Yesterday's hearing solidified the fact that a covid reckoning won't come from Washington DC -- it will come from a state like Florida or a country like Japan. The Swamp is just too deep in the corruption to even cast a sideways glance at Big Pharma.

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I watched some regular cable last night and a host was going on about how we all owe Tony Fauci profound thanks for the millions of lives he has saved.

It was a crazy glimpse into Bizarro World.

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Those Pharma advertising checks are still clearing, so........

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Yeah every time you have to pay taxes you have to make a tough decision. You could either write Ukraine or Big Pharma in your checkbook to record the transaction

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Shit, I've been classifying them as 'Newcomer Housing Services'.....is that 34 felonies?

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And another wonderful piece of snark..let's all do it on every check that includes any taxes

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Hell, wasn't going to file but just sent in 20%. The rest will be paid when Trump becomes POTUS. As a senior watching my rent take over 55% of my income and them giving free housing and Visa cards, food etc to illegals was my he'll no moment. So......

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I think you could easily declare them as dependents.

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No go, Mickey.

They ARE dependents!

And we outlawed truth and/or facts decades ago.

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Is there a way to claim 10+ million dependents on the tax form??? Just asking...

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Oh I loved this snark.

I'm gonna start doing that.

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I’ve been writing "legal services" on the memo line since last Friday.

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Oh my...you're too funny Norma Jeanne!

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😉 I’m old and tired.

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At least big pharm does provide some redeeming value with life saving drugs. Ukraine, absolutely no value, shitty ROI!!!

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Gen. Butler best explains Ukraine: War is just a racket. A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of people. Only a small inside group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few at the expense of the masses.

Smedley Butler

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The current racket is being pulled off so miserably that the small group "in the know" has increased substantially - to about half the country.

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shitty ROI for us...not so much for the critters.

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There are plenty of rats overrunning NYC, why not kill two birds (or two rats) with one stone and use them for drug testing. Genius efficiency boosters like this are what disqualifies me from politics.

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It’s not Bizarro world - it’s the reality being projected that most of the normies still believe - they will turn on the nightly news tonight to hear Fauci is a hero and Trump is a felon.

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Millions of people saved...predicated on estimates based on models.

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Hmm... sort of an analogy for climate change.

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Jpy Reid is literally insane.

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It wasn’t even her!

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No...that was irregular cable

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Can we just organize already and march on Washington?!

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Fuck 'em they're already coming after us.

Strength in numbers

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The Charge of the Light Brigade we don't need.

Learn from the Afghans. They're smellier but they keep winning. Millenium after millennium.

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Unable to post likes, but I like yours. It's not for nothing that Afghanistan is called The Graveyard of Empires. Guess no one told FECKLESS george w. bush. “May God keep you away from the venom of the cobra, the teeth of the tiger, and the revenge of the Afghans.”

— Alexander the Great

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like (no "like" button either)

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History always keeps coming around again. It's sort of its bad habit.

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see, i'm not worried about that at all. not in the least.

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That's how we keep losing. Bravery is great but cunning is greater.

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1,400 convictions and counting with no end in sight. Strength in numbers won't work, unless you're ANTIFA or BLM

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how many people do you think would show up?

that's the key

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I can't even guess. I would go to a march, but not in DC. I am much too old to go to jail. Could we rent the speedway in Indianapolis? It seats 300,000+ and has a very wide 2 1/2 mile oval track and an infield. We could easily fit half to one million people,.as long as we had porta-potties and everyone brought a lunch.

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There needs to be a stated objective. That's one of the obvious lies of the whole "!nsurrection" narrative - with the numbers present, if they were going for toppling there would be no way they could have been stopped. When you look at the rally pics there were well into the tens of thousands of people and could have easily overwhelmed the constabulary. And, despite media insinuations, they were unarmed.

I suppose there might be some value in a rally for rally's sake - to have a good time and show solidarity. The Trump rallies in Arizona are among the reasons it boggles the mind that the counts were found for Brandon. Anyone who spent any time in AZ in 2020 knows the truth.

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Since its the capital, we can call it a FEDSURRECTION.

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Well let's hurry the f**k up my time is ticking. I want to go out with honor.

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So they can take photos and add us to their database?

