Well thought and written article gato, but:

"we have taken the cohesive and broken it into warring tribes and taken our shared dreams and polestars and rendered them squalid negative-sum scuffles for regulated prominence. "

We didn't do that, it was done to us. The schools and media have been weaponized against us sowing division and discord.

"the idea of “us” has been effaced and replaced with ideas of warring tribes striving not to breathe free but to demand free stuff from others who are alleged to have aggrieved them"

This happened to us from the top down with stage productions like the pandemic, George Floyd, and January 6th. I agree that it must be solved from the bottom up:


A primary tentpole of this takeover is to dumb us down to the lowest common denominator. Experienced and educated critical thinkers make for poor slaves. Our elders and their old ways of thinking have to be eradicated. Division, demoralization, and the destruction of education are three key tools in achieving total domination.

Bread (UBI/SNAP/EBT), circuses (media), overbearing propaganda (news), fabricating and dramatically magnifying our differences (5th generation warfare), radicalizing the populace (elections/politics), and sealed-open borders are all being brought to bear against us:

By weaponizing woke ideology, a powerful group is destroying the modern world by poisoning the wells we all share of comradery, fellowship, and family – they are doing everything they can to decimate the ties that bind us together and to destroy every trace of common ground and brotherhood between us.

Values we all once shared that were intended to do the most good for the most people are being maliciously torched in the name of discord and disunity by utilizing a reality denying, mentally ill, family destroying, child warping, depraved ideology.

The globablists’ have successfully utilized the Red vs Blue, East vs West, Vaxxed vs Unvaxxed, Masked vs Unmasked, Boy vs Girl, Gay vs Straight, Choice vs Life, Black vs White dichotomies to exploit our innate tribal nature, and in doing so are dividing and conquering us. This ‘us-vs-them’ separation makes us easy to control and direct with simple angry thoughts about “the enemy” who isn’t really our enemy – while blinding us to the actual enemy behind the curtain pulling the puppet strings. If we could collectively recognize this for what it is the NWO wouldn’t stand a chance.

Most people will not act to secure their future, so long as they feel they have an advocate fighting for them in the public or political arenas. This is why Republican vs Democrat equals divide and conquer. The human mind is binary. Our thought process can often be boiled down into terms (often ultimatums) of – this or that – and our adversaries understand - very well - the art of this war.

They know that politicization is so effective at manipulating us because most emotionally connect their personal belief system to the belief system of their political party, and so then any attack on their party – legitimate or otherwise – is interpreted by their brain as an attack on themselves. Reason and logic then jump out the nearest window as raw emotion takes the helm, thus making them even more susceptible to the predatory controlling influences.

United we will stand, divided we will fall, our adversaries know this which is why we are being mercilessly divided.


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i tend to resist the "this was done to us" framing as a claim to victimhood which renders one both less responsible and less capable.

this is not so say that malefactors have not sought to prey upon us to break our unity, but rather that they cannot do so without our permission and so that it is ultimately we who decide and must decide to play these games no longer.

the aptly described "weaponization of woke" only works if you take these people seriously and shoveling it back must come form the bottom up, not the top down. so, it is always "we" who do and we who must take responsibility for what has been and must be done.

they played a dirty trick because that's what governments do, but we fell for it and allowed it to go on and only we can fix it. we are the ones who lost cohesion and vision and we are the ones who must find it again.

governments will always seek to divide and conquer it's people, to agitate and enrage them against one another. a society that would withstand such must develop an immune system to such irritants and to fail to take the bait. i think it's important to frame the issue in resilience and independence, not in aggrievement for "what was done." who to blame is often a less productive question than "how to fix this."

and school choice with funded students, not systems is a great start.

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I appreciate your approach to view every problem as an opportunity to find a solution rather than an excuse to become a victim, gato, but I see this as a chicken and egg problem. How can a society develop an immune system against something yet to be encountered? We are dealing with is apex level 5th gen warfare that has become so advanced that fighting it is like boxing cobwebs.

