Can’t really say I “look forward” to your birth rate data updates, but I do greatly appreciate that you’re looking into this. It’s morbidly fascinating and I am hoping it bounces back in 2023 (though I expect the worst on this one.)
What set off my bells and whistles back in 2021 is how they essentially forced young people to get the shots in order to attend college, go to school, play sports etc...while at the same time opening the southern border and allowing millions and millions of illegals to flood in who were never required to get the vaccine in order to enter.
If the jabs do in fact cause permanent infertility or sterility (perhaps even genetically in those who are able to give birth) then take a moment to look at the long term implications. The majority of the childbearing U.S. population has taken these shots that may or may not cause sterility BUT if they do, then you have a large swath of U.S. born young people who are unable to procreate and a new incoming population coming to this country who can.
Exactly. They are trying to eradicate the citizens, who have rights, and replace them with illegal immigrants, who have no rights. That gives them a population of workers over whom they, the owner/management/governing class have complete, arbitrary command over.
This appears to be the plan. Remove all the people who know what it's like to live as free men and women, and replace them with people who accept oppression as that's all they've ever known.
People who know what it's like to live as free men and women are dying out. Their woke kids do not know how to be free - and neither do they want to. So it does not matter whether native or immigrant, legal or illegal, the result will be the same...
These immigrants will also be forever loyal voters in trade for their monthly $ government pittance and the young males will soon become the elites paramilitary. The elites don't need us anymore. They have immigrants and artificial intelligence to replace us.
I doubt they will be forever loyal, and I'm not sure they are destined to be voters, as that would imply citizenship and rights. But, yes, they will be recruited as the elites' paramilitary to enforce mandates against the rest of us. At some point, the elites themselves may find themselves at their mercy.
Probably not voters. But names on voter rolls, for whom ballots are created and cast. California is the prototype. Millions of non-citizens are registered to vote. A ballot was produced for every registered voter. According to the state AG's office, over 95% of those ballots were returned.
Think about that a minute. It probably won't take 2 minutes...
This is probably a common theme in history that doesn't get mentioned much in the history books because it is touchy. A nation establishes a government to handle high-level management of its affairs. This is successful, and the nation profits and expands. Management becomes a plum career, and would-be managers drive imperialist expansion to make more jobs and status for themselves. Limits of growth are eventually met, and competition goes internal. The people turn against one another, and look to foreigners for allies. Elites leverage favored foreigners against the people, and invite more and more of them in. The native people lose their rights and identity at home due to factional infighting, ethnic frictions, and disempowerment by ambitious management, and become effectively slaves to the elites and their foreign enforcers. The elites, whose other leg of power was their own citizen base, collapse with their people, and the foreigners who have retained their ethnic identity become masters of them all.
"Didn't Rome fall in great measure because of something like this?" Exactly. When the Temple was destroyed, 1 in 10 soldiers were "Roman" by birth. The rest were from the kingdoms surrounding Israel. Think "iron mixed (arab) with miry clay", and you will have a clearer picture of where this all leads us to.
One correction - an immigrant is by definition someone who immigrates according to law. There are no illegal immigrants. The population to which you refer are those that did not immigrate, but reside illegally.
Precision matters. The term "illegal immigrant" as introduced to create a false equivalence between this illegal population and the generations of actual immigrants to which we refer when describing the US as a nation of immigrants. Immigrants, who came to live under our laws, many of whom became citizens. The illegal population is something entirely different - an exploitable and controllable population without legal rights or protections under the law, as you said. And that is the reason politicians grow the illegal population and have made it far more difficult to immigrate.
I agree that precision matters. I'm not sure that the definition given here as 'someone who immigrates according to law' helps with precision though. What general term do we have for people from foreign lands who come here to live, regardless of legalities, if not 'immigrant'? What do we call those of our ancestors who came to this country from outside before the US and its laws were created? And, for that matter, what term do we have then to refer to people who have come from outside to live in the US contrary to US law, if not 'illegal immigrant'?
I appreciate the critical thought you are bringing to bear on this, but I really think we're better off sticking with 'immigrant' for anyone from foreign lands who comes to live in a country, while using 'legal immigrant' or 'illegal immigrant' for distinctions where that country's immigration laws are concerned.
What do we call people who reside in a country illegally? How about illegal residents. Or a population not protected by the nations laws, who are more easily manipulated, exploited, oppressed and subjected to all kinds of other injustices. Yes it matters. Call it what it is and it is more clear that it is wrong in many, many ways. That is precisely what I think we should emphasize.
The term 'illegal immigrant' and later "undocumented immigrant" were created specifically to deceive. The false equivalence I noted. Immigration is good, illegal existence is not good. Not good for the people subjected to the abuses of living illegally, not good for the people who have compassion for the first, and not good for all of us as a nation. It is good only for the few that can exploit the illegal population for personal gain and political power. And those few are NOT good for the rest of us, of that you can be sure ;-)
Well, 'illegal resident' makes it sound to me like they're squatting in their houses against an eviction order, not that they necessarily entered the country illegally. I agree that "undocumented immigrant" is a trick term meant to confuse the issue. 'Illegal immigrant' isn't ideal either, since that could change in a moment at the stroke of a politician's pen.
The real issue is that they are foreigners, with foreign customs, foreign physical features, foreign language, and foreign socio-political structure, who are brought in in large enough numbers to retain their own political community while penetrating into the host community and breaking it up. They are not bad people any more than we are, nor are they any more passive, stupid, or easily manipulated. But they are poison to our community solidarity, identity, and reproduction, and hence to the human network of affectionate interactions and trust that supports us and guards the traditional laws that protect us. We are simultaneously poison to them too, and the mutual wreck of our respective natural communities renders us all helpless individuals who must depend on the favor of manipulative elites for everything.
