I'd just note that the organization that's increasingly eradicating the "freedom" of American citizens is our own government - not the forces of any other government.
Yes, the government that the American people voted for, that corporate media told them to vote for. Unplug cable tv and get your information from Substack, Rumble, Gettr, Odysee, Spotify, etc.
Yes, for too long working class Americans have deferred to their "betters" to run local government including school boards. These officials are too stupid to understand that complying with the conditionals for receiving federal funds has hidden costs that must not be paid. Sacrificing your own local power is never a price worth paying.
The censorship laws/regimes that the 5 eyes countries, USA, UK, NZ, Aus, Canada are soon enacting will target companies like Substack, Rumble, even Twitter etc with huge fines and/or imprisonment for failing to censor, i.e., allowing free speech, i.e., anything that contradicts the official gov narrative. That's how I see it. In a video with Russell Brand and John Campbell on Rumble, Russell Brand alluded to this as well. I don't see VPN's of much help in this case. Europe is probably the same, the rest of the world is already there.
Agreed, VS! I suspect that the evolving totalitarian governments of the West allowed the "free speech" platforms to establish themselves in order to identify potential "troublemakers"; people who have the nerve, the unmitigated gall to disagree with the omnipresent, omniscient state.
What are the odds that "Substack, Rumble, even Twitter, etc" will exist, in their current form, at this time next year?
Russell brand featured this in his video at the beginning. Go to about 1:55 and you'll see the chart he puts up.
In Canada, it's bills C-11 & C-18, passed into law earlier this year.
They start off slow: they say it's aimed to support Canadian content on the internet but they're a foot in the door for censorship by eliminating 'disinformation' and 'misinformation'.
You'll have to look up the legislation in the other countries.
It is all a "UNIVERSAL PICTURES" event ! These aren't Americans who are representing us. All are guilty of MISPRISON OF FELONY & CONSPIRACY TO LAUNDER MONEY 💰
I remember, when I was a young Marine exactly 40 years ago, how uncomfortable Butler’s anti-war comments made me. They were kind of hard to square with our interventions - overt and covert - in Lebanon, Grenada, Afghanistan and Central America, all of which I enthusiastically supported at the time.
Young airman exactly 39 years ago. Serving on a missile base targeting Peacekeeper missiles with a dozen nuclear warheads each on individual reentry trajectories. Ready to end the lives of millions of Soviets because their leaders were collectivist authoritarian Communists. Unbeknownst to me my own government leaders were collectivist authoritarian Fascists. And today both types of collectivist authoritarians have joined a Pact like Hitler & Stalin's against individualist freedom Patriots. I now realize I was duped into fighting the wrong enemy. The ones right here at home.
This is one of the hardest pills to swallow for so many ex-military. My husband, a veteran of decades of service with multiple deployments, has often talked to me about his feeling of being manipulated by his country and wonders what it was all for. Like many of the commentators here, he would have given his life on foreign soil for his country. He would still give his life for his country, but on his own soil and not for the government. He holds the ideals of our founding fathers close to his heart and THOSE he would die for…
I once worked with all of the congressionally-chartered veteran service organizations. Veterans of Foreign Wars, American Legion, Paralyzed Veterans of America, Disabled American Veterans, Military Officers Association, E9'ers Association, Special Forces Association, Korean War Vet, Vietnam War Vet, all 50-60 of them. Even with the Adjutant General for the state National Guard. I love these people. Their service. The honor in the community of military members, brothers like no other.
How they've gone along with what's happened in our nation, especially since 2020, and especially, especially what happened in DC after J6 where they deployed with weapons drawn against Americans exercising their right to protest is shameful. The organizations themselves have been just as captured by the authoritarians as the medical organizations, academia, industry, sports, all of them. They had a proud history of standing up for freedom, the US Constitution, going back to the days following the Revolutionary War when they were denied their pay. To the days following WWI when they saw authoritarianism creeping into the US and stood down abusive governments. Today they are tools of our oppressors. And don't even know it. Breaks my heart. Good men and women, who I worked with for the betterment of veterans. Now aligned with those targeting our true Patriots. Heartbreaking. Perilous.
More likely in denial, they can't fathom evil leadership here in our own nation, atop our own military brass. And blinded by the rhetoric of "progress" conjured up by progressive linguistic sorcerers.
Every agency soon degrades into grasping for power and money. Any purpose it may once have had becomes a far distant concern. The one time strength of this country was its local, citizen led organizations; churches and other local civic groups. Anything larger than neighbors rapidly becomes a menace.
Of course not. I know what was done. Why I was defenseless against it. And so many were. I was even a conservative. And trained in propaganda and media deception by some of the best in the world. But I missed it. My weakness was believing in teams. That I was on a good team. I overlooked its flaws and only focused on the flaws of the opposing teams. I was blinded by the very notion of teams. I now know that my own team is where the most dangerous threats are; I trusted my team too much. I now know that only God, Almighty can be fully trusted. All men are fallen. And have their own agendas. That often don't align with mine. Or truth. Never again.
As a young Marine also exactly 40 years ago, my first moments of doubt came when the daughter of the Pakistani Ambassador to Lebanon, speaking through a metal fence, asked me, a young mortarman filling sandbags in Beirut, what was I doing there? I was a bit nonplussed for a moment, but recovered quickly enough to tell her that I, personally, was there because I had orders, and was following them, but as to why “America” was sending military personnel to Lebanon, I had no idea. She got me to thinkin’....
I see Smedley Butler died aged 58 after checking into a hospital. Given what hospitals and doctors are like and his anti-war sentiments I wonder what really killed him.
I sincerely hope that you are right and in late 2023, 2024, maybe so. But, alas, I thought there would be a lot more resistance to the mandates for experimental gene therapy injections. And there was more resistance than I realized at the time, it was so censored, which I why I continue transcribing from 2021-2022. But still... most people I know just went and took them, even those who didn't really want them. They were like, oh, well, OK, gotta do what you gotta do, if they say roll up your sleeve, roll up your sleeve. I truly was appalled at what I witnessed in my personal circles. Such ignorance, and such lack of self-regard.
People learned a lot over the last few years, not everyone but many and many learned the hard way.
I spoke to a friend very recently who works for the gov and remained vaxx free despite hard mandates. After working from home for 2 years or so, she's now back at the office 3 days a week, the only person in here dept unvaxxed. She's told me that there are 3 people who have been off sick for about 1 year with unknown illnesses that they are now suspicious are vaxx injuries. Even the healthy looking ones look at my friend and see her health and wonder and regret why they 'followed orders' when they could have said no.
I didn't realize it until I spoke to my friend but those of us who are unvaxxed really are a living picture of what they gave up. I'm sure to some we are a 'sore spot' and that's a good reason to not rub it in.
But conscription is completely different to getting an injection. The injections were sold to the public on the basis that they had been tested and were not life threatening. If the public had known the truth they would never have lined up....which is why they had to lie and crush all dissent.
