The vaccine injury data will be so bad and widely accepted as bad within the next year that it'll be used to blame Trump for Op. Warp Speed. Unfortunately, he walked right into that trap. He never should have been out the past year bloviating about how these mRNA shots saved everyone.

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Maybe that's a good thing? Maybe it paves the way for DeSantis.

Trump was a big middle finger, a speed bump and a clumsy door stop.

That's what was needed.

We should not be overally harsh...or we may lose some people.

He exposed the media and the ruling elite.

Who else on earth could've done that.

He's shameless...and that's just what we needed at the time

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trump had a chance to stand tall, be brave, and keep the US from losing its mind and he whiffed it, panicked, put fauci and brix in change despite knowing they were wrong, and pushed a bunch of half baked pharma phraud as a visible public works project.

it was all politics and no science.

we need leaders of courage not cowardice.

if operation warp speed sinks trump and pfizer together as a low energy political path, i'm fine with that.

time to move on.

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I gave up on Trump "draining the swamp" early in his administration when his then attorney general Jeff Sessions said that extraditing and prosecuting Julian Assange would be a "priority" of this administration. It was arguably the brave reporting of WikiLeaks that got Trump elected in the first place.

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Yes. Sessions was a disaster. Trump is not a good people picker. But I am still grateful for SHOWING the entire US how good our economy and defense could be.

What I will NEVER forgive is the dems and the MSM hammering him 24/7 every day for four years...I have friends that have such severe Trump derangment syndrome (early mass fomation) they will never ever be able to get over the brainwashing. Morning noon and night, not one good word for him on the news. There is a reason they call tv "programming".

And now I know how easily the vast majority of people can be easily brainwashed and manipulated...and it scares me to death.

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Trump-Trashing Brainwashing was the just the warm-up/preparation for COVID-hysteria mass formation.

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I believe it was...proof of concept, so to speak.

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Both brought to us by the CCP?

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"Early mass formation".

You know that makes sense. It was the scaffolding, for the bridge, of the current global mass formation phenomenon

Good insight. Explains a lot.

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Truly it was. All you have to do is mention Trump, or any doubt about the election, and they go postal. Literally. Postal. Screaming. It is very very frightening to witness.

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Toddler tantrums turning Totalitarian

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I think we forget how the Assange saga started. Now the dems or leftist or whatever the Hell they are have picked up the ball and run with it.

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Nailed it.

Don’t waste your time looking back - you are not going that way.

If it's consolation, we learned a lot. Sharpened our swords and fortified our shields.

I think we're in a better position because of him to effectuate change

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Trump is to connected to the vaccines. The pharma frauds and regulatory shills must burn for this and Trump has spent to much time claiming the vaccines as a victory. He is directly tied to the lack of oversight that made this mess possible.

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We are on the same page. We need to turn the page

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This is true. All of it. Still, even though many of us instinctively knew something was wrong with all the data reporting, I for one didn't fully understand it until studying a certain internet feline. While T is utterly connected to the vaxx, he may not have been in on the fix. Is benefit of the doubt owed? I'm not sure. Maybe.

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He's a germaphobe and pussycat who loves himself too much.

He wasn't in on the fix.

Just an opinion. But seems logical to a redneck like me.

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Seeing the positive. Sometimes hard to do

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Agree completely. Trump utterly failed to be a leader in the spring/summer of 2020. His original instincts were correct and he got rolled by highly incompetent advisors and a media who infected the minds of the public. Cue up Desantis, please!

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He dallied too long. He should've elevated Atlas immediately and sidelined Brix/Fauci

His core cowardness came from his FEAR of losing the election. He really lacked foresight.

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A second opinion before shuttering the country! That was a disaster, believing the bureaucrats. When had any bureaucrat been honest with Trump? But Trump NEVER suggested injecting everyone, NEVER suggested mandates, and frankly, had only the high risk been injected as intended, this would have been over by now. Xiden gave us the Forever Scamdemic for a reason.

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Man, I agree with this. There is no excuse for not seeking 2nd, 3rd and 4th opinions. Who here, wouldn't have before shutting down the world.