Though I like to emphasizes how readily such a population can be controlled, and exploited, as that is the primary reason politicians work so hard to keep this population illegal.
My gut inclines me to go along with this theory because it's attractive to my worldview, which tells me to look extra hard for criticism.
There's at least one important caveat to everything you've said, and that's SCHOOL VACCINATION MANDATES. The vast majority of illegal aliens still send their minor children to public schools (at our expense and often uncounted as population for school funding) and will gladly vaccinate (and mask) them. Ditto college.
If not the current working age generation of illegal aliens, the next one is being sterilized along with everyone else.
Perhaps they intend to replace them with new immigrants when the time comes?
I think the main point of "elite" strategy is to keep the working underclass from becoming entrenched, so that they cannot assert rights against the elite. Culling them every generation and starting over with new people who exist here only at the elites' discretion is the way to do that.
The motive is a practical play for supreme power. What they are doing is genocidal, but it is not the kind of genocide in which they are carrying a torch for the newcomers. They are anti-citizen, not pro-immigrant-ethnicity. Once the current immigrants begin to settle in and assert rights, it will be time to replace them as well.
That's a very good question. I would expect lower, since the aliens mostly come from countries without the government organization levels that we have. Maybe too, they are running away from vax-pushers back home?
It works! their jabs work, that much is obvious. They wanted to depopulate the world and it does the job. Of course, they themselves had a salt solution, gates daughter is pregnant. They are not the ones to depopulate, obviously. I think if they want to do the job, THEY should be the first ones. Send them an euthanasia kit, have them castrated and hysterectomized.
The 'depopulators' have been around since the early 70s and the beginning of the 'environmental' movement. The UN conference on the environment in, if memory serves, 1972 stated that the ideal world population is 2 billion. They have never altered this finding, nor have their Storm Troopers like Bill Gates, et al. To achieve this figure, it would be necessary to eliminate some 75% of the existing population, which is not just acceptable to them, or even just desirable, but absolutely necessary for the 'survival of the planet.' They appear to have found a method...
Well no it doesn't - but sadly people fall for both lies. Firstly that planet earth is at stake, and secondly that even if it were, it would justify evil in the name of the greater good.
The unfettered mafia-style corruption explanation makes sense to, and is slightly less sinister. We know Pharma operates like an organized crime cartel, and they potentially bought off or compromised everyone in a position of authority. You'd think they could have done that without poisoning the population though. Not sure I see the upside in killing your customers.
Beyond that I'm at a loss to explain it. The notion of a good-faith mistake coupled with widespread groupthink is just too far-fetched IMO.
The “upside” is that those not left dead will be health compromised in new and exciting ways <sarcasm> that makes them an eternal customer to Pharma for one of their many patented - and thus very expensive - drugs.
Amazing article. Sweden had no economic or other emergency in 2021 -- it was a boring year for the country.
It looks like the reduction in births is due to vaccines.
Some people object and say that "no, it is due to COVID".
To those people, I must say that Sars-Cov-2, a lab creation, and Covid vaccine, a genetic code "developed in two days" to trick our cells to manufacture COVID spike protein, are like mirror images of each other.
Most of the things that Covid vaccines can do, Covid can do also, especially if vaccinated people are repeatedly reinfected with Covid. The effects become impossible to disentangle. But such "disentangling" is not very necessary -- both the virus, and the vaccine, are products of our biomedical industrial complex.
We have a continous state of emergency in many sectors Igor. We have had that since 2008-201,and it has onlye scalated since.
Apart from things like crime, our real unemployment rate is in double digits. Among non-european migrants it's from about 40% (arab men and other Mid-Eastern men) to 85%+ (negro women). These are a tremedous drain on our society.
The shuttering and dismantling of several fully functional nuclear reactors the past decade has led to a cumulative effect where important industry is prevented from expansion/reinvestment, meaning that they instead scale down operations here due to power not being reliably available (it also has to do with our grid not having been kept up to needs and specs). So now, for the lastfive winters, we are warned to be prepared for anything from hour-long to several weeks long blackouts, planned or otherwise.
Sweden's food-production has been thoroughly gutted for over 50 years, leading to us only being able to produce food for about 30% of the population should we be isolated from the world. That's not taking shortage of fule, spare parts et c into account, justbasic production.
Our school-system is a shambles, and shows steady decline in most subjects for the last 10+ years. Also, IQ has dropped between 5-10 points on average since the 1990s, and that is not due to being virtually invaded by ethnicities with very low IQs, such as many african peoples (and writing that is a crime by the way - I could face prison for making that claim.
What makes us look good is two things: we as a nation are coasting on what my generation and previous ones achieved, and that some sectors are looking very good, making the average figures such as GDP look good.
But if you look at parity purchasing power, or GDP/cap over time, or household debt in detail, or the relative value of the crown vs the value of currencies of other close-by comparative nations over time, or tax rates, or how much money it takes to get the same thing done today as 50 years ago adjusted for rates, inflation and so on, or quality of service or availability of same, or...
Almost all the curves show decline edging closer to the point of no return.
It is an emergency, but it is of the same kind as when a 600 pound diabetic is having heart flutters.
As a European, I'd be inclined to agree that your wider assessment of societal conditions in Sweden is just as much a contributing factor to lower birthrates. I'd take a guess that this lower birthrate is much higher amongst native-born Swedes than in their large immigrant population, for many of whom procreation is a must. If I was a young Swede today, or a Brit, or a German, or a number of other nationalities, I'd be thinking more of emigrating that having babies ....
Your guess is true, but the records aren't fullypublic and access is limited to state-approved researchers.
And any research must then pass a board of ethics, read political kommissars.
Every university or other institution of higher education and the associated research must have one boardmember on any level, from the topdown to faculty, with the duty to oversee equity and inclusivity (read: woke and politically correct) in materials, what is taught and so on.
