The "Tooth Fairy" is too good!

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My father had five daughters. Kept him busy.

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Know watch you mean. I have 3, loved doing the ol' meeting the potential suitor in my BDUs, cleaning a gun on the dining room table

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My husband is a carpenter. He made sure to be using his industrial table saw when the pick up and drop off occurred.

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"Show don't tell."

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I like it!

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Need to keep those boys on their toes....

I applaud the male protective spirit. Evolution put it there for a reason.

Enjoy your girls! Tell them from me not to become feminists, but to rise above that. The intelligent women do.

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A rock salt load will do that. I had an uncle who experienced that first hand except he was stealing watermelons, a fine tradition here down south.

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Well I am a polite Canadian girl, but we do have our tough rules too. Or should I say.....did?

Boys need to be given some latitude to blow off all that steam. But not too much. That's the secret.

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We didn't have a gun but my husband could be extremely cold and intimidating. That was his job.

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The litmus test.

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Guns allow the intimidation factor to be more equally spread if you get my drift (which can be compensated for by using Kentucky windage). Makes for a polite society too.

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Yeah...this didn't work as well with me in a sorta similar circumstance? The son had 8 ,18-22yr olds friends ,from the US and Canada staying over a week for DragonCon. They'd already been riotous and I just received a new Cold Steel knife.

Son: " Mom, you sound like a psychopath..."

Me: " the blade is too snug and needs to be worked...oiling and opening.There are no short cuts..."

I understand that I didn't have to do that 309 times Right Then....

I'm ok with " His mom is a psychopath who took us out to her school to teach us some self defense while we're here...let's be quieter..."

Still... as a woman...not the same.

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Technology matched with skill makes up for a lot of the differences if you get my drift. Skills take time and practice to develop so all you were doing was ‘honing’ your skills. It wasn’t easy to become a viking shield maiden either… 😉😈

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It was not...thankee for the remembrance! 🫠😉 Barbarians for the Win, Kenneth!

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My brother did that to my niece's suitors (without the BDU's). Then he once took a boy to the gun range. Sorted him right out. My niece was furious.

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I told my young 3rd degree that the next girlfriend(s) she had was going to have to run my gauntlet.

Months later, not only did the new young lady come in the dojang,but she answered every question and statement. She was scared, but she told me she knew this is whst shebhad to do.

She told me weeks later that it was a talk that changed her life.

They're engaged now, looking to marry after engineering degree is done.

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Good work!

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I had a similar experience with my niece. Let’s just say that I meant every word and the cold delivery was and remains real… At my age “life in prison doesn’t mean what it used to.”

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If the fella blanched an ran from that...was he Really what she needed? I say,Nay.

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My niece got a new husband. 😈

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My nephew has had his young heart shanghaied by a young lady from, shall I say it, Shanghai. She’s set him a trial period of five years, now entering its third year I think, before she commits (as only a woman can). I gleefully told him I believed I had a good idea why his “engagement” was so long and that I was on her side in this, his uncle or not. Smart girl who is an EMT aiming at becoming an ER doctor. Bright side for him is that after the inevitable spats in which she applies the (figurative) blunt force trauma by means of the (figurative) rolling pin or frying pan, whatever Asian women use in such situations, she’ll be able to administer medical treatment right away….maybe. Heh, heh. 😈 I’m so looking forward to this 😉😁.

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With that many he needed more than a double barrel 12 gauge. Just sayin…

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I was told years ago by a local metro detective that there’s probably not a human on the planet that doesn’t know what the sound of a pump action shotgun racking a round means (even if they’ve never seen a shotgun).

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Best of Show!!! 😁😁😁

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So good! But I admit, I am letting the beastie boys down pretty much every night 😂

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But I'm all raring to to go after I wake up to pee at 2:30. So I've got that going for me.

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I do relate!

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This is identifiable if I also add 5 something am. You gotta take magnesium at night, but swallow those horse pills with water! ...uuugh

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We should all get together on zoom. Kidding. I don't have zoom on my computer! Can you imagine?

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I can relate. Having a cat can give new meaning to a trip to the toilet. Wide awake afterwards too.

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Who were the Beastie Boys? 😏

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That's good because they let me down every time I heard that song.

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Thanks for making this memepool open, gato. And thanks to all who subscribe and make the memepools possible. If we ever meet, I'll buy you an ice cream.

Or maybe not.

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Make it indoors and you have a deal 🤣

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Cat treats?

