i have spoken with Mike on substack forums before, hes happy to engage with us plebs and doesnt talk down to us, hes a genuine caring person with great intellect and insight into the bullshit. much respect!
In reference to #1 in which you would ideally pick the most genetically stable part of a virus for ongoing vaccine efficacy and this comment: "though, as he admits, perhaps this was not known early on..."
It was known from the many years of vaccine development against the original SARS and MERS. Comments directly addressing this problem appear in many papers over the last decade+. They 100% knew early on. No maybes about it. After reading all of these articles, nothing could convince me otherwise.
• "A “concern is that for SARS-CoV escape from neutralization is driven by spike protein variability; thus, spike-dependent vaccine strategies might require multivalent approaches." (2013)
• "the antigenic variation in the S-protein between CoVs limits the breadth of cross protection against multiple emerging CoVs, and is especially true for S-protein only vaccines.” (April 2020)
• "...SARS vaccines might fail to induce antibodies that protect from infection with divergent strains of SARS-CoV… possibly limiting the effectiveness of monotypic SARS-S vaccines.” (2006)
• “An ideal SARS vaccine should 1) elicit highly potent neutralizing antibody responses against a broad spectrum of viral strains; 2) induce protection against infection and transmission; and 3) be safe by not inducing any infection-enhancing antibodies or harmful immune or inflammatory responses.” (A 2005 CDC publication!)
Further support for the likely limitation in Spike-only vaccine design came from therapeutic monoclonal antibody research:
• “S…becomes the most rapidly evolving protein, with most mutations located in the S1 domain and especially the receptor binding domain.”
I wish someone would get all of these comments and pointers to Rand Paul or someone in Congress (I pick rand paul because he knows fauci did the GOF financing) and start drilling down on Fauci et al...did you give this info to Biontech, modera, where did you get it from, etc.
Alas not gonna happen. But a terrific idea all of you.
Yeah, he was good enough to engage with me too. Entirely likable and approachable.
He identified something nefarious in all this a long time ago—like from the very beginning of the vax campaigns—and was noble enough and courageous enough to speak out.
His concern now, according to his own comments, is how to mobilize and galvanize the public to try to stop the progress and somewhat foil the plans of the toxic entities that are behind the ongoing, headlong crashing of our civilization.
The points about the vax are well taken with that objective in view. In his area of particular expertise, he identified evil intent.
So we are looking at the vax thing. Yeah it’s bad. Bad people did very bad things. Still going on.
Were Dr Yeadon expert in another field, maybe finance, I’m sure he’d be sounding the klaxon from that quarter. We’re being assaulted on several fronts.
He sees a massive organized assault on the world we know/knew and he speaks up in hopes of stirring up a resistance.
If I’ve got that wrong, maybe he’ll read this and jump in to correct me.
But he is right about the broader threat, the threat that would bring the world to its knees in order to behead it.
How do we actively and practically oppose this evil?
So, EVERYONE aware of this evil agenda: get ahold of all the FDA "Future Framework," members and all your elected representatives and tell them the truth.
That they are harming and killing us for profits and power, that the entire SARS-COV-2 event was rife with collision, wickedness and fraud, and that we know. And we will NOT tolerate this lawlessness any longer.
They will BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE for their actions.
Courts, Law Enforcement, Congress, and the University, Medical Systems and Media are all about to face facts and turn, go after the guilty, and hold them liable for the harms to humanity they have wilfully and knowingly created. After all, we are all HUMAN, and this has been an attack on ALL OF US!
Great idea, *however.* lets not be naive either. The only reason anyone from the Nazi regime was tried for crimes against humanity (and the ugly truth is that the US protected an awful lot of the worst ones like Klaus Barbie) was because a bloody war was fought and the victors could do about anything they wanted to the losers.
Ergo, *none* of our current crop of criminals will suffer any retribution or punishment unless and until another war is fought and they are on the losing side and the victors can enact just punishments.
So, short of war (or its equivalent) nothing will happen to the criminals because they are members of the cartel currently controlling the US and the West in general.
I believe in the power of people. Give Edward Dowd a listen. He believes that the corporations involved in this will go down simply because too many of the "upper crust" will realize that they have been seriously harmed, lost loved ones, and may die themselves due to the Pharma Kings and their enablers.
Enough top flight athletes keel over during the game, enough celebrities have their faces on sideways or pull blood clots from their brains, well, s#!t will hit the fan. A few more bodies is all it's going to take.....
Congess is slow, but it's starting to dig.
The facts are all out for those with eyes to see.
These bastards are done. They just may not know it yet.
You might want to check out the "I-Recover Post Vaccine" protocol over at flccc.net
Dr Yeadon doesn't mention it (and I think he should) because it is outside his area of expertise. The folks over at flccc.net have treatments because that is what they do.
While Alex gets it right on most issues, he says some things that are TOTALLY untrue, and impossible to get wrong if you do just a little actual looking.
So that leads someone to some interesting conclusions.....
And interestingly, the items he gets "wrong" are the ones that whoever is pulling the strings here REALLY doesn't want the general public to know.
1---Ivermectin works, and works so well it's damn near a miracle.
2- Long Covid is very real, can be induced by the bug, which has been tested in human feces months after an active infection, (my whole digestive system was off for 2 months post Omicron,) and may be a very common side effect for those who took the vax. These people keep getting reinfected! And others believe that many who took the vax have sub-clinical myocarditis. They do still express the spike protien in their lymph glands 90 days after.
And we don't know if some ever stop manufacturing it. So yes, "long -covid" is real. I can think of 10 different mechanisms straight away. Don't forget about those nasty little nano lipid particles running through your body as well, in the vaxxed.
PS for you gentlemen out there:
"Female Hysteria" is the trash can term for anything a male physician cannot comprehend. (When it arrives in a woman.)
Women are different than males and even though this concept shouldn't be difficult to comprehend for their opposite sex, somehow it really is.
Our hormones are massively more complex, we have an entire infrastructure males lack, and as a result have smaller lungs, livers, cardiovascular systems, etcetera. Toxins are much more toxic to us. Our immune systems are more sensitive. Little girls die post vaccination from pneumonia and sepsis, (Guinea-Bissau) at a very high rate. The little black boys get Autism at much higher rates than black girls, post vaccination.
We, the sexes, are different!!
And when men are stumped their classic excuse is to blame the woman. Societies will blame the victims.
Bad human behavior all around. And I include Alex in that assessment. Saying there is no such thing as long covid is an attack on those people dealing with it and stating that there is no evidence for Ivermectin use with SARS-COV-2 is like saying don't give a guy with a heart attack an aspirin. It will get people killed.
Alex does some good journalism but he is totally wrong on Ivermectin and totally wrong when he says that Dr Malone didn't invent the mRNA technology.
Alex is famous (infamous?) for reading the conclusions of studies but nothing else. He actually touted the "TOGETHER" study as proof Ivermectin doesn't work. Even a cursory read by an amateur like me spotted major problems. The study has been shown to be FRAUD.
Long covid is probably the spike proteins lodging in the lungs until your body cleans them out which could take 14-16 months. For some it may be "all in their heads" but a lot are not.
Personally, I think it's somewhere in the middle. I would take Ray's advice below. Which I'm sure you already are.
I think the "depopulation" aspect; is NOW - We've entered the "malice" phase.
IMO it's "depopulation" by virtue of the initial incompetence, followed by the interlude...and then the variant specific vaccines, which are part of the cover-up.
It's depopulation by attrition. I think the initial two shots you'll survive. But it has weakened you're immune system.
You'll live. Sounds like you've arrested the initial "damage". Like the liver, the immune system has a remarkable ability to heal itself. But, right now, yours needs rest.
Stay healthy and get plenty of daylight, but be weary of the chronic waves of re-infection due to vaccine driven variants.
In the end, I think the unvaccinated will be affected as well.
That's exactly what I tried to tell my friends two years ago.
I think this covid nonsense will turn into a Dark Harvest for a couple hundred million people in the world. I could see 300-500 mil deaths as a result of this fool's play.
Shit runs down hill. The least among us will pay the dearest.
None of those Karen's thought of the obvious, because they can't see beyond themselves.
It’s true. The horrific immensity of the situation hasn’t even seeped into their consciousness. It remind minds me of the story: Mask of the Red Death by Poe. People of means thought they could avoid the plague, they could not
Since there's a lot of discusison about what Mike Yeadon said concerning people dying from the vaccines, I did a search and found a transcript of the video I rememerbed hearing, which I referenced in my comment earlier. Here's the link to an auto-generated transcript of his well-known "Final Wartning to Humanity" video: https://www.heartmindhealing.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Dr-Michael-Yeadon-Warning.pdf (There's a link to the video itself in the document.)
NB: He made this video July 2021. That was the Halcyon days of the shots, when there was not yet much tallk in the mainstream press about vaccines failing or wearing off. As Mike points out, they were already talking about boosters then, but the stated reason was "variants". He calls BS on that and says that's our warning that they're lying to us. Now we have the added warning that they completely switched the rationale for the boosters. So the boosters were the point from the very beginning, and they have now used two successive bogus arguments for them. Why this a priori commitment to boosters? Mike says he can see no possible reason except serious malfeasance.
All throughout his remarks, he always references mass depopulaiton in the context of the "top up" vaccines (his phrase for boosters). Here's one extended quote from the talk where he does that. But he repeats this argument numerous times. It's the boosters that he's warning us about. I don't think he ever said that a two-shot regimen was going to lead to mass deaths.
