Yes, data please. Bonnie Henry has been secretive and only allows cherry picked data to be publically available. I don’t doubt the rise in numbers, as she has hidden vaxx adverse injuries in the “unvaccinated in hospital”, DESPICABLE AND EVIL! We know of 4 people with various injuries, one with 3months of paralysis recovery, one with men…
Yes, data please. Bonnie Henry has been secretive and only allows cherry picked data to be publically available. I don’t doubt the rise in numbers, as she has hidden vaxx adverse injuries in the “unvaccinated in hospital”, DESPICABLE AND EVIL! We know of 4 people with various injuries, one with 3months of paralysis recovery, one with meningitis, and two with heart issues. But Bonnie denies, denies, denies!
I haven’t seen any good Canadian data, sorry. Pretty clear that something is killing more people in statistically significant numbers starting in July/August
Yes, data please. Bonnie Henry has been secretive and only allows cherry picked data to be publically available. I don’t doubt the rise in numbers, as she has hidden vaxx adverse injuries in the “unvaccinated in hospital”, DESPICABLE AND EVIL! We know of 4 people with various injuries, one with 3months of paralysis recovery, one with meningitis, and two with heart issues. But Bonnie denies, denies, denies!
The interesting thing about BC is care homes are not considered hospitals. Can hide a lot of hospitalizations that way ;)
Send me an email. I will send you the file, as I can't post it here.
You can see this clearly in much of the developed Western world, heres the US:
I haven’t seen any good Canadian data, sorry. Pretty clear that something is killing more people in statistically significant numbers starting in July/August