"NO healthy person under 50 should take either of these vaccine based on heart risks alone." About 6-8 months back, I had an M.D., a woman with decades of experience in drug trials, the CFA, and FDA procedure, make a *very* similar statement to me. Many, if not most folks in our shared group--composed of skeptics and disbelievers--thought she was being overly dramatic. I thought she was likely correct, but I understood the wisdom of not being painted with the broad brushstroke of "vaccine denier," despite the evidence mounting even back then. Now, she seems like she was the only one among us who had a freaking clue! And here we are, with this crap being not only used, by mandated! The mind reels. The heart bleeds. Wow. Just wow...
Beautifully summarized yet heart-wrenching analysis. My employer is requiring me to upload documentation that I have taken these pharmaceutical products or face termination - I'd love to send this article in its place.
"If you have your health, you have your wealth." I know it's easy for me to say, but I cannot fathom why a person would take a risk on the jab just to keep a job, be able to go shopping or to shows, etc. I know the following is opinion: there are fates worse than death. I'm lucky enough to not be in such a situation ("yet") but I would rather be dead than in various states of disability.
That sucks, sorry your being put in a position of making a painful choice. And liability is out the window, employers aren’t liable, big pharma, public health officials, politicians… they’re putting people in a position of taking something that could really F-them up, and then leaving you out in the cold. Their hands are drenched in blood, it’s diabolical.
In early August, the CDC Director admitted to Blitzer on CNN that the jabs do not stop infection or transmission of the Delta variant and that the fully vaxxed and unvaxxed have similar viral loads.
Since the jabs don't stop infection or transmission of the delta variant, which has swept the globe, the decision to take a vaccine or not is a matter of personal risk assessment and bodily autonomy.
Ask your employer why he is mandating a vaccine that doesn't stop infection or transmission.
And let him know that the UK is now dealing with the "delta plus" variant, which has acquired two of the four mutations it needs to completely evade vaxx immunity.
You are so good at links and one liners! Can you do your magic for kids jabs? I'm just someone who gets overwhelmed. I could never write a concise research paper in grade school--I was the kid who wrote 10 pages when you only needed 6.
There really isn't much data and information about the jabs in children because they haven't been out there for very long. The risk to the heart is greater in younger adolescents, especially boys. IMO, it's reasonable to assume the risk is higher in younger children.
Children don't have much risk from this virus, especially healthy children. IMO, there is no benefit...only risk. Frankly, I don't think the risk benefit makes sense for anyone regardless of age or comorbidity.
Why are they pushing these vaccines for children when the CDC director admitted they don't stop infection or transmission of the delta variant? The dose is lower for the pediatric vaccines, but the mRNA "instructions" to create the spike are the same. The same is true of the boosters they're pushing for adults. FYI, there's a new variant in the UK called "delta plus" that has already acquired two of the four mutations it needs to completely evade vaxx immunity. Soon the vaxxes will be completely useless.
There is also some concern that "vaccination" before infection might impair a person's ability to mount a durable immune response to infection. They don't know how long this suppression might last...perhaps for a lifetime.
From page 26...
"(iii) recent observations from UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) surveillance data that N antibody levels appear to be lower in individuals who acquire infection following 2 doses of vaccination."
One: Will the French let the 30 and under into shops and restaurants?
Two: Someone in my neighborhood face planted FACE PLANTED on the sport court the day they got their third shot of poison. The person felt compelled to because they have a vulnerable spouse that wanted him to get it. He is older but in amazing health. Better than most 30 YO. Not fat, no high BP, no cancer, No diabetes. Face planted, taken to the hospital with a heart problem. He had NO HEART PROBLEM. He has to get a physical for work where they check his heart. No smoke. No drink. Keeled right over. I know these details because my husband talked to him before his booster. I am so mad.
I watched someone ( ayoung person) face plant at an MLS game where they were vaccinating. No causation known as I was a bystander. But I'll say in all my years, I've never seen anything like this. Still wondering after a month exactly what I witnessed.
Betty, thank you for replying. It sort of helped me reading it. And disturbed me. 2 conflicting but true things. I have seen plenty of people trip or stumble backwards (including me - haha) on the court and actually get pretty hurt, but never someone go white and crumple like no bones and all skin. My friend said I shrieked "911" so loud that people a mile away could have heard.