A few years back, a tutor at the medical college at Lund university was suspended for the "crime" of using men and women as examples when teaching doctors-to-be.
Not inclusive enough, see. And even worse, he had almost only male-authored books for his students.
Agree. There is no other explanation at this point. To those who are quick to blame everything on Long Covid or Covid itself, I have to ask, where was LC in 2020? Covid hit the U.S. in very early 2020 and apparently the hospitals were overwhelmed with Covid patients so you figure by end of 2020 you'd be hearing something about LC based on the millions that supposedly got Covid in early 2020?
When things continue to get worse, they will blame everything on Long Covid, not the sacred miracle elixir. Dr. Jill just said to make sure and get your booster before Christmas!
Very many young women these days have been using menstrual monitoring apps for several years. The cumulative data, (not available to idealistic statisticians like you I’m sure), would give some strong signals, if it could be compared to vaccines of the same group.
I have another possible explanatory factor - economic collapse. There was a fairly large drop in the Swedish births around 2010 - the euro crisis, and births dropped throughout the 2010s, during which time the world has essentially been in a depression (a depression being defined as a period of sustained below-trend growth). Since the covid stimulus payments wore off, around 2021, economic data around the world has shown massive problems in the eurodollar market (shadow banking system), which presages all world downturns, and what we're seeing int he eurodollar futures curve suggests something absolutely monumental is going on. When people suddenly get fearful for their finances, they could be likely to postpone pregnancy, and this would likely get worse as the economy worsens. This effect would be much more pronounced in Western economies, as people are used to prosperity, and the sorts of financial/economic shocks we are seeing now would have a large psychological impact on them - more so than on poorer nations who are used to raising families in poverty.
i have looked at that and found it unpersuasive as an explanation as the timing fails to align, the magnitude is FAR too large, and there is surprisingly little signal there overall as you look at periods of economic drop.
the drop in 2010 would be from conditions in 2009 which was a bad year for GDP. (but there was also mean reversion from prior)
but the bad econ year in recent memory was 2020 but it drove an up births year in 2021 (this is actually the more common pattern globally)
2021 was a good year for the swedish economy. (+4.8% GDP)
that's not exactly "we're all in penury" territory.
It would nevertheless be good to list all "reasonable" theories and explain why they don't fly.
When I explain what is happening to my friends, I get a lot of "but it is possible / expected because X,Y, Z". The X, Y and Z are mostly easily dismissed but still, if these alternative explanations were debunked systematically, that could be helpful.
- It is covid causing this
- It is a specific covid mutation causing this
- It is the fear of the future / hardship
- It is just happening in Sweden and maybe a few other countries. Because it is not happening in all other countries, there can be a selection bias.
If one looks at the Swedish data, it appears there were actually a small increase in births in 2010, more of a plateau late 2010 and then a quite dramatic decrease in births in 2011. Finnish data appears to mimic the Swedish, i.e decline in 2011. Can’t help thinking if the roll out of the swine flue vaccine (October 2009 to April 2010 in Sweden) may somehow play a role here. Perhaps it may be of interest to you to look into this. It may be a stomach hurting exercise but it would be mind-blowing if the same pattern appears.
I would also say that kind of behavior (on a population scale) doesn't turn on a dime like this data suggests.
I can't think of any purely behavioral cause that could do something like this short of a government putting out a PSA saying "if you impregnate someone or get pregnant we'll shoot you."
I commend "how about this?" approaches - very "scientific" - but "we’re at greater than 1 in 1000 outlier status, a “once in a millennia” event." Can you appeal to "trends" to account for such? Sweden remains an exceptionally wealthy nation with a not particularly elevated suicide rate; alcoholism - except for females - is well down in the world league tables.
all one can do is look at 25 years of data and say "how volatile is it?" to guess what base rate variability is.
"once in a millennia" obviously presumes "barring some unusual atypical driver."
for sure, a war would do this.
the point is not to so much say this is a once in a 1000 years occurrence as to say "if you see this, chances are there is a VERY powerful external driver at work."
Yes. We almost had no covid in 2021. We did have lots of vaccines in 2021, starting in March but mostly ramping up July through Dec for the fertile age group. Incidentally one of our hospitals in a city (Dunedin) which is full of young people (University of Otago) were hours from a "code black" in November. There was no covid in this part of NZ. None. So why did the hospital have a crisis in the last month of Spring? There was no influenza. None. This is a smoking gun for vaccine damage.
Can't we look at a stable country with (much) longer birth rate data to determine the stddev ?
Also, interquartiles avoid the need to assume that the distribution of birth rates is gaussian, which has not been established (although it looks like it at first glance).
The bad cat looked at monthly data, and these are yearly figures.
The chart you linked shows data until 2020 incl.
It looks from the 2022 figures that total births could be around 9600 for 2022, for 10.42M population, or 9.2 birth per year / 1000 people.
This would be the lowest on record for Sweden, but look at the chart before drawing any conclusion: the birth rate has been dropping steadily since 1825...
What is noteworthy is not so much the low birth rate level, but the abrupt decrease...
The data exists when it comes to looking at a monthly basis, but not in any on-line accessible archive. Unless someone wants to slog through tens of thousands of old ledgers and collate monthly birth-rates for 220 years, this is what we've got to work with.
I don't know what that 2010 drop would be in terms of sd, but it looks to me like it would be a strong outlier. Sweden was still a wealthy nation then and I don't think their suicide/alcoholism rates have changed much since then. I'm not saying I know what did it - I'm just putting forward another possible hypothesis that might be worth considering.
Just right! - That's what I was commending "another possible hypothesis" - that's the way science used to work but no longer does. Try this among climate change people: what if we looked at undersea volcanic activity as drivers of ocean warmth and thus landmass temperature variations -- see how far you get!