The only way conscription could work is in the event of an actual invasion. But to fight proxy wars in far flung places? No way would any parent agree to their son or daughter doing that.
Yes! And the first part of the war will be within the borders of this “monolith”. Then, when we’re sufficiently crippled, with so much of our troop/munitions resources overseas “guarding” others, China will just waltz in and take control of all the property they’ve bought here in the US. It won’t require a shot.
Yes, and Gato missed mentioning that invasion of millions of men. Because they are seen as workers seeking work in a world-wide free labor market, never mind the attractions of the benefits of our existing welfare state. Libertarians have denounced the welfare state and look down at their clean hands.
I’m pretty sure that’s sarcasm because if not, I fear you are going to be proved wrong about that. Might have been true early on, but for the last year or more, it’s been very few families and mostly military aged men. I’m in south Texas and that’s what’s coming over our border in hordes.
They are being paid by the UN, at least according to some. Paul Alexander posted about this in the last few days. The military aged men are not coming for food stamps.
They are not going to bayonet anybody, but they kill almost 100,000 Americans a year with the fentanyl they smuggle over the border. Drug addiction would continue if the border were sealed, but the point is they are actually poisoning people. Many of their victims unknowingly ingest the fentanyl poison that is disguised as something else. And the kicker is that the killers still get the food stamps and dental care.
Don’t be sure. In the last 2 yrs, they’ve logged 72,823 Muslims, all military age men, enter through the border. That’s the equivalent of 12 Army Divisions. This is just the ones they know about and doesn’t include those from non-Middle East countries. Here’s the source:
Just also consider that some people had no choice in the matter. Medical personnel, staff at medical institutions, were to either get a shot or lose their livelihood . We the general public are really undereducated about science, math, our rights and let’s face it our government. What we were taught and reality are totally different.
Fair point. There was little resistance to vaccine "mandates." But, of course, it was all for "the greater good." It was all for our "safety and security." By the way, the vaccine is "safe and effective." Very "safe and effective."
In general, I see your point (the compliance level of the masses cannot be overestimated). That said, I think that there is a HUGE difference between asking people to get a supposedly innocuous injection (remember, we've all been conditioned since childhood to believe that shots are unpleasant, but *necessary*) in order to "protect themselves and others" and asking people to go off and fight a literal war. The first (injections) actually appeals to people's misguided sense of self-preservation. The second (conscription) asks them to put that aside. BIIIIG difference IMO.
I think a lot depends on where you live. There was much pushback in my area, but we are one of the most conservative counties in our area…and we’re in Texas, so there’s that.
But people aren't objects that can be shifted around on a board. If people don't consent to something then they resist, like they are doing here in the UK with the road cameras. People just keep cutting the poles down and there is nothing the government can do.
The same is happening with the new 20mph speed limits imposed across Wales. People have just painted over the signs.
At the end of the day people have to consent to be governed otherwise governance is extremely troublesome.
This will cheer you up. Because the poles were getting cut down, the mayor decided to use vans with cameras on them but then people just blocked the vans in and spray painted them:
A certain rich celebrity chef wanted to enjoy his expensive, fast cars. What to do about speeding cameras? He claimed that if you put cling wrap on the plates, the cameras won't be able to read the plates and it's hard for people to see the cling wrap.
The Empire views its citizens as a resource to be exploited at most, and as an unavoidable inconvenience at worst.
The Empire has given $3,800 and counting for every Ukrainian man, woman and child, all with no real oversight or accountability. Meanwhile, the citizens of East Palestine cannot get so much as a hotel voucher.
Though in fairness, the article you linked to only mentioned people painting over signs in a couple of places in Wales, which implies that the Welsh are pretty compliant, too. Not as compliant as the Scots, no doubt, but still pretty compliant . . .
Hey Doc, Ghandi was a dirty old man personally but he did have a good line in the movie- " 100,000 Englishmen simply cannot control 350 million Indians, if those Indians refuse to cooperate." Let's see who bows....
you wanna rebel? Get out of debt, stop "consuming", only buy what you need to survive. Debt is the oxygen the "master of the universe" breath. Save money hand over fist, then threats of losing your job because you won't be jabbed don't sting as much.
Wouldn't be the first time. The Bush family dynasty made its fortune on the blood of American Patriots from the heartlands on the battlefields in Europe. Prescott Bush was "Hitler's Banker." For real. Was profiting during WWII paying for the bullets, bombs and steel that killed and wounded American GI's. And paid for the gas used to exterminate millions. There's good money in making war. And if you believe George HW Bush was a courageous pilot downed in the Pacific found floating in a raft in the middle of the ocean I have a safe and effective shot for you. Look up who Prescott Bush was. Delighted to send sons of America off to the German meatgrinder.
And here's a piece that does some of that research for you:
"Why, of course, the people don't want war," Goering shrugged. "Why would some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best that he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece. Naturally, the common people don't want war; neither in Russia nor in England nor in America, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy or a fascist dictatorship or a Parliament or a Communist dictatorship."
"There is one difference," I pointed out. "In a democracy the people have some say in the matter through their elected representatives, and in the United States only Congress can declare wars."
"Oh, that is all well and good, but, voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country."
It did with the vaccines sadly. They didn't say 'Sign up for the vaccines and die for your country.' but they might as well have done.
Okay, it might have not been the country but to save granny at least!
Interestingly, 'vaccinated' anagrams to 'an act die VC'. The vaccinated who die can be awarded the Victoria Cross for their self sacrifice in taking the poison shots to prove once and for all that vaccines are a Very Bad Idea.
They all live deeply embedded in Fantasy Land. That living space with houses all in the millions surrounding Washington DC needs to be bulldozed and replaced by the type of apartments being built for those receiving welfare.
War only serves the people in power because they are the ones who can lose something. When you are a tax/debt payer for you nothing changes who sits on your neck...
Phenomenal post, senor gato. I served as an airborne and ranger-qualified infantry officer during Gulf War I. My wife was among the first, female, UH-60 Blackhawk helicopter pilots. We are deeply service-oriented and patriotic Americans. Now civilians, we retain our solemn oath to protect and defend the constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Clearly, the greatest threat to our constitution today (the Bill of Right, specifically) are the domestic enemies we call the deep state. 100% agree with your assessment. We have actively encouraged our kids - both healthy, fit, un-jabbed, young adults - to steer clear of the US military, move overseas, and take steps to avoid a forthcoming draft. STARVE THE BEAST! That is all of our patriotic duty.
i find this jingoistic appeal to "patriotic duty" to pay high taxes and participate in senseless wars to be intensely anti-american. our founders would have abhorred it and our constitution was conceived to prevent it.
