So, just to be clear, the cure being mandated - MANDATED under threat of loss of livelihood, participation in society, access to education, etc. - for an illness that apparently has a survival rate greater than 99.8% for the vast majority of the populace, actually makes things worse AND has serious known and unknown side effects for many?! And the mandates keep getting worse in many places here and around the world - think Novak Djokovic and now France’s latest abomination. What sort of alternate universe is this? They’re not just crop dusters, they are arsonists masquerading as the fire department. “You are not allowed to use that old firehouse on your burning home in which your family is trapped. Here, you must only use this fancy new fire extinguisher filled with napalm.”

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I hate to get into "conspiracy theory" territory, but it is hard to avoid thinking "genocide" as these facts come to light...

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In my view, not a conspiracy in the sense of central planning and control, but a confluence of the like-minded based on common factors and circumstances: plus an element of monkey see, monkey do I suppose.

An increasingly costly ageing population.

I think it is euthanasia by neglect. The problem is the elderly were all supposed to die between the ages of 65 and 70 upon which assumption State Social Security/healthcare provision was predicated. In addition, providing universal healthcare was supposed to be preventative, ensuring a healthier population requiring increasingly less intervention. Taking the two propositions together, the calculation was that increase in the ongoing cost in real terms would be no greater than inflation.

For a variety of reasons - better nutrition, less arduous jobs, more leisure time, better hygiene, advances in medical science - the result is people are living much longer to draw pensions and undergo more and more expensive medical treatment and require expensive end of life care.

It is a politically created problem, because whereas the elderly pre-WWII understood they had to provide for their old age, politicians promising them State ‘cradle to the grave’ welfare removed the expectation from people that they needed to be responsible for themselves: the State would provide. Now it doesn’t want to/cannot fulfil its promise.

Even the US which does not have a formal welfare State has an ever creeping one in effect.

So there is an incentive to allow elderly people to die sooner rather than later, and an unwillingness to care and to direct the proper resources. I worked in hospital service in the 1970s for 5 years and I know medical & nursing staff openly welcomed Winter and ‘flu to clear out the bed-blockers in geriatric and psychiatric wards.

The current ‘protecting the elderly’ is great political theatre. Most of those who succumb to CoVid (median age 84) have less than 12 months left on the clock. Many will die despite vaccination from the medical conditions they already have, other opportunistic infection or because they just give up. So no vaccination will nit ‘save lives’.

And if I were cynical, the ‘experts’ (medical staff certainly) will know vaccination weakens the immune system and is likely to finish off the most susceptible. But I wouldn’t want anyone to think I were cynical.

I think the question with respect to CoVid and the treatment of the elderly is, benign or malign neglect?

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This explanation is all very well, but it doesn’t account for scores of countries discarding their time honoured pandemic preparedness plans (if you’re unwell, stay home; wash your more often because we don’t know transmission route at first) and replacement with nothing but preposterous lies.

It also doesn’t account for all institutions relating to “healthcare” going rogue all at the same time. Regulators giving EUAs to obvious toxins (several of us warned publicly & specifically before & soon after EUA), Royal Colleges of Obs & Gyn lying on national TV & radio that these agents were perfectly safe in pregnancy, and so on.

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I was commenting on treatment of the elderly not the whole panicdemic. I agree the latter is clearly orchestrated via the global nexus of interdependent, intersecting vested interests and movers and shakers that has been assembled over the last 30 years thanks to the other panicdemic, climate change.

Whilst each of these ‘interests’ may have different end-aims, they are united in one, establishing a global Government. The CoVid episode has given them an opportunity to carry out a full dress rehearsal for that… climate change was making slow progress as it’s hard to panic the herd with a 0.8C temperature increase over a century and future calamity which will happen after we now are dead.

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Yes, one world government would suit those elevated criminals well.

Let’s hope they’re elevated instead by ropes.

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The European Health Agency has warned repeat boosting can cause Vaccine Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. Any thoughts on that?

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I prefer ‘Global Cabal of Evil’.

