I just watched Ron DeSantis' roundtable with Hospital CEOs. What is indicated above about Hospital admissions indeed seems to be the case-- one CEO said 80% of COVID Hospital admissions are individuals who came for something else and were later tested positive, but these are mostly asymptomatic people who have been vaccinated. He didn't even consider these COV hospital patients but they have to be reported as such. Hospital stays are also very short for vaxed 1 to 2 days, longer for unvaxed. Those treated with monoclonal antibodies are responding very well and some released same day. The session is lengthy, but the beginning of each exec's comments includes some of the info above.


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Sure would be interesting to compare hospital stays for vaxed who have previously had and recovered from covid vs not. Any bets whether vaxed without prior covid look a whole lot like unvaxed?

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> the data is, however, of terrible quality

> worry less, live more.

I suggest one uncouple themselves from the Cathedral. Do not give them clicks, money or power.

"You do not speak for me, nor I for you."

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if you do not love your covidistan approved prayer rug turn and do not care to use it, off the tv, and follow el gato malo


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Gato Jefe de Travesuras:

If you find the time, I would love you to lend your voice to the matter of my now- former home (escaped as of 3 weeks ago), New York City, where vaccine apartheid is set to take effect in mid-August to the thunderous applause of the Twitter brownshirt mob and Chicago mayor Beetlejuice eager to follow suit and get the dominoes falling.

Though I'm now hundreds of miles away, focused on the hard work of starting a farm with my family in a new home, I'm scared for the first time in a while that the walls are closing in.

I will not take the shot. I will not wear a mask again. I do not have COVID. I am no danger to anyone. Will I spend the rest of my life in jail someday because I've decided to die on this hill? A fate worse than that of murderers and child molesters, who- again- has done nothing to anyone?

Or die in the act of resistance?

La perra pastor

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I have to read you every day to keep my head on straight. Thank you! And then there are those who want to cancel ukulele practice and our first gig in a week because singing is "risky" right now. All the more for me to carry on without these people...

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It seems like a well-organized CDC should have been aware the data collection would have curial value in managing a pandemic and would have had a game plan in their back pocket for how highly granular data would be collected and sorted. Instead, the data is so messed up that it's nearly uninterpretable and certainly of compromised value. Where were the CDC's epidemiologists and statisticians? The top leadership needs to answer for this. When will the pink slips be distributed?

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pink slips?

pretty sure they are handing out promotions over this...


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Not to lob too big of a bomb (and of course keeping in mind these are only "cases") but just look what is happening in place that never passes the lips of any mainstream analyst--Oregon. This liberal state is 57% fully vaxed (towards the top of states in the US percentage wise) yet cases are exploding--up 50% week over week. I know US data is noisy but Jesus Christ shouldn't we stop and ponder what is really happening before we force people to get the jab to keep their job or eat indoors or work out in a gym like NYC has already done (and LA is about to do)? Mass, abject insanity.

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And wouldn't you know it, the pacific coast had an outbreak exactly like this at this exact time last year! What are the chances?!?!?!?!?

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Why won’t any of the stenographers point this out, Sim?

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Because it's not about a virus. We know from reading Fauci's emails that he gets all the information from people around the country, he just ignores what doesn't fit the narrative.

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Here's hospitalizations going back a little bit farther -- testing caught up in late April 2020 then we start the downhill plunge. Note the summer peak was July 27 last year.

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looks like the 2021 summer surge will peak a couple of weeks later than in 2020.

the hypothesis that community immunity effects deaths or hospitalizations needs to beat the hypothesis that delta is "not as harmful".

"not as harmful" is totally opposite the lame stream media panic propaganda! as is communtiy immunity or hit!

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gatito, please help.

As the CDC promotes their "color coded" scheme to basically tell the country that EVERYONE should be wearing masks, could you analyze the current data, specifically the Rt, for certain states?

Here in NJ, the alleged Rt is actually on the downward trend, despite the CDC saying it is on the upward trend. I understand that the CDC is not taking into account the sample rate, which is dishonest, but NJ's own data shows that the Rt, while spiking in the last month, is actually on a downward trend for the last week or so, yet CDC still claims the opposite. What gives?

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Sure would be interesting to see comparison of situations in Sweden vs Israel where nearly everyone is vaxed yet cases and hospitalizations and deaths all are increasing. That vaccination program is working wonders. All they need are endless boosters, lockdowns and masks.

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Watch this today from Israel--a country that keeps well defined, relentlessly current statistics and is heavily vaccinated. I guess Dr. Haviv, a frontline Covid physician, must just not know enough about the situation to pronounce the vax's effectiveness "really fading." Right?


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Breathless Covidiot post today: “26 Georgia hospitals turning away all new patients or ICU patients” Is there a new definition for “patient”? “ICU”? “Turning away”?

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Excellent Info. Thanks. Reposted to social. Gives people comfort which is in short supply.

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Hard to say for sure why we are seeing less hospitalization but it does appear that vaccines are playing a large role there correct?

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What would it take to get good data? And by "good," I chiefly mean "consistent," both in each data source and among all data sources.

To get back to the real world, it would be enough to know what definitions and assumptions are used, so long as they are laid out in detail on every dataset.

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The problem is that, even if you are consistently fed with data on asymptomatic+symptomatic cases, it is of absolutely no use if you do not know in which proportion, do not know if a symptomatic case is serious or a running nose and if you do not know what is the issue with asymptomatic cases (transmission vectors? future symptomatic case?...).

Consistency is not enough, relevance is necessary as well.

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"some little hospital in cactusbutt arizona ran out of beds!”

Thank you for the data analysis and the laugh. :)

We should also factor in the CDC analysis of C19 deaths, which as of August 1, still states: "For over 5% of these deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned on the death certificate. For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 4.0 additional conditions or causes per death."


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Total deaths is a more useful metric than “Covid deaths”.

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it's difficult to use in anything like real time as it lags a solid month to 6 weeks for full reporting.

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