The other issue with the "children are resilient" mantra is that resilience is no excuse to mistreat anyone. Just because someone will bounce back from a black eye doesn't mean I should punch him in the face.

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Also, children are only resilient if we raise them in a way to become resilient. We have been doing the exact opposite, for the most part.

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Absolutely. Not sure when this started but 25yrs ago I had my first kid and back then I noticed how some other mothers were being overprotective. These mothers were usually older 35+, had higher education and jobs. Anyway, maybe a coincidence but those kids are all jabbed, mine aren’t.

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As people have fewer children and start families later, one individual child becomes more important and precious within that family. As well, the infant mortality rate has decreased so much that it's much more rare to have complications. In the before times, before modern medicine, infant mortality rate was quite high. CDC has an in-depth article here: https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/mm4838a2.htm

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Excellent point.

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Quite. And resilient does not mean left undamaged.

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The insidious thing about opening the door to anti-reality is that the lies needn't be anchored in reality in the first place; they needn't hold any ground in reason or logic. They serve a higher purpose and are thus exempt from the laws of nature - or the indictments of badthinkers.

The lies of leftism are 'impossible constructions', Penrose stairs of the progressive mind.

You see, it's always a matter of 'perspective'. When it comes to absolving me of responsibility or any other matters of parental dereliction associated with my identity-driven status that imperils my child, my child is resilient!

But when that same progressive status seeking requires a constantly curated bubble of anti-reality in order to 'protect' my child from the dangerous badfeelz or wrongthink of yesterday's hateful reality, well then, he's not very resilient by nature of that bubble.

We send the kids up the stairs of Progress because resilience as they simultaneously descend those same stairs to become delicate snowflakes in a tenuous state of anti-reality.

The children, like so many canaries in the mines of totalitarian progress, know the Truth because it is innate. Their cries should haunt us. Satanic inversion always demands the sacrifice of our children in order to protect them. One of the many tells of the covid era is this moral inversion of imperiling the kids in order to protect the aged and weak.

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Hear Here! The idea of harming the children for the sake of the elderly is obviously screwy.

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...and the morbidly obese

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If children were resilient, then there would be no need for mental therapists - children or adults.

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And that mantra is a convenient excuse for disregarding youth rights.


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Well, they trust you and don't have a say. It's easy to take them out. ask 60m and counting of the most youthful we have managed to off here in the US.

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Oh wait... you can't ask them. Yeh, that is another mass psychosis.

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Abortion whataboutism: You're not allowed to destroy that zygote, but you get to basically own the person it will become for about two decades.

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So all 60+million aborted HUMANS will be worthless? People are responsible for themselves and who they become. Brian, that is both victim talk and dehumanizing and devaluing talk. Seriously. Save kids, just not thosseee kids. I mean zygotes. So by your logic why save any kids from their bad parents decision to jab them endlessly. You will be responsible for whatever they become. Just laughable.

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It's an interesting concept, but the site includes things such as the right to vote, make educational decisions, to drink, and "not be at the mercy of parents." This is a double edged sword, because the obvious inference is that children should have the right to consent to vaccination, and the right to consent to sexual activity.

They don't have a page detailing their donors, but their "about" page and wiki history list a lot of Jewish names. It would not surprise me if this were a project of Soros or someone like him.

It's another form of dividing the community into discrete political groups based on identity, when "human rights" should suffice.

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"… the obvious inference is that children should have the right to consent to vaccination, and the right to consent to sexual activity."

Is it prima facie a bad idea to allow them these rights? I admit that kids wouldn't be convinced they need Covid shots if they hadn't been manipulated and lied to by their elders, but I wouldn't deny them the freedom to choose, because two wrongs don't make a right.

As for sexual activity, the harsh prosecution of teenagers who sext each other just shows how dangerous it is to attempt to restrict the consensual sexual behavior of the young by force of law.

"It would not surprise me if this were a project of Soros or someone like him."

So what if Soros supports them? In this, he could be the proverbial stopped clock that tells the right time twice a day. The idea of youth rights is to be judged on its own merits, not by who contributes to the cause.

"It's another form of dividing the community into discrete political groups based on identity, when 'human rights' should suffice."

Laws that discriminate based on age divide the community into discrete political groups, don't they? Yes, they do, and that's why invocations of "human rights" will not suffice as long as so many ageists call themselves supporters of human rights.

(By the way, I don't necessarily oppose every legal discrimination based on age. The law may need to distinguish between an adult and a toddler in a few ways. I admit that youth rights is somewhat more complicated and nuanced than most other civil rights causes.)

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In a sane and functional world, I would agree, but that's not the world we live in. We inhabit a world ruled by clients of Epstein and Maxwell, who, despite whatever random sexting prosecutions occurring in whatever state I'm not aware of, are pushing the boundaries to not only destroy the traditional family unit, but to exploit children in the extreme. Just look at the number of prominent people who have openly supported NAMBLA, and got a free pass from the press and the establishment despite doing so and are now enshrined as cultural icons. They may not openly advertise anymore, but the agenda moves on. The push to allow children to "transition" at any age is just one way this is manifest. We are dealing with the same cult who sacrificed children in mass to Moloch. They have not changed.

Whether we live in a perfect world, or the one we have, until the age of majority, parents are the ultimate authority and discretion as far as their children are concerned, and this has always been so. Whether they exercise this role with responsibility and wisdom is beside the point.