"if they're lying, and they are, why is the pharmaceutical industry making top up vaccines, they are making them, you should be terrified at this point as I am, because there's absolutely no possible justification for their manufacture. But they're being made and the world's medicines regulators have said, because they're quite similar to the original vaccines, the ones that are being given now, we won't be asking them to do any clinical safety studies. So let me just say, again, the variants are not different enough to represent a threat to use, you do not need to top up vaccines yet they are being made, and the regulator's have more or less wave them through. I'm very frightened of that. There's no possible benign interpretation of this. I believe that they're going to be used to damage your health and possibly kill you. Seriously, I can see no sensible interpretation other than a serious attempt at mass depopulation.
This will provide the tools to do it. plausible deniability because they will create another story about some sort of biological threats. And they will line up and get your top up vaccines and a few months or a year or so later, you will die of some peculiar, explicable syndrome, and they won't be able to associate it with the top up vaccines. But that's my belief that they're lying to you about variants. So they can make damaging top up vaccines that that you don't need to draw. And I think they will be used for malign purposes. And if you don't wake up, that's what's going to happen."
If I recall Michael Yeadon’s words correctly, he foresaw a “mass casualty event”. Whether he anticipated this due to the damaging effects of the shots or the population-level repercussions of a sub-optimal vaccination program, or both, I cannot recall. By now, many medical practitioners and scientists are working on protocols to help those with post-jab/post-infection issues, so I’d hope he’s also dispensing some hope in that regard. Personally, though, it is my observation that those who took the shots have no interest in entertaining the possibility that they may be (or have been) harmed as a result; therefore, they would likely forego any possible post-jab/post-infection treatment. If the number of people in this camp is large enough and the serious short/medium/long term consequences are prevalent enough, then Yeadon’s original warning holds. Time will tell but I understand there is reason for individual optimism, even if the masses remain obstinate.
"there is reason for individual optimism" - Exactly. Dr Marik has said that the damage can be fixed and others like Dr Flemming have said "Don't give up hope, we can fix this". Given that the doctors who got results doing early treatment for the disease are saying these things lends it a lot of credence.
The problem, as you pointed out, is getting people to admit there's a problem.
MIke didn't tell us we're going to die if we take the vaccone. He said from early on that the vaccines presented a population-scale risk and that you'd probably be OK if you take it, but the booster program presents a risk of mass casualties from the shots. I think events are sahowing that he knew what he was tlaking about.
This is one of umpteen-million reasons I crowned Mike the King of Integrity (to Tess Lawrie’s Queen of Integrity) in my one-year Substack anniversary post (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/my-one-year-substack-anniversary). He is menschness incarnate and has a purity of heart that made him initially naive to the level of corruption in BigPharma, but once he awakened to it, he pulled out every available stop to expose it. I have admired Mike since his “Planet Lockdown” interview was published and am unspeakably grateful to count him among my closest friends today.
I always feel a tinge of melancholy when I encounter someone like Michael Yeadon, as I know I’ll never have the pleasure of meeting them; and that is taking nothing away from all the remarkable people I have had the great pleasure of knowing personally. If I could get a backstage pass to meet everyone whose tireless work I have consumed and benefited from these past couple years, now that would be something...
Never assume never! One of my subscribers/friends recently met with RFK Jr., Peter McCullough, Pierre Kory, Robert Malone, and Paul Marik at an FLCCC event. You never know when you’ll have an opportunity to connect :-)
It's a 32 page PDF but reads very quickly. Part 1 is a detailed point by point position paper. Part II is more speculative. Page 24 has a real shiver-your-timbers claim, which I have encountered nowhere else: "NHS stockpiled a year’s supply of midazolam by ordering it normally but banning 2019 prescriptions" - read further for context - and speculation.
I actually retrieved the above link via a google search but only after wading through a page and half of the "fact checkers"! He is perhaps the most "debunked" man in the universe!
The high volume medicine was truly impressive. I had to get vaccinated to keep doing what I want to do which includes traveling. Also to keep from being denied medical care (here in CA that is going on). Both of the first two doses were in the drive-through multi-lane high volume superhighway of medicine. Impressive and scary. I said to my wife that I fear this is the future of medicine. First test (to be allowed to get my foot fixed) was a drive through. My wife was with me and her stare kept me from asking "can I get fries with that?"....
It is well known in the firefighting community that pyromaniacs are attracted to volunteering in the firefighting services and a significant proportion of fires are deliberately lit by the pyromaniac firefighters.
Yep. It sounds like human nature across all domains. That is why I am increasingly wary about spending much time in a hospital, unless it is to visit someone.
My grandmother lived to 99. Same thing. She NEVER went to the doctor. Hated hospitals, though she volunteered in one. She believed in taking the stairs, not the elevator. And she laid on her back on her bedroom floor and bicycled her legs in the air every morning for ten minutes. She ate everything. Didn’t overeat and didn’t drink. She wasn’t a talker, but when she spoke, she spoke her mind.
She sounds like my granddad's sister from another mister! He didn't drink, either (got all his ya-yas out as a young man and then never touched the stuff), was deeply devoted to God, a voracious reader, ate whatever he pleased in moderation, did hard physical work for much of his life (was still climbing trees and putting a roof on his house in his 90s), kept his own bees and a garden, lived in the mountains with clean air and spring water, and most important (I think), like your grandmother, never hesitated to speak his mind! 😂 He did not suffer fools, so I'm pretty sure his head would've exploded if he'd lived long enough to see this... he got out just in the nick of time.
I only go when all my own methods fail, that is maybe 3 or 4 times in 10 years. Doc told me I am now of an age that I should come in every year. I told him I stay away from him if not necessary, and he answered, yes, I know, doctors can kill you. I think doctors and hospitals are the third killer in the US. And that is from what we know.
Ugh! It had never occurred to me before, but my eyes are wide open now, that medicine is just another corrupt, industrial complex, where the original purpose has been subsumed to greed & big business.
I am glad to know it now, but it’s still shocking to me
It's sad, too. Way back, you needed the doctor to help set broken limbs, suture gaping wounds, and remove bullets. (Probably have watched too many Westerns.) 😕
Bandit, my grandfather, father & uncle were physicians, back when they were independent & did those things & for the right reasons. We kids practically had to be on our death beds to get an aspirin, much less any other meds, when I was growing up. I’ve seen it all, & that’s how much it has changed.
In support of your contention that they likely had a head start on making the vaccine, consider that it's been over two years and they still don't have a vaccine for any variants that emerged after the wild-type virus made its debut. And they supposedly developed the current vaccine in something like 36 hours after obtaining the genome of the virus.
I am amazed no one seems to remember this - how they had the sequence ready in 2 days, but somehow were never able to replicate that parlor trick for Delta, Omicron 1, Ba 1,2 3, 4, 5.. to infinity
That's a great observation of a plainly obvious fact and why I always read the comments sections to any article.
I'll add that I remember that both Pfizer & Moderna said they needed 100 days to alter the vaxx for omicron. Nothing ever came of this as far as I know and the original formula continues to be used.
I think the Omicron shot (it's not a vaccine) is in trials now. Of course, it's the original variant which is no longer in circulation - so not clear how valuable that will be.
The odd thing is that moderna pivoted to a "bivariant" version that included the original strain. Igor speculates it's because of OAS. From the article:
They also decided, instead of a pure Omicron Ba.1-based mRNA, to use a “bivalent vaccine”, which is a mix of the Ba.1 vaccine and Wuhan-variant vaccine.
Why, may I ask, add a two-years-ago extinct Wuhan variant? I would like others to weigh in, but my own explanation is that the pure Ba.1 vaccine did not work well at all due to Original Antigenic Sin, so they had to make a change on April 11.
I wonder - if someone has received none of the shots yet - if they would be better to use a Omicron or bivariant version (assuming they were so inclined)?
The perplexing thing is the bivalent shot is still injecting the original mess that started OAS. It is clear the original did not work as a deterrent or prevention to illness. So anyone taking it is getting more of the same poison. Effectively another booster. Igor may have eluded to this.
A spike protein "vaccine" to an extinct variant or the wild type itself has no benefit in terms of preventing infection or stopping spread, the antibodies do not recognize or stop the present set of variant viruses. So in terms of infection prevention, it has no value.
In answer to the constant question, "What in god's name are They doing NOW?!" does anyone think that there is even one criminal among this gang who is not now making his *every* decision on CYA principles alone? (While still trying to wring every possible penny of profit from crime, of course.)
In addition, ALL of them are still under EAU only, correct? If these are so “safe & effective”, why haven’t the corrupt entities green lighted full approval?
Oh, they did for Comirnaty. The one that will never be produced. If they had full approval, it would be possible to sue the vaccine companies - and who wants that?
I need an official statement of this fact (comirnaty, fda approved, not available in USA). It used to be on Pfizer’s own website as of last august 2021 but I can’t find it anymore. My boss (and everyone else) doesn’t believe they’re not getting the fda approved. I’ve asked pharmacists and medical people administering this drug yet none of them will show me a vial that says comirnaty. They either don’t know anything about the names of the drug (scary) or they just say the ingredients are the same (scary)! I’m a nurse and will not administer any vaccine or EUA medication’s.
re: "they just say the ingredients are the same" ~ it's my understanding that the ingredients ARE the same and that the distinction is a LEGAL one ~ the classic "different in name only" ~ and one Pfizer engineered in order to maximize profit until they could get their U.S. product on the childhood vax schedule. I will look for the issue of "The Defender" from CHD from (I think) October, in which RFK lays out the relevant facts.
I remember them saying it had slight differences. It’s truly stunning how they lie with impunity. I often wonder why they even did any trials much less documented them. They could’ve just made everything up in their favor. Why are they bothering with keeping VAERS? They could do away with it and no one could protest. It’s super maddening that this craziness is happening!