How about we do that boycotting thingy I've been talking about for four years? Dump your smartphone for a dumber one. Switch your mortgage to a credit union. Buy nothing you do not really need. Unless you live on an ice floe, don't order from Amazon. Etc. etc. etc. etc. Because that stuff not only the feds notice but the titans of industry too.

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YES, the power of the purse. It worked with Netflix. They did not cow tow to the Transgender employees , all due to a loss of subscriptions over the Dave Chappell issue. I am working to get people off of RX drugs. Disney stock is down. Eventually if we stop buying -the powers at be will take notice. Great idea!!

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We are not helpless. We've just been really slow on the uptake.

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both. are you really worried, at this point, if you're in the "database"?

you have been for years SCA. we're advertising.

I thought that was the point?....

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All the money wasted in a little trip to DC, enriching Marriott and all the restaurants etc. etc. etc. could be better put to legal defense funds for all the people whose lives have already been destroyed but don't make the human interest news sections.

I understand the fun part of big rallies, the camaraderie and all the new friends whose contact info you get to enter into your smartphone, but I really would like to start winning now. I really would.

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me too. and i ain't one for just being busy. but I do think, for example, the "trucker" movement had a positive effect.

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How? It showed the populace the guys in charge can debank you any time they please?

This is why we have our little spats from time to time. Bold talk is stirring. But the hard hard work of every little ordinary action that, cumulatively, can make a difference, is boring.

Instead of organizing mass rallies, we need to organize poll-watchers and parallel ballot counting. In every precinct, have Republican volunteers photograph and tabulate mail-in ballots before they get mailed. Organize exit pollers ditto likewise. Make them understand we can't get fooled again. Make them realize we're using their weapons and using them better.

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Who said it's gonna be a rally.

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If you've ever used a credit card, they know everything about already.

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precisely. plus don't kids yourself they're listening to us through our cellphones....even when they're off.

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Telepathy is where it's at. Coming soon to a Changing of the Age near you.

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Actually, the titans of industry will notice immediately.

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Precisely. That's why boycotts get everyone so agitated. The tactic is a very powerful one.

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Start boycotting federal elections too. Only vote for state and local offices.

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Ahead of you on that.

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There is no way that is a good idea. You are ceding choice to the lunatics. We may have 2 bad choices, but one is often far worse.

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What choice? The lunatics already decide who you can vote for. And if by chance someone sneaks by their gatekeepers, they either neutralize the threat to their power or corrupt that threat. Seems to me that the best we can hope for is to elect state and local governments that will stand up to the feds. At least most of us live close enough to our state capitals to make a nuisance of ourselves if those elected officials fail to nullify unconstitutional laws and "executive orders".

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I don't think it will be good enough. The fed reserve..which is a privately held corporation is BR9KE, nothing left to do but starve us of food, kill more of us., and sooner rather than later..institute CBDC at a steep devaluation of the dollar.


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That's fine then. Let's just be impotent morons crying to each other on Substack for the duration.

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Everything I think of her dog I lose it and start sobbing…it was the only thing I could do for her..but it had a series of strokes and was in liver failure….no one else would take the poor old deaf and blind thing…I even bought a house to keep it in..but it couldn't stand or walk this past weekend..so it's like losing my best friend all over again.

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That you loved it and cared for it in her stead and on her behalf is something the cosmos does notice.

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we all know the puppeteers don't live there, or in this country at all. globalist chieftains be elsewhere. they want their colony back.

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I do not feel like spending the rest of an indeterminate amount of time in jail.

Otherwise, I would so be there.

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Look at us..that was why they went so hard after TRESPASSERS.


so what are we the resistance gonna do?

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"Be the reason the forests are haunted."

~ Clay Martin

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Whoa! Awesome. Gives me an electric feeling down my spine. Also, a poem is in there someplace. Thanks.

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Damn. Stealing. I love the ones that are pithy, precise and profound at the same time

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Forget Washington. Start putting your energy into electing people on the state and local level who will support nullification laws. There's a reason why we have a 10th Amendment. It's past time that we start using it.

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Ya know I can’t help but daydream that we all pick the best state, move there, strengthen the state government to adhere to the constitution as written, and start anew with like minded souls. Hey wait, that’s how America started! Trying to get away from tyranny. We need a new independence.

