This is our #1 issue. We cannot rank anything higher than this issue. It is an issue we can and should all agree on. All political sides and all people.
It is like having a computer that has been hacked and corrupted. When we sit here arguing about hot button or other issues that is like arguing about what programs run better on the corrupted computer. NONE of them run better. Not until we fix the system. We have to put all of our attention on focusing on fixing the ACTUAL SYSTEM first. It's not that hard to do actually. We just need a movement. A decentralized one. And a plan.
What is the solution? Our systems have been corrupted by regulatory capture and special interest groups - we can't expect the system to fix itself. We need a NEW idea. One that makes the old one obsolete.
If our problem is systemic corruption the best cure is radical FORCED TRANSPARENCY.
I beg all of you to read this, and then join in the solutions minded comments. It is totally free:
The root cause is that we have given up our liberties in the name of convenience, safety and an abdication of personal responsibility, to a corrupt cabal of power hungry leaches.
Millions are not only accepting domination, they are justifying it, demanding it.
Not only denying reality but demonizing, and now calling to criminalize, those who try to point out the obvious facts. I don't now if it's more than half the population, but it is way, way too many.
It is not from today or yesterday or even this century. It has been going on for over 100 years. Rockefellers, Carnegies, and now gates, all have contributed to the corruption. Read Dr Mullins, Death by injection, written in 1988 but still actual. Big harma is ruling not only this country, but almost the whole world now. The few presidents that stood up against them were killed. It is that simple. If Biden is not complying he will probably be dead too, and if it were Trump still, same thing.
The basis principles upon which our constitution is based acknowledges that power corrupts and becomes it's own end. The design of our republic is intended to limit the concentration of power so as to limit the scope of effect of corruption in any body. The mechanisms to achieve that have been circumvented. Destroyed in many ways. Key to doing this are national parties that can through financial and other means dominate state and local elections, thus circumventing the main goal of a representative republic. The other key is "educating" out teaching of these foundation principles so that people believe that only via centralized power can anything be achieved.
I think you are right. Small countries used to thrive. Very seldom, like under Maria Theresa of Austria, was there a good period under a large country. The EU is doomed, I think, and I wonder if the US will be able to go on as it is. If you are in a small place, you know your rulers. Now we are stuck with people from which we know they won't be any good, but there is no choice. And it is not the president who rules, but all the bureaucracy who are not elected, who play the rules. PS there is a great interview with msgr Vigano on Dr Malones substack. Very interesting.
Some of us had our liberties stolen. Depending on your age. The younger ones want absolutely NOTHING to do with personal responsibility, therefore they gave up nothing they valued. They screwed us...again.
Not all the younger ones. Some were raised right. My son (28) is responsible and thinks independently. He's also awesome - for fathers day he ordered me a custom made AR-15 :-).
That is awesome! I wish someone would buy me a custom, just about anything. --- Him being raised right, means you probably were, too. Great job to 2, at least, generations of your family!
That is true - and achieved neither safety or convenience. But what is the root cause of that? Control of education which leads to mandatory indoctrination. People willingly allow themselves to become dominated by a minority because they've been taught that the only means to goodness is an ever more powerful government. So well taught that there is no mental denial too extreme to justify conformance and no logical disconnect too obvious to break the trance.
This. The system has not been corrupted; the system is doing exactly what it is designed to do. Anyone working within the system surely recognizes that it solves for the dark triad.
Man has been corrupted, enabling the system to harvest his soul in the material transactions upon which the system relies. As soon as man handed over his moral standing in favor of the moral superiority of the "market" it was over. Ordinary Men. History is littered with this same pattern. In the fullness of time our story will meet similar ends.
I would prefer that to the other fear, that they are planning to force mandates through again because depop and/or eliminate the control group. If making money is the only motivation, they'll take the cash and let the new doses rot like the old ones.
Taxpayer money being wasted on ineffective dangerous poison shots no one is accepting that will go in the trash is imo the best possible situation, sadly. Far better than the situation where despite all evidence against them they force us to take the poison they forced us to pay for.
Yes, very true, however, (and I couldn't have said this even 6 months ago), I don't think they can force us. They had their shot and they missed. A year ago people were terrified of covid; they're not anymore. A year ago, many people believed in the safety and efficacy of the vaccine; they don't anymore.