Yes, Raptor, I too have seen lots of falls and trips, even outright fainting. But this was something different. Almost as though someone yelled "Timber". Poor guy, even if he survived had major facial or head trauma (the blood was pooling quite quickly). I won't be forgetting this for a long time.
Very interesting to hear firsthand accounts! Because when I watch those compilation videos of the athletes keeling over, it's pretty bizarre. I am not a big sports fan, but I have watched every single game of every world cup since 2002 and I do not recall ever seeing similar footage. Which media sharks would SURELY have played on repeat because they all love carnage. How do people not start asking questions??
What is it going to take to get an article as detailed as yours explaining the dangers in no uncertain terms in a crap paper like the WSJ? Even the WSJ is utterly pathetic in this regard right now.
Amen, gato. It’s absolutely criminal what we are doing to healthy young people. Especially healthy young men.
I worry about my moderna’d brothers but they are slightly over 30 and not terrible athletic and probably never going to get married or have children anyway
They still only recognize 2 adverse events. Once you factor in all of the other adverse events, initial risk of the virus itself from the vaccine, the potential impact to future viral immune response (ie. weakened NI), limited time benefits (6 months), AE's from future boosters, and on and on and on... no one should be taking this vaccine.
You can look at the safety studies for Moderna and Pfizer vaccines. For both, the data tables are in the Supplementary Appendix. Moderna had roughly 30x higher excess severe (Grade 3) adverse event rate than Pfizer.
It's kind of late in the game to say "oops, perhaps we shouldn't be vaccinating people under 30"
when 75% of people age 18-30 have already been vaccinated.
I am finding the unwavering conviction in these vaccines puzzling. For example, Sweden's Tegnell said in the UnHerd interview (in September):
"I think the big change, since we talked last time, is really the vaccinations. There, we really found the tool that’s going to make the difference. And all the other things we have tried are not going to be very important anymore, because reaching and achieving a high vaccination level is the one way we can get out of this pandemic. There does not seem to be any other way, really."
Yeah, we are on the Titanic, but we don’t just have the iceberg to worry about, we also have a nuclear warhead on board... and the situation is being reported by a bunch of bird brained seagulls- in the middle of the night.
When I look at data and read papers, I have similar issues as discussed here.
I am seeing the same problems. But, I also wonder if I am not seeing or
understanding something.
Richard Feynman said: “The first principle is that you must not fool yourself, and you are the easiest person to fool.”
But he also said: "It does not matter who you are, or how smart you are, or what title you have, or how many of you there are, 𝗶𝗳 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗽𝗿𝗲𝗱𝗶𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗶𝘀 𝘄𝗿𝗼𝗻𝗴 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗻 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗵𝘆𝗽𝗼𝘁𝗵𝗲𝘀𝗶𝘀 𝗶𝘀 𝘄𝗿𝗼𝗻𝗴."
In the Tegnell interiew, you can exhange "vaccines" for "natural immunity". I think he assumes that Sweden has a pretty good level of natural immunity, but due to political pressure he is letting the vaccines take the credit. Since Sweden was heavily criticized for its "herd immunity strategy" he is really not allowed to mention that anymore, but of course he knows that natural immunity is what is getting us out of this pandemic. It's especially interesting to watch the Swedish interviews or press conferences. Everytime he talks about the vaccines his voice gets a bit strained, but then when he switches to something that he really believes in (like for instance "stay home if you sick") then he gets much more relaxed. Of course he believes in the vaccines to some degree, but I don't think he really believes that it's what will get us out of the pandemic.
But noble lies are also bad. We had so many in this pandemic and they are
one of the reasons nobody trusts public health authorities.
And Sweden also went the same route as everybody else with universal vaccination.
While their pandemic response was to protect the vulnerable (which they largely failed) and let everybody else alone, they opted to vaccinate everybody as well.
I don't know a single country that would say: we only want to vaccinate vulnerable
(and whoever wants it).
