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"Accepting COVID crystalized a group of authoritarians who became totalitarians on behalf of the globalists means also accepting it crystalized the resistance, using the exact same focal points. Trump, in this sense, was a continuation of the same pattern of "divide and rule" that marked the emotional responses to Obama. The multiracial obverse to the race-negating reverse, flip the coin and the two Camps nevertheless fell down the same."

Except I don't see Trump playing a part in the intentional release of a biological weapon by two well know enemies; China and the DNC.

Going into the 2020 election the Democrats had nothing on which to run except Orange Man Bad, bogus accusations of Russia, Russia, Russia, bogus "impeachment hearings," more bogus accusations, i.e., Ukraine, bounties for dead American soldiers, and on and on but, nothing of substance; economically, societal, nothing, and China, well, when's the last time a U S President put their feet to the fire on so many important issues? NEVER.

Now they have Beijing Joe in offie, Feinstein, Swalwell, media, educational institutions, many others, sleeping with the enemy so, they were very successful and some people are still stuck on "orange man bad?"

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I'm unsure what you're arguing or advancing here, and that's on me: I'm new to your style of writing and thinking. I appreciate you taking the time to make the point. It's clearly important to you.

That said, if you think there were an intentional release of a biological weapon, what leads you to think not only that this is the case but also that Trump was not "playing a part" in that?

I think there were a number of things the DNC and its candidates ran on besides separation from the former President, but they might not have resonated with what you consider valuable, and so they didn't linger in your thinking about what they were thinking. I don't disagree with you that there are a number of ways we can say the DNC is compromised wrt China —but any detailed examination of that compromise will quickly demonstrate how much China has compromised various parties within the USA, at various levels, from local offices and bureaucracies to the largest Federal and even transnational ones.

Unrestricted warfare for the Chinese has meant taking advantage of the overwhelming weaknesses endemic to the United States of America: the mendacity of its information distribution networks, the corruptibility of key figures in representational politics, the large numbers of addicted personalities throughout the population. Just as the CIA used drugs and drug money to overthrow Central/South American/Southeast Asian nations, China has also been using drugs and drug money (prescription as well as illegal!) to narcotize and defeat the American people. They have even managed to combine this addictive quality in the people with their habitual use of misinformation and repackaged it to Americans in the form of TikTok. It's worked, and the American people are constantly trained and habituated to only form thoughts of a few sentences, even just a few phrases.

Some people might read what I wrote and take stock of their own habits. I know I have my own addictions to own and wrestle with. But I see it, and sometimes hope that others see it as well, in themselves, this habit to reduce the complexities and nuances of their own beautiful thoughts into short, transient phrases and sound bytes. Do you see that, too?

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As promised, here is my attempt to explain my style of writing and how I arrive at my conclusions; I take copious notes and clip thousands of articles pertaining to a subject that often straddles multiple issues. It’s the only way I can deal with the tsunami of miss-information unleashed on us, daily.

I’ll try to break it down in chunks based on your questions;

“That said, if you think there were an intentional release of a biological weapon, what leads you to think not only that this is the case but also that Trump was not "playing a part" in that?”

Initial thought is Occam’s Razor; in this case, who benefited from the “pandemic?” My answer is, China, Democrats, Big Pharma, the Swamp.

To me, one of the first “tells” and, there are always “tells,” was;

Soros: Trump Will "Disappear" In 2020, Or Even Sooner https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2018/01/27/soros_trump_will_disappear_in_2020_or_ever_sooner.html

He said this in 2018.

In my mind, he is the prototypical “Bond Villein,” face in the shadow, stroking the white cat.

His “Rosa Klebb;”

Soros, Pelosi Meeting To Fund And Plot Democratic' Resistance'


(Almost sounds like plotting a coup, an “insurrection,” this being January 6 and the Pelosi spectacle will play out today, loudly; “worst attack since 911, Pearl Harbor, etc., hyperbole to sell yet another bogus narrative, all others having failed.)

To answer your question about Trump participating in this, his own demise, that’s the answer, he wouldn’t.

Now, the “intentional release;”

RET Presents - A Manufactured Illusion (Origins, Patents, CoronaVirus)


Chinese are behind Donald Trump's takedown and are affiliated with Biden.


REVEALED: China’s State Propaganda Group Boasts Control Over Western Think Tanks, ‘Election Integrity’ Groups, And Even Joe Biden’s National Security Team. https://thenationalpulse.com/exclusive/exc-china-state-propaganda-boasts-control-over-think-tanks/

Expert: COVID-19 Likely A Result Of Chinese Bioweapons Program https://www.oann.com/expert-covid-19-likely-a-result-of-chinese-bioweapons-program/

We’re Still Learning About the Pandemic’s Early Days


The impact of the World Military Games on the COVID-19 pandemic


Last year, Congressman #EricSwalwell’s ties to the suspected #ChineseSpy Fang Fang brought Chinese espionage to the forefront of national discussion. But that was just the tip of the iceberg.

