When my son went to MIT for his masters' degrees (at least they are useful for his work), a friend said to me (as if this was the most-important priority for me) "Wow, think of all the important friends that you will make because of this." ugh
That’s the reason why people want to go to Harvard or Yale. It’s not what you know it’s who you know. It’s very sensible to make friends in high places. The people who understand this are the richer ones.
I worked for a Wunderkind in the early days of the internet. He was getting big contracts from major companies to build their first websites. I asked how he managed to get these contracts. His answer:
"It's who you know and who you blow."
Later I found out that he came from a very well-connected family which set up these contracts through his father. It really wasn't his own doing.
lol he’s probably shameless because he figures there is nothing wrong with being smart enough to make friends in high places.
On the other hand, he could go to College only to just smoke pot and drink and waste his life instead of making important friends. I know which I prefer for my own family.
Everybody is pretty much the sum of the five people he hangs around most. You could make friends with a bunch of losers who hold you back or intelligent, ambitious people who want to work hard for their family. It’s up to the individual.
I have to give credit to the fact that my son is very driven, nobody is perfect, but he knows what he wants. I will not take credit for that any more than I will take blame for anything my children do wrong. That could sound very harsh or it could sound as if I give them credit where it is due.
That's the kind of story that marxists use as ammunition, to prove there's a cabal of rich people who keep the rest of us from getting ahead. They are probably partially right, though their "solutions" are just about changing the membership of the cabal.
That's one of the most important reasons to go to a school like that. Those contacts are infinitely more important than anything he'll learn there. You can learn the same material at home for free. You're paying for the social connections, mentors and future colleagues.
We must subvert Marxist subversion with memes and humor. At least the Soviet and Chinese marxists never dreamed of castrating their kids, letting men into women’s bathrooms, and banning algebra cuz equity. Meanwhile, our next Congress will feature a stunning and brave trans woman! https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/sarah-mcbride-seth-moulton-trans-democrat-congress
That "woman" in Congress is a trans identified man. Do not ever let the Marxists control language. That guy is male, probably not much of a man, but definitely not a woman.
Agree 100%. Language is important. When they change the language, they change reality. He is a man, period. They are not illegal immigrants, they are illegal aliens (legal term, that); they are not Minor Attracted Persons, they are pedophiles; and on and on… language matters!
Orwell was sure that the decline of a language had political and economic causes. Although he had no solid proof, he presumed that the languages of countries under dictatorships, such as the Soviet Union or Germany, had deteriorated under their respective regimes.
"When the general atmosphere is bad, language must suffer," Orwell writes in his essay, "Politics and the English Language."
"If thought corrupts language, language can also corrupt thought," he continues.
Here is the very concept behind the invention of Newspeak. To illustrate this idea that language can corrupt thought and that totalitarian systems use language to restrict, rather than broaden, ideas, Orwell created Newspeak, the official language of Oceania. Without a word for freedom, for example, the concept of freedom cannot exist.
They never use the word “immigrant” because that implies that these people are here to stay; instead they use “migrant“ which implies that they will, at some point, “migrate“ back to wherever they came from. It’s all very calculated.
As I'm sure you know, getting us to castrate OUR kids is part of their subversion. I never expected to be in this place (figuratively speaking), singing this song of Cold War rhetoric, but it is what it is. I heard it enough times over the years I was growing up, and I so wanted to be done with it. Rather than being an anachronism, I'm sad to say it's prophetic.
In a nutshell, Marxism taps into the worst aspects of human nature: envy, greed, pride, and the lust for power, cleverly cloaked though in the robes of equity for all, albeit a little more for me!
In its most horrifying and inevitable manifestation, it is willing to murder to achieve its aims, again, cloaked in a self-righteous political expedience.
Note recently those who have rushed to the fore to justify the murder of the healthcare CEO, for allegedly partaking in the oppression of the infirm.
Or the calls during the Covid-mania era for the unvaccinated to be left to die for their shameless disregard for the moral welfare of all mankind.
They are a delusional lot draped in the appearance high-minded benevolence, who would kill you in an instant if they could get away with it, and cheer on those who try.
Marxism the slipperiest of slopes that historically and always leads to nowhere good - ever.
