sunlight, not gaslight
the case for ending systematic suppression and getting adverse events data out in the open
i see we have now reached the “if you identify as covid positive, the world must respect your self-identity” stage of the pandemic.
given the over-sensitivity of these tests, this seems deeply implausible.
at a certain point, it becomes predatory.
they are seeking to coax the anxious and unwell into the cult of the branch covidian. this is nasty, manipulative stuff.
it’s very much like what has been done with “long covid.”
feel unwell? low energy? feel a little fogged in the ol’ brainpan?
yeah, it’s “long covid.”
but long covid is mostly a made up disease. it’s the attribution of generalized symptoms to a high profile cause to which they are not actually linked. it has ALL the hallmarks: little to no correlation to actually having had covid, zero biomarkers or definitive tests, generalized symptoms, over-presentation in female. and highly correlated to mental health disorders, especially anxiety.
(PASC = long covid) in this study 48% with “long covid) had mental problems and 38% had anxiety disorder. (and that’s clinically diagnosed. who knows what the capture rate/missed cases are on that?)
you can see the full analysis HERE.
the simple fact is that belief you had covid is a better predictor for long covid than having actually had covid.
what else can one really say?
and now some are testing the waters on validating this belief in having covid among those who test negative. though certainly in keeping with the current fad for “adopting made up identities,” this seems a pointless and counterproductive enterprise.
or is it?
call me mr cynical paws, but i always like to ask “cui bono?” and “what end is served here?”
i doubt the “you have covid despite the lack of evidence” play generates a whole ton of revenue.
but it might create a certain mindset: “i know what’s going on with me and it must be covid” is easy to turn into “i have long covid” and spreading the idea of long covid has great appeal to vaxx companies and their proponents. and convincing those who have a negative covid test that they really have covid and then progressing them on to “long covid” is what’s called a “low hanging fruit market.”
it makes you want vaccine boosters because it ups the perceived risk of having covid.
probably more important, it encourages the view that “anything that feels wrong is long covid” which, of course, shifts suspicion from other possible causes that might rhyme with “french bean inquiry.”
and that second one looks to be getting more and more important.
despite early claims to the contrary, studies keep validating the fact that covid does not cause a rise in heart or most other issues. this is not to say that covid cannot have lasting sequelae (any disease can) just that they are not terribly common. flu and pneumonia do this too. covid is likely roughly in line with them.
the rest is coached testimony.

but what is not in line is this huge rise in persistent effects and suspicious deaths.
toronto recently mandated 4th boosters for docs. 4 died in the first week after this was done. and all were healthy.
there is an awful lot of coinciditis going around.
Four other local doctors have died this summer.
Trillium Partners staff physicians Dr. Jakub Sawicki, Dr. Stephen McKenzie and Dr. Lorne Segall died last week, just days after the tragic death of North York General Hospital’s Dr. Paul Hannam, an Olympian who died during a run at 50 years old.
and it seems to be taking down the healthiest preferentially.
this is, of course, very much in line with the experience in so many high end athletes.
hospitals are, of course, quick to disclaim possibly vaxx involvement.
“In all four cases, their hospitals made it clear their deaths “were not related to the COVID-19 vaccine.”
The cause of death in Dr. Nayman’s case has not been released.”
but, i mean, what else are they going to say?
“oops, we killed our doctors because we caved to political pressure over evidence based medicine?”
the covid vaccines have set off AE reports and chronic conditions at a rate wholly unprecedented in vaccine history. it’s orders of magnitude worse than even ALL other vaccines combined.
it has also led to a mad scramble for alternative explanation and elimination of facts.
and not only is the CDC refusing to even assess the data (as their own mandate would seem to require) but we’re getting an endless media barrage of the 900 things you never knew caused young, healthy people to suddenly drop dead from heart attacks, strokes, and blood clots. (all known side effects of these jabs)
apparently, this was always normal?
the more conspiratorially minded might be landing here and while one certainly cannot rule it out, i suspect it’s more prosaic:
big pharma is more marketing than pharma. they buy/in-license most of their science.
they are also massive advertisers and political donors. so the politicians and the media ask only “how high?” when told to jump.
pharma tells them about “sources of sudden death” and they hop all over it. happy to oblige. our brand is crisis anyhow!
it’s just simple cause and effect.
the line between “won an effie” and “psyop” was never terribly clear, but when you get government and regulators involved as well, it disappears entirely.
pay the piper, call the tune, cover your tracks.
see how easy it is?
but despite all this, covid vaccine injury has become the pachyderm in the parlor and the attempts to hide it grow ever more far fetched.
worse, they grow ever more damaging. it looks like 3rd dose triggered A LOT more AE’s per dose than the first 2.
the 4th is likely to be worse still.
it’s vital this is brought to light. medicine is a cost/benefit calculation and suppressing the costs while overstating the benefits is not a road to public health and may generate severe public harm.
and this is not a shot in the dark. it’s a predicted outcome from the CG enriched nature of the mRNA vaccines. all of this is.
mRNA was never a “safe” modality. it failed every therapeutic trial ever run, even oncology, because it was too toxic and too prone to generating autoimmune issues. this is why there were no mRNA drugs used in despite decades of work. choosing mRNA as a basis for a vaccine was beyond questionable and suppressing the adverse events and silencing doctors who speak about them is unconscionable.
this is the story that needs to get out and to be told.
this is how we show the fraud to penetrate the EUA liability shields and generate the outrage to ensure that something is done about this when we do.
it’s how we flip the script and hold accountable those who cause harm.
no pharma product should operate under a liability abeyance. ever. and especially not vaccines. (reagan really blew that one in 1986)
the agencies that should be doing this are impeding it instead. they are monopolies and utterly captured nose to tail.
this is the people’s business and should be performed where the people can see it.
we must demand sunlight, not gaslight.
that’s how this gets fixed and how the next one is prevented.
"we have now reached the “if you identify as covid positive, the world must respect your self-identity” stage of the pandemic." LMAO these people are completely insane.
"no pharma product should operate under a liability abeyance. ever. and especially not vaccines."
This single policy all on its own explains a huge amount of vaccine skepticism. On the one hand, it removes incentive for corporations to ensure their products work and don't hurt people. On the other, when one finds out about this, the immediate reaction is "wtf are they hiding?"