The manufacturers do their own testing and trials, following the time-honoured fox/henhouse protocols. I believe this was permitted by the 1986 Act on childhood vaccines (not sure).
VAERS is maintained by the U.S. government, specifically the CDC. This also arises from the 1986 Act, which is not being adhered to, in several respects.
The first link doesn’t say that comirnaty is not manufactured in USA. Does that mean it is currently being manufactured in USA? If so, why can I not find a vial labeled Comirnaty?
Last August, 2021, Pfizer website did state they were not going to manufacture Comirnaty in the ISA….it’s no longer there. I need a current and official fda or Pfizer link stating Comirnaty is not available in USA.
The closest I found to that was the link to Ron Johnson's page - he's a senator and from what I can tell, credible. If it's urgent, perhaps you could get further clarification from his office? He seems to be the only one who gives a damn about vaccine injuries.
Not urgent as I have a lawyer helping me keep my job at the moment however I want to show my employer that the Comirnaty is not available and therefore the people are still being forced to take an experimental drug. And for those who are not forced are taking it because they’ve been told it is fda approved…but it’s a lie.
These are awesome, thanks!! However, my employer won’t entertain CHD “antivaxxer” story. I need it to come directly from fizer or fda. Thanks so much for your efforts!
I would start with real live, in person pharmacists. Tell them you want Comirnaty and if they say it's not available, ask them to put that in writing, and go from there. (Ask how can they be sure it's not available? Do they have that fact in writing themselves ~ from the government, the manufacturer (Pfizer), or a supplier? etc., etc.) Good luck!
My facility hires CVS to give Covid shots. For the other vaccines (flu, shingles, pneumonia) I dodge the orders which I could get into trouble for passing orders onto the next nurse but so far I’ve been getting away with it.
Because They (meaning, Big Harma) don't want that until They have Their replacement liability shield in place it the form of the CDC's placing Their vax on the Childhood Vaccination Schedule ... coming any moment now! This is why Comirnaty has not been made available in the U.S. ~ because it has no liability protection here due to not being authorised for emergency use OR recommended (yet!) for children ...
Can you locate anything on Pfizer’s website explaining that they have not started manufacturing Comirnaty? I swear it used to be on Pfizer’s website! I should have saved it!!
They change what They publish on-line on a 24/7 basis. Crime is a full-time job. The FDA is the same. I would be ASTOUNDED to find a definitive statement by Them on there. Plus, we know that They HAVE been manufacturing it, but none of the COVID vaccines anywhere in the world have been purchased by anyone other than a GOVERNMENT, and the U.S. government is NOT going to purchase a single vial of Comirnaty until it is "safely" (meaning safe for Bourla et alia) on the CDC's childhood vax schedule. :(
Have you tried 'phoning pharmacies anonymously, as a vaccinee wannabe, and asking them if they have "FDA-approved Comirnaty vaccine for COVID?" The pharmacists might have at least a lead on where, if anywhere, to get it. If they say, "It's not available in the U.S.," you could ask when it WILL be, and just try to get what info you can. If your boss is ACTUALLY interested in the facts, the Kennedy piece in The Defender should tell him a lot ...
I read that moderna had the genome in 2017 and the american military owns parts of it since somewhere in the early 2010s. The virus dates from 2003 or 2004 when it might have escaped from a lab in Wuhan LOL
When I hear people speak of Dr. Mike Yeadon, it is not just with respect but affection. He's given up so much in order to speak out. If history doesn't remember him as one of the heroes, it will be a travesty.
I and my friends here in Japan have avoided the first jab, but I am guessing that like the slow but steady creep of digitalization and central control of fiat currency, incentives have just about run their course. After the summer elections have solidified the super majority LDP's ruling base, I expect incentives will rapidly turn into mandates ... for 'our protection' of course. I agree with Mike ... collusion and malfeasance by those running this depression-era protection-racket. If I live through Halloween this year, I'll plan to dress up like either Al Capone or Anthony Fauci. Same suit. Same mask.
They knew the spike protein was itself an agent of disease very early in the game. Maybe they were fed it by Wuhan Cronies, but they still knew it was toxic and still decided to have our own cells reproduce it in the billions within our own bodies.
If they were just mucking around with coronaviruses for fun and profit (with DoD and NIH funding), why the HIV inserts? Wuhan lab research from this year shows that sars-cov-2 spike enters CD4+ T cells using the same pathway as HIV. It has the segments and the function.
What benign purpose could be served by that? If you want to chalk this all up to gain of function research designed to locate potential pandemic strains that might emerge into humans, why add HIV segments?
I won't even get into the things that are being discussed now regarding amyloid and prions because we never should have let the HIV inserts pass by. Their mention in the original, high quality paper made Fauci go on red alert.
I spent a lot of time trying to come up with an explanation that makes those inserts explainable as some sort of mistake or research and I have not been able to find a plausible one. I would like to hear one. Until I do, I have to work from the assumption that the spike protein is a bioweapon loaded with as many nasty bits as they could fit in.
Not even questions with a pinch of curiosity from the fawning sycophants.. truly gag worthy. These same tools are first to say Julian Assange is not a journalist. Indeed where in corp media do the presstitutes expose the crimes of the powerful or afflict the comfortable?
My views are heavily colored by a Washington career that spanned from Watergate to Bush Sr election when I left too sick about the corruption to be part of it anymore. To me there aren't actually two parties there are market sector representatives with 35 lobbyists per head producing legislation that will never be read by the body of Wall Street collaborators whose only job is to keep taxpayers mollified and patrons fed. :~)
Except if you consider that perhaps to them it wasn't a wrong answer at all, rather a controlled, purposeful experiment with certain aspects tweaked to provide data for future applications. I don't buy the incompetence argument after reading so many relevant published studies since 2003. I buy the greedy, megalomaniacal, god-complex, mad-scientist, ethically-compromised, morally-bereft argument.
They knew what they were choosing to test and likely pitfalls/knowledge gaps, but they wanted the data at a large enough scale to be most useful going forward (I happen to think that's also a key motivation for the recent EUA approval for infants and toddlers- they need this demographic to round out the experiment; the possible benefit towards becoming part of the childhood schedule, not mutually exclusive). Not just for coronaviruses but other vaccines, future or current. It's hard not to think that maybe they got impatient/frustrated going about research the same old way if you read hundreds of previous SARS, MERS, Zika vaccine studies and prior comments from Fauci, study authors, etc.
Additionally I've theorized that this could be a reason for the widespread silencing and discouragement of early treatment, because it would have ruined their vaccine data in terms of confounding variables and sufficient clean numbers.
Not sure if he coined it but I got it from Paul Craig Roberts who was Asst Treasury Sec under Reagan and for way over a decade been a harsh critic of Banksters and Deep State.
Being ill when one is young is particularly abnormal.
Being ill when one is young during the summer is even more of an aberration.
I am seeing many young people coming down with summer colds and fevers and "flu-like symptoms" this year in numbers which are undeniable.
These young people where I live are a highly "vaccinated" demographic. No shortage of psychotic, hypochondriacal parents (who are also getting sick repeatedly) around here.
Got a call yesterday from a friend who said that our planned get-together had to be cancelled because guess what. Let slip that they got vaccinated a month ago. I said, that's interesting. I haven't been vaccinated and I haven't had any problems. Oh, well, I know, (they said) but let's not talk about this now . . . So ok.
My pureblood kids have a cold right now. I think it was people caging their children for more than a year and not letting them freely mix and pick up and fight off the germs they normally would.
We tried as hard as we could to keep the kids out and about from the beginning. But with school closed for a year and no one else letting their kids out there weren’t many germs available.
As we all know, Covid vaxx is a very harmful fraud. Mike Yeadon is one of my Covid heroes also.
That said, there was a reason why they picked "spike protein" as the vaccine antigen. Spike protein is what the virus presents on the outer surface, and thus is the most logical thing to make antigens for.
The main reason why it mutated was the vaccine.
The covid vax debacle shows that vaccine development is very complicated (and also that the vaccine science is largely fraudulent). Not all vaccines lead to immunity, and that is to put it mildly.
i'm not so sure about this, esp as mRNA vaccines are not even really showing you spike protein per se but rather the effects manifest on your own cell membranes once cells have been taught to code for protein.
as an MOA, this was always pretty fraught in terms of capacity to generate sterilizing immunity. it's akin to teaching your night watchman to spot fires, but not arsonists.
this "inoculation" has never really shown you the virus, just its effects.
as a modality, it (and adenovirus carrier) never really made much sense vs using actual virus/viral segment as traditionally effective vaccines have.
all this new-new tech emerging at once around such unified targets at such high speed leaves me deeply suspicious we have a common source for the science.
"as a modality, it (and adenovirus carrier) never really made much sense vs using actual virus/viral segment as traditionally effective vaccines have."
How has the efficacy of the traditional SARS-CoV-2 vaccines compared to the mRNA and viral vectors? It's looking like Novavax is fraught with many of the same issues as the other Western vaccines, and then we hear about the disappointing performance of the Chinese vaccines, but that's of course through a Western lens which will presumably have bias (if not outright lies).
I would have thought that perhaps, just perhaps, the traditional inactivated vaccines may perform a little better over the long term since they should allow for a wider breadth of immunity. But even in that scenario, the person is still getting injected with harmful proteins, and the Chinese vaccines throw in aluminum as an adjuvant. I also recall reading about 3rd doses of the Chinese vaccines being required very early on due to poor immune activation. I'm confident that none of the vaccines are both safe and effective.
I think they had their sights on the toxoid vaccines such as tetanus. I also think it was always about winging it on antibody levels instead of providing sterilising immunity. If viewed through the profit lens, the most volatile and immunogenic protein is perfect because you can both dazzle people with antibody titers while at the same time keep people coming back every year for the latest version like the flu. The last thing disasters capitalism wants is permanent solutions.