More voices at the table allow an executive to make decisions when they don't have all the information; allows them to course correct, be decisive and rally folks in a common cause.

He failed there.

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And leaders who will get rid of the Patriot Act and the Prep Act.

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In his defense, he was a strong Constitutionalist. I don't think it is his fault that he kicked it back to the states to decide, and they, like the lemmings they are, followed the CDC/FDA guidance.

I could be wrong, it was over 2 years ago. But I think I remember him saying is is NOT for the Health authorities to decide. Governors need to weigh all the non health repercussions, that is their job. And every governer except DeSantos, and Noem, and maybe one or two others, took their states into lockdown masking and no early treatment. It was not Trump.

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Wasn't it Trump's HHS secretary who declared an emergency which is STILL going on? Without that emergency declaration, no EUA.

An emergency that runs for 2.5 years is no emergency. One month, tops.

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"we need leaders of courage not cowardice"

Couldn't disagree more. We need to reject the idea that 'leaders' should make our health care (or economic) decisions for us. Two centuries ago, people would have thought it laughable that some officious tits in DC would claim authority over our medical treatments. We need to reject the concept of 'public health' entirely.

Become ungovernable.

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Trump's mistake was putting Pence in charge of covid response. It was difficult then to get rid of the architects of depopulation named Fauci and Birx

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Don't forget Peter Daszak and his gang, who were the agents behind the sars-cov-2 creation. Fauci just signed the check and appeared on TV.

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Public works project...oh God.

Perfect. I just wrote that down with shit eating grin.

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Never again, TARP. Never again any big bill designed to provide income for Congresscritters. As a matter of fact, no Income tax anymore. If the Feds need defense, line item budget must be proposed, and one time levy. Ditto Roads. Air Traffic Control.

What Should have been done, is to have grabbed the Coast Guard, and had them and the National Guard run our supply chain and ports.

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Well said.

TARP and the Patriot Act have been two of the most destructive measures, taken by the ruling class, in the last 80 years.

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Assets of members of government should be frozen the moment they enter office as should their salary. Make it so that the only path towards increased income requires leaving office -- if you stick around in government for 50 years, you're only ever to receive the wage at the time you started.

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When I heard Trump was going to have a vaccine pushed out in less than a year I thought no way will I ever take this I don’t care who supports it.

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That's the underbelly of Nationalism. People start letting DEAR LEADER think for themselves

I am so curious as to what was the loadstar that each of us used to navigate this PSYOP. Know what I mean? there has to be some underlying attributes, no matter the mix or how one would arrive there.

Or maybe it's just good old fashion horse sense? Fascinating either way

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It seems people are hard wired to. "And Yaweh's people demanded a king. But Yaweh said I am Lord, you do not need a king. But they wanted a king -- so they got one good and hard."

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Have you ever read "The Evolution of God" by Rober Wright?

It explains a lot of what you're saying

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I just skimmed it and have decided to try to do a better job staying on-topic.

Please let me restate my point as it relates to plandemic tyranny:

People are too credulus of media, false-flag science, too obedient to the state and the bureaucrats. Against the covidian state-worship, the Christian faith is a spiritual shield. Common men crave a lord and master (the abundance of Trump idolatry here should make that obvious). Acknowledging God as Lord, it's easier to see that Trump, Fauci, and all those pompous twits in DC are just a pile of wretched grifters with little wisdom, and should have NO AUTHORITY WHATSOEVER over you.

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Totally agree. All of the good policies can be repeated by anyone. He caved to McConnell and Ryan regarding the Wall, which was why he won, so he let his base down. The RINO swamp more than likely told him they would throw him to the Dem wolves if he did not sign that first budget that excluded the wall funding.

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Yes. Exactly. We need to make the RINO's pay the price too!

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Until you figure out who your enemy is, all your firepower will miss the target.

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I disagree. DeSantis is more effective as a governor because governors have less bs to deal with on a state level. Unless DeSantis creates a carbon copy of himself who will run Florida, it may not be a good idea.

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Agree!!! The only “out” they have is to blame him. He is such an idiot for promoting this bioweapon.