I absolutely believe their agenda is bigger than money. Depopulation has been discussed for decades. What I think they really wanted, was these deadly injections on the childhood vaccine schedule. They don't really care about the adults. That's the thing to watch and fight.
I sure hope you're right, but I'm not seeing it. But in my part of California, people still wear masks while driving alone in their cars. So I'm not as optimistic as you. I still hear the screams every week that there is a new "surge" and it's all because vax-denier non-mask wearing unclean heathens. Profound, militant ignorance still dominates around here.
I don't know anything for sure. But I am very involved in mainstream message boards and I can tell you that the tide has turned. Slowly, not enough, but turned. And when it comes to babies and toddlers, the majority are just not having it. Mandates everywhere, even in CA (I live in L.A.!) have all but disappeared. We'll see what happens after the elections--if we lose, who knows.
There is a way - whether they have it ready to roll is another thing. When the digital dollar is introduced, digital ID will be required. Do you want to access your money?
I have no doubt that this is, and will remain, their #1 goal but it won’t happen by Fall and not likely over this vaccine. They are chipping away at it in other ways and rolling it out in other countries now, like Ukraine. But we’re not there yet.
And you don’t need to be combative with me. I’m not the enemy, Dufus.
They are also constructing Babylon and if you read Revelation 18 you will see what happens to it. The original Babylon was founded on the idea of one language. The new one is founded on one currency.
Maybe we get lucky on the timing. Maybe it’s not so bad to have DigiD. All I know is when they came for my body I knew I couldn’t trust them ever. Overplayed their hand as far as I am concerned. A pity, because three years ago I though co2 rationing might be an interesting idea. Ha!
No, it's very, very bad. Once they have you tracked and scored, you will have only the privileges they let you have. As you saw in Canada (and they tipped their hand too early), with the push of a button, Trudeau froze every single bank account of those supporting the trucker protest. Just because of their opinions. Digital IDs will be sold as if they are gold, but they are the last step to a tyrannical society we will have a hard time (if not impossible time) undoing.
They are requiring these now for all medical personnel and in some, but not all private industries. Many who agreed to be on board when they got $$ for doing so, have since abandoned that requirement.
It will be interesting when the time comes. I work at a place that required them of staff (I'm a new hire, they didn't even ask me) and let go a couple of key workers who refused. Two years later the key workers are back because the ones who took their place were shit. It will be interesting if they pull this shit again what will happen. If what will now become 3 people they need and can't replace saying, "fuck you, general", will they be able to enforce anything and still keep the business going?
I wish it was as simple a money laundering, but the coordinated coercion to take the shitty vaccine, especially from WEF young leaders suggests something far more sinister.
Not really laundering as the money comes from taxpayers who most earned it legitimately.
The media wants y'all to forget where it comes from: about a third from taxpayers and about 2 thirds from foreign investors (borrowing). Ok so maybe 2/3rds qualify as ill gotten gains :-).
The scam phase of the debacle; kind of like groping over bodies for loose change before calling the ambulance. Pretty soon Big Pharma will have stolen more money and killed more people than the Military Industrial Complex; quite an accomplishment. My only hope is that this destroys forever the idea that Doctors and the Medical establishment have some sort of golden halo; its a poison distribution guild, backed by officers of the State, running up the tab at the public coffers, and swimming in sanctimonious arrogance.
The State is a scam, and everything it does is grift.
"Taking the State wherever found, striking into its history at any point, one sees no way to differentiate the activities of its founders, administrators and beneficiaries from those of a professional-criminal class."
This will set medicine, vaccines, and trust in doctors, nurses, CDC, FDA, NIH, Pharmaceuticals back 100 years. I expect to see polio and who knows what else make a comeback.
In northern Alberta (Cold Lake AFB) we kids used to run around in the DDT fog they sprayed in the residential neighborhoods during mosquito season. I'm still here over 50 years later. Of course, most people who know me well think I am somewhat crazy. :-)
well, I do use some sometimes, I ain't no saint, but never into the air, only trying to get a handle on the dog's stuff, which is also my stuff. think sofa
I had considered this possibility. A shortcut to regulatory approval. Now the 'gun' with low power ammo is considered 'safe and effective' the next bullet doesn't need to be tested
Ghouls, the lot of them. These were the people who were arrested and killed during the Black Death, unless they were high up enough, then they got away with it. Also the people who profited from the witch hunts.