I agree with you that the spike would seem a likely target...stomp out the infection before it takes root. But, elsewhere in this same interview, Dr. Yeadon says he warned them off the spike because it is biologically active and dangerous. He also warned that it was too close to human protein and would increase the risk of autoimmunity.
The whole notion of mRNA or VV-DNA tech for vaccines seems stupid to me. It is a recipe for autoimmunity, even if the spike protein isn't close to human proteins because the spike is presented on the surface of human cells. How is the immune system supposed to distinguish between self and other? I developed two autoimmune conditions within weeks of my first and only flu infection, so, perhaps, I was more attuned to the potential risks.
We were told that coronaviruses were stable (unlike influenza viruses), but they're not. We were told the LNPs stayed local to the injection site, but they don't and the "experts" knew it. We were told the spike was presented to the immune system on the cell surface and would not detach and enter the blood/lymph system, which is not true. The question is really what did they know and when did they know it.
Why did they pick the spike protein as the target? The Bad Cat makes a good point. It was available, and they were in a panic. IMO, Yeadon sees a more diabolical reason. This was a feature, not a bug.
Perhaps the most disorienting aspect of the last two years has been watching people like Michael Yeadon, Pierre Kory, Robert Malone, Peter McCullough run right past me. I've thought many thoughts I didn't want to think, and I've read some crazy stuff. I've tried not to panic or judge. I just place ideas and theories on my "What the Hell is Going On?" shelf for later consideration. All of the men listed above (and many others) started out thinking we were dealing with incompetence, maybe some hubris, probably some greed. My read on all of them now is that they think this is deliberate, on purpose for a purpose. I still hold out hope, but it's getting harder to dismiss the idea that this is more than your garden variety incompetence and greed. No doubt, there are many useful idiots who have drunk the kool-aide and don't understand what is really afoot. I suspect most physicians fall into this category, but ignorance is no excuse.
Why didn't the "experts" choose multiple antigen targets? You can listen to Peter Hotez explain their thinking to Congress in March 2020. Turns out, multiple targets (which would include attenuated whole virus, I presume) dramatically increase the risk of ADE.
RE: the Hotez clip: Paraphrasing-- A decade ago they moved to Texas to create a school for developing vaccines for diseases that don't make money...they haven't seen the big pharma guys rushing in to fill this space for coronavirus vaccines...Took a decade, but I'd say they solved that funding problem.
Going off of memory here, gonna have to dig through my old notes. While it's true that some studies showed that S-only vaccines might be less at risk of ADE/VED, there were also studies that showed the combo of S- and N- might be superior (gotta double check) or that certain adjuvants might be problematic. After looking into this question, I came to the conclusion that at that time the results to date were conflicting, but they had to test something. Also the RBD that he specifically mentions is an even smaller component of the Spike. But in different studies was shown to be a highly variable portion that some papers said may not be an ideal candidate for neutralizing antibodies due to immune evasion or even selecting for variants. They knew the trade-off they were possibly making, in even the best of circumstances.
Most concerning to me were two different things, however. #1) I was deeply disturbed that previous studies on average only challenged the test animal a few weeks after finishing the vaccine series. Given that a leading theory for ADE proposes that waning immunity against the pathogen is a key cause, how does making claims about ADE, when test animal immunity is at peak, make any sense at all?
Answer: it doesn't. Maybe they didn't want to report negative outcomes, so they looked when they knew it wasn't likely to be present, thereby fixing their results to show the research in more favorable light. It's also more costly to extend studies and maybe lifespan of animals comes into play, but I can't help but smell publication bias. Whatever the reason, the study construct seems inadequate to best answer that question.
#2) Animals that are used to test coronavirus vaccines and ADE are not able to replicate the severe pathology that occurs in humans. If the test animal doesn't show severe symptoms (with the associated pathology?), how can you get meaningful answers about such a topic? Surrogate markers would likely only get you so far. Again, seems rather inadequate, even if they have no other option.
To me, their knowledge regarding coronavirus vaccines and ADE was half-baked at best. One of the many reasons it seemed the opposite of cautious to disseminate them so widely, so fast. (In the clip he specifically says they need to be extremely cautious and go slow...)
And as I recall: all the animals in the original mRNA studies died or were severely affected when introduced to the wild virus …. And the studies were abandoned
Interesting 2 minute video with one of Brook Jackson's lawyers, summarizing Pfizer's attempt to have her case dismissed. According to this guy, Pfizer's basically saying it doesn't matter that they lied to the government because the government knew they were lying. Or sumpin' like dat.
Thought I read something a year ago about BioNtech had actually patented the genetic sequence of the current SARS virus, back in 2017/18. When the SARS virus became a pandemic, these 4 pharma corps already had a running start on how to proceed.
There is a small sequence in the virus that is reverse identical to a moderna patent from a few years back, yes. It doesn't necessarily point to moderna knowing about covid back then, but it does point to the idea that their patented invention was used somewhere along the way in the lab processes that led to sars-cov-2. Either that or it was an incredible chance event of a natural virus generating the same sequence in the wild.
i have spoken with Mike on substack forums before, hes happy to engage with us plebs and doesnt talk down to us, hes a genuine caring person with great intellect and insight into the bullshit. much respect!
Me too. He is super smart, super kind & super principled. If only there were more like him.
Every time I get a like on a comment or reply from Dr. Yeadon, I make a screenshot so that I can share it with my wife.
Thank you Dr. Yeadon.
Now, the contents of my comments that get liked or replied to are, uh, a little scary.
Dr. Yeadon has been able to see things from a lot earlier than most of us who are now learning things piece by piece.
And it is very scary.
2nd that!
Please forgive the strategic reply placement:)
In reference to #1 in which you would ideally pick the most genetically stable part of a virus for ongoing vaccine efficacy and this comment: "though, as he admits, perhaps this was not known early on..."
It was known from the many years of vaccine development against the original SARS and MERS. Comments directly addressing this problem appear in many papers over the last decade+. They 100% knew early on. No maybes about it. After reading all of these articles, nothing could convince me otherwise.
• "A “concern is that for SARS-CoV escape from neutralization is driven by spike protein variability; thus, spike-dependent vaccine strategies might require multivalent approaches." (2013)
• "the antigenic variation in the S-protein between CoVs limits the breadth of cross protection against multiple emerging CoVs, and is especially true for S-protein only vaccines.” (April 2020)
• "...SARS vaccines might fail to induce antibodies that protect from infection with divergent strains of SARS-CoV… possibly limiting the effectiveness of monotypic SARS-S vaccines.” (2006)
• “An ideal SARS vaccine should 1) elicit highly potent neutralizing antibody responses against a broad spectrum of viral strains; 2) induce protection against infection and transmission; and 3) be safe by not inducing any infection-enhancing antibodies or harmful immune or inflammatory responses.” (A 2005 CDC publication!)
Further support for the likely limitation in Spike-only vaccine design came from therapeutic monoclonal antibody research:
• “S…becomes the most rapidly evolving protein, with most mutations located in the S1 domain and especially the receptor binding domain.”
They knew what they were doing.
*see Lie #6 for many quotes highlighting this.
This is very helpful. Thank you very much.
i love how the like button doesn't work on some of the most important comments
I wish someone would get all of these comments and pointers to Rand Paul or someone in Congress (I pick rand paul because he knows fauci did the GOF financing) and start drilling down on Fauci et al...did you give this info to Biontech, modera, where did you get it from, etc.
Alas not gonna happen. But a terrific idea all of you.
Wow. thanks so much!
Important history there which affirms the Yeadon point. Much accountability to debate.
Edit: I know this was in response to the post...I think.
But I wanted an opinion on a post I made earlier. You seem to know your stuff.
So for just a regular guy like me, who tries to explain this to other regular guys/gals, was my comment completely stupid?
Maybe over the target?
If it was stupid. that's okay.
Just curious about your opinion.
Ditto thAT!!
Yeah, he was good enough to engage with me too. Entirely likable and approachable.
He identified something nefarious in all this a long time ago—like from the very beginning of the vax campaigns—and was noble enough and courageous enough to speak out.
His concern now, according to his own comments, is how to mobilize and galvanize the public to try to stop the progress and somewhat foil the plans of the toxic entities that are behind the ongoing, headlong crashing of our civilization.
The points about the vax are well taken with that objective in view. In his area of particular expertise, he identified evil intent.
So we are looking at the vax thing. Yeah it’s bad. Bad people did very bad things. Still going on.
Were Dr Yeadon expert in another field, maybe finance, I’m sure he’d be sounding the klaxon from that quarter. We’re being assaulted on several fronts.
He sees a massive organized assault on the world we know/knew and he speaks up in hopes of stirring up a resistance.
If I’ve got that wrong, maybe he’ll read this and jump in to correct me.
But he is right about the broader threat, the threat that would bring the world to its knees in order to behead it.
How do we actively and practically oppose this evil?
So, EVERYONE aware of this evil agenda: get ahold of all the FDA "Future Framework," members and all your elected representatives and tell them the truth.
That they are harming and killing us for profits and power, that the entire SARS-COV-2 event was rife with collision, wickedness and fraud, and that we know. And we will NOT tolerate this lawlessness any longer.
They will BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE for their actions.
Courts, Law Enforcement, Congress, and the University, Medical Systems and Media are all about to face facts and turn, go after the guilty, and hold them liable for the harms to humanity they have wilfully and knowingly created. After all, we are all HUMAN, and this has been an attack on ALL OF US!
Great idea, *however.* lets not be naive either. The only reason anyone from the Nazi regime was tried for crimes against humanity (and the ugly truth is that the US protected an awful lot of the worst ones like Klaus Barbie) was because a bloody war was fought and the victors could do about anything they wanted to the losers.