The great empire must replace its citizen soldiers with foreigners. Look for the words advocating the “American” Foreign Legion(s). Just like in Roman Empire’s, American productive economy has been replaced by the concentrated power equivalent of Roman Latifundia. This has had a profound influence on everything, including recruitment for the imperial legions.
It is time to resuscitate the Republic by slaying the Empire.
I've been reading up on Roman history for the first time. To try to see ahead to our future. Why the Republic succeeded as a Republic, or did it? Define success. Is Republican success measured by increasing control over the Italian peninsula: eat or be eaten? Does success mean controlling just the peninsula and the coast, and a couple of islands, and then three islands, and that trade corridor over there, and helping out that city on that island threatened by this other city across the sea; hey, how about control of metals mined in that peninsula over there because "we" need access to those metals to defend our Republic... In the City of Man, grow or die.
There is war in Ukraine, because America desires it. Period. Substack writer NS Lyons reported that government officials were ecstatic when Russia invaded Ukraine in February of 2022. That it is turning out unfavorably to those who clapped like seals when fratricide was underway in Eastern Europe points to incompetence, which is often paired with hubris. "The best laid plans..." happens even to the capable, to say nothing of the vicious mouth-breathers who are pulling the strings on their "Joe Biden" dummy.
For some reason, the destruction and humiliation of Russia seems to be the overriding policy goal of non-Trumpian administrations.
Russia was piling up on the Ukraine border for weeks. They were taking so long a lot of people figured it was just a case of Sabre rattling. So what was the United States doing in the meantime? Negotiating for peace? Seeking a resolution? Initiating talks? Hello? Anybody home…? Too busy salivating for war it seems.
Russia had already stated that they would invade Ukraine if NATO didn’t take certain steps. Despite pretending there was some uncertainty over Russia’s actions before the invasion, NATO nations already knew what was going on and could have taken options to stop it. https://responsiblestatecraft.org/russia-ukraine-nato-expansion/
They were captured by the MIC complex of businesses after WW2 that can’t see past their next rip-roaring money-making opportunity to capture other country’s resources. Refer to President Eisenhower’s famous warning.
2 - A hostile army is already invading the US right now, being strategically deployed across our nation, and nobody is doing anything to stop them; the "elites" are equipping them.
3 - Hitler and Stalin's Pact divided up the spoils of Ukraine between Germany and the USSR. The US took up Fascistic Hitler's claim to the spoils when WWII ended and hasn't stopped asserting them. And treats Russia as Stalin's Communist USSR. Which it is not and has been nothing like since Glasnost. Since the US assumed Hitler's claim to Ukraine that implies the US is Fascistic. And no American Patriot has any business serving in a Fascistic military that is patently Anti-Constitutional. Instead of killing baby Hitler imagine a German populace that refused to serve in his or any Fascist's military.
Let them try to come and press us into service, the lesser class as is being done in Ukraine while the upper class parties in nightclubs in Kiev. Even with their mercenary army they're importing now. That won't end the way they imagine it will.
Everything changed between WWII and Vietnam. In the former, all kinds of wealthy, famous, and powerful people served the war effort. It’s a Wonderful Life was filmed shortly after the war, and Jimmy Stewart, who flew a bomber over Germany, had ptsd so bad its said that the bar scene where he breaks down in tears was not acting, but a real emotional breakdown. Even the Queen of England worked in military motor pool. During Vietnam the best the elites would do is put on a USO show. There was one football player, whose name I don’t recall, who fought in the Middle East forever wars, but really nowadays the people who make policy never have to experience the consequences of their decisions. Do you think the Obama daughters or Hunter Biden would ever go to war for our country?
A lot of people folded, as you say, like a cheap deck of cards. Yes indeed. However, also, many brave people did stand up, but they were so heavily censored that even people such as ourselves, down here in the weeds of el gato's comments scetion, don't know about them. This is one reason why I transcribe, to show this. I hunt & hunt, and then hunt some more, and I do find things. Here's one from 2021 that I posted on my list just today (not the substack, though, not yet, too many others in line):
Pull-quote: "At no time in history, and I repeat, no time in history have the people that have been forcing others into compliance been the good guys."
PA State Representative Stephanie Borowicz
Medical Freedom Rally in support of SB 471 (Prohibiting COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates)
and SB 885 (Ensuring Unemployment Compensation for Unvaccinated Workers)
STEPHANIE BOROWICZ: So last year it was the shut down. We all remember that, right? This year it's mandates. So it's just tyranny in another form, isn't it?
It's a sad day that we have to stand here and fight for our medical freedom in America. I saw a perfect sign yesterday, other than the one back there that I love, the new one we joined in, I saw a perfect sign that said,
We aren't forcing you, we are just taking away everything else until you consent.
Does that sum it up or what? Well, we will not comply.
WOMAN'S VOICE: We will not comply!
STEPHANIE BOROWICZ: We will not be forced in America. Our healthcare workers who last year were heroes are now losing their jobs. At no time in history, and I repeat, no time in history, have the people that have been forcing others into compliance been the good guys. It's the truth. Those that are using coercion and force are never the ones on the right side of history. As [inaudible] always says, are you on the right side of history? It's never been on the right side of history. The city where the Statue of Liberty stands, those that are unvaccinated cannot go get a hamburger without showing papers? Does something not seem right? And—
[cheering, clapping]
We still have bills in the state house that need to be run. I just met with the Health Caucus team. We're going to be running hopefully Russ Diamond's* Medical Constitution Freedom amendment. That will be huge. We just passed out of the senate yesterday Senator Mastriano's** Medical Freedom Act.
[cheering, clapping]
We must run these bills. I have said over and time and time again, it is time to get in the fight. We are not, we need to be in this fight for medical freedom.
I have one story to share with you guys and then I'm done. A constituent, a lady that lives in my district, that I've been working with her to try to save her job, for her to file a medical exemption. And I have her story, if that's OK for me to read real quick.
[Reading from paper]: After an 11 year career at a prominent health care system my career came to an end on November 5th 2021 due to refusing getting a covid vaccine. On July 8, 2021 my husband and I found out we were expecting a new addition to our baby, to our family, a baby, number 4. A few weeks later, on August 25th 2021 the health care system informed us that by November 1st we were required to receive the covid vaccine. After prayerful consideration, research, and speaking with my OB GYN, we decided that we would wait until after I had the baby to get the vaccine. I reached out to the Employee Health to see if I could wait until after I had my baby to get the vaccine. I received a response from them that it would be OK to wait but I had to file for an exemption, and I would need to go the medical exemption route since my main concern was my baby, taking care of our baby. After being denied that medical exemption time and time again, I turned in my badge and walked out on November 5th after receiving an email from the system stating I was noncompliant, and did not comply with their policy. [end of reading]
I think that pretty much sums it up. So a healthcare worker who last year was our hero is now fired because she's just trying to protect her baby because she doesn't want to take the risk that there's a chance that that could harm her child.
