How, exactly? Because I feel like we keep saying that every time they double down, and then say it the following week when they double down on that one.
So, what does "crashing down" look like, and how does it differ from what's happening now?
How, exactly? Because I feel like we keep saying that every time they double down, and then say it the following week when they double down on that one.
So, what does "crashing down" look like, and how does it differ from what's happening now?
people are rebelling, belief is gone, non compliance is rising, states are asserting sovereignty, and people are facing down governments, schools, and employers.
this whole shame has gotten to big too hide and to intolerable to live with.
watch what happens when hospitals fail because 20% of the staff was fired and businesses grind to a halt because the workers won't come in. watch as police and fire departments go short staffed.
it happens because we go make it happen and because enough people can see it for what it is now.
black pill whining never won anyone anything.
it baffles me how committed to it so many seem to be.
Go about a third of the way down: The section starts with The Fifth Circuit in Texas reviewed the Biden Reply brief and entered a FULL INJUNCTION against the illegal and unconstitutional OSHA Mandate, saying the agency may “take no steps to implement or enforce the Mandate until further court order.”
The court says that the mandate is "fatally flawed" and likely unconstitutional. Never say never until the Supreme Court has had its say but this is indeed a good sign! And the January 4th deadline is a dead letter because "OSHA [may] take no steps to implement or enforce the Mandate until further court order".
I have the same question. That one is a biggie. Here is what the Covid and Coffee post says, and in it is included mention of CDC. --
Then, the Fifth Circuit said OSHA had no business getting involved in people’s personal health decisions:
“[OSHA] was not—and likely COULD not be, under the Commerce Clause and nondelegation doctrine—intended to authorize a workplace safety administration in the deep recesses of the federal bureaucracy to make sweeping pronouncements on matters of public health affecting every member of society in the profoundest of ways.“
The Court’s reference to the non-delegation doctrine is huge. That’s the Supreme Court law that says Congress can’t just delegate its lawmaking powers to executive agencies like OSHA or even the CDC, for that matter. I’ve been talking about that doctrine here on C&C for a long time. So the Fifth Circuit is saying, this is WAY too big for an executive agency to just regurgitate a slime-coated rule and that’s that.
>>>it’s also all about to come crashing down.
How, exactly? Because I feel like we keep saying that every time they double down, and then say it the following week when they double down on that one.
So, what does "crashing down" look like, and how does it differ from what's happening now?
it's already starting to happen.
people are rebelling, belief is gone, non compliance is rising, states are asserting sovereignty, and people are facing down governments, schools, and employers.
this whole shame has gotten to big too hide and to intolerable to live with.
watch what happens when hospitals fail because 20% of the staff was fired and businesses grind to a halt because the workers won't come in. watch as police and fire departments go short staffed.
it happens because we go make it happen and because enough people can see it for what it is now.
black pill whining never won anyone anything.
it baffles me how committed to it so many seem to be.
how do you know those failures are not part of the plan?
I agree, this is all because of the unvaxxed, they destroyed society!!
We r screwed, either way.
You lost?
Go about a third of the way down: The section starts with The Fifth Circuit in Texas reviewed the Biden Reply brief and entered a FULL INJUNCTION against the illegal and unconstitutional OSHA Mandate, saying the agency may “take no steps to implement or enforce the Mandate until further court order.”
Thank you for this! FYI, you can read the court's decision in its entirety here:
The court says that the mandate is "fatally flawed" and likely unconstitutional. Never say never until the Supreme Court has had its say but this is indeed a good sign! And the January 4th deadline is a dead letter because "OSHA [may] take no steps to implement or enforce the Mandate until further court order".
Thank you!
Yep and that felt so good to read that. Then I thought and if they don’t stop what does? They are on a mission.
We gotta stay on a mission. "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." - Edmund Burke
Barbls- I sent this c&c to several friends. So encouraging!
Excellent. And here's another source of the information. Not as entertaining, but validation.
Any idea how if at all this will influence the CMS rule on madates?
I have the same question. That one is a biggie. Here is what the Covid and Coffee post says, and in it is included mention of CDC. --
Then, the Fifth Circuit said OSHA had no business getting involved in people’s personal health decisions:
“[OSHA] was not—and likely COULD not be, under the Commerce Clause and nondelegation doctrine—intended to authorize a workplace safety administration in the deep recesses of the federal bureaucracy to make sweeping pronouncements on matters of public health affecting every member of society in the profoundest of ways.“
The Court’s reference to the non-delegation doctrine is huge. That’s the Supreme Court law that says Congress can’t just delegate its lawmaking powers to executive agencies like OSHA or even the CDC, for that matter. I’ve been talking about that doctrine here on C&C for a long time. So the Fifth Circuit is saying, this is WAY too big for an executive agency to just regurgitate a slime-coated rule and that’s that.