Chinese State Media Defends Eric Swalwell, Claims Chinese Spy Report Is ‘Complete Fiction’ https://www.breitbart.com/asia/2020/12/28/chinese-state-media-defends-swalwell-claims-chinese-spy-report-is-complete-fiction/

Chinese virologist: China's government 'intentionally' released COVID-19


WATCH: Explosive, Unearthed Video Shows Peter Daszak (the guy Fauci, NIH funded to circumvent US law on Bio-weapons research) Describing ‘Chinese Colleagues’ Developing ‘Killer’ Coronaviruses.


The above, Fauci, Daszak, was the notorious “lab leak” theory that the left rushed to shut down and now admitted they lied because of Trump. I know, lame but, here, from my notes;

To Deny the "Lab Leak" COVID Theory, the NYT and WPost Use Dubious and Conflicted Sources

A bizarre and abrupt reversal by scientists regarding COVID's origins, along with clear conflicts of interest, create serious doubts about their integrity. Yet major news outlets keep relying on them.


Will she apologize?

Tom Elliott @tomselliott May 25

(Haberman) NYT's @maggieNYT on the Wuhan lab leak theory: "Important to remember ... then-Pres Trump and Pompeo both suggested they'd seen evidence this was formed in a lab ... but they refused to release the evidence ... because of that that made this instantly political."


Catherine Herridge @CBS_Herridge

Former State Dept officials tell  @CBSNews  significant info about the Wuhan lab was buried in government databases + didn’t reach their desks for nearly a year, as there is a new push to know the origins #COVID19  @CBS_Herridge  reports on the lab leak theory


Hunter has ties to the Wuhan Virology lab (Leak)


Exclusive: Samples From Early Wuhan COVID Patients Had Genetically Modified Henipah, One of Two Types of Viruses Sent From Canadian Lab


EXCLUSIVE: Wuhan Lab Found All Genes To Recreate ‘Epidemic Strain’ Of Coronavirus In 2017. https://thenationalpulse.com/news/wuhan-found-genes-to-make-epidemic-coronavirus/

An Urgent Message from Professor Sucharit Bhakdi - Doctors for Covid Ethics (Gene Modification)


EXCLUSIVE: COVID-19 'has NO credible natural ancestor' and WAS created by Chinese scientists who then tried to cover their tracks with 'retro-engineering' to make it seem like it naturally arose from bats, explosive new study claims


Ezekiel Emanuel Downplays Importance of Investigating Wuhan Lab Leak — ‘The Real Issue Is Not How This Happened’ https://www.breitbart.com/clips/2021/05/27/ezekiel-emanuel-downplays-importance-of-investigating-wuhan-lab-leak-the-real-issue-is-not-how-this-happened/

Nolte: Scientists Admit Covering Up Lab Leak Theory to Avoid Being ‘Associated’ with Trump (TDS Cost Lives) https://www.breitbart.com/science/2021/06/18/nolte-scientists-admit-covering-up-lab-leak-theory-avoid-being-associated-trump/

Not wanting to crash “el gato’s” server, I’ll stop for now and continue on, later today.

Thank you for your questions. Note, some of the links may be bad as YouTube and others have a tendency to hide information not in line with the “narrative” being sold to us rubes.

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The Second Chunk.

"I think there were a number of things the DNC and its candidates ran on besides separation from the former President, but they might not have resonated with what you consider valuable, and so they didn't linger in your thinking about what they were thinking. I don't disagree with you that there are a number of ways we can say the DNC is compromised wrt China —but any detailed examination of that compromise will quickly demonstrate how much China has compromised various parties within the USA, at various levels, from local offices and bureaucracies to the largest Federal and even transnational ones."

Starting with the later part, I agree. On our side, we call them RINO's and want them gone.

Regarding the first part of your comment, I'm not sure what Democrat candidate ideas you are alluding too but here is what I meant when I said, "they had nothing;"


Granted, this is from the Trump Whitehouse, but if you differ, please explain what and why.

He accomplished all of those things while under an unrelenting attack from the Democrats, Media, and, Academia. The more he performed, the more he made inroads into traditional Democrat voting blocs, minorities specifically, and blue collar workers, hence the intensity of the fake attacks, i.e., impeachments, etc.