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I agree completely about Trump.

However... rumor is he's a germaphobe. We don't know what kind of info he got from Fauci etc. Finally... he is human, and very well might be suffering under the same combination of Mass Formation Psychosis + Terror Management Theory as the rest of the US population.

That doesn't excuse anything, it's simply just an explanation.

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Thanks for this. I will always believe Trump, despite his well-catalogued flaws, was a huge overall positive even if one prefers DeSantis in 2024 (as I do). I don’t know exactly why but Trump is so often compared to presidents and human beings generally who never existed and who never will.

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Please don't take my Governor away. We need him desperately here in the Free State of Florida. The Libs would love to turn Florida blue. They almost elected that crack head Gillium (sp)as governor the last time. I shudder to think what life would be like here if that had happened.

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Yes, and Pelosi just bought her retirement home in Florida...If I were a resident, I would be livid.

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It is a dilemma. Also, the rest of the country will continue to need a refuge, even if only in spirit, in case things keep going sideways. Does DeSantis not have any proteges who might pick up the reins from him? He has certainly shown the way. I’m asking b/c I know very little about Florida politics or its state GOP.

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If Trump is the nominee, I will support him. But... we will then have four more years of fighting over every nomination, and continuous backstabbing by the party of R.

On the other hand, we might not have elections in four years.

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Yeah, big trade-off, right? I mean it was/is a net positive.

Could you imagine what would've happened if HRC were in office? How many lives and livelihoods would've been lost on a comparative basis.

I guess my point is; even if Trump wouldn't have brain-smithed Warp Speed, the rest of the world would've still deployed this mNRA dirt

I think it would've been much worse. We might still be on rolling lock-down.

Most likely, she'd still be in office. The damage to our nation would've been grievous...perhaps irreparable

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However, it she had been in office, they may not have unleashed Covid. I have a very strong feeling it was done on purpose to oust him because they couldn't have otherwise--economy was going great and more than half the country was happy. They knew they had no chance of beating him in 2020 without a crisis of such magnitude.

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True. Completely plausible.

They have no value for human life.

Power at all cost.

The Power they've amassed has turned evil.

Take heart, they eat their own. We will prevail if we stand up

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Why did TRUMP push the vaccines?

That answer is connected to Military Tribunals, war crime courts and crimes against humanity, Nuremberg Code trials . Trump has EXPOSED ALL the world corrupt systems and he will have All the EVIDENCE and POWER to bring down the WORLD CABAL SYSTEMS.... Fuck Up ( FAUCI) NIH CDC NIAIH WHO World health boards ALL COLLUDED to give him false evidence and information of a PANDEMIC/ILLICIT vaccines and pushed through corruption to have him release vaccines. In the world court military trials Donald J. Trump will expose the whole system.

How the first batches of vaccines released through operation warp speed were mainly fake ( PLACEBO ). Why INFILTRATION into the [DS] vaccine world was necessary. How do you EXPOSE World Wide corruption , connected to World Banks, Big Pharma, Big Tech.. CIA UN.WHO. NIH.CDC..CDC, FAKE NEWS, CHINA ECT ECT????? How do you expose ALL those who colluded in the CRIME OF THE CENTURY? Creating the VIRUS'S, BIOWEAPON VACCINES??? One day very soon we will understand why Trump released vaccines in recorded time. [DS] never thought he could do it. Releasing them early threw their plan into CHAOS and the collapse began. World Banks. Investors. Brokers. Share holders of vaccine companies , pharmaceutical companies went into unsteady, unready confusion, panic. Trillions of $$$$$$$$$ were lost in the unsure world stock money markets in first few days of January 2020, panic set in and millions of investors pulled their money! If Trump never released the Vaccines in his last months, the world would have been in deeper trouble. Permanent lockdowns until 2025, destruction of economy to nothing, real mass deaths, different bioweapons.