As with the election, the fake pandemic, and everything else, we already have the laws and the tools to deal with child exploitation and inequality, but they are not used effectively because they are being run by the same team as the exploiters. Child protective services in the Western hemisphere are the biggest human traffickers in existence. It seems to me the solution is to clean the house we have.

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You're reminding me of the vicious circle of flawed reasoning that keeps the war on drugs going. Problems such as overdose, contamination, and crime get blamed on drugs themselves when they should instead be blamed on their prohibition, and so prohibition is rationalized as the solution to the very problems it causes.

Something similar goes on with anti-youth ageism. Laws preventing young people from working full time, renting an apartment, or choosing their own guardians only make it easier, not harder, for the Epsteins and Maxwells of the world to exploit teenage "runaways". Your theory about their agenda defies the logic of self-interest. Why should child predators support the empowerment of potential victims?

Your "and this has always been so" glosses over the great many cultural and historical differences in when someone has been considered old enough to do what without a parent's permission. With differences so wide and seemingly arbitrary, how can they not be legitimate subjects of debate?

But the most important reason to support youth rights that I have any hope of convincing you on is probably the year 2020. Did 2020 happen because most of the citizenry were taught submission to arbitrary authority in the first two decades of life? I can't prove it scientifically, but it seems very likely to me.

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If you say so. I grew up in the system, so I have firsthand experience. Your reasoning is an inversion.

"Problems such as overdose, contamination, and crime get blamed on drugs themselves when they should instead be blamed on their prohibition, and so prohibition is rationalized" That is the opposite of what I said. What I said was we already have existing laws and departments, which, if enforced and used for their stated purpose would solve many of the problems. According to your logic, "youth rights laws" *Are* the equivalent of prohibition.

And the idea that easy emancipation would protect children from the Epsteins is absurd on it's face.

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That mask email would've cost me my job. It's shit like that that makes me live in terror of ever rejoining the non-self- employed world- I'd probably be burned at the stake at this point. I've been an outside dog for too long.

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I left my last job when they appointed a transvestite as a - take a deep breath - "wellness counselor". I complained and word got round. I was asked to grovel or leave. I wrote a stinking letter them and left. That was a while ago and I've since heard that the whole place is even more of a lunatic asylum. Mental illness can be as contagious as physical illness.

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Appointing someone who's overtly batshit crazy to oversee "wellness"... What could possibly go wrong?!?!

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As a gay, I've always quietly believed wanting a sex-change was the result of a lack of self-acceptance, and having a close friend (a straight one, no less) "transition" has done nothing to disabuse me of this notion. To say this person escalated from instability to utter insanity is putting it mildly.

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Same here. Your feelings are none of my business. Using this logic, I could demand everyone attend zoom meetings in Bikinis, as I have a fear of concealed weapons and this is the only way I can feel 'safe and comfprtable'

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I was already drafting up in my head my response email pointing out that there is a person on the team who has a fear of people who DO wear masks when not out in public, and why wasn't the team consulted before this arbitrary policy was promulgated, and doesn't that show a lack of concern for team cohesion?

Turn the lever the way it goes, only more so.

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Only if you work for CNN.

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I know I certainly can't go back to rigid schedules, arrogant bosses, and nosey co-workers.

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Not to mention that being over 40 and white I'm basically unhireable unless my vagina is enough representation for them.

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Ahem, it's called a front hole these days.

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It doesn't matter anyway. Just as black people that don't vote for Biden aren't black, women with any conservative values aren't women and don't count for diversity purposes. Just ask Justice Barrett's former sorority and the Girl Scouts.

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the self-employed seem to be the only ones that can stand up and say no! I guess we don't have as much to fear about our employment which is just sad.

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But I recognize it's a privilege and most people are under more pressure to submit.

I'd like to think I'd still pass the test.

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As a Nazi put it when being interviewed by Milton Mayer for “They Thought They Were Free: The Germans, 1933–45”:

“‘I was nothing. Then, suddenly, I was needed. National Socialism had a place for me. I was nothing—and then I was needed.’”

Mayer also describes the ingredients that had been thrown in the pot to create the conditions for mass formation psychosis:

“Crisis is our diet, served up as exotic dishes and dishes ever more exotic before we are able to swallow, let alone digest, those that were just before us.”

These people feed on crisis and anxiety because it gives their lives meaning; without it, they are, as the Nazi confesses, “nothing.” They have no identity outside of the mental illnesses they have cultivated in response to the behavioral psychologists’ Pavlovian incentives and punishments.

As Einstein says:

“The world is in greater peril from those who tolerate or encourage evil than from those who actually commit it.”

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If crisis is their diet why don’t they get off their butts and help rebuild the destroyed communities in Kentucky or Colorado? Or maybe mentor kids through any one of those mentoring programs.

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Because that would require them to lift a pinky; it’s much easier to rack up social capital by virtue-signaling.

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Unfortunate isn’t it? A practice of one of the ancient faiths would be so much more rewarding and challenging and neighbor loving.

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I'm not a big fan of organized religion, but I feel that you are correct. I think mankind has an innate need to explain everything we see, and our current knowledge does not meet that need. Traditional religions provide an outlet for that addiction - "God's Will". Without that core theology people will cling to whatever answer is presented, however ludicrous.

The older I get the more I think that our brains are weird beasts.

- an Urban Injun

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I think there’s more to the religious impulse than the need to explain the mysterious. Jordan Peterson’s talks on Genesis do a brilliant job of addressing this I think.