Ergo, *none* of our current crop of criminals will suffer any retribution or punishment unless and until another war is fought and they are on the losing side and the victors can enact just punishments.
So, short of war (or its equivalent) nothing will happen to the criminals because they are members of the cartel currently controlling the US and the West in general.
I believe in the power of people. Give Edward Dowd a listen. He believes that the corporations involved in this will go down simply because too many of the "upper crust" will realize that they have been seriously harmed, lost loved ones, and may die themselves due to the Pharma Kings and their enablers.
Enough top flight athletes keel over during the game, enough celebrities have their faces on sideways or pull blood clots from their brains, well, s#!t will hit the fan. A few more bodies is all it's going to take.....
Congess is slow, but it's starting to dig.
The facts are all out for those with eyes to see.
These bastards are done. They just may not know it yet.
From your lips to God's ears.
Same here. Love Mike!
Yup, love me some Mike🥰
Is Mike still telling us we are going to die because we got the vaxx which he claims was intentionally created to kill people?
Why would I want to listen to people who tell me I am a dead man walking?
so you dont keep making the same mistake, so you can educate and protect your kids and others.
You might want to check out the "I-Recover Post Vaccine" protocol over at flccc.net
Dr Yeadon doesn't mention it (and I think he should) because it is outside his area of expertise. The folks over at flccc.net have treatments because that is what they do.
Well I got double vaxxed 8 months ago and we drank pine tea before and after which we read was one way to combat any effects.
Looking at the link they seem to believe in long Covid.
Didn't Alex Beresen or this sub stack recently publish a study showing it was a myth and mostly affected women with anxiety disorders?
While Alex gets it right on most issues, he says some things that are TOTALLY untrue, and impossible to get wrong if you do just a little actual looking.
So that leads someone to some interesting conclusions.....
And interestingly, the items he gets "wrong" are the ones that whoever is pulling the strings here REALLY doesn't want the general public to know.
1---Ivermectin works, and works so well it's damn near a miracle.
2- Long Covid is very real, can be induced by the bug, which has been tested in human feces months after an active infection, (my whole digestive system was off for 2 months post Omicron,) and may be a very common side effect for those who took the vax. These people keep getting reinfected! And others believe that many who took the vax have sub-clinical myocarditis. They do still express the spike protien in their lymph glands 90 days after.
And we don't know if some ever stop manufacturing it. So yes, "long -covid" is real. I can think of 10 different mechanisms straight away. Don't forget about those nasty little nano lipid particles running through your body as well, in the vaxxed.
PS for you gentlemen out there:
"Female Hysteria" is the trash can term for anything a male physician cannot comprehend. (When it arrives in a woman.)
Women are different than males and even though this concept shouldn't be difficult to comprehend for their opposite sex, somehow it really is.
Our hormones are massively more complex, we have an entire infrastructure males lack, and as a result have smaller lungs, livers, cardiovascular systems, etcetera. Toxins are much more toxic to us. Our immune systems are more sensitive. Little girls die post vaccination from pneumonia and sepsis, (Guinea-Bissau) at a very high rate. The little black boys get Autism at much higher rates than black girls, post vaccination.
We, the sexes, are different!!
And when men are stumped their classic excuse is to blame the woman. Societies will blame the victims.
Bad human behavior all around. And I include Alex in that assessment. Saying there is no such thing as long covid is an attack on those people dealing with it and stating that there is no evidence for Ivermectin use with SARS-COV-2 is like saying don't give a guy with a heart attack an aspirin. It will get people killed.
I can’t like your post as it seems to be disabled, but “Brava, Katherine!”.
Thank you, Carrots!
It's interesting, isn't, which posts you can't "like!"
I've had that problem once or twice myself. ; ))
Alex does some good journalism but he is totally wrong on Ivermectin and totally wrong when he says that Dr Malone didn't invent the mRNA technology.
Alex is famous (infamous?) for reading the conclusions of studies but nothing else. He actually touted the "TOGETHER" study as proof Ivermectin doesn't work. Even a cursory read by an amateur like me spotted major problems. The study has been shown to be FRAUD.
Long covid is probably the spike proteins lodging in the lungs until your body cleans them out which could take 14-16 months. For some it may be "all in their heads" but a lot are not.
Lastly, My grandmother gave me the best advice of my life:
sleep when you're tired. you're body knows. listen to it.
zakrocz -
Personally, I think it's somewhere in the middle. I would take Ray's advice below. Which I'm sure you already are.
I think the "depopulation" aspect; is NOW - We've entered the "malice" phase.
IMO it's "depopulation" by virtue of the initial incompetence, followed by the interlude...and then the variant specific vaccines, which are part of the cover-up.
It's depopulation by attrition. I think the initial two shots you'll survive. But it has weakened you're immune system.
You'll live. Sounds like you've arrested the initial "damage". Like the liver, the immune system has a remarkable ability to heal itself. But, right now, yours needs rest.
Stay healthy and get plenty of daylight, but be weary of the chronic waves of re-infection due to vaccine driven variants.
In the end, I think the unvaccinated will be affected as well.
Even if their health survives in tact, the supply chain will be life changing for all.
That's exactly what I tried to tell my friends two years ago.
I think this covid nonsense will turn into a Dark Harvest for a couple hundred million people in the world. I could see 300-500 mil deaths as a result of this fool's play.
Shit runs down hill. The least among us will pay the dearest.
None of those Karen's thought of the obvious, because they can't see beyond themselves.
It's rather disgusting if you think about it.
It’s true. The horrific immensity of the situation hasn’t even seeped into their consciousness. It remind minds me of the story: Mask of the Red Death by Poe. People of means thought they could avoid the plague, they could not
Mask of the Red Death. Goodness that's been a long time ago since I read that. Great memory and quite a cautionary Tell-Tale "Heart" of our nation
Since there's a lot of discusison about what Mike Yeadon said concerning people dying from the vaccines, I did a search and found a transcript of the video I rememerbed hearing, which I referenced in my comment earlier. Here's the link to an auto-generated transcript of his well-known "Final Wartning to Humanity" video: https://www.heartmindhealing.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Dr-Michael-Yeadon-Warning.pdf (There's a link to the video itself in the document.)
NB: He made this video July 2021. That was the Halcyon days of the shots, when there was not yet much tallk in the mainstream press about vaccines failing or wearing off. As Mike points out, they were already talking about boosters then, but the stated reason was "variants". He calls BS on that and says that's our warning that they're lying to us. Now we have the added warning that they completely switched the rationale for the boosters. So the boosters were the point from the very beginning, and they have now used two successive bogus arguments for them. Why this a priori commitment to boosters? Mike says he can see no possible reason except serious malfeasance.
All throughout his remarks, he always references mass depopulaiton in the context of the "top up" vaccines (his phrase for boosters). Here's one extended quote from the talk where he does that. But he repeats this argument numerous times. It's the boosters that he's warning us about. I don't think he ever said that a two-shot regimen was going to lead to mass deaths.
"if they're lying, and they are, why is the pharmaceutical industry making top up vaccines, they are making them, you should be terrified at this point as I am, because there's absolutely no possible justification for their manufacture. But they're being made and the world's medicines regulators have said, because they're quite similar to the original vaccines, the ones that are being given now, we won't be asking them to do any clinical safety studies. So let me just say, again, the variants are not different enough to represent a threat to use, you do not need to top up vaccines yet they are being made, and the regulator's have more or less wave them through. I'm very frightened of that. There's no possible benign interpretation of this. I believe that they're going to be used to damage your health and possibly kill you. Seriously, I can see no sensible interpretation other than a serious attempt at mass depopulation.
This will provide the tools to do it. plausible deniability because they will create another story about some sort of biological threats. And they will line up and get your top up vaccines and a few months or a year or so later, you will die of some peculiar, explicable syndrome, and they won't be able to associate it with the top up vaccines. But that's my belief that they're lying to you about variants. So they can make damaging top up vaccines that that you don't need to draw. And I think they will be used for malign purposes. And if you don't wake up, that's what's going to happen."
I did the same thing and went back and read a transcript of the video.
My original comment was harsh and reflected where my emotions were at the moment I wrote it.
Fear is no reason to hide the truth. We are all dead men walking in some respects.
Resource for vaxed people …This is straight from the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance.
I-RECOVER: Post-Vaccine Treatment
If I recall Michael Yeadon’s words correctly, he foresaw a “mass casualty event”. Whether he anticipated this due to the damaging effects of the shots or the population-level repercussions of a sub-optimal vaccination program, or both, I cannot recall. By now, many medical practitioners and scientists are working on protocols to help those with post-jab/post-infection issues, so I’d hope he’s also dispensing some hope in that regard. Personally, though, it is my observation that those who took the shots have no interest in entertaining the possibility that they may be (or have been) harmed as a result; therefore, they would likely forego any possible post-jab/post-infection treatment. If the number of people in this camp is large enough and the serious short/medium/long term consequences are prevalent enough, then Yeadon’s original warning holds. Time will tell but I understand there is reason for individual optimism, even if the masses remain obstinate.
"there is reason for individual optimism" - Exactly. Dr Marik has said that the damage can be fixed and others like Dr Flemming have said "Don't give up hope, we can fix this". Given that the doctors who got results doing early treatment for the disease are saying these things lends it a lot of credence.
The problem, as you pointed out, is getting people to admit there's a problem.
MIke didn't tell us we're going to die if we take the vaccone. He said from early on that the vaccines presented a population-scale risk and that you'd probably be OK if you take it, but the booster program presents a risk of mass casualties from the shots. I think events are sahowing that he knew what he was tlaking about.
talk to dr fauci. he will make you feel better.