The placebo is there because Trump saved lives by pushing their agenda early. Too early for them to be ready. Even now the world [DS]can't keep up with vaccine productions. Trump was the bait. He will answer to military courts when its time, and the reasons will be astounding. It will bring down the world corrupt satanic pedophile rot. ROCKEFELLERS/ROTHSCHILDS/UN/DAVOS/CCP/BIG PHARMA/BIG TECH WORLD CONTROLLED EVIL CABAL PLAN

In the military courts Trump will expose every institution and corruption that gave him the false data, evidence, falsified information on COVID-19 & Vaccines


Trump was a sacrifice.... He had to make these moves and knew he was going to get into trouble in the end, but also knew he would be insulated by the Military who placed him. DS was still going to release their deadly bio-weapons with or without Trump in office. This was planned many years ago. The only way was to seize control of the CABAL plan was through exposure. Medical Emergencies don't last over 2 years, but WARS do. Ya better start believing in conspiracy theory's, cause your in one.

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It's definitely a violation of the Nuremberg Code.

The deal was sealed when they started poisoning children.

They're trying to cover up the initial evil through children.

They want to take out natural immunity completely so they have a mulligan

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They might have been able to get away with that before Biden yelled (or whispered) at the country to get the damn shots over and over. He owns this now.

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Agree. Biden owns this now. And OWS is Trump’s.

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They'll be called the Trump vaccines by the Democrats again within a year, as they called them in 2020. If that's what it takes to get them to focus on and eliminate them, I'm all for it. It would keep Trump from blathering his way into the WhiteHouse again. The issues he ran on in 2016 still motivate people; what's needed is someone with follow-through.

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Dems = serial recidivist

You are right

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Me too. Get rid of these so called vaccines. And, IMO, left or right, it hardly matters. The system is too f’d up for follow through that will truly make a difference. I used to be motivated, used to think we the people have power, now I’m cynical.

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I don't know. The same "mass psychosis" effect that got 70 percent of the population to blindly accept all the false propaganda also affects 80 percent of Trump supporters.

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The one in the trap is the person who believes trump got trapped.

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Oooh. Nice

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But Trump did not legislate to mandate it. So what if there's Warp Speed? Many countries have left jabs as a personal choice.

It's also about time that the White House stop operating as geriatric day care centre.

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Amen to that. Never underestimate the power of peer pressure

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i dont think so. People are so deeply brainwashed that they simply scoff at VAERs

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Any vax rate above ZERO is simply too high. All risk, no benefit. Unless of course you consider damage of your child’s immune system to be in some way a positive effect.

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"all risk, no benefit."

Yes. Like 99.213% of ALL vaccines going back to Day One.

Sorry, can't help myself. Just had to get that in there somehow/someway.

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Many of these parents will do it. Their friends are so they will. Worse, they will brag about it😖

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Even though properly designed vaccines can generate a helpful immune response, the kabbal running this show cannot be trusted, so no jabs, anymore. The evidence is in on even normal vaccines, that the adjuvants look to have serious long term harms. Aluminum safe dose 5 micrograms/day. One vaccine 250 micrograms. Long term brain harms.

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The number that jumps out at me in the charts is one that says, of the 42 percent of parents who said they definitely will not be getting the five and under vax for their child, 43 percent said they are now against all vaccines in general. This a huge number of parents who are now, thanks to the Covid debacle, turning against the entire childhood vaccine program. That is a stunning development and really the best news our side (i.e. those of us who know the truth about vaccines and autism, ADHD, autoimmunity, deadly food allergies, GI disorders, and asthma) has had in a long time.

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RFK, Jr. deserves a "Profile in Courage" award for highlighting this - in his life's work and in his book. Alas, there is nobody on the Committee who nominates people for this award courageous enough to nominate him .... And the award was named after Kennedy's uncle.

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One wonders after the book how Fauci is still in place. If even half of the charges are true, Fauci clearly is a sociopath who along with those who got him there has destroyed the NIH. The dishonesty of the institution is breathtaking yet it persists. Hard for me to accept that all those people are dishonest but too many have been cowed into submission.

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"huge number of parents who are now, thanks to the Covid debacle, turning against the entire childhood vaccine program "

That is huge and so important. Warms the cockles of my non-existent heart

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Big picture thought. If it weren't for coofid, many of us (myself included) would still be ignorant of the evil and corrupt "leaders".