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I've been working with this group...


They've started reaching out to people in other states too.

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Thanks!! We are starting to look into where to move when my husband retires in 8 years. We want out of Illinois!!!! But, while we don’t carry any debt other than a mortgage, we still can’t afford vacations (last one was 29 years ago) so we don’t have opportunities to see other places. I have to rely on word of mouth. So much harder. I love getting leads like this. ❤️

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TN passed the bill that "bans" the spewing of toxins and chemicals of all sorts from airplanes, etc. While those of us who are aware applaud that, there is the final statement on the bill to wit: "It is assumed that the action prohibited by this legislation is not currently occurring in this state, nor will it in the future; therefore, this legislation will result in no significant fiscal impact on state government."

Miles to go before we sleep, or maybe not depending on what is meant by "sleep".

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I like your thinking. But I'm already doing that

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Sure, and maybe joey will buy us all an ice cream cone for our trouble.

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Lolol. So what you're saying is I just stay home?....

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What really bothers me is that NONE of this info is new. Much of it was put forward at the beginning of the scamdemic, but ignored and cast as the ubiquitous conspiracy theories. Planning for this has a trail leading back at least to 2007, with all the same players involved. It was indeed a conspiracy, a very deep, very dark, and very powerful one, and it is not done with us yet.

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Amen, Mickey.

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Big pharma is big gov. No separation. They have always colluded under the covers to the detriment of, “We the People”. Hamsters like Warren, sanders, Biden, obummer profit immensely from this incestuous relationship. You know, FDA (now known as federal dereliction arselicks). There is no separation of big gov/big pharm. same enemy, different face.

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Japan's own ministers have approved and started building state of the art next generation mRNA "vaccine" factories. One even warned for the world to not accept Japan's vaccines as a matter of honour!😐😐. S respectfully SC, i wouldnt be waiting for "someone" to step in and stop this iatrogenocidal mass murder.

#itsnotyou #itsthem #wearemany #wearememory #wewillnotforgive #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised

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In some ways I think events like these are meant to demoralize us.

I watched the Fauci MTG interaction and I went back to Dave Smith's assertion the other night "And all we get is this, all we get is you." No offense to MTG, but she was acting like a child in places. And then the ridiculous discussion about etiquette and decorum. There is a veneer of etiquette and decorum in DC, but its all face. Rip away the mask, and you have something of a disgrace. They keep voting for and funding projects that have no congruency to the will of the people.

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You're right - in my book anyway.

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No one goes against the dod and cia

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Total corruption as the drugs keep getting healthier and healthier.

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Jun 4·edited Jun 4

That's right because Fauci is a distraction from the fact that your Department of Defense has tethered its citizens to the Internet of Bio-Nano Things and the WBAN (Wireless Body Area Network IEEE802.15.6 in the Terahertz Band.) These are crimes of warrantless search and seizure of our biometrics using Smart (AI) masks, tests and jabs which have nanotechnology biosensors embedded in them for surveillance under the skin contrary to the Criminal Code.


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Jun 4·edited Jun 4

The bad cat is definitely controlled opposition who knows full well that the Covid-19 military operation enabled the Five Eyes to inject billions of people with nanotechnology biosensors for surveillance under the skin via the Internet of Bio-Nano Things and the WBAN (Wireless Body Area Network IEEE802.15.6 in the Terahertz Band.)


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have you ever thought that they could accomplish the same thing without a verwy, verwy scarwy whyruss?...or without nanotechnology biosensors.

This is a battle on a field 6 inches long between two ears.

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Jun 5·edited Jun 5

This may be of interest to folks here - or not. Maybe you already know about these experiments. A short history of the government "helping" the people in the 1950s and 60s.

Though public safety was stated as the foremost consideration, the tests exposed unsuspecting civilians and military personnel to biological agents and stimulants without their knowledge or consent.

Here’s a list of some of the tests:

Operation Sea-Spray (1950): The U.S. Navy conducted a biological warfare test by releasing the bacteria Serratia marcescens over San Francisco to study the feasibility of airborne bioweapon attacks. This led to a spike in pneumonia-like illnesses and one known death.

