it's a mostly anti-modern age screed from a philosophy department.
but amusingly, it states: "Of all of the possible factors associated with autism in this thesis, the connection between SSRI use during pregnancy and autism is the clearest."
his discussion of vaccines is all politico-eonomic and abou…
it's a mostly anti-modern age screed from a philosophy department.
but amusingly, it states: "Of all of the possible factors associated with autism in this thesis, the connection between SSRI use during pregnancy and autism is the clearest."
his discussion of vaccines is all politico-eonomic and about lack of controls.
no real evidence of causal impact is present.
please do not spam me with misrepresented high volume pieces or i'll assume you're not on the level and stop reading anything you post. you get one strike on that.
As read ICAN white papers. The sciebtifuc causality papers are there. All from govt documentation. Again I’d you don’t know wfst the 1986 Act did you Might begin to think about all the info shared with you and what you may not be aware of. It’s ok to be ignorant. But not willfully so.
btw, did you even read why you linked?
it's a mostly anti-modern age screed from a philosophy department.
but amusingly, it states: "Of all of the possible factors associated with autism in this thesis, the connection between SSRI use during pregnancy and autism is the clearest."
his discussion of vaccines is all politico-eonomic and about lack of controls.
no real evidence of causal impact is present.
please do not spam me with misrepresented high volume pieces or i'll assume you're not on the level and stop reading anything you post. you get one strike on that.
this was it.
How about watch Vaxxed 1& 2 as well
As read ICAN white papers. The sciebtifuc causality papers are there. All from govt documentation. Again I’d you don’t know wfst the 1986 Act did you Might begin to think about all the info shared with you and what you may not be aware of. It’s ok to be ignorant. But not willfully so.