You and I have different ideas of what is "loose change". $6 billion may not be much to a politician or a paid-for federal department head, but it's still real money to me!
Even before the COVID debacle, errors by physicians classified as malpractice (so more than just an oops) accounted for more deaths than all violent crime - at least an order of magnitude more. Medically induced drug addition and abuse was a crisis before 2020: the vast majority of opiate addicts were "hooked" by doctors. One of the largest categories of negligent errors (malpractice) is drug interactions. And this isn't even counting the deaths resulting form underlying causes the doctors didn't bother to look for because they thought they could treat the indicators like pain, high cholesterol, blood sugar regulation, etc.
In light of these facts several years ago my wife had a custom bumper sticker made for her care that read: Guns don't kill people, doctors do!".
Our goodwill should have been liquidated long ago. There are countless such institutions, credentials, and stations of the administrative State that should have zero credibility at this point.
I hope you are right. But I remember '09 when people were burning over the banks getting "bailed out" and now the bailout is just a perpetual feature of the market (hello Repo!) and many of those same people have been giddy over their home equity swelling, their side hustle flipping, or their various other portfolios getting fat.
Reaganomics was right. When the entire system is a ponzi-grift perfect storm, the trickle-down beak wetting is mighty effective. How many people were so angry about the "covid" lies that they almost quit their job at evilcorp, but decided that wearing the mask was no big deal?
..and what about their OWN Pfizer documents revealing that they are neither safe nor effective....what about that? This is THEIR data.....if that is not the smoking gun then we are done.....
That's why they no longer are required to do clinical trials, just produce and inject with no middle man. Can't use the clinical data against them if there is no clinical data, amirite? Should have taken that 75 year release date, courts!
So, how does this all end...are we doomed......just go line up and get the jabs after all the fighting and resistance we have been through...was it all for nothing....had I known there was no way out then I should have gotten the jab, hoped for the best and lived my life w/o all these headaches.....there has got to be something... I refuse to believe everyone is corrupt.....I am not saying it will be easy but there has to be a way out.....
Do not comply. We have come this far, we can go further. I think the government has signed a contract with pfizer to buy their shots until 2024, like several other countries, so they cannot refuse. But they cannot press them upon us. There are too many already woken up, including quite a number of doctors and nurses. You see every day that flights had to be cancelled, because so many pilots decided to quit, and that those who complied are unfit to work. This will go on until most people can see the truth. Even some of my needle happy friends are starting to ask questions. There is hope. As long as there is life, there is hope !
I just read a wonderful interview with Monseigneur Vigano' it is on Dr Malone's substack. Worth reading!
And they are printing fake money out of thin air and borrowing against two generations's future to buy them! Transferring said "money" to the philanthropaths so we can live in sick, tyrant controlled poverty for the rest of history. I've so had enough of all of this.
Govt contracts have nothing to do with supply and demand, or buying a product that works or is needed. It's all about lobbying and who grifts the most.
The USA (and the world) are beaten down, they have suffered a spiritual hemorrhaging, over-leeched and exhausted. The many cries are being stifled, the leaders are being persecuted. But the tide will turn, it always does. I have faith in the human spirit, and Gandhi's words about truth and love. But for America I think this must become a great cleansing, and will end in revolution, or civil war. Balkanization is the best we can hope for. Or the coming of the Overlords (you said you liked sci-fi).
So many Americans saying “nyet” to the booster experimental biologicals. I bet the people who still have a brain in the us are absolutely thrilled watching their tax dollars pissed away. Orders for millions more vaxx that nobody wants, billions to ukraine for ammo and for zelensky to buy up property in Switzerland where he will go when he is done with his side job, pimping, I mean puppeteering for the WEF. Jan 6 theatre costing the country millions, food and fuel costs skyrocketing……with no end in sight.
"What is worth knowing, he doesn’t know and doesn’t want to know; what he knows is not true. The cardinal articles of his credo are the inventions of mountebanks; his heroes are mainly scoundrels."