This is one of umpteen-million reasons I crowned Mike the King of Integrity (to Tess Lawrie’s Queen of Integrity) in my one-year Substack anniversary post (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/my-one-year-substack-anniversary). He is menschness incarnate and has a purity of heart that made him initially naive to the level of corruption in BigPharma, but once he awakened to it, he pulled out every available stop to expose it. I have admired Mike since his “Planet Lockdown” interview was published and am unspeakably grateful to count him among my closest friends today.
I always feel a tinge of melancholy when I encounter someone like Michael Yeadon, as I know I’ll never have the pleasure of meeting them; and that is taking nothing away from all the remarkable people I have had the great pleasure of knowing personally. If I could get a backstage pass to meet everyone whose tireless work I have consumed and benefited from these past couple years, now that would be something...
Never assume never! One of my subscribers/friends recently met with RFK Jr., Peter McCullough, Pierre Kory, Robert Malone, and Paul Marik at an FLCCC event. You never know when you’ll have an opportunity to connect :-)
My favorite Yeadon remark - circa April 2021 - rehearsing a rhetorical question:
"Why is my government lying to me? Because they are going to kill you."
There are plenty of Yeadon video interviews out there. His definitive written statement probably is: https://doctors4covidethics.org/the-covid-lies/
It's a 32 page PDF but reads very quickly. Part 1 is a detailed point by point position paper. Part II is more speculative. Page 24 has a real shiver-your-timbers claim, which I have encountered nowhere else: "NHS stockpiled a year’s supply of midazolam by ordering it normally but banning 2019 prescriptions" - read further for context - and speculation.
I actually retrieved the above link via a google search but only after wading through a page and half of the "fact checkers"! He is perhaps the most "debunked" man in the universe!
Most debunked? I'd put money on Wakefield - he's been in the 'getting debunked' chair a lot longer. (Winky emoji conceptually inserted.)
Yes, the assassination of Wakefield's character is one of the worst ever.
How about the untimely death of Kary Mullis, the inventor of the PCR test?
Seems conspicuous to me?
My thought as well
Mine was him pointing out being tested in car parks.
I get all my health testing done in a field. 🤦🏻♀️
I love making sport of all the shit.
How about all the long lines of people getting tested, not obeying the iron-clad 6 foot rule?...with their mask on outside!
A weird combination of sheep, Pavlovian dogs and masochist, all scrummed together.
It just doesn’t make sense. It’s not logical. But they keep doing it. I’m getting a headache from all my solitary head shaking.
The high volume medicine was truly impressive. I had to get vaccinated to keep doing what I want to do which includes traveling. Also to keep from being denied medical care (here in CA that is going on). Both of the first two doses were in the drive-through multi-lane high volume superhighway of medicine. Impressive and scary. I said to my wife that I fear this is the future of medicine. First test (to be allowed to get my foot fixed) was a drive through. My wife was with me and her stare kept me from asking "can I get fries with that?"....
Part of the experiment.
Why are politicians lying? Because it is what happens when they move their lips...;-)
It is well known in the firefighting community that pyromaniacs are attracted to volunteering in the firefighting services and a significant proportion of fires are deliberately lit by the pyromaniac firefighters.
I suspect Baric and Daszak are 'viromaniacs'
Yep. It sounds like human nature across all domains. That is why I am increasingly wary about spending much time in a hospital, unless it is to visit someone.
stay the hell away from all things doctor and hospital. they probably will kill you. Last time I saw the doc he told me so himself.
My granddad lived to 106, sharp as a tack 'til the end. His secret? "Eat honey every day and stay away from doctors."
My grandmother lived to 99. Same thing. She NEVER went to the doctor. Hated hospitals, though she volunteered in one. She believed in taking the stairs, not the elevator. And she laid on her back on her bedroom floor and bicycled her legs in the air every morning for ten minutes. She ate everything. Didn’t overeat and didn’t drink. She wasn’t a talker, but when she spoke, she spoke her mind.
She sounds like my granddad's sister from another mister! He didn't drink, either (got all his ya-yas out as a young man and then never touched the stuff), was deeply devoted to God, a voracious reader, ate whatever he pleased in moderation, did hard physical work for much of his life (was still climbing trees and putting a roof on his house in his 90s), kept his own bees and a garden, lived in the mountains with clean air and spring water, and most important (I think), like your grandmother, never hesitated to speak his mind! 😂 He did not suffer fools, so I'm pretty sure his head would've exploded if he'd lived long enough to see this... he got out just in the nick of time.
Incredible. They don’t make ‘em mike that anymore. I really miss that generation.
My long-time doc told me in 2021 that I should take the jab (which I declined), so about the same as killing patients.
My doc is a would be killer/pill pusher.
I only go when all my own methods fail, that is maybe 3 or 4 times in 10 years. Doc told me I am now of an age that I should come in every year. I told him I stay away from him if not necessary, and he answered, yes, I know, doctors can kill you. I think doctors and hospitals are the third killer in the US. And that is from what we know.
Mine is a Kaiser doc…enough said
Mine’s VA
God bless you!
Optum --- Optum-al for them.
Just saw my obese, sugar promoting PCP. He only wanted to push pills snd vaccines. He hassled me about seeing a female for my PAP. Ugh!!
Ugh! It had never occurred to me before, but my eyes are wide open now, that medicine is just another corrupt, industrial complex, where the original purpose has been subsumed to greed & big business.
I am glad to know it now, but it’s still shocking to me
It's sad, too. Way back, you needed the doctor to help set broken limbs, suture gaping wounds, and remove bullets. (Probably have watched too many Westerns.) 😕
Bandit, my grandfather, father & uncle were physicians, back when they were independent & did those things & for the right reasons. We kids practically had to be on our death beds to get an aspirin, much less any other meds, when I was growing up. I’ve seen it all, & that’s how much it has changed.
In support of your contention that they likely had a head start on making the vaccine, consider that it's been over two years and they still don't have a vaccine for any variants that emerged after the wild-type virus made its debut. And they supposedly developed the current vaccine in something like 36 hours after obtaining the genome of the virus.
I am amazed no one seems to remember this - how they had the sequence ready in 2 days, but somehow were never able to replicate that parlor trick for Delta, Omicron 1, Ba 1,2 3, 4, 5.. to infinity
That's a great observation of a plainly obvious fact and why I always read the comments sections to any article.
I'll add that I remember that both Pfizer & Moderna said they needed 100 days to alter the vaxx for omicron. Nothing ever came of this as far as I know and the original formula continues to be used.
I think the Omicron shot (it's not a vaccine) is in trials now. Of course, it's the original variant which is no longer in circulation - so not clear how valuable that will be.
The odd thing is that moderna pivoted to a "bivariant" version that included the original strain. Igor speculates it's because of OAS. From the article:
They also decided, instead of a pure Omicron Ba.1-based mRNA, to use a “bivalent vaccine”, which is a mix of the Ba.1 vaccine and Wuhan-variant vaccine.
Why, may I ask, add a two-years-ago extinct Wuhan variant? I would like others to weigh in, but my own explanation is that the pure Ba.1 vaccine did not work well at all due to Original Antigenic Sin, so they had to make a change on April 11.
I wonder - if someone has received none of the shots yet - if they would be better to use a Omicron or bivariant version (assuming they were so inclined)?
Thank you, but I am not so inclined.
The perplexing thing is the bivalent shot is still injecting the original mess that started OAS. It is clear the original did not work as a deterrent or prevention to illness. So anyone taking it is getting more of the same poison. Effectively another booster. Igor may have eluded to this.
that is similar to russian roulette using two shells.
A spike protein "vaccine" to an extinct variant or the wild type itself has no benefit in terms of preventing infection or stopping spread, the antibodies do not recognize or stop the present set of variant viruses. So in terms of infection prevention, it has no value.
That's mostly how my mind thinks about it, but always open to input in case someone has considered something I haven't. Thanks!
My guess: negative value.
In answer to the constant question, "What in god's name are They doing NOW?!" does anyone think that there is even one criminal among this gang who is not now making his *every* decision on CYA principles alone? (While still trying to wring every possible penny of profit from crime, of course.)
In addition, ALL of them are still under EAU only, correct? If these are so “safe & effective”, why haven’t the corrupt entities green lighted full approval?
Oh, they did for Comirnaty. The one that will never be produced. If they had full approval, it would be possible to sue the vaccine companies - and who wants that?
Yes, I knew about that one but just the fact that it “will never be produced” speaks volumes
It's in use in many other jurisdictions around the world, just not anywhere that it would be subject to the laws of the United States ...
I need an official statement of this fact (comirnaty, fda approved, not available in USA). It used to be on Pfizer’s own website as of last august 2021 but I can’t find it anymore. My boss (and everyone else) doesn’t believe they’re not getting the fda approved. I’ve asked pharmacists and medical people administering this drug yet none of them will show me a vial that says comirnaty. They either don’t know anything about the names of the drug (scary) or they just say the ingredients are the same (scary)! I’m a nurse and will not administer any vaccine or EUA medication’s.
re: "they just say the ingredients are the same" ~ it's my understanding that the ingredients ARE the same and that the distinction is a LEGAL one ~ the classic "different in name only" ~ and one Pfizer engineered in order to maximize profit until they could get their U.S. product on the childhood vax schedule. I will look for the issue of "The Defender" from CHD from (I think) October, in which RFK lays out the relevant facts.
I remember them saying it had slight differences. It’s truly stunning how they lie with impunity. I often wonder why they even did any trials much less documented them. They could’ve just made everything up in their favor. Why are they bothering with keeping VAERS? They could do away with it and no one could protest. It’s super maddening that this craziness is happening!