Project 112/SHAD (1960s): As part of this series of tests, the U.S. Department of Defense released various biological and chemical agents on American soil and in international waters to study their effects on military personnel. Agents used included the bacteria Bacillus globigii and various chemical agents.

New York City Subway Experiment (1966): The U.S. Army’s Special Operations Division released Bacillus subtilis variant Niger into the New York City subway system to observe how the bacteria would spread through the subway system.

Operation Big Buzz (1955): The U.S. Army released millions of mosquitoes infected with a strain of yellow fever in Georgia to study the potential of using mosquitoes as a vector for biological warfare.

Operation Drop Kick (1956-1957): Similar to Operation Big Buzz, this operation involved releasing mosquitoes to test their potential as biological warfare vectors.

Operation Big Itch (1954): The U.S. Army released fleas to study their ability to carry and spread diseases as part of a biological warfare strategy.

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Preach it, Ryan. 💪

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At my grandmother’s outside memorial in late summer *2022*, my aunt wouldn’t sit near me and my cousin leapt away when I went to give her a hug. I do not forget.

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I am sorry. I know how that is.

My son in law stated I am not part of their family anymore, so it is pretty shitty out there

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Until he wants his inheritance.

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Hubbs and I are working on that.

My father lived to 99.5 and left his four aging kids a nice sum of money. For a guy who did not owe us anything, and he grew up poor in Holland. I miss him. He died last June 22. I wish I had known he was going to leave us such a pile of money. ANYWAY, it is MINE. The trust is clearly written and we can use the money "liberally" and there are no instructions to maintain the trust but there are instructions to dissolve it. We each have our shares in our trust accounts now. This year I have worked carefully with a trust lawyer and good friend to settle this. I am not leaving my son in law, or my beloved daughter anything.

it will be held in a irrevocable trust for their tiny children, when they reach the age of 35, so that will be about 28 years from now.

Yes, it is harsh. my older daughter gets the house I am paying cash for at the end of this year. It will be a good investment for her.

Anyway, no money for Jerome Goehring and his wife

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Damn straight. Have some fun with it yourself. Haul out that bucket list. Let those 2 ingrates see you spend some of it. Especially on good for others. That ought to really tick him off.

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My 100 year old grandfather-in-law taught me the best way to divest of money is to “give with a warm hand and die owing the government money” He spent lavishly on birthday parties for himself and paid for children, grandchildren and great grandchildren to visit him in Vienna- all we had to pay was our airfare to get to Vienna and he covered public transportation, pensions, meals and entertainment/sight seeing. It was a fantastic way to get to know him in his environment. He died at 102.5 owing the government about $500.

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Ingrate children may raise ingrate kids. I'd say enjoy the rest of your life and spend as much of it as you can!

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See? The power of voting with your pocket in ALL respects. Bravo.

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Even now I rarely talk Covid with even my best friends - as they or their relatives have unusual illnesses and turbo cancers my questioning whether they were vaccinated always catches them by surprise - they are living in an alternate reality.

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My sister (older) worked at NIH. I mentioned on some other blog about how she and her coworkers all addorrrred Fauci and Collins there at NIH. Anyway, she obediently got all the shots, AND more shots. I think she has had 6 now.

She is always sick. her bones and cartilage are deteriorating, her cornea developed some fungus thing, she has pain everywhere. She has had covid (she has tests at her house) many times. Perhaps 4 times. Also other week long sicknesses. I can not talk to her about this. She would just explode.

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Some are just too far gone. I have a sister like that.

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it is mind boggling, Janet

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The truth hurts unfortunately, there are many deep in denial still

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That’s so hard.

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You suffered ideological persecution. They were angry at you for being an independent spirit when they were having a collectivist revolution.

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I'll take MK Ultra for 2000 Alex. Do we blame the Traumatized/Brainwashed or the Perps behind the Propaganda? Tough Call.

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They are responsible for their actions. Not to the level of the puppet masters, but for themselves, they are. I would not accept “I was only following orders.” I forgave, but I do not forget.

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Both is acceptable. Cheers Sarah.

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At least it helped me figure out the people I should care about vs. the people who need to disappear from my life. I now know who to devote my time and energy to.

