In reading this, I can’t help but think how people of faith are at an historic crossroads. We can no longer afford the luxury of hunkering down in our churches and depending on the relative comfort of separation from the world. While it is true we should be “in the world but not of the world,” the rubber needs to meet the road. What would God have us do? Jesus turned over the tables of the money changers. We need to speak truth to evil. That’s what Jesus would do.

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and remember the old saw "The Lord helps those that help themselves."

The money changers is a very important element in the mess we are in today. Globalists and Wall Street and Central Banksters = the too big to fail crowd has failed because they all bought the idea that they were the smartest guys in the room.

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They don’t have to be the smartest when their interlocked monopolies control everyone else in the room.

They were smart enough to figure that out.

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Yup! and look what that has done to the world.

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Jul 8
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And when they deign to tell us "You didn't build that" like Obama did in 2012...


...they were telling us that which *they* giveth *they* can taketh away...


...as they imagine themselves gods.

Which is how Rishi Sunak can now hold his hands up victoriously and proclaim, "Mission Accomplished!"


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Mike Davis and Dave Brat are discussing just this on Warroom right now. They mention if the Leftist cabal wins in November it will be people like Chutkin replacing Thomas on the Supreme Court. Game, Set, Match

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Very well said.

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Men are men and women are women is one of the most evil things one can say today…. It’s all nuts. More people agree with us than disagree.

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And to your point, more of us should start refusing to go along with it, fearing that we’ll offend someone! They’re not a trans woman, they’re a guy pretending to be a woman. They’re not Minor Attracted Persons, they’re pedophiles. They’re not undocumented immigrants, they’re illegal aliens. Using their terminology gives them legitimacy. We need to call them what they are!

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Live not by lies.

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You're right! A spade don't like it when you call a spade a spade! Too bad. It's time for...

From the bottom of the deck you got the card that you played

Afraid if you don’t cheat that you won’t make the grade

You’re sitting pretty counting up the fortune that you made

And a spade don’t like it when you call a spade a spade


With insider tips you got the stocks that you trade

Need a wheelbarrow to carry all the loot that you made

Got a smile on your face as you keep up the charade

And a spade don’t like it when you call a spade a spade


Chemtrail sky, we see the lines that you sprayed

Spraying us like you got a can of Raid

But when the light comes on you try to find some shade

And a spade don’t like it when you call a spade a spade


Can’t believe a thing from the statements that you made

In a river of lies is where you choose to wade

The shining light of truth is the one you can’t evade

And a spade don’t like it when you call a spade a spade

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Bravo! That was so well done!

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Darn right. Jesus would've turned water into AK-47s and distrubuted them to reincarnated Founding Fathers long ago.

Time to get off knees and stand up!

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i have it on good authority that jesus was more of an M4 guy...

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He be strappin'!

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lol, like

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With St. Michael backing him up in the belfry with a Barrett 82A1 .50 BMG...

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nice. i can't get that picture out off my head

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Mark II Safari.

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All that "meek and mild" idiocy was the model for all of propaganda to come.

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Jul 6
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Mostly and often.

These people who worship the Hollywood--or Nicaea--version of Jesus would faint to encounter all that actual earthy hairy vigorous and radical Jewness.

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Even David eventually had to pick up a stone against Goliath

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Put not your trust in princes.

~Psalm 146:3

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"People of faith" have always wanted tyranny over others whose own faith in their own instincts didn't align with force-fed dogma. Political parties merely extended the practice.

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Speak the truth in love. Live honorably. Do not tolerate lies or liars.

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Religion and the Church have little effect on the vast powers of darkness, they are due for drastic revision in the future.

Creation has ways of saving the Earth which holds a Goddess of extreme age and beauty.

In London 1958 Jesus came to put right faults in "The Twelve Blessings".

Ref, aetherius.org. - and Dr.George King (1919-1997 ).