I am wondering about natural immunity hypothesis. Sure, Sweden had way less restrictions than other countries, but people still adjusted their behavior voluntarily. And there was work from home, some school closures, restaurants/bars limitations. And other European countries had basically two full summers with almost no restrictions, so I am wondering whether spread in Sweden really was that much higher or is that just a myth. Look at Belarus for example -- they had even less restrictions than Sweden.
Yeah I don’t justify it, I just try to figure out his thinking. The natural immunity hypothesis is tricky, but I know that both Skåne (the region in the south) and Stockholm had antibody levels around 50% in say January. Then we had a long intense wave from the middle of february up until May, where schools were open, teachers infected each other and people living basically normal life (sans large gatherings). My hope is that we acquired natural immunity during that time to withstand the mass vaccination spread. We also never really had a proper delta wave like Netherlands or UK during the summer. And both Denmark, Finland and Norway have seen recent surges, so they should have large pockets of uninfected people still compared to Sweden. But who knows!
I think you need to read between the lines to see that in 'vaccinating' almost everybody, they will kill off almost everybody. But they can't say that outright. These pollies won't get voted in again! But hey, at least we get to save the planet. Too bad not many people will be around to enjoy it, though...
"it’s shameful these were ever cleared for use and it ought to be criminal to mandate them." Could you possibly have been more clear??? Hello, world!
It would help to not assume your audience has familiarity with the statistics terms you use. e.g., I don't know what 'steel man' or Simpson's Paradox is...
No, it will never make to MSM as MSM is part of the system that is perpetuating this myth. Hence you,I and others will learn from alternative sites like this. Those who choose to "believe" will continue to "believe" until their dying breath.
It is the way of all cultists.
This isn't a one-off but a blatant expose of what MEDIA and the powerful have been playing for decades.
Part of personal growth is to realize your path is often traveled alone. It's sad, there will be some grief over personal losses.
But often it is replaced with a calm confidence, as you gain control over your thoughts and emotions, as the shackles placed on you by others' are broken.
I have a child who had bronchiolitis as a baby, I was begging doctors for a vaccine for that. Would have signed him up if there was a trial. Now I know all about the vaccines for RSV and how babies died. One of the many failed coronavirus vaccines. Wow was I naive. No more.
Yeah I don't use that argument anymore. Those mama/papa bears have my deepest respect. All the shit people sling at them in addition to their suffering. HOW did we ever get to that point?? It's inhumane.
Yeah, I know, it's sounds so selfish, doesn't it?! But it's all we CAN do. My hubby & I & our 3 kids are safe, and will remain so, come hell or high water...because we do our research. But trying to save others? Well, turns out that's gone down like a lead balloon! :-(
My mantra these days has been "I'm okay, my kids are okay." It is sometimes the only way to cope. I have been very outspoken about mandates/passports and people hate me. I love the lead balloon simile!
"the french are correct to stop using moderna on anyone under 30."
I agree. But France has been wrong about a lot of other things, the largest being the vax passports needed to go to cafes. Even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while.
If both Moderna and Pfizer vaccines are ever pulled in any "larger" country at the same time it would cast incredible doubt on the entire vaccine program. By suspending only one it allows an element of "save face" - i.e., that it's only the Moderna product that's problematic and not the others. This allows the program to continue basically uninterrupted.
If these kinds of decisions were simply data-driven the vaccine program would be discontinued nearly everywhere. The issue is that the same entities making the decisions to suspend these vaccines are also the ones who lobbied hard for individuals to take them. For any health entity to do an about face right now would be incredibly damaging to their credibility and would cause the individuals employed at those agencies to likely be suspended and/or fired - and perhaps most damaging to Big Pharma - for investigations to answer questions surrounding the whole affair from those involved. Once the gato is out of the bag the other dominos would begin to fall, and those in power are going to do everything in their power to prevent that from happening.
This is an excellent analysis. Professor Willem Desmet talks about this in terms of totalitarianism (though most of his ideas are based on Hannah Arendt's book)--if they go down the road, if they say A, then they MUST go all the way to Z. There is no cutting losses. The ridiculousness and horror must be continued to its logical endpoint. In my country they put covid on the list of most dangerous diseases, right up there with ebola. Because there was NO OTHER CHOICE. If they didn't, they would be liable for everything people suffered at their hands. It is comforting, but also distressing at the same time.