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Indeed, when all the evidence points to deliberate actions that kill people it can not be a mistake. Resist or die. They will keep on recommending boosters till everybody refuses. The real definition of fully vaccinated is death.

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You’d have to be a gullible coincidence theorist to deny it!

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Only a conspiracy theorist would believe that rich powerful elites won’t conspire together to gain and maintain their power.

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If only it were that easy to explain the reason behind this.....my vote goes to Hubris, which only leads us down a path of incompetence and stupidity. Our Hubris with Gain of Function, gene sequencing for rapid development of mRNA therapies, masks, lockdown, mandates, silencing of any discussion or opposition and "The Science".....all while Rome burns.

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Still, the kill rate is low. Either they are really bad at it, or there's much worse to come.

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Just heard Dr. Chris Martenson discuss how doctors don’t want to EVER report deaths to VAERS because they’ll pay for it professionally. https://youtu.be/VVxmAIKjYM4 (Not just about NZ)

A Harvard/HHS study showed adverse events are woefully underreported to VAERS.

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Ah, I wouldn’t call potentially 388,000 in America alone a low kill rate—likely even higher given the life insurance companies are reporting a 40% increase in mortality in the 18–64 age group (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-governing-body).

That said, I do believe they’re titrating so it is easier to cover up and will be ramping up the more desperate they get to complete their mission before people catch on (much like when Hitler hit ramming speed on the Final Solution toward the end of the war).

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Yeah, but I mean to get to 500M left, they need a 94% kill rate. They haven't even got to 1% yet. So either they are cheese weenies, or they have something even more horrible up their sleeve.

If you try to kill a hornets nest, and you miss, you are in trouble.

I suppose if you try to kill 7.5 billion people, but you only get 1 million, the remaining 7.499 billion people might eventually get pretty pissed off. Let's hope one day these clowns wake up with 7 billion angry people in their front yard.

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Haha, good points. I don’t know how set they are on the 500 million, but my guess is they are waiting to lure people into the traps (concentration camps) before starting full production. In New Zealand, for example, one of the new camps was built near a rendering plant 🤔

I like your ending scene better ✊

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The problem is that we are humans, not hornets. Humans just take WAY too much crap lying down whilst the hornets get pissed off as soon as the threat is identified!

Maybe we should've been hornets, not humans. Then we could at least have a life where we're true to ourselves.

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You've just got to know your bad batches before you have your jab, eh?

(too bad you need a time machine for this...)

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There's worse to come, but also this is a very long term plan. They are shortening peoples lives by a few decades plus rendering some number of girls sterile (the spikes tend to build up in the ovaries) plus God only knows how many miscarriages caused by this.

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Jan 19, 2022·edited Jan 19, 2022

A biostatistician named Christine Cotton addresses this topic in her analysis of VAERS data in this August 2021 presentation (in French, but slides in English consisting of annotated screenshots from VAERS (CDC website). If I remember correctly, she found serious adverse reactions in a third of pregnant women who received the experimental injections:


She begins to present the data on pregnancy issues a little after minute 25.

She is part of the Conseil Scientifique Indépendant (CSI), a group of French doctors, scientists, and statisticians who have been doing weekly discussions since April 2021 analyzing official data and dissecting the Covidian narrative.

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Thank you. Too detailed to follow easily. But I’ve taken a couple of images of key slides.

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Jan 19, 2022·edited Jan 19, 2022

Hello Dr Yeadon, and thanks for your efforts over the past couple years.

I would be happy to help with translation if you like.

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My husband and I are CLEAR that this is a war. Period. Thus, our tactics reflect the fact that we are in SURVIVAL mode and if that means no college for another year, so be it. My kids will remain healthy and strong with natural immune systems capable of fighting all future viruses/germs, etc. We must keep on looking at this with a long-term perspective. LIFE and HEALTH comes above all else. We've also put all house projects on hold until the midterm elections in November in order to protect our savings in case we choose to move out of state (OR).

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Can anyone explain the virus 'preference' for vaccinated people.

