"The Matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy. But when you're inside, you look around, what do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of that system and that makes them our enemy. You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it."
It's really just about the only thing that matters. Hitting critical mass is most likely not going to happen without their buy-in.
But I'm not sure they're going to get "lost" in it. There's just too much being dumped to at least not digest the broad strokes.
There's a reason people despise hypocrisy, especially when it involves their pocket book. And its why memes work; hypocrisy is base material for mockery and humor.
Two very powerful tools to control the plot. They're force multipliers when combined. And it's a tool to expose themselves as fools and/or cry babies.
Agree. Nearly all I know (sad, yes) believe that USAID was our “soft diplomacy” and this is just awful to shut it down. They are furious at Elon and Trump, but not at the waste. I think most will fight these revelations despite proof. After all, Elon “owns” the media. You know, the social media most
eschewed “before” and dismissed as kooks. Thankfully I have a few I can speak with, but the rest are aware that I’m “different” and live in willful oblivion. After Covid, Biden’s dementia, and the serious loss of freedom, how can one not “see”? Hypocrisy and lies - who wants to live this way? Far too many, it seems. Ostriches.
People are waking up and paying attention. I've seen too many polls and focus groups that all end up with the same results to believe people are just going to sleep walk through this.
They can't; its a 24/7 livestream digestible chunk machine.
Thanks. I, too, have had too many crazy-making conversations with people whom I have known for decades to be decent debaters and now it's just like trying to convince a flat earther that the earth is round. Brains are literally breaking. I need to touch grass every day and promise not to black pill. That the youth are the strongest supporters of MAGA is such a great hope for our future.
Our youth may not have much of an experience base, may have been indoctrinated to a sour degree, even led into a classic "Stockholm Syndrome" as best their ."betters" might contrive... but... it's reached the point of over - reach. Our "elites" are but powerful fools, bedazzled by their own power. They don't "know enough" to hold a counter-humanity, self-interested, human-nature thread together. And like from the restless mantle below our feet, eruptive forces WILL have their say. "You can fool all of the people some of the time. But you can't fool ALL of the people ALL of the time" A. Lincoln
Imagine the brain trust that created USAID, which I still call "You said" as in "You said it did this, when in fact, it does this instead."
The brain trust must have been very pleased with themselves, similar to the book with the cover "How To Serve Man" which turned out to actually be a cookbook.
The irony is that the woke folks, probably seeing that Twilight Zone episode would want to correct the episode to make it say "How To Serve Man or Woman or Non Binary"
And when one of those ostriches was a lifelong mate and you have no recourse but to recognize that their weltanschauung demands willful ignorance, the resulting gulfs are labeled "grief" on the map of your heart.
"Righteousness is grief turned to rage" means that when someone experiences deep sadness or grief due to witnessing injustice or wrongdoing, their strong emotional response can manifest as a righteous anger, which is a controlled and morally justified rage aimed at correcting the situation, rather than destructive fury. This anger is considered "righteous" because it is motivated by a desire to see justice done and to stand against evil, not personal vengeance.
All I can say is, "I'm sorry". And this comes from a place of common pain at acknowledging what "doesn't work" versus "what is possible to change" at this juncture.
Every peep I've made around powerful friends against the current common narrative has been met with frightening hostility. So, I keep my counsel and I keep my eyes open. There will be brickbats flying. Those who want to believe the narrative are not mentally stable.
I'm in the entertainment field, so getting cancelled would happen fast and very publicly and in an awful way. (any way would be awful I guess)
Counting coup on a fallen would be unproductive and pointless at this "point". Conserve the arrows in your quiver Much will be transpiring between "here and there".
Your caution is wise. I won’t be throwing brickbats or even sass. I will be as subtle and sneaky and quiet as a bad kitty. we live in interesting times.
All anyone really needs to look at is the current response to WuFlu, even as the truth pours out now. The believers want to either be forgiven, or they want to forget it, move on, & ESP not TALK about it, much less hold people to serious account (like arrests & punishment). And that’s just ONE aspect of what the government has done to us in just the past 5 years.
I’m afraid you may be right that it will be hard for many to believe & accept how deep the grift & criminality across every aspect of our lives, not to mention how many decades back the malevolence goes.
As a boomer myself, I do take exception to the reference twice that this group will be shocked out of our hides or something. Didn’t take the jab or otherwise comply, not on any medications & have always had a healthy mistrust of government altho I confess to naivety as to how horrible it was & has always been until 2020. Eyes were fully opened & that’s a blessing. I agree wholeheartedly that Covid “saved” us because the powers finally massively overplayed their hand in rubbing our faces in the idiocy, then doubling/tripling/quadrupling down.
I saw a headline about her ongoing lies but haven’t read it yet. People are so gunning for Faux-Xi that scarf lady Birx gets forgotten in the crimes against humanity - she’s as bad or worse. In addition to telling people they couldn’t gather for Thanksgiving while SHE did, she admitted in her book that as soon as she convinced Trump about that bulkshit “2 weeks to flatten the curve” she was plotting how to extend that indefinitely. F’ing whore
As I have been saying for years, Birx (a CIA cutout) was always the bad actor here. (And she was head of the project...NOT Fauci.) Fauci was just a guy with credentials and Little Napoleon syndrome that was convenient and who loved the limelight -- perfect for the role but clearly not the brains behind the whole thing. Birx was not pardoned and I hope someone, somewhere, recalls this fact at the right time.
Fauci's not innocent though. This wasn't even his first failure to manage an epidemic. After all, it was him in charge of AIDS in the 1980s, and his failure was largely blamed on Reagan by the media.
I'm a boomer..I have few friends left. They all just want to quote enjoy their retirement unquote and refuse to face the fact that their imagined retirement might be wiped out. I'm the only one in my circle that sees this...one still thinks cnn is news and dems good conservatives bad,despite my telling her it's not left vs right anymore..and another one who still believes the world is overpopulated while caring for her 78 year old husband who is recovering from his valve operation (2ndheart op) and can't even connect it to the bioweapon jab....complains about him, but cries if he dies she will be alone. She can't see the hypocrisy
Ugh Duchess, same. One friend who forced her husband to take 2 jabs after which he had a heart attack & developed an aggressive cancer. He had survived both & in defiance of her, takes Ivermectin. She literally said dismissively a couple weeks ago to a group of us that “he knows I disapprove of taking that”.
Still struggling here, to understand _why_ some people are so resistant to facts. I too find my Baby Boomer chums mostly dropped off, preferring to ghost me to the point of ignoring simple emails. And we are talking doctors, lawyers, Indian Chiefs (retired AF Colonel if that counts). BTW, the Indian Chief retired from assignment at the Pentagon, still lives about 3 miles from there and was sooooo proud to have sat in on meetings with former AF General/CIA boss Michael Hayden.
Weak minds cannot face what they’ve done to themselves (or others, if they forced or cajoled family & friends to comply) AND/OR are incapable of believing the malevolence of a formerly-trusted government.
I'm a boomer as well... and while I too have few friends, that is because of my definition of "friend"... I do however have quite a number of like-minded fellow "acquaintances" of all ages. It sounds to me like you need to expand your tribe and leave the idiots behind... just say'n
This is nothing new. Long ago we were told: "Agent Orange won't hurt you, it's just to kill vegetation." A major Red Flag for the Warp Speed Concoction was mRNA, they've always been problematic. " I've set my own rules to live by. The first one is: 'Never believe ANYthing the government says.'
My eyes were opened after the swine flu vaccine administered during the Ford presidency. I swore I would never line up to get a vaccine again. Just like you: no jab, no medication but a lot more skepticism. Great comment on a great article.
seems like the only way to break inertia and hit critical mass.
i think a nice corollary is the failure of the jabs to prevent reinfection leading to a lot of two-shot-and-done folks who ultimately lost interest in the charade after it became nearly irrefutable the government effed up literally everything with their nonsensical and damaging measures.
Cat, your apprehension about the masses becoming self aware reminded me of my own in 2022. At that point I thought maybe they would learn about the covid vax’s and it would start an avalanche.
Yeah, how many times during the last five years did we think "Surely now they will realize..." only to find the narrative had an answer for everything?
So close to breaking I thought several times. I was a ball of nerves 2020-2023. Like I was saying the vax’d getting wise was something I had NO idea as to how they would react. In the end it was easier for them to keep the head buried in the sand. That used to drive me nuts but I understand it better now. It’s a survival mechanism for them same as being wary of them was for us.