Let's add one more bug to the system because it isn't complicated enough. (from Tucker Goodrich's twitter feed)
Who is motivated to undercut trust in #science ?
"...an investigation had revealed “deliberate attempts to subvert the trust-based editorial process and manipulate the publication record”. They added that they did not yet know who was responsible...
Remember when we had mainstream journos who loved to bust this stuff wide open? Those were the days.
They’re all on Substack now!
I need to quit my job to have time to read all of the subs I have subscribed to in the last couple of months!!
Andretti - same here. Substack is where I get my news!
What's a Jernalist again...?
combo of jerk and nihilist???
Sharyl Attkisson has been on vaccines for years
"NO healthy person under 50 should take either of these vaccine based on heart risks alone." About 6-8 months back, I had an M.D., a woman with decades of experience in drug trials, the CFA, and FDA procedure, make a *very* similar statement to me. Many, if not most folks in our shared group--composed of skeptics and disbelievers--thought she was being overly dramatic. I thought she was likely correct, but I understood the wisdom of not being painted with the broad brushstroke of "vaccine denier," despite the evidence mounting even back then. Now, she seems like she was the only one among us who had a freaking clue! And here we are, with this crap being not only used, by mandated! The mind reels. The heart bleeds. Wow. Just wow...
Beautifully summarized yet heart-wrenching analysis. My employer is requiring me to upload documentation that I have taken these pharmaceutical products or face termination - I'd love to send this article in its place.
find a new employer, you cave you become a slave,,,,and what will be required next. if they take your health, you got nothing....
"If you have your health, you have your wealth." I know it's easy for me to say, but I cannot fathom why a person would take a risk on the jab just to keep a job, be able to go shopping or to shows, etc. I know the following is opinion: there are fates worse than death. I'm lucky enough to not be in such a situation ("yet") but I would rather be dead than in various states of disability.
That sucks, sorry your being put in a position of making a painful choice. And liability is out the window, employers aren’t liable, big pharma, public health officials, politicians… they’re putting people in a position of taking something that could really F-them up, and then leaving you out in the cold. Their hands are drenched in blood, it’s diabolical.
The UK Health Security Agency has reported a higher rate of infection in the fully vaxxed age 30 and older for the last five weeks.
79.3% of the C19 deaths reported in the latest UKHSA report (week 44) were fully vaxxed. 17.4% were unvaxxed.
Table 4a, page 18...
In early August, the CDC Director admitted to Blitzer on CNN that the jabs do not stop infection or transmission of the Delta variant and that the fully vaxxed and unvaxxed have similar viral loads.
Since the jabs don't stop infection or transmission of the delta variant, which has swept the globe, the decision to take a vaccine or not is a matter of personal risk assessment and bodily autonomy.
Ask your employer why he is mandating a vaccine that doesn't stop infection or transmission.
And let him know that the UK is now dealing with the "delta plus" variant, which has acquired two of the four mutations it needs to completely evade vaxx immunity.
You are so good at links and one liners! Can you do your magic for kids jabs? I'm just someone who gets overwhelmed. I could never write a concise research paper in grade school--I was the kid who wrote 10 pages when you only needed 6.
There really isn't much data and information about the jabs in children because they haven't been out there for very long. The risk to the heart is greater in younger adolescents, especially boys. IMO, it's reasonable to assume the risk is higher in younger children.
Children don't have much risk from this virus, especially healthy children. IMO, there is no benefit...only risk. Frankly, I don't think the risk benefit makes sense for anyone regardless of age or comorbidity.
Why are they pushing these vaccines for children when the CDC director admitted they don't stop infection or transmission of the delta variant? The dose is lower for the pediatric vaccines, but the mRNA "instructions" to create the spike are the same. The same is true of the boosters they're pushing for adults. FYI, there's a new variant in the UK called "delta plus" that has already acquired two of the four mutations it needs to completely evade vaxx immunity. Soon the vaxxes will be completely useless.
There is also some concern that "vaccination" before infection might impair a person's ability to mount a durable immune response to infection. They don't know how long this suppression might last...perhaps for a lifetime.
