My biggest regret about the midterms was how I was so absolutely wrong about the Covid nonsense. I thought for sure that - surely - this was an issue that red-blooded Americans could come together on. Liberal and conservative. Red and blue. That there was no way THIS tyranny would stand. That there was no way that these politicians wouldn’t be punished now, two years later, when they were finally facing the voters.
I’m not sure if I’m more ashamed of myself for being so naive or if I’m ashamed of my fellow citizens for being so mindlessly subservient.
Sorry, but whose to say it was absolutely wrong? Do you honestly have any faith in the integrity of our elections systems as they stand? At the same time, keep in mind how many people did fall for the very policies you are railing against and find foolish, or how many of us "went along to get along."
I find your concerns about the electoral integrity founded. For one reason, it is something we are not allowed to question. A historical truth is that to find those that would rule over you, find those that can not be questioned. Even a reasonable inquiry gets you labeled "denier". This is in fact a clear sign something is wrong.
A process with integrity can withstand scrutiny. An election process that can not be scrutinized can not sustain integrity.
Yes, an indicator that something is amiss is the proactive denial of it. We even had mantras fo that as well "fair and secure" elections. Sounds eerily familiar to "Safe and effective" vaccines. If something is effective, does it need advertising? If something is "fair" does it need to announce that it is "fair?"
It's why I steer away from saying things like "honestly" and "to be frank" because in the end, it's you who decides that. Have I acted honestly and frankly? Are my words and actions in line with one another. There is a lot of wisdom in the words "let another praise you, and not your own mouth."
I think there is a legitimate use of reassurances, even when you have a sound process and ethical basis. A response to questioning with a reassuring "let me show you" is different from "trust me, and don't look behind the curtain", and miles from "don't ask any questions you evil election denier" and calling challenging the results treason.
For the record, I am not saying the election were corrupt in all states. I'm sure they were not in many states. Perhaps in all 50. But, I am seeing valid reasons to question, and a dictatorial reaction to the questions. The latter is a red flag. The tricky part is what do we do about it?
If you step back you will realize that the national party (in my mind there is only one) has been trying to centralize control of elections in the federal government for decades. Our constitution distributes this power to the states for good reason. Efforts to characterize the electoral college as "obsolete" for are intellectually dishonest. The purpose is take control away from the states. A single point of corruption is far worse than the many points we have now. Be careful of "solutions" that include federal oversight - that is like reassuring the chickens that the brigade of foxes will keep them safe.
What has been said elsewhere is "if you are ethical, then showing us you are ethical won't cost you anything, in fact, you would be going out of your away to not only show integrity, but to avoid any perception of malfeasance."
So if someone is acting with integrity, the answer should be "let's go look at the video together, I'll also provide documents, and let's work through this."
That used to be normal human nature. Like the observation if you want kids to be interested in something, tell them they can't have it. At least until they get into school and are "properly educated" to accept authority and challenge nothing.
In deed it is. It is our duty as parents to teach our children to question, to think, to decide for themselves. Starting with questioning authority. Which is annoying when you are the authority they are questioning but it's part of our duty as parents ;-).
I suppose in that scenario you do the best you can based on your beliefs. A tough spot to be in for sure.
In my case, I had a Jewish mom backing me up ;-). Yes, my son was "difficult" sometimes, and more than once my wife/his mom would eject, stomping into whatever room I was in instructing me to "go deal with YOUR son!".
Not only that, but if you look at the county map, only a handful of counties in the entire country went to the democrats. They've just rigged the game so that's all they need to stay in control.
Here's one other thing. Suppose there had been a "red tsunami" then what? I think this election turned out the way it did for a reason. And that reason is if it had gone completely red, and nothing changed, well then it would be revealed that it all has been a smoke and mirrors game by the swamp that are unelected.
A lot of people have been disenfranchised by both dominant parties, I think for the reason you hint: Lack of faith in the GOP to be any different. It was this independent group abandoned by both parties that voted in Trump in 2016. After the actions of the GOP during the Trump term, they have even less reason to support the GOP, and since Jan 2021, even less reason to believe the GOP is anything other than the other half of The Party.
It's not really the parties themselves, but rather the state. The problem is, that no matter who is in power, the state seems to win. Maybe with conservatives, it is a Government Lite™, but still there is a belief that government, in the right hands, is the answer.
I personally think Texas knows better than I do what their border policy should be, same for the most northern states, or any state that receives immigration. Do we really need a central government making these decisions? And what do you think the track record is for a more centralized power making all the decisions for areas it is out of touch with?
“Do we really need a central government making these decisions? And what do you think the track record is for a more centralized power making all the decisions for areas it is out of touch with?” I actually learned this lesson - the one implied by your questions- in the corporate world. ‘Corporate office vs field offices’. This was a constant issue, decision-making 3000 miles away with nary a clue about how things really worked on the ground.
The structure of our representative republic is that of independent states participating in a limited federal government. We are a nation of multiple governments. The federal government has a purpose, things best done collectively by the states. Immigration and naturalization and the common defense are things specifically defined as roles of the federal government. Per our constitution, we need a federal government for these two things. This doesn't mean states can not provide for independent defense, in deed this is a tradition as old as our nations.
The independence of the states exists for a lot of very good reasons. There's significant differences between the several states, and representation of the people requires local control of representation by the people. National political parties have circumvented that concept. National parties enact, through control of the legislatures of the states, national policy, controlled by interests other than the people of the state. In recent decades, this has become overt: billions of dollars spent by the national party flood and dominate local elections. Money not from the people of that state. In many states, The Party has control of the courts, too. More recently we've seen The Party also in control of the electoral process in many states. And what we see is a national agenda being enacted without regard for the people of the individual states.
What we've been seeing for several decades (at least 4) is an attack on this independence of the several states, the very foundation of our republic. The outrage over USSC decisions that reject the role of the court to create national legislation from the bench, and restore the states' responsibilities to legislate per local and regional interests, is characterized as disaster. There is nothing intellectually honest in demanding the courts do what congress and the legislatures of the states refuse to do. But that's where we are: we ask the court to rule to amend the constitution, to enact national law, instead of look to the constitutionally defined process for achieving the desired outcome.
What Florida Governor DeSantis did was enact laws in his own state to prevent Florida itself from being stolen. Guess what happened? In Miami-Dade county, a major metropolitan area owned by the Left for decades, DeSantis won in a shift of 16 points from his last race. When was the last time any Republican elected official accomplished a swing of that magnitude in a city? 1950, maybe?
No integrity whatsoever. Trust your gut. You know it was not a valid result. We all know it. Some of us cannot face it yet. But we know. We KNOW. Here's an important substack that ties so many things together. Warning it is painful to read. But I believe necessary.
Chinese official English-language news outlets predicted this phenomenon at the beginning of the pandemic restrictions. Saying that the crisis provided an opportunity for the world to see the differences between the different governing models of the western liberal democracies, individual liberty vs the Chinese collectivist authoritarian governing model. Reasoning that while the western model allowed for more creativity and innovation in ordinary times, that people prefer the "strong hand" of authoritarianism in times of crisis. They studied human psychology well.
It's only the institutions of liberal democracies that keep us from succumbing to temptations of authoritarianism. The moment we removed those institutional protections because of an emergency declaration was the moment we lost western liberal democracy, individual liberty. Now it's up to We, The People to reclaim it; it won't be given back to us by even the most benevolent authoritarians. And until individual freedom supporting Patriots make the case to more of We, The People that our former governing model remains superior for quality of life and the most rewarding human experience, they will continue to embrace their own submission to tyranny. For the greater good. "Govern me harder, Daddy." China warned us. We didn't listen.
"Whatever the price of the Chinese Revolution, it has obviously succeeded, not only in producing more efficient and dedicated administration, but also in fostering a high morale and community purpose. The social experiment in China under Chairman Mao's leadership is one of the most important and successful in human history.”
-- David Rockefeller, CFR chairman, New York Times, 1973-08-10
Same stuff, different decade. CFR members on the "Biden team" include the secretaries of State, Treasury, Defense, Commerce and Homeland Security. Also the CIA director, Fed chairman, ambassador to China, and dozens of deputies, advisors, etc.
"Describing the Communist plan to “liquidate” the five million kulaks, relatively well-off farmers opposed to the Soviet collectivization of agriculture, Duranty wrote in 1931, for example: “Must all of them and their families be physically abolished? Of course not – they must be ‘liquidated’ or melted in the hot fire of exile and labor into the proletarian mass.”
Taking Soviet propaganda at face value this way was completely misleading, as talking with ordinary Russians might have revealed even at the time. Duranty’s prize-winning articles quoted not a single one – only Stalin, who forced farmers all over the Soviet Union into collective farms and sent those who resisted to concentration camps. Collectivization was the main cause of a famine that killed millions of people in Ukraine, the Soviet breadbasket, in 1932 and 1933 – two years after Duranty won his prize.