So continue to stand. Continue to fight. Continue to be a voice of truth and reason in the times that we're living in. I'm proud to stand alongside you and Senator Mastriano and everyone else that's standing here today. So thank you for having me.
[cheering, clapping]
# # #
Stephanie Borowicz, Republican representative for District 76.
I like your attitude, Transcriber B! It’s difficult when everyone I know that shouted Fake News in 2019 suddenly believed everything the News told them in 2020. My 86 year-old father-in-law called my wife last night (he barely talks to me anymore) to tell her he got his covid booster, RSV and flu shot. No doubt to instill in her mind that they are safe and effective.
Isn't she great! I am making an effort to find the rally speeches of people who spoke out in 2021 especially-- they have been so heavily censored-- but they are out there. She is one of several people who spoke at that rally.
Oh they aren't a hostile army; they are workers here to do the work Americans just won't do... free markets, open borders, peace in our time. Ask Gato.
Some. Most. But 10% of three million is a lot of trouble. One thousand Hamas caused a lot of trouble. How about 300,000 military age fighting men? Oh, not 10%? Only 1%? Still 30,000.
Like Kari Lake said, refugees bring their families. Warriors leave their families behind. It's more than 1%. And that would be sufficient to visit horrors on us we can't fathom.
Yes, that would be the real intent behind a draft. Young White men are not signing up to be blown to bits and neutralized in foreign wars in as high numbers as they used to...so why not force them to be blown up? Any discussion of the draft must take into account that the neutralization and maximal exploitation of the White population of the US is the primary concern of the GAE.
Testosterone is gold to the MIC. Once there’s a severe shortage (coming soon to a war theatre near you), they’ll start in with the cyborgs. It’ll happen by 2030, after they’ve tested them in the streets of Wales to catch those speed limit sign spray painters.
“if a nation’s sons will not defend it, then what are we to say about that nation’s value?”
It is the perception of value that matters.
If you want the nation’s sons and daughters to defend it, they must be taught it is a nation worth defending. The educational system - public and private - is mostly in the hands of people who do not value the nation but who are determined to tear it down and replace it with something more “progressive”.
Solve that problem and replace and retire the “woke” leadership of the military and the need for a draft will subside.
I guess those of us who remember Vietnam are diminishing. That war was lost at home, by the ever increasing protests, fueled by the unfairness of the draft. Rich boys were able to stay out of the draft by a myriad number of ways. That’s why George W. Bush, Bill Clinton and Donald Trump, all eligible at the time never made it into the military, let alone Vietnam. Try to control the narrative as it was during the war in Iraq, when your military is comprised mainly of conscripts who don’t want to be there.
My guess is that the US military will go the mercenary route, offering those fit, military age illegals crossing the open border full citizenship, ability to bring their families into the country and high pay. That, historically is what declining Empires do.
I remember just ~20 years ago when we thought the US Military was the only competent, effective arm of government. Even if it was wishful thinking then, that fraud has been fully exposed.
I remember reading reports and biographies all the way back to WW2 that described what a complete circus that the Army was, and only with sheer force of lots of bombs they moved forward.
I'd just note that the organization that's increasingly eradicating the "freedom" of American citizens is our own government - not the forces of any other government.
Exactly. I'm more concerned by the rise of the censorship industrial complex in the US than any foreign power.
Yes, the government that the American people voted for, that corporate media told them to vote for. Unplug cable tv and get your information from Substack, Rumble, Gettr, Odysee, Spotify, etc.
That's what happens when you raise people that refuse to think, for themselves, or at all.
Yes, for too long working class Americans have deferred to their "betters" to run local government including school boards. These officials are too stupid to understand that complying with the conditionals for receiving federal funds has hidden costs that must not be paid. Sacrificing your own local power is never a price worth paying.
The censorship laws/regimes that the 5 eyes countries, USA, UK, NZ, Aus, Canada are soon enacting will target companies like Substack, Rumble, even Twitter etc with huge fines and/or imprisonment for failing to censor, i.e., allowing free speech, i.e., anything that contradicts the official gov narrative. That's how I see it. In a video with Russell Brand and John Campbell on Rumble, Russell Brand alluded to this as well. I don't see VPN's of much help in this case. Europe is probably the same, the rest of the world is already there.
I'm thinking carrier pidgeons.
Agreed, VS! I suspect that the evolving totalitarian governments of the West allowed the "free speech" platforms to establish themselves in order to identify potential "troublemakers"; people who have the nerve, the unmitigated gall to disagree with the omnipresent, omniscient state.
What are the odds that "Substack, Rumble, even Twitter, etc" will exist, in their current form, at this time next year?
Carrier pigeons - a business opportunity 👍
Their drones will incinerate the poor birds.
Link, please?
Russell brand featured this in his video at the beginning. Go to about 1:55 and you'll see the chart he puts up.
In Canada, it's bills C-11 & C-18, passed into law earlier this year.
They start off slow: they say it's aimed to support Canadian content on the internet but they're a foot in the door for censorship by eliminating 'disinformation' and 'misinformation'.
You'll have to look up the legislation in the other countries.
and Russell Brand!
Locals, as well.
It is all a "UNIVERSAL PICTURES" event ! These aren't Americans who are representing us. All are guilty of MISPRISON OF FELONY & CONSPIRACY TO LAUNDER MONEY 💰
Same in Canada and elsewhere.
Our own government of Nazi supporters.
If only somebody had seen this coming! 😩
War is a racket. General Smedley Butler tried to warn us. Will be posting highlights of his legendary booklet next week.
I remember, when I was a young Marine exactly 40 years ago, how uncomfortable Butler’s anti-war comments made me. They were kind of hard to square with our interventions - overt and covert - in Lebanon, Grenada, Afghanistan and Central America, all of which I enthusiastically supported at the time.
Young airman exactly 39 years ago. Serving on a missile base targeting Peacekeeper missiles with a dozen nuclear warheads each on individual reentry trajectories. Ready to end the lives of millions of Soviets because their leaders were collectivist authoritarian Communists. Unbeknownst to me my own government leaders were collectivist authoritarian Fascists. And today both types of collectivist authoritarians have joined a Pact like Hitler & Stalin's against individualist freedom Patriots. I now realize I was duped into fighting the wrong enemy. The ones right here at home.
This is one of the hardest pills to swallow for so many ex-military. My husband, a veteran of decades of service with multiple deployments, has often talked to me about his feeling of being manipulated by his country and wonders what it was all for. Like many of the commentators here, he would have given his life on foreign soil for his country. He would still give his life for his country, but on his own soil and not for the government. He holds the ideals of our founding fathers close to his heart and THOSE he would die for…
I once worked with all of the congressionally-chartered veteran service organizations. Veterans of Foreign Wars, American Legion, Paralyzed Veterans of America, Disabled American Veterans, Military Officers Association, E9'ers Association, Special Forces Association, Korean War Vet, Vietnam War Vet, all 50-60 of them. Even with the Adjutant General for the state National Guard. I love these people. Their service. The honor in the community of military members, brothers like no other.