Because of what I went through personally working on Sep 11 truth, I knew exactly how the mob would react to the COVID op. Unteachable, unreachable, wrong...but never in doubt.
My generation, the baby boomers, may be the hardest to turn and may have to be left behind. We are all going to die soon enough anyway and with that generation goes the entire MSM viewer/reader base.
Here I am, on Substack and X, and out in the real world, trying my best to keep the middle of the bell curve sane. Thank you all for keeping me sane!:) ❤️
I don’t know if many are sane at this point. The conversations I have been having with folks are mind boggling and disconcerting. Hopefully, I am wrong.
I agree. Decades of "health care" with vaccines and pills that adversely affect the nervous system and the brain, public school indoctrination, constant propaganda bombardment from the media, has dumbed down the average American (and European) to the point they can no longer think straight, no longer draw logical conclusions, no longer examine evidence and determine what it means. It's beyond depressing to see this and acknowledge it, but it sure looks like this is where we are today.
Spot On! It has been done by design: Governments don't want a population capable of critical thinking, they want obedient workers, people just smart enough to run the machines and just dumb enough to passively accept their situation.You have no choice. You have owners. They own you. They own everything. They own all the important land. They own, and control the corporations. They've long since bought, and paid for the Senate, the Congress, the state houses, the city halls, they got the judges in their back pockets and they own all the big media companies, so they control just about all of the news and information you get to hear.
Agree wholeheartedly. We (the people) have been the goyim for a very long time. An early manifestation was Woodrow Wilson's appointment of the first card carrying member of the name-stealing "Tribe" to the US supreme court. The dam was breached and the ensuing flood is now slowly being recognized & understood for its harsh reality.
I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world - no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men.
It's the propaganda. Someone literally help up photos they'd printed out of Trump's limo at Daytona and Hitler's limo at some stadium to prove they were the same.
Real vaccines actually work. The propaganda otherwise is part of the same system.
Then they threw it away with the mRNA crap that's been in development, unsuccessfully, for 40 years, and has ALWAYS had harmful side effects.
real vaccines are the biggest psyop that's ever been laid onto the people everywhere. The lie is that they have saved millions of lives. The truth is that they have created untold suffering and death, and they laid the ground for one of the largest mass murders in history: covid "vaccines" given to 4 billion people killing at least 20 million and creating life changing injuries in hundreds of millions. Read Turtles All the Way Down for the truth about "real" vaccines. And take a look at this: https://countmetalmind.substack.com/p/no-more-lies-ai-exposes-vaccine-harm
As I actually understand biology, and my wife's first degree of several IS epidemiology, you are as wrong as the Covidtards. You both believe propaganda with no basis in reality.
Your frustration is not unique: An empty head is not really empty; it is stuffed with rubbish. Hence the difficulty of forcing anything into an empty head.
Many minds will slip back k to the old way of thinking. Because it is safe and convenient, it will compartmentalize and the expunge the hard truth; most people cannot adapt to such betrayal; it’s like realizing that your parents are in fact imposters, and that the murdered your parents, and sold your siblings into slavery. Most minds will reject the information and move on. We need to learn to move forward regardless..,
Triage. Quickly determine who can wait or walk to the nearest aid station, who is too far gone and just needs a shot of morphine to help ease their passing, then work on the rest of the ones that you can help. Brutal but necessary. I fully expect at least 80% will not survive. The best thing anyone can do is to make their best effort to survive.
When the oxygen masks drop down, put YOURS on FIRST.
Keep in mind, the news media are not independent; they are a sort of bulletin board and public relations firm for the ruling class-the people who run things. Those who decide what news you will or will not hear are paid by, and tolerated purely at the whim of, those who hold economic power. If the parent corporation doesn't want you to know something, it won't be on the news. Period. Or, at the very least, it will be slanted to suit them, and then rarely followed up.
Yep, that's pretty much hitting the nail on the head. When might one of these big media companies face bankruptcy? Or be forced into even bigger layoffs or see a bunch of rats jumping ship? I think such occurrences will be important signs.
As much as I can agree wholeheartedly with what Yuri is saying, I'm tired of The Matrix analogies. Red Pills are so 2000. It's time more people starting weighing up the Black Pill.
If you've got the guts to dive into the water without checking to see if it's too hot or cold, try this:
This is what I’ve always said too! Dismantle the corrupt media and we have a fighting chance! They have been seriously biased for many decades but are now wholly corrupted!!!
“I am grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. ” David Rockefeller
“We are grateful. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the work is now much more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a World Government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries” David Rockefeller to Trilateral Commission in 1991
“Some even believe we [Rockefeller family] are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure – One World, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.” David Rockefeller
WELL DONE! Substack does not allow me to "like". Your post merits a WELL DONE! The real rulers in Washington are invisible, and exercise power from behind the scenes.
The press is the hired agent of a monied system, and set up for no other purpose than to tell lies where their interests are involved. One can trust nobody and nothing.
It brings to mind the reported reply of John Swinton to a proposed toast to an independent Press at a congregation of newspapermen around 1880:
“There is no such thing, at this date of the world’s history, in America, as an independent press. You know it and I know it.
“There is not one of you who dares to write your honest opinions, and if you did, you know beforehand that it would never appear in print. I am paid weekly for keeping my honest opinion out of the paper I am connected with. Others of you are paid similar salaries for similar things, and any of you who would be so foolish as to write honest opinions would be out on the streets looking for another job. If I allowed my honest opinions to appear in one issue of my paper, before twenty-four hours my occupation would be gone.
“The business of the journalist is to destroy the truth, to lie outright, to pervert, to vilify, to fawn at the feet of Mammon, and to sell his country and his race for his daily bread. You know it and I know it, and what folly is this toasting an independent press?
“We are the tools and vassals of rich men behind the scenes. We are the jumping jacks: they pull the strings and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities and our lives are all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes.”
KUDOS! One of the best I've read. This seems to have been an issue for quite some time. You know well that government always kept a kind of standing army of newswriters who, without any regard to truth or to what should be like truth, invented and put into the papers whatever might serve the [government] ministers. This suffices with the mass of the people who have no means of distinguishing the false from the true paragraphs of a newspaper.
“I will add, that the man who never looks into a newspaper is better informed than he who reads them; inasmuch as he who knows nothing is nearer to truth than he whose mind is filled with falsehoods & errors.”
SPOT ON! This was very problematic during the Covid Hysteria when the "True Believers" could not be reasoned with. They learned their "science" from the media and FRAUDS like fauci. An empty head is not really empty; it is stuffed with rubbish. Hence the difficulty of forcing anything into an empty head.
God bless you and DT and EM and Vance. Speaking from the UK, we know our government is just as bad, if on a smaller scale, and I hope and believe the upheaval in the US will cause tremors and fractures over here.
Oh and please say thanks to JDV for his speech in Munich last week - have never enjoyed watching a group of people squirm so much.
We would be foolish to not have interests in what's happening in the EU (particularly in the UK).
Pretty sure it's a national security risk for us if our allies are turning their back on free speech and democracy. I'm glad to see Trump understanding this and being proactive.
People are starting to notice that our entire system of governance/politics, across the world, has not suffered any consequences for so long that they've become total imbeciles, and are working against the interests of the people they represent.
Just a Cabal of Caligula's without the charisma - or a Nexus of Nero's without the musical talent.
Elon and Vance both threw a grenade into the elite circle on two separate occasions to put them on notice but just as importantly to be clarion a call for the people. This is all planned. And meant to provide "crates" of informational grenades for the people to launch at the elites.
Our administration can't do much without the support of the people. This wasn't as much a message to AfD in Germany and the rest of the populist movement, rather it's aimed at moderates.
Without moderates change can not be effectuated. The administration is weaponizing the people against the elites by giving them the weapons and ammo (independent media and information bullets)
The woke liberals in Europe were mostly installed by the same USAID /CIA ops that captured OUR government so in a way, we owe some apologies to Europeans for the cancer we grew on our shores and spread to theirs.
As an American/Brit in the UK, I second that. JD gave it to them like they were being served summons. The squirmers deserved to be squirmin'. As for Starmer et al, they are so far from the people, it's become patently clear they represent their globalist paymasters. There's a straight line from Downing St to Davos. And right now, they're crapping themselves.
What's happening is worldwide. It's not contained to DC or to America. It's coming here and to the EU.
Makes sense because much of the harm that was inflicted upon Europe’s politics came from an American-grown deep state machine that spread. If we undo that machine here, hopefully salvation will spread to the world and by salvation, I mean freedom.
