over again and produces fertilizer the natural way by composting the wholly organic waste product. Wood chippers enhance the process but are not required.
*slips into badger suit, admires reflection* Huh.
I'm badger and I'm proud!
Lookin' good Bro.
thank you. Badger is one of my Medicines, and I kept wondering why I was - so burrowed down while the wolves and sheep fought it out.
Gates having mentioned wearing masks as reasonable as wearing pants only makes me think of, "Liar, liar, pants on fire".
What was he wearing on Epstein Island I wonder 😏🙄?
As the saying goes (paraphrasing Tacitus), "Victory has many fathers, failure is an orphan"
They want grace. It’s not the best thing for me to say, but I want retribution, and consequences.
There is no shame in desiring retribution. Retribution is righteous when in service of justice.
Besides, I hear that He subcontracts… 😈 …often.
Odious, lying troll. He probably doesn't remember ever meeting Epstein, either.
Fantastic word choice!
Thank goodness we have the receipts.
The fact that all these corporate shills brought on Bill Gates to opine on matters of health, is all one really needs to know about this entire Covid scam. The fuck cares what Bill Gates opinion is on masking anyway??? Nobody with a working brain, that’s for sure.