Yeah, I thought of that. That was the first gambit six months ago when the company I mentioned in the original comment demanded that we assign only the vaccinated to their account. Our initial position: 'Indemnify us and we'll do it.' They wouldn't budge, so the next gambit was to threaten to terminate the contract.
Yeah, I thought of that. That was the first gambit six months ago when the company I mentioned in the original comment demanded that we assign only the vaccinated to their account. Our initial position: 'Indemnify us and we'll do it.' They wouldn't budge, so the next gambit was to threaten to terminate the contract.
Wait until the first employee charges whoever wrote them the termination letter with assault. Yes, a criminal charge brought forth and prosecuted. I too was surprised at the scope of the charge, not being in the justice business. I would be worried if I was an employer intimidating workers.
Yeah, I thought of that. That was the first gambit six months ago when the company I mentioned in the original comment demanded that we assign only the vaccinated to their account. Our initial position: 'Indemnify us and we'll do it.' They wouldn't budge, so the next gambit was to threaten to terminate the contract.
Wait until the first employee charges whoever wrote them the termination letter with assault. Yes, a criminal charge brought forth and prosecuted. I too was surprised at the scope of the charge, not being in the justice business. I would be worried if I was an employer intimidating workers.