If anything it'll be runesticks but they'll scream as you pull each one out of the bag, which will be made from the scrotum of a polar bear that was neither born nor died.
In this instance, I was both absolutely right and because of that I was correct from day one. It's not my fault it took other people 3 years to realize how rightly correct I was.
This is the same mentality that Dr. Semmelweis encountered when he tried to prove to his fellow 19th century physicians that washing their hands before delivering babies would reduce cases of sepsis (spoiler alert: he died in an insane asylum). Logic, evidence, and human life doesn't matter to these sociopathic con artists. All that matters is that they never have to admit they were wrong.
Witch-trials were based on mass-hysteria, superstition, the flawed assumption that children don't lie (we still have a special word in swedish denoting children telling lies they themselves believe in, and who in turn are believed solely on the basis on being children: visgossar, meaning "wise boys", but also "boys singing tall tales"), the laws regarding heterodoxy, apostasy and so on, and last but in no way least secular law being heavily influenced by Moaic law via the Bible.
The entire thing had more or less petered out by the end of the 17th century, though there were stray cases that virtually never led to more than a round of questioning for the sake of form, and in 1779 capital punishment for "Compact with Satan" (which was the actual crime people were accused of) was abolished.
And mostly, the clergy was opposed to the whole thing since it led people to believe Satan actually held real power and could affect the faithful - not the message they wanted to convey.
I was using "witch" very liberally to represent women skilled in herbal/botanical remedies and the threat they were to professional doctoring, and not specifically. But the image of the creepy old lady in the woods really grew from clever old ladies in the or with access to the woods who had ways of independent thinking.
Abortifacients were well-known and used before the Church came in with its suppressions of dangerous knowledge that was extremely useful to women.
Of course plenty of "traditional" therapeutic practices were awful, but plenty of others were based on common sense. You look at those birthing stools from the olden days. Every time I see one of those damned scenes in a movie/TV show of a woman in labor, screaming from her supine position stuck in a bed and the doctors thwarting gravity at every turn, I really get pissed off. I'm no fan of the home birth movement, and good medical care with every necessary tool available in case it's needed at a second's notice is something I strongly approve of, but there's always some modern "improvement" that ain't.
"Independent thinking" has ALWAYS been a crime. Punishment, of course, has varied slightly over time, from the medieval boiling in oil, or the traditional burning at the stake, to the modern "cancelation". But the goal has ALWAYS been to eliminate independent thought. The "witches" of yore were tortured because what they did often WORKED. Which is more than could be said of the practices of the medical establishment of the day!
My wife chose to have home births for our babies. Originally, I was skeptical as well, sharing your opinion of medical care, but the experience completely changed my mind. As home birth advocates often say, "if you aren't sick, you shouldn't go to a hospital."
My dads cast was cut off by his teacher in the 40’s. You’re lucky you only got yelled at. His teacher wasn’t so lucky, she got knocked out by my grandfather. Apparently she didn’t realize he was Irish. 😂
Can you imagine that the dean of the university bearing his name was a huge covid nazi? Also being the first to introduce mandatory quakcination to continue medical studies on this university?
Welp... if you think Scott Harris won the award for Most Self-Beclowned, you're mistaken.
It was the other half of the Conclusory Crew - Sam Adams - wot won it.
'Neuroscience'-guy was always going to beclown himself at some point, because he was always going to say the quiet part out loud about Palestine.
Self-promoting charlatans have interchangeable names, is what I'm sayin'.
At least Dilbert-guy is solid on "stuff with psych in the name" - he knows it's bullshit ab ovo usque ad mala. 'Neuroscience'-guy is of a type with the pill-pushing psychosophasers who are changing nomenclature because their brand is broken and all their pill essays ('research') ends up on RetractionWatch.
That's the 'tell' that shows that 'neuroscientist' is just a marketing name for some psych-charlatan: when they get cornered, they resort to bullshit that sounds like stuff from the old USSR (where being a disident was considered a psychiatric condition).
Then again, I would say that wouldn't I?
What with being
▪️ an Aquarius-of-colour, and
▪️ a veteran, and
▪️ a Guided Missile Frigate (Oliver Hazard Perry-Class), and
▪️ a cancer 'survivor', and
▪️ suffering from Oppositional Defiant Disorder (a.k.a. "Get Fucked, Dr Idiot" disorder) AND drapetomania.
Some of above list might actually be true - this is the internet, and I've still got one chemo session to go and I haven't 'survived' that yet. My Guided-Missile-Frigate-ness is non-negotiable, in that anyone who questions it is "Litrully Hitlurrr, Like LITRULLY".
Harris is one of the people who helped changed my mind on Free Will. (I couldn't change my own mind - because I wasn't free to do so... KEK)
That's one of 2 or 3 'important' subjects about which I have changed my mind, having being fairly certain I had them nailed down.
The other main one was "passive smoking is a risk to health": when I was encouraged by a senior colleague to read the published research that supposedly buttresses that claim, there's no "there" there. That was in 1994, in my first year as PhD student and Junior Minion at a CGE-modelling think-tank.
People who smoke near me make my clothes stink, and that'll have to do as justification for my (lifelong) calumniation of that stupid habit.
"First they came for the smokers, and I thought 'GREAT. Fuck those inconsiderate arseholes'."
FWIW I won't even smoke weed. Edibles or tincture are perfectly satisfactory - fun, even. That said: NOBODY WILL SELL ME WEED (to make tincture) because if you're a weed dealer I look like a cop.