The most dangerous man to any government is the man who is able to think things out for himself, without regard to the prevailing superstitions and taboos. Almost inevitably he comes to the conclusion that the government he lives under is dishonest, insane, and intolerable
Moral certainty is always a sign of cultural inferiority
Truth would quickly cease to be stranger than fiction, once we got as used to it.
The men the American people admire most extravagantly are the most daring liars; the men they detest most violently are those who try to tell them the truth
The urge to save humanity is almost always only a false-face for the urge to rule it.
One of my favorites, never more apropos than today:
"Democracy is also a form of worship. It is the worship of Jackals by Jackasses. It is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard."
zelensky who is put on his throne by the american government. This reminds me of the Shah of Iran, Mobutu in Congo, and probably a few more that I now forgot. Beware when america meddles in your politics!
And heroes. RIP Woody Williams, the last surviving WWII Medal of Honor recipient, who just passed away at 98. His story is incredible. Such valor brings tears to the eyes. The Greatest Generation is passing, is leaving, and we shall not see their like again. Rest in peace, you good and brave man, you have more than earned it.
"The original deal with Pfizer was negotiated by the Trump Administration during the days of Operation Warpspeed. It paid the pharma giant $19.50 a dose. The new pact gives Pfizer $30.48 per dose, resulting in an astronomical 56% hike from the deal negotiated by the last administration."
While millions of doses are being thrown out now for rotting on the shelves because of “we don’t want them.”
Money laundering pure and simple. It’s going to be a huge money grab before November.
What is the root cause of most of our problems?
This is our #1 issue. We cannot rank anything higher than this issue. It is an issue we can and should all agree on. All political sides and all people.
It is like having a computer that has been hacked and corrupted. When we sit here arguing about hot button or other issues that is like arguing about what programs run better on the corrupted computer. NONE of them run better. Not until we fix the system. We have to put all of our attention on focusing on fixing the ACTUAL SYSTEM first. It's not that hard to do actually. We just need a movement. A decentralized one. And a plan.
What is the solution? Our systems have been corrupted by regulatory capture and special interest groups - we can't expect the system to fix itself. We need a NEW idea. One that makes the old one obsolete.
If our problem is systemic corruption the best cure is radical FORCED TRANSPARENCY.
I beg all of you to read this, and then join in the solutions minded comments. It is totally free:
The root cause is that we have given up our liberties in the name of convenience, safety and an abdication of personal responsibility, to a corrupt cabal of power hungry leaches.
Most of us gave up nothing. Our liberties were stolen by connected insiders who used their power for self-aggrandizement.
Millions are not only accepting domination, they are justifying it, demanding it.
Not only denying reality but demonizing, and now calling to criminalize, those who try to point out the obvious facts. I don't now if it's more than half the population, but it is way, way too many.
It is not from today or yesterday or even this century. It has been going on for over 100 years. Rockefellers, Carnegies, and now gates, all have contributed to the corruption. Read Dr Mullins, Death by injection, written in 1988 but still actual. Big harma is ruling not only this country, but almost the whole world now. The few presidents that stood up against them were killed. It is that simple. If Biden is not complying he will probably be dead too, and if it were Trump still, same thing.
Corruption is as old as organized society.
The basis principles upon which our constitution is based acknowledges that power corrupts and becomes it's own end. The design of our republic is intended to limit the concentration of power so as to limit the scope of effect of corruption in any body. The mechanisms to achieve that have been circumvented. Destroyed in many ways. Key to doing this are national parties that can through financial and other means dominate state and local elections, thus circumventing the main goal of a representative republic. The other key is "educating" out teaching of these foundation principles so that people believe that only via centralized power can anything be achieved.
I think you are right. Small countries used to thrive. Very seldom, like under Maria Theresa of Austria, was there a good period under a large country. The EU is doomed, I think, and I wonder if the US will be able to go on as it is. If you are in a small place, you know your rulers. Now we are stuck with people from which we know they won't be any good, but there is no choice. And it is not the president who rules, but all the bureaucracy who are not elected, who play the rules. PS there is a great interview with msgr Vigano on Dr Malones substack. Very interesting.
it started even during the revolution...see alexander hamilton
Or China took over in Nov 2020.
Some of us had our liberties stolen. Depending on your age. The younger ones want absolutely NOTHING to do with personal responsibility, therefore they gave up nothing they valued. They screwed us...again.