I think it's amusing that the Labour PM's given name is a homophone or different spelling of the deified, cultified patriarch of the family business in Severance.
I have a little bad-news to share with you ... The 'system' has its origins in the UK, viz. The Dutch East India Co. If you suspect that the Americans are bad you're gonna be miffed when you find out that the majority of this evil originates in YOUR GCHQ and City of London constructs. Oh, and don't be too deflated when you discover that the good ol' Vatican is right in there, mixing it with the best of these creatures ...
The hospitals, airports, schools, prisons, shopping malls…. All look interchangeable. All brutal and indecipherable. Often impossible to tell where the real entrance and exit are.
Destroy anything that elevates the soul- Art, architecture, music, film, education, religion- destroy culture and identity, destroy family and nation; create an isolated heterogeneous mass to exploit.
Did you know the land that they are putting it on was the former location of one of the only lakeside parks for the people of South Chicago? They just took it. And in keeping with the latest DOGE trend, one of the first Presidential libraries/museums to use public funds instead of private monies and donations. A perfect dedication to the Obama years.
Yes, I knew that. It’s shocking. I believe a lot of Chicago residents objected, but Obama’s cronies must have shoved it through. I can’t think of a single good thing he’s done. Just destruction.
Yes, I had a glimpse of O’s presidential library….reminds me of a cross between the upside down trashcan and the above ground basement from that video….a self-portrait of his soul.
It's been said that architecture reflects culture - Truer words were never spoken. Think of the design of the American automobile - it reached its creative zenith in the mid 50's and 60's - "Dream cars", soaring tail fins, creative colour schemes offset by timeless designs by Raymond Loewey (Studebaker's Avanti). Engineering innovation abounded in the industry. Now drabness & sameness prevails. Very sad.
With rare exception, art finished in the 1960s. Beauty is a currency of the soul. We share it at that level and it elevates each and every one of us. We know it when we see it. It's a felt experience of the Divine. Its destruction is a war against the soul.
Yes! If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend Sir Kenneth Clark's series on Civilization. https://youtu.be/3YvjanfFz0A?si=SEw1mhKHfhcIBwIZ Link to Episode of 1 of 13. I think you would enjoy it!
One of the things that primed me for this moment where seemingly all of the conspiracy theories are true was when the Venona intercepts proved that the Soviets paid Western artists to abandon beauty. We had such great design and art pre-WW2 before that influence really kicked in.
“You follow drugs, you get drug addicts and drug dealers. But you start to follow the money, and you don’t know where the f*** it’s gonna take you.”……Lester Freeman from The Wire
Basically what they're saying is government and power is only for them. And that makes sense because they believe government is a patronage system for their interests.
Democracy to them means federal bureaucracy runs the government. In this way they can bypass the constitution and checks and balances....and us pesky voters who don't understand that government was created for the career bureaucrats to have jobs and power - and prop up a criminal enterprise between them and the D's hegemonic control of the institutions for 100 years.
This patronage system has now expanded beyond government, flowing down through the most important institutions. Universities, public school systems, charities, churches, and now entire industries like media and healthcare, have become corrupted patronage systems. The bigger government gets, the more money it controls, the farther the patronage system spreads. DOGE is the correct response - kill it at the root!
I look forward to the chaos. I've given up on the last of my friends who are blind and won't even take a little peek at the mountains of evidence. I finally am convinced that Trump is going to reveal all. Every bit! What fun!
Let their brains short circuit and explode. I just can't care anymore. I've watched this developing crime scene for decades.
Let all the poisons that lurk in the mud hatch out!
What you've encountered is widespread: One of the most constant characteristics of beliefs is their intolerance. The stronger the belief, the greater its intolerance. Men dominated by a certitude cannot tolerate those who do not accept it.
Spot on gato. This is what I’ll be telling my grandchildren about this time when they ask how the scales were stripped off the people’s eyes. I will say it happened first for those of us who were subjugated to the most vile discrimination. The lie of my body my choice fractured with the bio weapon called savior. We fought by doing our own research through brains unclouded, our previous illusions of living in a country that was free shattered so that the repetitive lies told did not brainwash us any more.
Next freed were those injured by the bio weapon or those who lost loved ones to it. They were shamed for doing the right thing. Dissonance arose that could not be quelled nor contained forever.
Next were those who could see we no longer had a president with a brain. Watching a man fall, trip, stumble through speeches but being told he was sharp as a tack. Dissonance arose the media could not control.
Voices like yours arose offering sanity in the void. Allowing us to know we were RIGHT!
We joined in, we started the conversation with those we loved so that the truth could come to light.
The last to see were hit hard yes. But all of us had that “oh s*hit my government is not what I thought it was my WHOLE LIFE” moment.
We know this stages-despondency, then anger. For those of us lucky enough to find the truth community, acceptance of that fact & action came next.
And you are so right, those being drug into the light unwillingly, well we will see, but it could get really ugly before the truth telling is complete.
We will/have embraced it & must start with those we know & love to help them transition. If each of us do that, maybe enough people will get through without staying in the anger stage. I pray now with a fervor I haven’t felt since I was a child praying with my grandmother.
Thank you for sharing your gatoness with us during our transitions!
I first saw behind the curtain over thirty years ago. Was shocked by what I saw, but more shocked by how everyone's minds were already frozen solid against even trying to open their eyes just the tiniest bit. As one horror after another came along, I could only retreat from society as there were no allies. I learned to live quietly, saying nothing, but watching intently.
Now, at the end of this long road, all I feel is elation at the mass destruction that seems likely. I suppose that makes me a bad person, but I don't care.
I feel very similarly! It was W and the WMD malarkey and obvious lies to justify our actions in Iraq when my eyes began to open. His election in 2000 was the first I felt excited and passionate about. I was 22. I turned 18 in time to vote for Dole against Clinton, but that wasn't a very exciting vote. 😄 I found out I was pregnant with our first child the morning of 9/11/01. Talk about a pivotal day!!! I credit the fact I dropped out of college to start a family at a fairly young age, and also left the work force to be a stay at home mom (going on 23 years now!!) with my ability to see outside the matrix. Because I'd been cultivating that ability for so long, the COVID era inversions and lies were extremely troubling to me. All I want is truth and light and transparency. I don't think that makes us bad people at all. Quite the opposite!
The Covid Hysteria LIES are for me a troubling gift that keeps on giving. I have lost friends that got The Vaxx contrary to my advice and others that have suffered the loss of their health due to The Vaxx. It is Agent Orange all over again. I've set my own rules to live by. The first one is: 'Never believe ANYthing the government says.'
I had the "moment" in the late 1970s, when I was struck by the epiphany that a government is fundamentally a protection racket.
Before that, I had the muddled conception I think most people have, that it is a legitimate organization for setting proper order in the world, which we struggle over politically to make sure it does its job right. There was no real explanation for what it was in biological/evolutionary terms. Realizing that it was a protection racket immediately explained it as a naturally developing predatory/parasitic niche of intra-human ecology.
Whatever revelations come out, I will not likely be shocked. It will just be the relief of vindication.
Well said! Perhaps it's a bit much to hope for but The Cardinal's Justice would be appropriate: Nothing so upholds the laws as the punishment of persons whose rank is as great as their crime.
I see this "frozen solid" theology in the Church. No one wants to believe that teachers would lie nor that they could be used by the Blob to shut down those who would stand up against the NWO.
From the 70s the rapture doctrine was ramped up and has not stopped. Money was to be made and arguments about it only fed the machine. Everyone became an expert.
These locked minds are akin to the sold out Wokesters. When it becomes obvious that Jesus is not returning tomorrow....especially when the S hits the Fan, many will have confuson of face.
The bottom line to me is this: where are we choosing to place our feet - on the solid rock of truth or the shifting sand of propaganda? Are we willing to become better eduated so that propaganda looses its efficacy?
Mass destruction of this evil infrastructure is essential. Joy at it happening is good - because Liberty is on the other side.
You're onto something that's perplexed me forever - the notion that we were all born tainted with original sin - inculcated by the three Abrahamic religions - Christianity, Islam and Judaism. Authoritarians, the lot of them. Our entire lives are a perpetual contentious struggle for atonement until we die. Nothing we think, believe or do is ever enough. Nor is outsourcing it to the Church. It's all by design to make our world view ever smaller. We need to rid ourselves of this burden by listening to our own ethereal & eternal spirit, the universal consciousness, as it were. True liberty is there.
Sadly there are none so deaf as those who refuse to listen; none so blind as those who refuse to see, Chuck Swindoll Jr. gets it, he's a reformed Christian who has the seen the light.