A good, basic explanation of Marxism and how it works (or more correctly, doesn't work). Interesting how the babysitter in the cartoon makes the malicious comment about strangers wanting to know what kids have in their pants. Obviously, this cartoonist has no sense of irony at all, when it is the "trans" community and their many extreme activists, who not only want to know what the kids have in their pants, but want to surgically remove, sew up, and in other monstrous ways want to actively alter what kids have in their pants. The hypocritical lack of awareness of this cartoonist might even be mildly amusing if the subject matter wasn't so monstrous.
I think you're being unfair to the cartoonist. The message I got is that the babysitter clearly is playing the role of the Commissar enforcing the new belief system upon the yet-to-be-educated citizen. Now, I agree there is ambiguity: One could either take the perspective that Transgenderism is "right" and Citizen was indiscreet to dare question a child's sex, as that has become outmoded thinking. From another perspective of course, the same could be seen as a commentary on how willingly the sheep (Citizen) will meekly accept a profound untruth when it's dogmatically expressed and/or shaming and other tactics are used by Commissar.
Marxism (and its postmodern variants like wokeism) is a deformed, partial religion, attractive to people who have lost touch with God. Whether you believe in the metaphysical truths of our Judeo-Christian tradition or not, surely you have to admit that it has created the conditions for unprecedented human flourishing in the West. Only in a high trust society in which truth is valued above all, and in which we see our fellow humans as "created in the image of God" (and therefore worthy of certain inalienable rights) could we have built what we have built. Nietzsche was right when he predicted that the "death of God" would be catastrophic. He was wrong when he implied that we could create our own values out of the void left in His wake. https://pairodocs.substack.com/p/in-defence-of-the-christians
For Bible-believing Christians, much of this is explained by rebellion. Rebellion against social norms (governmental authority), rebellion against parental influence (or parental authority), and ultimately rebellion against God and the clear teachings of the Bible (considered the Word of God). Such rebellion is spiritually authored by the ultimate rebel, the Adversary, aka Satan.
(Biblical proof texts available upon request.)
Mankind, actually made in the image of the Creator, but ignoring the spiritual help of the Creator, can never overcome the spiritual influence of the Adversary, to rise above the influence of selfish “ME-ism.”
Exactly. I'm not the only one to point out that it feels, these days, as if the veil has been pulled back and the Adversary is getting bolder. As if we are pawns in a spiritual battle. We literally celebrate Luciferian "Pride" while churches are burned to the ground.
Or as Bonhoeffer has said, in describing the "collective stupidity" of our species: ..."the inner liberation of man begins by living responsibly before God. Only then may stupidity be overcome."
You have Nietzsche partially correct. I'm not at scholar level, but I've read his works pretty deeply and am a fan so... He said so many things and they have been interpreted many ways. For example, if you read the couple places where the God is dead theme appears, you'd find (my opinion of course), that this is Nietzsche's way of announcing that man's advancing knowledge of science had led to the downfall of religion as a subject worthy of serious study. If there was no Divine basis for morality, law, etc. then there is no absolute, that everything was relative, malleable, arbitrary, subjective.
You (Pairdocs) are wrong, I believe, when you say “He was wrong when he implied that we could create our own values out of the void left in His wake.” If God really is dead, then it’s not so much a question that we “can” create new values, but the necessity that it is we who MUST create values. A theist may feel that morality ultimately come from a God, while a secularist/agnostic (like myself) will claim that you are still a human being creating human values and the only difference between yours and mine is that you claim a divine inspiration as the source.
By no means was the death of God (religion becoming marginalized) to be greeted with joy and acclaim. Quite the contrary: in some of his passages, Nietzsche’s character is anything but joyful, he is fearful of the consequences. Not the risk of damnation from an angry God, as a Christian would fear, but the prospect of the Void, of the world having lost its moorings and now drifts aimlessly, lacking [moral] supports. That's a tenet of Existentialism: that the Universe is aloof, amoral, uncaring, indifferent. It is up to Man to find his values and to live by them.
