IMO, most of the players involved are psychopaths. I don't underestimate their ability to justify almost anything if it serves their purposes, especially if they get to control people and line their pockets.

And what about the follow on questions...

Why are they downplaying and suppressing vaxx adverse events?

Why did the FDA elect not to require more stringent data capture?

Why did the FDA choose not to convene an independent review board?

Why did they claim the vaxx stays in the injection site when they've used this tech in the past to deliver mRNA all over the body, including the brain?

Why did the CDC director ignore the recommendations of the advisory panel and the ACIP regarding boosters?

Why are they pushing boosters with almost no data?

Why are they pushing jabs for children who have almost no risk from the virus?

Why are they pushing jabs for pregnant women who were excluded from the trials?

(Even Pfizer doesn't recommend pregnant women get the jab.)

Why are they claiming safety, efficacy, and effectiveness that real world data undermines?

(Yesterday, Victorian Health Minister Martin Foley said 78%...78%...of those in hospital were fully vaxxed and another 17 were partially vaxxed).


Why are they making employment and education conditional upon vaxx status with a vaccine that they've admitted doesn't stop infection or transmission?

Sometimes coincidences are coincidental. Sometimes they're not. There are too many coincidences. There is too much aberrant behavior that cannot be explained or reconciled.

I know everyone objects to Holocaust analogies, but this situation calls for one. I've often wondered why people got on the trains. They vastly outnumbered the guards. Yes, self preservation was a factor...and concern for children, wives, and elderly parents.

I believe they got on the trains because they were good people...normal people...people with hope...who could not imagine what lay in store for them. They could not imagine the evil planned for them because they themselves were not evil.

I don't profess to know what is really happening, why it is happening, or who is behind it.

But I cannot dismiss the possibility that this is more than hubris, arrogance, incompetence, stupidity, and greed.

I cannot dismiss the possibility that this was a plan...and they...whoever they are...are executing to it.

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You are forgiven for succumbing to Godwin's Law. Sometimes it just makes sense.

Bad Cat and I have pulled on different sides of the yarn ball on the question of good people making mistakes versus evil bastards making plans. I am firmly on the side of evil plans versus unfortunate mistakes. However, I also figure hubris, arrogance, incompetence, stupidity, and greed are quite sufficient to fuel the outcomes we are seeing--and, unfortunately--those yet to be seen. As Bad Cat (accurately) notes, all of this represents the low energy path. Or as Nick Hudson notes, this is a confluence of goals. Sure, maybe the Malthusians have a plan. Sure, maybe the greedy bastards at Pfizer (and their ilk) have a plan. Sure, maybe the bought-and-paid-for folks like Wallensky and Fauci have a plan. Sure, the talking heads at [put network news organization here] have a plan. Those plans are not, in my view, coordinated, nor do they need to be, for this dumpster fire to rage and turn out very badly.

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I'm not succumbing to Godwin's Law. I grew up in a very diverse neighborhood. My next door neighbor escaped Germany before the war. One of my childhood friend's maternal grandparents died in Auschwicz. Her mother was taken in by a Christian family and passed off as a cousin. I was surrounded by people who lived it or lost family and so was a little bit obsessed with the Holocaust as a teenager. I even took a course on the Holocaust my first semester at university.

I wrote this comment on one of eugyppius's articles...

Is it the intersection of human hubris and the law of unintended consequences?

Or is it the intersection of human evil and intended consequences?

I'll amend it here...

Or is it both?

And I agree with you, they don't have to be coordinating with each other to do great damage. In fact, I think that's exactly what's happening.

I have to say, though, that I am greatly disheartened to learn of a possible connection between Schwab and XI. I considered them natural enemies.

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We are on the same page. My choice of words in using "succumbing" was poor. I meant it as a gentle admission that we *all* feel the same way, and that referring to "them" is likely not a stretch at a time like this.

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Why would you consider Schwab and Xi “natural enemies?”