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Yes. Fauci pushed the poison, and so did his wife (in charge of ethics for the NIH for crying out loud). Whatever the scheme of things may be, who's the puppet or what, that's a fact. They had the information that it was killing and injuring people, and as to it being safe and effective, that's a bald lie. Informed consent was never even a possibillity. May they both, and many others, be held accountable before the law.

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It depends on if they were useful idiots or handled it with character. Fear and brainwashing are no excuse for bullying and petty tyranny. If they revealed a deeply wanting true nature, only a fool would let them off.

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Sounds like you miss the INQUISITION, yes? /s

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Their loss!

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Because of some prior legal history with DoD and FDA’s anthrax chicanery, this vaxx rollout was nothing short of a DoD run psyop. And it worked to perfection. People never even got the licensed vaccine - Comirnaty. That was revived from the market the same day it was approved so that the EUA for BNT162b2 could remain in place. The FDA declared the licensed product “unavailable” in order to ensure that the EUA could remain in place. That’s a statutory prerequisite for an EUA to issue. The whole thing was a regulatory war crime.

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pure war crime. these dead and injured are all casualties of war. DOD all the way down. jabs made and distributed by the pentagon. pharma and fauci are just branding add-ons so the word "vaccine" would have the needed psyop brainwashing effect. prototype EUA countermeasures have no regulatory anything. see chart page 10: https://www.fda.gov/media/143560/download

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Evil and deception typically go hand-in-hand.

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If you look at the legal kill box...explained in detail by Katherine Watts..you woul know that you are quite correct....AND ITS ALL LEGAL.

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I will never understand the fear of the vaccinated towards being close to an unvaccinated person. Wasn’t the vaccine taken to protect you from the bug? So then aren’t you protected? So why be afraid? To say that you hope someone dies because they’re unvaccinated just shows the level of crazy that all the brainwashing caused in society. Furthermore I checked the level of excess deaths in Chile in 2020 compared to the last 10 years, there were no excess deaths with the big bad bug circulating and no vaccine, we all know it was a hoax

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that is what I asked the jabbed former friends. If you are jabbed and I am not, what is the reason you don't want to visit? I am not sick, I live way out, there is no one near me, but they are afraid of me? (to make sure I watched in the mirror but I don' think I am that ugly - I also did not grow horns or so)

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Ingrid..I've liked you for a long time. The mirror remark?

A woman after my own heart.

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Both of you need to be my friends please.

I have been my parents caregiver for 11 years, and I do not have any friends.

Just me and hubbs. We do like each other very much, fortunately

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I would love that. Done. Just lost my best friend..and then Monday I had to put her dog down. 40 years we knew each other. At my age it's hard to make new ones so thank you. I would really love that.

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Oh gosh, How sad your bffs doggie also went to heaven. Gosh,

It is difficult. I am always around. packing up this old house to move to the neighborhood down the road. New house!!

I hope I can make some new friends there too.

you can always email me rosemary bolton at icloud dot com

It is very difficult being brave and having courage to keep going.

just do little things that make you happy

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well you never know LOL xxx Duchess !

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It was so bizarre. As far as I could make out, for them the jab was like some sort of secular piety ritual, you take the vaccine, you're pious, you reject the gene jab, you're unclean. Same story with the masks. Sure, these people were scared of covid, but their fear of the "unvaccinated" seemed to me something much more than that— a kind of sadomasochistic thing for participating in a societal authority structure that had gone into some kind of psychotic fascist overdrive.

Now the ultra piously "fully boosted" who were all like, you can't come to the wedding, or Christmas, or the concert, whatever in 2021 and 2022, have had covid I don't know how many times and many of them have developed all sorts of ghastly physical ailments that they are dead certain are "just coincidence."

When I'm out and about, for example, at the grocery store, I'm noticing more and more people who are really struggling to walk. Even still, most people look fine. It's been a lovely day. It's all kind of surreal.

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** for them the jab was like some sort of secular piety ritual, you take the vaccine, you're pious, you reject the gene jab, you're unclean. Same story with the masks. Sure, these people were scared of covid, but their fear of the "unvaccinated" seemed to me something much more than that— a kind of sadomasochistic thing for participating in a societal authority structure that had gone into some kind of psychotic fascist overdrive.**

I just wanted to see this posted again. Liking it didn’t seem like enough to honor this insight. ❤️

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Thanks for your kind words, NormaJeanne.