But Nietzsche literally went mad when he started plumbing the depths of this reality. He followed his thinking to its logical conclusion and he never recovered from it. Carl Jung was a fan of Nietzsche, but as an astute student of human nature he better understood the dark implications of the void. He came very close to going mad himself as a young man. It was never clear whether Jung was a deist, but he knew that without some foundational myth, humans would self-destruct. If nothing else, the Judeo-Christian tradition has been around for thousands of years and it is clearly the foundational myth of the West. It has withstood the tests of time. We dispense with it, as Tom Holland and others have pointed out, at our own peril.
All mankind must indeed “find his values and … live by them.” This is certainly correct, since we come into this world as a blank slate and are only able to learn values as we gain exposure to life’s circumstances, whether vicariously or experientially. Those who find Biblical scripture compelling, realize there is no better source of morality, and the only source that purports to be from the Son of God, attested by several personal accounts (gospels) of the miracles performed.
The nature of humanity and that which serves human happiness and fulfilment according to our fundamental nature is all that's needed to create a morality. Promises of supernatural rewards for suffering in life create a moral inversion that has caused much of the suffering the world has seen (e.g. 72 virgins).
Well heck. One of life-s basic truths is that toddlers like to smash things and if you thwart puberty you don't get grownups.
And if you let these children continue to get away with misappropriating "gender" from the linguists where it was happy and uncomplicated, and use it in their endlessly evolving game of "you can't catch me," they will just keep going. Getting that checkbox out of all checkbox lists should be among the bureaucratic busting work of DOGE.
The "affordable housing" hoax is another Marxist scam. People show up in a town where they can't afford to live and demand a place to live. The town idiots on the City Council realize they can rake in subsidies for "affordable housing" and also score equity points for being a "15 minute city" because the "oppressed" unemployables can walk to the grocery store parking lot to beg for handouts. An added benefit is that the grateful nitwits will vote for the people who gave them "affordable" (ie free) housing in a once-beautiful town, and the people who made the town desirable will leave. Anyone who objects is vilified for lacking "compassion." There are a string of ruined cities (large and small) that followed this path, from Portland to San Francisco, and Bozeman to San Luis Obispo.
A quibble: there is some fragility in the current paradigm, because it is Fed-fueled to proportions that, quoth Cookie Monster, “Boggle de Mind.” The incentives have been so madly mutilated and retarded that it’s amazing how much still *does* work, and a testament to the robustness of the underlying order.
But our big institutions are splintered on the rocks and it’s horrifically dangerous to get off a stranded ship in stormy seas. There is much that deserves subversion.
It is not, however, that which the Marxists seek to subvert. Because, in many ways, it’s exactly what they asked for.
If it's any consolation, Marxism (or perhaps any other belief system) will ultimately fall because, in so many words, it will run of things to subvert and will subvert itself. Think of it as institutional suicide. Murder-suicide might be more accurate, because in the process of killing themselves they do a lot of collateral damage and claim many innocent victims. Welcome to Nihilism.
One of my employees called me the 'Gordon Ramsey of veterinary medicine' on a day I had just reamed out a new butthole in a low performing employee.
I took that as a great compliment......sadly, I could have been sued(but this person was so stupid they did not know that).
I work in a business where mistakes can mean the difference between life and death. I do not hold back and I expect EVERYONE to give a shit......are you surprised I have problems finding suitable employees and retaining them?
Sadly, in the field of Vet Med, there is a corporate job just waiting for a warm body to make them money....the corporations don't CARE if a good job is done, just if money is made. So, maybe the answer to marxism is corporatism?
I graduated when quality of care was still the number one concern....now, the new grads talk incessantly about work/life balance, student loan debt and salaries.....they don't seem to get excited about the actual job.....which is a cool as shit job. Never a same day....always something new. Still learning after 25+ years. How many jobs are like that?
I still make a good living, but money is not my main concern.....and that used to be the norm in Vet Med. Now, I am an outlier...a weirdo....I am the object of scorn by my colleagues.....they don't like that I can do things for less money, because it makes them look bad.....but my clients can only afford so much....what are we to do?
I think it's likely human med is the same or maybe worse.
My daughter gave birth ( that makes her the MOTHER) to her third daughter yesterday…. I was quite delighted to see a pink bordered notecard with a stork at the end of the hospital bassinet that says “ I am a Girl”!! … this is in Charleston, so not all have their knickers in a knot!