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Exhibit A: Trump had both the house & senate his first 2 years but was as stymied by midwits like Paul Ryan & Mitch McConnell as by the lunatic left.

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And now we know they’re just another branch of the Uniparty!

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Uniparty delenda est!

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A Latin aficionado! Sexy.

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And Long Time No See, Jules!

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I thought the same thing when I saw your name!! Hope all is well with you.

Love these Substack writers/ articles - unfortunately I don't have enough time in the day to read all the articles I subscribe too - let alone all the comments. But I DO get an enormous amount of pleasure and gratification when I engage with the 'Commenters'. You are one of my favorites. 😘

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Same about Substack and time.

And also the commenters, and you're surely one of my favorites. ☺️

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Ryan and McConnell personally HATED Trump and still do.

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Yes, but just like the lunatic left, those RINOS put their personal animus above what was best for the country. That makes them worse than the left IMO

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Isn’t that the God awful truth. And it seems to be what motivates about half of this country, which is most unsettling to me. Why is it that for so many the mere mention of his name results in an immediate 30 point drop in IQ….

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The country has definitely lost its way & is swirling the proverbial bowl. I’m afraid we may not get it back, that’s it’s too late. I’m 65 so I can fondly remember being very free, very little regulation (helmets, seatbelts, being “free range” in the neighborhood, etc) & I got to live that, but I despair for my kids

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Ryan bragged about loving Atlas Shrugged then turned into Bertram Schutter's boss.

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Trump would have undone Obamacare had it not been for that "hero" John McCain. He provided the single vote needed under the circumstances to sink the repeal-and-replace in the Senate. I forget what his lame excuse was.

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Im an AZ native; McCain was very popular but ultimately a disgrace

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Stymied from doing what? Spend more?

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Building the wall, for one thing!

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True. But he also wanted a big beautiful door in it. I am not clear on what Trump’s true intentions are. We need to crack down on hiring illegals to make it inhospitable here for them. I don’t know if trump would do that to businesses. I hope he does

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He’s been pretty clear on that issue. Whether he can pull it off or not remains to be seen. He was able to plug that gap even without the wall last time. Also, he can make it very difficult to hire illegals. I was in business during his administration and we had to run every applicant through the eVerify system before hiring. There are things he can do. I think the will of the people and the court of public opinion will dictate some of these changes.

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Thanks for the testimony. Good to hear from those actually in the trenches.

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eVerify is still in effect. However, it is unlikely that anyone is enforcing its use at this point.

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Precisely! The rule of law has been thrown out the window.

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When he had both houses of congress for 2 years he couldn’t get the wall fully funded. That’s not stymied?

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Trump never 'had the House.'

Sure, there were more (R)s but people were still trying to decide whether Trump was helping them or hurting them in their reelection bids.

I think that choice has become more stark.

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And the Rs who were 'Washington Establishment' wanted nothing to do with Trump. I think they made it loud and clear - "anybody out there who can hear this - we will not tolerate outsiders!!"

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Those UK results are a near-mirror image of the results of the last Canadian election, where less than one in three eligible voters voted for the Castro bastard child. And here, the same fault lines: a "Tory" party led by a Millhouse rat who won't do much if anything to halt the catastrophic, truly batshit crazy immigration numbers in Canada: a million-plus per year of mostly South Asian wage slaves living ten to a house and taking over every industry from serving coffee to trucking to IT to, increasingly, electoral politics to the point where our defence minister thought it more important to evacuate from Afghanistan fellow Sikhs whose votes he needs rather than, you know, actual soldiers.

Since Trudeau was elected in 2015, he has engineered Canada now having close to one in five of people living here not even being citizens, nearly eleven million people in less than a decade. His "post-national state" is coming into fruition.

Every institution in this country is a hollowed-out husk. Native born Canadians are the enemy of this government and the managerial elite of this country. The *only* hope is the PPC, what is now the equivalent of Nigel Farage's Reform Party (a name that is a nod to a previous Canadian party). The centre "right" of this country has been just as much an agent of destruction of this country as much as Trudeau and the campus communists of the New Democratic Party. Any half-intelligent person in Canada under 30 needs to either fight or flee.