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Fearful people seem to be afraid of everything, irrationally.

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Thanks for sharing this nugget.

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Not crazy, pure evil. That is the democrat way. Hate, evil, jealousy and sloth. The 7 sins are flaunted daily by this junta regime.

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Spiritual. Good vs. Evil. It's real.

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And not one question from the bought and paid for politicians on the matter of biolabs in Ukraine. That should have been the first question to Dr Mengele. Of course we know why it wasn’t the first question. And we know why it will never be asked.

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Biolabs that were "gain of functioning" deseases that were specific to a certain DNA (slavic) spec. Putin has the scientists in Moscow. He already told us in 2022, the SMO shut them down, confiscated their research and arrested the scientists. Everybody forgets that.

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Okay, sad story.

I had this friend on instagram. I kind of bumped into her insta because I just look at sewing instagrams. Those are the people I get my "jollification" from

So, it was just last year, I met that young married girl with her sewing instagram, no kids yet, she was 23, in 2016 she had breast cancer discovered early. She was treated and for about a year and a half, she was "cured" as the 3 month checks were always excellent. I felt happy for her.

Oh, and her real job was occupational therapy in the hospital setting. Nice job.

Anyway, she and her cohorts all got the jabs, lots of them. Showed off their bandaids and all that shit.

Last November 2023, she broke her hip, she had that repaired. I am an olden RN and thought it might be thin bones from chemo? Anyway, then she broke the other hip.... and I felt just sick in my stomach. I can't recall when but she shared in January that she had cancer all over her body.

I felt so bad. She lived until the middle of April. So freaking sad. Turbo cancer. So so crushing. If she had not gotten these shitty shots, she might be still living cancer free....?

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Cancer is a disease of the immune system. Cancer feeds on glucose. Give people a shot that impairs the immune system and then tell them to eat only carbs and avoid fat (which is required to metabolize vitamin D, another important component of the immune system’s pathways). What could possibly go wrong?

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Sounds similar to my daughter's best friend. She got colon cancer in 2017, it was treated, and she had been in remission since then. When covid hit, she was so frightened that she got the initial 3 covid shots and later a booster. About 6 months after the booster her cancer was back, except this time it had spread all over her body. She found out in November the cancer was back, died the following July. She was 54, and had always been healthy otherwise.

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oh my gosh, dear daughter must be crushed. So very sad.

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OMG, that's terrible

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[several images above did not post]

Can I get my dead friend back now please? I miss her a lot.

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PS: I know threats that can never be carried out are easy and cheap.

But I've lived my life; it's been interesting and full. If I had the means of executing these people myself, quickly and coldly, and then had to spend the rest of whatever days remaining I'd have in a British jail cell shared with Brian-now Bertha, I'd consider it a price well paid.

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The older I get, the less “Life Imprisonment “ means. Maybe we need a killer mob of 90 year olds 😀

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I should acknowledge I'd probably be bad with weapons. But I guess I can sacrifice the crown on my tooth by gnawing their ankles to the bone.

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Count me in SCA.

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Me too. Dead three weeks tomorrow. I want her back

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I keep bringing up my dead friend not only for her and me, but for all the other people out there grieving who haven't found a true community within which to shriek their anguish.

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Very apt description. Shriek my anguish. I sometimes let loose in my car because only here can I be honest.

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As much as I know how much I love my friend, still I wasn't prepared for the sound that came out of me when I called my son to tell him she had died.

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I’m so sorry.

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It came out of me for all of us.

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I miss my father in law, who died of a stroke 6 weeks after his first shot. 😔

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My closest sis who was my Irish twin, died before her 2nd shot. I treasure our last hug. She fell unconscious the next day and died a few days later. I was with her. So missed. We rubbed along together for 70 years.

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The individual griefs and anguish that keep being revealed in these threads are almost impossible to grasp.

I am so sorry.

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We all have to be witnesses to this evil. Like the holocaust stories collected. This one should be too and protected for the future. TPTB seem to be marching us to some kind of end point.

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History never really has an endpoint. It is a river that keeps circling back again.

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I am very sorry.

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yeah, I did not know if that was at my end or what? Substack?

