the nordics have done a better job of playing it straight on vaccines than most of the rest of the west.
their increasing honesty about side effects and risks is both limiting/eliminating their pediatric covid vaccine programs and providing some stark perspective to places like the US that are running full speed at “vaxx the kids.”
here are some useful comparisons on side effects (source HERE) shared with me by longtime gatopal™ and noted swedish data maven @HaroldofWorld with whom i have collaborated on many past projects.
this is the kind of comparison the CDC seems to be trying very hard not to make in the US.
as can be seen, reporting to the swedish version of VAERS shows that over the course of 2021, covid vaccines caused more than 3X the serious adverse events and deaths of all other vaccines and pharmaceuticals combined.
that’s not good.
the challenge with VAERS style data is that it’s just a tripwire. most events are not reported. in the US, under-reporting looks to be on the order of 90-99% .
the best estimates i could find for sweden came from HERE.
if we extrapolate from this 86% under-reporting figure, then we’re multiplying reports by 7.14 to get to full incidence.
that would put deaths at about 2,600.
to put that in perspective, sweden had 6,583 reported covid deaths in 2021 and this number is infamously over-counted as sweden calls any death for any reason within 28 days of a covid positive test (whether or not it had symptoms of contributed to the death) as a covid death. test positive but asymptomatic then get hit by a bus 2 weeks later, that’s a covid death.
how significantly this overcounts deaths is difficult to determine, but 50-80% of deaths not actually being covid as primary cause is not an implausible assumption. there was certainly no excess all cause mortality signal.
so, it’s quite possible that more swedes died from vaccines than from covid as proximate cause.
this data also implies ~62k severe adverse events.
this dwarfs the number of people sent to hospital for covid (but i’m not quite sure it’s comparable and admissions data was not available.
that second hump is provocative. it’s out of season. it also aligns with unsettling precision with another trend: (data from OWID)
hospital census was in seasonally predicted decline. then vaccination started. then hospitalizations rose again out of season following the first doses (known to be immuno-suppressive. STUDY)
these get called “covid hospitalizations” but it might be more apt to call them vaccines AE’s and the definitional games played to pretend this was not happening and have it drop out of vaccine efficacy and adverse events calculations have been legendary (and 100% deliberate).
this data is getting to be far too clear to ignore.
when 75% of all serious complications and deaths from pharma in your country come from one product, it stands to reason you should be taking a very hard look at it.
and this is why so many in europe are.
but in the US, regulators look to be trying to get this over the line and onto the childhood vaccine schedule where it will generate evergreen profits and have a strong liability shield.
such a railroading would be dire in consequence especially in light of so many signs of fraud and data mishandling and misuse in the trials and the obvious failures of agencies to do their jobs on cost/benefit assessment.
the good news is that increasingly, americans are waking up and smelling the clownshow.
skepticism is high and rising as can be seen in this morning consult poll.
these polls almost always overstate "will vaxx" due to social pressure.
i will wager the real figure is closer to 25%.
and that’s still too high, but it’s real progress.
the facts are coming out and the tide is turning.
The vaccine injury data will be so bad and widely accepted as bad within the next year that it'll be used to blame Trump for Op. Warp Speed. Unfortunately, he walked right into that trap. He never should have been out the past year bloviating about how these mRNA shots saved everyone.
Any vax rate above ZERO is simply too high. All risk, no benefit. Unless of course you consider damage of your child’s immune system to be in some way a positive effect.