How they've gone along with what's happened in our nation, especially since 2020, and especially, especially what happened in DC after J6 where they deployed with weapons drawn against Americans exercising their right to protest is shameful. The organizations themselves have been just as captured by the authoritarians as the medical organizations, academia, industry, sports, all of them. They had a proud history of standing up for freedom, the US Constitution, going back to the days following the Revolutionary War when they were denied their pay. To the days following WWI when they saw authoritarianism creeping into the US and stood down abusive governments. Today they are tools of our oppressors. And don't even know it. Breaks my heart. Good men and women, who I worked with for the betterment of veterans. Now aligned with those targeting our true Patriots. Heartbreaking. Perilous.
30 pieces of silver didn't just buy Judas
More likely in denial, they can't fathom evil leadership here in our own nation, atop our own military brass. And blinded by the rhetoric of "progress" conjured up by progressive linguistic sorcerers.
Every agency soon degrades into grasping for power and money. Any purpose it may once have had becomes a far distant concern. The one time strength of this country was its local, citizen led organizations; churches and other local civic groups. Anything larger than neighbors rapidly becomes a menace.
maybe people who kill strangers on command aren't entirely such good people.
Judi, be prepared to have your heart broken when you read the story of Walter at Pearl Harbor - https://www.unz.com/article/walter-at-pearl-harbor/
Looking forward to reading that as soon as I can find a quiet moment. Looks very intriguing. Thanks for sharing it.
To both of you service men: I hope you're not beating yourselves up over the past.
This expression comes to mind:
'If you're not a liberal at 20, you have no heart. If you're still a liberal at 50, you have no brain'.
You both have a heart and a brain.
Of course not. I know what was done. Why I was defenseless against it. And so many were. I was even a conservative. And trained in propaganda and media deception by some of the best in the world. But I missed it. My weakness was believing in teams. That I was on a good team. I overlooked its flaws and only focused on the flaws of the opposing teams. I was blinded by the very notion of teams. I now know that my own team is where the most dangerous threats are; I trusted my team too much. I now know that only God, Almighty can be fully trusted. All men are fallen. And have their own agendas. That often don't align with mine. Or truth. Never again.
Exactly what I’ve thought for years based on USA history since WW2.
Thank you for your service!
As a young Marine also exactly 40 years ago, my first moments of doubt came when the daughter of the Pakistani Ambassador to Lebanon, speaking through a metal fence, asked me, a young mortarman filling sandbags in Beirut, what was I doing there? I was a bit nonplussed for a moment, but recovered quickly enough to tell her that I, personally, was there because I had orders, and was following them, but as to why “America” was sending military personnel to Lebanon, I had no idea. She got me to thinkin’....
Semper Fi
Joe Marra
Thank you for your service. And a heartfelt thanks to all in this community who have served.
Semper Fi buddy. Awesome comment! I’m glad you made it out alive. Too many didn’t.
Great comment.👍🇦🇺
I remember the late 60s and early 70s. Many very strong feelings.
Thank you for your service, sir.
yes, never any shortage of Good Soldiers who'll kill anyone they're told to. lots of leisure for sorrowing afterwards.
Smedley Butler an American hero.👍🇦🇺
The whole speech is on line:
Loved it!
I see Smedley Butler died aged 58 after checking into a hospital. Given what hospitals and doctors are like and his anti-war sentiments I wonder what really killed him.
They are living in fantasy land. It's not the 1960s anymore. Nobody would put up with conscription.
I sincerely hope that you are right and in late 2023, 2024, maybe so. But, alas, I thought there would be a lot more resistance to the mandates for experimental gene therapy injections. And there was more resistance than I realized at the time, it was so censored, which I why I continue transcribing from 2021-2022. But still... most people I know just went and took them, even those who didn't really want them. They were like, oh, well, OK, gotta do what you gotta do, if they say roll up your sleeve, roll up your sleeve. I truly was appalled at what I witnessed in my personal circles. Such ignorance, and such lack of self-regard.
But again, I sincerely hope that you are right.
People learned a lot over the last few years, not everyone but many and many learned the hard way.
I spoke to a friend very recently who works for the gov and remained vaxx free despite hard mandates. After working from home for 2 years or so, she's now back at the office 3 days a week, the only person in here dept unvaxxed. She's told me that there are 3 people who have been off sick for about 1 year with unknown illnesses that they are now suspicious are vaxx injuries. Even the healthy looking ones look at my friend and see her health and wonder and regret why they 'followed orders' when they could have said no.
I didn't realize it until I spoke to my friend but those of us who are unvaxxed really are a living picture of what they gave up. I'm sure to some we are a 'sore spot' and that's a good reason to not rub it in.
wise words
But conscription is completely different to getting an injection. The injections were sold to the public on the basis that they had been tested and were not life threatening. If the public had known the truth they would never have lined up....which is why they had to lie and crush all dissent.
The only way conscription could work is in the event of an actual invasion. But to fight proxy wars in far flung places? No way would any parent agree to their son or daughter doing that.
We ARE being invaded every single day by military age male illegal aliens from around the world.
Yes! And the first part of the war will be within the borders of this “monolith”. Then, when we’re sufficiently crippled, with so much of our troop/munitions resources overseas “guarding” others, China will just waltz in and take control of all the property they’ve bought here in the US. It won’t require a shot.
Or some local oligarch. Aren't Gates and Soros in the business of buying up farmland around the world?
China’s buying up America and Gates and Soros are buying up Europe—cheaply after Siri’s destroys country’s’ economies.
Yep. Squatters unite! 😉
Yes, and Gato missed mentioning that invasion of millions of men. Because they are seen as workers seeking work in a world-wide free labor market, never mind the attractions of the benefits of our existing welfare state. Libertarians have denounced the welfare state and look down at their clean hands.
And you can’t help wondering what is their plan?
Kill us off and take over. ?
But they have come to claim food stamps and dental care. Not to bayonet your wife.
I’m pretty sure that’s sarcasm because if not, I fear you are going to be proved wrong about that. Might have been true early on, but for the last year or more, it’s been very few families and mostly military aged men. I’m in south Texas and that’s what’s coming over our border in hordes.
Gangs, highly organized.
Yikes. That's f***ing scary.
Do these men appear to be trained or organized? Physically fit, etc?
They are being paid by the UN, at least according to some. Paul Alexander posted about this in the last few days. The military aged men are not coming for food stamps.
They are not going to bayonet anybody, but they kill almost 100,000 Americans a year with the fentanyl they smuggle over the border. Drug addiction would continue if the border were sealed, but the point is they are actually poisoning people. Many of their victims unknowingly ingest the fentanyl poison that is disguised as something else. And the kicker is that the killers still get the food stamps and dental care.