With Obama's repeal of the Smith–Mundt Act, DARPA has been running nonstop PSYOPs on Americans for a decade and Washington DC has devolved into a propaganda giga-factory. As a result, already many cannot see an inch past their own biases or even recognize them.

The want us at each others throats. They want us to lose all faith in the system and believe that there is nothing left worth salvaging. And they want us view each other as the enemy so that we ravage one other with maximum prejudice. And through their game-theoried-to-death techniques they are getting what they want.

As we destroy each other they will sit back, watch, and eat ze popcorn as the last bulwark against their dominion over the world - The United States of America - brings itself to ruin in a blaze of hatred and violence.

But I digress. Solutions are what we are after:

Another solution beyond school choice is local participation in governance, but to reference something you mentioned below, we're already heavily infected with hatred and this disease is spreading so rapidly it is difficult to see how we can stem the tide.

Give this a quick read if you have a sec gato, i would like your thoughts on it: https://tritorch.substack.com/p/apathy-is-the-fire-in-which-we-burn

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of course they want us at one another's throats and to get that, they will keep ramping up the provocation so people fail to notice that they are robbing the place blind because we're too busy fighting over men in women's restrooms and made up stories about how it's impossible to adapt to 2mm a year of sea level rise.

but that's always going to happen. there is no enduring solution that involves "them." we'll never get smarter of better people next time. so it must lie with us.

there is a potent sort of societal jiujutsu that uses 5th gens war's power against it and that is that rather than the ants in the jar fighting one another when it shakes, that the ants start talking and all gang up on the jar shaker. that requires not being provoked, but in pointing out who is doing the provoking and why.

that common ground can only come from us and from the bottom up and the path to it lies in seeing what's being done and learning to unify against it rather than becoming useful idiots brawling in the streets.

the same people who can be made to believe that "that other group of citizens did this to you" can be made to believe "no, it was the government" and covid really opened a lot of eyes. trust in institutions is low and this creates an opportunity for new networks of trust. this is what the reputation economy must build

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"of course they want us at one another's throats"

Team Pitchfork vs The Torch Crew:


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Agreed. We are the ones we've been waiting for!

What are your opinions about the solutions in the link provided? Useful or useless?

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How to build from the bottom up?

Key to destroying that ability is control of education. We now have 2 (or 3?) generations "educated" that the core values and objectives or our representative republic are wrong. The "wrong' message has incrementally escalated. Seemingly innocuous at first, even deceptively rational, inch by inch establishing a model of "truth" that disallows challenge. Much of this is built upon two things: corruption of language and false equivalences. Gradually erasing the meaning of words and replacing them with the opposite: "liberal" means narrow minded and intolerant; suggesting that words mean what they mean (e.g. "shall not be infringed") becomes "conservative" or "constructionist" or "originalist" with clear implication these things are to be eradicated. Then invoke "everybody knows": falsehoods sold as virtue (civilized people do not need the ability to defend themselves, "free" healthcare is better than choice, etc). Accumulating incrementally until absurdity replaces anything rational and the "well educated" think absurd IS rational.

So the question is, how to build back from the bottom up when the bottom is indoctrinated to view progress as wrong, actual unity in common values and goals as wrong, and sees only division?

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Let's just not forget that the "American people" have never been a cohesive bunch, and there's no reason we should be. Ohio does not owe it to California to be like California, and vice versa. Catholics, Jews, Protestants, Muslims, Hindus and atheists all have a right to live their lives by their own values. My sister and I agree on little concerning politics and "American values". We have occasionally had loud disagreements. But there is nothing that we wouldn't do for each other. Historically, there has never been one America, and I presume there never will be. Frankly, I hope not.

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Do you think today’s Americans are like you and your sister? Do you believe there is nothing that we wouldn’t do for each other? That was not my experience during the “ vaccine” wars.

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Did I say we were all getting along? Did I even suggest it? I said, "Historically, there has never been a cohesive America, and I presume there never will be. Frankly, I hope not." My sister didn't try to make me get a vaccine and I didn't try to make her get one. Nor did we try to stop each other. But, if she needed my help, I would be right there. Today, we face authoritarianism at an ugly level that I have never before seen in America. Maybe we can all agree that it has to be forced to stop. Maybe we don't....