True story bro: during the Victorian COVID Gulag I did an entire lap of Australia in an RV, and approached every sketchy-looking motherfucker in every caravan park, and came up dry every time.
FFS I get it - risk management and so forth. So I really have to get a neck tattoo? In my jurisdiction weed is still illegal and tobacco isn't [FFS again].
So anyhow... Harris writes OK, but he's no Mencken.
Harris - like Adams - is another example of "High-V, and nowhere near as smart as you're encouraged to think", which is my version of Taleb's "IYI".
The Moral Landscape addresses some deeply uncomfortable issues about whether insane people who commit crimes are actually capable of being punished. In fact, his theory questions whether they're even "guilty" at all.
It's well-sourced and scholarly but still readable.
But his political takes served well getting him to all the right DC Cocktail Parties.
When is the mainstream media going to be held accountable for the psychological terror campaign they ran for the last three years that traumatized millions of people? I am pretty sure that if I relentlessly terrorized my neighbors for three years such that they were afraid to leave the house, I would be held criminally and civilly liable. Why do news media employees get a pass? Does the law not apply to them? These people committed crimes and civil wrongs. They deliberately and knowingly peddled lies and terrorized people for profit. When do the prosecutions and lawsuits start?
Smith-Mundt "Modernization" [invert original intent that protected US citizens from being targeted by government-sponsored propaganda] Act, folded into the 2013 NDAA
Yes, thank you for the correction! Obama admin did a lot of damage to journalism. This was also the same year when the newsrooms were being purged of seasoned journalists and editors and replaced with recent indoctrinated grads. I remember it well.
Behavioral Science, The Science (TM) of the pandemic is the science of the efficacy of propaganda to change a target population's behaviors. Like increasing compliance with government directives. A one-two punch. Put in place under the Obama administration.
And Behavioral Science, The Science (TM) is the science of totalitarianism, as described by practitioners:
(The UK established its own "Nudge Unit," the Behavioural Insights Team (BIT) under Cameron (a conservative?) at the same time as Obama did in the US.)
- Epidemiology incorporates behavioral science, a common field of study for that career path, theory that change in a population's behavior is necessary, the basis of most of the non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPI's) like masks, lockdowns, social distancing, etc.
- "Nudge" is a book written by Richard Thaler (UK) and Cass Sunstein (US) in 2008 that ostensibly led to the creation of Nudge units in both nations.
We can't forget about Sunstein's wife, Samantha Power. NSC Director and UN Ambassador under Obama, Benghazi infamy. Now heads up US AID, establishing media propaganda outlets across the third world:
Master propagandists, insinuated in many powerful positions at home and abroad in Big Tech, Big Media, Big Government. Wielding The Science (TM) of propaganda without the restrictions of Smith-Mundt that prohibited propagandizing US citizens. And here we are at the precipice of losing freedom for mankind. Happening on our watch.
Freedom Fox, that MF’er, NObummer, said he’d “tfundamentally ransform” the USA; I’d say he & the evil rest have exceeded beyond their wildest wet dreams. I sure don’t recognize anything about this country anymore
Me too. But it's our obligation and sacred honor that we must devote to restore its greatness for future generations. There's no Hollywood ending with a hero saving the day. That's our job now. Be the change you seek. As Obama said. He was right about that. And the wise will learn from their adversaries. It's why I read their propaganda and manuals, their source materials reveal their plans.
True. But even he couldn't have done all the damage with just Democrat support. Republicans, especially those in leadership positions, supported his "fundamental change" too. The Bush's, Cheney's, McConnell's, Romney's, McCain's, Roberts', Ryan's, Boehner's, Rove's, Luntz's, Koch's, etc all support centrally-planned economies, authoritarianism, Behavioral Science campaigns to gain the compliance and submission of the population, use of public-private partnerships to bypass constitutional barriers, censorship. All actively supported by R's and D's alike that accomplish the "fundamental change."
There is a pact that was inked long ago binding the D's Marxist vision with the R's Fascist vision of America, much like Stalin and Hitler signed. Both systems identify western liberal capitalist democracies as their mutual enemy, both view individual liberty as the biggest threat to the state. Bitter Clingers, deplorables and all. These R's joined with D's to crush the Tea Party and MAGA Patriots. Both benefit from corrupt elections, which is why R's don't object to them. Both R's and D's power share with the objective of crushing individual liberty and freedom, using Orwellian linguistics to pervert and redefine slavery as freedom, along with Behavioral Science tools of manipulation like "choice architecture" - look that one up.
Both parties benefiting from the current system knowing that the Pact must hold until resistance is crushed before settling the squabble over which authoritarian system will ultimately prevail. Having learned from the history of the Hitler-Stalin Pact, determined not to be doomed repeating that outcome.
If it was just Obama and his Marxist minions along with weak, stupid R's who got us here the challenges in front of us wouldn't be so daunting. It's the complicity of both parties, corporations, academia, media, tech, clergy, etc that has our USA we cherish up against it. And only waking up enough of our fellow Americans before the bipartisan authoritarians slam the trap door behind us will save us. The Sleeping Giant must rise. Where we are today only a divine intervention can save the human rights he endowed us with in our creation.
We must encourage others and ourselves to reach into our hearts and find our true connection with God. And devote ourselves to following his word and light. Learning the implements and systems of our oppressors to both resist them and help others see the coercive, manipulative deceptions that true connection with God allows us to see through.
There's so much down this rabbit hole. Including coordination with DARPA psychological manipulations. I've deep-dived it because it truly is the machine behind the wizard's curtain that makes the wizard appear to be all-powerful. It took a fearless dog, Toto, to pull back the Wizards' curtain in Oz. Fearless foxes can do the same. Behind the curtain are weak, pathetic men and women, using psychological technology to appear to be all-knowing and all-powerful.