From page 26...
"(iii) recent observations from UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) surveillance data that N antibody levels appear to be lower in individuals who acquire infection following 2 doses of vaccination."
Dr. Ryan Cole, MD and Dr. Robert Malone...
Have some pride and self respect and tell these scumbags to fuck off. Then, go get a new job. You’ll manage!
There are no-jab job listings somewhere on Gab
One: Will the French let the 30 and under into shops and restaurants?
Two: Someone in my neighborhood face planted FACE PLANTED on the sport court the day they got their third shot of poison. The person felt compelled to because they have a vulnerable spouse that wanted him to get it. He is older but in amazing health. Better than most 30 YO. Not fat, no high BP, no cancer, No diabetes. Face planted, taken to the hospital with a heart problem. He had NO HEART PROBLEM. He has to get a physical for work where they check his heart. No smoke. No drink. Keeled right over. I know these details because my husband talked to him before his booster. I am so mad.
I watched someone ( ayoung person) face plant at an MLS game where they were vaccinating. No causation known as I was a bystander. But I'll say in all my years, I've never seen anything like this. Still wondering after a month exactly what I witnessed.
Betty, thank you for replying. It sort of helped me reading it. And disturbed me. 2 conflicting but true things. I have seen plenty of people trip or stumble backwards (including me - haha) on the court and actually get pretty hurt, but never someone go white and crumple like no bones and all skin. My friend said I shrieked "911" so loud that people a mile away could have heard.
Yes, Raptor, I too have seen lots of falls and trips, even outright fainting. But this was something different. Almost as though someone yelled "Timber". Poor guy, even if he survived had major facial or head trauma (the blood was pooling quite quickly). I won't be forgetting this for a long time.
Betsy. Not Betty. Sheesh. Sorry.
Very interesting to hear firsthand accounts! Because when I watch those compilation videos of the athletes keeling over, it's pretty bizarre. I am not a big sports fan, but I have watched every single game of every world cup since 2002 and I do not recall ever seeing similar footage. Which media sharks would SURELY have played on repeat because they all love carnage. How do people not start asking questions??
What is it going to take to get an article as detailed as yours explaining the dangers in no uncertain terms in a crap paper like the WSJ? Even the WSJ is utterly pathetic in this regard right now.
WSJ is leftish and of course in the pocket of Big Pharma.
this is an atrocity.
Amen, gato. It’s absolutely criminal what we are doing to healthy young people. Especially healthy young men.
I worry about my moderna’d brothers but they are slightly over 30 and not terrible athletic and probably never going to get married or have children anyway
They still only recognize 2 adverse events. Once you factor in all of the other adverse events, initial risk of the virus itself from the vaccine, the potential impact to future viral immune response (ie. weakened NI), limited time benefits (6 months), AE's from future boosters, and on and on and on... no one should be taking this vaccine.
The Germans have just anounced, that they will not give Moderna to all under 30
Is there a possibility to determine the Pfizer rate of adverse effects compared to Moderna, based on the VAERS, EudraVigilance or similar systems ?
You can look at the safety studies for Moderna and Pfizer vaccines. For both, the data tables are in the Supplementary Appendix. Moderna had roughly 30x higher excess severe (Grade 3) adverse event rate than Pfizer.
It's kind of late in the game to say "oops, perhaps we shouldn't be vaccinating people under 30"
when 75% of people age 18-30 have already been vaccinated.
I am finding the unwavering conviction in these vaccines puzzling. For example, Sweden's Tegnell said in the UnHerd interview (in September):
"I think the big change, since we talked last time, is really the vaccinations. There, we really found the tool that’s going to make the difference. And all the other things we have tried are not going to be very important anymore, because reaching and achieving a high vaccination level is the one way we can get out of this pandemic. There does not seem to be any other way, really."
What does he know and sees in the data?
Yeah, we are on the Titanic, but we don’t just have the iceberg to worry about, we also have a nuclear warhead on board... and the situation is being reported by a bunch of bird brained seagulls- in the middle of the night.
When I look at data and read papers, I have similar issues as discussed here.