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At least she isn’t suffering now. My cousin took the jab while pregnant. Her placenta failed, and her daughter has something terribly wrong with her that no one can diagnose, but it’s somewhat like Muscular Dystrophy. She may never walk. Or talk.

There will be justice. It just may not be here or soon.

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PS Though: My friend's son born many years ago with unrelated problems to this, they told her he'd never walk or talk and there wasn't much brain matter in there.

They were wrong. They caused her a lot of grief with all those cruel predictions, but she didn't give up and he walks and talks and hikes and swims and paints, including charming portraits of his mom. Still profoundly disabled and not able to live independently, but he has a life and interests and enjoyments.

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It took the vax three years to kill her. The full measure of suffering and then some.

But I am very sorry to hear your cousin's story. No words can be adequate so you'll have to take it on trust the depth of my feeling.

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I'm getting to the age where my parents friends are dying in their 70's and 80's, but holy cow it seems like a lot of previously healthy people are croaking all at once. I know a lot of it is just my age and time in life, but I would love to know how many met their maker a little early due to the mRNA's.

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I'm right there with you, Mark. My parents' friends in their 70's are dying regularly now. Almost all of them took multiple jabs of "The Sacred Miracle Elixir." Many of them were previously healthy and either died suddenly or ended up with some kind of turbo cancer. It's very sad and infuriating. It's easy for the people responsible for all this death to explain it away as old age and the typical health problems associated with it. I guess these scumbags call it, "plausible deniability." Scumbag politicians love that phrase.

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it certainly would be telling if the obituaries stated if they were injected or not. I see that lots don't even bother to write a full obituary anymore. I guess if you have them dying by the numbers,there is no time.

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and sudden death of some vague ailment is not good for an obit.

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there are a few who write it up like that, specially for younger people. Then there are the 'short illness' or 'short cancer'. quite a few like that. Only in Italy, you see now and then 'people turned to the internet but there is no clear connection to the vaccines'. At least they mention it, so you can assume, that the deceased was jabbed.

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Facebook really is good for some stuff. There's a group there called "Died Suddenly" that shows Facebook pictures of the folks touting their injections. And then the obituary that, of course, never gives the real cause of death - many, many from strokes, clots, unexplained heart attacks. It's interesting if sad.

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I think most of Dr Makis 's posts come from that, people showing their jab docs and then their disastrous message of death or stroke or heart attacks. I think Jeff Childers uses it too. MC Miller uses newspaper articles and obituaries, so there you won't know if people were jabbed or not.

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There is a staining test that shows whether or not the mRNA spike protein traveled through the body. Why not do that test and shut us all up? Oh yeah, because every single one would produce the wrong results.

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Even the teenagers in my neighborhood look sickly

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All by design. Ruin people's immune systems, and they succumb to "natural" causes.

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And then poison them with the "antidote".

Best biz model ever

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Gawd, that's just so evil.

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It's true

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Dolores Cahill said that everyone who took the jabs would be dead in 5 years...I'm beginning to think it was not an exageration.

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"US lags the world in recognizing what happened with mRNA ... is this because we lead the world in pharma donations to politicians?"

Yes. (Is that a trick question?)

We now return you to this week's episode of "I hate Trump, but you hate Biden! Let's protest each other!"

[ETA: This. "if your body does not develop lasting immunity from exposure to a pathogen, a vaccine cannot train such immunity either. worse, if you try, it causes viral mutation to become vaccine advantaged and you get ADE and OAS."

I am far, FAR from an immunologist or MD, but this was all but obvious to me years back. How the effing eff can people trained in relevant disciplines not "get" that? Answer: they did, but as SimComm accurately noted, "Those Pharma checks are still clearing, so..."

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Boy am I glad I didn't take that shit.

3rd best decision of my life after wife and kids.

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I am one of the more fortunate of us in that I managed to convince my husband, college aged daughters, almost 80 year old mother and step-father to NOT take this injection. From this day forward, none of us will ever take any recommended shots.

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Indeed. Neither of us, my wife or I, took it. Cannot say same for my grown children, though. (I was not convincing enough, I reckon.)