Not all the younger ones. Some were raised right. My son (28) is responsible and thinks independently. He's also awesome - for fathers day he ordered me a custom made AR-15 :-).
That is awesome! I wish someone would buy me a custom, just about anything. --- Him being raised right, means you probably were, too. Great job to 2, at least, generations of your family!
That is true - and achieved neither safety or convenience. But what is the root cause of that? Control of education which leads to mandatory indoctrination. People willingly allow themselves to become dominated by a minority because they've been taught that the only means to goodness is an ever more powerful government. So well taught that there is no mental denial too extreme to justify conformance and no logical disconnect too obvious to break the trance.
This. The system has not been corrupted; the system is doing exactly what it is designed to do. Anyone working within the system surely recognizes that it solves for the dark triad.
Man has been corrupted, enabling the system to harvest his soul in the material transactions upon which the system relies. As soon as man handed over his moral standing in favor of the moral superiority of the "market" it was over. Ordinary Men. History is littered with this same pattern. In the fullness of time our story will meet similar ends.
I would prefer that to the other fear, that they are planning to force mandates through again because depop and/or eliminate the control group. If making money is the only motivation, they'll take the cash and let the new doses rot like the old ones.
Taxpayer money being wasted on ineffective dangerous poison shots no one is accepting that will go in the trash is imo the best possible situation, sadly. Far better than the situation where despite all evidence against them they force us to take the poison they forced us to pay for.
Yes, very true, however, (and I couldn't have said this even 6 months ago), I don't think they can force us. They had their shot and they missed. A year ago people were terrified of covid; they're not anymore. A year ago, many people believed in the safety and efficacy of the vaccine; they don't anymore.
I absolutely believe their agenda is bigger than money. Depopulation has been discussed for decades. What I think they really wanted, was these deadly injections on the childhood vaccine schedule. They don't really care about the adults. That's the thing to watch and fight.
I sure hope you're right, but I'm not seeing it. But in my part of California, people still wear masks while driving alone in their cars. So I'm not as optimistic as you. I still hear the screams every week that there is a new "surge" and it's all because vax-denier non-mask wearing unclean heathens. Profound, militant ignorance still dominates around here.
I don't know anything for sure. But I am very involved in mainstream message boards and I can tell you that the tide has turned. Slowly, not enough, but turned. And when it comes to babies and toddlers, the majority are just not having it. Mandates everywhere, even in CA (I live in L.A.!) have all but disappeared. We'll see what happens after the elections--if we lose, who knows.
There is a way - whether they have it ready to roll is another thing. When the digital dollar is introduced, digital ID will be required. Do you want to access your money?
I have no doubt that this is, and will remain, their #1 goal but it won’t happen by Fall and not likely over this vaccine. They are chipping away at it in other ways and rolling it out in other countries now, like Ukraine. But we’re not there yet.
And you don’t need to be combative with me. I’m not the enemy, Dufus.
They have constructed "The Beast System" talked about in the book of Revelation and are pushing towards full implementation at breakneck speed.
They are also constructing Babylon and if you read Revelation 18 you will see what happens to it. The original Babylon was founded on the idea of one language. The new one is founded on one currency.
Maybe we get lucky on the timing. Maybe it’s not so bad to have DigiD. All I know is when they came for my body I knew I couldn’t trust them ever. Overplayed their hand as far as I am concerned. A pity, because three years ago I though co2 rationing might be an interesting idea. Ha!
No, it's very, very bad. Once they have you tracked and scored, you will have only the privileges they let you have. As you saw in Canada (and they tipped their hand too early), with the push of a button, Trudeau froze every single bank account of those supporting the trucker protest. Just because of their opinions. Digital IDs will be sold as if they are gold, but they are the last step to a tyrannical society we will have a hard time (if not impossible time) undoing.
DigiD, DigiCurrency, ESG scores, etc. will enable full technocratic control of the citizenry, which is their goal.
I question your use of "will" in that sentence (on at least two levels).
It is so bad. It is still coming for your body. Don't buy the myth of 'convenience.'
Oh I don’t, I’m just saying if they had done this the other way around I probably wouldn’t have figured it out. So in my book it was a dumb move.
Absolutely, this makes it clear more "booster" mandates are coming.