If the vaxed + unvaxed are exposed to virus at same rates, what is happening?

Are unvaxed immune systems defeating the virus without that person actually catching it? How does that work.

Why wouldn't unvaxed still catch the virus and then defeat it faster than vaxed.

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Jan 19, 2022·edited Jan 19, 2022

We can only speculate (hypothesise!)

A person with a robust immune system will mostly be able to deal with respiratory viruses via secretory IgA antibodies in the mucosa, unless the viral load becomes too high. Perhaps with no symptoms. The jabs are known to deplete natural immunity - though I have not come across any studies about whether or not they affect the mucosal aspects of the immune system. So it is possible that this is a mechanism at play, with the case rates.

Additionally, once the virus gets a hold & starts reproducing, the specific antibodies to the old spike protein, generated by the jab, will (via OAS - Original Antigenic Sin) interfere with the ability to generate new antibodies to Omi (which has a somewhat different spike protein structure).

There are probably other mechanisms at play too, but these are good to start with.

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Packy, Let's use the analogy of missile guidance technology shall we....if your missiles are programmed for a certain target their guidance is programmed for that target, say some old decommissioned missile site, so will absolutely miss the assault from the new upgraded missiles. Our immune gets 'primed' this way when vaccinated so it only looks for that threat whereas it is much more flexible and adaptable in an unvaccinated person and like defense missiles that are setup to intercept incoming from whatever and wherever venues they are being launched from. The more robust and healthy the person's immune system the quicker it can respond and defend itself when unvaccinated whereas the vaccinated have this built in bias to 'target' the known threat which in this case has moved on...........another way to put it is the vaccines not only have "Jumped the Shark" but they are the ski boat and ramp to facilitate it

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The numbers above are of course about tests with positive results. So, the many people that get infected but don't get tested will not be detected. We can't rule out that the unvaccinated are getting infected at the same rate but aren't getting enough symptoms to go get tested.

There's also a kind of personal 'threshold' that the viral dose has to exceed to actually infect someone (start replicating within their body). Does being vaccinated make that threshold lower? I don't know.

I also wonder how the testing rates (when symptomatic) compare between the groups. Are those who refuse the vaccine also more likely to refuse the testing? I think so, but on the other hand, there are many policies that require the unvaccinated to get tested more often than the vaccinated. I don't think anyone knows whether this has a significant effect.

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Well my friend thinks it’s because there are more restrictions on the vaxxed, and therefore they are mingling less and catching it less. I doubt this is the main contributor, but not sure how I prove it

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If that were true, that just further demonstrates the uselessness of vaccine mandates and vaccine passports.

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Excellent post. Thank you! I think it's time for someone to make a trip to Amish country, which is completely unvaxxed. Do they have any Omicron at all there? I for one would love to know.

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Don’t know about Omicron but LabCovid swept through Amish country quite early on. Most treated it as an illness, not a death sentence, and they got through it fine.

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No TV, no Facebook... no Pandemic™.

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Exactly. It’s a media and social media pandemic

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Agree it would make for interesting data collection especially as the Amish attend farmers’ markets with exposure to many others.

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Sheryl Attkinson did a segment on this very issue. Very doubtful that they have Omicron there.

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They spend the day outdoors and eat nose-to-tail, so their vitamin D levels, as well as zillions of other nutrients, are through the roof.

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They would not know if they had it because it's so mild for most. A short-lived, pesky flu. <My definition of flu is feeling bad for a day or two or three and then perhaps feeling off for another ten days.>

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Interesting idea.

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I still believe this is a culling of the older population, the ones with illnesses-get them off social security and lessen what medicare and insurance companies pay out. It makes me sick. All of us will be old some day and most everyone will have a chronic illness. Our seniors are not to be sent to slaughter. Look to Gates and Schwab-Gates has talked about the need to lower world population-then he and Schwab should be the first to sacrifice themselves.

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This is almost certainly a planned cull. First the old and unproductive, but over the next few years no one will be safe. They are going for a global population of under 500 million and most of them will be transhumanised automata. See the Georgia Guidestones.