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True - Canada seems screwed from here in America. Of course, every idiotic lib in America just loves the Canada of today…

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If you dig into Maxime Bernier you'll find his WEF status scrubbed and he is also part of the Laurentian Mob. Here to split the vote.

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Probably. But at least he's *saying* what needs to be said. Who else is?

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True nuff

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The best we can hope for is politicians going to the front lines to fight their own wars

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Gone are the days when the king led the troops into battle.

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The real true right leadership is in the red states - DeSantis, Kemp, Youngkin and others. Trump might win this year, but at best he has 24 months to accomplish his goals. I agree with others - the RINOS did nothing for him last time. I appreciate Trump is he is strong internationally and pushes back. He needs to focus on 3 things to be effective - secure the border / kick out the illegal criminals here now, fire as much as he can in the swamp and make DC get control of spending. Gratefully, if he does win he’ll get some more supreme and judicial nominations- we don’t need any more left wing nitwits.

RINOS suck - they’re good for nothing unless you are their pocket.

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Trump also needs to get the seditionists and traitors prosecuted and jailed an/or executed. If these people don't start getting punished for their crimes it will never stop.

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I feel like I owe my fellow Republicans an apology. I don’t know why I never understood clearly why sticking to a two-party system was so important, and I was even tempted this year to vote for an independent. I wanted someone who was going to focus on the things we all want and are most important and I didn’t know if Trump was truly going to address Covid properly OR the swamp.

But seeing the results of the UK election caused it to click in my mind finally. I get it now. They had way too many parties running and that means it is impossible to ever, EVER have a “majority rules”. No one will EVER be happy but the few/minority! Even with just three in our country it splits the vote too much. If Biden were to win on only 30% of the vote I would be enraged. We should double down our efforts to ensure that our party is picking the best candidate that represents us all the most and not just a centrist few. But we don’t ever do that. We aren’t as involved in that primary process and then by the election it’s way too late. The RINOs have had too much control over the primaries for the past few decades.

Trump may not represent everything I want to be done, but he is damn closer than most, and he at least keeps our faith on his radar and sees the importance of it. I’m glad we have gotten fed up and are backing him the way we are. But we need to use our efforts to push him to pay attention to WHY we liked RFKJr, and to align with those same issues. Then we will feel represented by our Republican candidate.

The Democrats failed ALL the democrats by not allowing RFKJr to represent them. What a crying shame. That’s a democrat I can at least respect and would be willing to work alongside. He has shown that he can learn and change and evolve, and he has decency and hates corruption. But they screwed themselves by screwing him. That put him in a position to have to split the two party vote. That’s on the Democrats. It’s only on us if we split our vote too.

There’s a reason so many of us are tempted to cast our vote for RFKJr as an independent. But we are approaching that wrong. I now see my responsibility is not to abandon my burning Republican ship and identify as an Independent, but to remain a Republican and splash buckets of cold water on our ship, push my fellow republicans to adopt the agendas that I liked of that Independent party.

I hope that makes sense? I know many of you have always understood this, but some of us are in the throws of political growing pains still and are just learning the finer nuances.

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Perfectly articulated, Juju!

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I hear you & think many very similar thoughts. However, two BIG problems keep cropping up- One: DJT both created Operation Warpspeed, which created a deadly genetic & toxic slop for injection into Humanity, once it's horrible consequences became clear, kept pushing it, bragging about it, in fact, & all this after running on the vaccine issue in 2016 & promising an investigation into Autism with Bobby Kennedy in charge, which he threw under the bus the moment he was elected.


Listen to Catherine Austin Fitts.