They are requiring these now for all medical personnel and in some, but not all private industries. Many who agreed to be on board when they got $$ for doing so, have since abandoned that requirement.
It will be interesting when the time comes. I work at a place that required them of staff (I'm a new hire, they didn't even ask me) and let go a couple of key workers who refused. Two years later the key workers are back because the ones who took their place were shit. It will be interesting if they pull this shit again what will happen. If what will now become 3 people they need and can't replace saying, "fuck you, general", will they be able to enforce anything and still keep the business going?
I wish it was as simple a money laundering, but the coordinated coercion to take the shitty vaccine, especially from WEF young leaders suggests something far more sinister.
Not really laundering as the money comes from taxpayers who most earned it legitimately.
The media wants y'all to forget where it comes from: about a third from taxpayers and about 2 thirds from foreign investors (borrowing). Ok so maybe 2/3rds qualify as ill gotten gains :-).
Never mind....
The scam phase of the debacle; kind of like groping over bodies for loose change before calling the ambulance. Pretty soon Big Pharma will have stolen more money and killed more people than the Military Industrial Complex; quite an accomplishment. My only hope is that this destroys forever the idea that Doctors and the Medical establishment have some sort of golden halo; its a poison distribution guild, backed by officers of the State, running up the tab at the public coffers, and swimming in sanctimonious arrogance.
I’m sending my former doctor a new plaque to put on his wall: “Abandon Hope, All Ye Who Enter Here.”
I call it 'grabbing everything they can before the house of cards comes tumbling down'.
Can we be that hopeful. Please tell me “yes”
they probably signed a contract with pfizer like Israel and some other countries did, that they will buy the shots through 2024.
The State is a scam, and everything it does is grift.
"Taking the State wherever found, striking into its history at any point, one sees no way to differentiate the activities of its founders, administrators and beneficiaries from those of a professional-criminal class."
~ Albert J. Nock
I can only applaud your way with words.
This will set medicine, vaccines, and trust in doctors, nurses, CDC, FDA, NIH, Pharmaceuticals back 100 years. I expect to see polio and who knows what else make a comeback.
are we going to start spraying groups of people with DDT again?
In northern Alberta (Cold Lake AFB) we kids used to run around in the DDT fog they sprayed in the residential neighborhoods during mosquito season. I'm still here over 50 years later. Of course, most people who know me well think I am somewhat crazy. :-)
My husband remembers it being used to spray on bedding when he was a child.
we had a pumper, like a little bike pump with a tank, but I have always instinctively shied away from using poisons
well, I do use some sometimes, I ain't no saint, but never into the air, only trying to get a handle on the dog's stuff, which is also my stuff. think sofa
Will it sell a pill? If yes, maybe
specially since the polio vaccine causes polio. I also know from a friend that some shingles vaccines cause shingles. She had it.
I think that is even officially admitted.
Again, questioning your use of "will" (call it a tense remark ;-).
Polio never went away. Even a cursory look into the history of the disease and vaccine is eye opening 😳😲😧😱🥺
As of two days ago, the FDA is not requiring the new booster shots from Pfizer/Moderna to go through ANY clinical trials at all.
So... be sure to line up for your new, untested experimental shots sheeple!
That are designed to "protect" you from a virus that no longer exists.
I had considered this possibility. A shortcut to regulatory approval. Now the 'gun' with low power ammo is considered 'safe and effective' the next bullet doesn't need to be tested
they probably say they are new ones, but use up all the old crap they have
Wow! Beautiful emphatic comment. I couldn't agree more.
Also, "investors" are buying up the properties of the 'newly deceased'.
Ghouls, the lot of them. These were the people who were arrested and killed during the Black Death, unless they were high up enough, then they got away with it. Also the people who profited from the witch hunts.
they are now the 2 combined
Ah.... but who carries loose change any more? Big pharma talks only to US Treasury directly.
You and I have different ideas of what is "loose change". $6 billion may not be much to a politician or a paid-for federal department head, but it's still real money to me!
Even before the COVID debacle, errors by physicians classified as malpractice (so more than just an oops) accounted for more deaths than all violent crime - at least an order of magnitude more. Medically induced drug addition and abuse was a crisis before 2020: the vast majority of opiate addicts were "hooked" by doctors. One of the largest categories of negligent errors (malpractice) is drug interactions. And this isn't even counting the deaths resulting form underlying causes the doctors didn't bother to look for because they thought they could treat the indicators like pain, high cholesterol, blood sugar regulation, etc.