The Great Reset is in full bloom. What’s 15%? Who cares, right? There’s a deliberate plan to move us from standing up to kneeling with head bowed and hands out. They have captured so much power and control with barely any pushback. Is twitter unleashed going to make a difference? It seems they have one event after another on deck waiting to take a swing at us. Did the vaxx kill off the ability to reason in everyone that took it? How long before we have to get off our couch and run or do whatever we need to do? Is anyone going to save us? Doesn’t look good.
Public health is not a reasonable thing. There is only health. And that’s for each individual to do their best to take care of, in consultation with competent professionals. My health and your health are not the public‘s business. Defund public health!
The people with the authority to release the data are the same people who had the authority to mandate/endorse the spikeshots. They will never voluntarily incriminate themselves.
Meanwhile Western countries are continuing facilitating mass immigration of people from third world countries with higher fertility rates and lower if any mRNA vaccination rates.
See my comment. I said the same thing. Back in 2021 when the vaxxies were mandates for basically anyone working, attending schools, playing sports etc...(so young people of birthing age) this same government opened the border of the U.S. and allowed millions to come in and none of them needed to be vaxxxed and they still don't and they are still flooding in millions and millions per year. Occams Razor solves this puzzle.
This is going to continue to unfold for, at least one generation. Low birth rates, sterility births of damaged babies. cancers and myriad diseases and disabilities. The most rare group of people may become those who never took the jab, and couple with mates who never took the jab, and additionally did not "exchange" bodily fluids with people who took the jab, but in this promiscuous world, what percent would that be low.
See, I am ever the optimist. At least fewer parents are shooting up their kids - for now. Guesses why they put the jabs on the children's Vaccine schedule?
In UK a woman with family moved to south west in England and needed to get registered at the medical practise. The contract she was about to sign stated she would have to agree to all vaccinations being given which health dept recommended. She decided not to sign. This is new and not seen before.
Yeah, we have a college age child who never took the vax but is falling in love with someone who did. It's going to be very rare at some point to have kids born who weren't affected and that makes me sad.
Could be that anyone getting pregnant now may deliver baby that is actually sterile and this fact not uncovered for 20+ years? No immediate link. It has happened before, I recall a video where a woman in US talked about her sterility and others to from what there mothers were given. It may have been when they were experimented on, without consent of course, with being given radiation! Just to see what would happen. Unbelieveable, but going on today globally.
Yeah, it can take 20 years to see the effects. Look up DES (diethylstilbestrol). That resulted in lots of cancers in the adult offspring but some infertility as well. My aunt was given it when she was pregnant with my cousin to prevent miscarriage. My cousin had menstrual difficulties but we don't know if she would have had infertility since she passed away while she was in college. This is the reason people do experiments on animals with short life spans, so it doesn't take that long to get results.
You mean you expect the governments that lied, bullied, threatened your livelihood and well being to get you jabbed, to release data that would incriminate them on a corrupt pay for play depopulation scheme? Anybody know what today's temperature in hell happens to be?
Can’t really say I “look forward” to your birth rate data updates, but I do greatly appreciate that you’re looking into this. It’s morbidly fascinating and I am hoping it bounces back in 2023 (though I expect the worst on this one.)
What set off my bells and whistles back in 2021 is how they essentially forced young people to get the shots in order to attend college, go to school, play sports etc...while at the same time opening the southern border and allowing millions and millions of illegals to flood in who were never required to get the vaccine in order to enter.
If the jabs do in fact cause permanent infertility or sterility (perhaps even genetically in those who are able to give birth) then take a moment to look at the long term implications. The majority of the childbearing U.S. population has taken these shots that may or may not cause sterility BUT if they do, then you have a large swath of U.S. born young people who are unable to procreate and a new incoming population coming to this country who can.
Exactly. They are trying to eradicate the citizens, who have rights, and replace them with illegal immigrants, who have no rights. That gives them a population of workers over whom they, the owner/management/governing class have complete, arbitrary command over.
This appears to be the plan. Remove all the people who know what it's like to live as free men and women, and replace them with people who accept oppression as that's all they've ever known.
People who know what it's like to live as free men and women are dying out. Their woke kids do not know how to be free - and neither do they want to. So it does not matter whether native or immigrant, legal or illegal, the result will be the same...
That is also a valid point.
These immigrants will also be forever loyal voters in trade for their monthly $ government pittance and the young males will soon become the elites paramilitary. The elites don't need us anymore. They have immigrants and artificial intelligence to replace us.
I doubt they will be forever loyal, and I'm not sure they are destined to be voters, as that would imply citizenship and rights. But, yes, they will be recruited as the elites' paramilitary to enforce mandates against the rest of us. At some point, the elites themselves may find themselves at their mercy.
As that would imply citizenship and rights.
Probably not voters. But names on voter rolls, for whom ballots are created and cast. California is the prototype. Millions of non-citizens are registered to vote. A ballot was produced for every registered voter. According to the state AG's office, over 95% of those ballots were returned.
Think about that a minute. It probably won't take 2 minutes...
Good point. Yeah, they'll certainly use them to do that. Not voters, but names on voter rolls, whose votes they control.
Yes, things never go the way tyrants plan for very long. Very long used to mean centuries, but that duration has shrunk quite a bit.
not soon enough
This is the True Insurrection. They take our country. A virus, a mandate, a clot shot, a decline.
New population, no shot.
Don’t Marxist mow old and grow their new?
So do fiat banking luciferians. And they run both sides of the political dialectic.
And we thought indentured servitude was outlawed long ago.
All those illegal alien military age males are encouraged to join the U.S. Army and Marines.
The reward is citizenship and the lawful ability to bring in their family. Ergo, it's not 1,000,000 it's 3,000,000 - 5,000,000 for every 1,000,000.
Not only is the nation, U.S., France, Sweden, et al., taken over by immigration our (U.S.) military and defense becomes a mirror of foreigners.
