remaining hype is about control, collectivism and starting the new social[ist] order.

the experts are bought, all they have is appeal to authority propaganda shown as expertise......

fauci exchange with rand paul is enlightening he gets mad, then paul wins except on edited version shown on the official propaganda outlets...

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They only have to use the smoke and mirrors for a couple more months until flu season comes around and the "real" metrics start to rise again. They will avoid, at all costs, overlaying the numbers by year, because when you do that you see exactly what you expect: each 'wave' is smaller than the last because there are fewer people who are still susceptible.

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add'l tool for you: Thanks to amazing @ifihadastick for creating this state-specific pediatric hospitalization tracker: https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiMzBjZDU5YTMtNjI1MC00ZGEzLTkyMzAtMzc2OGI5MmE2NTg3IiwidCI6IjQ4ZGIxMmFjLTVkYzMtNGQ1MS05N2VkLTVhM2RkZTYxOTlmYyJ9

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I wonder what the trajectory and duration of the media hysteria timeline looks like starting with the summer of 2000 when the media went nuts about shark attacks, then 9/11 (the shoe bomber may have been the peak), then Obama, then Trump, and now COVID. Are the hysterical periods getting longer and what are the media revenues per "hysterical" event? I am a big believer in following the money. It usually reveals a lot.

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Interesting that the JHU data graphs you show have different Y-axis scales. I see they're ("they" being MSM and approves social media) careful NOT to do year over year and just show big curves - lying with statistics. Regarding schools, it's baffling that the UK will be open and maskless come fall while here it's a daily struggle just to keep summer programs for kids open and in-person.

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jhu phd is on twitter totally ignoring seasonality.....

how can 'propped' experts keep looking through the empty toilet paper tube?

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The thing is...I love you, bad cat.

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It will be a beautiful day when we no longer, never ever, hear the names/voices/see the faces of Hotez, Osterholm, Gottlieb, Slavitt, Wenn, Fauci, Wallenski, etc etc etc etc. They type of people you wouldn't normally give two seconds of attention to (still don't). The type of folks so worthless and so pathologically narcissistically inept that they could only survive in Govt, consulting, academia or media. The type of folks who if they sat down at a brewery next to you (they wouldn't), you would move. On another topic, I love the supposedly intelligent folk I know who COMPLETELY ignore the existence of natural immunity. Their entire world view is based on vax/no vax. Some of these people run funds. Not rushing out to invest w/ them.

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Preach. I have a cadre of fraternity brothers, and college classmates, some of whom are M.D.'s, who are fully on-board with vaccination ID's, and believe the "vaccination protects my community" hype. To say I am disappointed does not do it justice. The issue, to put some of this into perspective, is that Fauci and Walensky, for example, are qualified, as far as a bureaucrat can be such. They just *choose* to serve a different master than facts. Well, Fauci is a putz, but I am not (yet) convinced Walensky is an idiot. She just has a master other than science and a set of goals other than those that would serve you and I!

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Great piece with data... thanks!

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Excellent work brother!!!

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“70%+ of reported cases appear to be non-clinical“ is this a best-guess collection of data or is this metric from somewhere.

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study cited in piece.

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My bad. Missed the link on my phone. (Substack needs an app). “ Viral growth in culture was present in 31% of samples” from +PCR tests. Are you aware of any studies that compare +PCR tests to clinical symptoms?

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let's not forget that culturable virus (i.e., under perfect lab conditions) does not = infectious viral load. In vitro cultures don't have an immune system.

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I am getting increasing concerned that we have sold our souls to the PCR test. No one even fights it anymore. We have no idea the thresholds being used in Israel, UK, LA County, Cleveland Clinic, etc. All the “cases” and BT cases are suspect to me. The only thing we know for sure is if someone was vaccinated yes or no. Whether or not they had a first case or second case of Covid is dependent on the reliability of the test...unless they are doing clinical exam.

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I have some idea what CT’s they are using (have a list extracted from fda filings) and they are all too high. Some ridiculously so. It runs through every stat out there. Cases hosps deaths. All assigned based on pcr results. The layers of stupid and corruption never end. And because we now live in a world of post modernist relativism where there is no objective truth, they can lie and make crap up with no limit and no challenges other than from us little guys. Like spoiled kids they can pretend anything unpleasant or disagreeable doesn’t exist while being both of those things themselves constantly.

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Despite what you may have heard, PCR stands for "Prints Cash Rapidly" since the marketplace for these tests is based, almost totally, on the casedemic.

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Are antibody tests expensive? Why aren't we doing that for free before the free vaccine jabs? If every life saved is so important, how many lives/health are we neglecting by vaccinating people who have had the disease and don't know it?

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antibody testing only identifies recent infection and does not help to identify people with cellular immunity (especially those who had a prior abortive infection). we need to shift the focus from antibody seropositivity to cellular immunity and clinical evidence of immunity (continued evasion of infection despite continuous normal exposure to other humans).




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iirc about $140 last spring on line show up at local urgent med or like.....

t cell tests iirc run >200 bucks.

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Too expensive then. The big picture is to jab everybody, and if it harms someone who already had Covid, that's a friendly fire casulty. Of course some people who know they had Covid will volunteer to get jabbed anyways, because they only read mainstream headlines.

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Sadly, their idiot doctors are telling them to get jabbed post-infection. SMH

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If you donate blood to the red cross, they'll perform the antibody test on your sample for free.

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i did not know before i donated yesterday. i donated on may 13 2021 as well. today i received red cross e mail and survey. seems i was negative anti bodies in may and am positive anti bodies in jul! i had been vaxxed w/moderna on 7 may had second dose. either the anti bodies did not become evident 6 days after second moderna or moderna failed and i got a no symptom case. i am over 70 and generally good health.

red cross is collecting servoprevalence feedback/data for cdc.

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...and yet, indoor masking is back in D.C., just in time, I guess, to make sure the hype helps with elections, control, or whatever else. Disturbing, and yet, all-too-expected!

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The Cadwalladers and the SAGEs and the Gates and the Lord God Faucis of the world will not let this up willingly. I used to think that if you owned the media you could get away with anything, but now I think you also need to own the so-called Department of Justice. No one going to make indictments, ever, anywhere.

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This running psyop will have to be pried from their cold. dead hands to make it stop.

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Mr. Bad Cat, I saw this amazing piece of fear porn and thought you might like to claw at it for a while. A model predicts 240,000 new infections and day and 4,000 deaths a day because of the Indian delta variant. This is Neil Fergurson/IHME level crapola.


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Here's a good summary of the COVID era to date: https://eugyppius.substack.com/p/corona Anything wrong here? My only thought, the long term effects of all the lies. Truth only works when there is trust, when people believe the truth. More chaos likely.

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This is a great analysis and we need more like them. High-resolution stats on covid mortality rates per region/county/district around the US and other nations with abysmal vaccination rates will be useful as well. In aggregate, the US has done well but I don't expect the declining average national stats to be reflected uniformly in regions of the US with extremely low vaccination rates. The same will of course apply to low vaccination regions in other countries. In various parts of Mexico, deaths are surging, and nationally the country has a paltry 15% double dose vaccinated population.

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