In light of these facts several years ago my wife had a custom bumper sticker made for her care that read: Guns don't kill people, doctors do!".
Our goodwill should have been liquidated long ago. There are countless such institutions, credentials, and stations of the administrative State that should have zero credibility at this point.
I hope you are right. But I remember '09 when people were burning over the banks getting "bailed out" and now the bailout is just a perpetual feature of the market (hello Repo!) and many of those same people have been giddy over their home equity swelling, their side hustle flipping, or their various other portfolios getting fat.
Reaganomics was right. When the entire system is a ponzi-grift perfect storm, the trickle-down beak wetting is mighty effective. How many people were so angry about the "covid" lies that they almost quit their job at evilcorp, but decided that wearing the mask was no big deal?
soon? the military wishes it could kill this many people with their bombs.
Your excellent characterization helps heal my roiling spleen. Beautiful statement of a very ugly truth.
It gets worse!
According to GatoPal Jordan Schachtel, the price went up 56%, and the gubmint is now paying $30.48 per dose. Quite the grift, indeed!
$3.2 billion
Yes, I was going to say that, so I'm glad I scanned the comments first. It's a considerably more juicy deal than even el gato knew.
It is not about the money it’s about the genocide.
The money is a side-benefit to the deaths and infertility!
They are charging us for the genocide.
Do you see your shackles now? It’s been this way for over 100 years, maybe longer.
I don’t know where to date it from. Somewhere between 100 and 1000 years, I should think.
Yup. We are funding our own demise...
Ye Olde Triple Whammy.
Shareholders should spend their dividends quickly.... management should spend their bonuses quickly....
Both, I think.
Help me understand how this is possible. And though we're all howling "build them gibbets higher," I don't think anyone cares.
Why are there not class-action lawsuits? Where are all those govt. watchdog organizations?
Really, I'm not kidding. They can't even give this stuff away and we keep buying? I'm lost here, I really am.
..and what about their OWN Pfizer documents revealing that they are neither safe nor effective....what about that? This is THEIR data.....if that is not the smoking gun then we are done.....
Just completely to the infinite power baffling.
That's why they no longer are required to do clinical trials, just produce and inject with no middle man. Can't use the clinical data against them if there is no clinical data, amirite? Should have taken that 75 year release date, courts!
Right, so why is no one making that argument....good point...why is no one pushing them?
because the press is all being paid off as well. These people are sickeningly rich and they probably also have a tap in the government.
So, how does this all end...are we doomed......just go line up and get the jabs after all the fighting and resistance we have been through...was it all for nothing....had I known there was no way out then I should have gotten the jab, hoped for the best and lived my life w/o all these headaches.....there has got to be something... I refuse to believe everyone is corrupt.....I am not saying it will be easy but there has to be a way out.....
Do not comply. We have come this far, we can go further. I think the government has signed a contract with pfizer to buy their shots until 2024, like several other countries, so they cannot refuse. But they cannot press them upon us. There are too many already woken up, including quite a number of doctors and nurses. You see every day that flights had to be cancelled, because so many pilots decided to quit, and that those who complied are unfit to work. This will go on until most people can see the truth. Even some of my needle happy friends are starting to ask questions. There is hope. As long as there is life, there is hope !
I just read a wonderful interview with Monseigneur Vigano' it is on Dr Malone's substack. Worth reading!
And they are printing fake money out of thin air and borrowing against two generations's future to buy them! Transferring said "money" to the philanthropaths so we can live in sick, tyrant controlled poverty for the rest of history. I've so had enough of all of this.
They’ll only stop when they’ve taken everything, and they’re most of the way there.
Resistance is clearly futile
A not insignificant portion of those who might have signed up for endless boosters are either dead or unable to tolerate any more shots due to injury.
But they believe they have long covid... the solution? More Boosters!!!
Govt contracts have nothing to do with supply and demand, or buying a product that works or is needed. It's all about lobbying and who grifts the most.
They care more about giblets than gibbets.
Better still ... why is everyone remaining on SS and complaining .. why are people at most marching around the block shouting 'Freedom'
What about We Burn - You Burn?
