There's so much down this rabbit hole. Including coordination with DARPA psychological manipulations. I've deep-dived it because it truly is the machine behind the wizard's curtain that makes the wizard appear to be all-powerful. It took a fearless dog, Toto, to pull back the Wizards' curtain in Oz. Fearless foxes can do the same. Behind the curtain are weak, pathetic men and women, using psychological technology to appear to be all-knowing and all-powerful.
Wow, thank you for these links. I will read!
There's so much down this rabbit hole. Including coordination with DARPA psychological manipulations. I've deep-dived it because it truly is the machine behind the wizard's curtain that makes the wizard appear to be all-powerful. It took a fearless dog, Toto, to pull back the Wizards' curtain in Oz. Fearless foxes can do the same. Behind the curtain are weak, pathetic men and women, using psychological technology to appear to be all-knowing and all-powerful.
Doing God's work, Fox. Looking forward to reading your Stack.