Even then, Duranty dismissed more diligent writers’ reports that people were starving. “Conditions are bad, but there is no famine,” he wrote in a dispatch from Moscow in March of 1933 describing the “mess” of collectivization. “But – to put it brutally – you can’t make an omelet without breaking eggs.”"
And the important point is that collectivism always fails. Xi is about to rediscover that point. While the west has created certain "socialist" items in the main we have preferred self-reliance. Sadly we are eroding that preference in our teaching giving up some of that freedom for a dependence on government. To my mind that trend leads to fewer innovations necessary to social improvement. Those innovations via creativity have reduced poverty and improved living standards over the globe. Tragic to think that era might be ending.
If you look at the victory margins, the election showed the results of 2 years of domestic migration. Red states voted red in far greater numbers than 2018, while blue voters pretty much stayed flat. At the county level, it's even more bleak for democrats. There are no blue states, just a handful of democrat-controlled cities.
One of the first big tells the game is rigged came in the 2010 election, a "shellacking" red wave year. When R's won. But not real R's won.
Remember Murkowski supposedly won a general election as an "Independent" write-in candidate against Joe Miller in 2010. Write-in. They'd have you believe that 40% of all voters took a pen in the voting booth, 102,000, and wrote in her name because they liked her so much, and only 91,000 bothered to pull the lever for Republican Joe Miller. With 60,000 for the D. Joe Miller got 56,000 in the primary, which means he only received 35,000 more voters in the general. Murkowski got 54,000 votes in the primary, which means she got 48,000 more voters to not only pull the lever for her like they did in the primary, but actually liked her so much they wrote her name in.
Knowing what we know about rigged elections now, do you really think she won that election fair and square in 2010? Or have they been stealing elections for a long, long, long time? Establishment Rino's along with D's. Which is why they don't dare take up election fraud. They're guilty as hell, too.
Not only was I taught that this was the best country in the world, I was taught WHY. And how, from that unique perspective, all greatness followed.
No other country in the history of the world was ever predicated on the premise of individual sovereignty, and that as a direct, logical deduction of our biblical foundation that we are all made in the image of God Almighty.
My heart aches to see how few any longer have appreciation, or even knowledge, of the why. I fear that obliteration of the what, or that it even existed, can be the only result.
For my part, I note only that, even if the members can't stand each other, a lot of families, a lot of businesses and cat colonies can be kept together as long as The Goodies keep flowing.
When The Goodies start to dry.up, that's when the claws come out.
Despite my better judgement and long-term contempt for the GOP (surpassed only by that for the DNC) I also succumbed to wishful thinking that Boobus americanus would turn out in droves to replace the vile mountebanks and apparatchiks who so abused them and their children.
What a resounding validation of the Founder's contempt of democracy and creation of a republic.
It’s not that, it’s that the Democrats mastered ballot harvesting in key swing states where they had previously pushed voting by mail. Republican turnout overall blew away Dem turnout in the midterms, but it was inefficiently distributed, resulting in R blowouts in deep red areas and narrow Dem wins in swing states like PA, AZ and NV. Convincing the electorate or having better policies are no longer important in such states, only having a better organizational machine to “assist” voters in filling out ballots and collecting them.
I live in a purple county in Texas. Our "County Judge" (the county CEO) who was one of the first to mandate masks and tried to keep schools closed well into the fall of 2020, was reelected 52-48.
1) Only some politicians ran strongly on anti-mandate platforms - e.g. Gov DeSantis - and he won big.
2) Many people who abided by harmful mandates may still believe - and want to believe - that these actions had some necessary purpose.
3) Democrats largely ended mandates in March 2022 with changed CDC recommendations and reduced media coverage.
7-8 months might have been enough time for many voters to no longer focus on mandates.
I do think voters prefer freedom over mandates, and as more time passes that might become more evident. But reaction to mandates did not play a major role nationwide in this election.
Due to the fact that most R leaders went along with the mandates there were very few who could campaign on being against them. Even R's in states where D's went full authoritarian didn't put up much of a stink. They didn't want the mandates as badly, or as long as D's. But most R leaders weren't philosophically opposed to mandates, believed they had merit, though not to excess, and were never really confronted by R voters to be more vocal in their opposition. CRT in schools and transinsanity were the focal points of the campaigns, not the mandates.
Which says as much about R's as it does about D's: both parties support authoritarian governance. Their differences are just a matter of degree or two. Which is a problem for individual liberty and freedom constitutional supporters. There's a reason that the terms bitter-clinger and deplorables were never reacted to by R's in power: they believe the same thing about flyover country where people bitterly cling to their God and guns and make up a basket full of deplorables who will be left behind on the ashheap of history. Yes, most R leaders believe that about their own base.
No R leader made a strong defense of the virtue of American freedom and liberty between Reagan and Trump. Not one. Even capitalism has no defenders left in the party leadership. Romney, the successful venture capitalist had no defense of free markets during Occupy anticapitalist demonstrations. The man had an opportunity to educate and describe how wonderful capitalism has improved the human condition in his presidential run. Instead, he aplogized for it and hid from it.
Those who attain leadership positions in the R party are bankrupt in traditional American values, capable of only offering up slogans during elections campaigns, but empty, vacuous vessels who have no core values that align with individual liberty, freedom, free markets. They wish to rule others, just as D's do. They are weak rulers. Not strong leaders. We suffer weak men (and women) in positions of power.
Which is why they didn't campaign on it. Another missed opportunity to educate and describe how wonderful individual liberty and freedom are even in crisis, when many minds working towards a solution from many different angles can help find the best path forward for others to copy. Not from one preordained central plan that is incapable of making adjustments so it makes mistake after mistake after mistake over and over and over and turn a minor crisis into a catastrophe. Which is what authoritarian rulers do.
This is what I saw as well. Here in Georgia, Kemp, our governor did not mandate masks or the vaccine, but he certainly never spoke out against it. He went on tour around Georgia showing proper mask etiquette.
About that "proper mask etiquette," I rather prefer the European Court's ruling on proper mask etiquette less than six months before they became mandatory - they were banned in public places, like public transportation and in educational, governmental, and nursing care institutions. For security, equality and the right to interact with someone by looking them in the face and about not disappearing under a piece of clothing. Masked faces deemed "incompatible" with the rule of law. To my sensibilities, and the sensibilities of lawmakers and judges right up until August, 2019. The rationale stands, even in a pandemic. Especially in a pandemic.
"Judges at the European court of human rights (ECHR) have upheld France's burqa ban, accepting Paris's argument that it encouraged citizens to "live together".
The law, introduced in 2010, makes it illegal for anyone to cover their face in a public place...the law was not aimed at the burqa or veil but any covering of the face in a public place...
...The European judges decided...that the preservation of a certain idea of "living together" was the "legitimate aim" of the French authorities.
Isabelle Niedlispacher, representing the Belgian government, which introduced a similar ban in 2011 and which was party to the French defence, declared both the burqa and niqab "incompatible" with the rule of law.
Aside from questions of security and equality, she added: "It's about social communication, the right to interact with someone by looking them in the face and about not disappearing under a piece of clothing."
The French and Belgian laws were aimed at "helping everyone to integrate", Niedlispacher added."
2019 - Ruling just months before masks became mandatory.:
"On August 1, 2019, the “Act Partially Prohibiting Face-Covering Clothing,”also known as the “Burqa Ban,” entered into force in the Netherlands. The Act prohibits the wearing of clothing that completely or partially conceals the face in spaces where people are expected to communicate with each other. Thus, face-covering clothing is banned on public transportation and in educational, governmental, and nursing care institutions, but is still allowed in such public spaces as on train platforms. The ban applies to burqas, niqabs, full-face helmets, balaclavas, and masks, but not to headscarves."
How do we know though? The only way I would know for sure is if I did a country wide poll asking if they mattered. I don't trust the election process, I certainly don't trust the media or any other institution. I would want a couple of third party sources to do the polling on both sides of the issue..those that liked mandates and those that did not, agree on asking the same question, and see what the polls would say.
I can't tell you how many times the media tells people how they should feel about something. Usually it is a poll, and consensus is the assertion. "55% of people polled think that Biden is a..." Sorry, but I don't trust in those polls, and they sound like the media is trying to manipulate me using the bandwagon logical fallacy.
But do we know this for sure? And maybe that too is an indicator how far things have fallen. If we can’t trust the election results and make determinations based on them.
Many have a deep hunger for a trace sense of collectivism in a world in bondage to dark individualism via device addiction. The Democratic party is the party of collectivism. The hunger persists because the device addiction persists. Dark collectivism is rising up as a counterbalance dark individualism.
Look at the county map from the election ... Even in CA, most of the territory is red! Yes, the coastal cities have more people, but in terms of landmass, it's a tiny fraction of the state.
I firmly believe that Commifornia is red. I’m in a coastal city outside of San Fransicko (where I grew up, 3rd generation). I noticed what REALLY changed the dynamics of the Bay Area, IS Sillycon Valley (I despise anything “tech”)! It’s worse than the bs that destroyed SF. The “real” San Francisco was a beautiful, no homeless, “crime free” city, affordable and full of middle class working people…and kids! YOU SHOULD SEE THIS HELL HOLE NOW. It’s not even blue! It’s PSYCHO!