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At this point, I have a visceral contempt for Biden, so I rarely can listen to his incoherent ramblings. But I did hear him say a couple months back, that Xi told him the oligarchs were a threat...something to that effect. It stuck with me.

Are the moves that we perceive as regressive actually defensive moves to protect China from a takeover attempt by the WEF/Tech oligarchs? There is no way that the CCP or Xi will submit to a technocratic world order under western control. However, as someone pointed out the last time I said this on substack, the WEF and the CCP/Xi might come to an understanding.

You've seen the video. Read the press releases. Can we really call the WEF's great reset plan a conspiracy if they are so open about it? They mean to radically change the way humanity lives in a very tight time frame.

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Xi fears tech oligarchs of any nationality. He's cracking down hard on his own right now. It will ultimately benefit his people even though the goal is consolidating his own power. Klaus Schwab is the closest thing to the Antichrist I've ever seen. Global domination is his goal & he's making great progress towards it.

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Just an aside, I too am almost beside myself with loathing for Biden. As a dyed-in-the-wool, nearing psychotic level, libertarian (as I have admitted before) I hold all self-declared "leaders of the free world" in amazingly low regard. Sleepy Joe is plumbing to depths I figured his decrepit, damned-near senile ass would barely scratch. I knew Kamala was sleazy scum--someone like you might expect to sneak out the back door of that bar Luke and Obi Wan visited on Tatooine--but I figured Biden would sleep through whatever time he had in the WH. How wrong I was!

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The mother of one marine killed in the Kabul Airport attack called Biden a "feckless, dementia-ridden piece of crap". It's now my go-to. And, yes, Biden is doing a lot of damage in a short period of time...or the people running him are. I underestimated his awfulness as well.

A few weeks ago, we drove up to Allentown, PA, to a drive-in movie theater. There were some masked people (the kids working the counter at the snack stand), but for the most part everyone was relaxed and enjoying the evening. I was hopeful. This was the America I grew up in that I sometimes lose sight of because we are close to an urban center.

We decided to take the scenic way home and got lost. About 30 minutes from home, we encountered a police checkpoint. I was thinking...omg, is there a homicidal maniac on the loose? No. It was a drunk driver checkpoint. I was livid. Are you friggen kidding me? My husband was making excuses. He was happy they were getting drunk drivers off the road. Honestly, I was really pissed at him and gave him a piece of my mind. The cops weren't getting drunk drivers off the road. They were intimidating people and passing the time. It was a pointless show of force. The next day my husband apologized. He'd reconsidered and even discussed it with work colleagues.

I kept thinking...we say we're free, but we're really not free. I lean conservative but like most people I'm a mixed bag. I may be a libertarian yet.

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BTW...in addition, they claim they added an "anchor" code to the mRNA so that the spike produced remains on the cell it's expressed on. In many cases, immunofluorescence has revealed it does not.

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From a talk I heard Malone give, I would amend "many cases" to "almost no cases," for the spike staying put. (You may be saying that, and I just do not fully understand!)

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I thought that once the spike presented on the surface of cells where it was made, T-Cells would destry those cells. Would that release spike into to blood?

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I’ve seen a few people mention that the jabs aren’t being aspirated before the needle contents are injected. This is when the vax giver inserts the needle into the muscle then pulls back on the plunger to see if they draw blood into the needle. If there is blood they’ve hit a vein and should try a new site. If there’s no blood it’s safe to inject.

From what I’m hearing the vax manufacturers recommend they NOT be injected into a vein, that’s what causes the contents to spread throughout the body instead of staying in the muscle. The manufacturers are aware of the adverse events of intravenous injection. However, the NIH doesn’t recommend aspirating because it can cause undue pain for the patient if they have to be stuck more that once. I’m not a doctor but I imagine heart problems are much more painful than getting stuck twice.

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Possibly, although typically T-cells would destroy spike-presenting cells via oxidative burst or protease release which would also destroy the spike protein.

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This is something a lot of people are missing. The Spike Protein clearly shows up in SERUM post-vaccination (this seems to be pretty standardly accepted). The ONLY way that could happen is with mRNA infected cell lysed by the immune system, releasing SP into the blood.

