I think it would be cool if future vaccines could improve our DNA such that politicians would flash orange when they lie.

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In the meantime, we can use the old-fashioned tell: when they're mouths are moving, they're lying.

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I was just watching the mini series on Playboy and every time Hugh Hefner is interviewed his mouth he moves his jaw side to side during interviews when there is a difficult question -I believe that is his tell.

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Democrats have a second tell: When they title a bill, IE "(Un)affordable Care Act" "For the People (meaning for the Dems) Act," etc.

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I'd like them to simply explode.

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Alternatively, assistance could be provided.

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Wasn't there a movie in the ‘80s that this happened in.

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🤔 I don't know, but it sounds promising! Warren Beatty in "Bulworth" was hilarious, holy smokes!

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Escape from Manhattan? Snake Plisskin!!

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Yes, that's the one.

Is that the same guy that's in Arrested Development?

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I don't see the part you mention, but later on page 73 is particularly chilling, after so many people had side effects from the vaccines - President Archer agreed to address the country’s resolve and recovery in the face of SPARS. Top risk communication advisors from the CDC, FDA, NIH, and SAMHSA conferred as a group about how best to frame the President’s remarks. The group vigorously debated whether it was appropriate for the President to acknowledge the sacrifice that vaccine recipients had made on behalf of their communities or to console them in their grief over that sacrifice.

Then at the end of the simulation, they concluded this: The very real possibility of a future SPARS pandemic necessitates continued commitment to vaccination programs

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WHO Immunization Agenda 2030. “A global plan to leave no one behind.”

Plus: WHO Behavioural Considerations for Acceptance and Uptake of Covid-19 Vaccines - October 15, 2020.


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When they wrote "behind" I'm guessing they really meant "alive".

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Totally depressing - sounds like there's no escape

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WEF=WHO=CCP. The mRNA vaccine is the path to ending free will and ushering in a totalitarian state. This is no secret. The WEFs lead Doctor has said this it the path. In the past Totalitarian states have tried and failed to control the masses, but the vaccine mandates allows gene editing. This is the plan. Oddly hardly anyone cares.

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Lol. This politcal season is coming.

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I'd prefer a natural evolution to the point where most people intuitively grasp that politicians are evil and anathema to a civilized society and won't be tolerated.

"People who need leaders are not qualified to select them."

~ Michael Malice

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Those who want high office are automatically disqualified.

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It is also why I'd rather have rich guys get into politics and become poorer (Like Trump) than poor guys getting into politics and getting rich (Clintons).

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That's just it; we don't need leaders. We need representatives.

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Well, I'm not sure that's worked out too well for us.

Calling politicians "representatives" is a deceptive euphemism. They have no legal duty to represent your interests or do want you want.

That's why they don't.

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I would agree.

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There is no perfect government. I remain a fan, tepid at least, of representative democracy. There is no pleasing everyone. For example, you represent a thousand people. Half of them want something one way, the other half want it another way. It's impossible to satisfy both factions. Allow the number of factions to approach infinity and the percentages to vary between zero and a hundred percent, and you've got a fairly good model of how a democracy operates.

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"Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one."

~Thomas Paine

I'm with Thomas Paine.

The intolerability of government first increases linearly with the amount of power usurped, and then exponentially once a certain threshold is reached.

We have been living in the latter phase for quite some time now.

If we must be afflicted with government, then it should be as small and toothless as possible, and be forced to strictly follow the principle of subsidiarity.

This would at least result in multiple jurisdictions, result in some competition among them to attract subjects.

However, the fundamental nature of government, like every other human organization, is to expand its purview and resources. Unlike every other human organization, it can only do so at the direct expense of our liberty and property.

The American experiment with limited government has utterly failed, and our government is now just another despotic kakistocracy that afflict the entire planet like a skin cancer.

The nation-state is our common enemy, and is getting closer to being our undoing.

We need to find a new paradigm.

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"I remain a fan, tepid at least, of representative democracy."

I vote for a representative republic. Majority is prevented from trampling the natural rights of the minority.

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Redundant. Politicians always lie.

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Wasn't that already mastered by the left. Orange Man Bad.

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That was a “misinformation” orange, not so much one indicative of actual lying

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Meaning any parliament would look like a road work area at night, orange lights blinking everytime someone draws breath.

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Excellent suggestion.

At the moment, the only clues we get are that their eyelids blink orthogonally to ours.

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Only if that orange flash precedes their immolation.

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They would be orange all the time. And could no longer mock Teump.

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just tape one of those traffic cones over the front of your TV

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I give you John Boehner.