“…absinthe addled layabouts”. That’s a beauty, el Gato. I must remember that one. I am always amazed at “Marxists” who are unfamiliar with the man and his life. He was a very shitty person. A bad husband and father, a terrible provider for his family. He couldn’t manage to even provide for himself despite having no disabilities. We would likely have never heard of him but for Engels dad’s factory money. He is the epitome of the jealous, arrogant midwits you’ve so aptly described here. Bravo, Mr. Gato!
Interestingly enough, Bennie actually gets it right. TransWomen (Men), particularly white transwomen (white men), really are the most oppressed in higher ed. Opportunities are abound so long as you aren't a white guy.
I thought the same as I read this. It makes me wonder if white guys have finally had enough. I’d prefer revolution over cutting your man parts off, however.
The absurd practices of Marxism, socialism and communism can only survive in the rarefied battlefield of academia. These ideologies always crumble in real world situations because they are fundamentally anti-human.
Our education system (which has failed our society greatly) should be *required* to point out the many falsities of Marxism, instead of legitimizing it as a workable system that simply hasn’t been enacted properly.
my sailboat (prebequethed from my uncle because, to quote again from Pythonian lore, "I'm not dead yet") is named the Watery Tart. Dennis may prefer "moistened bint", but why change her now.
Orwell said it best: an idea so stupid only an academic would take it seriously.
When my son went to MIT for his masters' degrees (at least they are useful for his work), a friend said to me (as if this was the most-important priority for me) "Wow, think of all the important friends that you will make because of this." ugh
That’s the reason why people want to go to Harvard or Yale. It’s not what you know it’s who you know. It’s very sensible to make friends in high places. The people who understand this are the richer ones.
I worked for a Wunderkind in the early days of the internet. He was getting big contracts from major companies to build their first websites. I asked how he managed to get these contracts. His answer:
"It's who you know and who you blow."
Later I found out that he came from a very well-connected family which set up these contracts through his father. It really wasn't his own doing.
But this type of person is so shameless they play it like it was all their own doing.
Yes and there are a lot of people such as that.
Yes, he is shameless exactly like that.
lol he’s probably shameless because he figures there is nothing wrong with being smart enough to make friends in high places.
On the other hand, he could go to College only to just smoke pot and drink and waste his life instead of making important friends. I know which I prefer for my own family.
Everybody is pretty much the sum of the five people he hangs around most. You could make friends with a bunch of losers who hold you back or intelligent, ambitious people who want to work hard for their family. It’s up to the individual.
I have to give credit to the fact that my son is very driven, nobody is perfect, but he knows what he wants. I will not take credit for that any more than I will take blame for anything my children do wrong. That could sound very harsh or it could sound as if I give them credit where it is due.
Agreed. Everyone is responsible only for his or her own actions.
No one is responsible for the actions of anyone else.
That's the kind of story that marxists use as ammunition, to prove there's a cabal of rich people who keep the rest of us from getting ahead. They are probably partially right, though their "solutions" are just about changing the membership of the cabal.
Yes, they're partially right, though opportunities for the plebeians in the US are better than in most places.
Our problem is not capitalism, but corporate control over Congress.
BWA-hahahaha. No kittying.
That's one of the most important reasons to go to a school like that. Those contacts are infinitely more important than anything he'll learn there. You can learn the same material at home for free. You're paying for the social connections, mentors and future colleagues.
In his case, we all paid for it. He is an EDO (engineering duty officer) for the U.S. Navy.
God bless. And thanks for raising someone who wants to serve his country.
yep, bad cattitude's work today resonates with that statement:
I see his posts and everything else stops until I read them
His words flow over me like a refreshing stream when I am hot and parched.
We must subvert Marxist subversion with memes and humor. At least the Soviet and Chinese marxists never dreamed of castrating their kids, letting men into women’s bathrooms, and banning algebra cuz equity. Meanwhile, our next Congress will feature a stunning and brave trans woman! https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/sarah-mcbride-seth-moulton-trans-democrat-congress
That "woman" in Congress is a trans identified man. Do not ever let the Marxists control language. That guy is male, probably not much of a man, but definitely not a woman.