We are in agreement that Scripture talks about a Second Coming of the Messiah.
The ramping up of the End Times/ Rapture Obsession occured after Israel became a nation again. The Church's obsession enabled passivism: well, Bible says it will happen so let's not interfere....
Putting the Church to sleep has been an efficacious weapon to stop those who would oppose the growing narcissism, sexual confusion and loss of liberty.
We have all encountered it. Wherever is found what is called a paternal government, there is found state education. It has been discovered that the best way to insure implicit obedience is to commence tyranny in the nursery.
Our government is a loosely organized coalition of crime families. The first big surprise was the Bushes and Clinton were in the same family.
I knew G.H. Bush and met Clinton a couple times. Both predators. Then I realized, Bush or Clinton, Gore or Dumbofyou Bush, Kerry or Dumbofyou, didn't matter who got in. Same team. Obama was a level above evil, but McCain or the Romnoid were still the same team.
Trump is the first outsider since Reagan. They saddled Reagan with Bush and then they shot him. Trump knows all this. So far, he has outsmarted them.
Yes, the uniparty is readily apparent which begs the question: How can we generate and promulgate authentic political representatives who are neither one of (((them))) nor morally or legally corrupt?
"NIH grants have funded frauds and horrors from letting fleas eat beagle faces to decades of fake alzheimer’s work based on photoshop frauds of amyloid plaques..." And we haven't even touched upon the blatant cover ups of vaccine-autism links. The lawsuits on that one could/will LITERALLY bankrupt the governments around the world.
"no one in the deepstate was ever punished or even held accountable." Not only that, but immediately after Kennedy ousted Lemnitzer over this plan to kill Americans and blame Castro, Lemnitzer was hired as supreme commander of NATO. That gives you an idea of what NATO has been up to.
I saw it last night--the CBS ride-along with the New Stasi and the breathless hushed narration as the German police confiscated a guy's computer and cellphone because he'd been rude online.
And you know what? Maybe PBS has been the biggest psyop of all with that "Masterpiece Theater" endlessly trying to convince Americans that we, the ruffian sort, are bad.
Germany, UK, Sweden, others have had such laws on the books in one shape or form for decades now.
What has changed since ca 2005-2010 (dep. on which nation you look at) is that the lid of the kettle can't be kept shut much longer, and so by authoritarian reflex the failing state tries to do it even more, and more public, in a desperate attempt to quiet things.
Instead, you know, dealing with actual real issues.
I know from your own comments you have seen plenty of "HR-Karens" and middle managers employ the same tactics in failing companies - and we don't have to imagine how those people would act as civil servants; the Covid years had them reveal themselves all over the US, yes?
This is highly typical of Germans and Germany: they cannot help themselves from overdoing whatever it is they are doing, even if what they are doing is pants-on-head-retarded or wicked. They just have to run their head through the wall first, before maybe finding another way.
Yes. And as I've also said before--almost nobody leaves their middle school cafeteria behind. The hilarity of thinking we're run by elites when it's mostly just 12-year-old boys and girls of the obnoxious sort.
I am deeply saddened every time I read about worthless experiments on Beagles. I have lived with them for most of my life. I wonder if the powers that are currently running this farce ever considered that they may have inadvertently created lots & lots of John Wicks. Grab some popcorn & we'll find out.
This is all well and good, but I still can't reconcile the idea that Trump/Musk are going to save us with Operation Warp Speed, Stargate, and Trump continuing to say that the mRNA crap saved millions of lives.
Agree. There are elements in this that make me uncomfortable. And then there are the risks, such as of the grid being attacked by bad actors, many of whom are hiding in our country. As wonderful as all this exposure is, we are very far from home free.
My mind is so boggled I've lost track of boggling completely. As another old hippie, shocked to see my fellow hippies turn into mask-wearing Nazis, even Neil fucking Young who sold his catalog to Pfizer. I mean, come on!! This was some military grade propaganda. Talk about Needle and the Damage Done.
A crime syndicate of unimaginable proportions is about to be exposed (for those with eyes to see; it is unclear what percentage of the populace that is); but I suspect that the enrichment of insiders is only part of the story. I think the grand impulse was to bankrupt the government (and all national governments) and set the stage for a worldwide totalitarian takeover.
I just heard Trump giving a press conference. He mentioned that "Mexico is run by cartels". Then I thought, do you mean, "Just like the USA and Europe?" So glad he is exposing the corruption. He also talked about the millions of people over 100 years old who have receiving Social Security payout. Some are even over 200 years old!
"The Matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy. But when you're inside, you look around, what do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of that system and that makes them our enemy. You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it."
Without the media's lies, the whole charade falls apart. That is why they invested so heavily in the propaganda apparatus. How much of Trump Derangement Substack is astroturfed? https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/trump-derangement-substack-correspondents-dinner
indeed, the hardest part of what's to come will not be pulling the system apart, it will be keeping the middle of the bell curve sane while we do.
It's really just about the only thing that matters. Hitting critical mass is most likely not going to happen without their buy-in.
But I'm not sure they're going to get "lost" in it. There's just too much being dumped to at least not digest the broad strokes.
There's a reason people despise hypocrisy, especially when it involves their pocket book. And its why memes work; hypocrisy is base material for mockery and humor.
Two very powerful tools to control the plot. They're force multipliers when combined. And it's a tool to expose themselves as fools and/or cry babies.
Agree. Nearly all I know (sad, yes) believe that USAID was our “soft diplomacy” and this is just awful to shut it down. They are furious at Elon and Trump, but not at the waste. I think most will fight these revelations despite proof. After all, Elon “owns” the media. You know, the social media most
eschewed “before” and dismissed as kooks. Thankfully I have a few I can speak with, but the rest are aware that I’m “different” and live in willful oblivion. After Covid, Biden’s dementia, and the serious loss of freedom, how can one not “see”? Hypocrisy and lies - who wants to live this way? Far too many, it seems. Ostriches.
People are waking up and paying attention. I've seen too many polls and focus groups that all end up with the same results to believe people are just going to sleep walk through this.
They can't; its a 24/7 livestream digestible chunk machine.
Thanks. I, too, have had too many crazy-making conversations with people whom I have known for decades to be decent debaters and now it's just like trying to convince a flat earther that the earth is round. Brains are literally breaking. I need to touch grass every day and promise not to black pill. That the youth are the strongest supporters of MAGA is such a great hope for our future.
deep happy sigh to that
Meanwhile, back in Oregon the rank and file TDS would name a building after Nina Jankowicz in her honor.
Our youth may not have much of an experience base, may have been indoctrinated to a sour degree, even led into a classic "Stockholm Syndrome" as best their ."betters" might contrive... but... it's reached the point of over - reach. Our "elites" are but powerful fools, bedazzled by their own power. They don't "know enough" to hold a counter-humanity, self-interested, human-nature thread together. And like from the restless mantle below our feet, eruptive forces WILL have their say. "You can fool all of the people some of the time. But you can't fool ALL of the people ALL of the time" A. Lincoln
That is encouraging.
Loved this; press on and don’t let up. The pace is remarkable, especially contrasted with Biden. Tornado Trump!
Imagine the brain trust that created USAID, which I still call "You said" as in "You said it did this, when in fact, it does this instead."
The brain trust must have been very pleased with themselves, similar to the book with the cover "How To Serve Man" which turned out to actually be a cookbook.
The irony is that the woke folks, probably seeing that Twilight Zone episode would want to correct the episode to make it say "How To Serve Man or Woman or Non Binary"
Yep. (Great episode, btw)
And when one of those ostriches was a lifelong mate and you have no recourse but to recognize that their weltanschauung demands willful ignorance, the resulting gulfs are labeled "grief" on the map of your heart.
_es. That is what 8 have felt since covid. Grief...and rage
"Righteousness is grief turned to rage" means that when someone experiences deep sadness or grief due to witnessing injustice or wrongdoing, their strong emotional response can manifest as a righteous anger, which is a controlled and morally justified rage aimed at correcting the situation, rather than destructive fury. This anger is considered "righteous" because it is motivated by a desire to see justice done and to stand against evil, not personal vengeance.
I have more rage, less grief as each day goes by, myself...
The love of my life believes all that CNN tell him except that some things I've predicted have come true and he will listen in bits.
I can't blame him for not wanting to see it all.
He did avoid the Pfizer shot at my behest.
All I can say is, "I'm sorry". And this comes from a place of common pain at acknowledging what "doesn't work" versus "what is possible to change" at this juncture.