Trump also went for the Lockdowns, which killed millions, worldwide, bankrupted 3.3 million businesses, destroyed the lives of kids & youth across our Nation, & irrevocably changed our future, exactly as WEFers wanted!

Now, I don't trust Trump one itty, bitty, tiny bit.

I do believe he won't start a hot WW3, thank God, and that he will be good for our economy.

But, he's proven he is either in on the WEFing plan, (depop & total control,) or he can be fooled when someone as simple as I was not, or, he can be blackmailed into submission.

Until I know which of those three things happened, for certain, I cannot vote for him again.

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There’s a fourth alternative: no single person can stay on top of all issues every single minute of every day. It’s humanly impossible. You have to appoint good people who you trust to do the job the way you would if you had the time to do it firsthand. However Trump was never a politician before. Our country needed him because he is a damn good businessman and could get us out of debt and become financially secure again, looking to America’s interests first. But when it came to appointing people to head up the many different departments, that’s where he had to heavily rely on and trust the recommendations of the veteran republicans who knew who was who. It was their territory he came into. I think he ended up trusting the judgement of the wrong republicans, and many RINO opinions and appointees, not realizing how deep their roots went into corruption. It’s not like they were going to be transparent with him, but rather take advantage of his naivety. Not being part of their “world” for very long meant he couldn’t know that at the time.

IMHO he certainly should know now! And if I were him I’d say screw you to anyone who didn’t like me bringing in non-politically seasoned friends to do the jobs I need done, people whom I trust with my life and who would stay my course no matter what, while I pass over the over-eager, disingenuous, governmental lifers. If he wins I want to see him make some bold moves and to tell most of the party to F*k off while he gets out the mop.

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"There’s a fourth alternative: no single person can stay on top of all issues every single minute of every day."


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This was not "an issue." This was whether or not to develop something never deployed on humans, en masse, that never made it through safety testing, & hand it over to the military with TOTAL INDEMNIFICATION, all for a virus with a lower infection fatality rate than influenza, in most age groups.

And it was going for Lockdowns.

Never, ever reccommended because they always kill more people than they help.

DeSantis could read & I will not vote for someone who cannot, apparently.

It isn't rocket science & for me, the Buck Stops at the President's Desk.

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I certainly understand your position. I felt the same way until recently.

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The challenge for me in your thinking is the Plandemic was the top priority for Trump at that time so his focus clearly was there and he missed badly. He caved to the biocartel as foreshadowed by not allowing Bobby to run a full research-based investigation which ironically bit him in the ass 4 years later. He still won’t admit error there.

Second, he did a miserable job with debt accumulation to prop the market. His business instincts were to take care of today and hope for the best. Well, here we are with $34T debt and no talk of how to fix it.

Third, he lies like a rug.

Kennedy doesn’t dodge any of this…

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He is for sure a wef puppet also. How many times did he go to davos??

Catherine Austin Fitts=oraculum of our age

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Not voting is a kind of voting.

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"Trump may not represent everything I want to be done, but he is damn closer than most"

Your vote is not a Valentine.


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Wow. Well said

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In California we have what they call "jungle primaries". Sometimes dozens of people are on the ballot for the big offices, and they all funnel off votes. Most of the time we end up with the two top candidates (who will go against each other in the election) as Democrats, so Republicans don't have a chance. That is exactly why California's Democrats have a supermajority that seemingly can't be broken.

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The most untouchable, entrenched evil was dealt a fantastic blow in the overturning of the Chevron Doctrine that gave a Federal Bureaucracy (the real evil in my opinion) a blank check. For me, it is less the corporatists and any of the crony-capitalists that distort: they have no power without the power of the bureaucracy to toss your tax dollars and the exploding debt around like sailors at a strip club. It is an ugly symbiosis but the progressive march (such astounding hubris) through the institutions is where I am focused. And you are correct: there is no reform, only fire. Afuera!

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Bingo! The Chevron ruling was huge! I think there are many who still don’t understand the impact to the Deep State with the elimination of the 4th (unelected) arm of the government. This is a giant step forward.