Agree 100%. Language is important. When they change the language, they change reality. He is a man, period. They are not illegal immigrants, they are illegal aliens (legal term, that); they are not Minor Attracted Persons, they are pedophiles; and on and on… language matters!
they may not actually change reality, but they sure do change peoples' perception of reality
Orwell was sure that the decline of a language had political and economic causes. Although he had no solid proof, he presumed that the languages of countries under dictatorships, such as the Soviet Union or Germany, had deteriorated under their respective regimes.
"When the general atmosphere is bad, language must suffer," Orwell writes in his essay, "Politics and the English Language."
"If thought corrupts language, language can also corrupt thought," he continues.
Here is the very concept behind the invention of Newspeak. To illustrate this idea that language can corrupt thought and that totalitarian systems use language to restrict, rather than broaden, ideas, Orwell created Newspeak, the official language of Oceania. Without a word for freedom, for example, the concept of freedom cannot exist.
They never use the word “immigrant” because that implies that these people are here to stay; instead they use “migrant“ which implies that they will, at some point, “migrate“ back to wherever they came from. It’s all very calculated.
Hear, hear!
As I'm sure you know, getting us to castrate OUR kids is part of their subversion. I never expected to be in this place (figuratively speaking), singing this song of Cold War rhetoric, but it is what it is. I heard it enough times over the years I was growing up, and I so wanted to be done with it. Rather than being an anachronism, I'm sad to say it's prophetic.
Yeah, they just murdered them. Somewhat similar I guess in destroying one’s family 🤷♂️
In a nutshell, Marxism taps into the worst aspects of human nature: envy, greed, pride, and the lust for power, cleverly cloaked though in the robes of equity for all, albeit a little more for me!
In its most horrifying and inevitable manifestation, it is willing to murder to achieve its aims, again, cloaked in a self-righteous political expedience.
Note recently those who have rushed to the fore to justify the murder of the healthcare CEO, for allegedly partaking in the oppression of the infirm.
Or the calls during the Covid-mania era for the unvaccinated to be left to die for their shameless disregard for the moral welfare of all mankind.
They are a delusional lot draped in the appearance high-minded benevolence, who would kill you in an instant if they could get away with it, and cheer on those who try.
Marxism the slipperiest of slopes that historically and always leads to nowhere good - ever.
Very well stated!
A good, basic explanation of Marxism and how it works (or more correctly, doesn't work). Interesting how the babysitter in the cartoon makes the malicious comment about strangers wanting to know what kids have in their pants. Obviously, this cartoonist has no sense of irony at all, when it is the "trans" community and their many extreme activists, who not only want to know what the kids have in their pants, but want to surgically remove, sew up, and in other monstrous ways want to actively alter what kids have in their pants. The hypocritical lack of awareness of this cartoonist might even be mildly amusing if the subject matter wasn't so monstrous.
I think you're being unfair to the cartoonist. The message I got is that the babysitter clearly is playing the role of the Commissar enforcing the new belief system upon the yet-to-be-educated citizen. Now, I agree there is ambiguity: One could either take the perspective that Transgenderism is "right" and Citizen was indiscreet to dare question a child's sex, as that has become outmoded thinking. From another perspective of course, the same could be seen as a commentary on how willingly the sheep (Citizen) will meekly accept a profound untruth when it's dogmatically expressed and/or shaming and other tactics are used by Commissar.
There's also a reason that so many pedos are drawn to the Trans Agenda.
Marxism (and its postmodern variants like wokeism) is a deformed, partial religion, attractive to people who have lost touch with God. Whether you believe in the metaphysical truths of our Judeo-Christian tradition or not, surely you have to admit that it has created the conditions for unprecedented human flourishing in the West. Only in a high trust society in which truth is valued above all, and in which we see our fellow humans as "created in the image of God" (and therefore worthy of certain inalienable rights) could we have built what we have built. Nietzsche was right when he predicted that the "death of God" would be catastrophic. He was wrong when he implied that we could create our own values out of the void left in His wake. https://pairodocs.substack.com/p/in-defence-of-the-christians
For Bible-believing Christians, much of this is explained by rebellion. Rebellion against social norms (governmental authority), rebellion against parental influence (or parental authority), and ultimately rebellion against God and the clear teachings of the Bible (considered the Word of God). Such rebellion is spiritually authored by the ultimate rebel, the Adversary, aka Satan.
