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Yes, it's quite remarkable that any nation should regard its fighting force as disposable like this.

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Well, if you are trying to destroy your armed forces, what better way? Force them all to take a toxic shot, and then discharge all who refuse. Voila! you have a bunch of woke weaklings...

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I was pretty shocked when West Point rolled right over. But I ain't observed no quality in the generals' club for an awfully long time.

I ain't much of a traditional values sort of girl. But the destruction of masculinity has always seemed to me, you know, batshit crazy in the scheme of things.

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Decorum is important in the military, nowhere more so than in the command ranks. If you're going to disobey the direct order of a superior officer, you'd better be prepared for the consequences.

Under the Uniform Code of Military Justice, there are certain times where such actions are allowed or even required -- think Nuremburg. But they are few and far between, and in this case the lack of any provable reason to refuse plays into the hands of the puppetmasters.

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Yes. The practical evil of it is quite an accomplishment.

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Isn't there an "Order Zero: You are always to refuse illegal orders"? in the US military?

Ours have such a rule, though it is informal since the politicians that command the military wouldn't stand for it being formalised.

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I think so, but again that's for 'Nuremburg' things... not saying no to daddy for a little shot in the arm.

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Well apparently they're all psyop warriors and drone operators now, no need for actual physical fitness.


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Well, on the other hand, them Afghani Pukhtoons remain undefeated since Kipling's time, and they got themselves one hell of a Stone Age mindset...

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