do not underestimate the evil that was unleashed in the early hours of 4 nov 2020.

these totalitarian progressives think their mass printed ballots and hacked counting machines give them a mandate.....

make no mistake they have the fix for 2022.

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Absolutely brilliant essay.

After watching in person as Antifa and BLM burned and wrecked the city I live in while being told it was all in the name of equality, I became radicalized. I used to never give a rip about politics. Then I watched a Presidential election stolen. We can never go back. We can only go forward. And forward means battle.

Are you prepared? Because I sure am!

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I am generally opposed to mandates. I would, however, entertain the possibility of one exception: This essay should be required reading for every American.

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Is there a name for this principle yet?:

Any taxation law intended to tax the rich more than the poor will have loopholes that will allow the rich to be taxed less than the poor because they are the only ones that have the resources to exploit the loopholes.

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"If total control over the economy must in the end mean total control over what people do, say, and think, then it is only spelling out details or pointing out corollaries to say that totalitarianism suppresses freedom of the press, freedom of religion, freedom of assembly, freedom of immigration and emigration, freedom to form or to keep any political party in opposition, and freedom to vote against the government. These suppressions are merely the end-products of totalitarianism.

All that the totalitarians want is total control. This does not necessarily mean that they want total suppression. They suppress merely the ideas which they don't agree with, or of which they are suspicious, or of which they have never heard before; and they suppress only the actions that they don't like, or of which they cannot see the necessity. They leave the individual perfectly free to agree with them, and perfectly free to act in any way that serves their purposes — or to which they may happen at the moment to be indifferent. Of course, they sometimes also compel actions, such as positive denunciations of people who are against the government (or who the government says are against the government), or groveling adulation of the leader of the moment. That no individual in Russia today gets the constant groveling adulation that Stalin demanded chiefly means that no successor has yet succeeded in securing Stalin's unchallenged power."

Henry Hazlitt

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Tour de force! "they are hypocrites to the bone and morally bereft. this is not about principles and never was. it’s about pretext to grab and wield power and to make damn sure that power stays with them and theirs. it’s all the ever wanted."

Sums it up for the past, the present, and the foreseeable future!

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I knew we were soul mates. Harrison Bergeron is my favorite short story ever; I, too, read it in high school and re-read often. :) GREAT article.

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it's intentional and nefarious, they want the money broken so they can control you

these are the same people printing trillions...trillions out of thin air, minting trillion dollar platinum coins, but they need your fiat...

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Sometimes I wish you weren't so bloody sane and clear-eyed, so I wouldn't get depressed and angry when I read your pieces. Only sometimes, though. We have to face the evil that's been unleashed. I'm glad we have you to focus the light in just the right places. God save us from these evil beasts.

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Ugh I can't even read this it makes me so mad. Just like the Feds said Fed employees and contractors can file IF they have AE from VAX this will have a Pelosi/ Buffet loophole as well. Mark my word!

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The blue-blooded vampires formulating proposals like the “wealth tax for billionaires” know the proles only read headlines and will ingenuously buy whatever they’re selling, just like the many other devious policies cloaked under euphemistic acronyms like the PATRIOT Act and Clean Air Act.

Thanks especially for the reminder about Vonnegut’s brilliant “Harrison Bergeron”! Rereading that in light of today’s climate is chilling. It won’t be long before we have a Handicapper General.

So it goes …

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Tomorrow this junk science will doom many of our children to short painful lives https://tobyrogers.substack.com/p/ten-red-flags-in-the-fdas-risk-benefit

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The first thing I thought when I saw this was, "This is how you wreck an economy."

And the sad thing is, most of them are too stupid to understand that, but they are being led around by the nose by those who fully understand and have that as their ultimate goal.

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I thought you were never going to talk about CDBC, UBI, and other such totalitarian acronyms. But then comes the end of this writing, and you do not disappoint, good kitty.

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The day this goes into affect, the stock market will crash like a drunken sailor leaving Hong Kong.

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Contact your Senators and House members. Blow up their phones and email. Senators Manchin and Sinema are leaning towards supporting this. Contact them! Email is on their web sites, phone numbers are Manchin (202) 224-3954; Sinema (202) 224-3954. They need to hear how unpopular this is, how it will affect you. This must be stopped.

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