(Biblical proof texts available upon request.)
Mankind, actually made in the image of the Creator, but ignoring the spiritual help of the Creator, can never overcome the spiritual influence of the Adversary, to rise above the influence of selfish “ME-ism.”
Exactly. I'm not the only one to point out that it feels, these days, as if the veil has been pulled back and the Adversary is getting bolder. As if we are pawns in a spiritual battle. We literally celebrate Luciferian "Pride" while churches are burned to the ground.
I call Marxism and all its adjacent derivatives "the spirit of antichrist".
Or as Bonhoeffer has said, in describing the "collective stupidity" of our species: ..."the inner liberation of man begins by living responsibly before God. Only then may stupidity be overcome."
It hasn't helped matters that these authorities have beclowned themselves as well.
You have Nietzsche partially correct. I'm not at scholar level, but I've read his works pretty deeply and am a fan so... He said so many things and they have been interpreted many ways. For example, if you read the couple places where the God is dead theme appears, you'd find (my opinion of course), that this is Nietzsche's way of announcing that man's advancing knowledge of science had led to the downfall of religion as a subject worthy of serious study. If there was no Divine basis for morality, law, etc. then there is no absolute, that everything was relative, malleable, arbitrary, subjective.
You (Pairdocs) are wrong, I believe, when you say “He was wrong when he implied that we could create our own values out of the void left in His wake.” If God really is dead, then it’s not so much a question that we “can” create new values, but the necessity that it is we who MUST create values. A theist may feel that morality ultimately come from a God, while a secularist/agnostic (like myself) will claim that you are still a human being creating human values and the only difference between yours and mine is that you claim a divine inspiration as the source.
By no means was the death of God (religion becoming marginalized) to be greeted with joy and acclaim. Quite the contrary: in some of his passages, Nietzsche’s character is anything but joyful, he is fearful of the consequences. Not the risk of damnation from an angry God, as a Christian would fear, but the prospect of the Void, of the world having lost its moorings and now drifts aimlessly, lacking [moral] supports. That's a tenet of Existentialism: that the Universe is aloof, amoral, uncaring, indifferent. It is up to Man to find his values and to live by them.
But Nietzsche literally went mad when he started plumbing the depths of this reality. He followed his thinking to its logical conclusion and he never recovered from it. Carl Jung was a fan of Nietzsche, but as an astute student of human nature he better understood the dark implications of the void. He came very close to going mad himself as a young man. It was never clear whether Jung was a deist, but he knew that without some foundational myth, humans would self-destruct. If nothing else, the Judeo-Christian tradition has been around for thousands of years and it is clearly the foundational myth of the West. It has withstood the tests of time. We dispense with it, as Tom Holland and others have pointed out, at our own peril.
All mankind must indeed “find his values and … live by them.” This is certainly correct, since we come into this world as a blank slate and are only able to learn values as we gain exposure to life’s circumstances, whether vicariously or experientially. Those who find Biblical scripture compelling, realize there is no better source of morality, and the only source that purports to be from the Son of God, attested by several personal accounts (gospels) of the miracles performed.
The nature of humanity and that which serves human happiness and fulfilment according to our fundamental nature is all that's needed to create a morality. Promises of supernatural rewards for suffering in life create a moral inversion that has caused much of the suffering the world has seen (e.g. 72 virgins).
Well heck. One of life-s basic truths is that toddlers like to smash things and if you thwart puberty you don't get grownups.
And if you let these children continue to get away with misappropriating "gender" from the linguists where it was happy and uncomplicated, and use it in their endlessly evolving game of "you can't catch me," they will just keep going. Getting that checkbox out of all checkbox lists should be among the bureaucratic busting work of DOGE.
The most concise, clear and hilarious take-down of Marxism I remember reading. Thank you, Cat Daddy
The "affordable housing" hoax is another Marxist scam. People show up in a town where they can't afford to live and demand a place to live. The town idiots on the City Council realize they can rake in subsidies for "affordable housing" and also score equity points for being a "15 minute city" because the "oppressed" unemployables can walk to the grocery store parking lot to beg for handouts. An added benefit is that the grateful nitwits will vote for the people who gave them "affordable" (ie free) housing in a once-beautiful town, and the people who made the town desirable will leave. Anyone who objects is vilified for lacking "compassion." There are a string of ruined cities (large and small) that followed this path, from Portland to San Francisco, and Bozeman to San Luis Obispo.