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I keep making a similar post, Kelliann. If, by some miracle, just ONE of the BS Covid narratives were exposed as being spectacularly false, then maybe the same people would have this thought: I wonder what other accepted narratives I've long accepted as gospel that are also BS? This might be one of those truths most people can't handle. When you start down this questioning road, you're going to see monsters behind every tree. Here I appreciate the wisdom of the pundit who popularized the term, "ignorance is bliss." Then again, another philosopher once told us that the "truth will set us free."

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If it weren't for people like you, here, I would feel like an island

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True! I go back and forth on the ignorance is bliss.

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Me too! Lol

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If you look at Swedish data for covid, one can see the lockdowns didn't do anything to prevent he spread of illness as they came in around the middle of the pack. Lockdowns did throw several monkey wrenches into the world economy and the tea leaves say it might crash like Biden on his bike.

I'm on Edward Dowds team that thinks it's a controlled demolition to get us all in CBDC's because the debt is unsustainable and they need to pin the blame on the pandemic. They want to get people used to being locked up "for health" instead of breaking out their pitchforks and torches, like they just did in China. I'm also deeply suspicious of WEF having a depopulation agenda.

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We didn't have lockdowns in Sweden.

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Yes and you did just fine. Swedish children and adults aren't suffering the mental health crisis that we are. America, as a nation, didn't have he best mental health to begin with though. I think a big part is it's because a lot of us lack deep social bonds and we struggle to make it.

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Exactly. One of the most intelligent countries in the world with their approach to covid.

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I was told by my friend who manages clinical trials for Pfizer that questioning the tests and such doesn't matter because there are no other treatments for COVID but the vaxx, and if you don't get vaxxed, you WILL die of COVID.

To her, deaths from the vaxx don't matter, because deaths from COVID > deaths from the vaxx.

I suspect many share her belief.

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My family thinks this same nonsensical way... They are brainwashed to the nth degree. I just thank goodness my daughter listened and she and I have remained unjabbed

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The UK Challenge Trials where nearly half never became infected says we are not all equally vulnerable. That implies that a large number of people who we at no risk were placed at risk by the 'vaccine'. If only we understood why some were immune, we might be much better off. But a system that prospers from patented drugs that generate funding for public servants is certain subject to corruption. No incentive to understand and investigate.

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I feel like there's so much we don't know about the human immune system. But there was clear observable evidence very early on that many people were not susceptible despite repeated exposures. This was consistent with what many de-platformed experts pointed out: waves of respiratory viruses tend to have a population infection threshold of 20% max before they curl downwards. These trends occur not just because the highest-contact individuals are the first to get infected and recover -- which means transmission chains eventually become self-limiting -- but because at any given point around 50% of the population is not susceptible.

I experienced this firsthand. In March 2020 my housemate got sick. We continued to hang out and shared a bathroom. However, I never got sick. Same story with my dad, who cared for my mom around the same time when she was sick with covid.

It's interesting that the Human Challenge trials got almost zero write-ups in the UK press, perhaps because they so clearly confirmed what so many knew all along: exposure does not guarantee infection, infection does not guarantee illness, and said illness, when suffered by healthy people, is mild in its presentation. It also confirmed that incubation periods are short (2-3 days), something most people long ago determined to be the case through observation and firsthand experience. But remember that the idea of long incubation periods was originally pushed hard to justify lockdowns and isolation measures!

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My God I hope the truth is revealed soon.That is the one thing I pray about before I leave this earth

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Oh,my gosh! Yes. All my adult kids got Vaxxed. Even my ex, who was against vaccines before he got COVID, took the vaccine afterwards to be able to travel. We don't talk about it because they don't let me. My daughter-in-law's brother is having heart issues and I asked if he got the vaccine? Immediately she answered, "He's always had issues with his heart." I guess it's getting worse. I have two grandchildren, 4 and 3, and I just pray that my kids will have their eyes opened enough that they will NOT get my grands Vaxxed.