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I would love to c some of the bibliography uve built up. I appreciate when u introduce other writings 👍👍

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Oh man, that would be quite a task—but a worthy one! Great idea. I’ll add it to my list of a million and eight todo’s ;-)

Meanwhile, you can start with my first essay, “A Primer for the Propagandized: Fear Is the Mind-Killer” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/a-primer-for-the-propagandized) if you haven’t already read it.

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That piece is the one where I found u, actually 😁 appreciate u considering my idea. This whole experience has led me to expand my thinking n my view of "the world."

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Haha, awesome! You’ll find plenty of other book recommendations peppered throughout my other essays, but I agree it would be handy to compile them into a single living bibliography. I’d love to reference that myself! 😆

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I have said from the very beginning... when we accommodate fear, we reinforce it.

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/ evil is empowered by fear

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That was a wonderful article, Mark, and I love your painting!

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Excellent post, whether you call it mass formation, the covid death cult, or MKUltra programming, it's all the same. These peoples' identity began forming over Orange Man Bad and when covid came by they were ripe for the picking.

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Yup. For many Trump Derangement Syndrome morphed into Covid Derangement Syndrome.

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TDS was the gateway drug. Or perhaps, the operating system upon which all sorts of new things could be installed.

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Good point. Once you've got a faction worked up into senseless rage backed by smug self-satisfaction, that rage can apparently be redirected. Make sense, since the rage had no rational connection to its original object (President Trump) from the start.

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So true. I've witnessed this first-hand up-close.

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Me too. There is a direct correlation.

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Drew Holden @DrewHolden360

Nov 9, 2020

Thread (Democrats Trashed Trump's Vaccine They Now Want to make Mandatory?)

Pfizer announced positive trial results for their coronavirus vaccine today. That’s great news, but it’s undermined when Dems & others have pushed a conspiracy that, because Orange Man Bad, the vaccine won’t work.

Don’t remember? Well, follow me down memory lane.


The people who would send you to jail, take away your job for not taking the vaccine were the original anti-vaxxers just because of party politics.


Past vaccine disasters show why rushing a coronavirus vaccine now would be 'colossally stupid' https://www.cnn.com/2020/09/01/health/eua-coronavirus-vaccine-history/index.html

Fast forward;

Biden Says Trump Had No Vaccine Plan Despite Receiving Vaccine Himself https://rumble.com/vdzx3v-biden-says-trump-had-no-vaccine-plan-despite-receiving-vaccine-himself.html?mref=6zof&mc=dgip3&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Dinesh+D%27Souza&ep=2

Joe Biden: "Yes, Absolutely I Do" Blame President Trump For COVID Deaths; "Kick Him Out Of Office" https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2020/09/10/joe_biden_yes_absolutely_i_do_blame_president_trump_for_covid_deaths.html

NBC’s Chuck Todd (always a willing fluffer) to Joe Biden: ‘Do You Think There Is Blood on the President’s Hands?’


They Sold The Vaccines As If They Stop Transmission And Stop The Spread


US tops one million new daily COVID-19 cases – a global record https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/us-tops-one-million-new-daily-covid-19-cases-e2-80-93-a-global-record/ar-AASqkIe

And, that, folks is “science,” political science! And we wonder why so many are acting insane? They’ve been driven there by the government, media, medical complex!

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Hypocrisy is off the charts, yes!

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"Trust the (political) science!"

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Agreed. I've seen so many people - both personally and commentators - be broken by one of these two things. It is really sad. I'm not sure how we come back from this. Can we respect their views on the world ever again given how easily they can become untethered?

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Regarding respecting them; in a word, NO. They, the "complex" have been caught too many times lying, projecting, to ever be believed again. Not until people are held to account will there be any chance of returning to "normalcy."

The "old left," Frank Church and the Abyss of Warrantless Wiretapping

By John NicholsTwitter

APRIL 26, 2006


Church Committee Hearings Domestic Surveillance - 1975 (Opening Mail, Breaking In)


Church Committee: CIA Manipulating News


Is It Time for a New Church Committee?


Historical news footage on the history of # C.I.A. & N.G.O.s;

No longer discussed in the M.S.M. and labeled 'conspiracy theory, but this is the time's major network news program.

# N.E.D. #HybridWarfare # N.G.O. Fake Philanthropy


The "new left;"

Election Wizard @Wizard_Predicts


Jun 17

[THREAD] In the early 90s, the FBI conducted a bizarre infiltration program code-named PATCON, short for "Patriot Conspiracy." #PATCON consisted primarily of three FBI undercover agents posing as members of a fictional right-wing extremist group.


FRONTLINE United States of Conspiracy (Projecting by way of taxpayer funded media. Cute, huh?)

How trafficking in conspiracy theories went from the fringes of U.S. politics into the White House. FRONTLINE examines the alliance of conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, Trump advisor Roger Stone, and the president, and their role in the battle over truth and lies.


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Okay, but at the same time, Trump —as the crypto white hats' public face for an underground organization working (successfully!) to overthrow 'the Cabal'— served as the focal point to form the mass of people who explicitly align themselves with the philosophy "Where we go one, we go all." It is not hard to see how such a mantra institutes a collective, a shared belief in the mutual pain, mutual struggle each faces, and no longer faces alone.

Accepting COVID crystalized a group of authoritarians who became totalitarians on behalf of the globalists means also accepting it crystalized the resistance, using the exact same focal points. Trump, in this sense, was a continuation of the same pattern of "divide and rule" that marked the emotional responses to Obama. The multiracial obverse to the race-negating reverse, flip the coin and the two Camps nevertheless fell down the same.