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Malone seemed to think the Spike Protein could pass through the cell wall without lysing it, although I could have misunderstood his point. Probably just a detail, since the key point seems to be the Spike does NOT stay put?

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Yes..technically there are other ways the spike protein could be 'exported' from the cell that produced it (for instance via packaging in a vesicle) although I have no idea what the likelihood of each would be...

I agree it doesn't seem to matter though. The reality is several research teams have independently shown it does not 'stay put'.

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Not sure, but I don't necessarily think this is the case. Its also technically possible the SP could be 'packaged' into a vesicle and 'exported' from the infected cell in this manner...it's complicated though...

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The RNA was modified specifically to stay in the pre-fusion position so it wouldn't be released from the infected cell membrane. But--like you said, clearly it's getting out when it wasn't supposed to be.

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I’ve heard this too but I don’t believe it. If it was true, they wouldn’t be arm-waving about it, but releasing a coloured figure paper telling us how it worked & how they’d validated it in primary human cells & in animals.

Which they haven’t.

Then we learn that free spike can be detected in blood after intramuscular injection of the gene.

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"Oops." There are all too many of these with these vaccinations.

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(Yesterday, Victorian Health Minister Martin Foley said 78%...78%...of those in hospital were fully vaxxed and another 17 were partially vaxxed).

They corrected themselves later - he had inverted the numbers.

What astounds me is his inability to read numbers and words off a piece of paper, and he's the minister for health wtaf?

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Thanks. I was not aware of the correction. It seemed high, but the data coming out of Public Health England is very concerning.

Delta in England as of September 12, 2021...

In hospital:

50.2% unvaxxed

48.2% partially vaxxed

37.4% fully vaxxed


28.4% unvaxxed

70.0% partially vaxxed

63.5% fully vaxxed


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When I read the January 2021 NY Mag expose on Fauci and the vaccine tech everything made so much more sense to me. “Big to drug in 24 hours” is Fauci’s magnum opus. The ends justify any means necessary for these people.

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“no one is that stupid, reckless, and amoral. (no, not even these guys)”

If it weren’t for the coordinated censorship and smearing of all dissent since the start, I might share your view.

But the censorship is a large red flag indicating that there are some guys who are that reckless and amoral, and greedy for power, control and resource concentration.

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or a sign that governments will play cover your butt with the best of them once they

1. get caught red handed having funded and built this thing.

2. get caught again having pushed vaccines they clearly did not understand.

that seems like plenty to turn government censorious.

add to it the temptations of a huge crisis as a time to grab power and push for authoritarian ends while everyone is panicked and will follow anyone shouting orders, the incentives are all there.

you do not need a conspiracy. it's all just the low energy path.

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add 3. Sunk Costs Fallacy ... this HBR article talks about the very human emotion to be bought into the problem and solution, then double and triple down. To the point where the funders of GOF might have paused, but then said, they were doing it for humanity (and the perpetuation of their own organization).


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and how do you explain the timely war gaming?

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Was it really that timely or were they doing these things regularly so one was bound to fall in close proximity to the real thing? Armies war game all the time; they're not the reason a war starts.

There's lots of interesting content in here; Event 201 is the least compelling thread. Gates has been panicked about pandemics ever since SARS. It's not that SARS want that contagious - it didn't spread because it was so deadly. People dropped dead before they had the chance to spread it much. The relative mildness of SARS-CoV-2 is precisely the reason it spread like wildfire.

One other thing remains unexplained. What was with the videos of people randomly dropping to the ground in China? That sparked the initial global panic & doesn't fit with what we now know about the disease. Who was spreading those videos and why?

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I think you said it yourself. Spark a panic to stampede the herd. Then, direct the herd. You can do it with dogs without getting dusty yourself.

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sure they do. but with such detail and precise matcing of the events to unfold?

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Even if they're not conspiring, they're still committing crimes for which death is too little punishment.