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"5th generation warfare" is another version of "BSL-3 virus." These phrases are meant to elevate viruses and war to a level that appears more serious than it actually is. In truth 5th generation warfare is just adopting new technologies for old strategies. When you break down what the actual label is, it is something to be mindful of, but far from intimidating than attaching the moniker "5th generation warfare."

The idea that this is something "yet to be encountered" just isn't true because it has been encountered. It may not be encountered in its current form, such as AI, but we have encountered similar technologies to it. What is old is new. Is it just now that there has been "a war on perception?" What do you think they were dropping leaflets out of airplanes for? Why is a history of graphic design often show examples of war propaganda?

In the end it becomes a question of "knowing thyself." You know yourself, flaws and all, that calibration cannot be easily manipulated. I think any strong study into conformity and brainwashing will show that those who resist it are those who have a tendency towards introversion.

The psyop has existed far longer than that. Our educational system has been making us obedient and dependent for far longer than the Obama administration. Why is it are we taught early and often to repeat facts, and not taught to ask how and why these facts came to be? Or to question the source of these facts?

Of course they want us to be divided or distracted. They want us to view the dissent as "the other." And they want us to view the other with hate. Which is why disagreement is now seen as hate. Can't have something like respect for other opinions to get in the way.

It's why I have as much problem with calling those who took the injection "sheep" as I do with the unsophisticated ad hominem attack of "conspiracy theorist" and "anti-vaxxer." 80% of this country got at least one injection over the last three years. That includes our family and friends. To call them "sheep" for doing so is a vast over simplification.

There is another solution as well and that is "local participation in decentralization and the dismantling of government." A read through the Constitution is an indictment of government because the primary focus of it is to stifle and obfuscate government except in cases where it is truly needed.

A government where nothing gets done in the US is a government working as intended. Why? Because government is the sad and inefficient means to solve a problem, and often motivates some of our worst impulses.

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Our old friend Pogo has the answer. "We have met the enemy and he is us".

-Nations have a right to be nations unless they lose it to conquest (Be unconquerable)

-Fit in or Eff Off.

-Limits to the kind and number of people allowed to migrate with legally-enforced pauses when assimilation is slow.

-Ellis islands at every border to turn away or quarantine the virulent, and especially the felonious.

-enforcement of immigration law with prison penalties *on our internal traitors* rather than on immigrants.

-limiting political office to the native born

And so on. Like female franchise, love it or loathe it; it wasn't granted by women.

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Hear, hear. Woke is like an autoimmune disease and the mainstream media is like drugs to our society. Woke has been inserted with fear and craftiness and evaded out immune system.

We are responsible for our immune system, never take toxins (MSM news) casually, never take drugs (TV series) to the point of addiction. If we start to work together and repel the invaders instead of our peers we will have repaired out immune system. We have been victimized but we do not need to become or remain victims.

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Oct 24, 2023
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Well reasoned ideas with no massive faults.

I suppose he could have tied it to the WHO and 'The science" philosophies to make it relevant to today a bit more.

One thing he did not make clear, a few hints only, and I wonder if you have ideas that he has offered or any of your own. Based on the idea that division is used to enslave everyone who is left to profit from it without being seen to do so. Right now I have seen no sign of rich people wanting to rock the boat, rather people trying to enrich themselves as best they can by utilizing the prevailing condition.

Who profits form Americanized Maoism? How will they hide? On a global scale is this simply a natural oscillation of power between a shrinking minority until they destroy themselves or are destroyed OR is this a slide into a 'artificially' sustained state of being where one (or a few) families enslaves every other person on the planet to fulfill all their wants and destroy the efficiencies possible by negating human creativity to no logical goal?

What are their end goals because being the richest slave owner does not seem like a meaningful goal?

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Great comment. The most interesting questions are not "what's" been done to us, but "who" is behind it, and "why" it's being done.