So, Trump didn't just derange one group of people. He also deranged his supporters. That they are now —but only now?— noticing how Trump was instrumental in beginning and sustaining this round of the biopolitical takeover of Western society that they refuse to join in, how Trump was always in support of vaxxinations and steadfastly encourages his people vaxxinate themselves and others, is a good sign, just as it is a good sign for people to question any totalitarian response to COVID they have previously supported.

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You won't get any argument from me. All of these leaders are puppets. As this live exercise/hoax plays out, we can see that they are all directed by the WEF. And I don't think of TDS as actually caused BY Trump; I see it as something the mainstream media and its deep state directors created. They harped on him as a racist and misognist etc etc every single day, all day. That's where the derangement came from. Not really from Trump at all. Although I am of the mind that he was certainly controlled opposition, if you can even call them that. I think the CIA puts them all in place and then controls them. Just like they do in so many other countries.

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"Accepting COVID crystalized a group of authoritarians who became totalitarians on behalf of the globalists means also accepting it crystalized the resistance, using the exact same focal points. Trump, in this sense, was a continuation of the same pattern of "divide and rule" that marked the emotional responses to Obama. The multiracial obverse to the race-negating reverse, flip the coin and the two Camps nevertheless fell down the same."

Except I don't see Trump playing a part in the intentional release of a biological weapon by two well know enemies; China and the DNC.

Going into the 2020 election the Democrats had nothing on which to run except Orange Man Bad, bogus accusations of Russia, Russia, Russia, bogus "impeachment hearings," more bogus accusations, i.e., Ukraine, bounties for dead American soldiers, and on and on but, nothing of substance; economically, societal, nothing, and China, well, when's the last time a U S President put their feet to the fire on so many important issues? NEVER.

Now they have Beijing Joe in offie, Feinstein, Swalwell, media, educational institutions, many others, sleeping with the enemy so, they were very successful and some people are still stuck on "orange man bad?"

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I'm unsure what you're arguing or advancing here, and that's on me: I'm new to your style of writing and thinking. I appreciate you taking the time to make the point. It's clearly important to you.

That said, if you think there were an intentional release of a biological weapon, what leads you to think not only that this is the case but also that Trump was not "playing a part" in that?

I think there were a number of things the DNC and its candidates ran on besides separation from the former President, but they might not have resonated with what you consider valuable, and so they didn't linger in your thinking about what they were thinking. I don't disagree with you that there are a number of ways we can say the DNC is compromised wrt China —but any detailed examination of that compromise will quickly demonstrate how much China has compromised various parties within the USA, at various levels, from local offices and bureaucracies to the largest Federal and even transnational ones.

Unrestricted warfare for the Chinese has meant taking advantage of the overwhelming weaknesses endemic to the United States of America: the mendacity of its information distribution networks, the corruptibility of key figures in representational politics, the large numbers of addicted personalities throughout the population. Just as the CIA used drugs and drug money to overthrow Central/South American/Southeast Asian nations, China has also been using drugs and drug money (prescription as well as illegal!) to narcotize and defeat the American people. They have even managed to combine this addictive quality in the people with their habitual use of misinformation and repackaged it to Americans in the form of TikTok. It's worked, and the American people are constantly trained and habituated to only form thoughts of a few sentences, even just a few phrases.

Some people might read what I wrote and take stock of their own habits. I know I have my own addictions to own and wrestle with. But I see it, and sometimes hope that others see it as well, in themselves, this habit to reduce the complexities and nuances of their own beautiful thoughts into short, transient phrases and sound bytes. Do you see that, too?

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As promised, here is my attempt to explain my style of writing and how I arrive at my conclusions; I take copious notes and clip thousands of articles pertaining to a subject that often straddles multiple issues. It’s the only way I can deal with the tsunami of miss-information unleashed on us, daily.

I’ll try to break it down in chunks based on your questions;

“That said, if you think there were an intentional release of a biological weapon, what leads you to think not only that this is the case but also that Trump was not "playing a part" in that?”

Initial thought is Occam’s Razor; in this case, who benefited from the “pandemic?” My answer is, China, Democrats, Big Pharma, the Swamp.

To me, one of the first “tells” and, there are always “tells,” was;

Soros: Trump Will "Disappear" In 2020, Or Even Sooner https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2018/01/27/soros_trump_will_disappear_in_2020_or_ever_sooner.html

He said this in 2018.

In my mind, he is the prototypical “Bond Villein,” face in the shadow, stroking the white cat.

His “Rosa Klebb;”

Soros, Pelosi Meeting To Fund And Plot Democratic' Resistance'


(Almost sounds like plotting a coup, an “insurrection,” this being January 6 and the Pelosi spectacle will play out today, loudly; “worst attack since 911, Pearl Harbor, etc., hyperbole to sell yet another bogus narrative, all others having failed.)

To answer your question about Trump participating in this, his own demise, that’s the answer, he wouldn’t.

Now, the “intentional release;”

RET Presents - A Manufactured Illusion (Origins, Patents, CoronaVirus)


Chinese are behind Donald Trump's takedown and are affiliated with Biden.


REVEALED: China’s State Propaganda Group Boasts Control Over Western Think Tanks, ‘Election Integrity’ Groups, And Even Joe Biden’s National Security Team. https://thenationalpulse.com/exclusive/exc-china-state-propaganda-boasts-control-over-think-tanks/

Expert: COVID-19 Likely A Result Of Chinese Bioweapons Program https://www.oann.com/expert-covid-19-likely-a-result-of-chinese-bioweapons-program/

We’re Still Learning About the Pandemic’s Early Days


The impact of the World Military Games on the COVID-19 pandemic


Last year, Congressman #EricSwalwell’s ties to the suspected #ChineseSpy Fang Fang brought Chinese espionage to the forefront of national discussion. But that was just the tip of the iceberg.