Every peep I've made around powerful friends against the current common narrative has been met with frightening hostility. So, I keep my counsel and I keep my eyes open. There will be brickbats flying. Those who want to believe the narrative are not mentally stable.
I'm in the entertainment field, so getting cancelled would happen fast and very publicly and in an awful way. (any way would be awful I guess)
Counting coup on a fallen would be unproductive and pointless at this "point". Conserve the arrows in your quiver Much will be transpiring between "here and there".
Your caution is wise. I won’t be throwing brickbats or even sass. I will be as subtle and sneaky and quiet as a bad kitty. we live in interesting times.
All anyone really needs to look at is the current response to WuFlu, even as the truth pours out now. The believers want to either be forgiven, or they want to forget it, move on, & ESP not TALK about it, much less hold people to serious account (like arrests & punishment). And that’s just ONE aspect of what the government has done to us in just the past 5 years.
I’m afraid you may be right that it will be hard for many to believe & accept how deep the grift & criminality across every aspect of our lives, not to mention how many decades back the malevolence goes.
As a boomer myself, I do take exception to the reference twice that this group will be shocked out of our hides or something. Didn’t take the jab or otherwise comply, not on any medications & have always had a healthy mistrust of government altho I confess to naivety as to how horrible it was & has always been until 2020. Eyes were fully opened & that’s a blessing. I agree wholeheartedly that Covid “saved” us because the powers finally massively overplayed their hand in rubbing our faces in the idiocy, then doubling/tripling/quadrupling down.
Did you see Brix yesterday state the jabs were meant for the old and sick because they were designed to make covid 'less bad' when you got it?
That's a total re-write of history.
I saw a headline about her ongoing lies but haven’t read it yet. People are so gunning for Faux-Xi that scarf lady Birx gets forgotten in the crimes against humanity - she’s as bad or worse. In addition to telling people they couldn’t gather for Thanksgiving while SHE did, she admitted in her book that as soon as she convinced Trump about that bulkshit “2 weeks to flatten the curve” she was plotting how to extend that indefinitely. F’ing whore
She got no pardon..........
Birx is a fine example of how bad regular bureaucrats can be. I've read that she made anyone in the ranks who didn't call her Ambassador Birx suffer.
Hell, she made us all suffer
she was actively personally pressuring colleges and other school systems to shut down. F'ing psycho.
As I have been saying for years, Birx (a CIA cutout) was always the bad actor here. (And she was head of the project...NOT Fauci.) Fauci was just a guy with credentials and Little Napoleon syndrome that was convenient and who loved the limelight -- perfect for the role but clearly not the brains behind the whole thing. Birx was not pardoned and I hope someone, somewhere, recalls this fact at the right time.
Fauci's not innocent though. This wasn't even his first failure to manage an epidemic. After all, it was him in charge of AIDS in the 1980s, and his failure was largely blamed on Reagan by the media.
The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.
George Orwell
You neglected to mention how handsome Mr. Orwell was, but I'll let it slide this once.
and it doesn't make it less bad
I'm a boomer..I have few friends left. They all just want to quote enjoy their retirement unquote and refuse to face the fact that their imagined retirement might be wiped out. I'm the only one in my circle that sees this...one still thinks cnn is news and dems good conservatives bad,despite my telling her it's not left vs right anymore..and another one who still believes the world is overpopulated while caring for her 78 year old husband who is recovering from his valve operation (2ndheart op) and can't even connect it to the bioweapon jab....complains about him, but cries if he dies she will be alone. She can't see the hypocrisy
Ugh Duchess, same. One friend who forced her husband to take 2 jabs after which he had a heart attack & developed an aggressive cancer. He had survived both & in defiance of her, takes Ivermectin. She literally said dismissively a couple weeks ago to a group of us that “he knows I disapprove of taking that”.
No amount of evidence will ever persuade an idiot
Mark Twain
On Nov 1st 2025 it will be an over the counter medication in Oklahoma. That’ll blow her mind.
That poor man.
What a nightmare! He knows it was the jabs.
Oh wow….it's hard to .listen to while keeping a neutral expression on your face, isn't it?
Still struggling here, to understand _why_ some people are so resistant to facts. I too find my Baby Boomer chums mostly dropped off, preferring to ghost me to the point of ignoring simple emails. And we are talking doctors, lawyers, Indian Chiefs (retired AF Colonel if that counts). BTW, the Indian Chief retired from assignment at the Pentagon, still lives about 3 miles from there and was sooooo proud to have sat in on meetings with former AF General/CIA boss Michael Hayden.
Weak minds cannot face what they’ve done to themselves (or others, if they forced or cajoled family & friends to comply) AND/OR are incapable of believing the malevolence of a formerly-trusted government.
They might not be avoiding you. They may always be sick from boosting.
Most likely she probably thinks its "Long Covid".
I'm a boomer as well... and while I too have few friends, that is because of my definition of "friend"... I do however have quite a number of like-minded fellow "acquaintances" of all ages. It sounds to me like you need to expand your tribe and leave the idiots behind... just say'n
You are not alone. One person can make a difference, and everyone should try.
John F. Kennedy
“it's not left vs right anymore” and it never was. It’s just another example of the enemy’s divide and conquer strategy being used against us.
Their mistake was coercing us to participate in the absurdity.
This is nothing new. Long ago we were told: "Agent Orange won't hurt you, it's just to kill vegetation." A major Red Flag for the Warp Speed Concoction was mRNA, they've always been problematic. " I've set my own rules to live by. The first one is: 'Never believe ANYthing the government says.'
George Carlin
My eyes were opened after the swine flu vaccine administered during the Ford presidency. I swore I would never line up to get a vaccine again. Just like you: no jab, no medication but a lot more skepticism. Great comment on a great article.
That might be the strategy.
seems like the only way to break inertia and hit critical mass.
i think a nice corollary is the failure of the jabs to prevent reinfection leading to a lot of two-shot-and-done folks who ultimately lost interest in the charade after it became nearly irrefutable the government effed up literally everything with their nonsensical and damaging measures.
My eldest brother was sure two-shot-and-done. I mean really done.
Did he pass because of it, Navyo?
So sorry if that's the case, man
Cat, your apprehension about the masses becoming self aware reminded me of my own in 2022. At that point I thought maybe they would learn about the covid vax’s and it would start an avalanche.
Yeah, how many times during the last five years did we think "Surely now they will realize..." only to find the narrative had an answer for everything?
So close to breaking I thought several times. I was a ball of nerves 2020-2023. Like I was saying the vax’d getting wise was something I had NO idea as to how they would react. In the end it was easier for them to keep the head buried in the sand. That used to drive me nuts but I understand it better now. It’s a survival mechanism for them same as being wary of them was for us.
Because of what I went through personally working on Sep 11 truth, I knew exactly how the mob would react to the COVID op. Unteachable, unreachable, wrong...but never in doubt.
Give them bread and circuses and they will never revolt
There are a great many people who have a vested interest in maintaining the stupidity of the American public.
Gore Vidal
My generation, the baby boomers, may be the hardest to turn and may have to be left behind. We are all going to die soon enough anyway and with that generation goes the entire MSM viewer/reader base.
Here I am, on Substack and X, and out in the real world, trying my best to keep the middle of the bell curve sane. Thank you all for keeping me sane!:) ❤️
I don’t know if many are sane at this point. The conversations I have been having with folks are mind boggling and disconcerting. Hopefully, I am wrong.
I agree. Decades of "health care" with vaccines and pills that adversely affect the nervous system and the brain, public school indoctrination, constant propaganda bombardment from the media, has dumbed down the average American (and European) to the point they can no longer think straight, no longer draw logical conclusions, no longer examine evidence and determine what it means. It's beyond depressing to see this and acknowledge it, but it sure looks like this is where we are today.
Spot On! It has been done by design: Governments don't want a population capable of critical thinking, they want obedient workers, people just smart enough to run the machines and just dumb enough to passively accept their situation.You have no choice. You have owners. They own you. They own everything. They own all the important land. They own, and control the corporations. They've long since bought, and paid for the Senate, the Congress, the state houses, the city halls, they got the judges in their back pockets and they own all the big media companies, so they control just about all of the news and information you get to hear.
George Carlin
Agree wholeheartedly. We (the people) have been the goyim for a very long time. An early manifestation was Woodrow Wilson's appointment of the first card carrying member of the name-stealing "Tribe" to the US supreme court. The dam was breached and the ensuing flood is now slowly being recognized & understood for its harsh reality.
I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world - no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men.