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exactly Thomas. I just learned about those guidestones-the story is eerie bc no one knows who set that in motion. I personally would bulldoze them.

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Indeed PN, Indeed. something is just not right there.

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That apparently is the most popular conspiracy theory amongs Chinese people.

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just read article, Dr. Mercola interviewing Dr. Zelenko. Zelenko ties in covid was planned well in advance with all the usual suspects: Gates-Schwab-Moderna-Pfizer-Bat Lady-Fauci-Baric-Daszak-WEF-all the way down the line-antidotes were made prior to unleashing covid on us so that the "elite" would not die nor their families,Great Reset-crytocurrency-culling of the herd (us) to decrease popln-digital technology as only way to do business-absolutely frightening...None of them have the right to play God. Tech and Science have gone too far-needs to stop.

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Of course they did. The truth is out now and these subhumans have no shame. I can't wait for their karma.

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And not just in China. Conspiracy theories are morphing into conspiracy facts at breakneck speed.

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Maybe it started as a planned cull...but the problem is that health issues are coming up with all the other age groups, too...

It does make me wonder about the health of our world in 3-10 years, let alone 20 years. People won't believe the Guinness Book of Records and the best anyone will be able to run the 100m dash in will be 15 seconds or something!

But I agree, Gates & Schwab should DEFINITELY be lining up to be shot - in the head, not the arm! But either may end up with the same result...

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amen to that Robyn..we could only be so lucky, dare to dream those two would be obliterated.

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I think you may be on to something with that. I also do not think it was a coincidence that about the same time that people started warning about problems with social security down the road there was also a big push (successful in some states) to legalize euthanasia aka assisted suicide. I remember Gov. Lamm of Colorado saying that old people have a duty to die and that no one should live past 70. Hmm, wonder how old he is now?

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Gov Lamm is a certified ahole. Old people led the way for us. I really hate all these people and truly hope they pay dearly. Foul subhumans.

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Ezekiel Emanuel in the US. This has his fingerprints all over it. Rationing care, culling the useless eaters. Evil.

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OAS? It's possible, but there's an even simpler idea. Every booster causes an inflammatory reaction that depletes Vitamin D levels. Booster uptake was near universal among the elderly in the UK. Because of the government's abject and negligent failure to do proper public health messaging about getting sunlight or taking D supplements but instead encouraging people to literally hide indoors for 2 years, this in a country that's on a similar latitude to Russia, well, the elderly's D levels have hit rock bottom. Now they're dry tinder for omicron.

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I had not thought of the booster depleting Vitamin D levels hypotheses. Have you seen anything on this?

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Dr David Grimes, retired NHS consultant gastroenterologist, has looked at it. His blog is excellent.

Apparently only 2% of the world's population lives further north than Manchester (53 N). Plus, the UK gets fewer hours of sunshine than almost anywhere ... certainly less than Russian cities on the same latitude.

I took action to sort out my own health about 5 years ago and discovered I need vitamin D supplements even in summer, i.e. UK sunshine is not enough. Yet I'm 'white'. Imagine the predicament of people with brown or black skin living at this latitude.

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Where would I find Dr Grimes’ blog?

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Thank you.

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Jan 19, 2022·edited Jan 19, 2022

Indeed. In my country (90% of population is white) the ICU ward is mostly filled with immigrants who have low d-vitamin levels due to brown skin. There was even a doctor who spurted out on television that nobody in the ward could speak the native language! A huge, gigantic over representation, all because of vitamin d levels.

The elderly are looking to be next.

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'Have no respect whatsoever for authority; forget who said it and instead look what he starts with, where he ends up, and ask yourself, "Is it reasonable?"'

~ Richard Feynman

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Vermont health dept refuses to release the vax/unvaxxed death rates. Says they are too busy. Lol.

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Too busy packing their bags and changing their identities?

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They are obviously lying about the death data. Surely everyone with a brain knows that they were lying about the vaccines' effectiveness at preventing cases and spread. Why wouldn't they also lie about the effectiveness with "severe cases" and deaths?

