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Most of us gave up nothing. Our liberties were stolen by connected insiders who used their power for self-aggrandizement.

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Millions are not only accepting domination, they are justifying it, demanding it.

Not only denying reality but demonizing, and now calling to criminalize, those who try to point out the obvious facts. I don't now if it's more than half the population, but it is way, way too many.

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It is not from today or yesterday or even this century. It has been going on for over 100 years. Rockefellers, Carnegies, and now gates, all have contributed to the corruption. Read Dr Mullins, Death by injection, written in 1988 but still actual. Big harma is ruling not only this country, but almost the whole world now. The few presidents that stood up against them were killed. It is that simple. If Biden is not complying he will probably be dead too, and if it were Trump still, same thing.

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Corruption is as old as organized society.

The basis principles upon which our constitution is based acknowledges that power corrupts and becomes it's own end. The design of our republic is intended to limit the concentration of power so as to limit the scope of effect of corruption in any body. The mechanisms to achieve that have been circumvented. Destroyed in many ways. Key to doing this are national parties that can through financial and other means dominate state and local elections, thus circumventing the main goal of a representative republic. The other key is "educating" out teaching of these foundation principles so that people believe that only via centralized power can anything be achieved.

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I think you are right. Small countries used to thrive. Very seldom, like under Maria Theresa of Austria, was there a good period under a large country. The EU is doomed, I think, and I wonder if the US will be able to go on as it is. If you are in a small place, you know your rulers. Now we are stuck with people from which we know they won't be any good, but there is no choice. And it is not the president who rules, but all the bureaucracy who are not elected, who play the rules. PS there is a great interview with msgr Vigano on Dr Malones substack. Very interesting.

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it started even during the revolution...see alexander hamilton

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Or China took over in Nov 2020.

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Some of us had our liberties stolen. Depending on your age. The younger ones want absolutely NOTHING to do with personal responsibility, therefore they gave up nothing they valued. They screwed us...again.

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Not all the younger ones. Some were raised right. My son (28) is responsible and thinks independently. He's also awesome - for fathers day he ordered me a custom made AR-15 :-).

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That is awesome! I wish someone would buy me a custom, just about anything. --- Him being raised right, means you probably were, too. Great job to 2, at least, generations of your family!

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