The other issue with the "children are resilient" mantra is that resilience is no excuse to mistreat anyone. Just because someone will bounce back from a black eye doesn't mean I should punch him in the face.

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That mask email would've cost me my job. It's shit like that that makes me live in terror of ever rejoining the non-self- employed world- I'd probably be burned at the stake at this point. I've been an outside dog for too long.

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As a Nazi put it when being interviewed by Milton Mayer for “They Thought They Were Free: The Germans, 1933–45”:

“‘I was nothing. Then, suddenly, I was needed. National Socialism had a place for me. I was nothing—and then I was needed.’”

Mayer also describes the ingredients that had been thrown in the pot to create the conditions for mass formation psychosis:

“Crisis is our diet, served up as exotic dishes and dishes ever more exotic before we are able to swallow, let alone digest, those that were just before us.”

These people feed on crisis and anxiety because it gives their lives meaning; without it, they are, as the Nazi confesses, “nothing.” They have no identity outside of the mental illnesses they have cultivated in response to the behavioral psychologists’ Pavlovian incentives and punishments.

As Einstein says:

“The world is in greater peril from those who tolerate or encourage evil than from those who actually commit it.”

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I have said from the very beginning... when we accommodate fear, we reinforce it.

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Excellent post, whether you call it mass formation, the covid death cult, or MKUltra programming, it's all the same. These peoples' identity began forming over Orange Man Bad and when covid came by they were ripe for the picking.

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That email is insane. We'll know the COVID crisis is over once they start focusing on the climate crisis again.

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Is this the first time in history that society has dealt with a crisis by calling for cowardice rather than bravery?

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My kids returned to school yesterday after the break and it sounds from them like the teachers were in full fear mode, telling them how dangerous Omicron is and how extra careful they needed to be. My kids luckily see the lunacy but it is so disheartening. It used to be a great school, but has steadily been declining into idiocracy.

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This notion of catering to the every whim of the mentally ill was established by the woke movement, starting around the early to mid-2010s, via trigger warnings, safe spaces etc. on college campuses. That Zoom call notice uses the exact phrases that far-left organizations were using to justify banning conservatives from speaking on campus. Many people (Peterson, Haidt, Weinstein etc.) were warning back then how dangerous it is to accommodate this kind of distorted thinking. That this issue has only gotten worse since then, shows how dysfunctional our societies' dominant ways of thinking have become.

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To the obviously insane Diana Zicklin Berrent: There's no such thing as a mild case of myocarditis. There's no such thing as a mild heart attack. There's no such thing as a mild case of myocarditis, there's no such thing as a mild heart attack.........

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What if one of their employees also had a fear of masked people? Like a batman complex or something. Or would they consider the inverse to be unreasonable, right wing hate speech?

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I'm not going to enable anyone's psychosis

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It is easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled - M Twain

Now substitute brainwash for fool - voila.

Thanks, gato, for another brilliant piece - you have helped preserve my sanity these many months while living in CT, land of evangelical covidians..

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Jan 5, 2022·edited Jan 5, 2022

My son is 17, and is friends with a crew of neighborhood guys. (We homeschool, they go to various other schools, but have been out of school for Christmas). Let's say there are four, including my son. Two of them have been tested as postive Covid over the past 10 days, and the parents are making them isolate for ten days. Both boys had stuffy noses for a day, then were fine. (Why were they tested? I don't know...) But the parents are still making them quarantine, and my son told me last night, one of the boys is going to have to wear a mask when he's out and about when he's freed.

This is literally insane. All of these kids and these families are vaxxed and boosted. Their kid gets a stuffy nose and they are still living in terror? (No big health issues in these families btw, so there's not that excuse.) I mean, I can't wrap my head around the reasoning here.

I know tons of people right now who have "tested postive" for Covid. ALL VAXXED & BOOSTED. I admit my unvaxxed self is smirking over here.

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Hear in the UK we are all told we must wear masks, again. Yes, despite all the data clearly, patiently, explaining they do not work the UK brainiacs have chosen to mandate a completely ineffective npi, one more time.

However, those who choose, may exempt themselves from wearing a mask. Now doesn’t that feel better? I know I always leave the grocery store with a big smile on my face while the sheeple are hunched over, using the alchohol gel one more time on the way out of the store and masked til they reach safety, I mean their car.

I guess til the silly gov’ts come to their senses, we must take things into our own hands.

P.S. parents you can exempt your kiddies from wearing a mask all day long in school. Just do,it.

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Borrowing the great old Neil Sedaka song: 'Waking up is hard to do!'

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