I am seeing the same problems. But, I also wonder if I am not seeing or
understanding something.
Richard Feynman said: “The first principle is that you must not fool yourself, and you are the easiest person to fool.”
But he also said: "It does not matter who you are, or how smart you are, or what title you have, or how many of you there are, 𝗶𝗳 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗽𝗿𝗲𝗱𝗶𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗶𝘀 𝘄𝗿𝗼𝗻𝗴 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗻 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗵𝘆𝗽𝗼𝘁𝗵𝗲𝘀𝗶𝘀 𝗶𝘀 𝘄𝗿𝗼𝗻𝗴."
the seagulls are smarter.
Lol- unfortunately, they are also easily distracted by the free donuts.
got me there...so am I..apple cider donuts specifically!
In the Tegnell interiew, you can exhange "vaccines" for "natural immunity". I think he assumes that Sweden has a pretty good level of natural immunity, but due to political pressure he is letting the vaccines take the credit. Since Sweden was heavily criticized for its "herd immunity strategy" he is really not allowed to mention that anymore, but of course he knows that natural immunity is what is getting us out of this pandemic. It's especially interesting to watch the Swedish interviews or press conferences. Everytime he talks about the vaccines his voice gets a bit strained, but then when he switches to something that he really believes in (like for instance "stay home if you sick") then he gets much more relaxed. Of course he believes in the vaccines to some degree, but I don't think he really believes that it's what will get us out of the pandemic.
But noble lies are also bad. We had so many in this pandemic and they are
one of the reasons nobody trusts public health authorities.
And Sweden also went the same route as everybody else with universal vaccination.
While their pandemic response was to protect the vulnerable (which they largely failed) and let everybody else alone, they opted to vaccinate everybody as well.
I don't know a single country that would say: we only want to vaccinate vulnerable
(and whoever wants it).
I am wondering about natural immunity hypothesis. Sure, Sweden had way less restrictions than other countries, but people still adjusted their behavior voluntarily. And there was work from home, some school closures, restaurants/bars limitations. And other European countries had basically two full summers with almost no restrictions, so I am wondering whether spread in Sweden really was that much higher or is that just a myth. Look at Belarus for example -- they had even less restrictions than Sweden.
Yeah I don’t justify it, I just try to figure out his thinking. The natural immunity hypothesis is tricky, but I know that both Skåne (the region in the south) and Stockholm had antibody levels around 50% in say January. Then we had a long intense wave from the middle of february up until May, where schools were open, teachers infected each other and people living basically normal life (sans large gatherings). My hope is that we acquired natural immunity during that time to withstand the mass vaccination spread. We also never really had a proper delta wave like Netherlands or UK during the summer. And both Denmark, Finland and Norway have seen recent surges, so they should have large pockets of uninfected people still compared to Sweden. But who knows!
Sweden also appears to not test much. Under what circumstances are the tests done? Hospital visit? Travel?
http://outbreaknewstoday.com/sweden-reports-increasing-antibodies-to-covid-19-in-all-age-groups-62852/ reports antibodies in Sweden. But it seems that they are due to vaccines (high percentage in 65+ group) and less due to natural infection. It's a mystery.
It's also possible to have immunity without measurable IgG antibodies
(due to IgA antibodies that may be in respiratory tract, due to T-cells, etc.)
in your blood.
This is a very useful insight!
I think you need to read between the lines to see that in 'vaccinating' almost everybody, they will kill off almost everybody. But they can't say that outright. These pollies won't get voted in again! But hey, at least we get to save the planet. Too bad not many people will be around to enjoy it, though...
"it’s shameful these were ever cleared for use and it ought to be criminal to mandate them." Could you possibly have been more clear??? Hello, world!
It would help to not assume your audience has familiarity with the statistics terms you use. e.g., I don't know what 'steel man' or Simpson's Paradox is...
Steel man is the opposite of straw man. Straw man is when you make the weakest case and steel man is when you make the strongest case.
Simpson paradox is when you see a trend in different groups of data that disappears or reverses when the groups are combined.
Great article thankyou, praying to god that this information makes MSM, surely has too soon.