This practice has a history. Didn't Rome fall in great measure because of something like this?
Wasn't Kosovo Christian that allowed Muslims to illegally enter? Soon became a Muslim state and non-Muslims suffered.
This is probably a common theme in history that doesn't get mentioned much in the history books because it is touchy. A nation establishes a government to handle high-level management of its affairs. This is successful, and the nation profits and expands. Management becomes a plum career, and would-be managers drive imperialist expansion to make more jobs and status for themselves. Limits of growth are eventually met, and competition goes internal. The people turn against one another, and look to foreigners for allies. Elites leverage favored foreigners against the people, and invite more and more of them in. The native people lose their rights and identity at home due to factional infighting, ethnic frictions, and disempowerment by ambitious management, and become effectively slaves to the elites and their foreign enforcers. The elites, whose other leg of power was their own citizen base, collapse with their people, and the foreigners who have retained their ethnic identity become masters of them all.
"Didn't Rome fall in great measure because of something like this?" Exactly. When the Temple was destroyed, 1 in 10 soldiers were "Roman" by birth. The rest were from the kingdoms surrounding Israel. Think "iron mixed (arab) with miry clay", and you will have a clearer picture of where this all leads us to.
One correction - an immigrant is by definition someone who immigrates according to law. There are no illegal immigrants. The population to which you refer are those that did not immigrate, but reside illegally.
Precision matters. The term "illegal immigrant" as introduced to create a false equivalence between this illegal population and the generations of actual immigrants to which we refer when describing the US as a nation of immigrants. Immigrants, who came to live under our laws, many of whom became citizens. The illegal population is something entirely different - an exploitable and controllable population without legal rights or protections under the law, as you said. And that is the reason politicians grow the illegal population and have made it far more difficult to immigrate.
I agree that precision matters. I'm not sure that the definition given here as 'someone who immigrates according to law' helps with precision though. What general term do we have for people from foreign lands who come here to live, regardless of legalities, if not 'immigrant'? What do we call those of our ancestors who came to this country from outside before the US and its laws were created? And, for that matter, what term do we have then to refer to people who have come from outside to live in the US contrary to US law, if not 'illegal immigrant'?
I appreciate the critical thought you are bringing to bear on this, but I really think we're better off sticking with 'immigrant' for anyone from foreign lands who comes to live in a country, while using 'legal immigrant' or 'illegal immigrant' for distinctions where that country's immigration laws are concerned.
What do we call people who reside in a country illegally? How about illegal residents. Or a population not protected by the nations laws, who are more easily manipulated, exploited, oppressed and subjected to all kinds of other injustices. Yes it matters. Call it what it is and it is more clear that it is wrong in many, many ways. That is precisely what I think we should emphasize.
The term 'illegal immigrant' and later "undocumented immigrant" were created specifically to deceive. The false equivalence I noted. Immigration is good, illegal existence is not good. Not good for the people subjected to the abuses of living illegally, not good for the people who have compassion for the first, and not good for all of us as a nation. It is good only for the few that can exploit the illegal population for personal gain and political power. And those few are NOT good for the rest of us, of that you can be sure ;-)
Well, 'illegal resident' makes it sound to me like they're squatting in their houses against an eviction order, not that they necessarily entered the country illegally. I agree that "undocumented immigrant" is a trick term meant to confuse the issue. 'Illegal immigrant' isn't ideal either, since that could change in a moment at the stroke of a politician's pen.
The real issue is that they are foreigners, with foreign customs, foreign physical features, foreign language, and foreign socio-political structure, who are brought in in large enough numbers to retain their own political community while penetrating into the host community and breaking it up. They are not bad people any more than we are, nor are they any more passive, stupid, or easily manipulated. But they are poison to our community solidarity, identity, and reproduction, and hence to the human network of affectionate interactions and trust that supports us and guards the traditional laws that protect us. We are simultaneously poison to them too, and the mutual wreck of our respective natural communities renders us all helpless individuals who must depend on the favor of manipulative elites for everything.
(Have we just thrown “illegal alien” out with the bath water…— said with sarcasm )
Replace them with illegal residents, who are by definition not immigrants.
Wrong term, spot on WRT the purpose of an illegal population.
Why not “criminal residents”?
That is accurate at least.
Though I like to emphasizes how readily such a population can be controlled, and exploited, as that is the primary reason politicians work so hard to keep this population illegal.
My gut inclines me to go along with this theory because it's attractive to my worldview, which tells me to look extra hard for criticism.
There's at least one important caveat to everything you've said, and that's SCHOOL VACCINATION MANDATES. The vast majority of illegal aliens still send their minor children to public schools (at our expense and often uncounted as population for school funding) and will gladly vaccinate (and mask) them. Ditto college.
If not the current working age generation of illegal aliens, the next one is being sterilized along with everyone else.
Perhaps they intend to replace them with new immigrants when the time comes?
I think the main point of "elite" strategy is to keep the working underclass from becoming entrenched, so that they cannot assert rights against the elite. Culling them every generation and starting over with new people who exist here only at the elites' discretion is the way to do that.
The motive is a practical play for supreme power. What they are doing is genocidal, but it is not the kind of genocide in which they are carrying a torch for the newcomers. They are anti-citizen, not pro-immigrant-ethnicity. Once the current immigrants begin to settle in and assert rights, it will be time to replace them as well.
Question: what is the vaccine uptake in the countries from which the aliens come?
That's a very good question. I would expect lower, since the aliens mostly come from countries without the government organization levels that we have. Maybe too, they are running away from vax-pushers back home?
Young people who in general were at very, very low risk of serious complications or severe outcomes from COVID.
yeah. devious.
Look at the Moderna Leak. Andreas Oehler and Igor Chudov. Substack.
"The Lasting Legacy of Trojan Horses, " and "Allegations of Genetic Harm to Newborn Females easy to Verify."