I've often come across a graph showing an explosion of "mentions" in the NYT, WaPo, etc. of "White supremacy/nationalism" starting around 2012-2014, roughly 4 years after the economy nearly imploded. The two are definitely related. The plebs need to be divided and warring amongst themselves, lest they "Ceausescu" the whole lot of "elites" who've driven our financial futures into a ditch. The Great Reset is their desire for their continued existence atop society. Vastly outnumbered, it sure looks like the "vaccines" were implemented by these evil people to make the odds a little more favorable to themselves.

Keep your powder dry, TriTorch.

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Indeed. The cracks between us have become very deep due to deliberate, decades long work.

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Pithy and precise!

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All Western Christian nations’ immigration laws changed (nearly identically) in the 1960s by the internationalists. Results are in.

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no. conservatives thought it was just other people's children being fucked over and they were gonna just take care of their own.

and see what happened.

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Oct 24, 2023
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I was at CHAZ/CHOP in 2020 walking around in a daze at what I was witnessing. While driving to and from Seattle over a period of a week I listened to an AM radio station for hours as the DJs recounted atrocities committed by whites throughout history against blacks.

The division is very real. And it is 100% inflicted by NGOs like the Open Society Foundation who is directing and funding it.

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these movements always work by empathizing the marginalized, often people lacking virtue or possessed of cluster B traits and then mascotizing them into "victims" by telling them that they own failings were "done to them" and inducting them into the negative sum games of "eat the rich/successful/virtuous" as a path to "recompense." this sets off an immediate need for the upper middle and lower upper classes to defend themselves against attack and drags them into the fray. it's a classic tactic dating back to the earliest bloshevism and maoist menaces. an invitation to wield the whip hand and be beastly to others is deeply seductive to those with cluster B (and to grifters) and the problem with all of this is once punches start flying, fights just spiral and no one has time to think.

this is why the intensity of the societal immune system is so important. once this stuff infects you, getting rid of it is FAR harder than preventing it in the first place

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The Marxists have won. Time to divvy up the squalor of what remains of the great American experiment.

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No division for you over “ vaccines”?

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Oct 25, 2023
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Lucky you, then.

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It wasn’t until Covid madness that I was forced to reckon with the realization that we no longer shared a culture. I spent a year in solid, wailing grief, at the death of that delusion.

The good news is that many of us *do* share it. The bad news is, most of the powerful and the pawnery do not.

Destroying the culture is how you destroy people and make them susceptible to tyranny. This was the entire outward rationale for claiming hyphenated subset cultures in the first place-“we need identities in order to thrive!” And it was, of course, the iron law of projection and inversion-first a tablespoon of sewage in the barrel of wine, and finally there is no wine left.

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So true! Most Covidians do see "the man behind the curtain" then will die convincing you there is absolutely no one there. God bless Covid for pulling back the curtain. My world will never be the same. My vision will never be the same.

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Similar feelings here. I had been lamenting the fall for a long time "before COVID," but during that mess, I had the distinct feeling that America is like a married couple that has had That One Big Fight after which there is no going back. During the lockdown mask madness, we learned who our neighbors truly are, and there is no putting the toothpase back in the tube.

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Well it does get dry and crusty outside of the tube.

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I mean, Ew.

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For me, Covid was what broke the social contract. It made me realize that many people have a very different understanding of the implicit rules of the social contract that holds together society. Many years from now, as historians trace down the core events that lead to WW3, Covid will be at the center.

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I knew for some years something was very wrong but it was the open behaviors of my community members that showed me exactly how far away from our social contracts people have strayed. I'm not confident they would be willing to return to more civilized living as I haven't seen that as of yet.

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Any society that puts the health of those short for this world above the children is doomed.

No previous generations would even have thought it was an option.

It's depravity and I'll never forget what the adults of this country did to children.

Pure wickedness. Shame on them

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The worst part is that “protect grandma” was just the excuse to destroy the social contract. The public health intervention didn’t even help. That is why I always assumed that people understood that the social contract precluded authoritarian public health interventions when it limited people’s abilities from living their lives as they saw fit.

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It was hard to watch. The blind conformity.