No, it will never make to MSM as MSM is part of the system that is perpetuating this myth. Hence you,I and others will learn from alternative sites like this. Those who choose to "believe" will continue to "believe" until their dying breath.
It is the way of all cultists.
This isn't a one-off but a blatant expose of what MEDIA and the powerful have been playing for decades.
How sad is it even trying to convince family about how bad this really is, they just think I am a antivaxxer.
Part of personal growth is to realize your path is often traveled alone. It's sad, there will be some grief over personal losses.
But often it is replaced with a calm confidence, as you gain control over your thoughts and emotions, as the shackles placed on you by others' are broken.
Most of the time it is you who puts the the shackles, manacles, ball and chain, and so on upon yourself. You also have the key to remove them.
wow, this is beautifully written and exactly what I needed just now. thanks.
You are most welcome.
Enjoy your journey, there are no regrets only lessons to be learned.
Same here. Prior to C19 I'd gotten every vax and never questioned it. Now I never want another including flu.
I have a child who had bronchiolitis as a baby, I was begging doctors for a vaccine for that. Would have signed him up if there was a trial. Now I know all about the vaccines for RSV and how babies died. One of the many failed coronavirus vaccines. Wow was I naive. No more.
Spoiler: all vaccines are poison
Yeah I don't use that argument anymore. Those mama/papa bears have my deepest respect. All the shit people sling at them in addition to their suffering. HOW did we ever get to that point?? It's inhumane.
Yeah, I know, it's sounds so selfish, doesn't it?! But it's all we CAN do. My hubby & I & our 3 kids are safe, and will remain so, come hell or high water...because we do our research. But trying to save others? Well, turns out that's gone down like a lead balloon! :-(
My mantra these days has been "I'm okay, my kids are okay." It is sometimes the only way to cope. I have been very outspoken about mandates/passports and people hate me. I love the lead balloon simile!
And there's almost nothing we can do (that's legal...) to stop these people from doing this to themselves!!! :-(
They knew they couldn’t get us on boxcars …
but they knew they could split the population and get one half to load the other half onto boxcars...
Not if they are ailing, hospitalized and dying. Or finally awakened after realizing the side effects of the shots.
"the french are correct to stop using moderna on anyone under 30."
I agree. But France has been wrong about a lot of other things, the largest being the vax passports needed to go to cafes. Even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while.
If both Moderna and Pfizer vaccines are ever pulled in any "larger" country at the same time it would cast incredible doubt on the entire vaccine program. By suspending only one it allows an element of "save face" - i.e., that it's only the Moderna product that's problematic and not the others. This allows the program to continue basically uninterrupted.
If these kinds of decisions were simply data-driven the vaccine program would be discontinued nearly everywhere. The issue is that the same entities making the decisions to suspend these vaccines are also the ones who lobbied hard for individuals to take them. For any health entity to do an about face right now would be incredibly damaging to their credibility and would cause the individuals employed at those agencies to likely be suspended and/or fired - and perhaps most damaging to Big Pharma - for investigations to answer questions surrounding the whole affair from those involved. Once the gato is out of the bag the other dominos would begin to fall, and those in power are going to do everything in their power to prevent that from happening.
This is an excellent analysis. Professor Willem Desmet talks about this in terms of totalitarianism (though most of his ideas are based on Hannah Arendt's book)--if they go down the road, if they say A, then they MUST go all the way to Z. There is no cutting losses. The ridiculousness and horror must be continued to its logical endpoint. In my country they put covid on the list of most dangerous diseases, right up there with ebola. Because there was NO OTHER CHOICE. If they didn't, they would be liable for everything people suffered at their hands. It is comforting, but also distressing at the same time.
The data does not capture injuries outside the short study period. Even the Pfizer vaccine safety trial still has 1 1/2 years to go.
Shame about the control group. 🙂 Or was that somebody else? It's hard to keep track of all the deceit these days.
Let's add one more bug to the system because it isn't complicated enough. (from Tucker Goodrich's twitter feed)
Who is motivated to undercut trust in #science ?
"...an investigation had revealed “deliberate attempts to subvert the trust-based editorial process and manipulate the publication record”. They added that they did not yet know who was responsible...
More on problematic (can we say fraud?) scientific publications