Don’t be sure. In the last 2 yrs, they’ve logged 72,823 Muslims, all military age men, enter through the border. That’s the equivalent of 12 Army Divisions. This is just the ones they know about and doesn’t include those from non-Middle East countries. Here’s the source:
And free everything else, too.
You're dreamin'.
How many Americans realize that Ukraine/Russia is a proxy war? There are Canadians who don't.
Too many.
Just also consider that some people had no choice in the matter. Medical personnel, staff at medical institutions, were to either get a shot or lose their livelihood . We the general public are really undereducated about science, math, our rights and let’s face it our government. What we were taught and reality are totally different.
Fair point. There was little resistance to vaccine "mandates." But, of course, it was all for "the greater good." It was all for our "safety and security." By the way, the vaccine is "safe and effective." Very "safe and effective."
In general, I see your point (the compliance level of the masses cannot be overestimated). That said, I think that there is a HUGE difference between asking people to get a supposedly innocuous injection (remember, we've all been conditioned since childhood to believe that shots are unpleasant, but *necessary*) in order to "protect themselves and others" and asking people to go off and fight a literal war. The first (injections) actually appeals to people's misguided sense of self-preservation. The second (conscription) asks them to put that aside. BIIIIG difference IMO.
I think a lot depends on where you live. There was much pushback in my area, but we are one of the most conservative counties in our area…and we’re in Texas, so there’s that.
They view us as subjects, not citizens. They would take great delight in drafting the sons of MAGA and sending them off to the Russian meatgrinder.
I agree they would love it.
But people aren't objects that can be shifted around on a board. If people don't consent to something then they resist, like they are doing here in the UK with the road cameras. People just keep cutting the poles down and there is nothing the government can do.
The same is happening with the new 20mph speed limits imposed across Wales. People have just painted over the signs.
At the end of the day people have to consent to be governed otherwise governance is extremely troublesome.
I am so heartened to hear about the people resisting there.
This will cheer you up. Because the poles were getting cut down, the mayor decided to use vans with cameras on them but then people just blocked the vans in and spray painted them:
Yes indeed!!
Love to hear about this!
A certain rich celebrity chef wanted to enjoy his expensive, fast cars. What to do about speeding cameras? He claimed that if you put cling wrap on the plates, the cameras won't be able to read the plates and it's hard for people to see the cling wrap.
I haven't tested it.
Many thanks of links. I am not up to speed on Wales but I note Mark Drakeford, First Minister for Wales.
he introduced the stupid 'Firebreak'. I did a very long post on my WordPress site, not for the faint hearted.
'Dr drama Fokker' is an anagram of his name. He is silly. So a silly Fokker! :)
The Empire views its citizens as a resource to be exploited at most, and as an unavoidable inconvenience at worst.
The Empire has given $3,800 and counting for every Ukrainian man, woman and child, all with no real oversight or accountability. Meanwhile, the citizens of East Palestine cannot get so much as a hotel voucher.
That really is a disgrace.
I wish they were painting over the signs around where I live in Scotland.
Yes Nicola Sturgeon seemed to have successfully linked Scottish identity with compliance with all the covid/trans/net zero policies.
It's a bit disappointing.
Crazy thing is, the Scotch didn't use to be known for compliance! Historically, they were a feisty bunch
I guess the sheep is now the Scottish national symbol.
Though in fairness, the article you linked to only mentioned people painting over signs in a couple of places in Wales, which implies that the Welsh are pretty compliant, too. Not as compliant as the Scots, no doubt, but still pretty compliant . . .
No they are definitely not compliant:
It would be good to fight back against the nonsense. I tried.
Glad the people are not putting up with it.
Painting over the signs are they? Oh good! And hello from the south of England.
Wish the USA had such liberty-loving individualistic citizens.
Hey Doc, Ghandi was a dirty old man personally but he did have a good line in the movie- " 100,000 Englishmen simply cannot control 350 million Indians, if those Indians refuse to cooperate." Let's see who bows....
"They view us as subjects, not citizens."
Its worse then that, they view you as a consumer.
I hear that nowadays it's 'useless eater'
you wanna rebel? Get out of debt, stop "consuming", only buy what you need to survive. Debt is the oxygen the "master of the universe" breath. Save money hand over fist, then threats of losing your job because you won't be jabbed don't sting as much.
Being that you're from England, looks like most of your mates are doing the exact opposite:
Or a lab rat, depending on the need at hand.
Wouldn't be the first time. The Bush family dynasty made its fortune on the blood of American Patriots from the heartlands on the battlefields in Europe. Prescott Bush was "Hitler's Banker." For real. Was profiting during WWII paying for the bullets, bombs and steel that killed and wounded American GI's. And paid for the gas used to exterminate millions. There's good money in making war. And if you believe George HW Bush was a courageous pilot downed in the Pacific found floating in a raft in the middle of the ocean I have a safe and effective shot for you. Look up who Prescott Bush was. Delighted to send sons of America off to the German meatgrinder.
And here's a piece that does some of that research for you:
True, and we should view ourselves as sovereigns and 𝒏𝒐𝒕 "citizens."
"Why, of course, the people don't want war," Goering shrugged. "Why would some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best that he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece. Naturally, the common people don't want war; neither in Russia nor in England nor in America, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy or a fascist dictatorship or a Parliament or a Communist dictatorship."
"There is one difference," I pointed out. "In a democracy the people have some say in the matter through their elected representatives, and in the United States only Congress can declare wars."
"Oh, that is all well and good, but, voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country."
I wonder if denouncing anyone for lack of patriotism would work nowadays.
There's always some reason with which to demonize someone.
Good question. Liberals were gushing over "our CIA" (which tortures people) but only when politically convenient at the moment.
I suppose they figure that the rubes can be made to fall for it one more time.
Not to repeat, but did you watch the covid drama?
Yet, all the Covid pawns still can’t be convinced as to how badly they were lied to them?
It did with the vaccines sadly. They didn't say 'Sign up for the vaccines and die for your country.' but they might as well have done.
Okay, it might have not been the country but to save granny at least!
Interestingly, 'vaccinated' anagrams to 'an act die VC'. The vaccinated who die can be awarded the Victoria Cross for their self sacrifice in taking the poison shots to prove once and for all that vaccines are a Very Bad Idea.
You missed the covid adventure?
They all live deeply embedded in Fantasy Land. That living space with houses all in the millions surrounding Washington DC needs to be bulldozed and replaced by the type of apartments being built for those receiving welfare.
The only winners of war are the globalist central bankers.
True statement. I would add the globalist oligarchs, politicians and MIC to that list as well.
War only serves the people in power because they are the ones who can lose something. When you are a tax/debt payer for you nothing changes who sits on your neck...