The law doesn’t apply to anyone on that side; e.g. the putrid Clintons still swanning about & on TV no less, decades past their should’ve-been-jailed decades ago. Plenty more of that ilk still in power &/or pontificating on lame street media or other lucrative post-government gigs
Like a criminal cartel. No element will betray the other elements.
But yes, they most certainly should face an accounting. Anxiety-related illnesses are a proven comorbidity for C19. To say nothing of the traumatised young, globally. and for those who have died or will die from bioweapons sold as vaccines to protect the kids from an illness that was zero risk for them.
My anxiety-related illness doesn’t have anything to do w/ c-19 except for what governments have done to us globally in the name of so-called “public health”….
I’ve seen that so many times. A woman talking about her daughter, a really good teacher, advocating vax for kids. The Mom said ‘she’s horrified but that’s her job’. Me - ‘She should quit. Why doesn’t she?’ Mom - ‘she’s thinking of it.’ Seriously! You have a job that requires you to advocate killing of children and YOU DO IT! Same as nurses who call
Remdesivir, ‘Run death is near’. But they still give it out. Because they have no choice. They do. But the choice is to leave and speak out.
Yes, this, and it's even been taken a step further as now people, via the clot shot/boosters, are repeatedly and willingly pulling the lever and harming themselves.
I have a friend who is an ER nurse in a very busy hospital who worked during the height of Covid. I know she was responsible for killing people with remdesivir and vents as that was basically her job and she did it willingly believing she was saving people somehow.
The worst past is that she (and her whole family) still believe, even after everything that has been shown, that what she was doing was noble and the right thing to do. None of them seem to realize or want to see that she wasn't really helping her patients at all by sending them home while denying them lifesaving treatments and waiting for them to get so bad that the patient had to return to the hospital so they could get 9 days of run death is near to shut down their kidneys until the job could be finished with a vent. They really don't see it even nearly 3 years later. These are some of the kindest people I know but this nurse did evil things and everyone thinks it's ok and approves of it. It's very hard to wrap one's brain around it all.
I’ve also seen in doctors and nurses when you question their take on things an explosive rant where they say ‘DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD I WORK?’ A complete non sequitor. As if many of us don’t work hard.
The minute you try to bring in facts and data in general discourse with the public at this moment in time, you/we lose.
It's all about holding on to power now; to ensuring none of the malfeasance is punished. Eveyone in power is tainted and every institution formerly known as "expert" is utterly corrupted. It will take two generations to clean out these stables.
We need to be implacable--so far as is humanly possible. Everyone knows someone for whom they will compromise a little on principles and that keeps the world functioning.
This argument really came out in that awful Oster piece on amnesty. She said, “In the face of so much uncertainty, getting something right had a hefty element of luck.” My head about exploded when I read that.
The FDA just approved the Pfizer vax for children as young as 6 months. So it's put up or shut up time for the Take-the-jab chorus. Let's see how many of them put their faith to the test, a la Abraham and Isaac. Line up, liberals, you said it was safe and effective, now show me that you believe it.
It has been suggested, and I have little to no reason to doubt it, that all the politicos, etc. who ostentatiously were publicly jabbed actually were it with saline. Fake, a huge lie, just like everything else that has come from them over the past three years. Crimes against humanity...
I tend to agree. We should be seeing politicians die at the same rate as celebrities.
One data point against: I wonder what the deal was with the fake set where Biden got his first jab? I assumed that was actually an ER, so if he collapsed, they could deal with it in a hospital rather than in the Oval Office. If it was saline... why bother?
No need to be in a hospital where the decrepit old moron might actually catch something that could kill him. And nothing special needed since he's being shot up with God knows what in the way of geriatric stimulants every day. If Kafka were alive today, he would be very depressed since life is MUCH weirder than his imagination.
When you're whole identity is predicated upon the virtue of being a good hive critter,abandoning those who gave you that Superior/in Control Human endorphin rush can be hard to abandon.
Everything is tribal. Always has been. Always will be. Those who don't fit in defined tribes get burned as often as those captured by the other guys, too.
Do we offer amnesty to the stupid or do we include their "expert" fascist overlords with them at the Nuremberg II trials?
Also, bad cat, I included you and Dr. Peter McCullough in a request to Elon to be freed on Twitter. If we're lucky, maybe by Christmas, or not. Don't blame me, I'm only a hoss. 🐴
Yup they seem to be planning on it. Climate "emergency" is being pushed hard. Vaccine passports came up at the G20 meeting. A whole host of cures and vaccines being developed, all mRNA based, now that they have had a chance to bypass any proper clinical trial. And viruses being revived from melting permafrost in Siberia that we are being told to worry about as well.
I saw Dr. Malone speak about the forthcoming pipeline of mRNA jabs and treatments. He said everything will be mRNA based eventually with traditional vaccines and treatments (like chemo) being phased out. Injecting people with mRNA gene editing technology is also a huge part of the transhumanist movement. In order for this to advance, the FDA had to be 100% captured and willing to go along with it by bypassing clinical studies and issuing everything via EUA with zero transparency on ingredients, side effects etc... We can see this happening. It's really scary because eventually those of still alive won't have access to any treatments that aren't gene editing.
Back to pre-modern medicine for us. Perhaps not ideal, but perhaps not the worst thing for many of us either. Lives probably shorter, but maybe healthier and happier.