Every zoomer needs to read this. They were most affected by college and high school closures, but still voted overwhelmingly for those who ruined their lives. Freedom is never more than a generation away from extinction - we can’t let cognitive dissonance and TikTok take the kids.
Apparently "recycling" lands more plastic in the ocean than just throwing it away. Instead of being sealed into a landfill which it will never leave, it gets shipped to Asia where it's supposedly going to be sorted, but it's often not cost effective to do so and it just gets dumped.
I'm starting to wonder if there's any green habit that isn't worse for the environment than the practice it's supposed to replace.
"then “forgetting” your mask and making them ask, every single time"
A thousand times, YES. I did this for roughly the entirety of the mask tyranny. I MADE them tell me. Sometimes I'd turn around and walk out, if I didn't really need what I went there for. At Econo I'd say, "Are you still doing this shit??" when they'd accost me upon entering.
Other times I'd mask up when they told me to, then unmask when I left their jurisdiction. This worked very well in airports, because you go through up to 3 jurisdictions (bag check, TSA check, metal detector) before you escape to the freedom of the airport terminal, so I made every jurisdiction make me...and quite often at least 1 and sometimes 2 of the jurisdictions wouldn't confront me.
Even at the agriculture scanner in San Juan I deliberately entered the airport and carried on a conversation with the ag personnel for a minute or until my bags came through, and more often than not they didn't say boo. Ditto at bag check-in counters, and even the TSA checkpoint person. The point is, we MUST be, as you say, ungovernable, and MAKE them make us, if we've no other choice (e.g. to fly), and then immediately resist again. At Boston's Logan Airport earlier this year before the mask mandate was struck down, I went unmasked the entire time, and at one point I walked past maybe a dozen city cops, state troopers, and TSA agents over the course of 30 seconds, and I made sure to walk right next to them, and I looked at their faces, I didn't look away. Not a one of them said boo.
We must resist at every opportunity. Because it'll be easier to fight, when that time comes.
I did what you did, but I said, “No, I’m not putting a mask on, and you do what you need to do.” I did my grocery shopping with dirty looks. Big deal. But “I won”. Just say NO...most people have no idea how to handle confrontation. It’s actually pretty amusing!
One store actually, physically took my ONE item out of my hand while I was paying for it because I wasn’t wearing a mask. Insane!
And for very rare, necessary doctor appointments, I wear a Fake Mask. I hate doing it, but I cannot get medical care if I don’t wear a mask (a Fake Mask).
I once actually got to the checkout line at my supermarket without a mask, and was bagging the last couple of items after having already paid...and some store employee idiot made me put my mask on at that point, even though I'd been in the store for 30 minutes unmasked and even though was leaving the store in about 10 seconds.
Here in Puerto Rico the mask tyrants seemed to enjoy their power.
I saw Kathy Hochul after 'winning' the gov race in NY was in Puerto Rico dancing with some school kids... she was unmasked by they kids were all muzzled. So weird.
I remember that! It’s just like Stacy Abrams in a classroom with all masked kids, and she wasn’t wearing one. It’s really evil looking. And that is not normal behavior!
Absolutely. I would grab the mask handed to me and smile. Say thanks. When they would ask me to put it on, I would say, "You bet." Or "Got it!" Or even, "I never wear one." But always with a smile. And then I would ignore their comment and continue with my business. Rinse, repeat.
I have a doctor's appointment coming up this week and this and Uber rides were the only time I wore a mask since being released from the hospital. I wore the same effing dirty mask that was given to me in the hospital that does not work, and I just feel like such a fake/pretender/idiot when I wear something I know doesn't work.
I feel so so so angry and downtrodden when wearing a mask. My husband got mad once when we were in a store so I put my mask on to shut him up. And I thought, "Is this how Muslim women feel when forced to wear the hijab? Haven't I always thought no husband would force ME to wear the hijab?" And that was enough to snap me out of the compliant mode.
Sad to say I complied for the first masking period, which was much later and much shorter here in the Netherlands than elsewhere, but when they came around for round two I was ready. Wrote a letter for my kid in school (only for over 10s and only in the hallways 🙄) which was easy. My favorite confrontation was when the parent library volunteers were allowed back in school and were asked to mask whereas teachers (rightfully) were not. I said I didn’t have one. They said we can give you one! I said then I am going home. I don’t have to be here to help. The pace of back tracking was beautiful to behold. I was allowed to go maskless as long as I sat at the checkout desk the whole time. Ok sure. And then I got up to put away the books which is what I am there to do. It got even richer when the coordinator came by with some prospective parents touring the school wearing masks and explained to them apropos of NOTHING why I wasn’t wearing a mask. I was embarrassed for her. And laughing in my fist for the rest of the day. 😂
We need to use every tiny ounce of power we have. I relished reading about a volunteer referee refusing to stay for the game he was scheduled to supervise last year because his wife who usually accompanied him was not allowed in the canteen without a QR code. People were right pissed about that. They didn't back down, but neither did he. Volunteer pool is shrinking with these policies. We call that "koekje van eigen deeg" here. Another good one is "laat ze een poepie ruiken." With pleasure....
I KNOW that feeling! Isn’t it awesome?! That’s what freedom FEELS like! I applaud you and what an outstanding example for your child. That lesson will be with him or her forever!
Now the most important part is…do not ever forget this! Standing up right away will help you in the future. God bless you and your child.
i focused on the fact that this was duress, coerced, and threat driven and tried not to let it seep into some sort of compliance acceptance.
Back when the Covid nonsense and tyranny first started, my pastor was all big on "We are all in this together" and that wearing masks and, later, getting vaccinated, was a sign of solidarity and caring. I pointed out that forced compliance was not a sign of solidarity anymore than paying your taxes by involuntarily having them withheld from your paycheck was a sign that you were civic-minded. I said that I would not object to people saying these things IF we truly had a choice in the matter; but the fact is, no matter how noble the rationalization, we did not. And that it was not a matter that was up for discussion. At the time I did not know how much longer I would be able to remain employed due to Biden's jab mandate. Fortunately, it never came down to my having to make a choice between the jab and work but the threat was there, and I did not appreciate it one bit. I told him that as far as I was concerned he was supporting medical tyranny and I could not, would not go along with it. I was not going to dress it up with pretty words and phony sentiments.
His response was "well, obviously this is something you feel strongly about" (ya think?) and that he wished to make an appointment with me to discuss this further. Having been through this sort of thing before, I knew that this was code for sit down and shut up and listen to your betters. My suspicions were confirmed when I learned that a long-time member of the church (40 years) was told in a similar sit-down session over this same issue that if they had a problem with this they would be better off leaving. In other words, "my way or the highway." They chose to leave. And so have I.
Sigh. The “in this together” types really believe. I suspect it’s the feeling of being part of something larger than oneself that appeals. It’s quasi religious perhaps but maybe just a deep human need to belong. Those of us who bucked the covid nonsense were very lonely for a while.
Yes!!! People were all about jumping the line when the Darwin jabs first came out.. some out of fear and others pure selfishness, so they could go “be free” again
One thing I’ve made into a little amusing hobby is finding “old” stickers and signs and other reminders of the Covid Craziness in and around businesses and other public places and discreetly peeling them off or otherwise folding them up, then depositing them in the nearest trash container. Haven’t been apprehended or reprimanded yet. It’s actually kind of amazing how people will not notice you bending over and peeling a “6 feet” sticker off the floor, as if you were invisible. Perhaps I am! 😸
Some inferences -- such as what we can expect governments to do with CBDCs -- are just too frightening for most people to contemplate. So they keep their thoughts on a leash.
The pandemic was like a case study in cognitive dissonance of Orwellian proportions. So much about it was defined by the lies that covid spazzes told themselves to solve the broken connection between their actions and the values they preach.
Interesting remark about "the values they preach". It seems so often what is preached and what is practiced are polar opposites. Preach "inclusive" but if you lean "conservative" you are not to be tolerated. Preach "liberal" but refuse to accept any view counter to a narrowly defined acceptable narrative e.g. "freedom of choice" unless that choice involved to whom you sell your baked goods, what school your kids attend, or what caliber you choose to carry.
This too was part of Orwell's formula. More evidence Orwell was in fact a time traveler who'd been here ;-).
I followed the petty rebellion approach. For example - mask required inside. someone approaches with a mask, very polite. "I forgot mine". make them get one for you...multiple times. Take mask and put in pocket, approaches again, I say "oh thank you," take one, do not put it on. They eventually leave in disgust but don't do anything about it. If escalated to manager, "I have asma, I have a disability". I did not mask within the airport - only on the plane (cost too high for me). Recently at Dr's office, I loudly say "I thought this was over! and Jeez, still doing this?" My kids get uncomfortable but they are learning life is uncomfortable. I don't mind it but you need the mental energy to push back hard and make their cost to enforce higher than they are willing pay.