Of course, the libs would say "Trump," but Boehner was a particularly weaselly Speaker, and he was in the job too long.

Or, as I'm inclined to say of him: "If you have an orange Boehner lasting more than 4 years, call a doctor!"

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"We stand on the precipice of massive breakthroughs in human health and longevity."

Yes, but I strongly suspect that the people behind this project want that for themselves, not us. They're just using us to work out the kinks of this technology. It's remarkable that hundreds of millions of people lined up to be human test subjects in this experiment. I still can't believe it...

This is definitely the hill to die on. Fight like the future of mankind is at stake here, because it is.

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I don’t want to pee on anyone’s firework. But trust me, it’s 100X easier to hurt, injure or kill a human than it is to induce a change that’s just right & helps the subject / patient.

Please allow me to point out something a pharmacologist with pharmacokinetic & toxicology knowledge knows before I even lift a pen to scribble some key parameters.

Almost every drug in today’s pharmacies would be no use if you alter the dose by 3-10X in either direction.

Some are more “forgiving” than others, but if you increase the dose by a mere 3X you very commonly get unacceptable side effects. If you drop the dose by just 3X, you might as well not bother, for we’ll be way south of efficacy.

With that established, I point out that there are NO control mechanisms in the mRNA products. While we might invent controls, we currently have a grand total of zero.

What do I mean?

-no way to relate mRNA dose to amount of protein made

-no way to regulate duration of protein expression

-no way to regulate where in the body the mRNA goes

By control, I don’t just mean higher / lower, but for example as above, how to land in the tiny spot that’s high enough to work, not too high thus avoiding side effects, had finally, for all this to happen where it must & not where it’s unacceptable.

I’m what they used to call an enthusiastic sceptic. I’ve been humbled & amazed by what I’ve witnessed over three decades & more.

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Dr. Yeadon, do you see any evidence of shedding of spike protein from the vaccine?

I appreciate that you come on these substack boards and interact with us. In the spring of last year, LifeSiteNews posted your video warning of these "vaccines." My family took it to heart and we are all non-GMO to date. Thanks.

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I’m not convinced about shedding. I do accept that we’re in uncharted territory & we really don’t know what’s in the coding in the vaccines.

For example if they replicate (which they’re not supposed to) then yes, it would be possible for an injected person to accidentally affect an unjabbed person.

If not, I don’t see how shedding could work. Only a tiny amount of spike, relative to what’s swimming around your body could get into a nearby person. So to injure a person nearby, the donor in this case would always be overwhelmed by spike themselves & would always be much more unwell that the unvaccinated but adversely affected person.

Best wishes


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Pfizer's own study showed shedding, and warned about the proximity of vaccinated people to pregnant mothers.

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Thanks, Dr. Yeadon. May God keep you and your family safe through what's coming.

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Good for you!

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Bottom line is that drugs are poisons. When used judiciously the benefits can outweigh the risks and promote healing. Knowing when, where, and how much is an art not a science, and that usage varies from person to person (hence "the art of medicine").

To the drug company's chagrin, using drugs in this fashion doesn't result in mega blockbusters. So drugs were recast from poisons to something akin to fertilizer. They are to be used far and wide, haphazardly spread around, and are required to promote health. The noble concept of preventative medicine was redefined to mean giving people drugs when they aren't sick "to keep them healthy". Remember the insane calls a few years ago to put statins in the water supply? None of this is by accident, but is an intentional business strategy to increase sales.

Pharma is evil, it is run by sociopaths who value profits above all else. Find a good physician who truly practices the art of medicine rather than blindly following pharma's algorithms.

Thanks for continuing to speak out on this Dr. Yeadon.

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"So drugs were recast from poisons to something akin to fertilizer. "

"Brawndo! It's got the electrolytes plants crave!"

I thought Idiocracy was approx 500 years from now. 😭

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Thank you, Dr.

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"But trust me, it’s 100X easier to hurt, injure or kill a human than it is to induce a change that’s just right & helps the subject / patient."

Trust not required. Anyone who remembers being a kid and stacking up blocks to knock down knows that building takes time and gets boring compared to the instant gratification of demolition.

All the things you mention to find the "sweet spot" of safety and efficacy would take time and money, so much of each that the effort would not have born the fruit desired. The vaccines wouldn't have been "ready" in time to "save lives" in the short term and to prove the value of mRNA technology for medicine over the long haul.