If I had to guess, I’d go with “lives longer” as well as healthier and happier.
The medical establishment almost killed my husband several times with their treatments. We used to trust modern medicine, but that experience made us wake up and do our own research before blindly following doctors’ advice, and we have been appalled at what we’ve discovered.
Good for you. I mainly had in mind emergency care, like traumatic injury or specific illnesses that blow up and can be treated with modern techniques. I was only in the hospital once in my life for other than minor injuries, at age 5, for appendicitis, but I presumably would have died then if not for the surgery and care.
I figure the odds of things like that stack up against us over time, and probably reduce our life expectancy if we are without any health care at all. But I agree with you strongly that, aside from those emergencies, we are generally much better off without drugs, just taking care of ourselves sensibly and living healthily.
The establishment nearly killed my dad by over treating him. He had a stage one prostate cancer at 80 years old. Probability of dying from it was basically nil. Yet they prescribed 15 rounds of radiation hell for him. 6 months after the radiation and surgery he was diagnosed with bladder cancer and was told that it was due to the radiation being improperly administered! The treatment literally gave him cancer. This is the current state of medicine.
I'm already there. Haven't been to a doc or even a health screening in 4 years and don't plan to. Trying to find a naturopath right now. I think many more are just going to leave the current medical system.
Hope so. Too many people have had way too much trust in it for too long. Use it when necessary, sure, but for most people, most of the time, it isn't necessary. Fooling around, trying to cure illnesses that aren't there, is a good way to get ruined or killed.
It does make you wonder! Was just reading that comedian Chris Kattan just had to have some kind of emergency surgery because of Pneumonia? Never heard of surgery for pneumonia. Wonder if it was blood clots.
Their madness is as predictable as it is ridiculous.
I had great encouragement attending the Brownstone Institute even in Miami last week. We shall continue to highlight their idiocy and bad policies. At the very least, we cannot let them "win history" by claiming their nonsense "worked."
"You were right, but it was for the wrong reasons."
"I'm still smarter than you. Buy my book."
When I run out of toilet paper, I will.
GM, you have a book? Where can I buy it?
Lol, no, it's a joke about Scott Adams and his intellectual arrogance.
If I get a book published look out your window for the raining lava.
Will it be available in runestone and menhir versions?
Or carved in teeny tiny letters upon a .223 round, delivered at high speed?
If anything it'll be runesticks but they'll scream as you pull each one out of the bag, which will be made from the scrotum of a polar bear that was neither born nor died.
My kind of publication! Rawr!
It will burst into flames as soon as you read it. Then you should buy another copy for family and friends ...
Putting "intellectual" before "arrogance" give Adams too much credit. I actually like the guy, but damn!
I liked him before he was a Covidian.
Ugh, you called that shit. What a mass of contradictions he is.
"Just because you ended up being correct doesn't mean you were right."
In this instance, I was both absolutely right and because of that I was correct from day one. It's not my fault it took other people 3 years to realize how rightly correct I was.
"Even the right people are wrong sometimes".
Put a bunch of monkeys in front of typewriters, and eventually you'll get Shakespeare's "Much Ado about Nothing".
I thought it was Hamlet. IMO, It's easier to get Hamlet.
Do we have to throw it out if the monkey calls the Norwegian guy 'Murgatroid' instead of 'Fortinbras'?
Only over the course of the lifetime of 15 Universes. So in reality, no, no you won't.
You missed the point.
But not about the things they are right about.
Nice one.
This is the same mentality that Dr. Semmelweis encountered when he tried to prove to his fellow 19th century physicians that washing their hands before delivering babies would reduce cases of sepsis (spoiler alert: he died in an insane asylum). Logic, evidence, and human life doesn't matter to these sociopathic con artists. All that matters is that they never have to admit they were wrong.
"Medicine" was built on burning witches i.e. wise women so the guys could take over and form guilds. They never looked back.
That's myth with no basis in fact.
Witch-trials were based on mass-hysteria, superstition, the flawed assumption that children don't lie (we still have a special word in swedish denoting children telling lies they themselves believe in, and who in turn are believed solely on the basis on being children: visgossar, meaning "wise boys", but also "boys singing tall tales"), the laws regarding heterodoxy, apostasy and so on, and last but in no way least secular law being heavily influenced by Moaic law via the Bible.
The entire thing had more or less petered out by the end of the 17th century, though there were stray cases that virtually never led to more than a round of questioning for the sake of form, and in 1779 capital punishment for "Compact with Satan" (which was the actual crime people were accused of) was abolished.
And mostly, the clergy was opposed to the whole thing since it led people to believe Satan actually held real power and could affect the faithful - not the message they wanted to convey.
And men were accused in equal amounts.
I was using "witch" very liberally to represent women skilled in herbal/botanical remedies and the threat they were to professional doctoring, and not specifically. But the image of the creepy old lady in the woods really grew from clever old ladies in the or with access to the woods who had ways of independent thinking.
Abortifacients were well-known and used before the Church came in with its suppressions of dangerous knowledge that was extremely useful to women.
Of course plenty of "traditional" therapeutic practices were awful, but plenty of others were based on common sense. You look at those birthing stools from the olden days. Every time I see one of those damned scenes in a movie/TV show of a woman in labor, screaming from her supine position stuck in a bed and the doctors thwarting gravity at every turn, I really get pissed off. I'm no fan of the home birth movement, and good medical care with every necessary tool available in case it's needed at a second's notice is something I strongly approve of, but there's always some modern "improvement" that ain't.