A quibble: there is some fragility in the current paradigm, because it is Fed-fueled to proportions that, quoth Cookie Monster, “Boggle de Mind.” The incentives have been so madly mutilated and retarded that it’s amazing how much still *does* work, and a testament to the robustness of the underlying order.
But our big institutions are splintered on the rocks and it’s horrifically dangerous to get off a stranded ship in stormy seas. There is much that deserves subversion.
It is not, however, that which the Marxists seek to subvert. Because, in many ways, it’s exactly what they asked for.
If it's any consolation, Marxism (or perhaps any other belief system) will ultimately fall because, in so many words, it will run of things to subvert and will subvert itself. Think of it as institutional suicide. Murder-suicide might be more accurate, because in the process of killing themselves they do a lot of collateral damage and claim many innocent victims. Welcome to Nihilism.
Great point. Fiat allows Woke to avoid Broke much longer!
One of my employees called me the 'Gordon Ramsey of veterinary medicine' on a day I had just reamed out a new butthole in a low performing employee.
I took that as a great compliment......sadly, I could have been sued(but this person was so stupid they did not know that).
I work in a business where mistakes can mean the difference between life and death. I do not hold back and I expect EVERYONE to give a shit......are you surprised I have problems finding suitable employees and retaining them?
Sadly, in the field of Vet Med, there is a corporate job just waiting for a warm body to make them money....the corporations don't CARE if a good job is done, just if money is made. So, maybe the answer to marxism is corporatism?
I graduated when quality of care was still the number one concern....now, the new grads talk incessantly about work/life balance, student loan debt and salaries.....they don't seem to get excited about the actual job.....which is a cool as shit job. Never a same day....always something new. Still learning after 25+ years. How many jobs are like that?
I still make a good living, but money is not my main concern.....and that used to be the norm in Vet Med. Now, I am an outlier...a weirdo....I am the object of scorn by my colleagues.....they don't like that I can do things for less money, because it makes them look bad.....but my clients can only afford so much....what are we to do?
I think it's likely human med is the same or maybe worse.
My daughter gave birth ( that makes her the MOTHER) to her third daughter yesterday…. I was quite delighted to see a pink bordered notecard with a stork at the end of the hospital bassinet that says “ I am a Girl”!! … this is in Charleston, so not all have their knickers in a knot!
Congrats, Grandma!
Thanks! It’s the best!
“…absinthe addled layabouts”. That’s a beauty, el Gato. I must remember that one. I am always amazed at “Marxists” who are unfamiliar with the man and his life. He was a very shitty person. A bad husband and father, a terrible provider for his family. He couldn’t manage to even provide for himself despite having no disabilities. We would likely have never heard of him but for Engels dad’s factory money. He is the epitome of the jealous, arrogant midwits you’ve so aptly described here. Bravo, Mr. Gato!
Interestingly enough, Bennie actually gets it right. TransWomen (Men), particularly white transwomen (white men), really are the most oppressed in higher ed. Opportunities are abound so long as you aren't a white guy.
I thought the same as I read this. It makes me wonder if white guys have finally had enough. I’d prefer revolution over cutting your man parts off, however.
"cupidity, stupidity, and horrific midwitted mediocrity."
Nice. It just rolls right off the tongue.
i do enjoy your appreciation of language, pi guy.
The absurd practices of Marxism, socialism and communism can only survive in the rarefied battlefield of academia. These ideologies always crumble in real world situations because they are fundamentally anti-human.
Our education system (which has failed our society greatly) should be *required* to point out the many falsities of Marxism, instead of legitimizing it as a workable system that simply hasn’t been enacted properly.
I love that you inadvertently quoted Monty python "the violence is inherent in the system". Great movie!
what makes you think that was inadvertent?
(help, help, i'm being oppressed)
my sailboat (prebequethed from my uncle because, to quote again from Pythonian lore, "I'm not dead yet") is named the Watery Tart. Dennis may prefer "moistened bint", but why change her now.
Well, I didn't vote for Watery Tart.