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When those injected can no longer ignore what’s happening as they get sick and people around them die unexpectedly there will be a reckoning. A friend of mine died unexpectedly from a pulmonary embolism within a month of receiving his booster. The doctors said he had undiagnosed pulmonary thrombosis and assured his wife it was not related to Covid in any way. They wouldn’t even consider the shots might be a factor. That defies logic and is why many of us will never again blindly trust the medical establishment. Is our side finally winning? How many people have you heard brag about getting their booster shots lately? How many doses are going bad in the freezer? Just watch, they’ll extend the expiration date AGAIN and introduce a new humanitarian effort to ship extra doses to third world countries.

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The last time I heard someone happily say, "I'm getting the booster!" was about six weeks ago. Last week, she admitted she'd been "thrown for a loop after the booster" and was still feeling less than 100%. She seemed cheery enough about the ill effects (!?!?!?!?), but the fact that she was able to admit the link between the shot and her health was at least an itsy-bitsy, teeny-weeny good sign. I wonder if her social circle, however, will talk her out of seeing the connection.

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I fear it's not the case that our side is winning, but that everyone is losing.

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Heart attack. I wonder what caused it. No question mark because it wasn't a question. 52 years old.

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And while the average fat & inactive 52yo definitely can die of a heart attack, it’s extraordinarily unlikely in once very fit people, because they develop what’s called extensive collateral circulations in the coronaries, which is protective to an extent.

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Amazing document. I don’t think it’s going as planned.

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If they want to live to 180 or longer that cuts out generations of their own. Hopefully they go extinct in the process. Nature is quite capable of revenge.

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We either die on it or God will smite us all.

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I think the latter is quite possible. There's a video of Yuval Noah Harari taking of transhumanism saying 'no more free will'. I sincerely believe that God would not allow that to happen and He would smite us all, well, not the innocent.

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I don't have a lot of faith in people's discernment right now. Very "smart" people went ahead with the jab, because they were told it's safe, they are the same ones now already blaming higher gas prices and groceries on the war in Ukraine. Even though these things have been on a pretty steady rise since Brandon got in office. These are people that own businesses, that didn't vote for Brandon, they are engineers, entrepreneurs, accountants, IT smarty pants, you name it, they bought into it. It doesn't take much of a nudge to push people into doing what you want. People who are skeptical, will always be a minority. We will always be swimming against the current.

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...painted on a sidewalk in Ann Arbor MI back in the day....'Only dead fish go with the flow'

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Regrettably, that day is long gone. Universities are part and parcel of the establishment pushing Covid compliance.

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That's actually perfect

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I'd bet good money that artist is masked and bragging about his/her booster.

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no this was back in the day, 1983 or so.....I think they meant it the good way, think for yourself, resist, etc. Another really cool thing i saw then was a portion of a mickey mouse face that, at night, lined up perfectly with the way the streetlight cast a shadow of a parking meter, that completed the graffiti with the ears being 2 meter heads, in a somewhat skewed perspective that was perfectly matched in the art....it was a great thing to see walking the streets at night a bit high on youth and life as i was...(i didnt even drink in college, no wonder I had such a bad time of it...)!

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Did you ever go to Rick's and see the Wet Shavers?

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https://theconcertdatabase.com/artists/wet-shavers wont mean much to me but 4 u! thought there was music there but no...oh well, best

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No, sorry, what a name!, I was not even comfortable going into a bar till I was out of Ann Arbor.....very late bloomer, studying hard now...best

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Only 1/3 of Americans at the time were in favor of the Revolution.

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And taxation that was around 1%...

Now, 40 cents of every dollar earned is stolen by one parasite government or another.

The income tax and Federal Reserve are the two largest engines of mass theft in the history of the world.

It is difficult to imagine how much wealthier we would all be without them.

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Unless you're a federal employee, stop paying Federal Income Tax. I mean, it's right there in the name. "Federal Income" tax. A swift kick in the junk further... None of that money you pay, at least initially, stays in this country. Some of it may make it back, but not in the ways you might think. Just like the the article Gato wrote on the fool who still wants to wear his mask after Desantis said he didn't, once again, this is another example of the dog asking for his leash. Stop chaining yourself up.

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Yes, that is all well and good until the rulers send a squad of costumed, heavily armed goons to my house, murder my dogs, terrorize my wife and children, drag me away, throw me in a cage, freeze my assets and impoverish my family.

In the final analysis, the State is nothing more than an extortion racket writ large, one that is far more powerful, avaricious and ruthless than any other organized crime syndicate on the planet.

"The state is the mafia pretending to be a human rights organization."