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Please, lying requires intent. That these officials bought into the narrative is bad; not understanding the failure of the narrative is tragic. They just haven't been told the new narrative. Fools.

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Worth spending some time with the Vermont "Daily" article! - This is all casedemic stuff - deaths under age 60 are near non-existent. 32% of hospital beds are empty; 24 of 96 ICU Beds have Covid patients (admitted for Covid or other reason?); 20% of ICU beds are empty. Clearly the health care system is not overwhelmed (the article says) - not clear why Health Dept staff is - how long does it take to add up "Asymptomatic" "Cases" 2200 or so new cases "today" - they're not arriving one-by-one by surface mail.

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Absolutely! When you look at the actual numbers in Vermont it really makes you go "hmmmm."

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I do not know if anyone else mentioned it, but the polinomial graphs also correlate to time since last vaccine, on avarage. The young got it last, and the old just got boosted. Middle aged are the ones farther away from last vaccine.

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Good observation.

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Yes and also children have a phase of the immune system that might explain the front end of the saddle. The 20 something data is very interesting and possibly the data thrown out for those under 18 will prove valid. Will be very interesting to see what happens to the under 18's when holiday is over and also the time progression as each age group passes through the same time mark as the current 70+s. Many moving parts.

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The United States of America Government-Industry Cooperative gives you this: “the vaccinated are not a dead end for virus, they are crop-dusters for it and spreading it more widely.”

Well done NIH/NIAIDS/FDA/Big Pharma! Somehow, we knew that eventually this would happen. It had to.

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I have never been a fan of whatsherface, but Fauci-Gates-Schwab have taken an idea and transformed it: LabCovid is death panels on steroids. It will sure help with that Medicare and Social Security problem.

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Zeke Emanuel.

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It isn't only in the UK! For example, vaccinated France, Ireland, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Denmark have times more the cases than the unvaccinated European countries like Bulgaria, Ukraine, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Moldova:


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Jan 18, 2022·edited Jan 18, 2022

Now plot the relative death chart and the order reverses. The thing is, vax drives the transmission in society now but seems still to benefit old cohorts from passing away due to Covid. Which should give crystal clear message to stop boosting everyone and everywhere. But maybe its too late because its impossible to reverse 2 jabs…

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And the governments definitely know this! They have epidemiologists, mathematicians, etc. seeing this and they are hiding this data from the public. The only explanations I can think of are conspiracy theories and they shouldn't blame me for it.

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Well, actually some data is available for UK at least on weekly basis. And Ontario data was good as well, until they stopped publishing age and vaccination status cases just as Omikron hit them. Denmark has nice Covid dashboard with cohorted and vax status data. Until hospitalisation load equalises between vax/nonvax cohorts, the push to boost continues.

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Gato...you're one amazing cat.

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It's working, comrade! Freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength, we're all in this together.

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Well at least our golf courses here in Puerto Rico are on top of things.

Royal Isabela for one only allows vaxxed players. So, perversely, they're actually *contributing* to the problem. But no worries! They're doing it because the governor told them to. They apparently never thought of thinking for themselves at all, maybe organize with the rest of the island's golf courses and fight the abject STUPIDITY of requiring jabs of experiment drugs for people who would be outside, in the sunshine, spread over 250 acres, and not within a country mile of anyone else.

It's kind of ironic, given that the original architects of golf courses were ... sheep.

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vaccinated ‘crop dusters’... have been thinking about this.

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The last section (the 9 paragraphs bracketed by - and including - the final two pictures) is the money maker here as far as communicating with normies. That is the part (the conclusion) that is digestible for even the time and critical thinking constrained.

The whole piece is great, important work (and the hubris is in check beautifully as Mr Gato takes care to emphasize "working hypothesis" and then the word "if" somewhere else ... keeping the hubris in check is SO important and makes the arguments that much stronger - it is not about ME being right ... it is about WHAT is RIGHT winning the day).