It works! their jabs work, that much is obvious. They wanted to depopulate the world and it does the job. Of course, they themselves had a salt solution, gates daughter is pregnant. They are not the ones to depopulate, obviously. I think if they want to do the job, THEY should be the first ones. Send them an euthanasia kit, have them castrated and hysterectomized.
The 'depopulators' have been around since the early 70s and the beginning of the 'environmental' movement. The UN conference on the environment in, if memory serves, 1972 stated that the ideal world population is 2 billion. They have never altered this finding, nor have their Storm Troopers like Bill Gates, et al. To achieve this figure, it would be necessary to eliminate some 75% of the existing population, which is not just acceptable to them, or even just desirable, but absolutely necessary for the 'survival of the planet.' They appear to have found a method...
The depopulators have been around since the garden of Eden :-).
Well no it doesn't - but sadly people fall for both lies. Firstly that planet earth is at stake, and secondly that even if it were, it would justify evil in the name of the greater good.
They can move to Canada and have it government funded
As crazy as it sounds, this is the only explanation that makes sense
The unfettered mafia-style corruption explanation makes sense to, and is slightly less sinister. We know Pharma operates like an organized crime cartel, and they potentially bought off or compromised everyone in a position of authority. You'd think they could have done that without poisoning the population though. Not sure I see the upside in killing your customers.
Beyond that I'm at a loss to explain it. The notion of a good-faith mistake coupled with widespread groupthink is just too far-fetched IMO.
The “upside” is that those not left dead will be health compromised in new and exciting ways <sarcasm> that makes them an eternal customer to Pharma for one of their many patented - and thus very expensive - drugs.
the problem is at some point the remaining population will not be able to afford any of these drugs. what then?
you got that right ! bigharma has been trying to do that for 100 years, and now they have not a milking cow, but a dinosaur! all chronically ill.
It is not pharma in control at all. Big smokescreen. US DoD is who is. Check out Sasha Latypova on substack and Rumble, Bitchute.
too many coincidences. I can accept one, but then my mind goes to INtentional.
I read a nice saying in these stacks recently. "Once is happenstance; twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy action."
"gates daughter is pregnant. "
... so he is going to be the father to his nephew :P?
never even thought of that possibility !!!
Gates daughter cannot avoid transfection.
Amazing article. Sweden had no economic or other emergency in 2021 -- it was a boring year for the country.
It looks like the reduction in births is due to vaccines.
Some people object and say that "no, it is due to COVID".
To those people, I must say that Sars-Cov-2, a lab creation, and Covid vaccine, a genetic code "developed in two days" to trick our cells to manufacture COVID spike protein, are like mirror images of each other.
Most of the things that Covid vaccines can do, Covid can do also, especially if vaccinated people are repeatedly reinfected with Covid. The effects become impossible to disentangle. But such "disentangling" is not very necessary -- both the virus, and the vaccine, are products of our biomedical industrial complex.
We have a continous state of emergency in many sectors Igor. We have had that since 2008-201,and it has onlye scalated since.
Apart from things like crime, our real unemployment rate is in double digits. Among non-european migrants it's from about 40% (arab men and other Mid-Eastern men) to 85%+ (negro women). These are a tremedous drain on our society.
The shuttering and dismantling of several fully functional nuclear reactors the past decade has led to a cumulative effect where important industry is prevented from expansion/reinvestment, meaning that they instead scale down operations here due to power not being reliably available (it also has to do with our grid not having been kept up to needs and specs). So now, for the lastfive winters, we are warned to be prepared for anything from hour-long to several weeks long blackouts, planned or otherwise.
Sweden's food-production has been thoroughly gutted for over 50 years, leading to us only being able to produce food for about 30% of the population should we be isolated from the world. That's not taking shortage of fule, spare parts et c into account, justbasic production.
Our school-system is a shambles, and shows steady decline in most subjects for the last 10+ years. Also, IQ has dropped between 5-10 points on average since the 1990s, and that is not due to being virtually invaded by ethnicities with very low IQs, such as many african peoples (and writing that is a crime by the way - I could face prison for making that claim.
What makes us look good is two things: we as a nation are coasting on what my generation and previous ones achieved, and that some sectors are looking very good, making the average figures such as GDP look good.
But if you look at parity purchasing power, or GDP/cap over time, or household debt in detail, or the relative value of the crown vs the value of currencies of other close-by comparative nations over time, or tax rates, or how much money it takes to get the same thing done today as 50 years ago adjusted for rates, inflation and so on, or quality of service or availability of same, or...
Almost all the curves show decline edging closer to the point of no return.
It is an emergency, but it is of the same kind as when a 600 pound diabetic is having heart flutters.
As a European, I'd be inclined to agree that your wider assessment of societal conditions in Sweden is just as much a contributing factor to lower birthrates. I'd take a guess that this lower birthrate is much higher amongst native-born Swedes than in their large immigrant population, for many of whom procreation is a must. If I was a young Swede today, or a Brit, or a German, or a number of other nationalities, I'd be thinking more of emigrating that having babies ....
Your guess is true, but the records aren't fullypublic and access is limited to state-approved researchers.
And any research must then pass a board of ethics, read political kommissars.
Every university or other institution of higher education and the associated research must have one boardmember on any level, from the topdown to faculty, with the duty to oversee equity and inclusivity (read: woke and politically correct) in materials, what is taught and so on.
A few years back, a tutor at the medical college at Lund university was suspended for the "crime" of using men and women as examples when teaching doctors-to-be.
Not inclusive enough, see. And even worse, he had almost only male-authored books for his students.
That's where we're at right now.
Yes, but emigrating where?
Well, I believe neighboring Denmark has recently adopted an immigrant-resistant policy.