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Conspiracy is just two people with a plan that not everybody knows all the details of. Most human beings are constantly involved in numerous conspiracies that begin, continue and end every day. Subtract the threatening innuendo from the word, and you have very little information left over to make a point. Saying something is or isn’t a “conspiracy” is actually saying almost nothing. The devil is in the details.

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Agree. Steering by choking as opposed to leading by creation of more attractive paths seems to be a theme. Prevent truth from getting out. Huge red flag when that goes on. Who tells Zuckerberg what to do? Who tells Dorsey what to do? “The government”? Is this all “Joe Biden’s” idea?

Speaking of “Pay to Play”,I was shocked to see how little money was in the budget to pay people like the “Bat Lady of Wuhan” and some of the other Gain of Function researchers on that project. I think it was around $200 a day or some modest amount like that.

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they can develop a whole new vaccine in mere months but they haven't once updated it with a newer S protein to restore its effectiveness against Delta

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I know!!! I've been pondering that too!!!! If anything, you'd think they'd be even faster now if their vaccine development timetable had been true.

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Just what are the "boosters". This would appear to be the obvious way to do it, though it clearly will be never ending until humanity is extinct (which may be sooner than we think or want).

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But then ADE would not help do the “dirty job” faster… S from Wuhan variant stays ;)

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A careful perusal of the comment section so far seems to indicate that a large majority of the commenters believe that the people involved with the Wuhan Lab, NIH, Moderna, BMGF, et al are indeed that stupid, reckless, and amoral as to possibly release the virus deliberately so as to sell billions of dollars of vaccines with zero liability, cull the population and redesign the economy and all of society to suit their nefarious aims.

I never would have believed this two years ago, but after witnessing the sheer power grabs, the suppression of safe and inexpensive therapeutics, the housing of infected patients in nursing homes when the only thing we knew at the time was that the elderly were most susceptible to this novel virus, the mandates, the passports, the mass firings... there is no evil too evil for these people. So yes, I believe them capable of any and all depravity. Our lives are meaningless to these sociopaths.

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I’ve come to the same conclusion. It seems to be wishful / naive thinking, based on what they would do / want to believe, that prevents people from thinking of the great evil that’s being perpetuated. I just remind myself of the great evil done by historical figures who thought themselves hero’s, “obligated” to do despicable things for a worse imagined future.

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I meant to write at the end “to prevent a worse imagined future,” I.e. why they see themselves as heroically doing despicable things to ward off a worse future.

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"You'll own nothing, and you'll be happy."

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"Anal Schwab" is the epitome of evil while at the same time visually a parody of Dr. Evil himself.

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I feel the same way--none of this would have seemed possible just a short while ago and yet here we are. I liked Dr. Malone's analogy of "conspiracy lego's:" all these bricks that don't make sense, but no overarching explanation. So then we all try to build something with them and come up with some pretty wild structures. My great comfort is that "they" never win forever and most people seem to live through various historical crises with surprisingly little drama, my favorite example being my husband's grandmother who was a young mother during the nazi occupation of Amsterdam. She was always very laconic about it.

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>> My great comfort is that "they" never win forever and most people seem to live through various historical crises with surprisingly little drama

The ones that get to live.

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absolutely. I should have added this caveat.

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I agree that evil might triumph temporarily, but never win in the end. I whish I never had to see this, though and mourn for the loss of our country. Because I really do think it has ceased to be as we once knew it.

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Yes it's crushing to witness it. And I worry for the future of my children. How can I prepare them for this new world? Will they realize all they have lost or will they embrace what is coming?

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I'm scared out of my wits for all of us. I don't know that we can prepare them any better than history already has. My only plan, the only thing that is within my resources currently, as I can't move out of NYC no matter how much I might want to, is to refuse to comply with any and all mandates.