Woodrow Wilson
Carlin was on target for a lot of things. Miss him.
AGREED! Walk tall, kick ass, learn to speak Arabic, love music and never forget you come from a long line of truth seekers, lovers and warriors.
Hunter S. Thompson
It's the propaganda. Someone literally help up photos they'd printed out of Trump's limo at Daytona and Hitler's limo at some stadium to prove they were the same.
Real vaccines actually work. The propaganda otherwise is part of the same system.
Then they threw it away with the mRNA crap that's been in development, unsuccessfully, for 40 years, and has ALWAYS had harmful side effects.
real vaccines are the biggest psyop that's ever been laid onto the people everywhere. The lie is that they have saved millions of lives. The truth is that they have created untold suffering and death, and they laid the ground for one of the largest mass murders in history: covid "vaccines" given to 4 billion people killing at least 20 million and creating life changing injuries in hundreds of millions. Read Turtles All the Way Down for the truth about "real" vaccines. And take a look at this: https://countmetalmind.substack.com/p/no-more-lies-ai-exposes-vaccine-harm
And read Dissolving Allusions
also: https://denisrancourt.ca/entries.php?id=151&name=2025_01_29_opinion_invalidity_of_counterfactual_models_of_mortality_averted_by_childhood_vaccination
As I actually understand biology, and my wife's first degree of several IS epidemiology, you are as wrong as the Covidtards. You both believe propaganda with no basis in reality.
The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane.
Marcus Aurelius
Honestly, I've stopped trying. There's no way in. I think what's happening now is going to break some brains. But they sorely needed breaking.
Your frustration is not unique: An empty head is not really empty; it is stuffed with rubbish. Hence the difficulty of forcing anything into an empty head.
Eric Hoffer
Their brains are already broken by existing in their false reality.
Can you give an overview of those conversations?
Many minds will slip back k to the old way of thinking. Because it is safe and convenient, it will compartmentalize and the expunge the hard truth; most people cannot adapt to such betrayal; it’s like realizing that your parents are in fact imposters, and that the murdered your parents, and sold your siblings into slavery. Most minds will reject the information and move on. We need to learn to move forward regardless..,
Triage. Quickly determine who can wait or walk to the nearest aid station, who is too far gone and just needs a shot of morphine to help ease their passing, then work on the rest of the ones that you can help. Brutal but necessary. I fully expect at least 80% will not survive. The best thing anyone can do is to make their best effort to survive.
When the oxygen masks drop down, put YOURS on FIRST.
I watched that film 16 times. Each time I learned something new, it went in at a deeper level. Even Keanu says it was a documentary.
yep, I still struggle with the fact that it was "made" by The Wachowski trans twins. some things we aren't meant to "understand"
Keep in mind, the news media are not independent; they are a sort of bulletin board and public relations firm for the ruling class-the people who run things. Those who decide what news you will or will not hear are paid by, and tolerated purely at the whim of, those who hold economic power. If the parent corporation doesn't want you to know something, it won't be on the news. Period. Or, at the very least, it will be slanted to suit them, and then rarely followed up.
George Carlin
Yep, that's pretty much hitting the nail on the head. When might one of these big media companies face bankruptcy? Or be forced into even bigger layoffs or see a bunch of rats jumping ship? I think such occurrences will be important signs.
As soon as RFKjr and Trump successfully ban drug advertising- media gets 70% of its revenue from big Pharma
Hilarious that the very liberal Wachowski Bristers saw that, but are now fighting to defend it.
Also sad.
As much as I can agree wholeheartedly with what Yuri is saying, I'm tired of The Matrix analogies. Red Pills are so 2000. It's time more people starting weighing up the Black Pill.
If you've got the guts to dive into the water without checking to see if it's too hot or cold, try this:
DOGE is doing great things. but to some extent it's just the main act in the circus tent, distracting you from just how deep the rot really goes.
Devon Stack's deep dive on Paula White, Senior Advisor of the newly created White House Faith Office, is bone rattling to say the least.
Black Pills aren't about losing hope. They are about looking at reality square on to navigate as best you can.
This is what I’ve always said too! Dismantle the corrupt media and we have a fighting chance! They have been seriously biased for many decades but are now wholly corrupted!!!
“I am grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. ” David Rockefeller
“We are grateful. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the work is now much more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a World Government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries” David Rockefeller to Trilateral Commission in 1991
“Some even believe we [Rockefeller family] are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure – One World, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.” David Rockefeller
WELL DONE! Substack does not allow me to "like". Your post merits a WELL DONE! The real rulers in Washington are invisible, and exercise power from behind the scenes.
Felix Frankfurter
The press is the hired agent of a monied system, and set up for no other purpose than to tell lies where their interests are involved. One can trust nobody and nothing.
Henry Adams
It brings to mind the reported reply of John Swinton to a proposed toast to an independent Press at a congregation of newspapermen around 1880:
“There is no such thing, at this date of the world’s history, in America, as an independent press. You know it and I know it.
“There is not one of you who dares to write your honest opinions, and if you did, you know beforehand that it would never appear in print. I am paid weekly for keeping my honest opinion out of the paper I am connected with. Others of you are paid similar salaries for similar things, and any of you who would be so foolish as to write honest opinions would be out on the streets looking for another job. If I allowed my honest opinions to appear in one issue of my paper, before twenty-four hours my occupation would be gone.
“The business of the journalist is to destroy the truth, to lie outright, to pervert, to vilify, to fawn at the feet of Mammon, and to sell his country and his race for his daily bread. You know it and I know it, and what folly is this toasting an independent press?
“We are the tools and vassals of rich men behind the scenes. We are the jumping jacks: they pull the strings and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities and our lives are all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes.”
KUDOS! One of the best I've read. This seems to have been an issue for quite some time. You know well that government always kept a kind of standing army of newswriters who, without any regard to truth or to what should be like truth, invented and put into the papers whatever might serve the [government] ministers. This suffices with the mass of the people who have no means of distinguishing the false from the true paragraphs of a newspaper.
Thomas Jefferson
One of my favorites-
“I will add, that the man who never looks into a newspaper is better informed than he who reads them; inasmuch as he who knows nothing is nearer to truth than he whose mind is filled with falsehoods & errors.”
-Thomas Jefferson 1807
SPOT ON! This was very problematic during the Covid Hysteria when the "True Believers" could not be reasoned with. They learned their "science" from the media and FRAUDS like fauci. An empty head is not really empty; it is stuffed with rubbish. Hence the difficulty of forcing anything into an empty head.
Eric Hoffer
God bless you and DT and EM and Vance. Speaking from the UK, we know our government is just as bad, if on a smaller scale, and I hope and believe the upheaval in the US will cause tremors and fractures over here.
Oh and please say thanks to JDV for his speech in Munich last week - have never enjoyed watching a group of people squirm so much.
We would be foolish to not have interests in what's happening in the EU (particularly in the UK).
Pretty sure it's a national security risk for us if our allies are turning their back on free speech and democracy. I'm glad to see Trump understanding this and being proactive.
People are starting to notice that our entire system of governance/politics, across the world, has not suffered any consequences for so long that they've become total imbeciles, and are working against the interests of the people they represent.
Just a Cabal of Caligula's without the charisma - or a Nexus of Nero's without the musical talent.
Elon and Vance both threw a grenade into the elite circle on two separate occasions to put them on notice but just as importantly to be clarion a call for the people. This is all planned. And meant to provide "crates" of informational grenades for the people to launch at the elites.
Our administration can't do much without the support of the people. This wasn't as much a message to AfD in Germany and the rest of the populist movement, rather it's aimed at moderates.
Without moderates change can not be effectuated. The administration is weaponizing the people against the elites by giving them the weapons and ammo (independent media and information bullets)
The woke liberals in Europe were mostly installed by the same USAID /CIA ops that captured OUR government so in a way, we owe some apologies to Europeans for the cancer we grew on our shores and spread to theirs.
That's right it's all connected.
Oh what a tangled web they've wove....
This is true. But the best we can do is support other national peoples to give authentic voice to their desires.
America has no permanent friends or enemies, only interests.
Henry A. Kissinger
I second that from the UK I thought J D Vance's speech was brilliant - in fact I copied the video.
As an American/Brit in the UK, I second that. JD gave it to them like they were being served summons. The squirmers deserved to be squirmin'. As for Starmer et al, they are so far from the people, it's become patently clear they represent their globalist paymasters. There's a straight line from Downing St to Davos. And right now, they're crapping themselves.
What's happening is worldwide. It's not contained to DC or to America. It's coming here and to the EU.