~ Dave Smith

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Video played. Kinda wish I had not seen it as now I am possessed of an urge to punch yer man's beefy face in. The only sane response to gene therapy development is to bomb the R&D facilities.

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No kidding, and let's make sure its when they host a CDC/WHO meeting. I'm sure someone will hunt us down for these comments.

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they will hunt us down without comments...already...

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That's why I'm part of a self defense collective. The magic number is 150 people. Manageable, but VERY difficult for the fascists to take you out, especially if there are many such cells.

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More please.

People with nothing to lose can be extraordinarily dangerous, because they shed their fears.

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Tell us more!

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Yea what did you do?

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Guilty if we're thinking about thinking this.

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Minority Report.

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I repeat, why do we even have SEALs? And what the hell are ex-SEALs and ex-SFs doing that's so gosh darned important?

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Funny you should mention that... you know about the bioweapon labs in Ukraine, right?


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Haha! Nicely done. Is this an allegory to Putin's recent efforts? ;) (Maybe one day we'll know for sure.)

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…and get over body-worship narcissism and death-fear. Avoid doctors if at all possible. And stay the heck away from hospitals — they’re literal death camps.

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Hellspitols. My neighbor is a Doctor at Mercy. He works in the emergency room. I asked him how lives with himself killing covid patients and he glass eyed and ran in the house. They know damn well...

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If there’s a bright side to all this Covid nonsense, it’s the vivid revelation of just how corrupt the illness industry (some call it “healthcare”) is.

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My doctor told me never to go to a hospital for something like pneumonia that you have a good chance of beating on your own. "They'll kill you," he said. He was right.

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My grandmother always said "hospitals are where you go to die" and she was right.

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The best health advice I've gotten from a doctor was, "Don't get sick!"

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Yeah, but all the institutional gravy you could ever want!

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There is another cheaper and faster route to an answer than deep PacBio sequencing with ATLAS-seq.


But since it uses an amplification approach, it may loose some information on quantification and the length of the integrated sequence.

Ie.. how many events per cell and how much of the vax integrated?. I would start here as you’d get an answer on an Illumina sequencer in a few weeks. This sequencing would only capture 300bp around the junction of integration but may not inform on the size of the integration event unless you successfully captured both junction points.

Pacbio has 20kb reads so it can read through the whole 4.2kb vax and a 7Kb LINE-1 element if for some reason these integrate into LINE-1 regions of the genome.

There are 500,000 LINE-1 like sequences in the genome and they tend to be hot spots for integration. We call them repeat forests as they can be hard to map short reads to (like Illumina sequencing from ATLAS-seq data).

The longer reads ensure you see both integration sites and know where you are in the genome.

PacBio may require 500X-1000x coverage of the cell lines (20+ runs).


This type of sequencing needs a minimum of 5ng of DNA. Genome is 5pg so 1000 cells at minimum.

If the integration frequency is >1:1000 cells,

They’ll see 1+ integration read out of 75M-150M reads.

Low yield but indisputable. Could cost $50k whereas the ATLAS-seq could be $1000.

The Pacbio is more direct measurement without artifacts. The ATLAS-seq method will get criticized because there is more manipulation of the DNA making a library and they may try to blame the low frequency events on this manipulation known as “Library construction”.

This happened to the Jaenisch paper that showed integration with the virus.

The detractors blamed the results on strand flipping in Library construction.

Great read as always Gato.

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when i speak of "geneticist friends," this is one of them.

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Glad you understand what was said. All I got was sequencing is complicated. I can deal with Maxwell & EM stuff, appreciate FEC in 5G technology but depend on others to make sense of some complexities beyond my ken. I am even more concerned with those in the NIH who may not understand stuff we pay them to understand.

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I just sent my bestie this text regarding a different topic:

"Everything everywhere is becoming above my ability to comprehend and regurgitate."

Somehow, we the populous, are supposed to be fluent - and by that I mean up-to-date and conversational - about complex biology, technology, chemistry, military warfare, espionage, constitutional law of all countries. I mean, I care but I cannot care to the point of trying to get the equivalent of post-doctorate degrees in multiple departments.

I just want to own my home and make enough to laugh and cry and kiss my loved ones until they lay me down and place flowers on my grave. What else is there?

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The one thing that sustains me in my dotage is my children and through them my grandchildren and now greats. The joys through their eyes make up for a lot of loss. I am more than happy to allow the gatos of this world interpret for me, but like you, struggle to comprehend it all.

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I implore you--no sad caged puppies. Ain't the info distressing enough? Thank you.