I'd suggest a little more cunning is required if we hope to achieve anything on behalf of our children.
The USA (and the world) are beaten down, they have suffered a spiritual hemorrhaging, over-leeched and exhausted. The many cries are being stifled, the leaders are being persecuted. But the tide will turn, it always does. I have faith in the human spirit, and Gandhi's words about truth and love. But for America I think this must become a great cleansing, and will end in revolution, or civil war. Balkanization is the best we can hope for. Or the coming of the Overlords (you said you liked sci-fi).
Gandhi was pretty much of a prick, but other than that...
Yup, and Mother Teresa was a flaming fascist beeyotch. But other than that...
The problem, really, is trying to work out the kinks of one's twisted psyche by wrapping them around the necks of others...
Typical abuse of power
We have officially reached late stage smash-and-grab.
So many Americans saying “nyet” to the booster experimental biologicals. I bet the people who still have a brain in the us are absolutely thrilled watching their tax dollars pissed away. Orders for millions more vaxx that nobody wants, billions to ukraine for ammo and for zelensky to buy up property in Switzerland where he will go when he is done with his side job, pimping, I mean puppeteering for the WEF. Jan 6 theatre costing the country millions, food and fuel costs skyrocketing……with no end in sight.
Boobus Americanus doesn’t even know about most of this stuff.
"What is worth knowing, he doesn’t know and doesn’t want to know; what he knows is not true. The cardinal articles of his credo are the inventions of mountebanks; his heroes are mainly scoundrels."
~ H.L. Mencken
Nice quote. He certainly called ‘em the way he saw ‘em.
Yes he did.
Sadly, it appears that not much has changed since he wrote it. If anything it has gotten worse.
Human nature's a pretty set thing. An ugly species to be sure
Some more Mencken quotes:
The most dangerous man to any government is the man who is able to think things out for himself, without regard to the prevailing superstitions and taboos. Almost inevitably he comes to the conclusion that the government he lives under is dishonest, insane, and intolerable
Moral certainty is always a sign of cultural inferiority
Truth would quickly cease to be stranger than fiction, once we got as used to it.
The men the American people admire most extravagantly are the most daring liars; the men they detest most violently are those who try to tell them the truth
The urge to save humanity is almost always only a false-face for the urge to rule it.
One of my favorites, never more apropos than today:
"Democracy is also a form of worship. It is the worship of Jackals by Jackasses. It is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard."
~ H. L. Mencken
Sadly true. 😏
I’ve seen that term before. Market Ticker? 😆
As libertate elaborated above, it was coined by H L Mencken, known as “The Sage of Baltimore. “
zelensky who is put on his throne by the american government. This reminds me of the Shah of Iran, Mobutu in Congo, and probably a few more that I now forgot. Beware when america meddles in your politics!
Don’t forget, the Big Guy gets ten percent!
Well, as late-great senator Everett Dirksen used to say, "A few billion here, a few billion there, and pretty soon you're talking real money!"
God how we could use him right now. Those leaders of great integrity - there are so few now.
We are sorely lacking statesmen.
And heroes. RIP Woody Williams, the last surviving WWII Medal of Honor recipient, who just passed away at 98. His story is incredible. Such valor brings tears to the eyes. The Greatest Generation is passing, is leaving, and we shall not see their like again. Rest in peace, you good and brave man, you have more than earned it.
And RIP Zev Zelenko, who passed today. Another hero gone. He will be missed.
This will never end. I’m so sick of this madness!!! 🤯🤦🏻♂️🤬
So we just bought billions of dollars in "vaccines" that don't work against an extinct virus?
And healthcare workers and first responders and military personnel will be forced to take it. Sucks!
"The original deal with Pfizer was negotiated by the Trump Administration during the days of Operation Warpspeed. It paid the pharma giant $19.50 a dose. The new pact gives Pfizer $30.48 per dose, resulting in an astronomical 56% hike from the deal negotiated by the last administration."
Somethings WRONG with the stack!
They're trying to crash us!
Something is definitely up. Its like a deja vu in the Matrix!
Not just me?
Coffee's for closers!
Let's turn it around on them and put them out to pasture with their fake gold watches!
Money laundering is good when we do it
Genocide is good when we do it.