Chinese State Media Defends Eric Swalwell, Claims Chinese Spy Report Is ‘Complete Fiction’ https://www.breitbart.com/asia/2020/12/28/chinese-state-media-defends-swalwell-claims-chinese-spy-report-is-complete-fiction/

Chinese virologist: China's government 'intentionally' released COVID-19


WATCH: Explosive, Unearthed Video Shows Peter Daszak (the guy Fauci, NIH funded to circumvent US law on Bio-weapons research) Describing ‘Chinese Colleagues’ Developing ‘Killer’ Coronaviruses.


The above, Fauci, Daszak, was the notorious “lab leak” theory that the left rushed to shut down and now admitted they lied because of Trump. I know, lame but, here, from my notes;

To Deny the "Lab Leak" COVID Theory, the NYT and WPost Use Dubious and Conflicted Sources

A bizarre and abrupt reversal by scientists regarding COVID's origins, along with clear conflicts of interest, create serious doubts about their integrity. Yet major news outlets keep relying on them.


Will she apologize?

Tom Elliott @tomselliott May 25

(Haberman) NYT's @maggieNYT on the Wuhan lab leak theory: "Important to remember ... then-Pres Trump and Pompeo both suggested they'd seen evidence this was formed in a lab ... but they refused to release the evidence ... because of that that made this instantly political."


Catherine Herridge @CBS_Herridge

Former State Dept officials tell  @CBSNews  significant info about the Wuhan lab was buried in government databases + didn’t reach their desks for nearly a year, as there is a new push to know the origins #COVID19  @CBS_Herridge  reports on the lab leak theory


Hunter has ties to the Wuhan Virology lab (Leak)


Exclusive: Samples From Early Wuhan COVID Patients Had Genetically Modified Henipah, One of Two Types of Viruses Sent From Canadian Lab


EXCLUSIVE: Wuhan Lab Found All Genes To Recreate ‘Epidemic Strain’ Of Coronavirus In 2017. https://thenationalpulse.com/news/wuhan-found-genes-to-make-epidemic-coronavirus/

An Urgent Message from Professor Sucharit Bhakdi - Doctors for Covid Ethics (Gene Modification)


EXCLUSIVE: COVID-19 'has NO credible natural ancestor' and WAS created by Chinese scientists who then tried to cover their tracks with 'retro-engineering' to make it seem like it naturally arose from bats, explosive new study claims


Ezekiel Emanuel Downplays Importance of Investigating Wuhan Lab Leak — ‘The Real Issue Is Not How This Happened’ https://www.breitbart.com/clips/2021/05/27/ezekiel-emanuel-downplays-importance-of-investigating-wuhan-lab-leak-the-real-issue-is-not-how-this-happened/

Nolte: Scientists Admit Covering Up Lab Leak Theory to Avoid Being ‘Associated’ with Trump (TDS Cost Lives) https://www.breitbart.com/science/2021/06/18/nolte-scientists-admit-covering-up-lab-leak-theory-avoid-being-associated-trump/

Not wanting to crash “el gato’s” server, I’ll stop for now and continue on, later today.

Thank you for your questions. Note, some of the links may be bad as YouTube and others have a tendency to hide information not in line with the “narrative” being sold to us rubes.

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The Second Chunk.

"I think there were a number of things the DNC and its candidates ran on besides separation from the former President, but they might not have resonated with what you consider valuable, and so they didn't linger in your thinking about what they were thinking. I don't disagree with you that there are a number of ways we can say the DNC is compromised wrt China —but any detailed examination of that compromise will quickly demonstrate how much China has compromised various parties within the USA, at various levels, from local offices and bureaucracies to the largest Federal and even transnational ones."

Starting with the later part, I agree. On our side, we call them RINO's and want them gone.

Regarding the first part of your comment, I'm not sure what Democrat candidate ideas you are alluding too but here is what I meant when I said, "they had nothing;"


Granted, this is from the Trump Whitehouse, but if you differ, please explain what and why.

He accomplished all of those things while under an unrelenting attack from the Democrats, Media, and, Academia. The more he performed, the more he made inroads into traditional Democrat voting blocs, minorities specifically, and blue collar workers, hence the intensity of the fake attacks, i.e., impeachments, etc.

Obama: America is not in decline, Trump lacks 'magic wand' to grow economy http://www.pbs.org/newshour/updates/watch-live-president-obamas-town-hall-in-elkhart-indiana/

"He just says, 'I'm gonna negotiate a better deal.' Well, how? How exactly are you going to negotiate that?" Obama said during the town hall portion of the event. "What magic wand do you have? And usually, the answer is, he doesn't have an answer."

Well, the "magic wand" is the free enterprise system that Socialists can't understand, and why Obama sounded lost, bewildered?

Obama/Biden, WaPo Editors Admit 'Immigrants Do Depress Wages' for U.S. Workers http://www.breitbart.com/texas/2017/08/05/wapo-editors-admit-immigrants-do-depress-wages-for-us-workers/

Now, millions crossing, unvaccinated too boot!