Two different "They's" at issue here ...
The manufacturers do their own testing and trials, following the time-honoured fox/henhouse protocols. I believe this was permitted by the 1986 Act on childhood vaccines (not sure).
VAERS is maintained by the U.S. government, specifically the CDC. This also arises from the 1986 Act, which is not being adhered to, in several respects.
Will this help? https://www.fda.gov/news-events/press-announcements/fda-approves-first-covid-19-vaccine
And this: https://www.ronjohnson.senate.gov/2021/10/sen-johnson-continues-to-press-the-fda-pfizer-biontech-on-transparency-and-politicization-of-vaccine-approval-process
The first link doesn’t say that comirnaty is not manufactured in USA. Does that mean it is currently being manufactured in USA? If so, why can I not find a vial labeled Comirnaty?
Last August, 2021, Pfizer website did state they were not going to manufacture Comirnaty in the ISA….it’s no longer there. I need a current and official fda or Pfizer link stating Comirnaty is not available in USA.
The closest I found to that was the link to Ron Johnson's page - he's a senator and from what I can tell, credible. If it's urgent, perhaps you could get further clarification from his office? He seems to be the only one who gives a damn about vaccine injuries.
Not urgent as I have a lawyer helping me keep my job at the moment however I want to show my employer that the Comirnaty is not available and therefore the people are still being forced to take an experimental drug. And for those who are not forced are taking it because they’ve been told it is fda approved…but it’s a lie.
Christine, two issues in August 2021 of "The Defender," the newsletter of Children's Health Defense, which is RFK Jr.'s organisation, lay out a lot of the facts relevant to this. The first is in the 8/24/21 issue and was written by RFK and Meryl Nass, M.D., and is at https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/mainstream-media-fda-approval-pfizer-vaccine/?eType=EmailBlastContent&eId=f34e5fbf-195c-4ff7-b4db-8f5b98964da7 and the second is in the 8/31/21 issue and was written by Megan Redshaw, and is at https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/cdc-endorses-fda-approval-pfizer-covid-vaccine-age-16-older-missing-data/?eType=EmailBlastContent&eId=69d4a333-376c-400f-8ffa-0cdb644593cb
These are awesome, thanks!! However, my employer won’t entertain CHD “antivaxxer” story. I need it to come directly from fizer or fda. Thanks so much for your efforts!
I would start with real live, in person pharmacists. Tell them you want Comirnaty and if they say it's not available, ask them to put that in writing, and go from there. (Ask how can they be sure it's not available? Do they have that fact in writing themselves ~ from the government, the manufacturer (Pfizer), or a supplier? etc., etc.) Good luck!
Christine, I agree w/ DAM. Just curious how you avoid it if your hospital or clinic gives them &/or if a patient comes in wanting one?
My facility hires CVS to give Covid shots. For the other vaccines (flu, shingles, pneumonia) I dodge the orders which I could get into trouble for passing orders onto the next nurse but so far I’ve been getting away with it.
Well that’s just really great of you to risk that. Bless you
Thank you for your integrity.
Because They (meaning, Big Harma) don't want that until They have Their replacement liability shield in place it the form of the CDC's placing Their vax on the Childhood Vaccination Schedule ... coming any moment now! This is why Comirnaty has not been made available in the U.S. ~ because it has no liability protection here due to not being authorised for emergency use OR recommended (yet!) for children ...
Can you locate anything on Pfizer’s website explaining that they have not started manufacturing Comirnaty? I swear it used to be on Pfizer’s website! I should have saved it!!
They change what They publish on-line on a 24/7 basis. Crime is a full-time job. The FDA is the same. I would be ASTOUNDED to find a definitive statement by Them on there. Plus, we know that They HAVE been manufacturing it, but none of the COVID vaccines anywhere in the world have been purchased by anyone other than a GOVERNMENT, and the U.S. government is NOT going to purchase a single vial of Comirnaty until it is "safely" (meaning safe for Bourla et alia) on the CDC's childhood vax schedule. :(
Have you tried 'phoning pharmacies anonymously, as a vaccinee wannabe, and asking them if they have "FDA-approved Comirnaty vaccine for COVID?" The pharmacists might have at least a lead on where, if anywhere, to get it. If they say, "It's not available in the U.S.," you could ask when it WILL be, and just try to get what info you can. If your boss is ACTUALLY interested in the facts, the Kennedy piece in The Defender should tell him a lot ...
I read that moderna had the genome in 2017 and the american military owns parts of it since somewhere in the early 2010s. The virus dates from 2003 or 2004 when it might have escaped from a lab in Wuhan LOL
My understanding is that the Chinese Military believe SARS 1 was also bio-engineered.
yes I read at the time that they thought it to be a lab escapee.
Sounds like forethought to me. I'm not sure how yet, but my gut is the variant specific vaccines are part of the cover-up
When I hear people speak of Dr. Mike Yeadon, it is not just with respect but affection. He's given up so much in order to speak out. If history doesn't remember him as one of the heroes, it will be a travesty.
Thank you, Dr. Yeadon, for all that you do.
So in essence, they effed up, then panicked, then kept silent and then profited from their effing up the human genome for all future.
Where do I sign up for firing squad detail?
First things first. Start heating up the tar and gathering the feathers.
Go Bad Cat and Mike Yeadon!
I and my friends here in Japan have avoided the first jab, but I am guessing that like the slow but steady creep of digitalization and central control of fiat currency, incentives have just about run their course. After the summer elections have solidified the super majority LDP's ruling base, I expect incentives will rapidly turn into mandates ... for 'our protection' of course. I agree with Mike ... collusion and malfeasance by those running this depression-era protection-racket. If I live through Halloween this year, I'll plan to dress up like either Al Capone or Anthony Fauci. Same suit. Same mask.
Cheers from Japan and keep up the good fight!
Does that mean you will never take the shot?🤞🏻
Not by own free will ... and certainly not with any informed consent about what's in those damn things and what they actually do to me.
They knew the spike protein was itself an agent of disease very early in the game. Maybe they were fed it by Wuhan Cronies, but they still knew it was toxic and still decided to have our own cells reproduce it in the billions within our own bodies.
If they were just mucking around with coronaviruses for fun and profit (with DoD and NIH funding), why the HIV inserts? Wuhan lab research from this year shows that sars-cov-2 spike enters CD4+ T cells using the same pathway as HIV. It has the segments and the function.
What benign purpose could be served by that? If you want to chalk this all up to gain of function research designed to locate potential pandemic strains that might emerge into humans, why add HIV segments?
I won't even get into the things that are being discussed now regarding amyloid and prions because we never should have let the HIV inserts pass by. Their mention in the original, high quality paper made Fauci go on red alert.
I spent a lot of time trying to come up with an explanation that makes those inserts explainable as some sort of mistake or research and I have not been able to find a plausible one. I would like to hear one. Until I do, I have to work from the assumption that the spike protein is a bioweapon loaded with as many nasty bits as they could fit in.
I agree with you. Like they threw in everything they could think of to see what would happen...
"and this is how the teacher catches you: because you all gave the same wrong answer to a simple question on the exam."
Would be nice if our presstitute class had the observational skills & questions of an eight year old.
It's crazy to me that Fauci and his gang STILL haven't had to answer tough questions from a hostile audience.
Not even questions with a pinch of curiosity from the fawning sycophants.. truly gag worthy. These same tools are first to say Julian Assange is not a journalist. Indeed where in corp media do the presstitutes expose the crimes of the powerful or afflict the comfortable?
Well, if the powerful or comfortable have (R)s after their names......
My views are heavily colored by a Washington career that spanned from Watergate to Bush Sr election when I left too sick about the corruption to be part of it anymore. To me there aren't actually two parties there are market sector representatives with 35 lobbyists per head producing legislation that will never be read by the body of Wall Street collaborators whose only job is to keep taxpayers mollified and patrons fed. :~)
Please share more PamelaDrew. There is a worthy story here.
Random riffs with pics at my Substack and feet in the street at Flickr! :~)
The toughest questions came from a Mexican comedian:
The media is thoroughly corrupt, bought and PAID. They aren’t stupid, this is FASCISM!
Except if you consider that perhaps to them it wasn't a wrong answer at all, rather a controlled, purposeful experiment with certain aspects tweaked to provide data for future applications. I don't buy the incompetence argument after reading so many relevant published studies since 2003. I buy the greedy, megalomaniacal, god-complex, mad-scientist, ethically-compromised, morally-bereft argument.
They knew what they were choosing to test and likely pitfalls/knowledge gaps, but they wanted the data at a large enough scale to be most useful going forward (I happen to think that's also a key motivation for the recent EUA approval for infants and toddlers- they need this demographic to round out the experiment; the possible benefit towards becoming part of the childhood schedule, not mutually exclusive). Not just for coronaviruses but other vaccines, future or current. It's hard not to think that maybe they got impatient/frustrated going about research the same old way if you read hundreds of previous SARS, MERS, Zika vaccine studies and prior comments from Fauci, study authors, etc.
Additionally I've theorized that this could be a reason for the widespread silencing and discouragement of early treatment, because it would have ruined their vaccine data in terms of confounding variables and sufficient clean numbers.
"presstitute"!!!! New one to me--Love it!
Not sure if he coined it but I got it from Paul Craig Roberts who was Asst Treasury Sec under Reagan and for way over a decade been a harsh critic of Banksters and Deep State.
Being ill is not the normal human condition.
Being ill when one is young is particularly abnormal.
Being ill when one is young during the summer is even more of an aberration.
I am seeing many young people coming down with summer colds and fevers and "flu-like symptoms" this year in numbers which are undeniable.