"Independent thinking" has ALWAYS been a crime. Punishment, of course, has varied slightly over time, from the medieval boiling in oil, or the traditional burning at the stake, to the modern "cancelation". But the goal has ALWAYS been to eliminate independent thought. The "witches" of yore were tortured because what they did often WORKED. Which is more than could be said of the practices of the medical establishment of the day!
My wife chose to have home births for our babies. Originally, I was skeptical as well, sharing your opinion of medical care, but the experience completely changed my mind. As home birth advocates often say, "if you aren't sick, you shouldn't go to a hospital."
Whatever works for the individual, sure. But those advocates are being specious in what they say. Fanaticism in anything is never good.
Here you go again, R - ruining a perfectly good myth with facts. Next thing we know, you'll be questioning "the science", or something.
Great article. Thank you.
Just like 20th century men to blame it on ergotism. https://www.uh.edu/engines/epi1037.htm
Alfred Wegner got laughed out of Polite Geologist Society for suggesting Plate Techtonics might explain earthquakes.
I got yelled at by my 2nd grade teacher (almost 50 years ago) for saying the continents look like they go together like a puzzle
My dads cast was cut off by his teacher in the 40’s. You’re lucky you only got yelled at. His teacher wasn’t so lucky, she got knocked out by my grandfather. Apparently she didn’t realize he was Irish. 😂
Why am I not surprised ...
Let's not even talk about what happened to Luc Montagnier when he presented evidence that supported the premise of homeopathic medicine.
Did he have evidence? Link? Thank you.
YES!!! I've bombed people with Semmelweis for 3 years.....crickets.....narcicissm, cowardice and overall stupidity.
Me, too.
Can you imagine that the dean of the university bearing his name was a huge covid nazi? Also being the first to introduce mandatory quakcination to continue medical studies on this university?
Poor Semmelweis must be turning in his grave...
Great article. Thank you.
The Scott Adams special.
don't be too hard on scott.
it's tough being the only smart person in the whole wide world...
The hardest lies to ignore are the ones we tell ourselves. Scott is probably still high on his own farts though.
Welp... if you think Scott Harris won the award for Most Self-Beclowned, you're mistaken.
It was the other half of the Conclusory Crew - Sam Adams - wot won it.
'Neuroscience'-guy was always going to beclown himself at some point, because he was always going to say the quiet part out loud about Palestine.
Self-promoting charlatans have interchangeable names, is what I'm sayin'.
At least Dilbert-guy is solid on "stuff with psych in the name" - he knows it's bullshit ab ovo usque ad mala. 'Neuroscience'-guy is of a type with the pill-pushing psychosophasers who are changing nomenclature because their brand is broken and all their pill essays ('research') ends up on RetractionWatch.
Don’t forget that Sam thinks there is a background level of schizophrenia suffered by people who disagree with him.
That's the 'tell' that shows that 'neuroscientist' is just a marketing name for some psych-charlatan: when they get cornered, they resort to bullshit that sounds like stuff from the old USSR (where being a disident was considered a psychiatric condition).
Then again, I would say that wouldn't I?
What with being
▪️ an Aquarius-of-colour, and
▪️ a veteran, and
▪️ a Guided Missile Frigate (Oliver Hazard Perry-Class), and
▪️ a cancer 'survivor', and
▪️ suffering from Oppositional Defiant Disorder (a.k.a. "Get Fucked, Dr Idiot" disorder) AND drapetomania.
Some of above list might actually be true - this is the internet, and I've still got one chemo session to go and I haven't 'survived' that yet. My Guided-Missile-Frigate-ness is non-negotiable, in that anyone who questions it is "Litrully Hitlurrr, Like LITRULLY".
Harris is one of the people who helped changed my mind on Free Will. (I couldn't change my own mind - because I wasn't free to do so... KEK)
That's one of 2 or 3 'important' subjects about which I have changed my mind, having being fairly certain I had them nailed down.
The other main one was "passive smoking is a risk to health": when I was encouraged by a senior colleague to read the published research that supposedly buttresses that claim, there's no "there" there. That was in 1994, in my first year as PhD student and Junior Minion at a CGE-modelling think-tank.
People who smoke near me make my clothes stink, and that'll have to do as justification for my (lifelong) calumniation of that stupid habit.
"First they came for the smokers, and I thought 'GREAT. Fuck those inconsiderate arseholes'."
FWIW I won't even smoke weed. Edibles or tincture are perfectly satisfactory - fun, even. That said: NOBODY WILL SELL ME WEED (to make tincture) because if you're a weed dealer I look like a cop.
True story bro: during the Victorian COVID Gulag I did an entire lap of Australia in an RV, and approached every sketchy-looking motherfucker in every caravan park, and came up dry every time.
FFS I get it - risk management and so forth. So I really have to get a neck tattoo? In my jurisdiction weed is still illegal and tobacco isn't [FFS again].
So anyhow... Harris writes OK, but he's no Mencken.
Harris - like Adams - is another example of "High-V, and nowhere near as smart as you're encouraged to think", which is my version of Taleb's "IYI".
The Moral Landscape addresses some deeply uncomfortable issues about whether insane people who commit crimes are actually capable of being punished. In fact, his theory questions whether they're even "guilty" at all.
It's well-sourced and scholarly but still readable.
But his political takes served well getting him to all the right DC Cocktail Parties.
He was watching the wrong movie all along.