Makes sense because much of the harm that was inflicted upon Europe’s politics came from an American-grown deep state machine that spread. If we undo that machine here, hopefully salvation will spread to the world and by salvation, I mean freedom.
I think it's amusing that the Labour PM's given name is a homophone or different spelling of the deified, cultified patriarch of the family business in Severance.
Better than chocolate cake.
I'm on the fence about that.
I have a little bad-news to share with you ... The 'system' has its origins in the UK, viz. The Dutch East India Co. If you suspect that the Americans are bad you're gonna be miffed when you find out that the majority of this evil originates in YOUR GCHQ and City of London constructs. Oh, and don't be too deflated when you discover that the good ol' Vatican is right in there, mixing it with the best of these creatures ...
BadC ... you're the gold-standard ... Touche!
It all makes sense now.
Including Brutalist architecture.
The hospitals, airports, schools, prisons, shopping malls…. All look interchangeable. All brutal and indecipherable. Often impossible to tell where the real entrance and exit are.
Excellent work, EGM.
The uglification of the world is what they’ve been after, in every possible way.
Destroy anything that elevates the soul- Art, architecture, music, film, education, religion- destroy culture and identity, destroy family and nation; create an isolated heterogeneous mass to exploit.
Exactly. Soul destroying. Have you seen this video about the ugliest buildings? Genius and hilarious! https://youtu.be/uvU5dmu4sl8
No I hadn’t. It was so close to reality and so distasteful that I couldn’t laugh.
For something really hideous, take a look at Obama’s (unfinished) presidential library.
Did you know the land that they are putting it on was the former location of one of the only lakeside parks for the people of South Chicago? They just took it. And in keeping with the latest DOGE trend, one of the first Presidential libraries/museums to use public funds instead of private monies and donations. A perfect dedication to the Obama years.
Yes, I knew that. It’s shocking. I believe a lot of Chicago residents objected, but Obama’s cronies must have shoved it through. I can’t think of a single good thing he’s done. Just destruction.
Shoved it through is exactly what they did. Disgusting.
I did not know that about the land! Stolen land.....hmmmm...... Public funds.....hmmm.... SMH. Outrageous. Thank you for letting us know, Amusings.
Yes, I had a glimpse of O’s presidential library….reminds me of a cross between the upside down trashcan and the above ground basement from that video….a self-portrait of his soul.
Nailed it.
It's been said that architecture reflects culture - Truer words were never spoken. Think of the design of the American automobile - it reached its creative zenith in the mid 50's and 60's - "Dream cars", soaring tail fins, creative colour schemes offset by timeless designs by Raymond Loewey (Studebaker's Avanti). Engineering innovation abounded in the industry. Now drabness & sameness prevails. Very sad.
Thank you!! I really enjoyed that!
Brilliant! 😂
With rare exception, art finished in the 1960s. Beauty is a currency of the soul. We share it at that level and it elevates each and every one of us. We know it when we see it. It's a felt experience of the Divine. Its destruction is a war against the soul.
Yes! If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend Sir Kenneth Clark's series on Civilization. https://youtu.be/3YvjanfFz0A?si=SEw1mhKHfhcIBwIZ Link to Episode of 1 of 13. I think you would enjoy it!
One of the things that primed me for this moment where seemingly all of the conspiracy theories are true was when the Venona intercepts proved that the Soviets paid Western artists to abandon beauty. We had such great design and art pre-WW2 before that influence really kicked in.
“You follow drugs, you get drug addicts and drug dealers. But you start to follow the money, and you don’t know where the f*** it’s gonna take you.”……Lester Freeman from The Wire
"You come at the king, you best not miss." -Omar
They're also trying to cover up failure, and that's why the censorship is necessary.
Censorship is the twin of failure.
Great show….almost felt like a documentary, right?
Probably my favorite show of all time. Very well done drama.
Basically what they're saying is government and power is only for them. And that makes sense because they believe government is a patronage system for their interests.
Democracy to them means federal bureaucracy runs the government. In this way they can bypass the constitution and checks and balances....and us pesky voters who don't understand that government was created for the career bureaucrats to have jobs and power - and prop up a criminal enterprise between them and the D's hegemonic control of the institutions for 100 years.
This patronage system has now expanded beyond government, flowing down through the most important institutions. Universities, public school systems, charities, churches, and now entire industries like media and healthcare, have become corrupted patronage systems. The bigger government gets, the more money it controls, the farther the patronage system spreads. DOGE is the correct response - kill it at the root!
Governments do not govern, but merely control the machinery of government, being themselves controlled by the hidden hand.
Benjamin Disraeli
Yes. It's all connected.
A well greased conveyor belt of grift between the two. Both upstream and downstream, simultaneously, from each other.
The creation of the EU was the beginning of their end. ( double entendre intended)
Growing up, we were taught about the wonders of our government and its "Checks and Balances". You would think they could Balance their Checks!🤣
The illegal we do immediately. The unconstitutional takes a little longer.
Henry A. Kissinger
I look forward to the chaos. I've given up on the last of my friends who are blind and won't even take a little peek at the mountains of evidence. I finally am convinced that Trump is going to reveal all. Every bit! What fun!
Let their brains short circuit and explode. I just can't care anymore. I've watched this developing crime scene for decades.
Let all the poisons that lurk in the mud hatch out!
It's all so "H.P. Lovecraft". Plenty of psyches will be damaged, but hopefully in the end, we will be far tougher and realistic as a society.
Yes. A time to separate the wheat from the chaff. We have a lot of useless chaff.
‘Resiliency’ is the watchword of the future.
What you've encountered is widespread: One of the most constant characteristics of beliefs is their intolerance. The stronger the belief, the greater its intolerance. Men dominated by a certitude cannot tolerate those who do not accept it.
Gustave Le Bon
At some point they may be forced to seek you out and ask again for you to explain. Good thing you have all the evidence collected. :)
Spot on gato. This is what I’ll be telling my grandchildren about this time when they ask how the scales were stripped off the people’s eyes. I will say it happened first for those of us who were subjugated to the most vile discrimination. The lie of my body my choice fractured with the bio weapon called savior. We fought by doing our own research through brains unclouded, our previous illusions of living in a country that was free shattered so that the repetitive lies told did not brainwash us any more.
Next freed were those injured by the bio weapon or those who lost loved ones to it. They were shamed for doing the right thing. Dissonance arose that could not be quelled nor contained forever.
Next were those who could see we no longer had a president with a brain. Watching a man fall, trip, stumble through speeches but being told he was sharp as a tack. Dissonance arose the media could not control.
Voices like yours arose offering sanity in the void. Allowing us to know we were RIGHT!
We joined in, we started the conversation with those we loved so that the truth could come to light.
The last to see were hit hard yes. But all of us had that “oh s*hit my government is not what I thought it was my WHOLE LIFE” moment.
We know this stages-despondency, then anger. For those of us lucky enough to find the truth community, acceptance of that fact & action came next.
And you are so right, those being drug into the light unwillingly, well we will see, but it could get really ugly before the truth telling is complete.
We will/have embraced it & must start with those we know & love to help them transition. If each of us do that, maybe enough people will get through without staying in the anger stage. I pray now with a fervor I haven’t felt since I was a child praying with my grandmother.
Thank you for sharing your gatoness with us during our transitions!
I first saw behind the curtain over thirty years ago. Was shocked by what I saw, but more shocked by how everyone's minds were already frozen solid against even trying to open their eyes just the tiniest bit. As one horror after another came along, I could only retreat from society as there were no allies. I learned to live quietly, saying nothing, but watching intently.
Now, at the end of this long road, all I feel is elation at the mass destruction that seems likely. I suppose that makes me a bad person, but I don't care.
I feel very similarly! It was W and the WMD malarkey and obvious lies to justify our actions in Iraq when my eyes began to open. His election in 2000 was the first I felt excited and passionate about. I was 22. I turned 18 in time to vote for Dole against Clinton, but that wasn't a very exciting vote. 😄 I found out I was pregnant with our first child the morning of 9/11/01. Talk about a pivotal day!!! I credit the fact I dropped out of college to start a family at a fairly young age, and also left the work force to be a stay at home mom (going on 23 years now!!) with my ability to see outside the matrix. Because I'd been cultivating that ability for so long, the COVID era inversions and lies were extremely troubling to me. All I want is truth and light and transparency. I don't think that makes us bad people at all. Quite the opposite!
I tell my kids , “Cream rises.” If you work hard, you will do well in whatever field you choose. It has nothing to do with “formal” education.”