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I just read Dr. Jessica Rose substack cross-posted a post from Courageous Discourse™ with Dr. Peter McCullough & John Leake

Making progress. The disciplinary panel of the CPSBC took judicial notice of a revised version of this point: Health Canada has approved COVID vaccines, and regulatory approval is a strong indicator of safety and effectiveness.

British Columbia Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons Defeated on Judicial Notice in Canada. The Chevron Deference case in the US Supreme court was mentioned by the court in deciding for Dr. Hoffe. (Judicial notice is a method used by a court when it declares a fact presented as evidence as true without a formal presentation of evidence).

The decision by the British Columbia Disciplinary Panel of the College of Physicians of Surgeons of British Columbia prevents regulatory bodies from saying “it is so because we say it is so”.

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…is the tide turning at last?! More and more indicators that unelected regulatory agencies are losing their stronghold. This decision by the BC Disciplinary Panel shows how rulings in one country can impact another.

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Hoffe is a genuine physician, truth-teller, & a great Christian as well. That the forces of darkness could not prevail against him despite all that they tried, gives us great hope!

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"a fantastic blow in the overturning of the Chevron Doctrine"

Next up: Wickard vs Filburn

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A wonderful sermon from cats on defeating entrenched RINOs who are always happy to be the loyal opposition. Their best time was the 40 years they were the minority party. But rust never sleeps and they rusted while the left moved ever forward with their agendas. And now we are actually debating about the "rights" 57 genders, men in women's sports as long as they cosplay the part, transitioning children into the other real gender but by doing that become eunuchs and life long clients of the medical and pHarrma systems. Forever wars concentrate the money of those who do the work of growing our food, building and repairing roads, collecting the trash, labor in the factories, clerk in the stores. into the hands of the banksters. The result, now those working people can no longer afford to buy and own their homes. Meanwhile the elites build their bunker estates in the far corners of the world to attempt to insulate themselves from whats coming. Or, am I being too cynical?

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Clear thinking and realistic. Not cynical, Swabbie Robbie:)

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"Or, am I being too cynical?"

You say that like it's Bad Thing.

"malo means bad."

- River Tam, almost

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*Happy Hour, Georgetown, $47 Manhattans, hushed voices*

D: "So I have this really awful idea for a terrible bill. But if you can get a few of your people on board, we can really rake it in."

R: "You can think _that's_ an awful terrible idea? Hold my Manhattan."


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Well said

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It took me twice to get this.

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Thanks for giving it a second look.

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: )

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Left, right and middle in our congress continue to spend with no budget. A few small groups have tried to stop this self help pork fest, but are attacked and marginalized. This will not work forever, and should never have been tolerated. It’s going to take an Argentina like change with much suffering to fix it now.

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But before an Argentinian like change, I fear we will become more like Venezuela, with a 300% inflation rate. It’s going to take things getting much, much worse before the average American understands that this situation is of our own government’s doing, and not muh, covid!

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Truth. Buckle up Trump can’t stop the spend either. He may do good things to trim fat and rein it in but he’s gonna need to keep printing or the house of cards collapses

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Depends on how much fat he’s able to cut. Certainly he’ll stop the billions going to Ukraine, and other countries. He can certainly slow the runaway train, which is better than the full on train wreck we’re facing in this regime! It’s certainly our best option at the moment, but you're right…buckle up!

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Best option by far. But putting the brakes on the Fed will crash us pretty good. $1T in interest every 100 days needs to be printed, I can’t pay it, can anyone? Stop the overseas spending, drill baby drill, and please pivot to nuclear while we are at it!

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You may be right

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I sure hope I’m not, but I for one, will be as prepared as I am able, just in case!

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In the US, “center right” is just another name for RINOs.