It should be a pox on our nation, yet so many just want to forget. I wonder why that is?....

Totally incurious to what went wrong. That doesn't seem like a good harbinger for 20 years from now.

Nothing will be learned and their children will think its normal.


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Canadian senior health official and psychiatrist Brock Chisholm was appointed WHO’s first director in 1948. Here’s one of his well-known quotations:

“To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, loyalty to family tradition, national patriotism, and religious dogmas.” (quoted in Davis, Llewellyn B (1991) Going Home to School, p. 69)

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No mention of God? The Bible? Without those, this country's founding principles would have been rudderless. Our creator endows, not the government. It is when we declare God useless or dead or don't declare Him at all that civilization is imperiled. Here we are. Man world wide takes no head of God, but has supplanted God in his own mind with himself.

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I also think that all too many on the Left suffer not so much from a 'loss

in a belief in the transcendent' as much as a rise in self regard, in what

the French call amour-propre. (Yikes, I'm sounding like Jean Francois Kerry

himself here!). They are incredibly narcissistic-think Bubba, think Hillary,

think of just about anybody in Congress or Hollywood. Thomas Sowell talks

about it.....

"....the need for 'self-congratulation' among intellectuals, who see

themselves as the 'anointed.' Intellectuals are smitten with the beauty of

all-encompassing theories and are seduced into believing that, through

promulgating them, they become better than the ordinary run of mankind. Thus

Mr. Sowell lends a dark edge to the usual critique of the intellectual

elite. For him, most social reformers are really narcissists, willing to

ignore the real-world consequences of their schemes for the sake of


G.K. Chesterton said that it was once, "Jones worshipping the God

within" and now it is "Jones worshipping Jones". The Left loves to think of

themselves as being practitioners of compassion but as you watch them, you

begin to suspect that the real object of their sensitivity and tender

solicitude is their own reputation for sensitivity and tender solicitude.

And let's not leave out ignorance, the yawning, gaping, hollow, echoing

void that exists where a bare bones inventory of facts should exist within

the average citizen. I believe an incredible number of otherwise decent, God

fearing Americans just don't know or care what the hell is going on....now

or in times prior. And the Dems feed on that...stoking old fears,

reinforcing old stereotypes. And its a helluva lot easier when you have the

media and academia in your pocket, not to mention the teachers union and

trial lawyers.

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Came here hoping someone had said this.

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the founders were smart enough to use the term "creator" and to enshrine the ideals of the western enlightenment in our foundational documents. just s christianity is not judaism, the ideals of this nation are not christian but of the western enlightenment.

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In the UK whenever you get a document from the government bureaucracy, you get a few paragraphs of fairly useless info followed by about ten pages of translating it into 30+ foreign languages. God forbid that immigrants to their chosen new home should have to actually bother to learn its language. That presumably would be 'racist' or something.

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In the US, our Medicare payment notifications are the same way.

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here in the US too.

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One can assess the progress of a nation’s rigor mortis on paper.

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After Spanish Civil War, Franco outlawed use of any language but Spanish in the media, schools, government, noting other languages (eg Catalan, Basque, etc.) allowed factions to organize bad acts under radar.

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Excellent piece. The hyphenated warring factions are both planned (divide and rule) but also perhaps inevitable. What supported the old narrative was a mostly level playing field, where since 1971 it’s been tilted by a broken, debt-based fiat money system.

Money is the social contract. When its issuance is fraudulent – small cabals that create it from nothing in favored service to the well-connected – what festers socially is rot. Trust in the system, our institutions, culture, our values, and ethics, they begin to crumble, like once-proud factories in Detroit.

Gains in productivity from technology, ingenuity, and hard work that under a gold standard filter to the working and middle class — the fruit of our labor — are siphoned to the top. A towering edifice of debt – phantom, paper wealth – metastasizes.

Periodic waves of deflationary collapse ripple through the system as the credit cycle matures, fought tooth and nail by inflation, theft from the working and middle class.

It’s quite literally the root of all the worlds biggest problems. We need sound money. And to simply recommit to the US Constitution, everything else dismantled.

Thanks for all your doing!