Agree. There is no other explanation at this point. To those who are quick to blame everything on Long Covid or Covid itself, I have to ask, where was LC in 2020? Covid hit the U.S. in very early 2020 and apparently the hospitals were overwhelmed with Covid patients so you figure by end of 2020 you'd be hearing something about LC based on the millions that supposedly got Covid in early 2020?
When things continue to get worse, they will blame everything on Long Covid, not the sacred miracle elixir. Dr. Jill just said to make sure and get your booster before Christmas!
This is a VERY good point. One which I had not thought of.
Very many young women these days have been using menstrual monitoring apps for several years. The cumulative data, (not available to idealistic statisticians like you I’m sure), would give some strong signals, if it could be compared to vaccines of the same group.
It is sad to say that, if permanent, this damage is the one side effect that may bring down the house of cards.
It can't be brushed off as "necessary evil" for the greater good and it can't be conflated with long covid.
It is heartbreaking.
I have another possible explanatory factor - economic collapse. There was a fairly large drop in the Swedish births around 2010 - the euro crisis, and births dropped throughout the 2010s, during which time the world has essentially been in a depression (a depression being defined as a period of sustained below-trend growth). Since the covid stimulus payments wore off, around 2021, economic data around the world has shown massive problems in the eurodollar market (shadow banking system), which presages all world downturns, and what we're seeing int he eurodollar futures curve suggests something absolutely monumental is going on. When people suddenly get fearful for their finances, they could be likely to postpone pregnancy, and this would likely get worse as the economy worsens. This effect would be much more pronounced in Western economies, as people are used to prosperity, and the sorts of financial/economic shocks we are seeing now would have a large psychological impact on them - more so than on poorer nations who are used to raising families in poverty.
i have looked at that and found it unpersuasive as an explanation as the timing fails to align, the magnitude is FAR too large, and there is surprisingly little signal there overall as you look at periods of economic drop.
the drop in 2010 would be from conditions in 2009 which was a bad year for GDP. (but there was also mean reversion from prior)
but the bad econ year in recent memory was 2020 but it drove an up births year in 2021 (this is actually the more common pattern globally)
2021 was a good year for the swedish economy. (+4.8% GDP)
that's not exactly "we're all in penury" territory.
It would nevertheless be good to list all "reasonable" theories and explain why they don't fly.
When I explain what is happening to my friends, I get a lot of "but it is possible / expected because X,Y, Z". The X, Y and Z are mostly easily dismissed but still, if these alternative explanations were debunked systematically, that could be helpful.
- It is covid causing this
- It is a specific covid mutation causing this
- It is the fear of the future / hardship
- It is just happening in Sweden and maybe a few other countries. Because it is not happening in all other countries, there can be a selection bias.
- etc...
If one looks at the Swedish data, it appears there were actually a small increase in births in 2010, more of a plateau late 2010 and then a quite dramatic decrease in births in 2011. Finnish data appears to mimic the Swedish, i.e decline in 2011. Can’t help thinking if the roll out of the swine flue vaccine (October 2009 to April 2010 in Sweden) may somehow play a role here. Perhaps it may be of interest to you to look into this. It may be a stomach hurting exercise but it would be mind-blowing if the same pattern appears.
also Gardasil - approved for medical use in US in 2006 and in wide use throughout the world by 211
good point
I would also say that kind of behavior (on a population scale) doesn't turn on a dime like this data suggests.
I can't think of any purely behavioral cause that could do something like this short of a government putting out a PSA saying "if you impregnate someone or get pregnant we'll shoot you."
See my answer to Igor why just looking at our GDP is not sufficient.
miao miao!
Or miau, miau, as we say in Germany😄
LOL! love substack. So international.
The timing is the most telling. The drop in birth rates started approximately 9 months after the vaccination campaign began.
The vaccination campaign would be what I would bet on if I had to. The timing also fits with economic issues too though.
I commend "how about this?" approaches - very "scientific" - but "we’re at greater than 1 in 1000 outlier status, a “once in a millennia” event." Can you appeal to "trends" to account for such? Sweden remains an exceptionally wealthy nation with a not particularly elevated suicide rate; alcoholism - except for females - is well down in the world league tables.
all one can do is look at 25 years of data and say "how volatile is it?" to guess what base rate variability is.
"once in a millennia" obviously presumes "barring some unusual atypical driver."
for sure, a war would do this.
the point is not to so much say this is a once in a 1000 years occurrence as to say "if you see this, chances are there is a VERY powerful external driver at work."
New Zealand births data for 2022 will be published by Stats NZ on the 20th of February 2023 (supposedly).
It includes births by region which can be cross-referenced with geographical vaccination rates.
New Zealand had a long period of little COVID and little vaccination before an accelerated vaccination program.
NZ births data should provide another good source of data to investigate this very worrying possibility.
Yes. We almost had no covid in 2021. We did have lots of vaccines in 2021, starting in March but mostly ramping up July through Dec for the fertile age group. Incidentally one of our hospitals in a city (Dunedin) which is full of young people (University of Otago) were hours from a "code black" in November. There was no covid in this part of NZ. None. So why did the hospital have a crisis in the last month of Spring? There was no influenza. None. This is a smoking gun for vaccine damage.
Great idea!
Can't we look at a stable country with (much) longer birth rate data to determine the stddev ?
Also, interquartiles avoid the need to assume that the distribution of birth rates is gaussian, which has not been established (although it looks like it at first glance).
Is this a long enough series? It's crude birth rate, but it is still very clear:
In the year 1800, the crude birth rate was 29 live births per 1 000 people (both sexes). In 2020 (during Covid) it was 11.9.
Yet, in 1883 it was 11.3 despite no Covid, no mRNA-jabs, and no modern pseudo-vaccines or anything else like today's societal troubles.
The bad cat looked at monthly data, and these are yearly figures.
The chart you linked shows data until 2020 incl.