Phenomenal post, senor gato. I served as an airborne and ranger-qualified infantry officer during Gulf War I. My wife was among the first, female, UH-60 Blackhawk helicopter pilots. We are deeply service-oriented and patriotic Americans. Now civilians, we retain our solemn oath to protect and defend the constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Clearly, the greatest threat to our constitution today (the Bill of Right, specifically) are the domestic enemies we call the deep state. 100% agree with your assessment. We have actively encouraged our kids - both healthy, fit, un-jabbed, young adults - to steer clear of the US military, move overseas, and take steps to avoid a forthcoming draft. STARVE THE BEAST! That is all of our patriotic duty.
i find this jingoistic appeal to "patriotic duty" to pay high taxes and participate in senseless wars to be intensely anti-american. our founders would have abhorred it and our constitution was conceived to prevent it.
starving that beast is the the way to go.
"starving that beast is the the way to go."
There's no other option. Can you imagine a pile of money so huge that government isn't interested in spending all of it?
Me neither.
100%. Thanks for all your work.
Thank you for your service. Good thing you and your wife are on the same page and are continuing to act courageously.
Thank you, and I agree about the importance of us being on the same page on this issue.
Hear! Hear!!!
The great empire must replace its citizen soldiers with foreigners. Look for the words advocating the “American” Foreign Legion(s). Just like in Roman Empire’s, American productive economy has been replaced by the concentrated power equivalent of Roman Latifundia. This has had a profound influence on everything, including recruitment for the imperial legions.
It is time to resuscitate the Republic by slaying the Empire.
I've been reading up on Roman history for the first time. To try to see ahead to our future. Why the Republic succeeded as a Republic, or did it? Define success. Is Republican success measured by increasing control over the Italian peninsula: eat or be eaten? Does success mean controlling just the peninsula and the coast, and a couple of islands, and then three islands, and that trade corridor over there, and helping out that city on that island threatened by this other city across the sea; hey, how about control of metals mined in that peninsula over there because "we" need access to those metals to defend our Republic... In the City of Man, grow or die.
There is much to learn from those times.
And slay away it is!
There is war in Ukraine, because America desires it. Period. Substack writer NS Lyons reported that government officials were ecstatic when Russia invaded Ukraine in February of 2022. That it is turning out unfavorably to those who clapped like seals when fratricide was underway in Eastern Europe points to incompetence, which is often paired with hubris. "The best laid plans..." happens even to the capable, to say nothing of the vicious mouth-breathers who are pulling the strings on their "Joe Biden" dummy.
For some reason, the destruction and humiliation of Russia seems to be the overriding policy goal of non-Trumpian administrations.
Russia was piling up on the Ukraine border for weeks. They were taking so long a lot of people figured it was just a case of Sabre rattling. So what was the United States doing in the meantime? Negotiating for peace? Seeking a resolution? Initiating talks? Hello? Anybody home…? Too busy salivating for war it seems.
Russia had already stated that they would invade Ukraine if NATO didn’t take certain steps. Despite pretending there was some uncertainty over Russia’s actions before the invasion, NATO nations already knew what was going on and could have taken options to stop it. https://responsiblestatecraft.org/russia-ukraine-nato-expansion/
USA was given a security plan, they disdained it and opted to see if Russia would do over Kiev what Frances should have done over Rhineland in 1936.
The war party deserve no conscripts
Biden was saying we wouldn't react to 'little incursions'.
They were captured by the MIC complex of businesses after WW2 that can’t see past their next rip-roaring money-making opportunity to capture other country’s resources. Refer to President Eisenhower’s famous warning.
1 - Any draft would exclude "elites." Fact.
2 - A hostile army is already invading the US right now, being strategically deployed across our nation, and nobody is doing anything to stop them; the "elites" are equipping them.
3 - Hitler and Stalin's Pact divided up the spoils of Ukraine between Germany and the USSR. The US took up Fascistic Hitler's claim to the spoils when WWII ended and hasn't stopped asserting them. And treats Russia as Stalin's Communist USSR. Which it is not and has been nothing like since Glasnost. Since the US assumed Hitler's claim to Ukraine that implies the US is Fascistic. And no American Patriot has any business serving in a Fascistic military that is patently Anti-Constitutional. Instead of killing baby Hitler imagine a German populace that refused to serve in his or any Fascist's military.
Let them try to come and press us into service, the lesser class as is being done in Ukraine while the upper class parties in nightclubs in Kiev. Even with their mercenary army they're importing now. That won't end the way they imagine it will.
Everything changed between WWII and Vietnam. In the former, all kinds of wealthy, famous, and powerful people served the war effort. It’s a Wonderful Life was filmed shortly after the war, and Jimmy Stewart, who flew a bomber over Germany, had ptsd so bad its said that the bar scene where he breaks down in tears was not acting, but a real emotional breakdown. Even the Queen of England worked in military motor pool. During Vietnam the best the elites would do is put on a USO show. There was one football player, whose name I don’t recall, who fought in the Middle East forever wars, but really nowadays the people who make policy never have to experience the consequences of their decisions. Do you think the Obama daughters or Hunter Biden would ever go to war for our country?
Pat Tillman. I suspect they killed him on purpose. Saw too much. Wasn't going to 'play ball.'
So I’ve read and it was documented.
Our daughters won’t be spared either.
Oh yes they will. And our sons.
See: That won't end like they imagine it will.
Lots of big talk before the scamdemic by my self anointed Patriot friends every one of whom folded like a cheap deck of cards. So I am not optimistic.
A lot of people folded, as you say, like a cheap deck of cards. Yes indeed. However, also, many brave people did stand up, but they were so heavily censored that even people such as ourselves, down here in the weeds of el gato's comments scetion, don't know about them. This is one reason why I transcribe, to show this. I hunt & hunt, and then hunt some more, and I do find things. Here's one from 2021 that I posted on my list just today (not the substack, though, not yet, too many others in line):
Pull-quote: "At no time in history, and I repeat, no time in history have the people that have been forcing others into compliance been the good guys."
PA State Representative Stephanie Borowicz
Medical Freedom Rally in support of SB 471 (Prohibiting COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates)
and SB 885 (Ensuring Unemployment Compensation for Unvaccinated Workers)
Front Capitol Steps, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
Posted November 8, 2021
STEPHANIE BOROWICZ: So last year it was the shut down. We all remember that, right? This year it's mandates. So it's just tyranny in another form, isn't it?
It's a sad day that we have to stand here and fight for our medical freedom in America. I saw a perfect sign yesterday, other than the one back there that I love, the new one we joined in, I saw a perfect sign that said,
We aren't forcing you, we are just taking away everything else until you consent.
Does that sum it up or what? Well, we will not comply.
WOMAN'S VOICE: We will not comply!
