LMAO too.....OK sorry but full disclosure...lol read my PI package insert. Ha . prepuberty life was grand...then it got confusing. Anyway oh yeah Nooo KISS in 1978 hmmmmm 1978 I was most likely
listening to Outlaws, Allman Brothers, Doobie Brothers, I was well of course I am a music snob and
grew up with Cream, the Beatles, Rolling Ston…
LMAO too.....OK sorry but full disclosure...lol read my PI package insert. Ha . prepuberty life was grand...then it got confusing. Anyway oh yeah Nooo KISS in 1978 hmmmmm 1978 I was most likely
listening to Outlaws, Allman Brothers, Doobie Brothers, I was well of course I am a music snob and
grew up with Cream, the Beatles, Rolling Stones, CSNY, The Doors,.....so I looked down on KISS
no offense. But in later years learned of Gene Simmons 1st he was on the Trump show the Apprentice...and had a face to face disagreement with Trump....he said " No Don, you're wrong"
he just acted like he was Don's equal and not taking any shit from him. Well I liked that. And one more crazy item then i'll go KISS sold more records than the Beatles. Heard on a NPR when i listened to them...this fact. I could not name one KISS song....but I am all about the Gene Simmons
attitude "take no Prisoners and back down from no one"
James, I was 14 in 1978! I listen to ALL the same bands as you and I have seen so many live. Growing up in SF, I was exposed to so much great music (The Fillmore, etc.) I had a crush on a 15 year old that liked KISS and he’d draw me pics of the band members-lol!
LMAO too.....OK sorry but full disclosure...lol read my PI package insert. Ha . prepuberty life was grand...then it got confusing. Anyway oh yeah Nooo KISS in 1978 hmmmmm 1978 I was most likely
listening to Outlaws, Allman Brothers, Doobie Brothers, I was well of course I am a music snob and
grew up with Cream, the Beatles, Rolling Stones, CSNY, The Doors,.....so I looked down on KISS
no offense. But in later years learned of Gene Simmons 1st he was on the Trump show the Apprentice...and had a face to face disagreement with Trump....he said " No Don, you're wrong"
he just acted like he was Don's equal and not taking any shit from him. Well I liked that. And one more crazy item then i'll go KISS sold more records than the Beatles. Heard on a NPR when i listened to them...this fact. I could not name one KISS song....but I am all about the Gene Simmons
attitude "take no Prisoners and back down from no one"
James, I was 14 in 1978! I listen to ALL the same bands as you and I have seen so many live. Growing up in SF, I was exposed to so much great music (The Fillmore, etc.) I had a crush on a 15 year old that liked KISS and he’d draw me pics of the band members-lol!
So ? IF your not Nursing, then and now what? My best soul mate bro's wife retired early bc she refused the shot.
1978 I am lets see math 23 lol :-) ha well ya can't go wrong living in SF with all that great music and a crush on an older boy ....
at 23 KISS and the make up and those shoes.....Good Lord.
But hey every 5 years a Generation has their own Rock Idols.
I grew up well aged In Portland. Not quite as sophisticated as SF.
"I am a God loving soul having a human experience"
That's me too....I am sitting in the house when its like over 100 108 yesterday spent day on the river....today ...idk yet playing here.
"I am a God loving soul having a human experience."