katie herzog’s piece published by barri weiss yesterday is excellent and warrants a careful reading.
the idea of the denial in med school curricula of objective sexual dimorphism in humans is as fundamentally shocking at it is absurd. it’s also a near 100% political pretext.
this issue has been discussed often and with much stridence. i’m not looking to wade deeply into such waters here. mammals are a sexually dimorphic class of animal within the phylum chordata.
confusion about one’s place in such a system may exist as may desire to alter it, but biology contains objective salients and cannot be subjectively relegated into irrelevance.
that’s about all i want to say on that.
what i’d like to touch on instead is HOW this is happening. what is the driver of this new landscape?
the answer is simple: it’s the students. they are demanding this.
they are arrayed in braying mobs of neo-brownshirts and cancel culture warriors. they have turned every classroom into a maoist struggle session. for their university professors and they are demanding full blown kowtowing obeisance.
and they are currently winning.
such social trends are always youth movements. adults are insufficiently vicious to perpetrate them.
worse, craven universities have forgotten their intended roles and are falling all over themselves to support this performative decent into derangement.
the millennials are the problem. gen Z is the problem. they became the problem because we left them alone with a cadre of outright marxists pushing weaponized post rational post modern doctrine on them in public schools. we allowed them to be brainwashed. that means that at root, WE are the problem. we allowed this and enable it. we never said “no” and we needed to.
if you can convince someone to say with honest conviction: “biological sex is a social construct” then you can convince them of anything.
you own them lock, stock, and medulla oblongata.
this is how brainwashing works. the more outlandish the precept, the more powerful the control and the deeper the submission and subjugation. as in some many facets of life, orwell was a keen observer here: this is room 101 in the ministry of love:
“how many fingers am i holding up winston?”
you torture and bully and assault the victim until you gain their sincere and lavish and ultimately desperately grateful acceptance of your imposed hallucination as consensus reality.
just make the pain stop.
you push, and hector, and dehumanize until they break and see 4 fingers when only 2 are held up.
pretty soon, med school looks like this:
learn our catechism or be taken to room 101 as an apostate and “re-educated.” lose your career, your standing, your funding, and if this keeps up, before long your liberty as well.
imagine uttering this phrase in sincerity:
"The worst thing that I can do as a human being is be offensive."
not rape, murder, theft, or neglect. not cruelty rf perfidy. “being offensive.” what does that say about the needs of the mob as opposed to the needs of any sort of fundamental ethics?
conformity is all. morality is lost.
and thus we come to the truly orwellian constructs:
these are the inversions of fully metastasized totalitarian authoritarianism and inversions are the name of the game.
they are supposed to be lies.
they are supposed to be arbitrary.
that is the source of their power.
if you doubt this arbitrariness, consider:
it’s now brave and empowered and righteous to identify as a sex or gender not your own. do this and the woke mob will lionize and support you.
it is utterly verboten to culturally appropriate from another race. identify as black with white skin and you will be flayed alive, stripped of station and status.
yet which is the more inherent and immutable set of characteristics? why would someone raised in, say, thai culture, not conform to that instead of skin tone?
genes are all for race but chromosomes do not establish gender?
race is immutable but gender is fluid?
that’s outright insane. but such insanity is not a bug, it’s a feature. the very arbitrariness of the application of this upending of concepts is what forces close attention to diktat and tribal demand to remain within the ingroup.
you must learn the rules. they cannot be inferred or derived.
the liturgy of this religion is supposed to be incomprehensible. therein lies its influence. you must convince not of the rational but of the irrational, of the performative, not the preceptive to gain control and the best way to accomplish this domination is to twist speech and language like a funhouse mirror. (itself a primary tenet of the decontrstructionist paradigms underpinning post modernism)
“The Ministry of Peace concerns itself with war, the Ministry of Truth with lies, the Ministry of Love with torture and the Ministry of Plenty with starvation. These contradictions are not accidental, nor do they result from ordinary hypocrisy: they are deliberate exercises in doublethink.”
to this august canon of transposition, we may now add the university as that bastion of learning in which the students educate the faculty. it must be all pervasive, all reaching, immediate and irresistible. no one may ever doubt that:
this is the modality of the maoist struggle session. it is public humiliation and torture. it is used to shape and enforce public opinion and to narrow the locus of the overton window. it is meant to eliminate discourse, deviation, and dissent. imposed properly, in eliminates the very concept that there could be another way.
like any fascist or marxist system, it is everywhere and always prosecuted by leftist youth movements who think “they are the good guys.”
these students have become a barbarian horde of brownshirts infecting and inflicting their bizarrely stylized performative ideology on everything they touch.
we left them alone with lunatic marxists and they learned the trick of brainwashing too well they now demand that all kowtow and scrape to their hallucinatory doctrine or face censure. they are united, fierce, and implacable.
meanwhile, the alleged adults are cravens and therein lies the true blame.