I walked into a store in Vancouver. No mask. They wanted me to put a mask on. I said I couldn’t for health reasons. They said I had to anyway. I said ‘according to the law you must accommodate me’. They said ‘we don’t know about that. You have to put a mask on’. I said ‘okay, I want to be really clear here. You’re telling me you discriminate against those with disabilities? Is that correct? Can I have your name please?’ Clerk calls manager. He reiterates they demand a mask. I reiterate my ‘disabilities’ remark. I ask him for his name. I can hardly stop from laughing. They let me in.
I used a mesh "cheater" mask in a dark color at the airport. Was never stopped. Actually saw the identical mask on a ticket counter employee. I am retired but, my anger and frustration over the "mask thing," especially when it came to masking children, has mellowed. I now see maskers are either overwhelmed with fear, or forced for work to suffocate themselves to have an income. I have compassion for them for their decreased quality of life.
"I have compassion for them for their decreased quality of life." Very well said.
I live in an area of the US where education levels are not the greatest. Not a lot of folks here still wearing masks (I'm in TX), but those who still do are relatively harmless. They have had no way of experiencing the world outside of mass media, and the trickling of it down to those in their close social circles (families and friends). I do not look down on them, but wish they knew better so they could have a better quality of life.
Yeah same here. I've taken to acting sarcastic nostalgic, 'wow you guys are still doing this. I thought wverybody had moved on' really makes them feel progressive
Great stuff, Bad Cat! The book, "Mistakes Were Made, But Not By Me" covers dissonance theory and confirms much of what you say. ION, please be advised that, as is my habit, I will likely use some of those images either on Twitter or on Instagram. Citing you is 50/50, but you expected that too.
Resist in all ways possible, even if it feels small and insignificant. It isn’t petty at all. It is resistance, and can even be fun. Don’t let any of this go quietly or assumed. Question the rules, poke fun at them, ask incisive questions; make it hard, not easy, for the system to garner compliance.
"if you accepted the magnitude of the threat, you'd have to do something about it or feel like a craven and a failure for doing nothing. and very few are willing to do that, especially if the cost of standing up is high."
Interesting thought. It seems the COVID crisis appears as the counter example: people readily accepted an overstatement of the magnitude of risk and then rejected any kind of realistic risk assessment process. In deed those calling for risk analysis were called extreme. We got to the point where using emergency authorizations to administer an unapproved drug to a population with near zero risk of serious complications from COVID (kids) seemed reasonable. Because the risk was vastly overstated (or even fabricated). So how did we get there?
Let's jump in the way-back machine, set for November 2019. The US economy was booming. US Energy exports had freed most of Europe from the lock of Russian energy products. OPEC and Russia were not happy about the competition. Despite much media and political effort, the US president at the time was gaining popularity, especially in Europe where the disdain from elite rulers was being overcome by the mass of relative peace and prosperity. The media was flummoxed. The Party's outlook for sweeping away this outsider seemed bleak. A re-election of the outsider seemed a lock. Times were dire, in deed. A few racially motivated riots hadn't don the job. Dire times require dire measures: a good crisis was needed. But what?
Along comes a new flu bug. Reports were that it was a nasty one. Still, in December 2019 "all the experts" were cautioning not to panic. By early January, it was clear there was a threat, but all evidence was "a bad flu year" and not global disaster. But, by the end of January, it was clear this could be escalated and used for political benefit. But could it escalate to the level of crisis needed?
Remember, at this stage, president Trump expressed concerns were labeled an over-reaction. When president Trump echoed the WHO advice that travel to and from China might be restricted, WHO reversed the recommendation to say "travel restrictions are NOT recommended". Don't believe orange man, he doesn't know "science".
What a difference a month made. By March, we were in full blown crisis. Coordinated efforts to shut down economies in most states were achieved. The rate at which people accepted a magnitude of risk that, on any rational analytical method was hard to justify, was astounding. Even absurd. And the absurdity snow-balled. With millions of prospering businesses shut down by edict, the strong economy was much less a barrier to effective campaigning against Trump.
So failing to accept the true magnitude of risk, but in the reverse direction, was essential - still is essential - to the COVID phenomena.
Well some people where on the hate Trump train, so for them it was what had to be done. It was easy to overlook the connection, I suppose, at least for a while. Now, to be clear: not saying the SARS-COV virus was created for this purpose. I'm observing that it was fully exploited for political gain. This is the power of hate: all things seem reasonable to achieve the demise of the enemy.
The weird thing is Trump is an old time Democrat. He didn’t start a war. He ended bad trade deals. He brought manufacturing back. He reduced the price of gas. He’s what all Democrats claimed they wanted for decades. They got it. And they hated him.
I had some wonderful conversations with wonderful people who I'd've never conversed with, because I only ever wore two masks, and the masks were what encouraged people to talk with me:
You'd be amazed and how well they worked as conversation starters. Fellow customers, FAs, pilots, gate agents, other gate employees, even passengers as I'd walk down the aisle to my seat.
“the exact people who just got done being lied to by the government for the gazillionth time turn around and trust it.” And, by extension, the media who have mastered the art of lying and gaslighting. I mean, it only took CBS News 769 days to acknowledge Hunter’s laptop wasn’t “all the hallmarks of Russian disinformation” and was, actually, Hunters. Conveniently acknowledged after the mid-terms nonetheless.
All of it spot on. The only time I wore masks was on a few flights. But what I did do is walk around the airport without one in defiance.
Gnashing of teeth resentment. I think that's what they wanted for folks like us that saw through the tyranny. To break our will and to sow conflict in a no win situation.
Take pictures of flight attendants breaking their own rules next time. They all did back by the lavatories. Blackmail works.
I didn't have the choice at the height of the campaign in Canuckistan. And I still can't legally penetrate the well-defended northern border of the USA.
I could fly to Mexico now, but it would cost something and I don't really need or want a new cell phone.
My biggest regret about the midterms was how I was so absolutely wrong about the Covid nonsense. I thought for sure that - surely - this was an issue that red-blooded Americans could come together on. Liberal and conservative. Red and blue. That there was no way THIS tyranny would stand. That there was no way that these politicians wouldn’t be punished now, two years later, when they were finally facing the voters.
I’m not sure if I’m more ashamed of myself for being so naive or if I’m ashamed of my fellow citizens for being so mindlessly subservient.
Sorry, but whose to say it was absolutely wrong? Do you honestly have any faith in the integrity of our elections systems as they stand? At the same time, keep in mind how many people did fall for the very policies you are railing against and find foolish, or how many of us "went along to get along."
I find your concerns about the electoral integrity founded. For one reason, it is something we are not allowed to question. A historical truth is that to find those that would rule over you, find those that can not be questioned. Even a reasonable inquiry gets you labeled "denier". This is in fact a clear sign something is wrong.
A process with integrity can withstand scrutiny. An election process that can not be scrutinized can not sustain integrity.
Yes, an indicator that something is amiss is the proactive denial of it. We even had mantras fo that as well "fair and secure" elections. Sounds eerily familiar to "Safe and effective" vaccines. If something is effective, does it need advertising? If something is "fair" does it need to announce that it is "fair?"
It's why I steer away from saying things like "honestly" and "to be frank" because in the end, it's you who decides that. Have I acted honestly and frankly? Are my words and actions in line with one another. There is a lot of wisdom in the words "let another praise you, and not your own mouth."
I think there is a legitimate use of reassurances, even when you have a sound process and ethical basis. A response to questioning with a reassuring "let me show you" is different from "trust me, and don't look behind the curtain", and miles from "don't ask any questions you evil election denier" and calling challenging the results treason.
For the record, I am not saying the election were corrupt in all states. I'm sure they were not in many states. Perhaps in all 50. But, I am seeing valid reasons to question, and a dictatorial reaction to the questions. The latter is a red flag. The tricky part is what do we do about it?
If you step back you will realize that the national party (in my mind there is only one) has been trying to centralize control of elections in the federal government for decades. Our constitution distributes this power to the states for good reason. Efforts to characterize the electoral college as "obsolete" for are intellectually dishonest. The purpose is take control away from the states. A single point of corruption is far worse than the many points we have now. Be careful of "solutions" that include federal oversight - that is like reassuring the chickens that the brigade of foxes will keep them safe.
What has been said elsewhere is "if you are ethical, then showing us you are ethical won't cost you anything, in fact, you would be going out of your away to not only show integrity, but to avoid any perception of malfeasance."
So if someone is acting with integrity, the answer should be "let's go look at the video together, I'll also provide documents, and let's work through this."
The powerful only censor the truth. Whatever they censor, whoever they cancel, THAT'S what I want to know.
That used to be normal human nature. Like the observation if you want kids to be interested in something, tell them they can't have it. At least until they get into school and are "properly educated" to accept authority and challenge nothing.
It is our duty to question everything
In deed it is. It is our duty as parents to teach our children to question, to think, to decide for themselves. Starting with questioning authority. Which is annoying when you are the authority they are questioning but it's part of our duty as parents ;-).