STEPHANIE BOROWICZ: We will not be forced in America. Our healthcare workers who last year were heroes are now losing their jobs. At no time in history, and I repeat, no time in history, have the people that have been forcing others into compliance been the good guys. It's the truth. Those that are using coercion and force are never the ones on the right side of history. As [inaudible] always says, are you on the right side of history? It's never been on the right side of history. The city where the Statue of Liberty stands, those that are unvaccinated cannot go get a hamburger without showing papers? Does something not seem right? And—
[cheering, clapping]
We still have bills in the state house that need to be run. I just met with the Health Caucus team. We're going to be running hopefully Russ Diamond's* Medical Constitution Freedom amendment. That will be huge. We just passed out of the senate yesterday Senator Mastriano's** Medical Freedom Act.
[cheering, clapping]
We must run these bills. I have said over and time and time again, it is time to get in the fight. We are not, we need to be in this fight for medical freedom.
I have one story to share with you guys and then I'm done. A constituent, a lady that lives in my district, that I've been working with her to try to save her job, for her to file a medical exemption. And I have her story, if that's OK for me to read real quick.
[Reading from paper]: After an 11 year career at a prominent health care system my career came to an end on November 5th 2021 due to refusing getting a covid vaccine. On July 8, 2021 my husband and I found out we were expecting a new addition to our baby, to our family, a baby, number 4. A few weeks later, on August 25th 2021 the health care system informed us that by November 1st we were required to receive the covid vaccine. After prayerful consideration, research, and speaking with my OB GYN, we decided that we would wait until after I had the baby to get the vaccine. I reached out to the Employee Health to see if I could wait until after I had my baby to get the vaccine. I received a response from them that it would be OK to wait but I had to file for an exemption, and I would need to go the medical exemption route since my main concern was my baby, taking care of our baby. After being denied that medical exemption time and time again, I turned in my badge and walked out on November 5th after receiving an email from the system stating I was noncompliant, and did not comply with their policy. [end of reading]
I think that pretty much sums it up. So a healthcare worker who last year was our hero is now fired because she's just trying to protect her baby because she doesn't want to take the risk that there's a chance that that could harm her child.
So continue to stand. Continue to fight. Continue to be a voice of truth and reason in the times that we're living in. I'm proud to stand alongside you and Senator Mastriano and everyone else that's standing here today. So thank you for having me.
[cheering, clapping]
# # #
Stephanie Borowicz, Republican representative for District 76.
*Russ Diamond, Republican representative for District 102.
** Senator Doug Mastriano's website is https://senatormastriano.com
I like your attitude, Transcriber B! It’s difficult when everyone I know that shouted Fake News in 2019 suddenly believed everything the News told them in 2020. My 86 year-old father-in-law called my wife last night (he barely talks to me anymore) to tell her he got his covid booster, RSV and flu shot. No doubt to instill in her mind that they are safe and effective.
I hear you, GLK, I really do.
Thank you for all your hard work and the time involved.
Thanks for reading, and for your kind comment.
You have the support of millions today you courageous soul.
Isn't she great! I am making an effort to find the rally speeches of people who spoke out in 2021 especially-- they have been so heavily censored-- but they are out there. She is one of several people who spoke at that rally.
I saw same. I'll stay optimistic. They're more attached to their own blood and guts.
My thoughts exactly.
Or we do?
Oh they aren't a hostile army; they are workers here to do the work Americans just won't do... free markets, open borders, peace in our time. Ask Gato.
Some. Most. But 10% of three million is a lot of trouble. One thousand Hamas caused a lot of trouble. How about 300,000 military age fighting men? Oh, not 10%? Only 1%? Still 30,000.
Like Kari Lake said, refugees bring their families. Warriors leave their families behind. It's more than 1%. And that would be sufficient to visit horrors on us we can't fathom.
Bleed out the testosterone for profit, it's all a grift
Yes, that would be the real intent behind a draft. Young White men are not signing up to be blown to bits and neutralized in foreign wars in as high numbers as they used to...so why not force them to be blown up? Any discussion of the draft must take into account that the neutralization and maximal exploitation of the White population of the US is the primary concern of the GAE.
Testosterone is gold to the MIC. Once there’s a severe shortage (coming soon to a war theatre near you), they’ll start in with the cyborgs. It’ll happen by 2030, after they’ve tested them in the streets of Wales to catch those speed limit sign spray painters.
Ha! A cyborg wouldn't last 5 minutes on the streets of Merthyr Tydfil. They would have it broken down into scrap before you could blink.
Hmmm, or perhaps bring them in for “reprogramming.” That is, they can pursue and capture their former robo-siblings. 😼
We should be forming protective home guards now to protect our children against these Deep State mavens.
A pretty open and bragged about grift today it seems. I wonder how open it was to the common man in Roman times.
“if a nation’s sons will not defend it, then what are we to say about that nation’s value?”
It is the perception of value that matters.
If you want the nation’s sons and daughters to defend it, they must be taught it is a nation worth defending. The educational system - public and private - is mostly in the hands of people who do not value the nation but who are determined to tear it down and replace it with something more “progressive”.
Solve that problem and replace and retire the “woke” leadership of the military and the need for a draft will subside.
Why did we leave all those arms in Afghanistan? Were they intended to end up in the hands of those who got them? The question almost answers itself.
The world is starting to rhyme like a perfect couplet.
Operation Faster and More Furious.
It’s always the best preparation for the next wars.
Let it collapse. Let the sons of the scions, bankers, and politicians go fight for their daddies' War Machine.
Let the sons of Blue Collar America pick up their fathers' ploughshares, hard hats, and welding irons and ignore the whole federal degeneracy.
There is NOTHING for you to prove in War that hasn't already been proven a million generations over.
You will not find your MANHOOD there - you will find it in raising stable, healthy families and building strong, cohesive, and forgiving communities.
Amen, brother.
Excellent read, sir. Even by your own high standards.
I guess those of us who remember Vietnam are diminishing. That war was lost at home, by the ever increasing protests, fueled by the unfairness of the draft. Rich boys were able to stay out of the draft by a myriad number of ways. That’s why George W. Bush, Bill Clinton and Donald Trump, all eligible at the time never made it into the military, let alone Vietnam. Try to control the narrative as it was during the war in Iraq, when your military is comprised mainly of conscripts who don’t want to be there.
My guess is that the US military will go the mercenary route, offering those fit, military age illegals crossing the open border full citizenship, ability to bring their families into the country and high pay. That, historically is what declining Empires do.
War slaves are cheaper.
I mean when it comes to poking the bear - let's have German tanks rolling across the Steppe again, apparently some crewed by actual Nazis...
After all I don't suppose the Russians will remember the 25-35 million souls they lost in WW2.
And some experts seem to believe Russia will "lose" or walk away from this.
Crazy talk!
I remember just ~20 years ago when we thought the US Military was the only competent, effective arm of government. Even if it was wishful thinking then, that fraud has been fully exposed.
I remember reading reports and biographies all the way back to WW2 that described what a complete circus that the Army was, and only with sheer force of lots of bombs they moved forward.