The Covid Hysteria LIES are for me a troubling gift that keeps on giving. I have lost friends that got The Vaxx contrary to my advice and others that have suffered the loss of their health due to The Vaxx. It is Agent Orange all over again. I've set my own rules to live by. The first one is: 'Never believe ANYthing the government says.'
George Carlin
I had the "moment" in the late 1970s, when I was struck by the epiphany that a government is fundamentally a protection racket.
Before that, I had the muddled conception I think most people have, that it is a legitimate organization for setting proper order in the world, which we struggle over politically to make sure it does its job right. There was no real explanation for what it was in biological/evolutionary terms. Realizing that it was a protection racket immediately explained it as a naturally developing predatory/parasitic niche of intra-human ecology.
Whatever revelations come out, I will not likely be shocked. It will just be the relief of vindication.
Well said! Perhaps it's a bit much to hope for but The Cardinal's Justice would be appropriate: Nothing so upholds the laws as the punishment of persons whose rank is as great as their crime.
Cardinal Richelieu
I fully understand what you are saying.
I see this "frozen solid" theology in the Church. No one wants to believe that teachers would lie nor that they could be used by the Blob to shut down those who would stand up against the NWO.
From the 70s the rapture doctrine was ramped up and has not stopped. Money was to be made and arguments about it only fed the machine. Everyone became an expert.
These locked minds are akin to the sold out Wokesters. When it becomes obvious that Jesus is not returning tomorrow....especially when the S hits the Fan, many will have confuson of face.
The bottom line to me is this: where are we choosing to place our feet - on the solid rock of truth or the shifting sand of propaganda? Are we willing to become better eduated so that propaganda looses its efficacy?
Mass destruction of this evil infrastructure is essential. Joy at it happening is good - because Liberty is on the other side.
You're onto something that's perplexed me forever - the notion that we were all born tainted with original sin - inculcated by the three Abrahamic religions - Christianity, Islam and Judaism. Authoritarians, the lot of them. Our entire lives are a perpetual contentious struggle for atonement until we die. Nothing we think, believe or do is ever enough. Nor is outsourcing it to the Church. It's all by design to make our world view ever smaller. We need to rid ourselves of this burden by listening to our own ethereal & eternal spirit, the universal consciousness, as it were. True liberty is there.
Sadly there are none so deaf as those who refuse to listen; none so blind as those who refuse to see, Chuck Swindoll Jr. gets it, he's a reformed Christian who has the seen the light.
Runs ~ 45 minutes, some may find it heretical, others a revelation.
Well, according to the Bible, there will be a rapture. That word is not used, but the concept is clear. When it will happen is the mystery.
We are in agreement that Scripture talks about a Second Coming of the Messiah.
The ramping up of the End Times/ Rapture Obsession occured after Israel became a nation again. The Church's obsession enabled passivism: well, Bible says it will happen so let's not interfere....
Putting the Church to sleep has been an efficacious weapon to stop those who would oppose the growing narcissism, sexual confusion and loss of liberty.
We have all encountered it. Wherever is found what is called a paternal government, there is found state education. It has been discovered that the best way to insure implicit obedience is to commence tyranny in the nursery.
Benjamin Disraeli
What did you see behind the curtain?
Our government is a loosely organized coalition of crime families. The first big surprise was the Bushes and Clinton were in the same family.
I knew G.H. Bush and met Clinton a couple times. Both predators. Then I realized, Bush or Clinton, Gore or Dumbofyou Bush, Kerry or Dumbofyou, didn't matter who got in. Same team. Obama was a level above evil, but McCain or the Romnoid were still the same team.
Trump is the first outsider since Reagan. They saddled Reagan with Bush and then they shot him. Trump knows all this. So far, he has outsmarted them.
Yes, the uniparty is readily apparent which begs the question: How can we generate and promulgate authentic political representatives who are neither one of (((them))) nor morally or legally corrupt?
Expose and prosecute everyone. Hoping Trump brings down the house.
It does not take a majority to prevail... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.
Samuel Adams
The covid scam was the great sorting into three groups.....Wolves, Sheep, and Lions.
This set the stage and the rosters for the wars to come.
Don’t forget us sheepdogs!
"NIH grants have funded frauds and horrors from letting fleas eat beagle faces to decades of fake alzheimer’s work based on photoshop frauds of amyloid plaques..." And we haven't even touched upon the blatant cover ups of vaccine-autism links. The lawsuits on that one could/will LITERALLY bankrupt the governments around the world.
And the real estate gobbling by the pension funds, Chinese etc etc.
"no one in the deepstate was ever punished or even held accountable." Not only that, but immediately after Kennedy ousted Lemnitzer over this plan to kill Americans and blame Castro, Lemnitzer was hired as supreme commander of NATO. That gives you an idea of what NATO has been up to.
You ain't even touched absolute crazy yet.
I saw it last night--the CBS ride-along with the New Stasi and the breathless hushed narration as the German police confiscated a guy's computer and cellphone because he'd been rude online.
And you know what? Maybe PBS has been the biggest psyop of all with that "Masterpiece Theater" endlessly trying to convince Americans that we, the ruffian sort, are bad.
Get more horrified - it's not new.
Germany, UK, Sweden, others have had such laws on the books in one shape or form for decades now.
What has changed since ca 2005-2010 (dep. on which nation you look at) is that the lid of the kettle can't be kept shut much longer, and so by authoritarian reflex the failing state tries to do it even more, and more public, in a desperate attempt to quiet things.
Instead, you know, dealing with actual real issues.
I know from your own comments you have seen plenty of "HR-Karens" and middle managers employ the same tactics in failing companies - and we don't have to imagine how those people would act as civil servants; the Covid years had them reveal themselves all over the US, yes?
This is highly typical of Germans and Germany: they cannot help themselves from overdoing whatever it is they are doing, even if what they are doing is pants-on-head-retarded or wicked. They just have to run their head through the wall first, before maybe finding another way.
Yes. And as I've also said before--almost nobody leaves their middle school cafeteria behind. The hilarity of thinking we're run by elites when it's mostly just 12-year-old boys and girls of the obnoxious sort.
I am deeply saddened every time I read about worthless experiments on Beagles. I have lived with them for most of my life. I wonder if the powers that are currently running this farce ever considered that they may have inadvertently created lots & lots of John Wicks. Grab some popcorn & we'll find out.
This is all well and good, but I still can't reconcile the idea that Trump/Musk are going to save us with Operation Warp Speed, Stargate, and Trump continuing to say that the mRNA crap saved millions of lives.
Agree. There are elements in this that make me uncomfortable. And then there are the risks, such as of the grid being attacked by bad actors, many of whom are hiding in our country. As wonderful as all this exposure is, we are very far from home free.
No system will voluntarily release its hostages. Thinking otherwise is hopium. Trump will steel man the system and build a less transparent one.
For the few remaining old hippies who never were cajoled into submission, this is redemption.
I am an old hippie. It’s mind boggling that so many were lost. This is the second time I’ve used mind boggling today.
My mind is so boggled I've lost track of boggling completely. As another old hippie, shocked to see my fellow hippies turn into mask-wearing Nazis, even Neil fucking Young who sold his catalog to Pfizer. I mean, come on!! This was some military grade propaganda. Talk about Needle and the Damage Done.
Neil was such a disappointment, I loved his music! What a Putz! Are you serious about him selling to Pfizer?
Like Roger Fucking Daltrey admonishing the concert crowd for smoking weed!
My Generation my ASS.
“Well, I hope Neil Young will remember: a southern man don’t need him around anyhow.” Lynyrd Skynyrd
Ain’t no rock and roll https://youtu.be/Z42pqeCicIY?si=6ge215Z2ZiKkkqBj
Maybe the flouride finally turned the trick.
I had Orange Sunshine immunity.
“covid was one helluva sorting hat”.
Please make this a meme!
A crime syndicate of unimaginable proportions is about to be exposed (for those with eyes to see; it is unclear what percentage of the populace that is); but I suspect that the enrichment of insiders is only part of the story. I think the grand impulse was to bankrupt the government (and all national governments) and set the stage for a worldwide totalitarian takeover.
Deliberate Destruction through Dependence for plutocratic rule.
Always the same with the Left. Always.
I just heard Trump giving a press conference. He mentioned that "Mexico is run by cartels". Then I thought, do you mean, "Just like the USA and Europe?" So glad he is exposing the corruption. He also talked about the millions of people over 100 years old who have receiving Social Security payout. Some are even over 200 years old!