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Speaking of sociopaths, did you read this 2016 article on Moderna that Lisa Eckersely posted below? https://www.statnews.com/2016/09/13/moderna-therapeutics-biotech-mrna/

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Bancel clealy qualifies. If you're referring to Lisa's comment about Moderna knowing ahead of time about the need for semi-annual boosters, I've heard Naomi Wolff say the same, and I believe she was referring to Pfizer. She said something along the lines of them bragging that the mRNA technology is similar to computer code, and like any piece of tech, will require frequent updates (i. e boosters) and about the limitless potential for profit from such a model. I've tried to find a link reference to back up this assertion, but so far haven't been able to find anything.

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They were able to have a vaccine candidate ready in a few short months. Well over a year latter they haven't been able to advance a new spike? Seems more like shrinking the timeline than the efficiency of the technology.

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Bravo point. Yes, I totally agree.

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There are a lot of odd and altogether unprecedented in human history facts all through this pandemic: why the high-pitched shrieking at any mention of off-label therapeutics? Why the mass snowjob around the origins? Why the extreme devotion to lockdowns that have clearly at best slowed but by no means stopped the spread? All of these facts make much more sense if you look at it from the point of view of anyone holding a patent on a coronavirus vaccine.

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i came across that stat news article a while back when trying to learn about the mRNA vaccines, and it's alarming. not only does it document that moderna was way over valued, i believe it also implies that bancel may have been lying to investors to keep the funding coming. in other words, reading between the lines in that article, it's possible bancel ends up in cuffs but-for the COVID pandemic. hell of a coincidence for a company that partnered with NIH on its COVID vaccine. quadrupley so, considering it's looking more and more like NIH *bankrolled* the pandemic in the first place.

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"no one is that stupid, reckless, and amoral. (no, not even these guys)"

Sorry, but ... "yes, especially these guys". If you know anything at all about the careers of some of those mentioned here, you will know (or very strongly suspect), that they are psychopaths and/or megalomaniacs capable of unspeakable deeds. They are nefarious.

That they coalesced around a set or fortuitous circumstances is likely a question of "being there". Daszak is on record as proposing the unthinkable. Gates' history is reprehensible. Fauci is an appalling human being at every level. These are a set of people whose bent naturally causes them to exploit situations by taking control and re-purposing for their own enrichment, and it appears they have done so in plain sight, exploiting insider knowledge and access to unlimited funds

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I'm wondering how many of the commenters are going to say, like me, that there ARE people that "stupid, reckless, and amoral". I will not assume that the release was an accident; we have come too far down the road of being told constant lies for me to give these scientists and billionnaires the benefit of the doubt.

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I just read parts of a book by a guy who was high up in Eli Lilly during the 80s and the 90s. He came from selling fake magazine subscriptions door-to-door to being marketing director in Scandinavia. He described in detail how he contributed to the process of creating the PR around “wonder drugs.” How he figured out the identity of the man who had power over the approval process for the European version of the “FDA” and negotiated a bribe to move the Lilly product forward, etc. He is guilty about it now, at 64, but then he only concerned himself with selling as much of whatever drug they developed as possible, without regard for any negative consequences to the end users. This was mostly done by trips and gifts to doctors, who then recommended the products to their trusting patients. This was his role in “the conspiracy” that is “Eli Lilly.” He performed according to a mechanical arrangement of carrots and sticks within his compartment, hoping to get higher on the ladder. But although he was a willing minion, at a certain point he was tossed aside. He was an important “conspirator,” but he was not privy to the information at higher levels of the machine, so he was also NOT an important “conspirator.”

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I go back and forth on this. While I completely believe people can be then this evil, there can be more mundane explanations such as massive amount of CYA, either way, evil is evil.

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ps Summer 2020, former Pfizer VP of Research, respiratory, Dr Michael Yeadon expressed concern that if certain individuals came to power, the systems being in place could be used for a global depopulation program. Several weeks ago he called it a global depopulation program designed to provide plausible deniability.

Yes, there are sociopaths who are so filled with hubris that they would think they'd inherit the earth so to speak..

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these are always tricky to assess.

a lot of the same total geniuses that are at the bleeding edge of research are also pretty spectrumy and poorly calibrated. (i have worked with many)

they are amazing at seeing patterns and so often see them where none exist.

they are notorious conspiracy theorists.

it's 1000hp engines with no traction control and no brakes.

