Easy check: the adjuvant blamed for causing autism is the same as is used as a preservative in tatoo inks, an in much, much greater concentration and quantitiy.
So anyone with a even just one or two moderately complex tatoos should be high-risk re: autism. Yet there is zero correlation between tatoos and autism.
Autism is genetic, and co…
Easy check: the adjuvant blamed for causing autism is the same as is used as a preservative in tatoo inks, an in much, much greater concentration and quantitiy.
So anyone with a even just one or two moderately complex tatoos should be high-risk re: autism. Yet there is zero correlation between tatoos and autism.
Autism is genetic, and complex. It is also massively overdiagnosed and the bar to qualify has been lowered to the level of a joke, due to Karens of both genders not wanting to raise and discipline their children and teach them to behave properly.
One thing I noticed, teaching 'aspies' both real and alleged is this: it's real easy to test for in school.
If the kid with the alleged Aspergers doesn't get easier tasks, lowered bars and all-around greased wheels and mollycoddling, in 9 cases out 10 the Aspergers goes away. Same with ADHD or dyslexia. No special track meaning a softer course = the cure for 9/10 of childhood behavioural disorders.
I noticed this when I started telling students and their parents (if the student was a legal minor) that while I would certainly adapt to the alleged diagnosis, this meant /more/ work for the student and even more work for the parents,since the student still must reach the same minimum level as everyone else, or get a failing grade.
Lo and behold, most everyone's problems cleared up. It's the same with parents demanding special diets. Show me a signed diagnostic from an actual medical doctor - not a note from your ayurveda yogi or from some online test by Dingus, Doofus and Dibbler, esq. Again, 9/10 of all "eating disorders" clears up if the person doesn't get a) attention, b) food.
First, Autism is a disorder developed in early childhood. You can’t develop it as an adult. So the tattoo hypothesis is garbage. Second, my first kid was diagnosed by one psychologist. My second had to go through a gauntlet of professionals, so most places won’t recognize a diagnosis unless it’s done properly. And third, while I recognize many teenagers with high-functioning or mild issues should not be coddled (you are totally right) it’s ridiculous to claim that solves most behavioral issues. And blaming parents is the go-to for people who don’t live in this nightmare and haven’t witnessed their children literally stolen from them and incapable of functioning in their own bodies and minds. From severe to moderate, it’s heartbreaking, and compounded by people who think we’re just coddling our kids or who don’t want to parent them appropriately. It’s insulting. It’s wrong. And if you believe that the government is covering up injuries with its covid jab program, you can’t now ignore the ones who have been screaming for decades and demanding answers as if they’re just Karen’s who need to sit down and listen to the grownups talk about REAL science.
In support of your observations one may cite the mushrooming of conditions with each and every new edition of the DSM. Psychiatric and psychological “disease” is a massive growth industry. On the spectrum of “normal” to “mentally ill” there used to be quite a middle grey zone. This grey zone has been steadily subsumed by the “disease” label.
Easy check: the adjuvant blamed for causing autism is the same as is used as a preservative in tatoo inks, an in much, much greater concentration and quantitiy.
So anyone with a even just one or two moderately complex tatoos should be high-risk re: autism. Yet there is zero correlation between tatoos and autism.
Autism is genetic, and complex. It is also massively overdiagnosed and the bar to qualify has been lowered to the level of a joke, due to Karens of both genders not wanting to raise and discipline their children and teach them to behave properly.
One thing I noticed, teaching 'aspies' both real and alleged is this: it's real easy to test for in school.
If the kid with the alleged Aspergers doesn't get easier tasks, lowered bars and all-around greased wheels and mollycoddling, in 9 cases out 10 the Aspergers goes away. Same with ADHD or dyslexia. No special track meaning a softer course = the cure for 9/10 of childhood behavioural disorders.
I noticed this when I started telling students and their parents (if the student was a legal minor) that while I would certainly adapt to the alleged diagnosis, this meant /more/ work for the student and even more work for the parents,since the student still must reach the same minimum level as everyone else, or get a failing grade.
Lo and behold, most everyone's problems cleared up. It's the same with parents demanding special diets. Show me a signed diagnostic from an actual medical doctor - not a note from your ayurveda yogi or from some online test by Dingus, Doofus and Dibbler, esq. Again, 9/10 of all "eating disorders" clears up if the person doesn't get a) attention, b) food.
First, Autism is a disorder developed in early childhood. You can’t develop it as an adult. So the tattoo hypothesis is garbage. Second, my first kid was diagnosed by one psychologist. My second had to go through a gauntlet of professionals, so most places won’t recognize a diagnosis unless it’s done properly. And third, while I recognize many teenagers with high-functioning or mild issues should not be coddled (you are totally right) it’s ridiculous to claim that solves most behavioral issues. And blaming parents is the go-to for people who don’t live in this nightmare and haven’t witnessed their children literally stolen from them and incapable of functioning in their own bodies and minds. From severe to moderate, it’s heartbreaking, and compounded by people who think we’re just coddling our kids or who don’t want to parent them appropriately. It’s insulting. It’s wrong. And if you believe that the government is covering up injuries with its covid jab program, you can’t now ignore the ones who have been screaming for decades and demanding answers as if they’re just Karen’s who need to sit down and listen to the grownups talk about REAL science.
In support of your observations one may cite the mushrooming of conditions with each and every new edition of the DSM. Psychiatric and psychological “disease” is a massive growth industry. On the spectrum of “normal” to “mentally ill” there used to be quite a middle grey zone. This grey zone has been steadily subsumed by the “disease” label.
As Freddie DeBoer calls it, the "gentrification of mental illness."
I know of no babies that get tattoos. The brains are being damaged while they are most delicate i.e. when they are young.
The aluminum nano-particles DO travel to the brain from the injection site.
Autism & Aluminum Adjuvants in Vaccines: How Aluminum Adjuvants in Vaccines Can Cause Autism