These young people where I live are a highly "vaccinated" demographic. No shortage of psychotic, hypochondriacal parents (who are also getting sick repeatedly) around here.
Pretty sure I know what is causing this.
Got a call yesterday from a friend who said that our planned get-together had to be cancelled because guess what. Let slip that they got vaccinated a month ago. I said, that's interesting. I haven't been vaccinated and I haven't had any problems. Oh, well, I know, (they said) but let's not talk about this now . . . So ok.
Wonder when they will want to talk about it? Booster #5 ?
My pureblood kids have a cold right now. I think it was people caging their children for more than a year and not letting them freely mix and pick up and fight off the germs they normally would.
100%. "Natural boosting" didn't occur naturally over 2+ years, surely handicapping us as a population against other viruses.
We tried as hard as we could to keep the kids out and about from the beginning. But with school closed for a year and no one else letting their kids out there weren’t many germs available.
Let's call it the "Gates Disease."
We're gonna need Victory Gardens of lavender because the stink is gonna be incapacitating, once the septic tank overflows.
Lol. Thinking we might need something stronger then lavender!
Well if we all do our part...
Couldn't have said it better myself !
As we all know, Covid vaxx is a very harmful fraud. Mike Yeadon is one of my Covid heroes also.
That said, there was a reason why they picked "spike protein" as the vaccine antigen. Spike protein is what the virus presents on the outer surface, and thus is the most logical thing to make antigens for.
The main reason why it mutated was the vaccine.
The covid vax debacle shows that vaccine development is very complicated (and also that the vaccine science is largely fraudulent). Not all vaccines lead to immunity, and that is to put it mildly.
i'm not so sure about this, esp as mRNA vaccines are not even really showing you spike protein per se but rather the effects manifest on your own cell membranes once cells have been taught to code for protein.
as an MOA, this was always pretty fraught in terms of capacity to generate sterilizing immunity. it's akin to teaching your night watchman to spot fires, but not arsonists.
this "inoculation" has never really shown you the virus, just its effects.
as a modality, it (and adenovirus carrier) never really made much sense vs using actual virus/viral segment as traditionally effective vaccines have.
all this new-new tech emerging at once around such unified targets at such high speed leaves me deeply suspicious we have a common source for the science.
"as a modality, it (and adenovirus carrier) never really made much sense vs using actual virus/viral segment as traditionally effective vaccines have."
How has the efficacy of the traditional SARS-CoV-2 vaccines compared to the mRNA and viral vectors? It's looking like Novavax is fraught with many of the same issues as the other Western vaccines, and then we hear about the disappointing performance of the Chinese vaccines, but that's of course through a Western lens which will presumably have bias (if not outright lies).
One thing to know is that there never was (and still there is not any) successful vaccine against any coronavirus.
Another is that there never was a successful mRNA product. The only success of Covid vaxx is making money for Bourla and Bancel.
I would have thought that perhaps, just perhaps, the traditional inactivated vaccines may perform a little better over the long term since they should allow for a wider breadth of immunity. But even in that scenario, the person is still getting injected with harmful proteins, and the Chinese vaccines throw in aluminum as an adjuvant. I also recall reading about 3rd doses of the Chinese vaccines being required very early on due to poor immune activation. I'm confident that none of the vaccines are both safe and effective.
I think they had their sights on the toxoid vaccines such as tetanus. I also think it was always about winging it on antibody levels instead of providing sterilising immunity. If viewed through the profit lens, the most volatile and immunogenic protein is perfect because you can both dazzle people with antibody titers while at the same time keep people coming back every year for the latest version like the flu. The last thing disasters capitalism wants is permanent solutions.
Vincent Raccianello, provaxxer virologist, said they picked the spike because it was quick and cheap.
Did anyone read a Professor Bollox’s(can’t remember his full name) tweet about Mike’s video saying it was nonsense?
I agree with you that the spike would seem a likely target...stomp out the infection before it takes root. But, elsewhere in this same interview, Dr. Yeadon says he warned them off the spike because it is biologically active and dangerous. He also warned that it was too close to human protein and would increase the risk of autoimmunity.
The whole notion of mRNA or VV-DNA tech for vaccines seems stupid to me. It is a recipe for autoimmunity, even if the spike protein isn't close to human proteins because the spike is presented on the surface of human cells. How is the immune system supposed to distinguish between self and other? I developed two autoimmune conditions within weeks of my first and only flu infection, so, perhaps, I was more attuned to the potential risks.
We were told that coronaviruses were stable (unlike influenza viruses), but they're not. We were told the LNPs stayed local to the injection site, but they don't and the "experts" knew it. We were told the spike was presented to the immune system on the cell surface and would not detach and enter the blood/lymph system, which is not true. The question is really what did they know and when did they know it.
Why did they pick the spike protein as the target? The Bad Cat makes a good point. It was available, and they were in a panic. IMO, Yeadon sees a more diabolical reason. This was a feature, not a bug.
Perhaps the most disorienting aspect of the last two years has been watching people like Michael Yeadon, Pierre Kory, Robert Malone, Peter McCullough run right past me. I've thought many thoughts I didn't want to think, and I've read some crazy stuff. I've tried not to panic or judge. I just place ideas and theories on my "What the Hell is Going On?" shelf for later consideration. All of the men listed above (and many others) started out thinking we were dealing with incompetence, maybe some hubris, probably some greed. My read on all of them now is that they think this is deliberate, on purpose for a purpose. I still hold out hope, but it's getting harder to dismiss the idea that this is more than your garden variety incompetence and greed. No doubt, there are many useful idiots who have drunk the kool-aide and don't understand what is really afoot. I suspect most physicians fall into this category, but ignorance is no excuse.
Why didn't the "experts" choose multiple antigen targets? You can listen to Peter Hotez explain their thinking to Congress in March 2020. Turns out, multiple targets (which would include attenuated whole virus, I presume) dramatically increase the risk of ADE.
RE: the Hotez clip: Paraphrasing-- A decade ago they moved to Texas to create a school for developing vaccines for diseases that don't make money...they haven't seen the big pharma guys rushing in to fill this space for coronavirus vaccines...Took a decade, but I'd say they solved that funding problem.
Going off of memory here, gonna have to dig through my old notes. While it's true that some studies showed that S-only vaccines might be less at risk of ADE/VED, there were also studies that showed the combo of S- and N- might be superior (gotta double check) or that certain adjuvants might be problematic. After looking into this question, I came to the conclusion that at that time the results to date were conflicting, but they had to test something. Also the RBD that he specifically mentions is an even smaller component of the Spike. But in different studies was shown to be a highly variable portion that some papers said may not be an ideal candidate for neutralizing antibodies due to immune evasion or even selecting for variants. They knew the trade-off they were possibly making, in even the best of circumstances.
Most concerning to me were two different things, however. #1) I was deeply disturbed that previous studies on average only challenged the test animal a few weeks after finishing the vaccine series. Given that a leading theory for ADE proposes that waning immunity against the pathogen is a key cause, how does making claims about ADE, when test animal immunity is at peak, make any sense at all?
Answer: it doesn't. Maybe they didn't want to report negative outcomes, so they looked when they knew it wasn't likely to be present, thereby fixing their results to show the research in more favorable light. It's also more costly to extend studies and maybe lifespan of animals comes into play, but I can't help but smell publication bias. Whatever the reason, the study construct seems inadequate to best answer that question.
#2) Animals that are used to test coronavirus vaccines and ADE are not able to replicate the severe pathology that occurs in humans. If the test animal doesn't show severe symptoms (with the associated pathology?), how can you get meaningful answers about such a topic? Surrogate markers would likely only get you so far. Again, seems rather inadequate, even if they have no other option.
To me, their knowledge regarding coronavirus vaccines and ADE was half-baked at best. One of the many reasons it seemed the opposite of cautious to disseminate them so widely, so fast. (In the clip he specifically says they need to be extremely cautious and go slow...)
I agree with all your points. Hotez is no longer concerned about going slowly, is he?
If memory serves, they skipped the animal trials altogether for the SARS2 jabs.
They either want to kill us (which is what Michael Yeadon fears/thinks), or they don't much care if they kill us. Neither bodes well for the future.
And as I recall: all the animals in the original mRNA studies died or were severely affected when introduced to the wild virus …. And the studies were abandoned
As I understand, they also chose spike because the N protein was problematic with the first sars vaccine failure due to ADE issues.
Interesting 2 minute video with one of Brook Jackson's lawyers, summarizing Pfizer's attempt to have her case dismissed. According to this guy, Pfizer's basically saying it doesn't matter that they lied to the government because the government knew they were lying. Or sumpin' like dat.
Isn't that the same as the defense position in the Michael Sussman trial? The FBI knew he was lying, so it wasn't a lie? Got him off, though.
Immunor and Cambridge took the reasonable and safe approach looking for non-human epitopes! They were canceled because in their research they found that the virus had to be man-made! So they were right on another very important point. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7468800/ Some of us saw this a long time ago: https://twitter.com/richardursomd/status/1335080425560084481?s=21&t=uWyOP9unt_PETxeyoxhg1g
Warning: I'm not a scientist or med/pharma SME!!!
Thought I read something a year ago about BioNtech had actually patented the genetic sequence of the current SARS virus, back in 2017/18. When the SARS virus became a pandemic, these 4 pharma corps already had a running start on how to proceed.
Or am I confused and/or ill-informed?
There is a small sequence in the virus that is reverse identical to a moderna patent from a few years back, yes. It doesn't necessarily point to moderna knowing about covid back then, but it does point to the idea that their patented invention was used somewhere along the way in the lab processes that led to sars-cov-2. Either that or it was an incredible chance event of a natural virus generating the same sequence in the wild.
Thank you Joe.