What if you find yourself raising kids with someone who does not believe this and leaves you bc you are so “difficult?”
I suppose in that scenario you do the best you can based on your beliefs. A tough spot to be in for sure.
In my case, I had a Jewish mom backing me up ;-). Yes, my son was "difficult" sometimes, and more than once my wife/his mom would eject, stomping into whatever room I was in instructing me to "go deal with YOUR son!".
The only correct answer was "yes ma'am".
Not only that, but if you look at the county map, only a handful of counties in the entire country went to the democrats. They've just rigged the game so that's all they need to stay in control.
Here's one other thing. Suppose there had been a "red tsunami" then what? I think this election turned out the way it did for a reason. And that reason is if it had gone completely red, and nothing changed, well then it would be revealed that it all has been a smoke and mirrors game by the swamp that are unelected.
A lot of people have been disenfranchised by both dominant parties, I think for the reason you hint: Lack of faith in the GOP to be any different. It was this independent group abandoned by both parties that voted in Trump in 2016. After the actions of the GOP during the Trump term, they have even less reason to support the GOP, and since Jan 2021, even less reason to believe the GOP is anything other than the other half of The Party.
It's not really the parties themselves, but rather the state. The problem is, that no matter who is in power, the state seems to win. Maybe with conservatives, it is a Government Lite™, but still there is a belief that government, in the right hands, is the answer.
I personally think Texas knows better than I do what their border policy should be, same for the most northern states, or any state that receives immigration. Do we really need a central government making these decisions? And what do you think the track record is for a more centralized power making all the decisions for areas it is out of touch with?
“Do we really need a central government making these decisions? And what do you think the track record is for a more centralized power making all the decisions for areas it is out of touch with?” I actually learned this lesson - the one implied by your questions- in the corporate world. ‘Corporate office vs field offices’. This was a constant issue, decision-making 3000 miles away with nary a clue about how things really worked on the ground.
The structure of our representative republic is that of independent states participating in a limited federal government. We are a nation of multiple governments. The federal government has a purpose, things best done collectively by the states. Immigration and naturalization and the common defense are things specifically defined as roles of the federal government. Per our constitution, we need a federal government for these two things. This doesn't mean states can not provide for independent defense, in deed this is a tradition as old as our nations.
The independence of the states exists for a lot of very good reasons. There's significant differences between the several states, and representation of the people requires local control of representation by the people. National political parties have circumvented that concept. National parties enact, through control of the legislatures of the states, national policy, controlled by interests other than the people of the state. In recent decades, this has become overt: billions of dollars spent by the national party flood and dominate local elections. Money not from the people of that state. In many states, The Party has control of the courts, too. More recently we've seen The Party also in control of the electoral process in many states. And what we see is a national agenda being enacted without regard for the people of the individual states.
What we've been seeing for several decades (at least 4) is an attack on this independence of the several states, the very foundation of our republic. The outrage over USSC decisions that reject the role of the court to create national legislation from the bench, and restore the states' responsibilities to legislate per local and regional interests, is characterized as disaster. There is nothing intellectually honest in demanding the courts do what congress and the legislatures of the states refuse to do. But that's where we are: we ask the court to rule to amend the constitution, to enact national law, instead of look to the constitutionally defined process for achieving the desired outcome.
NYS flipped four house seats red. New York. How you say? A court case stopped the gerrymandering redistricting of the democrats.
What Florida Governor DeSantis did was enact laws in his own state to prevent Florida itself from being stolen. Guess what happened? In Miami-Dade county, a major metropolitan area owned by the Left for decades, DeSantis won in a shift of 16 points from his last race. When was the last time any Republican elected official accomplished a swing of that magnitude in a city? 1950, maybe?
No integrity whatsoever. Trust your gut. You know it was not a valid result. We all know it. Some of us cannot face it yet. But we know. We KNOW. Here's an important substack that ties so many things together. Warning it is painful to read. But I believe necessary.
Lol, they can’t count the votes in one county in AZ in two weeks after the election.
CA and NY are still counting too.
What else do you do when the outcome isn't the one you determined was "right" before the election? Keep counting until you get the right answer ;-).
Actually an even simpler explanation: those doing the count were educated in the public schools ;-).
Chinese official English-language news outlets predicted this phenomenon at the beginning of the pandemic restrictions. Saying that the crisis provided an opportunity for the world to see the differences between the different governing models of the western liberal democracies, individual liberty vs the Chinese collectivist authoritarian governing model. Reasoning that while the western model allowed for more creativity and innovation in ordinary times, that people prefer the "strong hand" of authoritarianism in times of crisis. They studied human psychology well.
It's only the institutions of liberal democracies that keep us from succumbing to temptations of authoritarianism. The moment we removed those institutional protections because of an emergency declaration was the moment we lost western liberal democracy, individual liberty. Now it's up to We, The People to reclaim it; it won't be given back to us by even the most benevolent authoritarians. And until individual freedom supporting Patriots make the case to more of We, The People that our former governing model remains superior for quality of life and the most rewarding human experience, they will continue to embrace their own submission to tyranny. For the greater good. "Govern me harder, Daddy." China warned us. We didn't listen.
"Whatever the price of the Chinese Revolution, it has obviously succeeded, not only in producing more efficient and dedicated administration, but also in fostering a high morale and community purpose. The social experiment in China under Chairman Mao's leadership is one of the most important and successful in human history.”
-- David Rockefeller, CFR chairman, New York Times, 1973-08-10
Same stuff, different decade. CFR members on the "Biden team" include the secretaries of State, Treasury, Defense, Commerce and Homeland Security. Also the CIA director, Fed chairman, ambassador to China, and dozens of deputies, advisors, etc.
Mao's China...Hitler's Germany...Stalin's Soviet Union. Same stuff. Different decades. "You can't make an omelet without breaking eggs," you know.
New York Times Statement About 1932 Pulitzer Prize Awarded to Walter Duranty
"Describing the Communist plan to “liquidate” the five million kulaks, relatively well-off farmers opposed to the Soviet collectivization of agriculture, Duranty wrote in 1931, for example: “Must all of them and their families be physically abolished? Of course not – they must be ‘liquidated’ or melted in the hot fire of exile and labor into the proletarian mass.”
Taking Soviet propaganda at face value this way was completely misleading, as talking with ordinary Russians might have revealed even at the time. Duranty’s prize-winning articles quoted not a single one – only Stalin, who forced farmers all over the Soviet Union into collective farms and sent those who resisted to concentration camps. Collectivization was the main cause of a famine that killed millions of people in Ukraine, the Soviet breadbasket, in 1932 and 1933 – two years after Duranty won his prize.
Even then, Duranty dismissed more diligent writers’ reports that people were starving. “Conditions are bad, but there is no famine,” he wrote in a dispatch from Moscow in March of 1933 describing the “mess” of collectivization. “But – to put it brutally – you can’t make an omelet without breaking eggs.”"
And the important point is that collectivism always fails. Xi is about to rediscover that point. While the west has created certain "socialist" items in the main we have preferred self-reliance. Sadly we are eroding that preference in our teaching giving up some of that freedom for a dependence on government. To my mind that trend leads to fewer innovations necessary to social improvement. Those innovations via creativity have reduced poverty and improved living standards over the globe. Tragic to think that era might be ending.
If you look at the victory margins, the election showed the results of 2 years of domestic migration. Red states voted red in far greater numbers than 2018, while blue voters pretty much stayed flat. At the county level, it's even more bleak for democrats. There are no blue states, just a handful of democrat-controlled cities.
Was the Hunger Games movie series a prequel?
It certainly feels that way no?
If "there are no blue states", how come the U S Senate is ~50% blue?
One of the first big tells the game is rigged came in the 2010 election, a "shellacking" red wave year. When R's won. But not real R's won.
Remember Murkowski supposedly won a general election as an "Independent" write-in candidate against Joe Miller in 2010. Write-in. They'd have you believe that 40% of all voters took a pen in the voting booth, 102,000, and wrote in her name because they liked her so much, and only 91,000 bothered to pull the lever for Republican Joe Miller. With 60,000 for the D. Joe Miller got 56,000 in the primary, which means he only received 35,000 more voters in the general. Murkowski got 54,000 votes in the primary, which means she got 48,000 more voters to not only pull the lever for her like they did in the primary, but actually liked her so much they wrote her name in.
Knowing what we know about rigged elections now, do you really think she won that election fair and square in 2010? Or have they been stealing elections for a long, long, long time? Establishment Rino's along with D's. Which is why they don't dare take up election fraud. They're guilty as hell, too.
Because the game is rigged.
Also because over a million red voters moved out of blue states in the last two years.
Americans are some of the most obedient and easily manipulated humans in existence.
Ha! Canadians say “Hold my beer”
Canadians think they are superior. They glom onto the Canadians are the nicest people anywhere BS. I believe they are the easiest led
We are taught from early on that we live in the best country in the world. Maybe we do but we are going downhill fast.
Not only was I taught that this was the best country in the world, I was taught WHY. And how, from that unique perspective, all greatness followed.