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Finally, somebody who strikes at the root and not at the branches! Where we are now was totally predictable based on the "fixes" provided during the 2008 continuation of the depression that started in 2000.

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And back in 2008 this is exactly what we were saying would happen.

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Can you imagine having predicted this in 2006 and having to watch it all unfold for so long?


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Yep. Once the money is fake, the rest of the economy is doomed to follow.

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*reviews Steps on Path to Societal Collapse*

I think we are at this step just about now.

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Hey kitty, that is just a retelling of what we already know, and yes the poster is racist and meant to divide us even further. The left has been at this for over 50 years. They realized in the 70's that infiltration of education and the bureacracy was the way to success and here we are.

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"there is a fearsome ongoing lesson from non-digestible groups in EU who came and have no interest in joining societies. they have no interest in a contract that respects women or allows secularism. they are young, alienated, angry, and increasingly violent. they pose a no joke threat to the continuation of the societies they live next to but not really within and a severe challenge to societal mores and expectations and the contracts that underpin and ability to live together." Exactly. And I think that some of these woke DEI folks are going to get a rude awakening that not everyone that they are welcoming here with open arms shares their views. Unfortunately the rest of us are going to suffer as well.

My former workplace is finding this out the hard way. They have gone full woke and DEI and as a result they are losing their best workers. I'm so glad I am retired. Apparently there is a large group of people from another country who cannot or do not want to speak English; the language that they do speak is not widely spoken here (unlike Spanish), and communication is a nightmare because it has to be done through an interpreter--and there is only one other person who knows their language. Anyway, they messed up an assigned task even though there were clear instructions on what not to do. When asked why, they simply shrugged their shoulders. The interpreter, who luckily happened to be on the premises at the time, was sent for. They told the interpreter that the reason they didn't follow the instructions was "they couldn't read." Let that sink into your head. These are people legally working in this country in a factory that makes parts for YOUR cars and they cannot understand enough of the language to follow simple directions. These are the people who are INSPECTING the parts that go in your cars. Next time you find yourself with a big repair bill, ponder this.

The person who shared this story with me also shared another charming one about cultural diversity. Apparently one of these people is in the habit of not tucking in his private parts while he is in the bathroom but waiting until he gets out on the factory floor. Human Resource's response was, "that's his culture, we can't do anything about it." Same with men using the women's restroom. This person told me that the women who work there are feeling increasingly unsafe. HR, being insulated from all this, doesn't have to deal with this in person. So they can, and do, tell people who do not feel comfortable or safe with these new situations, to just deal with it. My feeling is that there is going to be a massive blow-back one of these fine days. Either that, or a lot of companies may find themselves going out of business as they lose their best employees. My friend tells me that they have gotten a lot of customer complaints from the auto plants they supply. Now that the UAW is on strike, nobody knows what might happen next. But hey, we've got to cater to the DEI crowd!

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I've noticed that the most successful, happy immigrants tend to lose their native language after a generation or two. The grandchildren only speak English. Many immigrants from Asia, India, and even Latin America follow this trend. Yes, they may have a name like Pho Tran, but when asked, they say, "No, I don's speak Vietnamese. I'm American." I've met many a Jose who doesn't speak Spanish. In my grandparents' day, it was a source of pride if your children only spoke English. Maybe it's sad what they've lost, but what they've gained is so much more. (Yes, I know, you can be bilingual and also culturally assimilate. But staying bilingual over generations takes effort and isolation, and seems to detract from the task of assimilation.)

Contrast this to some immigrants I met recently, from the Middle East. Yes, the second generation (born here) spoke English, but they couldn't stop telling the rest of us how disgusting we were for eating pork. Or the Somalian immigrants who make accusations of discrimination at every chance. I don't think they came here with these attitudes, but were taught them by the progressive aid organizations. I have to wonder if these aid groups know how much harm they are causing the people they say they want to help?

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1964 Civil Rights Act created special group (vs individual) rights, 1965 Immigration Act opened gates to unassimilatable hoards, 1967 Great Society empowered them. Add Fed Education Dept: 3 strikes, America is out!

