Fauci has GOT to be done, doesn't he???? My god what a POS!

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social media, traditional media all propaganda arms of the powers that be. every pronouncement is truth, whether substantial or not. every alternative is whacko or inimical. the 70% vaxx requirement is science while implying individual risk reward is evil. some one won $1m for getting vaxxed in ohio.......

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Today, the Pa Dept of Health Secretary announced the mandatory mask requirement will be lifted June 28 or when 70% of the population is "vaccinated", whichever comes first. The kool-aide drinkers are freaking out. They're terrified the mandate will be lifted before the 70% mark.

Seriously, sheep, if you're fully injected...and you believe the injections work...what are you so afraid of? They done lost they minds. ;)

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they are afraid because they are cinditioned to be afraid.....

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Embarrassed for my home state....but haven't lived there in decades and now I know why!

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Why the sudden turnabout? Nothing has changed. What is the real reason for this dramatic change in narrative?

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Sounds like you might be coming around to my view on this. "It's a private company" just doesnt fly when said companies are acting as the State's Ministry of Truth.

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no, i still think private companies should be allowed to do as they like in terms of publication.

i do not support coercive behavior from the state, but support full freedom of association for private individuals.

but i also think people should be aware of the bias so they can make informed decisions.

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el gato - for arguments sake, substack is hosted by google cloud. The google have decided that your , and say Greenwalds discourse, are espousing wrong think, and also have reach.

They turn off substack without warning. Further attempts to find hosting substack on a friendlier environment succeed. But then the a 'coalition of the willing' Internet Service Providers refuse to resolve the DNS for "substack." Then they don't let IP traffic to substack on their networks. And, they block the use of VPNs.

Still good with private companies doing what they like?

Before Parler getting de-hosted, I'd always seen my scenario as a libertarian fan boi worry, and "nah, they wouldn't go that far, that's like the phone company blocking otherwise legal calls."

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the alternative is much much worse and it just steepens the evolutionary gradient to get us to the real prize:

massively redundant swarm sourced strongly encrypted peer to peer internet.

that will render the very idea of censorship anachronistic.

that's why this is my pinned substack.


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He who controls the satellites has last say. I agree. They can shut us down at will.

We'll have to resort to smoke signals.

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I would argue that Facebook, which was transplanted whole from DARPA's "Lifelog" project, is not in any way a private company. It always was the spawn of government. That's what In-Q-Tel is for.

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I posted an interview of Whitney Webb below. Scary stuff. I had no idea how connected these people are to each other and the intel services.

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Agreed. Webb is brilliant. Her work on Epstein and Gates and other Davos types is mind-bending. And Cory Morningstar's expose of so-called "Global Citizen" and all that billionaire managed woke-washing is truly jaw dropping.

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I feel like the Democrats threatening to breakup Facebook just before the election counts as coercive behavior, don't you?

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The Democrats and the Republicans have both made this threat. I'm not sure I believe either party was/is serious.

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This is what I'm talking about.


Two months after Congress grilled the CEOs of Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google’s parent Alphabet, House Democratic lawmakers now have a plan to break up these Big Tech companies.

On Tuesday, the House antitrust subcommittee released a 450-page report as part of a yearlong investigation concluding that there is “significant evidence” to show that the market power of Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google has reduced consumer choice and hindered competition.

“These firms have too much power, and that power must be reined in and subject to appropriate oversight and enforcement,” the report said. “Our economy and democracy are at stake.”

To remedy that, the report suggests that “Congress consider reasserting the original intent and broad goals of the antitrust laws, by clarifying that they are designed to protect not just consumers, but also workers, entrepreneurs, independent businesses, open markets, a fair economy and democratic ideals.”

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I think these companies are too big and too powerful, so I have no problem if they are broken up.

My point is that I'm not sure if the dog is wagging the tail or the tail is wagging the dog. Does Congress control the social media/tech companies to do the companies control Congress.

I posted an interview of Whitney Webb by Robert Kennedy below. The connections between the intel community, these companies, and their executives is scary. I recommend you listen to it.

They are too big. They have too much power and influence. And, it appears, they have plans for us.

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These private companies seem to share common cause with the government. Are they being coerced or do they support with the agenda?

They are no longer platforms, though. They are publishers...of propaganda.

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i think they are expressing the political bias of their leadership and seeking political patronage. they get held hostage by section 230.

interestingly enough, if there were no 230 and these rights were not so tenuous, i suspect these companies would be harder to capture. it works like a sword dangling over their head. if you hold the string, you can demand all manner of behavior.

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I agree that Jack...for all his weirdness...does seem discomfited...and Mark has been caught on camera expressing doubts about the injections to his staff.

Obviously, I prefer they are caught...as bad as that is...than complicit.

If they don't like what's going on, though, they have to power to change it.

We need more bravery. Now.

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This interview of investigative journalist Whitney Webb by Robert Kennedy will blow your mind. My head is spinning. These people can't become worm food fast enough. They mean to do us harm.


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Think there will ever be appetite for changing/repealing Section 230?

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What reason would the cathedral (the gov, tech and the IC) have to do this?

The cathedral can both sensor outliers as they see fit, yet not have to worry about that pesky 1A.

Trump had 2 years to move on 230, and was ineffective in wielding power (and not just on that).

I'm not a fan of Trump, but he exposed the cathedral as not being on the side of the people, for all of us who were looking to see.

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Sadly agree. Ironically - the party in power is the regulation party - it's just that their interests are so aligned now.

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My assessment: post WW II, the cathedral has been there, and growing. Look at Iraq, or Libya or now Yemen. Or when Trump was being impeached, the Defense Authorization Act was passed by the House at the same time.

My take is it's not a case of interests being aligned *now.* They've always been. R vs D is just Coke v Pepsi. Marketing is the differentiation, with the goal being taking market share in both cases.

Substack and podcasts aren't currently controllable by the cathedral. They could so easily be - see AWS taking down the parler servers, as a start. But right now, 230 repeal doesn't sniff as the right path forward. Alternative channels with increasing reach does sniff right. Where dinky substacks like this one , Greenwalds and Taibbis continue to expand reach, and allow for heterdox narritives.

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