Now--I can't be the only one to have noticed that the "neurodiverse" with power have done an extraordinary thorough job of fucking up the world and leading directly to what we have now? And I think it's because of that profoundly different way of thinking--extremely literal, obsessively focused, and with a complete inability to understand the real-life ramifications of implementing what they desire to happen.

When I was first forced to begin using computers at work--and I was, regardless of title, just an old-fashioned secretary at the heart of it--I noticed pretty fast that the basic tasks an old-fashioned typewriter was quite good at had been turned into an esoteric exercise in playing with spacial relationships and making the composing of even the simplest document a time-sucking horror. Programmers did that because they could; because it was fun to play with time and space relationships--but they destroyed function. (I will confess one thing. I'm extremely visual in my relationship to the written word, and being able to see my words composed on a screen and looking like a real live book page instead of a miserable handwritten draft, and with the ability to cut and paste and move stuff around without needing stuff like correction tape, was a gift of unbounded value. But that was still a simple, linear improvement on typing on a piece of paper and having to correct it.)

"Normal" has become a savage pejorative, and see where that's led to. I mean, my God. I had an awful job for a few months working for a women's international "empowerment" organization, and I was treated as someone not yet having learned to walk upright because I was straight and (then) married to a guy. And that was 35 years ago and look where we are now.

People who have trouble understanding the importance of a real, as opposed to a game universe world, and have power to disrupt the lives of ordinary people (see: Bill Gates) are extremely, extremely dangerous and yet we've handed over everything to them.

(Note: I have extremely dear friends with now-adult severely-handicapped autistic kids and I know to the marrow of my bones their agony and terror in having children who can never safely function in the world after their loving caregivers will be gone. It's an unquantifiable tragedy.)

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Agree about the puppies. That craven, soulless, depraved monster Fauci should hang for this alone.

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On a sort of Schrodinger's Gallows where it can be done again and again unto infinity.

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"I had an awful job for a few months working for a women's international "empowerment" organization, and I was treated as someone not yet having learned to walk upright because I was straight and (then) married to a guy. And that was 35 years ago and look where we are now."

Pansexual, genderqueer,very feminist here, and that never ceases to amaze me. The whole point was and is about choice and most people like me tend to get that the problem isn't being straight and/or married to a man or even being "stay-at-home", its about being coerced to in any way. The ones who act as if the only "right" way to do it is to kneejerk reject all the traditionals...its amazing anyone could fail to get it that bad. They end up behaving in the exact same terrible way as the absolutist patriarchal structure they oppose.

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This is why I've always had absolute contempt for the professional feminist crowd (who were remarkably prone to poaching men from one another...). And having lived overseas in a brutally patriarchal South Asian country at various times over the past 45 years or so, both as a single woman and as one married into (and now divorced out of) a supposedly educated family, I can testify that women are often active, enthusiastic colluders with and enforcers for that patriarchy thingy, and that has nothing to do with their own educations, social status or family resources. Everyone everywhere has a moral code or lack of one, and I've seen poor families more devoted to and struggling for rights for their girls than high-status ones (ask me about my now ex- now late father-in-law, may he be toasting in God's tandoor even as we speak (write?).

Pardon me, but "feminism" is, I think, a particularly pernicious kind of nonsense. People regardless of sex are good, or bad, or just weak and easily led. I remember those long, long ago HS days when we had to read "The Awakening" and I thought the protagonist was a moron. A bored temper-tantrum of a purported feminist tragic heroine if ever there was one.

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Feminism for me begins and ends with opportunity. I will fight for women in countries who forbid it to have the right to drive, vote, work, control their money/labor and enjoy public contact. In my western country 100 years ago this was not guaranteed either until women worked for it.

I believe women should be allowed to be whatever they want and judged on the results. Special snowflake stuff pisses me off. All I want to be is human, no more, no less.

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Generalist comment: I'm a Nietzsche fan. Now I don't know how unique he is among philosophers, but he was rather revolutionary since late 19th century. He was a fan of questioning everything, to include the often-unconscious assumptions behind (say) a formal philosophy. Many, indeed perhaps all, of a system of belief's premises, even those in the sciences, cannot be proven. This doesn't mean that all such systems are "false," although he at time even claimed as much. I think he meant in the sense that we are denied access to the underlying reality. He used the terms "interpretation" and 'text." We get an interpretation ("perspective") but we have no access to Reality's underlying text. Applied to morality, well how do we know which is right, or best? My reply, not necessarily "the answer," is to ask how does it work in the real world?