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Totally agree. "The thirty-odd years since the Reagan-Thatcher 1980s have not been a happy time for right-of-centre administrations in the Western world. This is despite having been allotted plenty of years ‘in power’ by voters wanting them to fight their traditional corner. They certainly did not vote for the cultural dismemberment that actually happened in those years but most tend nevertheless to accept all the ‘woke’ nonsense around them with a shrug, a bit like they accept the weather. But a new, fiercer wind is blowing in conservative journalism – particularly in America. Exasperation at a decades-long failure to stand up to the great Progressive Leviathan is what is blowing it. The words ‘counter-revolution’ are in the air. The notion comes in various strands; all of them impeccably non-violent but not necessarily all entirely ‘democratic’ (in the usual political sense). One, for instance, envisages a kind of Gramscian long march in reverse. But a big obstacle needs to be addressed if anti-'woke' thinking is to be turned into political rhetoric with a broad appeal. Thanks to the internet, there is – unlike in the 1980s – now a wealth of journalism, of impeccable probity, investigating and interrogating the prevailing left-liberal narratives on race, gender and much else. Now, any open-minded person can - if the will is there - find persuasive, evidence-based refutations of those MSM narratives with their wilful seeking of ‘discrimination’, emotional ‘trauma’ and minority victimisation stories often diametrically opposed to evidence. If the will is there – therein lies the rub. As Saul Bellow put it “a great deal of intelligence can be invested in ignorance when the need for illusion is deep.......” https://grahamcunningham.substack.com/p/mrs-thatcher-and-the-good-life

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i would argue that the US caught a reprieve in the 90's. it elected clinton, who started off with a much harder left ideology (mostly run by hillary) and it blew up on the launchpad. his first midterms was a historic trouncing that swept the highly principled and effective gingrich congress and the contract with america into power. they laid out a simple, tangible agenda to cut government and enhance rights right down to having the laws they would seek to pass already in text form for people to assess. it was a remarkable movement and vision and it saved the US from a decent into collectivist technocracy and brought us the vibrant 90's.

but we lost ground in the 2000's an an activist fed started trying to control markets and a technocracy flourished under the weak leadership of shrub and his neocon hijacking and interventionist fiscal ideas. the 2008 crisis broke all discipline and set up 8 years of BO (really those behind him as he himself was weak) whose ideological, technocratic, and lawfare tendencies we have never recovered from.

we stand now at a point where the institutions these ideas have tainted cannot be fixed or repaired. it's time for wholesale removal. there is no other course.

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"It may not be a PERFECT system, but it's the best one there is!"

Yup. Their classic argument. I also hear this one all the time:

We may not have all the data, and the data might conflict with itself and no evidence we can forecast anything at all, but your data isn't even data. It's Putin loving, Marxist, Nazi, racist, anti-vaxx, Trumper propaganda.

Basta! Afuera!

Thank you, Gato!

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Don’t forget Milei in Argentina.

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I get that first cat meme was a riff on Milei but until I saw ‘Afuera!’ I thought it was a cat version of Osha-May in an Acolyte wig.

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The best magic trick is the one that gives the illusion of choice.😉

In every country, in every locale, its the same. They are all the same party. It's a shell game con on a side street hustle, and the collective public is the mark, that just got conned and lost their $50.😉

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The Progressive Left are MASTERS at moving the Overton Window... Things you think today that are "extreme" will be accepted and openly talked about in a few short years... The "mushy middle" who slip their fingers in their mouths and hold it up to see which way the wind is blowing are the ones who have allowed the Overton Window to be moved at such a rapid pace...

Trust me when I tell you, there is NO mushy middle on the left... They are also masters at gaslighting you into believing that they are just "reasonable people who want the same things as you"... Name one time where they gave REAL concessions on an issue... don't think very long because you can't...

The problem with the "Center right" is they still desire to be liked... F that... you may not like me but you WILL respect me and hopefully that same group will just join the left...

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Agree, 100%. Being “nice” never wins the war, and this is nothing less than that…a War!

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