All Jobs, 100% of Female Employment Gains Taken by Foreigners Since 2007: http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/jobs-shock-100-of-female-employment-gains-taken-by-foreigners-since-2007/article/2569824


Low Income Workers See Biggest Drop in Paychecks: http://www.nytimes.com/2015/09/03/business/low-income-workers-see-biggest-drop-in-paychecks.html?_r=0

A moment of honesty in 2015, Biden, Middle-Class Getting Slammed http://dailycaller.com/2015/02/19/biden-the-middle-class-is-being-killed/

New Yorkers SHOCKED to Learn THE TRUTH About Tax Rates in


Obama, Illegal Immigrants Will Harm "the wages of blue-collar Americans": http://dailycaller.com/2014/11/16/shock-flashback-obama-says-illegal-immigration-hurts-blue-collar-americans-strains-welfare-video/

The Trump Era;

2019 in Review: U.S. Economy Strong, Entering the Longest Expansion in History https://www.theepochtimes.com/2019-in-review-us-economy-remains-strong-in-2019-entering-the-longest-expansion-in-history_3183057.html

9/1/2020 Manufacturing Blow Out! Trump Economy Roars To 16 Year High https://creativedestructionmedia.com/news/markets/2020/09/01/manufacturing-blow-out-trump-economy-roars-to-16-year-high/

9/21/2020 U.S. Household Net Worth Hits Highest Level Ever https://www.breitbart.com/economy/2020/09/21/u-s-household-net-worth-hits-highest-level-ever/

NBC Poll: Blue-Collar Workers Flocked to GOP Under Trump (https://www.newsmax.com/politics/republicans-blue-collar-workers-white-collar/2021/02/22/id/1011030/

Nolte: Poll Shows Black Support for Trump at 31 Percent https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/10/29/nolte-poll-shows-black-support-trump-31-percent/

Black and Hispanic unemployment is at a record low


Joe Biden Falsely Claims Donald Trump Campaigned on Idea that 'Black Folks Are Taking Your Job' https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/05/25/joe-biden-falsely-claims-donald-trump-campaigned-idea-black-folks-are-taking-your-job/

Trump's Economy Is Working for Minorities


August 2020 Hispanic Women and Black Men See Greatest Employment Gains in August https://www.breitbart.com/economy/2020/09/04/hispanic-women-and-black-men-see-greatest-employment-gains-in-august/

12/2019 WashPost Admits Trump's Economy Aiding Minorities, Women https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/01/11/washpost-admits-trumps-economy-aiding-minorities-women/

So, again, how could the Democrats and their smear machine compete with these results? They couldn't so enter "The Big Cheat, The Big Steal" predicated on the Pandemic, which was the basis for all illegal mail-in voting (couldn't vote in person and spread the virus, could we?)

Couple that aspect, mail-in voting, with the five swings states all stopping the count in the middle of the night based on lies, i.e., broken water pipe, etc., and then resuming the counting while everyone was gone. Then, miracles of miracles, Biden suddenly leaps into the lead.

"Shortly after midnight (eastern), President Trump was leading in all six of the swing states still in issue: Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona, and Nevada, and had racked up, apart from those six states, 232 electoral votes to Biden's 227.


12/17/2020 Jason D. Meister 🇺🇸

Swing State Historical Imbalance For Biden?

1. "Let's begin by looking at some undisputed swing state data. Take Georgia to start. In 2012, @BarackObama won 1,773,827 votes in Georgia. We are now told @JoeBidenwon 2,473,633 Georgia votes, besting the first black president by a stunning 699,806 votes.


August Takala @AugustTakala

Florida counted 10.5 million ballots in 24 hours. Trump won 51-48. Georgia has taken two days to count 4.8 million votes, and Trump's margin is shrinking. It's remarkable how Biden performs the best in states where counting takes more time.


There is so much more on just this aspect, the stolen election, but I'll stop for now.

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I’m heading out with friends but will “circle back” later and try to explain myself better but we’re in agreement on most everything.

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I agree. I think that many who supported him saw him as an alternative to rampant open corruption. His support for the vax is evidence of his large ego and failure to see how he was manipulated and made some very poor decisions especially around who he trusted.

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I'm hard pressed to come up with a Presidential candidate that doesn't have a large ego. That being said, a lot of his advisors were inherited; Fauci, etc. impeded bureaucrats, i.e., swamp, and in the cesspool of the swamp, he couldn't just go in and wholesale fire everyone.

I remember the time when people, fed up with the lies, the corruption, said, "we need an outsider, a businessman, not immersed and tainted by politics to come in and clean things up. He was doing just that but the onslaught of 24/7 orange man bad was just too much for many to see through. What a shame.

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In retrospect he probably wishes that he wholesale fired everyone. It would have been much better that way.

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Yep. Hundreds of thousands of civil service and union protected “public servants.”

Capitol Protest - Federal Employees Zoom Call Re: Breaking Windows Plans;


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That email is insane. We'll know the COVID crisis is over once they start focusing on the climate crisis again.

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Yes, asking to mask up on zoom is absolutely mentally ill. And the person who allowed it is pathetic, these people need to be named and shamed or they will keep doing this bs. It really is time to stand up and be louder than ever before and get int heir faces. Omicron has blown up the narrative, make them feel the burn.

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Omicron: for those who are too intellectually arrogant to say "cold"

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Or Omnicon

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It would have been unconscionable to ask the person to simply turn off the video feed and just listen in.

Or, it might also just be that the HR person doesn't understand the technological options available to them.

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They are already mixing Climate Change with Covid by saying it causes heart conditions. I have trouble keeping up with this all as it changes daily.