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By 1968 the cities where my mother would take me shopping were unsafe. The parks where my grandfather would take me for walks were dangerous, the beautiful fountains drained and fenced off. Even the songs of the time began to talk of the unwanted decline and destruction.

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Brilliant as usual!

The key thing to remember is that intellectuals sell their services like anyone else, but the only reliable buyer for intellectuals' services is the government; thus, they always push pro government ideas.

As you noted, the salad idea requires the government to be above all, which is why the government paid intellectuals to promote the idea & why they were happy to sell it.

To be free, you must free yourself of the IDEAS of tyranny, basically anything intellectuals tell you. Remember the "expert" on TV is selling you something, so treat his or her comments like you would any other ad. Does Coke really make you happy? Does beer really attract women? Does multiculturalism make sense?

An "expert" is just a salesmen for government - keep that in mind & you won't be lining up for safe & effective jabs or DEI.

Salesmen aren't always wrong, but they're always untrustworthy, and that's the secret to life.

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"the meaningful history of a people emerges from the people."

I think this is the difference between A Nation and A Country.


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You cannot fit an infinite number of people into a finite space.

I live in a densely populated state. During my life I have seen wild lands, farms, and even small stands of trees paved over, turned into strip malls and housing developments. What used to be beautiful "country" is now endless commercial sprawl. Places I used to live are now unrecognizable and unpleasant.

ALL of our environmental problems would be smaller if our population hadn't been artificially increased.

The birth rate in the US stabilized at the replacement level a long time ago. Nearly all of the population growth since the 1960s has been due to immigration.

Endless immigration has not made our country a better place. It cannot continue. It must not continue.

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Without population and worker growth, our economy falls apart. Capitalism requires growth to function.

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Then it will fail. You cannot have infinite growth. It's physically impossible.

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I hold no social contracts. Our kitty cat of over 17 years passed on last week. She was part of our tribe of 3. Beyond that, I hold with no tribes, cults or social collectives.

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Please accept my condolences. My cat, Persephone Jane, sends purrs. My 17-year-old tabby, Chloe Saphira, passed away last month. When they go, they take part of our hearts with them.

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17 years, that is a long happy life. those of us that love and have kitties, know this pain. I know this pain very well. You have my sympathy.

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Very sorry for your loss :(

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My condolences.

I like Tribe. We say Pack a lot bc we're have Dante the Husky Dawg. But I like how Tribe covers several species.*


* NOT a reference to an obscure Pink Floyd song.

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But you do have social contracts.

Ever have someone look at their phone or hold a conversation while at a movie theater? That is violating a social contract.

What about someone breaking in line. Again social contract violation.

Remember things that were acceptable before Covid that was intrinsic parts of our social contracts in society? Before Covid it was okay to come to work sick. If you felt sick, it didn't automatically mean calling in sick.

There are more familial ones as well. Opening gifts on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day is a social contract. Rules governing how much or little you are involved in your child's life is a social contract.

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Assimilation and shared values of opportunity and self-sufficiency have been declining for decades. America won’t work if newcomers and later generations don’t value responsibility along with “rights” unearned.

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That why TPTB flodded the wine barrel (to continue Sarah’s metaphor) with free shit. Why work when there’s free shit?

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A brilliant article, really one of your best ever, gato malo! Nothing proves your point better than a deep dive into the culture of the UK, Britain specifically. Much of their original culture has been replaced by immigrant culture. One has only to look at their cuisine to see how little of their English culture remains. In England's case, the melting in the pot has not been from the immigrant side, but the English.

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They're being conquered by their own former colonies.

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Oh, the irony!

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and the melting happens so quckly when you don't impede it. my mother just managed to be born here; she didn't speak english until she entered kindergarten and she remained bilingual all her life but spoke perfect unaccented english and her handwriting was a glory.

and i still remember the little boy in my kindergarten class who cried for the first few months because he only spoke italian but he was a happy little english-speaker by june.

so simple. worked great.

but conservatives didn't stamp out the fungus when it started to eat the lawn and here we are.

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