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I know exactly how you feel. My 2 daughters and all four grandkids have been jabbed. And I am forbidden to talk about it. I tried to dissuade them to no avail. So now I constantly worry for their medical future.

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Yep, 2 out 3 of my adult kids took 3 jabs, plus just about all other extended family.🙏🙏🙏

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Agitated Denial

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I'm beginning to believe that at some point the truth about these vaccines will become incontrovertible and accepted by the majority.

This brings me an inner warmth for should this come to pass, severe retribution would become an inevitability.

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I don't believe it will be accepted the way we think it will be accepted.

Event 201 said the line will be: "We are at war with COVID and there are always casualties in a war. Those who died from the vaxxine are heroes and we need to celebrate their sacrifice."

Normie rationalization: "yes, I might have made myself more vulnerable to heart disease, cancer, strokes, etc, but I didn't die of COVID. COVID is a death sentence. These other things can be treated by my trusted doctor. I made the right decision."

Also... Catherine Austin Fitts has said that they are coming out with mRNA treatments for the vaxx side effects. I haven't heard that anywhere else.

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Only the most demented or frail of Covidians can still cling to the belief that Covid was ever a death sentence.

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Oh, she is not demented or frail. I think it's more about ego. Aka "I'm helping save lives." And when she sees anything contrary to that, her brain has to jump through all kinds of hoops.

Kind of like the dissociation that in going on with doctors. "My job is to save lives, the advice I give can't be killing my patients."

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Especially with the 99%

Chance of surviving kovid.

I always wondered how anyone Would could think they could Improve on 99%?

With a 95% safe and effective

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I have never had the conversation with my friend (we generally do not talk about her job) but my guess is that she doesn't accept those numbers.

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My sibling😖

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How many children must suffer? I loathe these people intensely

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The sorts of people who demanded rubber padding on playgrounds were sobbing on Twitter because the vax for their infants hadn't been authorized yet. And now it's their Eucharist.

Time for my usual PSA: All cults are bad, unreservedly.

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Democrats will now ban Swedish fish due to this misinformation. Part of the reason Sweden didn’t lock down is because they have a vibrant population that riots regularly…

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We also rioted daily in Greece and the green pass came in November and didn’t go away until May. For now.... 😐

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Ehm, us swedes do not riot unless it's football (soccer) or hockey.

The 1 500 000 arabs, negroes, afghans, syrians and other [redacted] riot quite frequently.

They are not swedes. They will not and can not ever be swedes.

Only someone like me, born of swedish parents of swedish ancestry, can be a swede.

And we don't riot even when we ought to.

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I guess the Swedish government doesn't hate it's citizens.

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if the swedish government loved its citizens it would have protected them from millions of invaders

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Personal opinion but I don't think it's about money and if it was then it wasn't the only reason. They knew the jab was dangerous, still know it's dangerous yet keep pushing and pushing. This is now just murder, plain and simple.

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Population control.

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What else can it be anymore.

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Glad I stopped at two shots - now instead of worrying about covid (I wasn’t) I only have to mildly worry about SADS (been a year since shot two so hopefully I’m free and clear)

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The Cat's extrapolations of vaccine injuries/deaths compared to deaths from Covid proper are stunning to consider. But if one also added "deaths from lockdowns" (so-called "collateral" deaths) as well as all the deaths CAUSED by faulty medical protocols - and then subtracted the deaths that really were NOT "from" Covid ..... I think it's possible that the response to Covid has now killed MORE people than the disease. Furthermore, the vast majority of "Covid deaths" happened among people who had already reached their life expectancy. This is not the case with the average age of deaths from the Covid response.

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I still compare this entire cluster to MI II. Its Chimera and Bellerophon. Even if the jab wasn't ready at viral outbreak, it was available so soon after that it had to be the glimmer in someone's eye at the beginning...especially after Event 201.

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Loving that last survey you posted! 43% of parents are "against vaccines in general"!! We are definitely going in the right direction!

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43% of those who were unsure, but it's still a pretty solid number. :)

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Let's face it. The people have been poisoned by this "vax" and the vaxxers try to deny it at all costs.

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