I want to send this whole piece to my 77 yr old father but as I read and read I realized that he (like many still stuck in normie-land) would not have the desire and/or capability to wade through it and make sense of it all (my sunk cost is the opposite most normies and even I considered bailing as this was a long, jargon and data heavy piece).

Then the money maker conclusion ... and I see an opportunity to copy/paste the last 9 paragraphs along with the kitty expressing angry disdain like he was born for it:-) ... now that is something I can get my normie father to "invest" enough time into and maybe make a difference in the world (convince him/mom to bail on the booster campaign).

The entire work here is important, fantastic work (the charts are phenomenal tools for visual learners and those time starved) so please don't misunderstand this as a critique ... just thinking out loud how I actually experienced this particular post - and how I realized I may be able to use it in the real world - even if only in a small way.

The TRUTH must win out !!!

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yes, i condense the entertaining sound bites & shocking conclusions for friends, family with deficient attention spans.

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That's EXACTLY the part I've excerpted when I've shared this (three times, so ... no, four times so far). Those 9 paragraphs. Nine sounds like a lot, but I combined some of them because some are short.

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How can we use this analysis and data to push all colleges/universities to drop the mandates? What they're doing to our young adults is sickening!!

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At least some young adults are starting to see the light. The link is to the student newspaper at UChicago.


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Young adults and their parents continue to play along, and pay dearly for the privilege. No better time for a gap year.

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Alas, if health problems continue to grow, in a couple of years young people (unvaxxed and healthy, presumably) may be at a premium. Attending a university may not only be a colossal waste of time and money, but actually dangerous to one's health...

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Last night, my 19 y.o. who's taking a gap year (working full time and saving tons of $$) was in despair, not sure if it's worth it to go back to college or just keep on working and pursue a license in real estate, etc. I'm heartbroken for her but also RELIEVED that she's not set on going to college just yet given their requirements for boosters. Especially here in Oregon. She can always catch up on college but her health is TOP priority for me. I could see sadness in her eyes as she was sharing all her dreams of travel, etc. She hasn't been able to walk into a college classroom yet. Why keep paying for subpar online education? After all, the college experience is very much about meeting new people and gaining confidence in being treated as an adult. I wish more parents would just convince their college kids to take a gap year so schools would drop the mandates.

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It is not worth it! - Help her! Support that intuition. Learn a skill, any skill. Vast drop in undergrad enrollment Fall 20, more Fall 21 ... make her proud to be on the leading edge of that - she should be.

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That's exactly what I'm doing. I was SO relieved when she mentioned not going back and questioning the value of a college degree. Her dad and I are both college graduates but we know how much indoctrination is happening at all public colleges. Especially in Oregon. So, we're happy and fully supportive of her change of heart. 🥰

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She should consider going to college in a red state (eg Florida, Texas, Arizona, Georgia, Idaho, Montana) w/out mandates.

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Trust me, I've talked to her about it but she loves it here and has a strong social circle were we live. I moved temporarily to Texas (Katy-Houston metro) and we visited a few campuses in HOU but she didn't like it. I'm okay with her putting college on hold for another year until more data surfaces re: adverse reactions/deaths in her age group. These truths cannot be hidden much longer.

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68 & unvaxxed. I only have basic statistics, so have a hard time following. But intuitively I have believed for a long time the vaxes would be very bad for the elderly.

Just this moment remembered why. Remember when the very very frail in nursing homes were keeling over dead from them? So our lord & masters decided they shouldn't be given to the very, very frail? (Because it was making their toxic jabs look a little too toxic!)

Just because they weren't immediately killing those not quite too frail to survive them didn't mean they weren't doing extensive harm just shy of murder....

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Father was hospitalized right after first jab with blocked urinary tract. Hospital refused to send an ambulance, had to drive him myself, almost died. Next week the problem came back, another trip to the hospital. In the process he was diagnosed with Alzheimers and was in a very bad way. Recovered somewhat since then, but now his back is acting up. It's like new health problems keep peeling off.

I fear a lot of people have destroyed their health, we just haven't noticed yet because the results have not yet killed or seriously maimed them.

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