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Are you suggesting Michael Yeadon is "pretty spectrumy" and "poorly calibrated"?

Actually, if you watch his videos in series, you'll see him change his opinion. If you watch Peter McCullough, you can witness the same transition.

It's fair to argue that Yeadon has come to a different conclusion (in your opinion, the wrong conclusion), but to characterize him as a conspiracy theorist?

I recommend you listen to his first video address to the British people. He seems quite reasonable and measured. His change of heart and mind came after pretty vicious (and coordinated attacks by the media). Perhaps his personal experience has clouded his perspective. Perhaps he's correct.

I know you don't like videos, but...


And, yes, this is before the second wave hit the UK. SARS2 has made fools of most of us.

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i was making no specific comment about yeadon, but rather generalizing about scientist "whistleblowers" speaking of grand conspiracy theories like "global depopulation programs."

i'd need to see some real evidence on that one.

i mean, yeah, sure we can all paints a dystopian vision of failing western welfare states unable to carry the burden of what they promised to their old people without collapsing finding a pretext to cull them and it has a certain narrative plot logic to it, but these people are idiots. they struggle to deliver mail and to keep photos of their kids smoking crack with hookers out of the paper.

suddenly they are triple black belt conspiracists that could organize a multi -national plan like that and not have it leak?

seems implausible even if they had the amorality to do it.

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I'm not saying I agree with Yeadon and others about the intentions or abilities of the players involved. I think for most the motivations run more along the lines of the seventh grade lunch table social dynamics. But, clearly, something is very wrong in the world right now. And it all seems to be going wrong in the same direction, especially in the Anglosphere. People don't make sense. Governments are acting against the interests of their own people. I thought we would have course-corrected by now, but the "feckless, dementia-ridden piece of crap" who occupies the Oval is "doubling-down". I have a glimpse of hope from the nordic countries, India, Japan...but ILI season is almost upon us in the north...and who knows how these cretins will respond.

My point is that Yeadon started out very measured and reasonable, basically trying to reassure the British people that it wasn't as bad as the media and SAGE were presenting. He was viciously attacked and threatened and marginalized. He was not opposed to the vaccines until they started talking about injecting people who had little risk (young adults, children). I admit his change was disconcerting...as was McCullough's. They are educated, accomplished, respected (until they spoke out), reasonable people...and they think this is intentional. For me, that realization was sobering. I pray they are wrong. I suspect they do as well.

And I have no doubt that a number of the big players have the amorality to do just about anything. They need to craft public opinion and secure the useful idiots. This is the human condition. We see it play over and over throughout history.

IMO, moral people cannot fathom the darkness that lies in some people. We read history books. We read novels and watch movies and television shows. But will we see it when it's happening in front of our eyes?

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Biden is just their useful tool who will be disposed of when convenient. Gates is on record as wanting to use vaccines to depopulate. His original expectation -- that providing healthcare & vaxes to 3rd world Africans would lead them to birth control & 15% pop reduction -- was total fail.

& then there's China. 1-child program led to outright infanticide & still failed. Loosened it to 2 children in 2013. Fail. Abandoned it in 2015. Despite constant inspection fails, Wuhan Lab in gets BSL-4 rating in 2017. Covid escapes in 2019. Xi shuts down internal air travel, but continues International travel spreading it to world. Whay is that saying about Chinrse language? Crisis = opportunity...

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It seems to me that “somebody” is doing a very good job of keeping the contents of Anthony “Weener’s” laptop, Hillary’s “lost” emails, now Hunter’s laptop(s) “out of the papers”! That is triple black belt level censorship on “somebody’s” part, wouldn’t you say? Wouldn’t this be some sort of a “tell”? that something rather competent is at play here? Of course it’s not Joe Biden. C’mon man!

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Maybe it already has leaked but no one believed them...

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Thank you.

