No mention of God? The Bible? Without those, this country's founding principles would have been rudderless. Our creator endows, not the government. It is when we declare God useless or dead or don't declare Him at all that civilization is imperiled. Here we are. Man world wide takes no head of God, but has supplanted God in his own mind with himself.
No mention of God? The Bible? Without those, this country's founding principles would have been rudderless. Our creator endows, not the government. It is when we declare God useless or dead or don't declare Him at all that civilization is imperiled. Here we are. Man world wide takes no head of God, but has supplanted God in his own mind with himself.
the founders were smart enough to use the term "creator" and to enshrine the ideals of the western enlightenment in our foundational documents. just s christianity is not judaism, the ideals of this nation are not christian but of the western enlightenment.
No mention of God? The Bible? Without those, this country's founding principles would have been rudderless. Our creator endows, not the government. It is when we declare God useless or dead or don't declare Him at all that civilization is imperiled. Here we are. Man world wide takes no head of God, but has supplanted God in his own mind with himself.
I also think that all too many on the Left suffer not so much from a 'loss
in a belief in the transcendent' as much as a rise in self regard, in what
the French call amour-propre. (Yikes, I'm sounding like Jean Francois Kerry
himself here!). They are incredibly narcissistic-think Bubba, think Hillary,
think of just about anybody in Congress or Hollywood. Thomas Sowell talks
about it.....
"....the need for 'self-congratulation' among intellectuals, who see
themselves as the 'anointed.' Intellectuals are smitten with the beauty of
all-encompassing theories and are seduced into believing that, through
promulgating them, they become better than the ordinary run of mankind. Thus
Mr. Sowell lends a dark edge to the usual critique of the intellectual
elite. For him, most social reformers are really narcissists, willing to
ignore the real-world consequences of their schemes for the sake of
G.K. Chesterton said that it was once, "Jones worshipping the God
within" and now it is "Jones worshipping Jones". The Left loves to think of
themselves as being practitioners of compassion but as you watch them, you
begin to suspect that the real object of their sensitivity and tender
solicitude is their own reputation for sensitivity and tender solicitude.
And let's not leave out ignorance, the yawning, gaping, hollow, echoing
void that exists where a bare bones inventory of facts should exist within
the average citizen. I believe an incredible number of otherwise decent, God
fearing Americans just don't know or care what the hell is going
or in times prior. And the Dems feed on that...stoking old fears,
reinforcing old stereotypes. And its a helluva lot easier when you have the
media and academia in your pocket, not to mention the teachers union and
trial lawyers.
Came here hoping someone had said this.
the founders were smart enough to use the term "creator" and to enshrine the ideals of the western enlightenment in our foundational documents. just s christianity is not judaism, the ideals of this nation are not christian but of the western enlightenment.