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Jan 5, 2022
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Perhaps there HVAC system was on the Fritz?

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Maybe someone was admitted who said, "I'm feeling a bit under the weather!" and the Climate Change Quick Response Team came slithering down the metal poles.

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🤣🤣🤣 Ghostbusters style

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Boss: What the hell man, showing up for work drunk *again*?

Slacker: Sorry sir, climate change made me do it.

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Climate change n people not wearing a mask in zoom meetings made me do it😂

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Interesting but it does make sense to s good chunk of people. 😬

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Is this the first time in history that society has dealt with a crisis by calling for cowardice rather than bravery?

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Compare FDR (not my favorite prez, but he knew how to lead): "We have nothing to fear but fear itself," with Pres. Joe Brandon: "You're all gonna die!" 😆

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I cannot think of a case. My wife and I have been reading a bio of the Queen Mother, who along with her husband the King, was enlisted by Churchill to keep up British morale when the people were subject to a threat far m more serious than COVID (including death camps if the Nazis won The King, the Queen, Churchill,. and the Labour opposition would have been horrified by what we have done. And George Orwell, a dedicated but self-critical socialist, who also lived through the War, would have many things to say to us today.

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Yes!...they stayed in London during the Blitz, for heaven's sake! They really don't make 'em like that anymore. Had today's leaders been in place during WW2, we would've surrendered on 12/8/41.

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My kids returned to school yesterday after the break and it sounds from them like the teachers were in full fear mode, telling them how dangerous Omicron is and how extra careful they needed to be. My kids luckily see the lunacy but it is so disheartening. It used to be a great school, but has steadily been declining into idiocracy.

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Kids are good that way. They see through Bull shale instinctively and with good humor.

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The silver lining here is that we're (hopefully) raising the most libertarian generation in centuries.

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This notion of catering to the every whim of the mentally ill was established by the woke movement, starting around the early to mid-2010s, via trigger warnings, safe spaces etc. on college campuses. That Zoom call notice uses the exact phrases that far-left organizations were using to justify banning conservatives from speaking on campus. Many people (Peterson, Haidt, Weinstein etc.) were warning back then how dangerous it is to accommodate this kind of distorted thinking. That this issue has only gotten worse since then, shows how dysfunctional our societies' dominant ways of thinking have become.

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Let's stop calling them "woke". It's a dumb-sounding word. They call themselves "Progressives", so that seems like a good enough term to me. Let's make "Progressive" a dirty word.

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It has been going on longer than that. When I was attending university in the late 80s, studying English with a minor in Humanities those same concepts were already being bandied about, we just didn't have a "woke" label yet.

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Agree, a Dean in my medical school in ~1984-5 told us to try to win victories through expressing our feelings, how situations or people made us feel, because "they can't deny your feelings."

Also, I don't know when the grammatical term 'gender' was first highjacked to become a pretend biological term, but that would be another milestone.

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Yeah, for sure. I will say the curve went from linear to exponential during the Obama years, and then straight up in reaction to Trump.

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To the obviously insane Diana Zicklin Berrent: There's no such thing as a mild case of myocarditis. There's no such thing as a mild heart attack. There's no such thing as a mild case of myocarditis, there's no such thing as a mild heart attack.........

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Great idea. I think I'll actually troll her with this on Twitter!

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Be my guest. I don’t have Twitter.

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There's no such thing as a mild case of insanity. She's living proof of it. BTW, what IS it with these double barreled women?

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I have seen, I think, a father of a young man in hospital due to an adverse vax reaction, shown seated by his son and tweeting: "adverse reactions can be managed, Covid cannot"

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If by that he means the spread of the virus cannot be managed, he is correct making use of vaccination to try to do so futile. He is arguing against himself. CoVid, the disease, can be managed, not always successfully, as most diseases can with therapy including drugs which so far have - their use - been almost banned, certainly dismissed out of hand.

Adverse reaction cannot be managed because they occur when the immune system goes out of control, they might be treated by antihistamine but not always successfully. However the injury being caused by the CoVid vaccines are not adverse reactions per se in the normal immune response sense, they are pathological changes at cellular level caused directly by the mRNA agent.

Worse: the young man - assuming fit and well - was at near zero risk from CoVid, making any risk, no matter how small, from the mRNA pseudo-vaccine unacceptable, and his hospitalisation iatrogenic - medical negligence and malpractice.

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‘ There's no such thing as a ‘mild’ case of CoVid.’

‘There's no such thing as… CoVid.’

Two can play at that game Diana darling.

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What if one of their employees also had a fear of masked people? Like a batman complex or something. Or would they consider the inverse to be unreasonable, right wing hate speech?

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I avoid a lot of public places now for that very reason. I don't have a phobia of masks but I'm sick and tired of seeing those vacant, empty stares about the masks.

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Jan 5, 2022Edited
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Great point! This past weekend, there were two ladies at church w no mask. I asked if there was an exemption in the bulletin. They panicked n were about to put the mask on. I reassured them I was not an usher n took off my mask in front of them. They got the biggest smile ever. Then I saw a couple of more people take off theirs. So it can work 👍

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It really is important. We have a duty, I think, to do this when and where we can. The sad thing is, I have not inspired anyone (that I know of) yet. those stares really are empty and vacant, it is so weird, it is like putting on the mask robs them of their soul. Which, it kinda does.

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emptying if the soul. I like that

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Someone should try it🤸🤸🤸🤸🤣

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I'm not going to enable anyone's psychosis

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It is easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled - M Twain

Now substitute brainwash for fool - voila.

