And they are printing fake money out of thin air and borrowing against two generations's future to buy them! Transferring said "money" to the philanthropaths so we can live in sick, tyrant controlled poverty for the rest of history. I've so had enough of all of this.
And they are printing fake money out of thin air and borrowing against two generations's future to buy them! Transferring said "money" to the philanthropaths so we can live in sick, tyrant controlled poverty for the rest of history. I've so had enough of all of this.
And they are printing fake money out of thin air and borrowing against two generations's future to buy them! Transferring said "money" to the philanthropaths so we can live in sick, tyrant controlled poverty for the rest of history. I've so had enough of all of this.
They’ll only stop when they’ve taken everything, and they’re most of the way there.
Resistance is clearly futile