Obama: America is not in decline, Trump lacks 'magic wand' to grow economy http://www.pbs.org/newshour/updates/watch-live-president-obamas-town-hall-in-elkhart-indiana/

"He just says, 'I'm gonna negotiate a better deal.' Well, how? How exactly are you going to negotiate that?" Obama said during the town hall portion of the event. "What magic wand do you have? And usually, the answer is, he doesn't have an answer."

Well, the "magic wand" is the free enterprise system that Socialists can't understand, and why Obama sounded lost, bewildered?

Obama/Biden, WaPo Editors Admit 'Immigrants Do Depress Wages' for U.S. Workers http://www.breitbart.com/texas/2017/08/05/wapo-editors-admit-immigrants-do-depress-wages-for-us-workers/

Now, millions crossing, unvaccinated too boot!


All Jobs, 100% of Female Employment Gains Taken by Foreigners Since 2007: http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/jobs-shock-100-of-female-employment-gains-taken-by-foreigners-since-2007/article/2569824


Low Income Workers See Biggest Drop in Paychecks: http://www.nytimes.com/2015/09/03/business/low-income-workers-see-biggest-drop-in-paychecks.html?_r=0

A moment of honesty in 2015, Biden, Middle-Class Getting Slammed http://dailycaller.com/2015/02/19/biden-the-middle-class-is-being-killed/

New Yorkers SHOCKED to Learn THE TRUTH About Tax Rates in


Obama, Illegal Immigrants Will Harm "the wages of blue-collar Americans": http://dailycaller.com/2014/11/16/shock-flashback-obama-says-illegal-immigration-hurts-blue-collar-americans-strains-welfare-video/

The Trump Era;

2019 in Review: U.S. Economy Strong, Entering the Longest Expansion in History https://www.theepochtimes.com/2019-in-review-us-economy-remains-strong-in-2019-entering-the-longest-expansion-in-history_3183057.html

9/1/2020 Manufacturing Blow Out! Trump Economy Roars To 16 Year High https://creativedestructionmedia.com/news/markets/2020/09/01/manufacturing-blow-out-trump-economy-roars-to-16-year-high/

9/21/2020 U.S. Household Net Worth Hits Highest Level Ever https://www.breitbart.com/economy/2020/09/21/u-s-household-net-worth-hits-highest-level-ever/

NBC Poll: Blue-Collar Workers Flocked to GOP Under Trump (https://www.newsmax.com/politics/republicans-blue-collar-workers-white-collar/2021/02/22/id/1011030/

Nolte: Poll Shows Black Support for Trump at 31 Percent https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/10/29/nolte-poll-shows-black-support-trump-31-percent/

Black and Hispanic unemployment is at a record low


Joe Biden Falsely Claims Donald Trump Campaigned on Idea that 'Black Folks Are Taking Your Job' https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/05/25/joe-biden-falsely-claims-donald-trump-campaigned-idea-black-folks-are-taking-your-job/

Trump's Economy Is Working for Minorities


August 2020 Hispanic Women and Black Men See Greatest Employment Gains in August https://www.breitbart.com/economy/2020/09/04/hispanic-women-and-black-men-see-greatest-employment-gains-in-august/

12/2019 WashPost Admits Trump's Economy Aiding Minorities, Women https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/01/11/washpost-admits-trumps-economy-aiding-minorities-women/

So, again, how could the Democrats and their smear machine compete with these results? They couldn't so enter "The Big Cheat, The Big Steal" predicated on the Pandemic, which was the basis for all illegal mail-in voting (couldn't vote in person and spread the virus, could we?)

Couple that aspect, mail-in voting, with the five swings states all stopping the count in the middle of the night based on lies, i.e., broken water pipe, etc., and then resuming the counting while everyone was gone. Then, miracles of miracles, Biden suddenly leaps into the lead.

"Shortly after midnight (eastern), President Trump was leading in all six of the swing states still in issue: Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona, and Nevada, and had racked up, apart from those six states, 232 electoral votes to Biden's 227.


12/17/2020 Jason D. Meister 🇺🇸

Swing State Historical Imbalance For Biden?

1. "Let's begin by looking at some undisputed swing state data. Take Georgia to start. In 2012, @BarackObama won 1,773,827 votes in Georgia. We are now told @JoeBidenwon 2,473,633 Georgia votes, besting the first black president by a stunning 699,806 votes.


August Takala @AugustTakala

Florida counted 10.5 million ballots in 24 hours. Trump won 51-48. Georgia has taken two days to count 4.8 million votes, and Trump's margin is shrinking. It's remarkable how Biden performs the best in states where counting takes more time.


There is so much more on just this aspect, the stolen election, but I'll stop for now.

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I’m heading out with friends but will “circle back” later and try to explain myself better but we’re in agreement on most everything.

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