Animal Farm, by Orwell. There you see everything. It was required reading when I was in High School.

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it is probably about to be banned...

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highly likely...

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The difference between Stalin and Hitler, best buddies between 1939-41 and both sharing "Socialism" as their totem, was that the latter wrote himself Mein Kampf as a brand new playbook, while the former stuck to Marx's vintage rulebooks for oppression, or "wokeness" in it's current and updated edition.

"For each new class which puts itself in the place of one ruling before it, is compelled, merely in order to carry through its aim, to represent its interest as the common interest of all the members of society, that is, expressed in ideal form: it has to give its ideas the form of universality, and represent them as the only rational, universally valid ones."

Marx, German Ideology (1845)

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Very eloquent as always...my fear is that those of us in the minority who are willing to stand up and speak out, will still be made to kneel down later if we don’t succeed in alerting enough people to the coming danger. I came to the US fleeing socialism over 40 years ago. The problem today is that there’s nowhere left to run, and while I have created a comfortable, rewarding life for myself and my loved ones here, I can’t afford my own island.

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and it is precisely that fear of reprisal that small elites have used to subdue the masses throughout history and the reason why those who value their current comforts too much to stand and fight will wind up losing them little by little to those who will until the tipping point is reached as they come for all of it.

sounds to me like you have seen this movie before. the only way it has a different ending this time is if we head it off early. it takes personal risk. that line about the tree of liberty needing to be refreshed with the blood of patriots and tyrants was not a metaphor.

this cancer gets harder to fight every additional day it is left to metastasize.

if not now, when?

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I completely agree with you. I lived in NYC for about 30 years as a closet libertarian for fear of losing friends and coworkers. About 10 years ago I started to notice the narrative changing and becoming more toxic and dangerous. Little by little, I started to speak out. Today I am very outspoken. It has cost me friends, but not as many as I thought. However, I have also not had a lot of success in persuading people about the dangerous ideology that is overtaking not only the US, but the majority of the Western world. I am a clinical social worker by profession, and the majority of my friends and colleagues have been so thoroughly indoctrinated, that they are incapable of seeing themselves as kind, compassionate humans without the woke ideology window dressing.

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Thanks for the post. I AM a White cell. It has cost friends and even family, but my sovereignty is sacred!

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recent reports of the January 6th rioters being held in solitary confinement is further dehumanization of "the other".

so here's your to-do list: #1 move to free state, #2 get involved to make it more free, #3 buy gun and train with it. even after they purge the military and Federal law enforcement of political dissidents, the Marxists still won't be able to do everything they want for one very simple reason.. they have not taken our guns.

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So glad to have your newsfeed!

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Black looting matters.

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I read your posts with trepidation as you hit the truth nail on the head, always. I just don't know what to do as an older, retired person except to share what you are saying in hopes I will wake one person up from this dream-state that is quickly morphing into nightmare status. Any suggestions as to what I can do?

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speak up. generate and share wisdom and perspective. call things by their names.

this last one is the big one because names are power. there is a reason that "the word" or "true names" is such a prevalent aspect of so many religions and spiritual or psychological systems. these names and symbols make up our reality and those who control them can twist the tangible into a hallucination more surely than any fun house mirror. in the human mind, he who controls the semiotics controls the epistemology.

this is why the authoritarians always seek to control what words you may speak, what concepts you may be express, and what the very words in our vernacular mean. you cannot fight that which you cannot name. you cannot ever find truth if the word for truth has been taken from you.

we cannot all stand up and go to war. but we can all refuse to grant fertile soil to the roots of tyranny by not allowing them to twist their way into our lexicon, lives, and liberties. refuse to adopt these bizarre framings. refuse to adopt the "right sizing of liberty for the betterment of society." call it tyranny because that is its name. refuse to acknowledge these invented "duties" to the society that are just the subjugation of our rights to their whims and values.

just resist. allow no progress. if some do this, the spread of propaganda slows. if we all do this, it ends.

become a white cell. you need not heal the whole body, just find the pathogen near you and take it out of play. encourage others to do the same. take back the inches until they become miles.

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el gato - this is a 20 minute clip that proves your counseling/guidance to "speak up" can work and be effective. There are thinking people out there that are thirsting for rational thought...even if they don't quite realize it (yet).


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Thank you ! I am keeping this and passing it on...

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"The question whether objective truth can be attributed to human thinking is not a question of theory but is a practical question."

Marx, Theses On Feuerbach: Thesis 2 (1845)

"The alphabet is male and female. If you will know the correct order of letters, you make a world, you make creation. This is why they will hide the order. If you will know the combinations, you make all life and death."

Don DeLillo, The Names

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The traits that allow one to excel in communism will leave that person destitute or in prison in a free market setting. Cruelty, barbarism, and willingness to worship human idols are the key traits to excelling in a communist system.

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I came across this via Twatter (I hate it but it is where I started reading you and others while seeking covid sanity so it is not all bad). This is rather remarkable IMO:


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I have been adhering to the Tolstoy "reason" for all this: that this not a movement led by a single human or group; but instead a movement of a billion thoughts and whispers from a mass of people. In other words, we aren't being led here; "we" WANT this. The soil is fertile for totalitarianism. People want Big Something (govt, tech, pharma, enterprise, etc) to tell them what is good for them and tell them what to do. Sadly, to paraphrase Tolstoy "The West went into the East and then the East went into the West" and I am deadly afraid that these idiots need to go into communism - to really give it a go - before they will realize the error of their ways...

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What was the name of the sci gi book where people were handicapped so everyone was equal. I think it had Henry in the title .

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this was one of my favorite readings from high school.

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I discovered it when PBS aired Between Time and Timbuktu. Lately, every time I see the word "equity" I'm reminded of that Handicapper General, Diana Moon Glampers.

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Thank you, I’ve been thinking about this book for awhile but could not remember the name.

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Marx was a satanist and a mason, and Engels and Moses Hess were masons as well.


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Jordan Peterson has done numerous lectures on this topic that are excellent. This is one that condenses much of it into 10 mins.


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