at first i was fine with just stuffing this idiocy back into the ivory tower of Marxist academia but after seeing the attacks on children, i believe it has to be ripped out root and stem

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marxist academia in usa is aligned with frankfurt school, escaped marxist academes from 1930's germany.....

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It’s hard to believe that abstract is not a parody. What does it say when academic journals become indistinguishable from the Babylon Bee?

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Here's some news from the Cult Covidian SJW crew, which has decided that parental consent prior to medical procedure is so "white": "Pfizer and Moderna this week predicted children as young as 5 could be eligible for COVID vaccines by early September. Adding to the urgency is news that many key cities — including Philadelphia, San Francisco, District of Columbia and Seattle — are now asserting the extraordinary, unprecedented authority to vaccinate children as young as 11 without parental consent or even parental knowledge."

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That Mesrobian tweet... brilliant.

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Thank you for picking up on this. It's so crazy. However, I love your last point! Too clever.

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hate and need for a villainous 'enemy'.... tolerate no dissent

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Narcissism, pure and simple. They live in a delusion. Many are sociopaths. Some are psychopaths. Their arrogance allows them to believe that "their intellect" is superior to everyone else's. That they are the fountain of all knowledge. But it is merely a delusion, because they live in in home with no windows, only mirrors. It is a sign of mental illness. They are really demented and damaged people.

It is a form of projection, in that, they truly hate themselves (and their bad thoughts), so they project onto others the "bad thoughts" they have in their demented psyche and attack the person that they project onto, in a symbolic gesture to make themselves feel better about having those bad thoughts themselves. If they accuse x of doing y, or wanting to do y, deep down in their mind they want to do y, and/or are in fact doing y. But they accuse x and demean x because they know y is bad and feel shame that they have those thoughts. In that way they are purging their own demons at the expense of others (in their own mind at least) and are completely oblivious to reality, as they have created their "own" reality. The truly sociopathic and psychopathic ones do this excessively, not because they feel shame, but to deflect from themselves as they are doing the bad deeds they accuse others of doing. Those are the ones to be really careful about.

The misguided doctor that says whiteness is an illness actually hates himself for whatever demented reason and feels guilty about being white, hence his lunacy. The politician who accuses his opponent of "colluding" with a foreign power to win an election, is probably colluding with a foreign power to win an election. The politician who does that is more likely a sociopath/psychopath as they aren't doing it out of their their own feelings of personal shame.

Either way, it is narcissistic behavior.

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The modern world...for good and ill...is the creation of European and American men...except the dishwasher, which was made by an American woman.

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This video/song sums it up nicely...


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When do white people qualify for disability payments?

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So he must be describing himself then...oh, and Obama too.

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