No other country in the history of the world was ever predicated on the premise of individual sovereignty, and that as a direct, logical deduction of our biblical foundation that we are all made in the image of God Almighty.
My heart aches to see how few any longer have appreciation, or even knowledge, of the why. I fear that obliteration of the what, or that it even existed, can be the only result.
Maybe things were different in your litter.
For my part, I note only that, even if the members can't stand each other, a lot of families, a lot of businesses and cat colonies can be kept together as long as The Goodies keep flowing.
When The Goodies start to dry.up, that's when the claws come out.
Even when family members get along great, deadly claws come out. And that's what is surprising - but one has to very observant to catch it.
Those deadly family claws are not supposed to exist, therefore we cannot acknowledge their existence.
That's where moral propaganda fits into the slot.
In particularly it's the sibling acting on behalf of the mother and father which is absolutely and positively insane.
And humans are the stupidest animals on the planet.
Certainly they never approach the pinnacle of wisdom and majesty exemplified by a cat.
No, that would be the Chinese.
I hear you.
Despite my better judgement and long-term contempt for the GOP (surpassed only by that for the DNC) I also succumbed to wishful thinking that Boobus americanus would turn out in droves to replace the vile mountebanks and apparatchiks who so abused them and their children.
What a resounding validation of the Founder's contempt of democracy and creation of a republic.
If only we could have kept it.
It’s not that, it’s that the Democrats mastered ballot harvesting in key swing states where they had previously pushed voting by mail. Republican turnout overall blew away Dem turnout in the midterms, but it was inefficiently distributed, resulting in R blowouts in deep red areas and narrow Dem wins in swing states like PA, AZ and NV. Convincing the electorate or having better policies are no longer important in such states, only having a better organizational machine to “assist” voters in filling out ballots and collecting them.
I live in a purple county in Texas. Our "County Judge" (the county CEO) who was one of the first to mandate masks and tried to keep schools closed well into the fall of 2020, was reelected 52-48.
"was selected." There, fixed it for you.
I feel the same way. 3 Points:
1) Only some politicians ran strongly on anti-mandate platforms - e.g. Gov DeSantis - and he won big.
2) Many people who abided by harmful mandates may still believe - and want to believe - that these actions had some necessary purpose.
3) Democrats largely ended mandates in March 2022 with changed CDC recommendations and reduced media coverage.
7-8 months might have been enough time for many voters to no longer focus on mandates.
I do think voters prefer freedom over mandates, and as more time passes that might become more evident. But reaction to mandates did not play a major role nationwide in this election.
Due to the fact that most R leaders went along with the mandates there were very few who could campaign on being against them. Even R's in states where D's went full authoritarian didn't put up much of a stink. They didn't want the mandates as badly, or as long as D's. But most R leaders weren't philosophically opposed to mandates, believed they had merit, though not to excess, and were never really confronted by R voters to be more vocal in their opposition. CRT in schools and transinsanity were the focal points of the campaigns, not the mandates.
Which says as much about R's as it does about D's: both parties support authoritarian governance. Their differences are just a matter of degree or two. Which is a problem for individual liberty and freedom constitutional supporters. There's a reason that the terms bitter-clinger and deplorables were never reacted to by R's in power: they believe the same thing about flyover country where people bitterly cling to their God and guns and make up a basket full of deplorables who will be left behind on the ashheap of history. Yes, most R leaders believe that about their own base.
No R leader made a strong defense of the virtue of American freedom and liberty between Reagan and Trump. Not one. Even capitalism has no defenders left in the party leadership. Romney, the successful venture capitalist had no defense of free markets during Occupy anticapitalist demonstrations. The man had an opportunity to educate and describe how wonderful capitalism has improved the human condition in his presidential run. Instead, he aplogized for it and hid from it.
Those who attain leadership positions in the R party are bankrupt in traditional American values, capable of only offering up slogans during elections campaigns, but empty, vacuous vessels who have no core values that align with individual liberty, freedom, free markets. They wish to rule others, just as D's do. They are weak rulers. Not strong leaders. We suffer weak men (and women) in positions of power.
Which is why they didn't campaign on it. Another missed opportunity to educate and describe how wonderful individual liberty and freedom are even in crisis, when many minds working towards a solution from many different angles can help find the best path forward for others to copy. Not from one preordained central plan that is incapable of making adjustments so it makes mistake after mistake after mistake over and over and over and turn a minor crisis into a catastrophe. Which is what authoritarian rulers do.
This is what I saw as well. Here in Georgia, Kemp, our governor did not mandate masks or the vaccine, but he certainly never spoke out against it. He went on tour around Georgia showing proper mask etiquette.
About that "proper mask etiquette," I rather prefer the European Court's ruling on proper mask etiquette less than six months before they became mandatory - they were banned in public places, like public transportation and in educational, governmental, and nursing care institutions. For security, equality and the right to interact with someone by looking them in the face and about not disappearing under a piece of clothing. Masked faces deemed "incompatible" with the rule of law. To my sensibilities, and the sensibilities of lawmakers and judges right up until August, 2019. The rationale stands, even in a pandemic. Especially in a pandemic.
"Judges at the European court of human rights (ECHR) have upheld France's burqa ban, accepting Paris's argument that it encouraged citizens to "live together".
The law, introduced in 2010, makes it illegal for anyone to cover their face in a public place...the law was not aimed at the burqa or veil but any covering of the face in a public place...
...The European judges decided...that the preservation of a certain idea of "living together" was the "legitimate aim" of the French authorities.
Isabelle Niedlispacher, representing the Belgian government, which introduced a similar ban in 2011 and which was party to the French defence, declared both the burqa and niqab "incompatible" with the rule of law.
Aside from questions of security and equality, she added: "It's about social communication, the right to interact with someone by looking them in the face and about not disappearing under a piece of clothing."
The French and Belgian laws were aimed at "helping everyone to integrate", Niedlispacher added."
2019 - Ruling just months before masks became mandatory.:
"On August 1, 2019, the “Act Partially Prohibiting Face-Covering Clothing,”also known as the “Burqa Ban,” entered into force in the Netherlands. The Act prohibits the wearing of clothing that completely or partially conceals the face in spaces where people are expected to communicate with each other. Thus, face-covering clothing is banned on public transportation and in educational, governmental, and nursing care institutions, but is still allowed in such public spaces as on train platforms. The ban applies to burqas, niqabs, full-face helmets, balaclavas, and masks, but not to headscarves."
The Courts were right pre-pandemic. The Science (TM) of the pandemic is wrong.
How do we know though? The only way I would know for sure is if I did a country wide poll asking if they mattered. I don't trust the election process, I certainly don't trust the media or any other institution. I would want a couple of third party sources to do the polling on both sides of the issue..those that liked mandates and those that did not, agree on asking the same question, and see what the polls would say.
I can't tell you how many times the media tells people how they should feel about something. Usually it is a poll, and consensus is the assertion. "55% of people polled think that Biden is a..." Sorry, but I don't trust in those polls, and they sound like the media is trying to manipulate me using the bandwagon logical fallacy.
The media is so passé.
I threw my television out 20 years ago and never regretted it for a second. B-O-R-I-N-G…
“But the reaction to mandates did not play a major role nationwide in this election.”
That should tell you how far as a supposedly free, constitutional republic WE have fallen.
No one should be turning their backs on these psychopaths.
But do we know this for sure? And maybe that too is an indicator how far things have fallen. If we can’t trust the election results and make determinations based on them.
The USA is gone. If it comes back, it will need a total overhaul/“revolution”. It’s too far gone.
Psssst.....they cheated!
That crazy lady that runs Michigan... someone 'won'? That killed me.
Many have a deep hunger for a trace sense of collectivism in a world in bondage to dark individualism via device addiction. The Democratic party is the party of collectivism. The hunger persists because the device addiction persists. Dark collectivism is rising up as a counterbalance dark individualism.
Individualism for the oligarchs, collectivism for the herd. Happiness is conformity.
You’re obviously not from Commifornia-LOL!
Look at the county map from the election ... Even in CA, most of the territory is red! Yes, the coastal cities have more people, but in terms of landmass, it's a tiny fraction of the state.
I firmly believe that Commifornia is red. I’m in a coastal city outside of San Fransicko (where I grew up, 3rd generation). I noticed what REALLY changed the dynamics of the Bay Area, IS Sillycon Valley (I despise anything “tech”)! It’s worse than the bs that destroyed SF. The “real” San Francisco was a beautiful, no homeless, “crime free” city, affordable and full of middle class working people…and kids! YOU SHOULD SEE THIS HELL HOLE NOW. It’s not even blue! It’s PSYCHO!
The technology industry is an anti-human cancer run by and for sociopaths.
Said PERFECTLY! Bravo 👏!
Send them back from Silicon Slopes!
It's rural versus city now. Both NYS and California would be republican if not for the cities. An electoral college is needed for states.
YOU GOT IT! The New California movement is getting A LOT of traction. Paul Preston, who’s in charge, knows his stuff!