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Looking back through history, there's always some bad bunch of dudes causing trouble and trying to get themselves into the Big Bad Tower of Power. And everybody pretty much knew who they were. Vikings. Huns. Mongol Hordes. But when I look around right now, I'm having trouble identifying those dudes. Who are the badies right now? Who are the people wrecking havoc on the big scale? Where are they hiding? Because it's certainly not the case that there just suddenly aren't bad guys anymore.

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it's the modern secular clerisy. they are the ones pushing fascism, totalitarianism, authoritarianism, and subjugation "for your own good." the war has been in the schools and in the media and is for the hearts and minds.

they seek to create the fact and the impression of crisis so we look to them to lead us to solutions and surrender rights for safety.

that's their brand.

and just like the last batch of fascists, they think with all their hearts that they are the good guys and that we need to be led to to the right thing by force if need be because it's too important to give us a choice and that technocratic diktat and morality is "the way forward."

it's just a justification for being bullies and power grabbers.

at least the mongols offered you an honest deal...

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hiding in plain sight.

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Yep. I listen to (for example) Mark Crispin Miller, and he complains about all the right things, but just can't seem to put his finger on what all the dots he's connecting have in common.

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I second this. And it's not only the "total geniuses at the bleeding edge". The fact that they're prone to conspiracy can explain their willingness to engage in research that poses a threat were something to go wrong. They believe it's a less dangerous alternative to whatever conspiracy they've bought into.

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Here's Michael Yeadon's first video to the British people. He sounds very reasonable and measured to me. He definitely had a change of thinking over time in response to the attacks launched against him by the media, and the inexplicable "vaccine" policies.

You can claim he's gone too far in his assessment...made connections that you don't see...assigned motive that you don't believe is there...but to attempt to discredit him by accusing him of engaging in dangerous research? I don't know the man; but, seriously, WTF? You are doing exactly what you are complaining about...accusing a person of misdeeds and malfeasance without evidence.

Yeadon, on the other hand, has reason to believe something is wrong. Many of us believe something is wrong. Actually, we know something is wrong.


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"spectrumy and poorly calibrated" love it!

Knew a math genius like that once. Zero social skills, difficulty holding a job. Finally through an aquantance got on with TRW aerospace group. From what I heard he was a big help to them. A short while later he committed suicide.

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Except I see no evidence that Dr Yeadon is some kind of a sperg who is “on the spectrum” just because he noted in his first video that he was successful in research because he had a gift for pattern identification that was recognized by his peers and proved effective in getting useful results in a competitive field. When I watched his video and felt his emotional quality coming across it was completely clear that he was NOT an emotionally handicapped “sperg.” That seems to me to be just a vicious smear. Ironically, I think you

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Reuters spilled a barrel full of ink in their hit job on Yeadon https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/health-coronavirus-vaccines-skeptic/

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They love these hit job pieces: Alex Berenson, Robert Malone, Michael Yeadon, Ivor Cummins, and probably countless more.

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Ugh. The media works so hard to do the work of these evil overlords.

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"no one is that stupid, reckless, and amoral. (no, not even these guys)"

To arrive at this conclusion only shows that you have not been studying the subject long enough. Fashion yourself a hat out of the sturdy heavy-duty tinfoil and dive in, there are folks in your audience who've been aware of Event 201 from the beginning.

FWIW, I don't believe they let loose a *deadly* virus, I believe they let loose a largely benign virus they could easily treat with a prohibited drug should one of their *own* catch it. They need cover to dismantle their faulty economic system and erect the control grid. The real bioweapon is the shot. (That they are most certainly reckless and amoral enough to kill millions with a mRNA "vaccine" should inform your statement above)

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“no one is that stupid, reckless, and amoral.”

That’s weird. Last I checked we are the same species that drops rocks off of overpasses to kill absolute strangers out of boredom.

Russia, off the bat, can be assumed to have been trying to plot something like this for the last 30 years. They understand the West’s weakness as well as their own, biowarfare is just rational.

For private actors who have the capability, depopulation is “rational” as well (under a delusion of immortal ego).