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Same. After family the 2 best for me was not getting jabbed and turning off and dropping out of ALL. MSM March 2020. I did that actually for another stressor in my life, not realizing at the time imy action might be saving my life. I’m still off it. I was already hooked up into alternative health sources way before and suspicious of medicine. That’s where I got my first inkling all was not right around me. I was not onboard with mRNA by that fall.

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The horror and outrage expressed for the unvaxxed is nothing more than their revulsion that the unvaxxed did not comply.

It reminds then that they had a choice.

They hate and fear the independence.

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Amen, BG, amen. They don't hate us for being unvaxxed, they hate us because we didn't comply.

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Yes. They had a choice. I hadn’t thought of it that way.

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Given that other countries are in the process of questioning the narrative, banning the poison & in some cases, coming “clean”over all, is a global backlash against the US a possibility? At this stage, knowing the Uniparty doesn’t really want to address this since both sides are complicit, I have to say I hope so?

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Regarding the woman who ran away from you for not being vaxxed: "that is the power of propaganda, trust, and relentless moral hectoring" and, I would add, stupidity. I guess it didn't occur to her that if the vaccine was so great, she would have nothing to fear from you whether you were vaxxed, unvaxxed or in the middle of a fatal case of the coof. She's a fucking idiot.

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While waiting to pick up Sim Com at the airport, a woman sat next to me. We were having a nice conversation about both our visitors coming from the state of Washington. She brought up something about covid. I told her I had not gotten any shots. She "startled" out of her seat and thanked me for telling her. I decided to use that if I ever need a seat in a crowded venue.

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Every time this comment is liked, I am made aware of my grammatical error. While waiting, blah blah blah - should be While I was waiting blah blah blah. Because as my English teacher nun would have said, "Was the woman waiting to pick up Sim Com?".

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My younger sister texted me that karmas a bitch and intimated she hoped I got the Big Cootie bad. This was as she was suffering her second bout of bad Covid. I told her I thought she got a shot for that. We get along but something is still on the surface between us.

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The Revolution will be complete when we live in an unlimited-limited hangout.

This is what happens when politics and perverse incentives are simultaneously downstream and upstream from each other.

Humdinger of an analysis bad cat!

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Jun 4·edited Jun 5

I haven’t seen this mentioned anywhere else, but I watched the MIT graduation online, since my daughter goes there, and my niece was in the graduating class. The speaker was a top Moderna executive, and he spoke about the vaccine invention as if it were miraculous, and repeated the BS about the millions of lives saved. He compared it to “Mission Impossible”, which he said he loved as a TV show when he was a kid, and then later as a movie. He even had the band play the music. And of course he got a big round of applause. It was surreal. And then the Trump verdict came out later that day. The corruption of our government and institutions is off the charts.

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Oh Julia, how disgusting. Good thing you were not physically there.

I would have .... well, been arrrested perhaps

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I just can't with these people, just can't. They're all evil.

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If you want to look at a country in total denial you need to check out New Zealand. They are still pushing it on everyone and still claiming it is safe and effective. They are basically refusing to acknowledge all but a very few jab injuries. Media in particular are completely covering the tracks of the previous government and the new lot don't seem to be doing much at all.

It's a real banana republic.

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wow. I guess I am not going there any time soon. Sounds like a mental institution

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There's been an article about the government there burning people's bee operations bc of the bogus claim of bee disease. This is in the country of Manuka honey, supposedly almost a cure-all for numerous conditions. I saw the video. The beekeeper was, in fact, crying. It all looked real.

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Omg that is so damn sad and it truly pisses me off to read that!

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These freaks burned 10,000 active bee hives. I cried watching it. Evil.

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Covid shot people keep asking me why would a government do that? Since they were so swayed by everything covid, they are married to the conspiracy theory stance and refuse to accept anything that might burst their very tenuous bubbles.

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The main reason for the willful blindness is that nearly every one of the DC creatures got vaxed. They'd have to admit they excitedly poisoned themselves and that's difficult for humans. The ardent women who defend abortion are those who HAD an abortion. People don't like to admit they conspired in evil. They will be very slow to come around.

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I’m not so sure all the swamp creatures in DC took the thing. I would bet there were plenty of fake vaxx cards, vials of saline and, if I am not mistaken, was not Congress immune from the mandates back in the day?

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I believe you're right.

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Yes they were. No Mandates were leveled on those posers. Hypocrites all.

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