And CA just lost 2 seats because so many people have left this state. I will bet the Chinese own half (if not more) of CA!
From my perspective wrt being ashamed... Both!~
Every zoomer needs to read this. They were most affected by college and high school closures, but still voted overwhelmingly for those who ruined their lives. Freedom is never more than a generation away from extinction - we can’t let cognitive dissonance and TikTok take the kids.
here is that straw you asked for, do you know how long it will last in the ocean!?
Well that depends on how hungry the turtles are.
Me: Why do you plan to dispose of it in the ocean?
Apparently "recycling" lands more plastic in the ocean than just throwing it away. Instead of being sealed into a landfill which it will never leave, it gets shipped to Asia where it's supposedly going to be sorted, but it's often not cost effective to do so and it just gets dumped.
I'm starting to wonder if there's any green habit that isn't worse for the environment than the practice it's supposed to replace.
Cause that’s where they dump lots of shite
The lad I work with now has been captured by everything - cigarettes, vapes, "energy drinks" and tiktok.
He's always claiming to be ill and cold. He blames covid, naturally.
who's going to raise those kids when their parents start dying?
maybe that's what the covid concentration camps are for?
The dying is already starting. Too sad.
"then “forgetting” your mask and making them ask, every single time"
A thousand times, YES. I did this for roughly the entirety of the mask tyranny. I MADE them tell me. Sometimes I'd turn around and walk out, if I didn't really need what I went there for. At Econo I'd say, "Are you still doing this shit??" when they'd accost me upon entering.
Other times I'd mask up when they told me to, then unmask when I left their jurisdiction. This worked very well in airports, because you go through up to 3 jurisdictions (bag check, TSA check, metal detector) before you escape to the freedom of the airport terminal, so I made every jurisdiction make me...and quite often at least 1 and sometimes 2 of the jurisdictions wouldn't confront me.
Even at the agriculture scanner in San Juan I deliberately entered the airport and carried on a conversation with the ag personnel for a minute or until my bags came through, and more often than not they didn't say boo. Ditto at bag check-in counters, and even the TSA checkpoint person. The point is, we MUST be, as you say, ungovernable, and MAKE them make us, if we've no other choice (e.g. to fly), and then immediately resist again. At Boston's Logan Airport earlier this year before the mask mandate was struck down, I went unmasked the entire time, and at one point I walked past maybe a dozen city cops, state troopers, and TSA agents over the course of 30 seconds, and I made sure to walk right next to them, and I looked at their faces, I didn't look away. Not a one of them said boo.
We must resist at every opportunity. Because it'll be easier to fight, when that time comes.
I did what you did, but I said, “No, I’m not putting a mask on, and you do what you need to do.” I did my grocery shopping with dirty looks. Big deal. But “I won”. Just say NO...most people have no idea how to handle confrontation. It’s actually pretty amusing!
One store actually, physically took my ONE item out of my hand while I was paying for it because I wasn’t wearing a mask. Insane!
And for very rare, necessary doctor appointments, I wear a Fake Mask. I hate doing it, but I cannot get medical care if I don’t wear a mask (a Fake Mask).
I once actually got to the checkout line at my supermarket without a mask, and was bagging the last couple of items after having already paid...and some store employee idiot made me put my mask on at that point, even though I'd been in the store for 30 minutes unmasked and even though was leaving the store in about 10 seconds.
Here in Puerto Rico the mask tyrants seemed to enjoy their power.
I saw Kathy Hochul after 'winning' the gov race in NY was in Puerto Rico dancing with some school kids... she was unmasked by they kids were all muzzled. So weird.
I remember that! It’s just like Stacy Abrams in a classroom with all masked kids, and she wasn’t wearing one. It’s really evil looking. And that is not normal behavior!
She is a piece of human debris. POS garbage American.
The “mask Nazis” are EVERYWHERE! They come out of the woodwork like roaches. Unfortunately, “light” doesn’t scare them away!
I refused in the examimation room and won...
Did you make them ask you to wear it at the doctors office?
Absolutely. I would grab the mask handed to me and smile. Say thanks. When they would ask me to put it on, I would say, "You bet." Or "Got it!" Or even, "I never wear one." But always with a smile. And then I would ignore their comment and continue with my business. Rinse, repeat.
I have a doctor's appointment coming up this week and this and Uber rides were the only time I wore a mask since being released from the hospital. I wore the same effing dirty mask that was given to me in the hospital that does not work, and I just feel like such a fake/pretender/idiot when I wear something I know doesn't work.
I feel so so so angry and downtrodden when wearing a mask. My husband got mad once when we were in a store so I put my mask on to shut him up. And I thought, "Is this how Muslim women feel when forced to wear the hijab? Haven't I always thought no husband would force ME to wear the hijab?" And that was enough to snap me out of the compliant mode.
Sad to say I complied for the first masking period, which was much later and much shorter here in the Netherlands than elsewhere, but when they came around for round two I was ready. Wrote a letter for my kid in school (only for over 10s and only in the hallways 🙄) which was easy. My favorite confrontation was when the parent library volunteers were allowed back in school and were asked to mask whereas teachers (rightfully) were not. I said I didn’t have one. They said we can give you one! I said then I am going home. I don’t have to be here to help. The pace of back tracking was beautiful to behold. I was allowed to go maskless as long as I sat at the checkout desk the whole time. Ok sure. And then I got up to put away the books which is what I am there to do. It got even richer when the coordinator came by with some prospective parents touring the school wearing masks and explained to them apropos of NOTHING why I wasn’t wearing a mask. I was embarrassed for her. And laughing in my fist for the rest of the day. 😂
We need to use every tiny ounce of power we have. I relished reading about a volunteer referee refusing to stay for the game he was scheduled to supervise last year because his wife who usually accompanied him was not allowed in the canteen without a QR code. People were right pissed about that. They didn't back down, but neither did he. Volunteer pool is shrinking with these policies. We call that "koekje van eigen deeg" here. Another good one is "laat ze een poepie ruiken." With pleasure....
I KNOW that feeling! Isn’t it awesome?! That’s what freedom FEELS like! I applaud you and what an outstanding example for your child. That lesson will be with him or her forever!
Now the most important part is…do not ever forget this! Standing up right away will help you in the future. God bless you and your child.
Thank you Renee! Yes this wakening will have far-reaching consequences for me and mine and there is NO going back. Blessings right back atcha!
Right on!
i focused on the fact that this was duress, coerced, and threat driven and tried not to let it seep into some sort of compliance acceptance.
Back when the Covid nonsense and tyranny first started, my pastor was all big on "We are all in this together" and that wearing masks and, later, getting vaccinated, was a sign of solidarity and caring. I pointed out that forced compliance was not a sign of solidarity anymore than paying your taxes by involuntarily having them withheld from your paycheck was a sign that you were civic-minded. I said that I would not object to people saying these things IF we truly had a choice in the matter; but the fact is, no matter how noble the rationalization, we did not. And that it was not a matter that was up for discussion. At the time I did not know how much longer I would be able to remain employed due to Biden's jab mandate. Fortunately, it never came down to my having to make a choice between the jab and work but the threat was there, and I did not appreciate it one bit. I told him that as far as I was concerned he was supporting medical tyranny and I could not, would not go along with it. I was not going to dress it up with pretty words and phony sentiments.
His response was "well, obviously this is something you feel strongly about" (ya think?) and that he wished to make an appointment with me to discuss this further. Having been through this sort of thing before, I knew that this was code for sit down and shut up and listen to your betters. My suspicions were confirmed when I learned that a long-time member of the church (40 years) was told in a similar sit-down session over this same issue that if they had a problem with this they would be better off leaving. In other words, "my way or the highway." They chose to leave. And so have I.
Sigh. The “in this together” types really believe. I suspect it’s the feeling of being part of something larger than oneself that appeals. It’s quasi religious perhaps but maybe just a deep human need to belong. Those of us who bucked the covid nonsense were very lonely for a while.
They are cowardly people. They frighten easily. This was about them trying to save their lives.
Yes!!! People were all about jumping the line when the Darwin jabs first came out.. some out of fear and others pure selfishness, so they could go “be free” again
One thing I’ve made into a little amusing hobby is finding “old” stickers and signs and other reminders of the Covid Craziness in and around businesses and other public places and discreetly peeling them off or otherwise folding them up, then depositing them in the nearest trash container. Haven’t been apprehended or reprimanded yet. It’s actually kind of amazing how people will not notice you bending over and peeling a “6 feet” sticker off the floor, as if you were invisible. Perhaps I am! 😸
Some inferences -- such as what we can expect governments to do with CBDCs -- are just too frightening for most people to contemplate. So they keep their thoughts on a leash.
The pandemic was like a case study in cognitive dissonance of Orwellian proportions. So much about it was defined by the lies that covid spazzes told themselves to solve the broken connection between their actions and the values they preach.
It was also a global Asch Experiment, Stanley Milgram Experiment and Stanford Prison Experiment--all delightfully rolled into one.