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They lied about every single thing. Every "conspiracy theory" about Covid has been proven right, though I'm holding onto hope that the depopulation one is either wrong or fails.

These people, every scientist, CEO, politican, decision maker, profiteer involved?

I can't write what must be done to these people, to all of them, or how to proceed. It would constitute threat and incitement to violence.

Use your imagination.

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Yeah, it's been really hard to be too cynical. Every time I think I may have finally been too cynical, I'm proved right. Dang it!

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Bret Weinstein says, "no matter how cynical you are, you are still naïve."

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I think only a very small number of people know what the whole plan is.

Even the Trudeaus & Macrons have probably been lied to & told this is all about averting climate change.

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i agree--i think the "leaders" of the countries carrying out these atrocities are just tools and will be surprised when they're thrown under the bus.

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Do you know what the whole plan is? Just wondering. I have a gut feeling about much of it but I also believe that most of us cannot begin to understand the depths of their evil. And we are civilized; they are not, at least not in the classic sense of the word. It is 'anything goes' with them to achieve their goals and so we will have to adopt the same mindset to thwart those goals.

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No, I don’t. Flattered that you ask 😎

I try but can’t make all the main observations fit without depopulation featuring.

Few with deep insight disagree that a control system is being installed via VaxPass/ digital ID & that CBDCs are en route.

Other than we’re scared, I don’t have a reason, all things considered, to argue against depopulation l.

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Depopulation, I agree, seems to be the end game, their 'sacrifice' to the Climate gods. From what I can deduce the wrong people, the innocent, are being sacrificed while those who are stirring the pot with their wicked schemes are able to go about their treachery with nary a bump in their paths, other than the orange Trump bump. And look what they have done to him.

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I hope you are right and thank you for saying this. It makes me feel a little better, that maybe, just maybe, they aren't ALL as evil as I think they are.

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I'm speechless at this latest admission. How long until they admit releasing covid was a deliberate act? Literally every (seemingly) hyperbolic theory has been shown to be true.

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many people on every level knew what they were doing. pharma wants to make big profits, governments want to carry out the un agenda, the politicians don't want to get left out, the un is a tool for the wef that wants to depopulate the earth... transhumanism... the gift that keeps giving!

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Also, I'm with you.

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It's not wrong.

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Gato, Fauci said this exact thing a few years ago, pre-coof. He dreamed of some illness severe enough for people to welcome the "new technology" of mRNA, since a new mRNA flu shot would not be welcome. Planned.

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He must have been doing that weird Pelosi shimmy when Pfizer told him the tragic news.

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Some people are reporting on a broken like button. Workaround (works for me): click on the speech balloon (don't worry, you won't have to comment), then on the like button.

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Worked like a charm. Now stop sending me to Twitter for videos. 😊

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No mas twitter…

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Twitter is the scrouge of society, and Tiktok is the neutron 💣 that will destroy western society as we know it.

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Me too. Please use this as much as possible so we can collapse Twitter.

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I know you're a cat, but please no more tiny, pitiful puppies marked for death. I implore you, please spare me! 😭

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The video works. The Like button is broken. I'm on a desktop web browser.

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wait till the aerosol 'vaccines' show up, we wont have a choice then, although the way Governments are going that might soon be over too

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So evil it almost doesn’t compute.

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It turns my blood to ice. I simply cannot understand how scientists could pursue research so OBVIOUSLY wrong. I have no right to reject their man-made monstrosity?

This may be how humanity ends. Honestly, I can't say we don't deserve it. On the bright side though... I was never religious, but seeing actual evil in the world has brought me closer to God.

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It returned me to my faith. When I clearly saw the evil last year and the vile behavior of people snd places I had trusted, I realized then I only had God. I have peace and determination now and a certainty of Gods protection and strength. Ask Him. He will give you peace and help you through these trials. I will 🙏🏻for you cetera. He knows who you are. Do a search of all the scriptures on fear snd anxiety. He will overcome this.

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Because in the lab, the scientist is acting in moral vacuum, just like a lawyer is when defending a client they know is guilty: if they did not do so, they couldn't function it is claimed.

Also, scientists say: "Science is neither moral nor immoral, it simply is. The implementation of science in society is always moral."

A fancy way of sayin "Don't blame the inventor of fire for arson".

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You mention something extremely important that simply isn't discussed enough. Your examples are worth analyzing in a bit more detail.