When is the mainstream media going to be held accountable for the psychological terror campaign they ran for the last three years that traumatized millions of people? I am pretty sure that if I relentlessly terrorized my neighbors for three years such that they were afraid to leave the house, I would be held criminally and civilly liable. Why do news media employees get a pass? Does the law not apply to them? These people committed crimes and civil wrongs. They deliberately and knowingly peddled lies and terrorized people for profit. When do the prosecutions and lawsuits start?
Never. In 2016, Obama signed the National Defense Authorization Act which essentially legalized propaganda from the media.
Smith-Mundt "Modernization" [invert original intent that protected US citizens from being targeted by government-sponsored propaganda] Act, folded into the 2013 NDAA
Yes, thank you for the correction! Obama admin did a lot of damage to journalism. This was also the same year when the newsrooms were being purged of seasoned journalists and editors and replaced with recent indoctrinated grads. I remember it well.
Smith-Mundt Modernization + creation of Social and Behavioral Science Team (SBST) "Nudge Unit."
Behavioral Science, The Science (TM) of the pandemic is the science of the efficacy of propaganda to change a target population's behaviors. Like increasing compliance with government directives. A one-two punch. Put in place under the Obama administration.
And Behavioral Science, The Science (TM) is the science of totalitarianism, as described by practitioners:
(The UK established its own "Nudge Unit," the Behavioural Insights Team (BIT) under Cameron (a conservative?) at the same time as Obama did in the US.)
- Epidemiology incorporates behavioral science, a common field of study for that career path, theory that change in a population's behavior is necessary, the basis of most of the non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPI's) like masks, lockdowns, social distancing, etc.
- "Nudge" is a book written by Richard Thaler (UK) and Cass Sunstein (US) in 2008 that ostensibly led to the creation of Nudge units in both nations.
More on Thaler:
More on Sunstein, in the "cockpit of government":
Co-authored the US Behavioral Science pandemic plan:
- The leaders of both the UK and US Nudge units have had outsized influence in their nations and the world:
Susan Michie (UK):
Maya Shankar (US):
Podcast with Chelsea Clinton and Frank Luntz (GOP messaging guru, incoming Speaker Kevin McCarthy's BFF and roommate):
Co-author of Behavioural Insights at the United Nations – Achieving Agenda 2030 (WEF's Great Reset):
Google's Chief Global Behavioral Scientist:
Another Sunstein behavioral science protege with a legal background, Jessica Hertz:
We can't forget about Sunstein's wife, Samantha Power. NSC Director and UN Ambassador under Obama, Benghazi infamy. Now heads up US AID, establishing media propaganda outlets across the third world:
Master propagandists, insinuated in many powerful positions at home and abroad in Big Tech, Big Media, Big Government. Wielding The Science (TM) of propaganda without the restrictions of Smith-Mundt that prohibited propagandizing US citizens. And here we are at the precipice of losing freedom for mankind. Happening on our watch.
Freedom Fox, that MF’er, NObummer, said he’d “tfundamentally ransform” the USA; I’d say he & the evil rest have exceeded beyond their wildest wet dreams. I sure don’t recognize anything about this country anymore
Me neither. It's sad. I am glad that grew up when America was still America so at least I got to experience it.
Me too. But it's our obligation and sacred honor that we must devote to restore its greatness for future generations. There's no Hollywood ending with a hero saving the day. That's our job now. Be the change you seek. As Obama said. He was right about that. And the wise will learn from their adversaries. It's why I read their propaganda and manuals, their source materials reveal their plans.
True. But even he couldn't have done all the damage with just Democrat support. Republicans, especially those in leadership positions, supported his "fundamental change" too. The Bush's, Cheney's, McConnell's, Romney's, McCain's, Roberts', Ryan's, Boehner's, Rove's, Luntz's, Koch's, etc all support centrally-planned economies, authoritarianism, Behavioral Science campaigns to gain the compliance and submission of the population, use of public-private partnerships to bypass constitutional barriers, censorship. All actively supported by R's and D's alike that accomplish the "fundamental change."
There is a pact that was inked long ago binding the D's Marxist vision with the R's Fascist vision of America, much like Stalin and Hitler signed. Both systems identify western liberal capitalist democracies as their mutual enemy, both view individual liberty as the biggest threat to the state. Bitter Clingers, deplorables and all. These R's joined with D's to crush the Tea Party and MAGA Patriots. Both benefit from corrupt elections, which is why R's don't object to them. Both R's and D's power share with the objective of crushing individual liberty and freedom, using Orwellian linguistics to pervert and redefine slavery as freedom, along with Behavioral Science tools of manipulation like "choice architecture" - look that one up.
Both parties benefiting from the current system knowing that the Pact must hold until resistance is crushed before settling the squabble over which authoritarian system will ultimately prevail. Having learned from the history of the Hitler-Stalin Pact, determined not to be doomed repeating that outcome.
If it was just Obama and his Marxist minions along with weak, stupid R's who got us here the challenges in front of us wouldn't be so daunting. It's the complicity of both parties, corporations, academia, media, tech, clergy, etc that has our USA we cherish up against it. And only waking up enough of our fellow Americans before the bipartisan authoritarians slam the trap door behind us will save us. The Sleeping Giant must rise. Where we are today only a divine intervention can save the human rights he endowed us with in our creation.
We must encourage others and ourselves to reach into our hearts and find our true connection with God. And devote ourselves to following his word and light. Learning the implements and systems of our oppressors to both resist them and help others see the coercive, manipulative deceptions that true connection with God allows us to see through.
I agree, there is obvious evil & corruption everywhere & on all sides
Wow, thank you for these links. I will read!
