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Of course. Totally agreed. But if you argue that preventative vaccines work... let's just accept this premise (even though I don't)... you actually have to *conduct* a risk benefit analysis.

There are game theoretic aspects to this, argue the maxx vaxxers. i.e. If incidence and mortality are quite low at a given point in time, people who don't vaxx are "free riders" whose luck will eventually run out.

I think that's totally wrong but I'll make my own post on it on my own stack and link back here when I'm done.

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i agree that overall benefit may have been moderate, but overall risk was lower still.

are the benefits likely oversold? yes.

but are they still net positive? yes.

the autism links stemming from the wakefield fraud have been repeatedly disproven and the blame for autoimmune lies elsewhere.

we saw just such luck run out in several marin schools where the kids stopped vaxxing.

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I think Wakefield is an honest actor and not a fraud. That belief is not mutually exclusive with the belief that vaccines are responsible for all the autism (because I personally don't believe that).

Where does the blame for autoimmune disease lie? I'm curious to hear your thoughts on that.

I'd also ask a rhetorical question to make a point. Where does the blame for heart disease lie? (In reality, it's probably on over a dozen factors...)

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Keep looking. NO NET POSITIVE. Every injection does harm. Vaccination is not immunization.

Me thinks you might not understand Wakefiled's original scientific questioning. He studied a group of kiddos with PDD "pervasive developmental disorder" IE today's ASD. Major changes after MMR. These kiddos also had polyps in their colons which housed the live measles virus..... that was really curious. Points to Gut/Brain/Immune axis dysregulation. What could causes it?!?! Also, why does the MMR seem to be the gateway to brain injury from injection? Well, because you spent the first 12-15 months of the babies life injecting "dead" vaccines packed with neurotoxic adjuvants, which are scattered and attached to the macrophages in the body, then BAM! 3 live virus vaccine hits the child's immune system, activate several immune function mechanisms that are bogged down with toxic aluminum, and the gut/brain/immune axis pathways are now toxic highways. Don't forget that permeable blood brain barrier. The biological mechanisms of vaccine injury are complex and multi layered. Every injection does harm. The innate immune system is being dysregulated from birth. This is one slice of the pie, but a BIG ONE. Gotta turn the genetic susceptibility, MTHFR, c-section and the babies gut microbiome, formula, and acetaminophen rocks over too, dude. Keep looking!

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So the Wakefield take down was a completely justified action by the same players? Have we leaned nothing of the tactics? It was you who opened my eyes! I used to just believe the accusations of fraud....

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"no one would get shots if they did nothing"

Sure they would. There is a significant number lining up for their covid boosters right now and they'll continue to do so for 17 more shots. lol.

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ok, fair. "if they beleived they did nothing" would have been the proper phrasing.

clearly, lots of people get flu shots too, and those are worthless and almost certainly a net harm.

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Right. That's why I think this fraud can go on for a long time. People will admit that the covid vaccines might be dangerous or ineffective, but as soon as a different one is produced, most of the sheep will line right up again.

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Where can i read more about flu shots?

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Thomas Jefferson of the Cochrane Collaboration has been highly critical of flu shots. You can find some of his authored papers on PubMed.

Additionally, I think the graphs in this paper are quite interesting. Plot the inception of flu vaccines on the charts, as a point, and it honestly doesn't look much different than the rest of the infectious diseases, which had vast declines in mortality prior to the inception of the vaccines.

I honestly think that "YES but the vaccines still did something even if it was just a little bit!" is "post hoc, ergo propter hoc" reasoning.


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