It looks from the 2022 figures that total births could be around 9600 for 2022, for 10.42M population, or 9.2 birth per year / 1000 people.
This would be the lowest on record for Sweden, but look at the chart before drawing any conclusion: the birth rate has been dropping steadily since 1825...
What is noteworthy is not so much the low birth rate level, but the abrupt decrease...
The data exists when it comes to looking at a monthly basis, but not in any on-line accessible archive. Unless someone wants to slog through tens of thousands of old ledgers and collate monthly birth-rates for 220 years, this is what we've got to work with.
I don't know what that 2010 drop would be in terms of sd, but it looks to me like it would be a strong outlier. Sweden was still a wealthy nation then and I don't think their suicide/alcoholism rates have changed much since then. I'm not saying I know what did it - I'm just putting forward another possible hypothesis that might be worth considering.
it's just under 2 SD, so about a 1 in 20 occurrence.
about what one would expect as a prev max in a 23 year series
Just right! - That's what I was commending "another possible hypothesis" - that's the way science used to work but no longer does. Try this among climate change people: what if we looked at undersea volcanic activity as drivers of ocean warmth and thus landmass temperature variations -- see how far you get!
This is also true and very significant.
Western countries have had major issues with declining marriage and birth rates prior to this among millennials.
researcher: "oh the data on these vaccines isn't looking too good."
public health bureaucrat: "ok, we'll stop publishing the data. problem solved."
researcher: "but what about real world observation."
public health bureaucrat: "we can only go by what the data tells us."
researcher: "but you said not to publish the data."
public health bureaucrat: "exactly! that's why i get the big bucks."
The Great Reset is in full bloom. What’s 15%? Who cares, right? There’s a deliberate plan to move us from standing up to kneeling with head bowed and hands out. They have captured so much power and control with barely any pushback. Is twitter unleashed going to make a difference? It seems they have one event after another on deck waiting to take a swing at us. Did the vaxx kill off the ability to reason in everyone that took it? How long before we have to get off our couch and run or do whatever we need to do? Is anyone going to save us? Doesn’t look good.
Thanos snap
Public health is not a reasonable thing. There is only health. And that’s for each individual to do their best to take care of, in consultation with competent professionals. My health and your health are not the public‘s business. Defund public health!
The people with the authority to release the data are the same people who had the authority to mandate/endorse the spikeshots. They will never voluntarily incriminate themselves.
The Nazis weren't going to Nuremburg themselves.
If the sky was falling, they would say, "it's a nice sunny day!" Sadly, most would believe them.
Movies like Children of Men were predictive programming.
I need to watch that one. Haven’t seen it yet, but heard the same thing - it’s predictive.
It's actually an excellent movie.
Thanks, Trevor. I’ll make a note for us to watch it after Christmas Day -- busy watching traditional Christmas movies until then. 😉
I've got Die Hard 1 & 2 queued up for Christmas Eve 🤣
Haha we watch those each year too! My husband and I have a friendly and ongoing “discussion” about whether these are, indeed, Christmas movies.
Meanwhile Western countries are continuing facilitating mass immigration of people from third world countries with higher fertility rates and lower if any mRNA vaccination rates.
See my comment. I said the same thing. Back in 2021 when the vaxxies were mandates for basically anyone working, attending schools, playing sports etc...(so young people of birthing age) this same government opened the border of the U.S. and allowed millions to come in and none of them needed to be vaxxxed and they still don't and they are still flooding in millions and millions per year. Occams Razor solves this puzzle.
This is going to continue to unfold for, at least one generation. Low birth rates, sterility births of damaged babies. cancers and myriad diseases and disabilities. The most rare group of people may become those who never took the jab, and couple with mates who never took the jab, and additionally did not "exchange" bodily fluids with people who took the jab, but in this promiscuous world, what percent would that be low.
One generation?
People are shooting up their kids, too. This is horrific.
See, I am ever the optimist. At least fewer parents are shooting up their kids - for now. Guesses why they put the jabs on the children's Vaccine schedule?
Sorry, program won't accept the "like".
I think the shots are on the schedule for multiple reasons.
1. Liability protection
2. Karens doing the useful idiots work of "protecting" kids
3. Depopulation
4. dumb-down people, make them more compliant
5. create forever clients
6. Good old Money
In UK a woman with family moved to south west in England and needed to get registered at the medical practise. The contract she was about to sign stated she would have to agree to all vaccinations being given which health dept recommended. She decided not to sign. This is new and not seen before.
Where have you got this information?
I have never heard of such a thing.
I heard it on this Wednesday's edition of UK Column news - in section presented by Debbie Evans. The woman in question sent an email to UKC about it.
Yeah, we have a college age child who never took the vax but is falling in love with someone who did. It's going to be very rare at some point to have kids born who weren't affected and that makes me sad.
Could be that anyone getting pregnant now may deliver baby that is actually sterile and this fact not uncovered for 20+ years? No immediate link. It has happened before, I recall a video where a woman in US talked about her sterility and others to from what there mothers were given. It may have been when they were experimented on, without consent of course, with being given radiation! Just to see what would happen. Unbelieveable, but going on today globally.
Also in Africa-see recent Andrew Wakefield's documentary
Yeah, it can take 20 years to see the effects. Look up DES (diethylstilbestrol). That resulted in lots of cancers in the adult offspring but some infertility as well. My aunt was given it when she was pregnant with my cousin to prevent miscarriage. My cousin had menstrual difficulties but we don't know if she would have had infertility since she passed away while she was in college. This is the reason people do experiments on animals with short life spans, so it doesn't take that long to get results.
That is terrible. I am so sorry.
You mean you expect the governments that lied, bullied, threatened your livelihood and well being to get you jabbed, to release data that would incriminate them on a corrupt pay for play depopulation scheme? Anybody know what today's temperature in hell happens to be?