There's so much down this rabbit hole. Including coordination with DARPA psychological manipulations. I've deep-dived it because it truly is the machine behind the wizard's curtain that makes the wizard appear to be all-powerful. It took a fearless dog, Toto, to pull back the Wizards' curtain in Oz. Fearless foxes can do the same. Behind the curtain are weak, pathetic men and women, using psychological technology to appear to be all-knowing and all-powerful.
Doing God's work, Fox. Looking forward to reading your Stack.
Propaganda against US Citizens
The law doesn’t apply to anyone on that side; e.g. the putrid Clintons still swanning about & on TV no less, decades past their should’ve-been-jailed decades ago. Plenty more of that ilk still in power &/or pontificating on lame street media or other lucrative post-government gigs
They did it in service of Power.
Power will never hold them accountable.
Like a criminal cartel. No element will betray the other elements.
But yes, they most certainly should face an accounting. Anxiety-related illnesses are a proven comorbidity for C19. To say nothing of the traumatised young, globally. and for those who have died or will die from bioweapons sold as vaccines to protect the kids from an illness that was zero risk for them.
My anxiety-related illness doesn’t have anything to do w/ c-19 except for what governments have done to us globally in the name of so-called “public health”….
They were taking orders from the government. “Just following orders, it’s not my fault!”
I’ve seen that so many times. A woman talking about her daughter, a really good teacher, advocating vax for kids. The Mom said ‘she’s horrified but that’s her job’. Me - ‘She should quit. Why doesn’t she?’ Mom - ‘she’s thinking of it.’ Seriously! You have a job that requires you to advocate killing of children and YOU DO IT! Same as nurses who call
Remdesivir, ‘Run death is near’. But they still give it out. Because they have no choice. They do. But the choice is to leave and speak out.
We are living through a world wide Milgram experiment.
Yes, this, and it's even been taken a step further as now people, via the clot shot/boosters, are repeatedly and willingly pulling the lever and harming themselves.
It’s as if the prequel to The Matrix shows people willingly strapping themselves in to a body pod, happily.
Makes you wonder what the compliant nurses who remained will be asked to do next.
I have a friend who is an ER nurse in a very busy hospital who worked during the height of Covid. I know she was responsible for killing people with remdesivir and vents as that was basically her job and she did it willingly believing she was saving people somehow.
The worst past is that she (and her whole family) still believe, even after everything that has been shown, that what she was doing was noble and the right thing to do. None of them seem to realize or want to see that she wasn't really helping her patients at all by sending them home while denying them lifesaving treatments and waiting for them to get so bad that the patient had to return to the hospital so they could get 9 days of run death is near to shut down their kidneys until the job could be finished with a vent. They really don't see it even nearly 3 years later. These are some of the kindest people I know but this nurse did evil things and everyone thinks it's ok and approves of it. It's very hard to wrap one's brain around it all.
I’ve also seen in doctors and nurses when you question their take on things an explosive rant where they say ‘DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD I WORK?’ A complete non sequitor. As if many of us don’t work hard.
And as if I should then say ‘oh I didn’t. Do you work really really hard? Oh okay then, vax me.’
I’ve seen the same thing. Especially in nurses.
Great point!
We need to reclaim the power of short 'n sweet.
The minute you try to bring in facts and data in general discourse with the public at this moment in time, you/we lose.
It's all about holding on to power now; to ensuring none of the malfeasance is punished. Eveyone in power is tainted and every institution formerly known as "expert" is utterly corrupted. It will take two generations to clean out these stables.
We need to be implacable--so far as is humanly possible. Everyone knows someone for whom they will compromise a little on principles and that keeps the world functioning.
But use "no" as often as you can.
Precisely! #DoNotComply
I want to like this more than once. No is a strong word.
Took me a lifetime to recognize its perfection of form.
“Learn to say no. It will be of more use to you than to be able to read Latin.” —Charles Spurgeon
No fucking kidding, you should pardon my French.
may I have your permission to post this on Twitter?
I've grabbed it n cropped it with attribution👍
Sure. But I'd ask that you use my Twitter handle instead of my user name here. @redfoliot
got it will do👍
Retrospective falsification: the conscious/unconscious distortion of the past to conform to a person's needs/desires in the present.
The cure for cognitive dissonance...
This argument really came out in that awful Oster piece on amnesty. She said, “In the face of so much uncertainty, getting something right had a hefty element of luck.” My head about exploded when I read that.
The FDA just approved the Pfizer vax for children as young as 6 months. So it's put up or shut up time for the Take-the-jab chorus. Let's see how many of them put their faith to the test, a la Abraham and Isaac. Line up, liberals, you said it was safe and effective, now show me that you believe it.
It has been suggested, and I have little to no reason to doubt it, that all the politicos, etc. who ostentatiously were publicly jabbed actually were it with saline. Fake, a huge lie, just like everything else that has come from them over the past three years. Crimes against humanity...
Nobody "important" got a REAL jab unless they went off script on their own.
I tend to agree. We should be seeing politicians die at the same rate as celebrities.
One data point against: I wonder what the deal was with the fake set where Biden got his first jab? I assumed that was actually an ER, so if he collapsed, they could deal with it in a hospital rather than in the Oval Office. If it was saline... why bother?
No need to be in a hospital where the decrepit old moron might actually catch something that could kill him. And nothing special needed since he's being shot up with God knows what in the way of geriatric stimulants every day. If Kafka were alive today, he would be very depressed since life is MUCH weirder than his imagination.
People were talking more about the set than if the needle actually had the real stuff in it. (It didn't.)