What part isn't true? The eternal philosophical problem of "is" vs. "ought," as Hume called it. People, even those who are well educated and have studied science and should know better, all too easily seem unable to grasp a few key facts:

1. The physical world, objective reality, the universe (call it what you like) operates by its own laws. These are often discoverable by Man, after much study. They are often modeled by Man's intellectual tools such as mathematics, physics, and so on, at times, with astonishing precision. A good theory (model) has both descriptive and predictive value. THE LAWS OF NATURE ARE IMMUTABLE, AND NOT SUBJECT TO MAN'S MODIFICATION IN THE SLIGHTEST.

2. The other great domain of human existence is the mental. This part of our perceived reality in contrast has few if any rules. We are perfectly free to believe that 2+2=5, or that there are more than two sexes or any other whim our imaginations can whip up. The beliefs we create may, of course, be true, false, or undecideable, referenced to the outer world.

3. Without exception, ALL human laws, morals, customs, values, ethics and so on exist solely in domain (2). This remains true whether or not your believe in a God, or that some values are "absolute." About the closest to "absolute" any of our value systems will become is if they make reference to measurable phenomena in the real world.

You can't make an "ought" from an "is." If you can, you probably stand to gain the Nobel Prize or its equivalent in philosophy. Smarter men than you and I have been trying for thousands of years. The physical world is totally impartial, indifferent, heedless to the greatest praises of thanks nor the most piteous wailing and gnashing of teeth that humans may direct at the heavens.

Finally, to return to your final sentence: We should not blame the match for the arson. It is merely a tool whose purpose is to make fire. No moral agency whatsoever. Nor is is the fire's fault that it's a fire. It has certain attributes that man may find useful or destructive, depending upon the situation. It's a non-living thing, having no moral agency any more than a can of gasoline has.

No, but we do (or should) blame the arsonist for the arson.

Finally, please don't think that I'm arguing that morality is useless. Of course not. Without it, we couldn't have civilization and many other (usually) nice things. I'm merely arguing that ethics, norms, moralities, and so on are in fact, "social constructs." Even Nietzsche, who surely was as morally ambiguous as any modern philosopher (at least those I've read) allowed that what was morally "good" tended to produce good outcomes, while the "bad" tended to produce unhappy ones.

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I'm not a lawyer, but remember that a lawyer defending a guilty client is not there to get the client off; he is there to make sure the client gets a fair trial.

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Seriously? That might be what they say but it's not what they think. Johnny Cochran and his ilk didn't become multi-millionaires ensuring people get a fair trail. They got rich via a reputation of getting wealthy people set free. Their job is to so confuse the average juror they don't know what to think.

This naivete really has to stop if we have any chance of turning things around. The system is corrupt to the core at all levels. People need to laugh out loud when folks say things like "it's the job of defense lawyers to ensure a fair trial". It may have been true once upon a time but it is so far beyond reality now that it's laughable. They don't view it as their job.

These comfortable lies are the reason things continue to spiral downward. I don't mean to beat up on Wild Bill, but please stop repeating the lies told by these sociopaths. It's about two minutes to midnight and it's time to snap out of it.

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Must be a US thing: here they see it as their duty to get the criminal off scot free even when knowing they are guilty.

The reverse is also true: the prosecutor's job is to get the defendant sentenced no matter the evidence.

The logic being if the prosecutor had enough to declare a trial, they have enough for a conviction. Also, the politicians manning the courts (we have a board of politicians lacking any judicial education other than procedural formalities passing verdict assisted by a judge instead of juries) does not see any evidence, they only hear the prosecutor's summary of questioning and the presentation of the evidence.

It's up to the defending lawyer to argue against all of that.

This is of course over-simplified.

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That is a sick rationalization of the evil science can perpetrate. Remember, Oppenheimer recognized the evil wrought by the bomb.

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Los Alamos didn't know if they'd cause all the molecules in the universe to fuse together and detonated the bomb anyway, then Oppenheimer quoted the Gita. Goes back to Frankenstein and Faust and Enlightenment science. Iain McGilchrist, in The Matter with Things, quotes Alfred North Whitehead: ...Some of the major disasters of mankind have been produced by the narrowness of men with a good methodology" Add in an epidemic of facultative sociopathy (no doubt caused by the capacity to deanimate suffering experimental animals) and greed, and damn, we need Arthur C. Clarke's aliens to land out of Childhood's End if we aren't to go extinct. Bloody hell.

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It is, but without it no one could do anything. You couldn't even invent a knife made of flint if you were to be held morally responsible for everyone then slicing someone else with a knife of their own.

Oppenheimer, Fermi and the others involved likened the nuclear weapons to natural disasters.

