If anything it'll be runesticks but they'll scream as you pull each one out of the bag, which will be made from the scrotum of a polar bear that was neither born nor died.
In this instance, I was both absolutely right and because of that I was correct from day one. It's not my fault it took other people 3 years to realize how rightly correct I was.
"You were right, but it was for the wrong reasons."
"I'm still smarter than you. Buy my book."
When I run out of toilet paper, I will.
GM, you have a book? Where can I buy it?
Lol, no, it's a joke about Scott Adams and his intellectual arrogance.
If I get a book published look out your window for the raining lava.
Will it be available in runestone and menhir versions?
Or carved in teeny tiny letters upon a .223 round, delivered at high speed?
If anything it'll be runesticks but they'll scream as you pull each one out of the bag, which will be made from the scrotum of a polar bear that was neither born nor died.
My kind of publication! Rawr!
It will burst into flames as soon as you read it. Then you should buy another copy for family and friends ...
Putting "intellectual" before "arrogance" give Adams too much credit. I actually like the guy, but damn!
I liked him before he was a Covidian.
Ugh, you called that shit. What a mass of contradictions he is.
"Just because you ended up being correct doesn't mean you were right."
In this instance, I was both absolutely right and because of that I was correct from day one. It's not my fault it took other people 3 years to realize how rightly correct I was.
"Even the right people are wrong sometimes".
Put a bunch of monkeys in front of typewriters, and eventually you'll get Shakespeare's "Much Ado about Nothing".
I thought it was Hamlet. IMO, It's easier to get Hamlet.
Do we have to throw it out if the monkey calls the Norwegian guy 'Murgatroid' instead of 'Fortinbras'?
Only over the course of the lifetime of 15 Universes. So in reality, no, no you won't.
You missed the point.
But not about the things they are right about.
Nice one.