Starting perhaps 5 months ago, What I am seeing "normies" have switched from denial to projecting anger. I guess it is part of the 5 stages for grief:
Denial - (what you are saying can't be true. You are an idiot)
Anger - (I'm so angry I was tricked, but don't know how to deal with it, so I will take it out on THEM)
Bargaining - (would this explain, for some "further along" the awakening curve, are still wearing and have returned to wearing, masks?)
Depression - (my entire world view is destroyed. I did everything I was told and failed)
Acceptance - (Maybe then make amends, Like 12 steps of recovery?)
This is insightful commentary! Yes!
When you're whole identity is predicated upon the virtue of being a good hive critter,abandoning those who gave you that Superior/in Control Human endorphin rush can be hard to abandon.
Especially when you were Beta to begin with...
Everything is tribal. Always has been. Always will be. Those who don't fit in defined tribes get burned as often as those captured by the other guys, too.
You were right but you’re still a selfish, granny-killing, right wing conspiracy theorist because when you were right, WE DIDN’T KNOW!
All I get is ,
"I don't want to talk about it just now"
or more recently,
"Ughh, you are still going on about covid", despite the fact they refused to talk about it before.
We have to keep talking about it because the insane covid shit is STILL GOING ON.
'Going away now' means dying of myocarditis and immune system hyperactivity....
The soyjacks have effectively ended their lives "pwning the racist, white supremacist anti-science morons"
Thanks, I stopped short of saying that. I appreciate that you didn’t
2023: “ I’m worried about vax side effects. Know any doctors who can treat me?”
“Yeah, here’s a list.”
“Never heard of these guys.”
“No shit, you censored them, you asshole.”
Do we offer amnesty to the stupid or do we include their "expert" fascist overlords with them at the Nuremberg II trials?
Also, bad cat, I included you and Dr. Peter McCullough in a request to Elon to be freed on Twitter. If we're lucky, maybe by Christmas, or not. Don't blame me, I'm only a hoss. 🐴
No amnesty. Not ever because given the chance they'll do it all again.
Yup they seem to be planning on it. Climate "emergency" is being pushed hard. Vaccine passports came up at the G20 meeting. A whole host of cures and vaccines being developed, all mRNA based, now that they have had a chance to bypass any proper clinical trial. And viruses being revived from melting permafrost in Siberia that we are being told to worry about as well.
I saw Dr. Malone speak about the forthcoming pipeline of mRNA jabs and treatments. He said everything will be mRNA based eventually with traditional vaccines and treatments (like chemo) being phased out. Injecting people with mRNA gene editing technology is also a huge part of the transhumanist movement. In order for this to advance, the FDA had to be 100% captured and willing to go along with it by bypassing clinical studies and issuing everything via EUA with zero transparency on ingredients, side effects etc... We can see this happening. It's really scary because eventually those of still alive won't have access to any treatments that aren't gene editing.
Back to pre-modern medicine for us. Perhaps not ideal, but perhaps not the worst thing for many of us either. Lives probably shorter, but maybe healthier and happier.
If I had to guess, I’d go with “lives longer” as well as healthier and happier.
The medical establishment almost killed my husband several times with their treatments. We used to trust modern medicine, but that experience made us wake up and do our own research before blindly following doctors’ advice, and we have been appalled at what we’ve discovered.
Good for you. I mainly had in mind emergency care, like traumatic injury or specific illnesses that blow up and can be treated with modern techniques. I was only in the hospital once in my life for other than minor injuries, at age 5, for appendicitis, but I presumably would have died then if not for the surgery and care.
I figure the odds of things like that stack up against us over time, and probably reduce our life expectancy if we are without any health care at all. But I agree with you strongly that, aside from those emergencies, we are generally much better off without drugs, just taking care of ourselves sensibly and living healthily.
I'm terrified of having an emergency and having to go to a hospital.
Yes, casts on broken arms, appendectomies, stitches for deep cuts, glasses and contact lenses…. Otherwise, no thanks!
Yep. As I recall someone else saying: modern healthcare is great for treating traumatic issues. Not so good for chronic illnesses.
The establishment nearly killed my dad by over treating him. He had a stage one prostate cancer at 80 years old. Probability of dying from it was basically nil. Yet they prescribed 15 rounds of radiation hell for him. 6 months after the radiation and surgery he was diagnosed with bladder cancer and was told that it was due to the radiation being improperly administered! The treatment literally gave him cancer. This is the current state of medicine.
I'm already there. Haven't been to a doc or even a health screening in 4 years and don't plan to. Trying to find a naturopath right now. I think many more are just going to leave the current medical system.
Hope so. Too many people have had way too much trust in it for too long. Use it when necessary, sure, but for most people, most of the time, it isn't necessary. Fooling around, trying to cure illnesses that aren't there, is a good way to get ruined or killed.
Good luck on working out a better path to health!
The MRNA platform has been approved. Any new drugs vaccines will not require much testing at all
Over at Igor Chudov's substack, there is an informal poll about people being sick.
Well, it appears that around the world, there are a lot of people suffering from weird respiratory things, both injected and uninjected.
It makes you wonder.... have they released something again?
It does make you wonder! Was just reading that comedian Chris Kattan just had to have some kind of emergency surgery because of Pneumonia? Never heard of surgery for pneumonia. Wonder if it was blood clots.
Crăciun Fericit
It is a horrible thing to say in this context.
Their madness is as predictable as it is ridiculous.
I had great encouragement attending the Brownstone Institute even in Miami last week. We shall continue to highlight their idiocy and bad policies. At the very least, we cannot let them "win history" by claiming their nonsense "worked."