I don’t think Russia has any way to “play” Bill Gates, so, option 2 seems likely. You can’t look at the vaccination rate for Russia however and have any misconceptions about where they’ve placed their bet. It doesn’t match yours.

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I can absolutely believe someone would release a virus on purpose. One researcher could just expose herself and go out for a little walk. Easiest thing in the world. Way easier than a lot of other bullshit evil people have gotten up to.

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The CCP could simply decide to release it knowing the paper trail leads back to the US and Fauci. Remember they gobbled up Hong Kong while everybody was distracted.

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I think the CCP is better understood as a headless beast that is easily infiltrated and manipulated. Xi has been around too long and no longer has a network of loyal lieutenants within the party. A scenario where ambitious mid-level functionaries were duped by WHO / GAVI promises is entirely plausible.

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When u said this "no one is that stupid, reckless, and amoral. (no, not even these guys)" you forgot GREEDY. Just like Gates thinks cause he has money his word is golden. The same reason companies like Monsanto continue to kill people wirh Round Up and can sleep at night.

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Careful Gato, or you might find yourself prancing on a hot tin roof instead of wearing one....

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And THAT's why Gato is smart to stay anonymous. Although.... they can find any of us anywhere can't they ....

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yep, yep, and yep ..

.. and here's the red pill

all of the above can also be neatly seen in the trail of patent applications filed by the various actors involved .. Moderna, the NIH et al .. which patent filings not only show that every aspect of SARS-COV-2 had been bioengineered by the end of 2018 .. but that Moderna had actually started work on their mRNA vaccine at the start of 2019, despite knowing they needed to licence essential elements of the technology to complete their aims .. well Fauci et al made sure those IP licences were made available to Moderna, who filed it's joint patent for their mRNA vaccine in November 2019, a whole month before the outbreak was announced

.. a further benefit from tracking the patent filings is you get to see which US government agencies and private foundations funded the underlying research into those patents .. and I'll let you guess which names show up

all of the above has been fully documented to a very high legal standard (evidence-wise), by Dr David Martin .. look for the document titled:

The Fauci/COVID-19 Dossier

but this link should do:


.. it's a large document to be sure, so an easier entree is to watch Dr Martin speak to the document, when being interviewed by US/German lawyer Reiner Fuellmich, seen here:


(look Reiner up .. he's gold plate legit)

.. and note that Dr Martin with his legal have had at least one private audience with a US Supreme Court justice, and several other similar meetings with Federal Court justices .. where each of their Honours agreed verbally that Dr Martin has gathered evidential dynamite, but none are willing to allow Martin to run with it presently in an open hearing .. why? .. because big business this time has for now, really put the fix in at all levels

.. James Bond villains ain't got nothing on big pharma and those with vested interests

Good luck to us all

from Australia

*proudly waving my gold foil cap*

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oh .. I forgot to include

it wasn't just the WEF getting everyone rehearsed with Event 201

go look at the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board, and particularly their 2019 Annual Report:


.. who are the GPMB?

why they are a joint arm of the World Health Organisation and the World Bank

and back in 2019 who was sitting on the board of GPMB?

but who else but our old pals Dr Fauci and the physician and friend of Bill Gates, Dr Chris Elias

the culmination of the push-to-rehearsal by the WEF and GPMB actually saw a cast of global actors rehearse their pandemic rolls, where many cast members were seconded from many affiliated government nations about the globe

.. and guess what .. you can still watch them all play acting, and essentially getting ready for the Broadway release of SARS-COV-2 here:


.. you just can't make this stuff up

.. oh, I'm sorry .. the WEF, GPMB, BMGF, and their big pharma purses could, and did

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You’re an excellent writer. I very much appreciate your prose. Right now another writer comes to mind. Bukowski. I often hear his words, “go all the way” when my skepticism begins to falter. I took a pause in your essay the moment you sailed the conclusion that the individuals involved couldn’t be so malicious as to release a virus upon the world. I wonder, why does your skepticism stop there? I’ll quote Bukowski, “if you’re going to try, go all the way.”

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