so these children of illusory grievance and imagined virtue run ever more amok gaining ever more courage of their convictions because they get ever more power by acting ever more deranged and vicious.
pavlov works on humans too and the more fundamentally untenable your deeply held core convictions, the more fervently and desperately you will seek to protect them.
it is precisely because they cannot withstand challenge that challenge must be prevented.
in affirming them, we might as well be treating a paranoid schizophrenic by giving them a handgun and telling them to shoot the voices.
they need to be told to sit down and shut up.
but who will do this? clearly not the parents, they abrogated this to the faculty. clearly not the faculty. they live in terror or revel in making alliance with the crybullies because they see this power and want some for themselves.
they are happy to become a part of the problem if doing so gives them status. when one need produce nothing but ideology to survive, there are no checks on such derangement and debasement. it’s just the ivory tower version of “lord of the flies” and it’s spilling into every aspect of our lives.
“woke” is just the weaponization of the post modernist parlor game by adding non-interrogatable salients as absolutes. this renders a self-deconstructing ethos a jihadi religion. gender theory, CRT, colonial theory, they are all the same virus loaded with different forms of harm as payload. all pivot on the same dishonest premise:
you can tear apart and question all precepts save these that we declare sacrosanct.
this makes it a religion and it elevates its war to holywar and its evangelism to jihad.
and this jihad is loose in the universities and increasingly spilling the banks into the rest of america. those who should be teaching are instead either being held hostage and harangued into obeisance or are seeking to lead and inflame this trend because it grants them power.
this has rendered the university a seminary once more for just as once these halls of learning were predominantly focused upon turning out clerics of deistic religions, they now serve to do the same for the secular but with the students and their wild eyed radicalism serving as deacons. and they will seek to proselytize as they enter “the real world” because it’s all they know and the only thing that makes their lives feel meaningful.
their identities are incomplete without the group and their atavistic terror of being isolated from the herd is their primary driver.
this is the generation raised without criticism, self-reliance, or self-confidence.
they never learned to solve their own problems, handle disputes, or engage with ideas other than their own. they were taught to BE their ideas rather than to be people WITH ideas and this has left them experiencing all disagreement as personal attack.
this is how you get a mob of brownshirts. none feel safe or stable standing alone. all derive comfort from being in the mob and the mob must have a target lest it fracture and turn upon itself.
we have left them hallucinating ever more rarified derangement and generating ever more fervor in their demands for compliance.
compliance is pluralism
the subjective is the objective
the arbitrary is the sole truth
questions are assault
the student is the master
these are the new inversions and until we begin to dare to call them by name and push back against them, this widespread outbreak of mental illness masquerading as intellectualism will continue to metastasize and spread.
fear of this mob makes you an accomplice to this mob and simply invites to to grow and gather strength.
our apathy and cowardice are the warm waters fueling this hurricane. sure, the kids may be broken, but we’re the ones allowing it, teaching it, rewarding it.
it’s not the puppy’s fault if it pees in the house when you raised it to get a biscuit every time it did so.
the fault lies with the owner.
we did not raise these children and now they seek to raze the society.
time to take a stand.
the kids are NOT alright and they need real teachers, not enablers.
this group is not all children. it’s not even most children. it’s just the really active and aggressive ones whipped into frenzy by a fundamentalist religion they have mistaken for intellectualism.
the media loves to feed this because division and anger as the most potent clickbait known to man.
they want to make this look like a mass movement.
the power comes from the misapprehension that they are the many.
they are not.
the fear comes from suspecting they might be the majority.
so stop falling for it.
this is a human holding out its jacket to make a bear thing it’s big. it only works if you can actually fool the bear.
stop being the dumb bear. hell, remember that you and not they ARE the bear.
falling for this instead of making it stop is a bad choice and one that’s entirely your own fault.
we’re the many. they are the few.
you’ve been tricked and it’s time to wise up.
it’s not even close.
Excellent work, again. I was thinking recently about the removal of a statue of Lee in Virginia recently, in the context of Mao's Cultural Revolution, which had as one of its slogans, "Smash the Four Olds." Wipe out history rather than put it in some context. Mao used the Red Guards to reestablish political dominance that he was losing. Not sure what the goal of the people behind the US Cultural Revolution is. Rather, their goal is clear, but it continues to recede and slip away while the society embarks full force into reverse situational awareness. Learned helplessness seems to be part of the ritual in use. I've heard it called Revelation of the Method. You tell the people how you are going to screw them over, then you dare them to stop you screwing them over, then, once you've screwed them over, you point out, once again, how it is pointless to try to stop being screwed over, and then arrive at learned helplessness. No point in resisting if you are helpless, better to go along with being screwed over as it may make the screwing less painful. We are right at the end of the Empire and it takes some massive divorce from reality and causality to keep the wheels on this bus as it careens down the hill.
Well said. Have more unvaccinated children and homeschool them