Thanks, gato, for another brilliant piece - you have helped preserve my sanity these many months while living in CT, land of evangelical covidians..

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I'm stuck here too. And just imagine, we are supposed to be grateful because NY has Eric Adams and Hochul...

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My son is 17, and is friends with a crew of neighborhood guys. (We homeschool, they go to various other schools, but have been out of school for Christmas). Let's say there are four, including my son. Two of them have been tested as postive Covid over the past 10 days, and the parents are making them isolate for ten days. Both boys had stuffy noses for a day, then were fine. (Why were they tested? I don't know...) But the parents are still making them quarantine, and my son told me last night, one of the boys is going to have to wear a mask when he's out and about when he's freed.

This is literally insane. All of these kids and these families are vaxxed and boosted. Their kid gets a stuffy nose and they are still living in terror? (No big health issues in these families btw, so there's not that excuse.) I mean, I can't wrap my head around the reasoning here.

I know tons of people right now who have "tested postive" for Covid. ALL VAXXED & BOOSTED. I admit my unvaxxed self is smirking over here.

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I teach kids with learning difficulties. I'm also unjabbed. Most of my parents who are double/triple jabbed (kids too, usually) won't let me teach face to face for the time being. These are intelligent people, but they just CANNOT see the craziness of their actions. If the jabs are effective, it doesn't matter if I'm jabbed or not. If they are not effective, why the heck are they getting the kids and themselves jabbed up? I don't know how we can break this cycle apart from (and I don't want this) massed deaths. And even then...

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It does not help that the U.S. does not publish regular data on vaxxed vs. unvaxxed with the same regularity and detail of other countries. Britain's reports really underscore that it looks like these vaxxes aren't doing much, and may be causing increased all-cause mortality.

And Robert Malone, MD just published that piece about the life insurance companies reporting a massive increase in non-COVID death claims. Of course, Team Apocalypse is saying it's still all COVID-related, and not the vaccines causing other damage. And we all know that the spike protein is part of what is causing damage in either case...

We really need independent deep dives into the data, not from gov't stooges. What are people dying of, other than COVID. How old were they? Were they vaccinated? Did they ever have COVID?

Right now, both sides just play off the lack of data. I do not expect Team Apocalypse to EVER let the data be assessed by independent arbiters.

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‘ These are intelligent…’

So are Chimpanzees. Intelligence is not the whole story.

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My 17 year old daughter has COVID. She is in a residential facility for teenagers with profound autism & other comorbidities. It was inevitable, given the environment.

She has home visits on Saturdays. We noticed she had a fairly significant amount of snorking going on, so we rapid tested her. Positive. (She was unvaxxed, but obviously has more natural immunity now.) She's doing okay. Still a bit of a cold and still in quarantine along with several other COVID-positive kids in the house. We Facetime with her every day.

Now that it's five days later, we're all going to rapid test ourselves. I just did. Negative. I'm the only unvaxxed member of the household. It'll be interesting to see what comes up with my son and husband, both vaxxed.

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quickly: "I know [a few; vaxxed] people..." both + and some who have colds - and! they are using "it's just a cold" language - and I think, I hope! they are starting to get a grip i.e. the grip of the "insanity" is loosening ... a very slight straw in the wind (blue state)

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I watched this last ....very highly recommend it! It explains what you are describing. It's Malone, McCullough, and Desmet in a discussion explaining this sort of behavior -- https://rumble.com/vrxr3n-tpc-653-dr.-mattias-desmet-dr.-robert-malone-dr.-peter-mccullough-mass-form.html

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‘… I can't wrap my head around the reasoning here.‘

Because there is no reasoning. Just no cure for stupid.

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Hear in the UK we are all told we must wear masks, again. Yes, despite all the data clearly, patiently, explaining they do not work the UK brainiacs have chosen to mandate a completely ineffective npi, one more time.

However, those who choose, may exempt themselves from wearing a mask. Now doesn’t that feel better? I know I always leave the grocery store with a big smile on my face while the sheeple are hunched over, using the alchohol gel one more time on the way out of the store and masked til they reach safety, I mean their car.

I guess til the silly gov’ts come to their senses, we must take things into our own hands.

P.S. parents you can exempt your kiddies from wearing a mask all day long in school. Just do,it.

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The ‘hand sanitiser’ ritual is hilarious to watch. Nobody uses enough or works it round their hands thoroughly - they might just as well throw a pinch over their left shoulder for luck. Nobody has a clue what it is supposed to do - it’s just a substitute as a hand cleanser when soap and water isn’t available. They believe it protects them if they touch a surface with pesky virus on it in the store. That’s just how dumb they are and why they wear masks and believe what they are told no matter how many times they are lied to.

My preferred protection is a clove of garlic on a string round the neck, and a fly-whisk to swat away airborne virus.

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You made me smile😂😂😂

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Just smile?! Heck I'm gonna try that garlic on a string and fly whisk routine!

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Me too. :)

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That's what I've heard about the UK, Mary: the same bunch of crooked psychos in charge but they are not that efficient at enforcing the globalist line. I've even heard of a self-proclaimed group of Brits who've created an app that shows them as being exempt from any travel restrictions. I live in a small and very conformist European country where even the 40% supposedly against all this, do exactly what they are told. Good to know at least some Brits are fighting back.

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Not at my kid’s school you cant

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Borrowing the great old Neil Sedaka song: 'Waking up is hard to do!'

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