Problem is, once something has been done once, anyone else can do it again, and often do it 'better'. Science comes first, then practical application, then regulation. Wasn't anyone sat down and invented modern roads and driver's licenses and traffic lights and then went and invented the car.

It's an eternal pattern, and if one governement regulates or bans an avenue of research, another will pick it up. To be really extreme: without the nazi's antisemitism influencing even natural science, the US wouldn't have had an atomic bomb - but Germany possibly would have managed to build them. Sometimes, political correctness results in the lesser evil, it would appear.

It's no surprise that US businesses and sundry puts its GOF research in China - it's banned in the US. Was the sam thing when Bush Sr put the kinbosh on certain genetic research back then too, the scientists got lots of offers from around the world and went there instead.

Can't get it back in the box, once it's been opened.

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"If it saves one life it is worth the inconvenience." Said about every safety feature added and law enacted. Wherein I roll my eyes and sigh.

Except for this "seeing actual evil in the world has brought me closer to God." This makes the inconvenience worth it and more bearable for me. Get closer, make room for more.

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Kind of like poison gas from WW1.

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its funny to me to see the replies talking on religion as an atheist, but if it helps yall.

don't confuse atheism and morality though, i am plenty moral.

the type of people that go into animal experiments are psychopathic, Fauci is a prime example

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This. Too many atrocities on either side to be equating either one with a priori moral superiority or lack thereof.

And imo, a moral vacuum would be a step up from what these people have done to science. At least then there could be discussion of evidence and of ethical issues. No, they've moralized science into an institution that makes baseless declarations that must be believed because the person with the biggest hat said so, and to question such declarations is heresy and blasphemy deserving of punishment without trial up to and including death. Which is the exact same crap I always hated from.organized religions.

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Would that be any different than CIA and other clandestine government experiments during the Cold War, deploying bacteria in subways or in a cloud off the coast of a city, to test the limits of a bio-warfare attack? Yes it would: those actions were tests, to see what a weapon might do to a population. Although no nation has ever admitted staging a bio-warfare attack in modern times (to my knowledge), according to several "alternative" sources, these have in fact occurred many times, including by the USA against foreign targets. In fact, one theory of the origin of the Covid-19 pandemic is that is a backfired attack against China.

I think a good case could be made that aerosol vaccines could be called bio-warfare against a nation's own citizens. It would certainly seem to violate many long-held traditions (ethics) such as informed consent, right to refuse treatment, etc. But those seem to have eroded quite badly since 2019, so maybe it doesn't matter any more. Welcome to the "new normal," one of those Orwellian phrases that crops up occasionally (like in the appellate ruling last year over vaxx mandates). To me, it simply means "the old rules no longer apply. Deal with it."

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Everyone should watch a good professional presentation on the human immune system made before 2020. Several good ones are out there. It’s incredibly complex and involves the healthy interaction of multiple systems within your body. If you have a basic understanding of how covid shots work and also gain a basic understanding of immune system process and how it functions you would never (as my brothers oncologist said) put that poison in your body.

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One issue is we may think we have a "basic understanding of immune system" and that seems to have influenced development of many therapeutics. BUT I suspect that there are many details about the immune system that are not well understood. We are discovering details about individual microbiomes that we have yet to understand. Despite this lack of detailed knowledge we have elected to experiment with genetic alterations via mRNA technology. The developers thought they understood how that would work but are discovering unanticipated effects that they don't want to admit.

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Your brothers oncologist is one of very very few physicians saying that

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It’s not like I would believe them now if they said that vaccine mRNA ISN’T incorporated into DNA generally. I mean, wouldn’t we expect at least the same minimal degree of lying we’ve been getting all along? Probably more, since they “got away” with it this time. Do you really think we’ll be told the truth about this?

Your point about the irreversible loss of trust (as a former health professional) of the Health/Medical/Industrial/Political juggernaut is the bigger issue.

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I wouldn't trust them to be honest about anything, and frankly I have zero faith in their competence now, too.

These fucking idiots are going to get us all killed.

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Well, I still use the medical system -- cautiously. Just started blood pressure medication. I figured that's better than stage 2 hypertension. Yes, I am implementing diet and other changes. Oh, did I mention the drug is a generic. That means at least two things, both good (for the consumer). First, it is cheap. Second, it has been on the market for many years and is "safe" in the sense that its benefits and risks are very well known. The devil you know, in other words. But I think most of us here know enough by now to smile and shake our heads when offered an mRNA jab or some other "experimental" drug.

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Probably not. Anyone who feels like you do, will pay no attention to any of them. They might harm others, but not those convinced of their perfidy and incompetence.

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