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Sep 1·edited Sep 3

Even while out on a prowl and catting around, we were not forgotten. He even Swiftly Taylored a frightening image to get stuck in our heads leading to some folks having too much soup of the day. Those folks are probably now seeing Karens emerging from the vats.

Did the tooth fairy leave a dollar under the pillow for every tooth?

Did Bob Barker get short changed?

Is it ever a good idea to eat ice cream "en plein-air"? and is that why pResident Joe always has such a sour expression?

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Thumbs up for the summary effort!!

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Love the pick-up truck providing the runway/lift for the airplane!

And, yes! Screaming works!

Thanks, Gato!❤️🤣❤️🤣

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You ought to see them landing on a flatbed after gear failure.

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I scream(ed) for ice cream 🤣

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eeewww the ice cream one. icky.

Hubbs and I watch F1 racing. there are no crybabies

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Have some Soup of the Day!

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I'll have seconds please!

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Soccer is for crybabies.

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What are the chances I get arrested and locked up if Tweet the Tooth Fairy? I live in the UK 🤪

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Probably pretty high. Do it!

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Careful - the Bobbie's reach may extend across the pond.

Especially for those criminal masterminds who dare to laugh at them.

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Please, Bobbie, do reach. 🎶Why come ye hither Red Coats? Must your minds with madness fill? There is danger in our valleys and danger in our hills. Bullocks to the slaughter, etc🎶. Reference The Riflemen of Bennington. Want a do over. Suits us fine. Btw, y’all should have never let your masters disarm you.

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It's tempting! I'd need some rich cat to pay my legal fees though ...

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Is that Brandon’s new favorite flavor of ice cream?

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Malone just slammed the gate in my face on the Sunday memes. Like I am totally gonna sub for the rudeness.

But Gato opened up the gate, even though he is on walkabout! Voting for the Bad Cat.

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Racoon screaming as self-care. 😂

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There was a social fad a few decades ago that was called primal scream therapy. Yeah, they mostly looked and sounded silly. Didn’t last long for that reason I suspect.

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I remember hearing about that. Imo , sadly many of us could probably use a bit of that "therapy" these days.

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…and so begins another Tay-Tay football season!

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May the merciful Lord spare us. I can't take anymore. Maybe that's why Brittany Mahomes came out in support of Trump in an effort to dump her.

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We can only hope

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Ice cream one is priceless! Except that the Canada Goose is one of very few birds that don’t poop while flying. And their poop is formed green turds.

Pigeons on the other hand…

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That’s interesting. Who’d have thought I’d learn something about Canada Geese while scrolling through comments about memes, trying to find out who the doll was supposed to be (I know now).

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I’d say TMI except that I grew up on a farm so dog crap, goat pills, chicken shit, pig piles and cow patties were familiar land based obstacles. TMI? Yes, I know. Heh, heh 😇😈.

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And seagulls, don’t forget seagulls.

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Ah yes seagulls. Their plop can knock you out!

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Seagulls indeed are the heavy bombers of avian aviation so here’s a story. Thanks for providing the opening 😏: Once upon a time in Siate of California when it was the land of milk and honey before it fully became the cesspit of Harvey Milk and money I had just arrived at the Army garrison, Presidio of Monterey DLIWC. I knew nothing of California much less seagulls. Our first Saturday off I and a fellow Russian student went down to the Monterrey Wharf which is conveniently located at the main entrance of the language school. We were looking over the shops and restaurants when, as if on cue, a flight of seagulls took off together in loose formation and proceeded to make what had to be passes over the wharf down its length back and forth. I noticed that many, probably locals, developed a sudden interest in the shops nearly all of which had awnings. I was standing there analyzing the situation when I heard what sounded very much like heavy, and I mean heavy, rain drops falling all around and hitting the awnings except they weren’t exactly rain and it was broad cloudless daylight. My more experienced companion pulled me under an awning just before I became a casualty as it were. One unaware tourist had his ball cap knocked off his head when a huge white blob hit the bill. I knew seagulls shit but organized carpet bombing?

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Ah they’re wily bastards! Thanks for the story!

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Great ones! The couple at the gym - belly laugh! Tooth Fairy - damn right. ✅

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They ruined the best doll ever by turning Chucky into a Crissy-sissy. Thanks for ruining my day.

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it was Taylor made for this reality

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You deserve a groan for that.

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Maybe, but they helped Taylor Swift by turning her into a relatable character. One with an actual personality.

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Look Again more closely.

Perhaps close one eye!


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