Exactly. Those three experiments explain how the complicit enter always enables atrocity.
Interesting remark about "the values they preach". It seems so often what is preached and what is practiced are polar opposites. Preach "inclusive" but if you lean "conservative" you are not to be tolerated. Preach "liberal" but refuse to accept any view counter to a narrowly defined acceptable narrative e.g. "freedom of choice" unless that choice involved to whom you sell your baked goods, what school your kids attend, or what caliber you choose to carry.
This too was part of Orwell's formula. More evidence Orwell was in fact a time traveler who'd been here ;-).
I followed the petty rebellion approach. For example - mask required inside. someone approaches with a mask, very polite. "I forgot mine". make them get one for you...multiple times. Take mask and put in pocket, approaches again, I say "oh thank you," take one, do not put it on. They eventually leave in disgust but don't do anything about it. If escalated to manager, "I have asma, I have a disability". I did not mask within the airport - only on the plane (cost too high for me). Recently at Dr's office, I loudly say "I thought this was over! and Jeez, still doing this?" My kids get uncomfortable but they are learning life is uncomfortable. I don't mind it but you need the mental energy to push back hard and make their cost to enforce higher than they are willing pay.
I walked into a store in Vancouver. No mask. They wanted me to put a mask on. I said I couldn’t for health reasons. They said I had to anyway. I said ‘according to the law you must accommodate me’. They said ‘we don’t know about that. You have to put a mask on’. I said ‘okay, I want to be really clear here. You’re telling me you discriminate against those with disabilities? Is that correct? Can I have your name please?’ Clerk calls manager. He reiterates they demand a mask. I reiterate my ‘disabilities’ remark. I ask him for his name. I can hardly stop from laughing. They let me in.
Probably wouldn't have worked in Karentoria. There is a bad outbreak of masking on the island.
The only bonus is a pod of Humpback whales between Nanaimo and Horseshoe Bay frequently visible from the ferry if you take that route.
I live in Victoria. I still see lots of young people masking.
One of the problems with substack and "social media" in general is that they actually impede physical social connection.
Since Edward Snowden we know that "they" know our identities, but we don't know each other.
This appears to be a structural "feature", not a "bug", as the resistance is identified but kept isolated.
The trucker convoy was important, but watch the slime bags spin the toothless inquiry this week.
A choice of unattractive or brainwashed?
Yes. They cannot legally deny you. You just have to be firm and hold your ground.
I used a mesh "cheater" mask in a dark color at the airport. Was never stopped. Actually saw the identical mask on a ticket counter employee. I am retired but, my anger and frustration over the "mask thing," especially when it came to masking children, has mellowed. I now see maskers are either overwhelmed with fear, or forced for work to suffocate themselves to have an income. I have compassion for them for their decreased quality of life.
"I have compassion for them for their decreased quality of life." Very well said.
I live in an area of the US where education levels are not the greatest. Not a lot of folks here still wearing masks (I'm in TX), but those who still do are relatively harmless. They have had no way of experiencing the world outside of mass media, and the trickling of it down to those in their close social circles (families and friends). I do not look down on them, but wish they knew better so they could have a better quality of life.
I had a fake- a white and silver beaded one with no cloth even. Sometimes I told people it was “electrostatic” 😅
Yeah same here. I've taken to acting sarcastic nostalgic, 'wow you guys are still doing this. I thought wverybody had moved on' really makes them feel progressive
Great stuff, Bad Cat! The book, "Mistakes Were Made, But Not By Me" covers dissonance theory and confirms much of what you say. ION, please be advised that, as is my habit, I will likely use some of those images either on Twitter or on Instagram. Citing you is 50/50, but you expected that too.
one cannot steal that which is freely given.
go forth and meme them till they cry then make memes about them crying.
this is as nature intended.
This is really vital, imo.
Resist in all ways possible, even if it feels small and insignificant. It isn’t petty at all. It is resistance, and can even be fun. Don’t let any of this go quietly or assumed. Question the rules, poke fun at them, ask incisive questions; make it hard, not easy, for the system to garner compliance.
More powerful than we might realize.
"if you accepted the magnitude of the threat, you'd have to do something about it or feel like a craven and a failure for doing nothing. and very few are willing to do that, especially if the cost of standing up is high."
Interesting thought. It seems the COVID crisis appears as the counter example: people readily accepted an overstatement of the magnitude of risk and then rejected any kind of realistic risk assessment process. In deed those calling for risk analysis were called extreme. We got to the point where using emergency authorizations to administer an unapproved drug to a population with near zero risk of serious complications from COVID (kids) seemed reasonable. Because the risk was vastly overstated (or even fabricated). So how did we get there?
Let's jump in the way-back machine, set for November 2019. The US economy was booming. US Energy exports had freed most of Europe from the lock of Russian energy products. OPEC and Russia were not happy about the competition. Despite much media and political effort, the US president at the time was gaining popularity, especially in Europe where the disdain from elite rulers was being overcome by the mass of relative peace and prosperity. The media was flummoxed. The Party's outlook for sweeping away this outsider seemed bleak. A re-election of the outsider seemed a lock. Times were dire, in deed. A few racially motivated riots hadn't don the job. Dire times require dire measures: a good crisis was needed. But what?
Along comes a new flu bug. Reports were that it was a nasty one. Still, in December 2019 "all the experts" were cautioning not to panic. By early January, it was clear there was a threat, but all evidence was "a bad flu year" and not global disaster. But, by the end of January, it was clear this could be escalated and used for political benefit. But could it escalate to the level of crisis needed?
Remember, at this stage, president Trump expressed concerns were labeled an over-reaction. When president Trump echoed the WHO advice that travel to and from China might be restricted, WHO reversed the recommendation to say "travel restrictions are NOT recommended". Don't believe orange man, he doesn't know "science".
What a difference a month made. By March, we were in full blown crisis. Coordinated efforts to shut down economies in most states were achieved. The rate at which people accepted a magnitude of risk that, on any rational analytical method was hard to justify, was astounding. Even absurd. And the absurdity snow-balled. With millions of prospering businesses shut down by edict, the strong economy was much less a barrier to effective campaigning against Trump.
So failing to accept the true magnitude of risk, but in the reverse direction, was essential - still is essential - to the COVID phenomena.
Excellent breakdown of how Covid was used to take down Trump.
The odd part is how compliant everyone was with the silly bullshit.
And still are!
Well some people where on the hate Trump train, so for them it was what had to be done. It was easy to overlook the connection, I suppose, at least for a while. Now, to be clear: not saying the SARS-COV virus was created for this purpose. I'm observing that it was fully exploited for political gain. This is the power of hate: all things seem reasonable to achieve the demise of the enemy.
Exactly! Easy to manipulate people when they will go with ANYTHING as long as it is against Trump. Mind control:
The weird thing is Trump is an old time Democrat. He didn’t start a war. He ended bad trade deals. He brought manufacturing back. He reduced the price of gas. He’s what all Democrats claimed they wanted for decades. They got it. And they hated him.
Six feet! Social distance. Wear your mask!!!
Awwww, does Grumpty Dumpty need a hug?
Purebloods like the 6 foot rule so the Jabbed don't get spikes cudies on them.
"you may find you develop quite a taste for it.
you may find you develop quite a flair for it.
you may find that you are having fun."
I had some wonderful conversations with wonderful people who I'd've never conversed with, because I only ever wore two masks, and the masks were what encouraged people to talk with me:
You'd be amazed and how well they worked as conversation starters. Fellow customers, FAs, pilots, gate agents, other gate employees, even passengers as I'd walk down the aisle to my seat.
Another good mask is OBEY.
Covidians hate it! LOL
Nice! The fewer the letters, the bigger they can be and easier to read.
“the exact people who just got done being lied to by the government for the gazillionth time turn around and trust it.” And, by extension, the media who have mastered the art of lying and gaslighting. I mean, it only took CBS News 769 days to acknowledge Hunter’s laptop wasn’t “all the hallmarks of Russian disinformation” and was, actually, Hunters. Conveniently acknowledged after the mid-terms nonetheless.
All of it spot on. The only time I wore masks was on a few flights. But what I did do is walk around the airport without one in defiance.
Gnashing of teeth resentment. I think that's what they wanted for folks like us that saw through the tyranny. To break our will and to sow conflict in a no win situation.
Take pictures of flight attendants breaking their own rules next time. They all did back by the lavatories. Blackmail works.
Worked for me most the time.
I just didn’t fly. Even when I could. Was only told to wear a mask once and turned around and haven’t been to that store sense.
I didn't have the choice at the height of the campaign in Canuckistan. And I still can't legally penetrate the well-defended northern border of the USA.
I could fly to Mexico now, but it would cost something and I don't really need or want a new cell phone.
"i made waters and coffees and crackers last HOURS to keep the masks off in acts of self-protection"
Lol. So did I. "Two waters, please". And I bought my own supply of crackers. Rage against the cosplay tyranny, one nibble at a time.
Dang, this super twizzler is taking forever to finish.