How many conspiracy theorists does it take to change a light bulb?

The real question is that who broke the light bulb and why are they keeping us in the dark?


Two sheep are talking

- It seems to me that that dog and that man are working hand in hand.

- If you don't drop your ridiculous conspiracy theories the whole herd will think you absurd.


A conspiracy theorist who doesn't believe in Zeus walks out into a field during a thunderstorm wearing his tinfoil hat to test his theory.

Needless to say, he was shocked when he learned the truth.


One of the best conspiracy documentaries ive ever watched on netflix is about a Chinese couple who didnt board the Malaysian flight 370 (one that disappeared) when they should have done.

It's called 2 wongs dont make a flight

All ^ by --unknown

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Next time, on Maury Povich: "Fidel, you ARE the father!"

Chelsea Clinton's paternity is a fun one too. She looks like Web Hubbell as much as Trudeau looks like Castro.

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i went down this same rabbit hole about two years a go and im as sure as can be hes a castro

hes an evil little man, i hope it ends badly for him, for all our sakes

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If birds aren’t real, does that mean my cat has been eating robots?

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Aww c’mon, do another one! How ‘bout: Michelle Obama is a man? Or: chemtrails are slowly poisoning us? Or, or, or....

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The Biden/McConnell brain freeze is hilarious. 😆

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I am sure they all passed the DNA test. (Do Not Admit test)

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My unified theory of conspiracy theories is that:

"Nothing happens in contradiction to our government, only in contradiction to what we know of it."

Perhaps if we can understand the scientific nature of the whammy we could find the rabbit hole to where the government hides what they don't want us to know.

Be careful though; don't get whammied.

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I’m convinced both joe and mitch are bloody GMO laboratory-made bots, and that the Statue of Liberty and my stupid St. Louis Arch are holograms, even though I’ve been up inside both. Did you know Ms. Liberty has a hollow head with a stairwell up her gown filled with tourists? Creepy, I know.

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Gato (and everyone), vigilantcitizen.com is an interesting website that shines a flashlight down some rabbit holes.

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Birds Aren't Real reminds me of the short lived Quebecker Parti Citron from the late 80's and early 90's

(for God's sake never search for "lemon party" on the internet, there is not enough brain bleach in the world)

The Parti Citron pledged to:

Restructure Canada's economy to be centred on lemon production

Support global warming so lemons can be grown in Canada

Abolish Toronto

Repeal the law of gravity

Merge the Great Lakes

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My son has a "birds aren't real" tee and a sticker on his guitar case. He and my other kids (all adults) love the whole thing!

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Goooood kitty!

This was a great, fun read.

Nice way to start the day.


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Okay, now do Obama’s real father:


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Is megalomania genetic or is it an acquired personality trait? Nature versus nurture.

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